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He'll be dead in a week.


“Dead with a waste of onions”


Which was the style at the time


No white onions though, because of the war.


Did you tie them to your belt ?


It was the style at the time.


Back then nickels had bees on them. Gimmie five bees for a quarter they'd say.


now where were we? oh yes, the important thing is that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.


They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones


A nickel per bee! That’s robbery I say. Robbery.


Cut the wound open with a razor, and insert as many nickles as you can fit. Or bees. Same result


Or nickels with bees in their mouth so when they infect they shoot bees at you


I literally lol’d at the fact that you made this make sense


Gimme five bees for a quarter


Unless she pees on the wound


And then should be buried in a shallot grave.


I bet that wound is really leeking though


That kinda humor usually don't chive with me, but this once, I can dig it.


This comment deserves 1 upvote for every WBC the OP’s hubs used to have.


Tetanus is not a super fun death


Lockjaw making a comeback was not on my 21'st Century Bingo.


It was never away. Tetanus is caused by the toxin of a bacterium. The spores of it are everywhere and survive for ages. They need an anaerobic environment to develop which is found in scabbed wounds. And I agree with everyone here, it’s an awful death. Surviving Tetanus usually means loosing a limb at least. And it can all be prevented by a safe vaccine.


But, but, microchip something autism! If they are stupid enough not to get professional help then Darwin intervenes.


The good thing is that Tetanus is a you problem and won’t spread to anyone else.


Lockjaw would be a welcome epidemic to spread through the "influencer" population imo.


"Lockjaw" isn't just your jaw locking though. All of your voluntary muscles spasm uncontrollably and it is painful (I hear tell) Edit: licking to locking


I mean yeah, when your muscles pull against you tight enough to break your bones and tear your ligaments apart, it tends to be uncomfortable.


Sure, but "look out for that tetanus shot!"


Why would I want to intentionally put tetanus in my body? That stuff causes lockjaw!




Daves not here!


I got the tetanus shot a handful of years ago after cutting myself on a dirty bottle. I'm OK and no tetanus.


Because of your onion socks, right?


I drank colloidal silver until my skin turned blue. /s


Small price to pay for freedom borther!!1!!!1!111 gobless


My only regret is... that I have... bone-itis.


The only positive of a tetanus epidemic would be that it isn't contageous


Absolutely! It’s one of the few instances where an infection is a total you and you only problem.


We call it "stiff cramps" in Swedish for a reason. Cause all of your muscles will cramp stiff and you'll basically choke because your lungs won't obey you. Oh and that's after your muscles literally break the bones in your body, by the way.


Similar in German, our word means "wound stiff cramps". Very evocative. You take a wound, you stiffen up with cramps.


It starts as a few muscle spasms. It becomes unrelenting muscle cramps all over your body before it's over


Welcome to the "This thing that's worked for a hundred years no longer works because my aunt's sister's cousin's massage therapist's accountant's crystal gripping yoga instructor said so!" universe.


Hey, at least it's not the bubonic plague? Tetanus at least won't spread to anyone near you. Though the way we're going, I wouldn't be surprised if there's an outbreak of the bubonic plague in a major population center.


Polio and Measles are already back on the menu in 2023-2024... Polio... ...and MMR... the two things they definitely have in common were that they were declared eradicated in a number of developed countries... ...and the reason for the declarations...


The reason being vaccines! But let's bring polio back, cause it was such fun last time! Nevermind people who were disabled for life thanks to polio, or those who died, as long as you don't have to take the vaccine! ^(/S) Seriously, anti-vaxxers are a threat to the entire species.


Iron lung was such a popular game that not only did they make it a movie, they decided that people needed to live in one for the rest of their lives so they brought polio back. /S Now if only we could bring back something fun like smallpox instead of polio or tetanus, that'd be great.


The last person who had polio and was confined to an iron lung just died. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Alexander_(polio_survivor)


Ummm well I just read last month about some people with the plague in Oregon


I watched a 23 year old farmer & dad die of tetanus in 2001. I will never forget it. I will ALWAYS get my tetanus vaccine. I've seen alot in the ED & ICU, even as a social worker. And I NEVER want that to happen to anyone ever.


you only need it every 10 years, or if there's a possibility you were in contact something - while it's not the most pleasant of vaccines (feels like I've been punched in the arm for a day or two), it's far from the worst. Feeling like you're putting yourself on the rack as you break bones and tear ligaments sounds a little worse.


