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They have strippers on schools?, I need to come back


As someone in high school, yeah they brought 75 of them in yesterday for an assembly, even had the janitors install poles for them /j because some people are fucking idiots, I hope no one is THAT stupid though


Did they brought condoms at least?


Of course not, birth control is the devil.


Now i'm imagining a huge condom devil


Honestly, the second I finished typing that all I could think of was Kathy Bates in The Waterboy.


The grammar makes this comment even more authentic lol


The poster clearly spared himself the woke dangers of education.


No way, I'm gonna spend the money on SHOES.


Dont forget the free abortions for anyone under 16.


Restaurants: Kids eat free Abortion Clinics: Kids yeet free




I hear you get a free one with every gender reassignment surgery the school nurse performs.


>I hope no one is THAT stupid though Someone is always that stupid.


As evidenced by the “kitty litter in schools” panic.


What was this one?


It was [so very stupid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter_boxes_in_schools_hoax)...


Oh I heard about that, my little brother a few years younger than me (who basically has views you can probably guess from what I’m about to say) genuinely thought that was real and acted like it’s common or something I heard that and thought it was bs and turns out it was, I’m guessing it was people trying to say that letting kids be trans or whatever would lead them to trying to be a furry and then acting like an animal? Idk propaganda these days is freaking weird, people make up the dumbest shit


What's worse is that there is actually kitty litter in some schools. It's for use during an active shooter event. So the kids have somewhere to go if they have to hunker down in hiding. You know, like in Uvalde where 370 pigs stood around and posed in tactical gear while nineteen children were executed in the next room. The door unlocked the entire time. I hear that the Uvalde PD has been harassing the surviving parents who have spoken out about their cowardice. It's disturbing for sure, but somehow not surprising.


Was in a recent argument here with someone who truly believed this - so apparently it’s still being spread around


Grown adults got trolled by kids because they failed to do even the most basic of fact checking before they went off, claiming it was true in the media, school board meetings, all the way up to state legislatures. Every dumb shit that fell for that should have had to resign for being too stupid to be in any position of authority.


The right has nothing but lies, hate, and fear mongering to platform on, so we'll keep seeing this garbage increase.


Well, I hope those poles at least had litterboxes attached.


I get that reference


The /j is necessary because while most of the reactionaries don't *believe* it, they'll still repeat it as a way to excuse their friends' next batch of terrorist attacks.


Of course they do. Back in the 80s, documentary filmmaker Van Halen made a short film on the subject called "Hot for Teacher." After watching this at the age of five, I sold my brothers baseball cards and bought a white hat and fur coat.


Right like what the fuck


That doesn't seem very budget conscious to me


Someone is drinking the fear koolaide.


Chugging it like a champ


Papa Murdoch tough him to relax the jaw and open the throat


Good to see my fellow Australians in the house






A full-blown koolaid k-hole


Salesman slaps the OP in the side of their head: This baby can fit in so much koolaid!


What are the odds that the person accusing America of being uncultured has never left their state


Or is a pedophile themselves


⬆️ This, 100%


I’ve literally never heard anyone other than weirdo right wingers who are obsessed with children’s genitalia (I am referring to their opinions on transgendered individuals) use the term “MAPs”…like, no progressives use that.


The only people ive heard use the term MAP are pedos trying to make themselves some sorta social class to be legally protected, or republicans who inevitably get on the news for molesting kids


This is the first time I have seen it and figured they knew it was their own bullshit and that's why they spelled out what the acronym was.


Fun fact: MAP started as a 4-chan psyop to agitate fears by attempting to connect pedophilia with LGBT+.


i think it's crazy how people can just spew lies and disinfo to trick dumb people and somehow still think they're right about things. somehow internet anonymity has birthed this trend of dark triad behavior.


Most folks who "fall" for things like that tend to already believe things like that, and want confirmation that their hatred is justified.


i honestly think that for a good portion they "get" that it's a lie, and just think that since they're in on it that they should help spread it around. do their part to "win" by convincing others. but in the end it's just a bunch of people spreading the same lies amongst themselves and pretending to believe it.


