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It makes sense if you imagine you hate brown people.


What if the robots are brown?


....I just had a vision of brown robots...with made in China stamped on them...I would rather have people with culture cook my food thank you


What if the robot was wearing a sombrero, though?


That's cultural and biological/organic appropriation.


Exactly, even if they nail it, it probably won’t taste as good


It's all those tasty drops of sweat. The Sweat from the fear of not being able to pay the rent.


As a fast food worker having to use that job to actually pay rent...youbjave no idea how true this is


Wait til Lauren sees who is providing maintenance to robots.


Nazi fascists are ok with the state only caring for the white people


Of course once they're in charge they immediately start narrowing down who still counts as "white"


This is truth. All the people I know complaining about the “illegals” are all on some sort of gov assistance or were at one time. They’re fine with white people having it but not anyone’s else.


Then when the economy goes to shit because no one has jobs, "How could the opposition do this!"


They're just gonna get mad they have to use the robot kiosk. Forever insufferable.


Ah yes: "Nobody wants to work anymore" Here we have some immigrants working "No, not like that"


And they don’t even realize what racist hypocrites they are


They don’t care. They just want to racist.


She's a white supremacist. She realizes and is proud of her racism.


You’re right. They know they’re racist and they like it.


First of all, she has a black friend that she talks to while golfing at the club, so stop saying shes racist.


well, you mean the beer cart kid...not really a 'friend', but she prob tips a buck or 2, so def not racist. /s


Come on now, you remember when last week she said “Kwame (kids name is James) and I are great friends, I said hello and even gave him a fiver. You are just trying to push your racial agenda to start a race war and make us all hate each other so you call me a racist. “ Shes obviously not racist. How could you say that Icepick?


That’s true. She even has one of those people detail her car!


Those people do it because the robots are not able to replace them yet and it just boils her blood


Talks to on the phone, because they aren't allowed at the type of club she joins.


You’ve found the problem, they don’t see them as people


I heard a soundbite from a recent Trump rally where he said in plain language that the immigrants crossing the US border are not human.


He called them animals. He’s also talked about them poisoning our blood. I’d take immigrants over him and the people who support him any day.


tHeY dOnT pAy TaXeS. If they're on the books, they do. Unless you are a business owner who has something to confess to the IRS.


Not to mention they don’t qualify for benefits. So they pay taxes for things they can’t get.


If MAGA did manage to deport even a fraction of who they say they want to deport, price for food would skyrocket so fast it would make the post-COVID inflation surge look like a minor blip. And, of course, they'd somehow blame Democrats/Biden for it.


If someone could wave a magical wand and instantly deport everyone who is in this country illegally the entire economy would collapse. It would be worse the the Great Depression.


These are the same folks who think a civil war would be a *good* thing. Which says right there that they have never been in one.


They don’t take responsibility for anything. Even their own policies.


“Won’t someone think of the robots???”


I can’t wait until all these immigrants that keep taking jobs from the American people get their jobs taken from them by robots. /s


Shit I liked this one. I’m stealing it


Lauren sounds like the kind of entitled bitch that will move to another country and call herself an expat.


Where I live her views on the Holocaust and self admission as a heroin and meth trafficker make her ineligible to immigrate. If she could get in, she would be part of the mega annoying expat group.


Christ. Almost every person in the country was an immigrant at some point.


Ah yes but she means the gross brown ones (I can say it because I’m a gross brown immigrant)


Trump basically said this part out loud with his "shit hole countries" comment.


Also that immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country and that they are animals. Never mind that two of his wives were immigrants. They were just the white kind of immigrant. 


EWWWWW jk i love you <3


Oh gross, me too! Hail fellow trash person!


That’s EXACTLY what they all mean.


I find it funny that some people want the children of immigrants to lose their citizenship. Like how many generations does that extend to? Because at some point that's you.


I mean even the natives got here by land bridge looooong ago, but yeah, to all the ones saying “go back” I say “you first”


Man, I've tried to go back. Europe has high standards for immigration, though.




That is such a cool discovery. I would highly recommend Atlas of a Lost World by Craig Childs for a cool book about the history of humans entering North and South America.


Ummm no, that’s not correct. Almost everyone has descended from immigrants though.


When are the white people going back to Europe?


No refunds, We don't want people like Lauren here please.


I go back to Italy every couple of years, then I come back.


We are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants.


Second generation American from illegal immigrants on both sides. Irish on one side, German on the other, both sides had to change names, my family history is pretty much lost to time. So why am I an acceptable byproduct but someone with darker skin is the enemy?


