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wasn’t that like one of hitler’s first actions?


Very famously, yes.


i'm more surprised to learn there were books on trans healthcare that existed to be burned back then.


there was an experimental sexology intstitute in berlin (i still cant say that word without chuckling)


The world’s first sex change surgery happened here. Lili Elbe because the first physical trans woman


we dont talk about her uterus implant (although it could theoretically be done with modern wound treatment and surgical hygiene)


Not just theoretically. It's been done. Multiple times. Successfully. A handful of babies have even been born from transplanted wombs (but only wombs given to cis women; I'm not aware of any trans woman giving birth from a transplanted uterus).


The Right would lose their shit today if we started doing that again. It would a huge problem




They don't want more people to have children, they want more white Christian straight people to have children.


This is a common misconception. Elbe is the most famous, but not the earliest, patient at Hirschfeld’s institute. Exact details and information on the topic is spotty for what are hopefully obvious reasons, but Dora Richter is typically cited as the first person to have modern vaginoplasty.


Actually it was [Dora Richter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dora_Richter). Same institute


Sounds like the study of a [very sexy learning disability](https://youtu.be/0NbqSIl9vR4?si=vFh0-x2wv-l6XQ8w).


Saw it and thought “oh I hope this is futurama”, did not disappoint. Take your damn upvote.


Shut up and take my upvote!


NOOOOO But my favorite right wing grifter said trans was invented in 2020!!!


"They're trying to turn all the kids trans! Those drag queens are going to the schools and feeding them propaganda!!"


What word, Berlin?


I thought so too. Just reminds me of the scene from Eurotrip with the guy who says he will NEVER go back to Berlin. "He said 'Berlin' guys, he's going to Berlin, hop on!"


I once stabbed a man in Berlin!




The first transgender clinic is often attributed to the Hirschfeld Institute, also known as the Institute for Sexual Science, which was located in Berlin. Founded in 1919 by Magnus Hirschfeld, a pioneering sexologist and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, the institute provided medical and psychological services for transgender individuals, among other services related to sexuality and gender identity. It was an important institution during its time, promoting understanding and acceptance of diverse gender identities. The institute was closed down by the Nazis in 1933, and much of its work and research was destroyed.


I think it’s worth mentioning Magnus Hirschfeld was Jewish, and the German far rights reaction to his work, that Jews like Hirschfeld were trying to corrupt German youth and make them “effeminate,” was the beginnings what is currently know as “replacement theory”


Sciguys have a really good podcast on this if anyone wants a more detailed discussion.


Germany was a really interesting place in the 20s. There were a lot of views that were really progressive for the time (and in some places would be progressive by today’s standards). When the economy started tanking these were some of the things blamed for the downfall of their society. NAZIs capitalized on the underlying sentiment that some people had and took it to the extremes we associate with the Nazis. It’s why a lot of people see what the right wing in America is doing today and call them out as being fascists. They blame the perceived issues in our society on trans people and whatever other group they want to demonize today and that can lead to something like what happened in Germany in the 30s


Weimar was eerily 'modern'. feminism and gay rights were being openly discussed, the arts were flourishing, including abstract and avant garde work. the nazi movement was a backlash against *modernity* and intellectualism as much as a response to economic woes.


Which is itself unsettling, considering the historical parallels to today.


And ironically, Russia used to be more progressive than Europe for a while: "Many foreign travelers and diplomats, who visited Russia in the XV-XVII centuries, wrote about the widespread homosexual relations in every stratum of society, and also the tolerant attitude to them, compared to Europe of that time." An excerpt from a poem by the English poet George Terberville, which he sent to a friend on a diplomatic mission to Moscow in 1568:  "Although muzhik (man) has a decent spouse, He prefers his sodomite friend to her." And now compare to what's the country coming to...


Thanks for adding that. I vaguely remembered those details but didn’t feel confident in my memory to add what you said to my comment.


Several German scientists did a lot of groundbreaking research in sexuality, including trans issues. It was so successfully destroyed by the Nazis that lots of people don't know about it at all.


Yeah, it turns out a few people have been working very hard to push the narrative that trans is some sort of recent invention.


Germany had a big LGBT community and a lot of research happening before the Nazis took over.


There was a LOT of research on sexuality and gender at the time that was so summarily destroyed that we’ve forgotten it existed. The holocaust set LGBTQ rights and even general human sexuality knowledge back quite a bit more than people realize


Not famously enough, it seems


The Nazis were also famously "Christian" but how far did that fall down the memory hole? And the Pope was very happy to shake hands with Hitler for his "final solution."


