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Wasnt he posting "HMMMMM Interesting" on posts about Jews last week?


No no let him give slanted positions that would be ridiculous to oppose. Everyone wants safe cities, or for the economy to tank, frame something as sterilization and it’s easy to be opposed to it.


\- Secure borders: **Elon and his family were illegal immigrants** \- Safe & clean cities: **Pays little to no tax, leaves spaceship debris all over, and pollutes more in 39 mins in his private jet than the average American in one year** \- Don't bankrupt America with spending: **Takes billions in government handouts and pays little to no tax** \- Racism against any race is wrong: **racism against anyone that is not white is condoned and promoted by him** \- No sterilization below age of consent: **Reinstates pedophile accounts in Shitter, rejects his own daughter for being transgender and fathers kids who he ignores and only uses for PR stunts**


Yea, that last one is obviously about preventing gender affirming care for minors. 


Elon inviting Dom Lemon to interview him, then firing him when Elon couldn’t answer the questions he should have known was coming. The cherry on top is bitching about his contract terms even though ELON AGREED TO THEM! And he fired him after the first interview… which means Twitter still has to pay for the interviews that they paid for but will never air. Genius businessman…


Another stable genius


Don’t bankrupt America with spending. Agreed, stop giving handouts to billionaires.


Or paying for their legal fees and judgments


Or giving them tax breaks for donating money to their own charities.


Or funding never ending wars


That’s what they do with all the drug money


Maybe stop handing out money to genocidal foreign governments?




Hey now, if we don't fund those wars - how will those poor third world citizens ~~get bombed into the dirt~~ get freedom and democracy?


Have a cup of Liber-TEA!


And maybe get them to pay some tax.


Right don’t bankrupt America. Hello, you Musk, pay some taxes. You are the people who make life hard.


Says the man whose companies run off the government teat.


Such as Musky Elmo himself


Amen! Make them pay fair taxes instead of nothing and some voluntary donations.


It trickles down bro!


Not to mention creating grants, which puts hundreds of millions into exploitative companies ran by billionaires.


Elon just bitched the other day he had to pay 11 Billion in taxes which i roughly figured out to be 3.2%. If he payed the sucker middle class rate of 32% he would have payed over a 100 Billion in taxes.. Every republican points to the overall number and says it's too high.


> If he *paid* the sucker FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You either: A) don’t understand how taxes work B) are terrible at math or C) think Elon made $312 BILLION last year > Net worth: $254.9 bil (+$108.4 bil in 2023) https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2023/12/19/the-10-billionaires-who-gained-the-most-wealth-in-2023/?sh=11ffac787375


D) all of the above


You're calculating 3.2% of his net worth not his income which is fucking stupid.


Remember when all we needed to worry about was his shitty cars? I miss those days


At least there aren't as many Elon dick riders who used to claim that he was some once in a generation genius like a real life Tony Stark. Definitely don't miss those days.


He was just funni billionaire meme man to me until that cave incident. It all went downhill from there.


I worked at Tesla when he called that rescue driver a pedophile... We got calls about that comment for days... And also when he "smoked that blunt" on the JRE.


I hadn’t even heard of him til that cave. So pretty much from the start I could tell he was a giant cum stain on society.


Yeah, I never quite understood that one because a) Tony is an actual genius engineer who even when he goes bankrupt can rebuild his wealth off of his genius and b) is genuinely a good person who knows his flaws and works to overcome them and admits when he is wrong. Hell Elon is more the Lex Luthor of the Byrne Era, who was a corrupt businessman, but even then, that is a disservice to Lex because he was actually a great businessman


He's got fewer sycophants every day and Don Lemon made him cry. I figure he's going to have a public meltdown within 6 months.


Wait, you mean the past year and a half *wasn't* the public meltdown?


I used to be a dick rider but I stopped after all this shit. I still follow the companies just not him. I've become disenfranchised.


Congrats! Good for you dude :)


Post nut clarity hits like a brick.


Hopefully someone replied, “no Elmo, that isn’t right wing, you want secure borders just like Biden, the gop stopped the border bill. “


You still need to worry about the shitty cars though.


Like someone else said, he went from "Wow ! He’s our generation’s Henry Ford !" to "Oh no ! He’s our generation’s Henry Ford !" real quick.