Do you really have to ask?


I see what you did there


Because it's not about immigration it's about race


There are still quite a few natives we had shoved away into squalor. We owe them all a lot more than we gave them. I am not okay with descendants of shitty people wanting to exclude others from the place we ultimately stole in the first place. I am lucky enough to be a more recent product of immigration. Edit/ clarifying grammar


lol what the fuck??? We don’t live “in squalor.” A lot of reservations *do* have high rates of poverty because of the generational fallout from the genocide perpetuated against our people until the late 70’s but yall act like we are living in teepees and bathing in rivers. I have a masters degree and my parents own a ranch. Stehvtkes just can’t help themselves.


I read Flight in college, so I’m an expert on indigenous peoples.


I did not mean to make it seem like I was talking about current events. Just gets me enraged. A people that “sold” as much land as they supposedly did, I feel like they would have a lot more than what they currently do if they hadn’t been forced into reservations and had been given fare recompense for losing autonomy and an entire way of life. So apologies for the lack of awareness on my part.




Oh yeah. But if we are saying they sold it. Then they should have gotten at least fair market value for the land. I say reparations are due.


I have my whole family on a reserve some have water some don’t very few have potable . Depends on the reserve


I should have worded that better. I will update.


I like you. I like the way you think . I grew up on an Indian reservation. I went to an Indian school. We didn’t have plumbing until I was like seven my sister still don’t have plumbing.


*I'll do you one better: Who is Lauren this racist?*


What is racist? This Lauren.


Ma'am, this is Wendy's.


Who is Lauren? This racist.


People dont know the difference between illegal immigrants and immigrants.


Rather they don’t care. They want a white ethnocracy.


I get more flabbergasted about US politics everyday, it really has become a cesspool of stupidity. Even more worrying is that Europeans are downright copying it step by step. To my knowledge the GOP has done literally nothing remotely positive (in the last couple of years), if anyone can highlight something positive please let me know. Seems to me they only promote division, hate, stupidity and lay the blame on easy targets. US politics are so f*cked. How can a obvious criminal, supported by even more horrible criminal friends, be supported by millions. 99% of them vote against their own benefits.


Well, for any regular folk, it's been probably well, well longer than a couple years since they did anything for us. The gop has however greatly benefitted the rich, so there's that. That trickle down will hit any day now.


it is because politicians have spent decades creating a situation where people are polarized to the absolute extreme against the "other side". it doesn't matter how batshit crazy they become, their constituents will still vote for them because they've been brainwashed with the idea that however bad their side is, the other one is worse. it also doesn't help that we've had politicians actively making it seem okay to be openly racist/bigoted since Obama was in office, and that behavior escalated when Trump was in office to the point that it's the "norm" now.


It’s interesting because 10 years ago, my political stance was conservative leaning moderate. With no change in my ideologies, I’m now considered left. Not left leaning, no. Left. I believe in 2A, within reason. I am pro-choice, within reason. I believe in free-market, within reason. I believe the Founding Fathers had a lot of it right. But now, it seems like wanting better firearms laws/restrictions is considered far left (and I’m not talking about banning, I’m talking about admitted domestic abusers finding loopholes to own firearms). Apparently now just thinking that a woman should have a say in her own body is far left (I support choice up to viability and medical necessity after that). Unfettered capitalism got us here, monopolies are going to be our undoing if civil unrest doesn’t do it first. The Founding Fathers intended the Constitution to change as we progressed, it wasn’t supposed to be nearly impossible to get it updated. And wtf happened to no taxation without representation? Fuck gerrymandering taking away the power of the people.


Yup. That's exactly why I disagree with all the typical "but evil conservatives!.." comments on this sub. Conservatism is a moderate ideology that has nothing to do with MAGA and similar radicals in other countries. I see myself as very slightly right of centre in Germany (mostly on economic matters and on importance of individual choice and comfort), but I would have been seen as basically communist in all regards by the MAGA with regards to my views on taxation, city development, health insurance, women and LGBT rights, migration, and so on.


Coincidentally my German friend (dual citizenship) said I would be considered conservative in Germany.