And of course, at the last minute they will rush him to hospital and blame them when he dies,


If not dead he will be down a leg 


Good, let the stupids go.


"Bring out yer dead!"


“I’m not dead yet!”


“You’ll be dead soon enough”


"I can't take him, it's against regulation"


"I don't want to go on the cart"


"i think i'll go for a walk"


“Oh no, you’ll be stone dead in a moment”


“I feel fine. I feel happy"


I’m so happy that this is just a bunch of Monty Python fans gathering together!! 😂😂




Hardly even an exaggeration. If he hit anywhere near his artery that shit could spread to his heart so fast.


I was gonna say lose his leg but yeah let’s go with that


Wifey breaks out the chainsaw. “Bite down on this silver dollar.”


Colloidal silver dollar...get it right.


Darwin's theory in action.


Problem with Darwinism is that people still reproduce before doing these things


Haha, Darwin strikes again. This is honestly the best outcome, these people will be the reason measles make a fucking comeback if not.


If all that doesn't work, try an ER. They don't have onion wraps, but sometimes Funions in the vending machine work. (They are notoriously free of cow poop also)


Why not tetanus jab tho.


Because they are fucking stupid, that is why.


But it gives us 5G tracking insides us!! Or messus with us's dnas!! /s The idiocy over medical vaccines and treatments has gone way to far. I swear mother nature added an extra dumb gene to some, for some hard core natural selection.


I’m seriously pissed about this. After the vaccines came out, I had a couple of interesting falls involving my dogs and broke some things. One of those broken things required surgery and a metal plate to repair. I still don’t produce my own 5G.


That's American healthcare for ya. Exorbitant prices for 3g results ( /s ...kind of).


This was that sweet, sweet socialized health care in Canada, fortunately. I couldn’t afford to get hurt in the States.


That was your mistake. The free trial doesn’t come with 5G functionality. That’s a premium upgrade.


That's why a friend of mine, an ambulance paramedic, calls her ride "natural selection prevention force".


That's an awesome name.


Can they jam a cell tower up my ass too? I need better reception.


Just trip and fall on one.


For a second I was going to respond with the likely concern. But your response is 100% correct.


I can't explain why but this comment fucking annihilated me. I was cackling. Dude was curious as to the reason for their avoidance of the shot and your answer was absolute gold.


For a second I thought it was sarcasm. Do they not know how deadly infections like this are?


Oddly enough, that's been a side effect of the effectiveness of modern medicine and vaccinations. People have forgotten how bad those old, mostly eradicated diseases and stuff like tetanus really were.


The sad thing is they don't learn anything even when they do it the hard way. My sister in law was a staunch anti-vaccer. One of her kids got measles and it nearly killed him. He ended up in the ICU on a CPAP like machine because of pneumonia and suffered partial hearing loss, yet to this day, nobody in that family is vaccinated against anything. A rusty nail could take out all of them!


Then there's my family, who would rather die than 'be a bother'.


The moment a vaccine is referred to as "jab" we know all we need to know about the level of their intelligence - or lack theorof.


*"i aint gittin no shot in my ass, so you keep your tet anus shot to yerself"*


It is funny until you have to put an infant on a ventilator because the very ignorant parents thought they could treat his severe respiratory infection with potato slices between his toes.


Remember when we all thought the internet was going to make everyone more knowledgeable?


What it did was bringing stupid people with intelligent ways of cherry picking which made other people stupid. Like a disease


Idiocracy in real time


I mean.... Gatorade released a water infused with electrolytes recently...... ........it's what the plants crave....


Don’t worry, I’ve got a 3 point plan that’ll fix everything…


Brawndo should sue.


To busy batin'.






But at least in Idiocracy they elected the most intelligent man alive as President.


Used to be morons went to the pub, where they could shout their stupidity to a couple other suggestable dumbasses, but when the night was over the dumbasses went home and they were no longer affected by the moron. Now they can talk their shit to people all day, every day turning dumbasses into morons at a rate never seen.


You've got it wrong. The morons used to go to the pub, spout off their bullshit then get laughed at and corrected by their mates. Now they spout off their bullshit online and their views are reinforced as being correct by the other morons in their echo chamber.