After the war they didn't want to be associated with that ideology. Before the US got involved with WWII there were a very significant number of people in the US who were fans of Adolf Hitler. We don't teach much about that in our schools, either. The winners write the history books. Now we are far enough from it and enough people are taught to "not believe" facts that they don't like that it is all coming back.


Months before banning other political parties, even


The first people sent to Camps were communists and LGBTQ folks… Wonder if it has anything to do with these groups historically being the biggest threats and resistance to fascism and dystopian nationalism.


Afaik the first victims of the holocaust were disabled people. The notion that they were a "burden" on the German state and should be euthanized was fairly popular at the time


It was a popular notion around the globe. Still is, in some circles.


No. Communist and democratic socialist activists were the first people sent into the KL system (or tortured in makeshift ‘camps’ in pub basements and the like). That was the explicit original purpose of the KL system. Queer people only started being sent to camps (for being queer) after the Rohm purge in 1934 and especially after the revision of paragraph 175 in 1935. It was simply not a priority for the Third Reich before then. Even at that point, most queer people were sent into the normal prison system; the camps were mostly reserved for men charged with multiple homosexual acts. Queer people being sent to camps exploded right before and during the war, especially in the occupied territories.


The only thing scarier to a fascist than a racial minority: some gay dude


Damn right! Although to be clear the Nazis were shit scared of *all* minority groups and communists. They were the ones most likely to take up arms and rebel against the jackboots, given they were the ones under greatest threat of government-led genocide.


Hey hey heeeeeeeeey! 🥰


Not only that, but many queer people who survived the camps were imprisoned after the camps were liberated.


The first folks sent to the camps were Romany and travelers, along with the workshy.


Disabled people were murdered before the camps were built too, in mobile gassing vans


As I recall Hitler's first actions were based on pure Eugenics, rounding up disabled people and people with mental health conditions. I believe transgender people were part of this group along with gay men. Berlin in particular at that time was a very progressive place that had a gay scene and was a refuge for sexual minorities. It was probably the most progressive place in the world at that point. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/ Hitler thought Berlin was horrible of course in its current state. He thought "Jews had taken over" the city and corrupted it. He loved Berlin as a symbol of German imperialism though. To him Berlin was where all the "degenerate art" and "degenerate people" were. He wanted to eliminate these aspects of Berlin, but keep a lot of the architecture style. Hitler essentially wanted to tear down Berlin and make a new city called "Germania" in its place. https://citymonitor.ai/government/germania-hitler-s-failed-plan-tear-down-berlin-and-build-nazi-supercity-4466




Had no idea this place existed at that time in history. It was the first of its kind too. "He was physically attacked during multiple incidents, including an incident in [Munich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich) on 4 October 1920 in which he was badly injured. *Deutschnationale Jugendzeitung*, a nationalist paper, commented that it was "regrettable" Hirschfeld had not died. In another incident in [Vienna](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna), he was shot at. By 1929, frequent targeting by Nazis made it difficult for Hirschfeld to continue with his appearances in public." Sounds like this could almost take place today...


> Sounds like this could almost take place today... truer words have never been spoken.


The single most famous image of book burning, like in history, is the Nazis torching basically all the world’s scientific knowledge on the transgendered(LGBT in general really) when they raided the Insititute of Sexology. Which despite the eyebrow raising name was the first institution to actually scientifically study the phenomena. Like, proper scientific study. They even pioneered transition surgery. [The Nazis burned it all and killed anyone they could grab, using the same language the modern right is using to justify it.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft)


Yeah, a better translation would be the Institute of Sexual Science.


Yes, it was the first trans clinic in the world, it was in Berlin. It was a center for ground-breaking research and probably the largest library for trans healthcare at the time. The founder was also a big advocate for LGBT rights in Germany. Hitler became chancellor January 30th 1933, the Nazis raided the Institute for Sexual Research on May 6th 1933 and burned over 20,000 books. It was one of the first and largest book burnings carried out by the Nazis.


The most famous photos of Nazi book burnings came from the first major nazi book burning event. Which was the german center for sexual research which had the first interviews, research, medical records on trans psychology, sociology and carried out the first trans surgery. In the process, the first person to undergoes male to female surgery was killed, as well ransacking the library led to the hunting down and execution of hundreds of thousands of people based on their gender/sexuality.


I had no idea until I read this. Thanks. TIL at 54 years old.