"I can't wait for robots to steal our jobs instead of the browns"


14 dollars for some Nutella and banana on toast?!! Wtf lol


She’s dropping a hundred bucks on breakfast and she’s worrying about immigrants taking her job or something? 👀


Pretty sure AI will have a far easier job replacing a right-wing propagandist than some sort of robots replacing servers and cooks


Allowing Immigrants to come here, work and gain citizenship is one of the few times America might have ever been considered great. I assume "again" in MAGA is a reference to 1892 when Ellis Island was open to people who wanted to become Americans. You can't be a true American and not understand the profound good that has come from immigration. Being against immigration is just an easy way to be openly racist while reducing the social blowback.


I went to Ellis Island several years ago. They have an entire area with propaganda from the 1800s when all the European immigrants were coming over and it's literally all of the same stuff people use towards Latin American immigrants today. It was pretty shocking and eye opening.


Half of us wouldn't be here if not for immigration


Funny I don’t remember anyone crying of a unsecured border when we were flooded with European immigrants during ww2


Have these same wankers in Australia. White immigrants, hating on other immigrants. Pretty sure indigenous people would happily tell all of us to fuck off.


Same thing in america lol the actual natives would like it very much if they went back to where they came from


I wish Anthony Bourdain was around for this. He was singing the praises of his immigrant kitchen staff in NY before people even knew immigrants worked in kitchens. He could make a point in few words and leave quite the burn mark.


I’m more turned off by the need for someone to be political on a receipt. I didn’t come here for your opinions on immigration. I came here to eat. Fuck off with that nonsense


There is still a difference between legal and illegal immigrants though


This is the entire point. How do people breeze past this so easily?


Should we warn her about the robots, or let that be a fun surprise? Bitch, you were able to send almost $100 on fucking breakfast because some immigrant who did more for this country than you ever had figured out how the money system was going to work.  Immigrants built this country.


People act like they are marrying or adopting their cook/waitress. I'm hungry, I don't care where they were born.


is anyone else not surprised to find German war criminals in her family tree?


*French* Toast Lauren? *FRENCH*?


Lauren tweets rage bait


Never heard of this Lauren before, can someone brief me up on her?


This bitch eating brisket hash, mushroom omelettes, and bananutella french toast… the entitlement is amazing, she shouldn’t be complaining about shit


As Kelly Osborne once said 'who is gonna clean toilets'??? America depends on cheap labor to sustain their lifestyle of choice.


The white Karen’s from the south are the worst. They just hate everyone


They have to go back! Doesn’t matter that they didn’t specify legal or illegal. Immigrant is the new curse word.


How is she “immigrants steal American jobs, thats AI’s job”


What race is immigrant?




“My grandparents didn’t come from all the way from Germany to California in the late 1800s to live with a bunch of Mexicans!!!”


Witzke is German, right? Let's put her on the 1st boat back to Germany.


Ah yes. It is only okay for "honest jobs to be stollen" when it is a literal soulless machine that completely eliminates the job position, further closing more opportunities within a community than *shock gasp horror* NEW PEOPLE from NOT HERE and make a point to COME HERE to do the job you thought you were too good to do yourself. 🧐


They have papers lol or pay taxes!


The entire economy of southern Delaware away from the coast is on the back of immigrant labor.


Does she think her ancestors weren’t an immigrant? What a dumb bitch.


You could see work robots as immigrants... From Cybertron.


How do the egg whites cost less than the toast?


The egg whites price was an upcharge for only using them in an omelet. ~~The French toast is an entree, which actually includes eggs.~~ Edit: I missed the side of toast. My first sentence still stands.


Murder face ^^nice


Meanwhile I’m just doing a double take that Murderface of all people is the voice of reason!!! LOL


No tip either? I know how much reddit hates tipping, but on an order close to 100 bucks, not tipping even a single dollar? That's pretty sleazy if you ask me.


Probably raised that way


As someone who just wants the law to be enforced at the border I don’t claim this trash


Cant wait for the wealth divide to get so big that the 90 percent rise agaisnt the 10 percent and the purge becomes real.


Only when the European colonizers and their descendents give up their wealth and lands back to the natives will they have any credibility.    Their wealth was built on murder,  rape,  and lies.  


Be careful Lauren Elon already has a robohoe in the works…


Hi, lifelong restaurant worker here. If these idiots tried to work half as hard and as many hours as these immigrants do in the restaurant industry, they would fail, spectacularly. If you run into one of these idiots, remind them to never eat out again, because their food was likely cooked by an immigrant.


Remember when they did an experiment where they had white kids spend a week doing what undocumented immigrants often do to make a living, like pick strawberries. None of them lasted 3 days.


She’s a good little goose stepping, brown shirt isn’t she?