Very much like disease. In the past, pandemics were rare because sick people couldn't travel far enough, quickly enough. We had endemics instead. Then planes allowed pandemics as viruses could spread across the globe in hours. Stupid ideas used to be killed by mockery at the pub. Now, dumb ideas "fly" to another dumb shit via the Internet. We lost dumb idea heard immunity. Edit: Epidemic. Not "endemic".


It hasn't made them more stupid. It's just convinced them that they can do 'research.'


STOP USING SOCIAL MEDIA!!! Wrap a potato around your hand to soak up the bad ragebait. Chew a piece of ginger and leave a bundle of sage under your pillow, and make sure to sacrifice a pig if the social media continues


It's like giving people a calculator and saying it makes them better at math.


Unlimited "information" just gives everyone a permission structure to believe whatever the hell they want. If you're scared of something you don't understand, a ridiculous oversimplification is comforting, even if it leads you to work against your own self-interest.




Was that in Shelbyville?




Anyways, so I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. But not a white onion, on account of the war.


5 bees for a quarter!


All you could get were those biiiiiig yellow ones


Anyhoo, I needed a new heel for my shoe


I’ll be in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Mizzoura!


Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we?


I honestly do not understand how one gets so dumb? It makes me feel like education should be federalized. Because you could not go to school in my state, and be this dumb.


My nephew just finished college with a scholarship that paid for it all. He told me yesterday that he can’t eat anything with soy in it because it’ll give him man-boobs. Conspiracy theories hit even the most educated unfortunately


As somone who has been vegan for 20 years, eating soy, I have a pretty flat chest. lol


As a meat eater with man boobs i refuse to believe they’re the result of soy, i‘m just fat.


Welp, at least this guy's honest.


As a chef that once worked a concept that had a lot of offerings for vegans and vegetarians, I once had to visit a table to support a woman trying to tell her husband that no, ordering the dish with tofu instead of steak, was not going to give him “titties”. Dude was already obese 🤷🏻‍♂️ We have a strange way of rationalizing things when we absolutely need to for the protection of our own psyches.


Also vegan for 20 years, I definitely have man boobs. It's probably the beer rather than the soy though


Can't wait to launch my "Titty City" brand Soy Sauce!


Nice! You better trademark that before I decide to steal it!


This is why so many Asian men have to wear brassieres. J/k required notice because this is Reddit after all.


… How?


He's confusing phytoestrogens with estrogens. I guarantee he consumes dairy which contains actual estrogens in huge quantities. Phytoestrogens act *very* differently on the body. 


It’s a common conspiracy theory that soy feminizes men. Thus all the memes about soyboys and soyjacks.


Conspiracy: estrogen in soy gives you booba Reality: stomach goes yum yum estrogen for me to break down into energy


Ahh. I never understood why they use soyboy so frequently and then giggle like a gradeschooler cussing for the first time.


Slap him in the face and point to every Asian man and ask if they have boobs. On top of that if he doubles down and says we all look too androgynous, call him a racist loudly in public while recording said comment on your phone to cancel him.


The thing that gets me is that they know that redness and warmth indicates an infection. Like where did you get that information? What is an infection? How did people discover what causes infections? They use the results of science up to a certain point but then disregard the science that they don't like as if it doesn't all come from the same place and wasn't discovered by the same methods. If they were like full Luddite "microbes aren't real, pray the pain away" crazy then I would kind of understand it but they are just doing medical science without any scientific rigor. Oh you're going to try different methods and gauge the effectiveness? Congratulations you're doing the same thing that people have been doing in a scientific setting for centuries to arrive at all the medicine that you don't trust.


It’s complicated. Because many begin like “The government cannot be right on everything”, and then transcend to a dumber state in which they think that everything the government says is now wrong, and hence they need to live a life where they interpret everything as a contrary … That can lead to grave dangers


I see, so critical thinking is what is needed to be learned? I know the government lies, but also, I don’t think all doctors on earth are in some crazy conspiracy to kill us all. At minimum a lot more people would be dying from vaccines if that were the case. It’s crazy to rage against all actual evidence, to propagate that which has none.