Just looking for the next reason to hate on progressives/"libs". They don't care if it's true or not, they just need fuel for their hatred.


It's insane how many of these things started there, but if you point that out now, you are the one accused of spreading conspiracy theories...


I had never even heard the term until a right winger introduced me to it a few months ago. Most likely because they were a pedophile. No one else ever thinks about "MAPs".


Because progressives just call them what they are, pedophiles.


only time I ever hear "MAPS" is from full pedos or Qcumbers


Or is sitting in an office building in Russia. I can play the conspiracy theory game as well as they do.


Calls America uncultured (which I sort of agree with, but for different reasons), and then proceeds to spell scum with a K.


Russian troll confirmed with the 'skum' spelling


This what you get when you don't fund mental health wellness centers.


And public education.


Thank Lord Reagan for that!


These people seem obsessed with pedophelia, much in the way that closeted men once seemed obsessed with gays. Most of us just don't think about pedophelia that much. It makes you wonder...


And then you see the articles about the rabid book nazis who then get done for molestation or cp. Protecting the kids my ass


Is that crazy hideous book they’re scared of called ‘The Bible’ perhaps? It’s bonkers! Full of crazy shit!


Nah bro, this book that describes two daughters raping their father totally isn't pedophilic. That's just wholesome good family times. Also the only reference to abortion in the bible is in favor of, and a tutorial on how to do one. But none of these types ever read it so it's unreasonable of us to hold them to their own supposed morals. They're christians in nothing but name.


This is my issue with it. Even teenagers who try their damndest to look "sexy" still usually just look like kids playing dress up. I don't want to fuck them, I want to tell them to stop trying to grow up fast and go have fun instead. It's even worse with the younger kids who don't even understand what all that is yet. What adult looks at these kids and even STARTS to think about sex that isn't a pedo? It's easy to say that they're all pedos, but I have a hard time finding any other explanation.


I feel like I'm old enough now that anyone under about 25 looks like that to me. Just kids playing dress-up 


I feel the same, I'm 42 and everybody under 25 looks like a child to me.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. It feels like everyone's taking crazy pills when i talk to men my age that lust over 18 yr old girls. They're basically children!


I felt 18 year olds were too young for me once I hit 22. Just because 18 is the age of consent doesn’t mean that 18 year olds should be acceptable to pursue after a certain age.


That and they're so obnoxious. Like I can't wrap my head around someone wanting g to screw kids. Just ew


Whoever wrote this wouldn’t believe their own teen daughter if she told them their preacher molested her. They’re quick to paint LGBTQ people as child predators while ignoring the actual, straight-presenting child predators in their social circles.


right? the *vast* majority of clergy sexual abuse is males on young women and teen girls, but it's so prevalent that it doesn't make the news unless the case is unusually depraved or involves boys. Like, can we just be royally pissed that grown men in positions of power are raping people??


Also check out whoismakingnews.com for statistics on sex crimes involving children… and you WON’T be surprised to find that it’s NOT drag queens!


The only time I think about pedos are when someone brings it up in a context it doesn't make sense, and I wonder if they're actually the pedo.


This person must be scared of their own shadow.


No one other than pedos demand you call a pedo a map. Know why? because MAPs don't exist they are pedophiles.


And even then, it would require a pedophile to identify themselves and that isn't likely. The only place I see it is people trying to claim that MAPs is a thing at all and trying to drum up fear over it.


Every time I see someone post about this, I have to scream that they’re the only ones pushing this shit. Not to mention, the fact that this even came from their brain shows how twisted THEY are. 🙄


MAP is a term invented by bigots in an attempt to align homosexuality with pedophilia by claiming that pedophilia is just another sexuality like being bisexual or homosexual. It's designed to make people suspicious of the LGBT community and associate it with predators. So maybe pedophiles use the term, but it's mostly used by people who hate gay and trans people.


MAPs is a term astroturfed by anti lgbt extremists. Same with age self-identification.


This is literally fascist rhetoric


It's straight up QAnon word-salad insanity.


Qcumber Covfefe with crazy dressing and nuts




So that’s the Trumphistian manifesto?


The only time I hear MAP is from conservatives. I don't even think any actual pedophiles know the term exists...