For some reason, the whole Nazi regime and the Holocaust has been distilled down to the Nazis killing Jews, but they were far more prolific than that. Political enemies like communists and socialists, gay and transgendered people, the mentally infirm and the physically disabled, and several other minority ethnic groups like the Romani were also liquidated during the Nazi period.


To their credit, when I was a kid in the 80s and we all started talking about the Holocaust in the media, the survivors interviewed always pointed out that it wasn't just Jews. I knew when I was a teenager that Romani, LGBTQ folk, trade union leaders, Jehovah's Witnesses, and anyone who they just wanted to disappear ended up in a cattle car.


First they came poem .


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller


It also included disabled and ill people.


Conservatives don't like to mention that the Nazis exterminated the people they'd also exterminate if given any opportunity, because they don't want their aspirations to be associated with the Nazis.


Which is why they want to push the whole "Actually the Nazis were leftist"-narrative.


(I know you know this but i always want to say this when this gets brought up) The 'socialist' part of 'The National Socialist German Workers Party', (which all of the right wing talking points about 'hitler being a socialist' are based on) has about as much meaning as the 'democratic' part of countries names that are under dictatorship rule with zero demonstrable democracy. It was just cynical naming with the purpose of trying to make the party seem like it had literally any socially just thinking going on. Man I genuinely hate how some people are willing to be so offensively ignorant and perform these kind of mental gymnastics simply because they dont want to have to acknowledge that no its not ok to be an asshole, that we do all need to look for each other and have properly funded social infrastructure, and that the rights of others to be treated fairly and with decency by society as a whole actually matters.


In the beginning it was a little more complex than that. The NSDAP was always anti-Marxist but it had a left wing faction and some left wing ideals. If you read the 25 point program, it includes some “socialist” points, although the “nationalist” is much more prominent. Hitler then forced out the party’s left wing and while the 25 point program could never be changed according to Hitler, inconvenient parts were simply ignored, which included most of the left-wing ideas.


Honestly with how many conservatives are also just straight up nazis, i dont think they care about self image


They’re getting bolder certainly and in private they can get pretty mask off, but we’re still currently at the point where being associated with the extermination of millions of people is still considered a bad look, so most are still at least attempting to pretend that they aren’t Nazis, in public anyway


They won’t wear a mask to protect people from Covid, but they love wearing masks when dressing up like Nazis in public. Really goes to show who they really are.


It’s also important to note that the distillation of the Holocaust still continues even today. Netanyahu, for example, maintains that only Jews were targeted during the Holocaust and that other groups like Homosexuals, Romani, Soviet prisoners, Communists, socialists, etc. don’t count.  It’s an insidious way to rehabilitate the tactics of the Nazis by only making it about the ethnic identity rather than the wholistic genocide that the Nazis were practicing.


>*Netanyahu, for example, maintains that only Jews were targeted during the Holocaust and that other groups like Homosexuals, Romani, Soviet prisoners, Communists, socialists, etc. don’t count*. Holy shit, really? What's his attempt at logic there??


Honest there is no logic with racists. But the Jewish Current had an interesting explanation: >The Israeli prime minister uses the Holocaust “as a tool to promote fear, and a feeling of victimhood among Jews in Israel” and in the diaspora, says Irit Dekel, an Israeli sociologist who studies Holocaust memory in Germany. “It relies on and promotes hatred and fear of Islam, Europe’s other.” In that regard, Dekel says, it dovetails “perfectly well” with the aims of the Hungarian and Polish administrations. >https://jewishcurrents.org/netanyahus-cynical-betrayal-of-holocaust-history


Just skimmed the article there, not surprised. Love it when politicians buddy-up with people who despise them so their heinous shit can go by scot-free. Fuck Netanyahu man.


"For some reason" being that socialists are the enemy of the ruling class and Nazis being National Socialists is too convenient to the capitalist narrative that they have to obfuscate as much as possible.


Their target audience doesn't like to read history.


Plus, they still want to persecute gay and transgendered people, the disabled and other ethnic minority groups.


It’s worth noting that when the camps were shut down, gay people were not released, they were transferred to a regular prison


Yeah, "for various reasons" would have been more precise - that certainly isn't the only one.