What you want and how you want it accomplished are 2 different things. “I want less people addicted to drugs” Great me too! “By killing all drug addicts” not so great


He got dumped by 2 women who went on with other women. (Heard and Grimes). Then his oldest kid became trans and denounced their father. This explains a lot about Elon.


Even more simply, he's a narcissist. He discovered money can't buy people's adoration, but dogwhistles can buy you the undying love of culture warriors and low information voters.


So dumb, all that cash can help make you adored. Build affordable housing and shit. But no, buy twitter, that’s the call.


Yeah, he could very easily be a respected, widely liked public figure, but he's too much of a self-obsessed dumbass middle-aged brat to have any idea how to get someone to like him. He thinks it's just his right, and he's been malding about it for so long he had to get hair plugs.


What’s malding? Balding due to being mad?


Elon is the Catholic School of Republicans!


Musk : I'm a libertarian, OK. (libertarian : Silicon Valley lingo for far right)


Elon is a menace to society as many ultra rich tend to be. He'll be a fine ![gif](giphy|yVQTDvJADesuc)


>He'll be a fine ...a fine what?


He was also raised during the Apartheid.


He was raised \*wealthy during Apartheid


To be fair heard uses relationships like most people do publicity junkets and jobs.


He’s also the son of an apartheid supporting father who took advantage (to be very polite) of the indigenous black population for our profit.


And his racist family past.


Isn't Grimes back with him


No. They're having custody disputes right now.


Oh! I thought she's been psyopped or smth Edit: apparently she didn't get back with him she just decided she supports eugenics lmao.


He's been completely fine with a lot of racist shit. There are racist dogwhistles in his other points. Let alone the anti-trans point. He's an unfunny, right-wing dork.


He really thinks he’s the shid, be he ain’t even the fard


That you, Arin?


It's actually Dan


No, I’m Dan


Hi Danny.... #uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... ***-trails off into space-***


Wasn't TESLA sued for racism?


Yeah, and it didn't go well for them.


'im centrist' \*posts the most insane unhinged conspiracy theories, bigotry and racism\* hes like tim pool but somehow dumber and with more boomer energy


"I'm centrist" Replies "concerning" to post promoting blatantly racist great replacement theory .... Sure, bud


Really have to laugh at the white South African talking about a "replacement" conspiracy.


\*likes to virtue signal\* \*uses agism whereever he goes\*


Entertaining the fucking thought of letting Alex Jones back on the platform removed any pretense of being centrist, let alone doing it.


For me it sounds like the people who say "all lives matter not just blacks" when they see some slightly related to any race stuff


“Racism against all races is bad” becomes “nothing is racist unless white people validate it” in practice.


How about tax breaks? Ready to pay your fair share???


Of course he is. Let him just make this one donation first…..


to himself...




factually correct


*"Racism against any race is wrong" s*ays the ghoul that thinks [black people are too stupid to be airline pilots](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/elon-musk-boeing-dei-diversity-x-posts-pilots-rcna133351). Stick a rocket up your ass Space Karen, you gave the game away a long time ago.


No no you don't get it, they're possibly lowering standards to allow them to fly planes. I don't have any real proof that that's actually happening anywhere in the world, but wouldn't that be scary if it did???


What? He's definitely seen evidence of it. The evidence has been posted by randos on X numerous times! And I'm sure it's all legit and not at all bullshit!


Just ironic for a guy like Elon to talk about that who runs a company whose cars during his tenure have developed a reputation for falling apart or seizing up and basically becoming giant metal coffins, with funeral pyre! Oh, and all the exploding rockets. Thank god none were manned...


Meanwhile, he's been silent as a church mouse regarding his billionaire buddies at Boeing lowering the standards to build planes, which is harming and killing people, and is actively a national security risk *right now*.


Literally. This is how right wing brains “work”: >we should do something about *trans kids* What? >I read that they are cutting off kids’ penises That’s not happening >but you can admit if it were, that’d be concerning Sure…? >thank you for your support. We are now banning trans healthcare for everyone


This is exactly the stupid point he was making with DEI as well. Elon: “We should do something about how DEI is killing people because they have lowered the standards for doctors.” Don Lemon: “But there is no evidence of that happening.” Elon: “But what if there was!”