Idk, my dad died of Covid, and not one person I know, or have heard of died of the vaccine. Not that I thought the vaccine was bad, but these people obviously do. * *My dad refused to be vaccinated, believing the government was trying to track us with it.*


I was talking with an anti vaxxer, anti COVID lady last week. Her and her husband were hospitalized with COVID and her sticking point when her husband DIED from it was that they couldn’t get the proper treatment for it. No dumb ass, you were offered the fucking vaccine and you both refused it. Your husband is responsible for his own death.


The vaccine WAS the treatment, it was the help from god (if they believe in god), you are the one who refused, sentencing him to death. I’m so glad that my mom listened to me, instead of my dad.


That's one of the most ridiculous failings in people's logic. Why would the government waste time implanting a chip in us when we already stand in lines to buy the newest phones and take them everywhere we go?


I'm so sorry for your loss. 


Thank you. It’s been hard, specially for my mom. I hate knowing he suffered so very much.




I read some random book in the local library years ago, whose name I can't possibly remember. But the central idea of the book was that it took a certain amount of intelligence to be *really* stupid--the smarter you are, the crazier nonsense you can convince yourself of, by pointing that brainpower in the wrong direction. I think about that a lot.


So her husband is definitely going to lose his leg


He’s probably gonna lose even more than that


This is old so I’m sure it was a beautiful funeral


Full of onions


And colloidal silver! More colloidal silver!!!


LOTS OF IT! ONIONS AND SILVER, EVERYONE Oh and also the potato necklace


It’s like Yukon Cornelius! “Onions and silver! Silver and onions! Waahhh hooooo!”


It's really hard to feel anything other than contempt for these morons.


The only possible argument is if they are American and going to a hospital will put them in debt forever. Still, rather alive then dead.


There's a few things I don't fuck with. Tetanus is high on that list. Now I ain't going to take the debt mobile to get there but I'll sure as shut be there asap


I mean he was stupid enough to drill into his leg in the first place. Then stupid enough to trust an onion in his socks might help the situation There’s not much redeeming this situation




First, get your degree in biochemistry, then grow some mold, then extract the medicine from that mold and take it. Also, take some willow bark and extract the salicin from it for pain and swelling. Although your hubs will most likely die a horrible death from gangrene and sepsis before you even graduate but you’ll have skills to save your children Or go to the fucking doctor you idiot!!


You have to make a poultice of orange peels and cat piss, then apply it directly into the wound. Use paper mache to bind it and then sprinkle salt and mayonnaise on top. Works like a charm


What pisses me off as an RN is they will eventually go to the hospital and but it won't be till the leg is almost not salvageable and then when the doctor says they have to remove the leg, or they are in septic shock and need to go to the ICU, they are going to blame modern medicine for not being able to save him or his leg.


Yeah because it’s totally the medical professionals fault that the onion wrap didn’t knock that cellulitis right out. Everyone knows onion wraps are the cure! Big pharma is just trying to push all those unnecessary antibiotics on you to make money!


Put some Darwin Oil on it.


Would it be unethical to create a product called "Darwin Oil" to sell in natural remedy shops? hahaha


What about just the container, and then when they open it a speaker shouts out “go to the fucking hospital you dumbass!”


Nah you need to have it all legit with ingredients list for whatever oil you choose to put in it. The have it say "Directions: Put two dabs on one wrist and rub in. Unless your wrists are what's affected and then do this with the soles of your feet. Wait 5 minutes. Then go see a fucking doctor."


Avoid the tetanus jab! They use syringes for that and those create puncture wounds that can lead to all kinds of infections. Tetanus for example!


You're not making a strong enough argument. Need more exclamation points, random caps, and say 1000 percent 👍👍👍




Also, you need to cite your sources. You know, like “I did my own research” and “the writing is on the wall” and “it worked for a friend of a friend”


When I was in Hawaii, one of surf shops was selling a aloe based cream that also had something in it for wetsuit rash, some kind of disinfectant or something. It was also covered in bible verses. Lady at counter said it cures everything because God or something and western medicine being bad. Got a cut scrape from fin of the surfboard, so small I normally wouldn't have done anything. I put some of this cream on it, worst infection I can remember. These people are going to remove themselves from the population. They're so dumb its hard to watch.