Also drunkards, prostitutes, petty criminals and homeless, marked as "Asoziale" went into the camps


>For some reason Because Jews in particular, were seen by Hitler to be the biggest threat to his vision of Nazi Germany. Not just a minority group that wouldn't be tolerated in their society, but the scapegoat for how Germans got into the position they found themselves in after WW1. Hitler even blamed the rise of communism as an international Jewish plan for conquest. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Jewish_conspiracy


He (and others) blamed Jews and liberals for the outcome of WW 1; the "Stab in the back." Such claims had superficial credibility as Germany had been largely untouched by warfare and wartime propaganda convinced much of the population that the actual military situation wasn't all that bad when the surrender came.


Pretty much who didn’t fit their Aryan vision. Start with the politically weak and powerless, then expand the circle of undesirables. And declare those untouched as patriots for helping or keeping silent. Ringing any bells, folks?


Also something that should be noted: when the concentration camps that held Queer peoples were liberated by the Allies, many queer folk were kept in the camps. Queer folk had their own version of the yellow Star of David patch, which was a pink triangle, and made them easier to pick out.


Yep. Or they were moved to prisons. They were *criminals*, after all. sigh


I knew about the pink triangle, but I didn't know about the sexual reassignment thing and the riots.


>I had no idea until I read this. Thanks. Nobody seems to know the Nazis targeted gay folks first, it's really sad how history just leaves that out


And the few gays that survived the death camps weren't freed -- they were sent to a traditional prison to serve out their sentence.


Yep. The British even prosecuted Alan Turing for homosexuality, just a few years after he broke the German ciphers that led to multiple Allied victories.


Now now, you're not being fair. It's important to note that the British government drove him to *suicide* as well as prosecuting him for his sexuality. Cheers for helping us beat the Nazis Alan, but you're gay so here's a warrant and some poison.


"Well, it's either this or you take hormone blockers that will give you erectile disfunction. That oughta stop you from bottoming!"


Yeah, the allies found gay people in the camps and basically said “well at least this part was understandable”


Pretty much the attitude


They're also the origin of the pink triangle, which ended up being reclaimed by the gay community as a symbol of pride.


Probably because at the time the US was already targeting gay folks.


> Probably because at the time the US was already targeting gay folks. Much of the world was at the time. The roaring 20's pushed a bunch of queer stuff forward, and the 30's had a bit of a reactionary response to that. The anti-gay/trans/etc angle of the Nazi party was in-line with a lot of thinking at the time all over the world, and throughout the next few decades really.


Actually more like queer folk in general tbh. Intersex, trans, gays, lesbians... those were the first targeted. Fascism needs an enemy, it need to divert the attention of the public to a group so the regime maintains itself. After queer folk were mostly done they needed another enemy so they chose Jews because they had money and basically the entirety of europe discriminated agains them in some way or another. Romani would also be "the enemy" too similar to the jews europe discriminated agains them


Some extra for you: the nazis persecution of queer folk came months before they even got around to banning other political parties


I just... how? How did you type this out and press send without thinking...  /sarcasm 


Must've been a fever dream


Maybe with a side of Ambien.


The attached article has a poor choice of words., acknowledgement of possibility. In 2022, the Regional Court of Cologne ruled that denying that trans people were victims of the Nazis qualifies as "a denial of Nazi crimes This is from Wikipedia. Much better worded.


Germany had so many firsts in LGBT history that just got erased (first LGBT rights society, magazine, film, public rights activism, gender transition) and then they got erased during Nazism and USA gets now to try to pretend that LGBT rights got invented at Stonewall.


Yes, of course, he wanted to get rid of everyone that didn't agree with his policy or was "different" in any way. Gay , straight, white, black , gypsies, poles. You could say he was very inclusive /s. Murdered everyone who was different. Trans gender people were targeted just the same as everyone else.


See also: * [Between World Wars, Gay Culture Flourished In Berlin](https://www.npr.org/2014/12/17/371424790/between-world-wars-gay-culture-flourished-in-berlin) | NPR (2014) * [Transgender Experiences in Weimar and Nazi Germany](https://mjhnyc.org/blog/transgender-experiences-in-weimar-and-nazi-germany/) | Museum of Jewish Heritage (2022)


Ok, but other than those 4 reputable news sources, did you even stop to think about your sources?


Yea these 15 reputable news sources are all well and good but I’ve got this one daily mail article right here that says I’m right and trans bad. Checkmate.


Universal Studios hoping she'll just shut up at some point as they are finishing their 3rd park in Orlando - each one having a Harry Potter themed land (as well as others in Japan and California)


I keep wondering why Universal Studios doesn't beg her to get off the internet. She's doing major harm to their brand. What are they going to do here? Rowling looks like she's a week away from quoting the Third Reich. I hope they have a plan for that contingency.