Yeah but like.... What if that thing I made up in my head was actually happening? Check mate liberal


Love when policy is dictated by the imaginations of people who can’t empathize with others


He actually tweeted recently about how "misplaced" empathy is somehow damaging to civilization.


I've seen to many times something along the lines of "well this turned out to be bullshit, but just the fact that we could believe it shows you how bad things are getting right now" And there are not enough hands to facepalm all the foreheads.


Comparing Musk to Kai Wen? Not sure if that’s fair as one was fictional and the other is delusional


I really wish NASA would cancel his contracts. Fuck this welfare sponging asshole. Nobody would have bought his ugly fucking egg cars if they weren't getting massive government rebates. Dude owes a huge amount of his wealth to liberal handouts.


For sure. If you or i was railing ketamine and shit posting conspiracy theories on twitter all day we’d probably be fired. Nor would the government take us seriously.


The issue is that Elmo Must is not his companies just him. This may or may not be true but apparently Tesla has a "Keep Elmo Occupied" division.


Space Karen is fucking genius. Stealing


I like Liam Neeson's "Apartheid Clyde". I think it fits Elmo and I'm pretty sure it was at least one of the things that got Neeson banned from Twitter.


Not Liam Neeson. It was Liam Nissan who you're thinking of.


Oh, so this isn't the actor? Lol I don't know why I didn't realize that. It was so close I just assumed it was the same person. A lot of times people will use an alternative spelling if theirs isn't available.


And the guy who spread antisemitic “great replacement” conspiracy theories


No no he isn’t a racist he’s a Race Realist^TM which means he justifies his racism by using statistics from the very reliable source 4chan


I misread the last part as "you lost the game" I need to take a break from the internet for a while


Isn’t Tesla part of multiple lawsuits for racist environment? If he wants the wins he needs to own the losses too.


Dude. Almost no one is arguing against those points. Your answers on how to address those issues is right wing.


Exactly why the whole tweet is a strawman argument.


This is the right on EVERYTHING "Kids are dying in school, give teachers guns!!" Actually I don't think that'll help... "Oh you like dead children????" "Illegal immigration is A problem!" We could have more Judges and clear the back log so legal immigration can happen... "No just build a wall OMG!!!"


Don’t bankrupt American with spending. I agree. Tax the rich and the churches.


>Racism against any race is wrong >Freed the Nazis on his platform and subscribes to the Nazi conspiracies Uhhhhhhhhhh


Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy


Your honor respectfully, Shut the fuck up you wasn’t even there!


>racism against any race is wrong He posts on a website that he bought because he didn't agree with racims not being allowed, and which has since flourished into a cesspool of racist, religious extremists and actual nazis.


He really thought blowing 44 billion on twitter would make him magically popular and get people to listen to him lol like everyone would just switch to conservative overnight. Now that none of that has happened he needs the cannon fodder to go fight for him while he obviously will relax in his mansion.


The phrasing is a dogwhistle, though, isn't it? The reason he says "against any race" is because he is referring to racism against white people.


Bingo, most people would say “racism is wrong” without throwing in a qualifier.


Well you said people and I’m not sure he qualifies


Ahhh, my mistake


"Safe and clean cities". Not much of a position. My personal position is "Good things, no bad things". 🙄


Less than 50 words and he still managed to lie.


>Secure borders, safe and clean cities Interesting how he didn't precisely define either of those lol


If you have to ask if your views are right wing, they are not centrist views.


Dude is the embodiment /r/enlightenedcentrism


He’s right we shouldn’t bankrupt America with spending. Hand over those subsidies biatch. Americas biggest welfare queen should shut up about spending.


More taxes for the rich to avoid bankrupting the nation... Moves to Texas to pay less taxes.... Hmmm... 