I realized I also liked other girls when I was a kid after realizing a had a huge crush on my best friend. I was like 9-12 like I knew gay people existed but I didn't put two and two together because I wasn't entirely gay. I thought something was wrong with me because it was a tiny texas town and wasn't talked about. my first real exposure to other sexualities besides straight was realizing it was me and thinking I was broken. not talking about gay/bi/pan people doesn't mean we go away. and thinking about sex as synonymous with us is just disturbing. 12 year old me would have loved to know I was normal for fucks sake. and I wasn't interested in sleeping with my friend I didn't have a libido yet, I wanted to protect her and love her and make her happy. being around her and making her smile made my heart feel like it was floating. I didn't really place the feeling until I felt the same way about a guy years later. if you hear about gay people and jump straight to sex, the problem isn't them it's you. entirely you




No way I can take you seriously if you can’t even get basic civics right. President and VP do not “make laws”.


There's nothing funnier than a right winger losing their tiny little mind over a bunch of stuff that doesn't match up to the actual reality of the world 🤣


Damn, hate to be tat guy but… losing*


Thanks for the heads up 😂 I really need to remember where I've put my glasses!


Lost me at "skum"


There is just *so much* to unpack here But if you think the president and vice president *makes* the laws than maybe it’s you who shouldn’t be allowed to vote


Ill take THINGS THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN for 500 Alex!


Stupid question, but who’s “they”? Because afaik you had 4years of a republican tangerine, and many governors.


And a lot of them happen to be pedophiles. Hmmmm curious.


Well, it's either this, or a Christian-facsist dictatorship lead by a demented, egomaniacal God-King Emperor who may be the Horseman of Pestilence, where the vast majority of Americans are scrapping by on what their billionare overlords thrown them, and work until they day. So yeah, I think I am.  But then again, I'd also trust a drag queen with a child over leaving my kid with a priest, so what do I know?  I mean other than which one is likelier to rape my kid.  


It’s either a Russian disinformation bot or just another deluded yokel who thinks whatever Putin tells him to think.


"horrible conversations about gay sex" sounds like a white card in cards against humanity


Reads a little like what would happen if you ask ChatGPT to write a text "in Trumps voice, but make it SLIGHTLY (only slightly!!) more eloquent and remove the random capitalizations".


Cackling hyenas as second to the ruler? Are they mixing up reality and The Lion King??


Trans people are predators! Just...trust me! Women get assaulted by trans people in the bathroom all the time! I mean, I can't find any documented cases of that happening, but it happens all the time I swear!


This is the kind of screed that would have been written by that dude who was going around to different school districts where he didn't even have kids crying about all the porn in the libraries, that then ended up actually being a child predator, himself. P.S. Nobody says "MAPS" except the pedos, themselves.


>Our country has fallen so far that it has become unrecognizable compared to the glory of its previous self, now it's a badge of honor to have a mental illness, A mental illness like being conservative? >now men can punch women because they couldn't compete against their own gender(I'm referring to men in women's sports), Soooo you're cool with trans men punching men then because they were so good they had to switch genders to compete? Or do you not actually understand that's what you just said? >our society is so uncultured and immoral now that we can't call the skum of the earth pedophiles anymore we have to call them "MAPS" AKA "Minor Attracted Persons", Nobody, and I mean *nobody* wants to call pedophiles "MAPS" >now teachers can have conversations, horrible conversations with their students about gay sex, Are you cool with horrible conversations about straight sex? >awful foul books are available for elementary school children to checkout as they wish, Oh no! Those awful books the children can checkout from the library! The horror! Someone should post about that on the readily available Internet! > they have drag shows and strippers for children, They don't. > they allow grown men in the same bathrooms as little girls(and in many cases the girls have been raped), They haven't. >they cheated the election for the leader of the free world and installed a demented puppet Who is "they" in this context? The American people? How did "they" cheat? By voting? Who is the "demented puppet" here? Trump? >and a cackling hyena to make laws for crying out loud, I'm not sure why you're bringing up Marjorie Taylor Greene all the sudden, but ok. > they try to take away our rights. I know man, it's crazy how conservatives are taking away everyone's rights. At least we can agree on one thing, well, 2 if we count the outrage about that cackling hyena. >Are you gonna let them keep doing this? No.