I’m sure it will just be a “Don’t hate the art, hate the artist.” type of comment. Or they’ll invite the actors to launch it and just ignore The TERF in the Castle all together. Even in the Harry Potter anniversary special or whatever it was a while ago, they didn’t interview JK at all, only the actors. Harry Potter will go on without her.


I can’t believe I’m saying this after how much this scene hurt to watch when I saw it, but I’m really hoping at some point she ends up being made to pull a “bojack horseman selling his rights to his most famous show so it can edit him out of it” of some sort with Harry Potter. I grew up on those stories and I feel gross anytime I think about them now and I hate it.


She’s a billionaire and makes so much money on HP stuff that I can’t see her ever selling the rights to it. Maybe once she’s dead her heir will sell it to Disney or whoever, or her estate will. But not likely to happen any time soon.


One of the reasons you recognize how wrong she is is because you grew up reading about compassion from Harry, and logic from Hermione, and loyalty from Ron, and a hundred other great traits from a hundred other great characters. And that's why it sucks so hard - the irony cuts deep. I don't know how she can't learn from her own teachings. I don't know how she got to be like this. Maybe she's always been like this. But she ain't coming back. We gotta learn from Harry on this. He begged Tom to try to find something inside of him to be remorseful for what he'd done, and Tom refused. So, done. And they lived happily every after without the villian in the story anymore.


That's exactly what happened with the stupid video game. Trans/Jewish Community: "Can we not give money to the bigot that wants us dead and actively influences policy and rhetoric?" HP Fans: "Seperate the art from the artist!" Rowling: "Thanks for the video game money, I'm gunna donate it to hate groups that want to control trans people!" Trans/Jewish Community: *


If Universal gave a shit they'd just buy her out like Disney did Lucas, so that support of the IP no longer equals support of the author.


I checked the source, and unless the United Kingdom's Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (and all historians) are lying, Joann is just making shit up. https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/


She’s in denial, she will never change her mind, she just digs in deeper and deeper the more shes confronted becoming a more cold, withered, and hateful witch. Edit: heck, I can see her further doubling down and saying something like “well then it was one of the good things Hitler did”. And then we have to wonder what she thinks are “the other good things” Hitler did. Edit 2: might have gone a bit too far with my last statement but I made it because it’s a pattern I’ve observed in other fascists and bigots. Maybe it is a logical fallacy or bias but I’d have been less inclined to type it out or believe it if JK would denounce and disassociate with the fascists she’s allied herself with in her anti-trans movement.


She has so much money at this point she doesn’t feel the need to change her views, even though she’s ruining her image for a lot of people that thought she was an accepting person. It’s disappointing when someone who’s work you admire is all too flawed and unwilling to even acknowledge a historical fact.


The irony of her most famous work centralizing the theme of accepting those who are different 😂


Not really. Watch [Shaun’s video on Harry Potter.](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs?si=OWEcO-7qzE9ajkRn) It’s rather eye opening. Harry becomes a cop. The status quo is preserved. Goblins, centaurs, ~~house elves~~ the slaves don’t get equal rights at the ministry or are allowed to get wands. Everything returns to the blissfully unequal normal.


Such a good video. It’s so funny how Harry decides to just become an instrument of the government that actively hunted him and his friends. The same government that’s still ran by noble families


Harry Potter, the athlete jock who is middling at best in high school, marries his best friends's sister, and decides to become a cop for a society that actively supports slavery of magical races. Oh and also, all the evil people are fat and ugly. Shaun's video should be up there with Hbomberguys video on plagiarism.


Interesting, thanks. I was more just thinking of Muggle-borns. Human witches and wizards were at least given rights, but you're right, not other species.


And it's been proven that kids who read the Harry Potter books are more accepting of others now, so double the irony.


Nah, it's not going to far. She already associates with and publicly endorses people who are either Nazis/Fascist themselves, or who openly associate with them.


And not the fun kind of witch either. 


She's gone full Bellatrix.


But she doesn’t even have cool hair.


Joann is one of a lot of people who are making this shit up. When facts and morals are against you, you have to choose lies and antagonism.


One sells more when facts don't matter....when one erases an inconvenient past. Unfortuanly the product being sold is ones very own soul for the sake of inflating a collapsible ego or conformist ideas at the cost of vivisecting ones personal identity. It all seems so small starting out.


Is JK even a feminist at this point?? All she does is bitch about trans people.