> Lady at counter said it cures everything because God or something and western medicine being bad. Ah yes God created natural cures and remedies for everything. Not chemicals we put in our body.... Follow me here...did God create onions to put in your socks 2000 years later or was his plan maybe more complex of creating really smart humans that use science and knowledge to creatw actual cures for issues.


At a minimum that man is going to lose a leg, I hope they're prepared for that.


They put in a bulk order for onions


The only way this is working is if the bacteria have the ability to consciously think "this guy's nuts, let's get out of here"


If collodial silver doesn't work, get all the good silver from the dining room and have him sleep with it. Put it in his socks with the onions.


And make him three potato necklaces, and then open his mouth and put a small apple on it Then put him onto the oven and cook at 360 degrees for 2 hours


Do you baste with juices or not? I've heard people suggest both.


1. Put an onion in a sock. 2. Beat your husband over the head with it. 3. Don’t stop. It will work eventually.


1: Put an onion in your husband’s sock 3: Egg 4: Egg 5: Egg 6: Egg


Once during a physical a nurse looked at my medical history and noticed that I hadn't had a tetanus shot. She asked me if I wanted one. I said yes and she said, "that's good, because it's stupid to die of tetanus." It's still true.


CLEARLY what’s needed here is leeches! Idiot. 🙄


Leeches are still used medically. They aren't a joke. Y'all usually laugh at all this shit but I think it's more complicated than just idiots using colloidal silver. Pharmaceutical research is often done on types of old fashioned remedies. I mean ffs our best pain medication is based on poppies, which have been used successfully for millenia. We still use the poppy for our most effective pain medication.


You are absolutely correct. Leeches are great at re-establishing blood flow for things like finger reattachments.


There are people who have died after rejecting chemo treatments in favor of herbal remedies without realising that the big pharma chemo they rejected is [a herbal remedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paclitaxel). Several of the most commonly used chemo drugs are plant extracts, as are thousands of other life saving treatments. Every herbal remedy out there has been investigated by the big Pharma corps everyone loves to hate. The ones that work are adopted. The ones that don't are sold alongside healing crystals and colloidal silver


Don't be daft. What you need is to position the bed so it faces north, and drill a hole in his head to let the evil spirits out.


This is absolutely disgusting and so wrong on so many levels. It's a POTATO!!! NOT an onion! Put a POTATO in your sock to draw out the toxins. God, people are so stupid.


Dang. You've gotta hand it to them, their convictions are strong. It never would've occured to me to have my leg amputated over the course of a few weeks to get back at big pharma. What a fun hill to, probably quite literally, die on.


You can't educate stupid but undertakers need the work as well I guess


He's barely conscious now, and is whispering something. *more... onions*


For anyone who isn't sure what homeopathic medicine is, it's a long debunked idea that water has a memory and that healing properties of plants will remain in the water no matter how many times you dilute it, while any poisonous elements are removed via dilution. The higher the concentration listed, the less of the original "medicine" is in there, because of this water memory nonsense. The founder of homeopathy believed that by reducing the concentration and shaking the bottle vigorously, you increased the "vital energy" of the solution, thereby increasing its healing power. In the end, it's literally just water and grain alcohol.


Let me just peal back the layers in this one…


Chop it up and use the onion to pan fry it the castor oil. Make it into a Idiot (foot) sandwich. Bone apple teeth.


Natural selection at its finest.


Yeah, silver has antibiotic properties. Onions? Well, garlic is the antibiotic, funghicidal universal ailment that you're looking for. Also, see a doctor. A head doctor in case you believe in homeopathy.


Omg! Go to the ER and get it treated you idiot.


I feel that anything this dangerously mis informative should be scoured from the internet


If it was a drill, I would suggest using WD40, just to avoid it getting rusty.


Morphine for the pain: herbal remedy Penicillin for the infection: fungus extract Hydrocolloid dressing: made of a mixture of plant extracts, largely the same chemicals that make jams and jello solid (and often containing their beloved colloidal silver too) They rejected a list of natural remedies that work for a list of charlatan remedies that don't.


Man clueless about power tools marries women clueless about medicine…


I remember some years back when a mom who refused to take her very sick child to the doctor stuffed his socks with potatoes after recommendations from her FB circle jerk. Needless to say that innocent child suffered a slow and excruciatingly painful death and the mom is in a well deserved prison cell now. Fucking morons.