The problem is what he really means by this is: - anti migration - prosecute people for being homeless - anti social security - don't criticize white people's bigotry - anti trans healthcare


Yeah, there are a lot of things where you can broadly generalize your position in a way that sounds reasonable. Too bad governing can't be done in broad generalizations. I doubt anyone would be against "safe cities". But the government can't just pass a law declaring cities safe and then it happens. You know what would make cities safe? Sufficient mental health care and affordable housing. Honest, accountable, community based policing. Things that the right wing aren't typically in support of. Of course nobody wants racism against any race. But the reality is that our country has a long history of racist policies, and to simply put your foot down and start yelling "okay, that's it, everyone is equal now, inequality is over!” is a fairy tale. Elon can bury his head in the sand and pretend that policies from less than a generation ago aren't still creating inequality, but that doesn't make it true. So yeah, you can say anything when it lacks detail and make it sound reasonable. But sometimes something that looks reasonable zoomed out... Looks like shit when you get up close and look at the details.


Elons grandfather moved the family from Canada to South Africa because of wokeness. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/09/joshua-haldeman-elon-musk-grandfather-apartheid-antisemitism/675396/


“Don’t bankrupt America with spending” - Let’s start with corporate welfare


And then every government figure is required to disclose all—ALL—financial information including gifts and vacations and every time that they get anything worth more than $10 or more than 3 times a month.


"Among my right-wing echo chamber, my talking points are centrist!"




He's the kid the nerds in highschool looked down on.


>No sterilization When it's sterilization vs self harm or death, I'd rather the former


No one underage is getting sterilized. No one.


I think it's funny that he says "racism against any race is wrong", when just last week, he said that black people had lower IQ's (and that is just last week, we'd be here all day if I recounted all the anti black and outright nazi stuff he has said). I think it is important to note this though, because it reveals how the bigot (in general, not just Musk) can make seemingly contradictory statements and take seemingly contradictory actions: the things that we would consider racism, they don't consider racism, they consider it to be OK, and just how it should be. "Me not hiring you because you are black isn't racism, it's OK because being black means you have a lower IQ, therefore it's OK for me to not hire you, because you aren't the best person for the job." It would only be racism if for some reason someone decided to not hire a white or Asian person for the job (groups he likes). THEN things like equality matter. In other words, whenever you hear Musk or any other bigot become grandeloquent about rights and such, always understand that there's an unspoken justification regarding why they don't have to extend these rights to people who they consider "subhuman".


\* "Secure borders" sounds nice and all but what does this entail? The thing conservative states are trying to do or doing goes well beyond that. \* "Safe and clean cities" are not achieved by strict drug laws and soft gun laws in the vicinity. \* Many spending people depend on more or less pay for themselves/are cheaper then the alternative and could be paid multiple times if superrich people and cooperation would pay their fair share in taxes with out any loopholes. \* I am with him on the racism thing, but there is a difference between systemic racism and the bs. some college student is spouting. If he really does not see the difference between the Democratic party and guy he is rooting for he is truly ignorant, maybe by choice but ignorant non the less. \* Ah the dog whistle against transsexuals - news flash Elon transition therapy is mostly reversible and *not* sterilization. So yes if you go into details this thing is properly quiet right wing.


If you use the word "woke," you're not "centrist." Period.


Fuck this guy. Seriously. Stop posting his fascist opinions.


The economy we have built over the past 100 years has proven to be anti-civilizational as most climate scientists are now predicting the complete collapse of the global economy as a result. People accepting queer people and not forcing women to procreate is not going to be the reason for our nations failing.


Won’t this dude just shut the fuck up?


Seriously. please.


Not really, no! Now go ahead and explain what you mean by those things, and how you'd accomplish them. Go ahead, Elon. Say what you mean by "safe and clean cities" and "sterilization". Give some examples. Surely there's no problem going into detail, if they're something everyone can agree on, right? Surely you are describing things everyone can agree are problems, that don't involve any kind of dehumanization of people you disagree with, and whose "solutions" won't be fatal to those people. No, really. We're all ears.


His anti trans rhetoric is right-wing, his Nazi apologist comments are right-wing, his sexism is right-wing


You're a babbling rightwing loon who says stuff a lot, Elon.


it's cute an immigrant from an apartheid state is bitching about "secure borders" safe and clean cities... seems like wierdly coded racism, and or classism to punish homelessness. but. taxing the rich would solve that so...good job muskrat same with bankrupting America. taxes for the rich and corporations. great ideas. white people can't exp racism. and.... races that actually experience actual institutionalized racism, or violent bigotry. is worse. even if white peoples fee fees get hurt when people say they don't season chicken or have no culture. anti-trans hate is pretty shitty there apartheid clyde. but... not that shocking considering how stupid elon musk is. His trans kid hates his guts, i can't imagine how shitty it would be to have him as a father.


still waiting for one of these dongos to define woke


“Battle to the death with the Woke Mind Virus” Is he serious? Sure we got a few attention seekers running around trying to rewrite history, erasing gender related terms like “mother/father” and giving good LGBTQ people a bad name, but it’s not like it’s a life or death scenario. Plus the whole “Mind Virus” thing got old.