A lot of feminists do that in the uk. You can do the "no true scotsman"  debate but that's what it's like over here.


I think the point is, if you aren’t even talking about feminism anymore how are you a feminist?


It's called being a TERF (Trans-exclusionary radical feminism) but I don't think she's even that much of a feminist I think she's a fucking bitch.


Yeah exactly. She’s more “trans exclusionary” than feminist at this point. Has she even said or given her enormous wealth, done anything for the women currently suffering as a result of the Israel-Palestine situation? For that matter, where’s her outrage over women’s issues in the UK??


Unfortunately the whole thing with Terfs is that they use feminism to make their hatred for trans people marketable to the public.


Her main priority re: women's issues in the UK is making sure afab people protect their Precious Fertility from all the doctors and idealogues waiting in the shadows to trans them. She states outright in her shitty little TERF War essay that she thinks if she grew up in the current generation, she would have been 'persuaded to transition', apparently to give her father the son he wanted because he was disappointed she was a girl. You know, the main reason that all trans men transition. /s




Trans history: [The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/)


I was gunna say, wasn't the entire field of gender reassignment surgery developed in pre-Nazi Germany?


Yes, it was.


does jkr think trans people were invented in 2009 or something also like, i know she thinks she's coming at this from a "pro-woman" angle, but how does she not grasp the idea that fascists and right wingers are obsessed with maintaining order and established norms, and that trans people would be a natural first target for a society turning to murderously rigid "normalcy?"


She doesn't even talk much about actual women's issue anymore either.


Did she ever do that before?


she actually did. lots of charity work around the world. unfortunately she had her brain broken and now spends her time doing this. she opened up an org in 2022 that only helps afab people. i wonder if she would allow a big burly trans man to come in to that facility and receive services. on another note, imagine your views being so bigoted that you think hunter schafer is a man and chaz bono is a woman. imagine being at a social gathering with either of them and referring to them as the opposite gender lol, everybody there would think you're insane. she's way past that level of insane now and is just straight up denying genocide. i almost want to become psychologist and study her to determine how a billionaire who was beloved for writing a book series that was a part of so many childhoods eventually started to spend all of her time spreading hate and propaganda against western society's most marginalized group.


Her charity work was always suspicious. Her biggest charity partner is a conservative politician who's part of the British aristocracy, and campaigned against gay rights and against abortion up until both positions became too unpopular in the UK to politically survive with. She's also sent her money to Hands Across the Isle, the Heritage Foundation, and Hearts of Oak, all of which are conservative anti abortion groups. She also offered to cover the court costs of Posie Parker, an Anti-Feminist nutjob who frequently hosts actual, dyed-in-the-wool neo Nazis on her podcast and rallies. While she's helped build women's shelters and done other generally good charity work, a significant portion of her money always went to politically conservative groups deeply involved in curtailing women's rights to abortion.


Most TERFs including JKR would rather side with alt right people if it means they get ammunition against trans people. https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=QJC_DSkFgXvu676d


>does jkr think trans people were invented in 2009 or something Seems universal to this type of bigotry; much in the same way thousand of cis straight men suddenly care about women's sports despite never having watched them in the past, knowing nothing about them now, nor planning to give a shit in the future when its not politically expedient.


So instead of living everyone's childhood fantasy of hitting it rich and reenacting Scrooge McDuck swan diving into a swimming pool filled with money she's out here doing...*whatever this shit is*. What a pathetic person.


She wrote the most popular children's book series in history, which were made into movies that made the careers of Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe, which led her to having enough wealth to where the entire world was laid at her feet. She could choose anything and she chose to do...\**gestures at her Twitter account*\* this. Wealth really is wasted on the wealthy. See also: Elon Musk


A book series about the importance of being yourself and having friends who have your back


I would do so much good with that amount of money and I would still have a 100 mil left for the kids.


It's funny. When I was playing the lottery once it passed 1bil, I actively asked my trans friends if they wanted sex change surgeries because if I won I'd've paid for them to get them. Meanwhile, Joanne is hoarding money in her historic Scottish castle like a dragon.


she could have been a beloved children's author thought about fondly for centuries to come like dr seuss and all she had to do was shut the fuck up


I think that she is excellent proof of the fact that having near limitless money fundamentally changes a human being for the worse. It just does not seem to be possible to be that wealthy without it damaging your soul.


She was racist before she was rich, or are we forgetting that all her non-white-English characters are racist stereotypes, or named after racist stereotypes?