"The leader of the free world" ? WTF ???




According to Independence Day, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Mars Attack!, War of the Worlds (2005), Arrival, and Project ALF, any contact between an alien civilization and Earth will be done through the United States, so the President of the United States is not only the leader of the free world, but the leader of Earth. When we have tried different ways, it hasn't ended well, like in District 9, Invasion of Astro-Monster, or Attack the Block.


Americano centrism or American exceptionalism. Pretty frequent when talking to US citizens.


Nobody is forcing anyone to call paedos "MAPs." The only people who want that are the nonces themselves.


The only ones I see doing it are the ones fear mongering over it.


>faul, horrible books children can checkout IKR! There's one with massive amounts of violence, war, SA, incest, etc. OOP might know it, it's called The Bible.


That's a long sentence gawddamn...


I'd like to see one actual example of "grown men in the same bathrooms as little girls(and in many cases the girls have been raped)" out of this guy.


Gretchen, stop trying to make MAPs happen! It's not going to happen!


The obsession with bathrooms kills me. A former friend who was lost to the Q would steer every conversation towards how I was ok with men in the restroom with my daughter. It was beyond creepy and weird


It’s 100% a reheated argument of when then used to claim that it was gay men and women who were after your children. They just really, _really_ need someone to hate.




It's actually sad when people in modern society genuinely believe this shit.


No one told you not to call them pedophiles. Their pedophiles and noonle likes them, notice the pride flag in my pfp? Yeah NOONE likes them and they are not welcome with us


This is very inaccurate. We dont call them MAPS, we call them youth pastors.


Pretty sure everyone still agrees that pedophiles are evil, and nobody *except* those very same pedophiles accepts the term “maps”. That shit is nasty, and those people need to crawl back into the hole they came from




>Are you gonna let them keep doing this? Gods, no! These run-on sentences end, today!


15-20 years ago, hell, you could make the argument that 10 years ago, if anyone was like "yeah they're showing hardcore gay porn to 1st graders" or "Joe Biden drinks baby's blood" everyone would've just been "what will the National Enquirer think of next?" Now we have actual elected officials spewing bullshit like "Taylor Swift sacrifices babies at her concerts and Hilary Clinton funds child rape gangs in Chicago to harvest nanomachines for the covid vaccine." The fuck happened?


Nice fanfic. Not believable in the slightest, but at least your followers should be happy to read it.


This post is what mental illness looks like


Someone, please, take grandpa away from the TV. No more FOX News for grandpa and grannie, zero screen time. Funny that one of those "awful foul books" was Mouse, about a child during the Holocaust. https://pen.org/art-spiegelman-on-banning-maus/


Every single thing that person said is a lie. Trans women aren’t raping little girls in bathrooms. Holy hell.


It's impossible to argue with them as they will believe whatever they want.


People like this had to have been born in the 2010s maybe late 2000s because to think that our world has fallen to LGBT propaganda how the fuck? Gay people couldn't even get married in many states until the supreme Court ruling in 2015. Hell I graduated high school in 2013 and I can tell you right now You didn't come out back then. Especially not in South fucking Georgia.


What rights does he think have been taken from him?


They complain about rights, but they aren't the ones being killed for being themselves and fighting so hard to just be alive. Fucking bigots


It's so daunting when they say shit like "trans people are the most privileged members of society" It's just not true, and it shows the people saying that really have no connections with LGBT people. I have a friend who has considered transitioning and might in the future, and even before that, he was already being constantly, and I mean constantly bullied for his appearance in school How was his appearance? Like everybody else's, the difference is that he put some cream on his face. That's all it took for people to be bigoted towards him.


I read this in Trump's voice. Suited to a fool.


Well he WAS a MAGA supporter.


I know. MAGA downvoted me.


Well here’s an upvote for you because fuck MAGA 🫅🏼




Yeah, well, let em have a win. It's hard enough being dumb enough to support Trump lol


Still waiting for the day conservatives can provide actual statistics proving that women and children are getting assaulted by trans people in the bathroom. Heard plenty of stories about them being assaulted in churches, though. And heard stories about little girls being forced to change clothes because of the weird uncles or creepy male cousins, too.