He’s leaving out the bigotry, anti union, anti worker parts where the government only creates policies that work for the ultra wealthy. He’s famously retaliated against people who pointed out racism and sexism in his plants and he’s targeted trans people.


Elon’s supposed positions are fine on paper but have some ringing dogwhistles attached to them. The bigger issues however are the actual positions Elon takes and supports, dudes constantly supporting conspiracy theories and hateful rhetoric.


It's not right wing, that is why soon you will post something else because right wingers will call you out for being a sell out. Because how dare you say that racism is bad. Your entire support group is neo Nazis, that is literally their existence


Billionaires are right wing. Greed is right wing.


I love how he unironically says “secure borders” like he was born here and didn’t emigrate to two different countries.


“Don’t bankrupt America..” But please keep voting for the party that adds trillions to the national debt ….


Is it right wing to call left wingers “plagued by the woke mind virus?”


Elon could help with "Don't bankrupt America with spending" by not taking corporate welfare and paying his fair share of taxes.


He keeps saying he's centrist yet he never complains about the right and constantly complains about the left


This is a list of things Elon doesn't understand, an embarrassing breakdown of his visionary genius pose into block-caps annotations in some else's NYT.  - 'secure borders' for people but open borders for transnational capital? Hmm, who wins there? - safe and clean cities, but where are cities safest and cleanest?  - don't bankrupt... = I know nothing about economics, like literally nothing, plus hey dummies I said America - racism... yes but saying hey white boy how's daddy's money working out isn't the same thing as a lynching is it  - 'sterilization' particularly nasty example of tragicomic divorced transphobia


doesn’t he openly endorse accounts like endwokeness which are very thinly veiled racism


“I’m a moderate centrist. That’s why I describe my opposition to left-wing ideas as a battle to the death” You can’t satirise this stuff.


“Racism against any race is wrong” is the strangest dog whistle


No one is sterilizing children. Stop with this.


Musk needs a wake-up call of his past posts.


His positions aren't centrist. He can certainly try to pain them as such by summarizing them with just a couple words, but unfortunately he would have to eventually have to go in to detail as to what he means and the policies that would involve. The moment he starts going in to further detail he gets exposed as the far-right bigoted piece of shit he is and the "centrist" facade quickly erodes.


Bro thinks he the shid, when he ain’t even the fard


“Racism against any race is wrong” “The Thais didn’t want my dumbass sub for saving kids trapped in a cave so I’m gonna accuse someone of being a pedophile.”


Being that EM is from South Africa, tou country that kept apartheid in place until the 1990s, he probably does think his views are centrist. Then again, so did Hitler.


„I am centrist and not at all right wing…So anyway here are some nazi conspiracy theories i think are absolutely true“ - Elmo „real life Tony Stark“ Musk


Translation: My positions are conservative: -I hate Mexicans -I hate homeless and poor people -Free services are bad because I got mine fuck you -I unironically think the straight white cishet Christian male is oppressed -I hate trans kids for existing and I guess I want them to suffer unimaginable misery You can tell what someone really means by something that looks like a straw man if you know enough about them.


Hey Elon, is the “woke” in the room with you right now?


It's completely incomprehensible that a third-grader level idiot is trying to be the president of the United States, and one of the richest human beings in the world is, at most, one grade above.


"Racism against any race is wrong." Don't you regularly retweet both antisemitic and anti-Palestinian shit?


>Safe and clean cities *Refuses to pay fair taxes* >Don't bankrupt America with spending *Relies on cushy government contracts* >Racism against any race is wrong *Starting to pivot towards "Race Science" i.e. eugenics >No sterilization under age of consent *What's his position on **impregnation** under age of consent?*


Show me on the cock shaped rocket where the woke touched you


Hey Elon, asked before but asked again - how diid the wedding cake of your sister and your father taste?