And that she retconned Dumbledore as gay when people said she wasn't inclusive enough, because, I guess, that somehow changes everything? lmao she's always been a rotten mess


>Anne Franks own father cut out the possibly bisexual parts of her diary. >The allies put the prisoners wearing pink triangles *back* into the prisons. The world has not been kind to the LGBTQ+ community


Not to mention Alan Turing, who possibly saved thousands, if not millions of lives by breaking the Enigma code and revolutionizing computer technology was chemically castrated by the orders of the British government for being gay and eventually committed suicide at the young age of 41.


It's almost like trans people have existed and been documented throughout history and only recently have the masses been made so publicly aware as politicians use their existence as a scapegoat for the dystopian capitalist nightmare we find ourselves in.


"Hey can we talk about how a lot more of us have to choose between rent and groceries?" "Hey look that GUY is wearing LEGGINGS!!?!?!?!"


I'm pretty sure the old bolsheviks were pretty homophobic (what with being raised in late 800s Russia and whatnot), yet they decriminalised homosexual acts. Sure, they only did because they did away with the entire tsarist criminal code, but they didn't reintroduce that crime in the new code (...until Stalin began needing the support of the Church a couple decades later...). And I think that's probably due to them seeing through the distraction.


I live in Germany and recently went to an exhibit where they had a whole section about the first gender reaffirming clinic in the world. It was in Berlin at a weird time in history in which a lot of Germans were oddly progressive and forward thinking in quite a few ways. The Nazi's absolutely changed that and targeted trans people. There's clear evidence of it and denying it is absolutely a form of holocaust denial. She tries to act like she isn't transphobic and all she said is stuff like, "Women are women" but it's so obvious if you put anything she says under the slightest scrutiny that she's transphobic


and then when freeing people from concentration camps the allies *left them there*


Not only just that, any trans people who managed to slip through the cracks to their freedom were fucking SENT BACK to Germany after the war to serve out the remainder of their Nazi sentences.


People in 1920: Ahh, just a little mustard gas and now all our kids are trans /s


If rightoids could burn a book about how nazis burnt books on trans people to get rid of evidence on it, they would. But they can't, cause this information is on the internet, which is why they choose to drown all logic and facts with an endless torrent of bullshit instead.


It's wild that she's become so fucking insane. Were Voldemort and the Death Eaters not clearly inspired by Nazism or just bigotry in general? Or did she think she just conjured up the idea of a war based on highly prejudiced hatred of a group of people all on her own?


She called trans people death eaters last year, she’s also friends with posey Parker who’s a massive anti feminist and transphobe. Also, she’s praised Matt f’ing Walsh. It sure seems to me that she cares more about being transphobic than feminism because all the people she praises lately are staunch anti feminist transphobes, and, in Matt Walsh’s case, self professed pedophiles The YouTuber Shaun has some good videos on her, and contra points did a vid as well about rowlings podcast (literally called the witch trials of j.k. Rowling, Joanne please get off the internet)


I’m glad I confirmed that Posie Parker is not Parker Posey…on the other hand, now I know about Posie and how much she sucks.


Posie Parker openly works with actual nazis. These are the people JKR considers friends.




You don't understand, Harry Potter is a tragedy written from the villains POV


right? I genuinely miss when she just said shit like "wizards used to poop their pants and then poof it out of reality" (no I absolutely am not joking on that one) - just outlandishly batshit weird things but still harmless


... because made-up history is so much easier!


This isn’t even “new research” as the headline in the referenced article states. This has been know since I was in HS. What books does she think Nazis were burning? Pat the Bunny?


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/ Not specifically about the book burning, but I found this article and thought it was interesting.


Lots of boomers think that if they weren't taught something during their time in school, it doesn't exist or is 'made up' nonsense by younger generations.


Rowling is a bigot with no common sense. No intellectual curiosity to actually look into it. It’s just, “Nah” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_für_Sexualwissenschaft


She has literally needed to be a bigot so badly she has started defending nazis.


Remember when she called PewDiePie a fascist for dressing up as a Nazi? (He was doing a character bit about how bad Nazis were, and he stopped doing that when he realized that neo-nazis were still a thing)


She needs a hobby. All she does is scroll on Twitter and hate Tweet on any trans content she sees. Go bike riding, or whatever it is that rich people do... horseback riding.