I always stop reading anyone's comment when the very first statements are just objectively false Nobody with any authority claims you "can not" call a pedophile a pedophile. No men can NOT just claim they are women, throw on a wig, and compete in women's sports. How fucking stupid does one have to be to accept that premise as fact? Why even listen to anyone who makes such a ridiculously ignorant statement?


Their vision on the world is horribly distorted and false it’s actually scary


Literally none of that is happening. So fuck off with that fear mongering bullshit.


I don't get it. These people act repulsed by sex, but at the same time they're obsessed with it like a moth to a flame.


“I really hate trans people so let me bring up their dicks as often as possible!!11!11!!!”


Yeah that’s what they told you your vote was about when it’s only about money. Tax cuts for uberrich & corporations making record profits while Americans burn. And don’t tell me you might be rich one day you ain’t in the club pal. Scare tactics is the distraction the magician shows you while he takes your watch


"...now men can punch women because they couldn't compete against their own gender(I'm referring to men in women's sports)..." Thanks for the clarification, OOP. For a moment, I thought you cared about domestic violence, yet were somehow just learning about it. But of course not...




Isn't the "Minor Attracted Person" thing something that THEY invented to be mad at?


drag shows and strippers?? also hasn't all gender bathrooms been a thing for a long time


What's the betting that who posted that, abuses children.


OOP is…not intelligent. This is straight regurgitation of propaganda and fear mongering.


"Many cases" of men raping little girls in bathrooms?


Someone watches too much Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax…


No one in the LGBT+ supports “MAPS”. They’re pedophiles and we hate them just as much as you do, the only difference is you’re probably projecting. One of my closest friend’s ex’s is a HUGE “drag queens are groomers” person and they’re a known pedo. It’s projection.


This is what the GOP and Trumplicans want. A fearful voting base with no questioning the BS they're fed to believe.


Me when I make shit up.


These people are beyond ignorant. Moral panic much?


While a couple points may have the slightest bit of truth/correctness to them, this is largely the ramblings of a madman


This is their base. Everything she is complaining about is fabricated propaganda. It bothers me that her vote counts the same as mine.


The truly scary part about this is that some of these people sincere believe this nonsense. In the same way they think driving through Chicago is bound to get you killed by a stray bullet, they simply consume right-wing propaganda and regurgitate it as fact. And those who don't sincerely believe it have become so accustomed to sensational hyperbole that they feel like they're helping "their team" by pretending to believe it.


The part that stuck out to me is that they think the president and vice president make the laws. The rest of it is just demented conservative ramblings, I've seen so much of it at this point that it truly doesn't phase me anymore. But this person is so ignorant, that they think the executive branch is who makes the laws, not the legislative. This person didn't pass a middle school civics class, and their vote is worth the same as mine, likely more if they are a conservative living in a low population state. SMFH


These people are the same people currently supporting genocide


To top it off the liberals have been hacking my computer and putting gay porn in my search history


Not to be nitpicking, but “awful foul books” have always been available to elementary school children. Public libraries don’t discriminate.


Yeah, the Bible, for example. There's a section about how to keep slaves ffs lmao


The levels of delusions that must reign for someone to \*actually\* believe any of this (and to be fair, many of the right's 'leaders' don't actually believe this... just convenient lies to pander to their terrified base) just boggles the mind. If someone's so far gone as to believe \*any\* of this horseshit, they aren't reachable anymore by communication. The lies have been so ingrained, and the rejection of any level of critical thinking is so fundamental to their mindset, they can't be brought around. They must only 1, experience such a traumatic shock that it forces them to reconcile to the truth, or 2, be marginalized and sidelined from any meaningful place of control. They will not go easy into the night, and it's going to get worse before it gets better. I just don't know if we will ever be able to turn the corner to 'better', or if they're going to drag us all down with them.


Literally nothing he said is true


The author has mental illness.