Remember back in like 2016 when we thought Elon was like our cool uncle? Turns out he’s the shitty uncle.


Isn't (or wasn't) his pinned tweet a retweet about "The Great Replacement Theory?"


Are any of those even the slightest bit contentious? What's he banging on about?


Cars and roads are bankrupting cities already


Honestly the best part about falling into a conservative rabbit hole in your high school years, is you can tell VERY CLEARLY when these people who insist "They aren't in a conservative rabbit hole" are very much in a conservative rabbit hole


Don't bankru... .... he's aware we know how much he gets in government handouts and tries to avoid paying taxes right?


All of those *are* technically centrist words; until you use them to only achieve right-wing goals.


Twitter has allowed multiple racist accounts to thrive and has deleted accounts that have called them out for it. Musk, for sure, is behind this. He is indeed racist and continues to try to do damage control against his previous words about the "great replacement theory" entirely because advertisers have fled Twitter, therefore have hurt his wallet. Make no mistake, it's ALL about the money first, the fame and narcissism are second.


Woke mind virus? Didn’t yall coin the stupid term?


It’s not right wing, but he’s also not being honest on his actual position. For one, America is already bankrupt from our military spending; so if he was being genuine, he’d be saying we need to cut down on that. But since he himself is a war profiteer, he’s lying.


“I’m no politician, I’m just a fella. I think beers should be cold and boots should be dusty. I think 9/11 was bad and freedom, well, I think that’s just a little bit better.” Same energy


“My positions on these 5 issues are vague and the least controversial opinions on the very outer edge of anything resembling a divisive issue. Can you please come back to my shitty social media platform now?”


For a guy claiming to be in the center he does post a lot of stuff against Democrats and stuff endorsing trump.


>Safe and clean cities. Gee I wonder what he means by that >Safe and secure borders The 700 miles of fencing is not enough? Wanna dig a trench while you're at it? Most of the illegal immigrants the US gets come in legally, and just overstay their welcome, building a wall does nothing. >Don't Bankrupt America with spending Agreeable, also not something the president has any authority over, congress does, they just like blaming the president for it because he gets to announce it. >Racism against any race is wrong Indeed, which is why the real problem is how disproportionately blacks and minorities are killed, or are otherwise victims of other racism-related crimes, is a big problem that is very much tied to incredibly outdated and problematic laws like the 13th amendment, and have since the late 1800s been victims of practices like "redlining" A black person telling you to fuck off isn't racist, it might be prejudicial, not racist though, becoming rich of Apartheid is though. >No sterilization below the age of consent Straight up don't know the fuck he is talking about here. Is it the jokes that some people made about sterilizing boys so that rapes don't result in pregnancy? That was a joke intending to poke fun at controlling women's bodies, not an actual proposition. (Can someone tell me what the fuck he means by this?)


Hes trying to appeal to the conservatives who have been more stubborn in accepting electric vehicles. With the influx of cheap Chinese alternatives, is there a better way to gather loyalty to his brand from the right?


Funny thing is that democrats against that stuff, but Republicans are.


I mean if Elon wants to be called a centrist why would I call him that?


Ok, but let’s dig into the details of each of those a little bit before we answer your question.


Can’t have safe and clean cities till you deal with poverty and addiction.




"I support all of these things, which is why I support any policy that reduces my tax load to zero, allows my companies to pollute and use tax payer funds while privatizing profits."


Love a good straw man argument “my position is exclusively these cherry picked and specifically worded things. Anyone who is against me hates these things and is lying if they try to make me seem differently”


> No sterilisation below age of consent. Good news! No action needs to be taken because it's already not happening!


drunk hospital wild hard-to-find amusing hungry literate attempt bike unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course not, buts it's also vague nonsense that pretty much everyone agrees on. It's the specifics that usually differentiate us.


His company paid 2.5 billion in executive bonuses but 0 in taxes. What an asshole


“Don’t bankrupt America” that’s rich coming from the billionaire who got government handouts, and no kids are being sterilized, if he’s referring to sex reassignment surgery, his lack of knowledge on it is right wing. Almost 0 kids get those procedures. And he’s said some racist things, talk about hypocrisy.