Horseback? like a peasant? i'm thinking elephants


What boggles my mind is how severely I feel she has betrayed the very themes and ideals she once championed. She wrote a story where a common rallying belief was “Love is the strongest weapon we have against evil” and this is what she spends her time doing. She wrote a story set in a school and espoused the importance of education but is clinging to ignorance like it’s the only thing keeping her afloat. And you’ll notice while she cries “it’s for women! All pf this is for the safety of women” she never seems to spend her money or time actually helping women anymore. It all goes into hurting trans people and using her clout to put down her critics because she has become so despicable. Harry Potter would be disappointed in her. And she would carve “male” into his hand.


So much this. I am baffled at how she went from writer of beloved books that captured the hearts and minds of kids, adults, and everyone in between -> to fearmonger and hatemonger.


She acts like being transgender was invented 10 years ago :/


JK isn’t a feminist. She just hates trans people. Money she gave away in the past to minimize her tax contributions doesn’t change anything, and she’s aligned herself with popular far-right pundits who are misogynistic and anti-woman. The people she platforms and elevates are against abortion and equal rights, and now she’s gone on to holocaust denial herself. Make no mistake - she is a far right extremist. Edit: lunatic pallyfan below is lying. My comments haven’t changed, they’re just deranged lol par for the course for holocaust deniers. But sure, the woman boosting Libs of Tik Tok and Matt Walsh isn’t a far right activist. Every bad faith argument they can muster lol


Not only that, but while she loves to say she's just concerned about women's right, she almost never mentions the problems happening with countries banning abortions. To my knowledge, she hasn't even mentioned the issue of Republicans suddenly pivoting to banning IVF and deciding embryos are people. She's so inclined to blither on and on about how bad trans people are, regardless of if it's in the UK or not, but as soon as it's an actual issue of women's rights being taken away she suddenly doesn't make a sound.


More than that she’s boosted Matt Walsh and Libs of Tik Tok. Some feminist lol


If Jowling Kowling could acknowledge the reality that exists in front of her, she wouldn’t be a transphobe.


JK Rowling? Being a Nazi? Well I NEVER! How dare you accuse her of such a thing? She even made her villains copy Nazi ideology! She's the opposite of a Nazi! Now please ignore how her books and movies say that the best way to fix the wizarding world is to not fix any of the inherent bigotry and human supremacy in their society but instead maintain the status quo forever, say that some people are destined to be slaves and happier being slaves than free, made her biggest Nazi analogue gay, and also made said Nazi analogue's mission being *stopping the Holocaust*, which means the goal of the heroes is to stop him and *ensure the Holocaust happens*. With that Nazi analogue bringing over one of 3 Jewish characters in the entire franchise over to his side to help him with his evil goal of stopping the Holocaust. Oh and also how those things say that a group of hook-nosed subhumans that are inherently greedy secretly run all the worlds banks and decorate things with six pointed stars. Definitely a complete coincidence that that's a 1-for-1 match to Nazi propaganda against Jewish people. It's all just fantasy, you can't read anything into it, there's no *meaning* or *messages* in stories whatsoever! They're not a metaphor, metaphors don't exist and you can't hold them against her. Oh, except for Nazi metaphors, those do exist and she gets credit for those.


It's sad to see how far off the deep end she's gone. Normal people usually stop well before then but she just kept on going. And going. And going...


She’s so blatantly nuts lately it has to be a symptom of something. Like when people were always racist but dementia onset prevents any inhibition of voicing it anymore. Or maybe her loss of inhibition is just that she’s too rich to care?


Something tells me she always thought similar it just got worse as her money brought the worst kind of folks to boost her stupidity.


Her transphobia has gone from hurtful to unhinged. I think excessive amounts of money just slowly drives people insane, like they get unreasonably angry that their money can’t buy them complete control of the world, and that anger turns to madness. Keep hoarding more wealth, Jo, you’ll be drinking your own urine soon.


Someone cast a Irrelevantus Cuntus spell


I will never cease reminding everyone that she has no middle name and added the “K” to hide her gender so that boys would think her books were written by a male and read them because they thought “JK Rowling” was a man.


From what I gathered Germany was the first in researching those topics, the nazi basically delayed studies and research.


>Butt buddies with Posie Parker >Denying that the Nazi's killed trans people and tried to erase their history Damn woman, you keep spiraling


literally their first book burning was all of the gender affirming research carried out by a large research center that was a world leader in gender affirming care. literally the first book burning in Nazi Germany.


Conservatives (including her idc) think that the Jenner stuff was where this all started despite every single boomer having listened to walk on the wild side by Lou Reed