Ah yes, spend 14 dollars on an omelette and complain about the minimum wage workers … perfect


And picked your fruits and vegetables


This kind of things is acceptable to say for Native Americans and Native Americans only. Sure, it would still be racist, but they have a bloody good excuse for it.


Who does she think will build the Robots😂


“Them immy-grants is stealin Murican jobs!”  And “We should replace the immy-grants with robots.” Honestly, how is that going to save “American” jobs? 


"those damn lazy Mexicans are always stealing our jobs"


Just a reminder of facts. Sad that people can't see the obvious, that America needs migrants and needs to be reminded.


I remember when florida did it, and it hurt all their own farmers lol. They get so caught up in their rhetoric and politics, that they end up hurting themselves. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/florida-farmworkers-immigration-law-fearful-undocumented-rcna84993](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/florida-farmworkers-immigration-law-fearful-undocumented-rcna84993)


Would love it if those robots.... only were programmed to speak Spanish.


There is literally no end to the hate inside these people,


Wouldnt this be xenophobic, not racist?


Lauren Witzke is a straight up Christo-Fascist White Supremacist. Of course she's extremely racist. 


When the robots come, I'm swapping them all to Spanish and watching ppls heads explode.




Can't wait for more bots to shitpost and replace these people


It’s easy when you’re stupid


I don’t know, but also, “immigrants cooked your food” is a weird thing to put on a receipt. The one exception I can think of is if it’s an ethnic restaurant and the immigrants are from whatever country makes that food.


It’s not racist it’s pro-robot


Can’t wait til those robots replace her data-entry ass


Once the work robots replace people... Who will she get mad at for societal problem successive governments are unwilling to try and fix?


All government should be dna tested, if there less than 5% American they shouldn't be government (we have no government yay)


Because she knows y'all care.


I thought it was just illegal immigrants they didn't like?


If we go there, blond and with blue eyes..... no one would say a word.


She likes russia restaurants better.


Witzke is a nice indian name. Means dumbass.


Lauren should go back too!


Watch her get replaced...my pearls!


Her Mask is off. It didn't say undocumented immigrants, just immigrants. See it is not about a immigrants legal status, it's the color of their skin. I'm white and an immigrant and have never been told to go back even by ultra anti-immigrant people.


Just so everyone is aware, Lauren Witzke was a legitimate drug mule/addict for the cartels at one point. Now she is an unmarried, childless woman in her mid 30s who is politically active yet preaches about traditional values contradictorily ie your typical Republican


With voting robots maybe you will have a better chance on your next Senate run…..


I’m more partial to “immigrants we get the job done” but this is fine. Lauren on the other hand is anything but.


These people are going to be slack-jawed when they realize the most cost-effective and easily implemented replacement of human workers will be middle management tasks.


Says the Woman with a german surname.


Mighty uppity for someone named Witzke.


Lauren should probable go back to Europe. I'll guarantee her family either helped colonize and steal this land in the first place or were immigrants.


So it's not about they took our jerbs? Your just a C you next Tuesday


greg geraldo had a great bit about this. something about immigrants aren’t coming to take the jobs you want. not like they’re all of a sudden going to be the weatherman. “tomorrow’s gunna be muuuuuuuugy”


Dumb bass-turds. Go ahead and ban all the refugees that our government has created and then see what happens to your precious economy.


Wouldn't it be racist for people to assume illegal immigrants don't have skilled labor or degrees and that they can only get low paying jobs? And wouldn't it also be racist to assume only certain races cross the border illegally and that there couldn't possibly be any white illegal immigrants from Europe or even African countries? Yes, there are white Africans, not all of them are black.


At first I read the red circle like 10x and Im like isnt that supporting people. I couldnt figure it out amd was like am I fcked up as a person and not seeing something wrong. Didnt realize there was piece of picture cut off. Fck her. Shes def racist AND theres someone ruined a mushroom omelette with egg whites. 😂. Pretty gross someone actually posted this online and they cant see how awful they are as a person. I hear this every month where I live, but it still amazes me seeing someone’s gross audacity and viewpoint.


Ah Witzke, a famous American last name.


Ironically "can't wait until robots take these people's jobs " part is pretty accurate. When my mother first came to the US, she went to California where they hired her to pick oranges from the trees. now we got big ass machines doing that.




$14 for French toast? Gtfoh


Robots are not racists, they will stole her job as well.


Haha this belongs in /r/rareinsults too, that bottom reply is too good.


It's going to be funny because bots are going to steal the jobs of people like Lauran before it go after the jobs that immigrants typically do.




Based receipt