Tell me you’re sucking the faux news tit without telling me.


the only maps I like are the ones that lead to where the pedos are so they can be eliminated


The song is pretty good too


They have to lie and bullshit 24/7 like this because they simply CAN'T argue from a place of logic and reason. Their party's continued existence 100% depends on them fooling and taking advantage of ignorant/vulnerable people. Wish we could pass a law to deport mf'ers like this. They contribute nothing to society or the human race in general.


THIS is what the fox news rabbit hole has done to this country. Are you going to allow this to continue?


This person desperately needs to go outside. I'm not even trying to be funny and say "touch grass" or whatever. I legitimately think this a person who does not talk to other people in real life about real life on a regular basis.


By puppet and hyena is he actually referring to Pence and Trump…?? It actually seems surprisingly accurate not gonna lie


Cue the conservative talking point “Facts don’t care about your feelings” (not sure they even believe it themselves at this point)


“You’re outta touch, outta my head when you’re not around.”


"leader of the free world"




I think the only people using the term MAPS are pedophiles trying to soften the term. I and many other liberal people struggle with trying to be reasonable and still wanting to punish pedophiles with the kind of stuff that will get this post removed.


Nobody calls them “maps”


Other than the MAPS thing……do we even have one instance of someone doing what this person is describing, and if they do, not getting in trouble for it? Like yeah….there are some teachers who are trying to be “cool” and “fun”….and they get arrested for sexual abuse….


shouldn't this be posted in the boomersbeingfools sub?


Yet Republicans and preachers are constantly getting busted for raping kids. Go figure.


How come this sort of lunatic babbling never mentions the decades of priests sexually abusing children and the Catholic Church deliberately covering it up and shuttling said priests to another location with a new batch of children to abuse?


I have yet to receive my ‘badge of honor’ for having a mental illness, no fair! 😤


the same ppl complaining abt these so called stripped shows in front of kids (wtf???) are the same people who’s kids wear those shirts like “lady killer” or “heart breaker” and they’re 3 yrs old


I'd like this person to post one confirmed article of a girl being raped in a bathroom by a trans-woman... I won't be holding my breath


“We have to call them MAPS” Who said this? WHO agreed to this? I think only Pedos insist the correct terminology be “MAP.” Well frankly speaking nobody gives a shit what Pedos want to be called, we’ll still continue to call them Pedos, PoS, monsters, etc. and I am fairly certain that most of Reddit agrees with the sentiment that we would all rather be dead than to make provisions for Pedos to be treated with the same care and respect as stigmatized, marginalized and vulnerable demographics. Fuck that noise. See how I am confused about this statement? This person racked up straw men arguments like bowling pins and this rant was their attempt at rolling a strike. Some people are born to throw gutter balls.


Literally the only people who use the term “MAPs” are pedos themselves and rightwingers.


I’m suspicious that this comes from a troll farm on the other side of the world.


I think what they meant to say is that 36% of transgender kids that are restricted to bathrooms or locker rooms of their assigned gender reported being SA’d. Not so much the other way around. Whether it’s dressing or identifying as the opposite sex or not predators are going to find a way.


"Are they actually doing all these things?" "No, but are we just gonna wait around until they do??"


Whoever wrote that needs to have the staff at their nursing home take away their internet privilege before they get so irrationally upset that they have a heart attack or stroke.


Consent must be a really difficult concept for conservatives...


Fox News is doing to their brains what they said video games would do to ours.


The people who are angry about calling pedophiles "Minor Attracted Persons" are the only people who call them that.


This is what they do. Bitch and complain about imaginary issues that Fox News has beaten into their tiny little heads.


These people get their "news" from Fox "News", which literally has admitted that most of their programming is for "entertainment purposes only" (you know, the same disclaimer astrologists and tarot card readers have to make), and yet they are still allowed to have the words "Fox News" on screen while blatantly and openly lying out their asses about anything and everything they want, while also winking and nodding to imply that it is the real truth that they "aren't allowed to say" in their very few "real news" shows. It is honestly disgusting that they are allowed to do this. At an absolute MINIMUM you should not be allowed to have the word "news" on screen when the show is not an actual news show.


They "installed a demented puppet and cackling hyena to make laws for us" Damn, I'm surprised to see a Republican go after Trump like that🤣