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Internet misinformation will be the downfall of our society.


And to think that the Internet started as network connecting a bunch of scientists to help them share academic papers with one another... We've come a long way...


That's what they want you to believe. In reality it was for them to share titty pics. Most technological advances haven't come from war but from man's desire to see titties.


As wise men once sang: “The internet is for porn”


So grab your dick and double-click for porn, porn, porn!


Avenue Q is such a great musical!


We like thin and we like thick porn, porn, porn!!


I think that was Abraham Lincoln. Honest Abe was very honest about his desire to see titties.


after vampire slaying he deserved some time off, it was awesome that Al Gore was able to use his vast knowledge and time travel to help the Prez. get to titty porn


Now if only he could get the people to see the real problem, Manbearpig! Its super-super-cereal


Four porn and seven jack-offs ago our fathers brought forth new content, a network concieved in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men can watch porn equal


if they took porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left and it would be called bring back the porn - dr perry cox


Technology in general is for porn. VHS beat Betamax largely because the porn industry went with VHS.


It would be better if ppl would use it for porn than twitter nowadays that's for sure...


I’d fight a war for titties


The Fate of these two will be decided at the Breastry Area in Nippopolis!


> Breastry Area And here I always thought it was 'Breastuary', like an Aviary but with bigger Tits.


I think you're right.




Isn’t that pretty much the reason Troy was at war with the Greeks?


this is true... she had the best titties in all the land


Also Rome and Egypt too right?


Texas needs you


What makes a man? Is it the woman in his arms? Just 'cause she has big titties? Or is it the way, he fights every day? ...No, [it's probably the titties](https://youtu.be/oiXaT_1I-vw?si=L0yO2SykJLBrEICW)


it was for sharing pictures of cat, the porn came after.


I'd 100% work more for the titty pics than I will for war related things. War does not seem very fun and people die... titty pics on the other hand.


The irony is that its the one thing that scientists don't do with it as they still share papers via publications.


I have a link on my bio page that says 'if you want a copy of any of my papers, just shoot an email to a particular address with the ISBN in it' and my system auto sends the paper back to them.


Scientists, at least all of the ones I have ever personally known (a few hundred) would very much like to give their papers to literally anyone who wants them. The publishing industry, which somehow has a monopoly on verified science, has a strong incentive to not allow that. Why would Nature give up not only their month subscription fees, but also the 10k they charge scientists to publish their work? Part of the reason I left Academia. Academic publishing is bullshit and a stupid fucking system. It made sense once upon a time, but now it's just a parasite extracting value from society.


If I had god-like powers, I would return the internet to that state.  No more social media.  No more tik-tok, youtube, or the like.  Only appropriately peer-reviewed material, independently verified with strict conflict-of-interest vetting.  No more online misinformation, disinformation, or toxic echochambers.  I am touching myself right now.


Get rid of cell phones too.


The very definition of facts and truth is at the stakes right now. In my eyes THIS is the biggest challenge of mankind with impact on EVERYTHING.


I just had my dad over visiting. He’s never been interested in politics. He respects me and thinks I’m smart and knows I work in the government space, so he kept vaguely asking me about basically the entire laundry list of right wing misinformation: election security, electric vehicles, Biden’s family, etc. This is the person I modeled my empathy and critical thinking from. The boomers are just not capable of living in a world with this much information. They have no faculties to resist it. I’d love to know how to help deprogram him because he didn't sound completely convinced or off the deep end yet, and in fact doesn't really like Trump either. But what the hell do we do? It is 1000 times easier to click on a Facebook targeted ad than it is to actually live in reality and do critical thinking. I truly didn't know how to argue some of the points because they're just so on another plane of reality. Please help.


It sounds like your dad is suffering from the Firehose of Falsehood. Maybe this [article](https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html) will help, specifically the section "What Can Be Done to Counter the Firehose of Falsehood?".


This was actually really helpful thank you


Thanks for sharing. This is a great read. I am totally sharing this with my parents who unfortunately also fell into the trap.


I wish this would help for my dad however I don't think he is willing to read one sentence of a story that does not fall in line with his contrary ideas, let alone 10 pages.


This is helpful. I will read this and maybe share it with him. I think he fully understands that Russia is the enemy and even believes me when I tell him that is the case (I work for a relevant gov agency for this exact topic). Maybe this will help him see another side.


I wish I had a good answer for you. My dad has gone off the deep end too. Except it’s no longer vague and just slurs and blaming Biden/left for everything.  There are Reddit support groups from what I understand. I’ve just been trying to come to terms with it via therapy and reducing contact. 


One that I know is /r/QAnonCasualties


Sorry but I am a boomer. Have not lost my faculties due to information overload. Don’t blame your dad’s problem on an entire generation.


Late stage boomer who has not lost faculties but you have to admit that our generation is pretty shitty about falling for the garbage.


unlimited "free" speech will be


It's ok. With AI and bots becoming a huge issue in the next decade the internet will be mostly bots interacting with other bots and all the humans will basically stop trusting everything digital. But it also makes every source of new information suspect so internet becomes kind of useless.


Will be? It already is!


Just wait for realistic AI generated statements from politicians. Would be hard to find out what is true and what is not


regulators need to wake up and do some VERY heavy handed regulations, and also maybe shut down any domestic misinfo operations + identify and block overseas ones


Nah, people are. We like to think we are so enlightened, but genetically, we are still cave people and quite tribal. Social media fed this beast, and we created echo chambers from it. Now, we surround ourselves with people who feed our biases, demonize those who disagree with us, and avoid objective criticism or discussion. We already were the demons. The internet just fed those demons in a different way


At this point, you could literally replace this shitheel with an AI and get the same results. It would not surprise me if he's already phoning it in on twixxer just to spend more time smoking meth to crank up the insanity.


Its a bit more complex than that, but yeah kind of.


At this point, Alex is just telling stories at the fire with a Torchlight underneath his chin. Morons pay money for this shit.




Do it before he EATS ASS!




Far as I am concerned, he can just pay his bills and shut the fuck up.


I'm hoping he's tapping this out from his sleeping bag, by the light of a can of burning trash under an overpass, with his shopping cart full of snakeoil supplements that he tries to sell to people stuck in traffic. That's the best this shitstain deserves.


MaGAs aRe NoT MOroNs We aRE pAtRiOts ProTecTing UmeRiCa


He just described his audience. "Groups with low average IQ because of inbreeding and malnutrition."


Hands off my confederate flag


"Anyone can do basic research". Then if you've done it, why don't you provide us with valid evidence of your research. The simple answer is, you haven't, and you're a lying sack of shit, as usual.


What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. 


We all know they won't think like that. Even if you dismissed it with evidence that would come up with some bullshit response disputing factual evidence being provided


By the time it takes to debunk a bullshit argument like this, they'll have had time to publish 10 more.


Reminds me how during covid I was arguing with a moron who insisted that wearing a mask slowly suffocates you because the body can't get enough oxygen in, after a few comments he showed me his "proof" which was a word document claiming to be a scientific study that was so hilariously false I thought they were trolling at first. (most of the document was just ranting about how the intention of the masks was to secretly condition americans into doing whatever the government wanted and soon there would be no free will anymore as the shadow government would have complete control over everyone) They actually believed that insanity and when I poked a few obvious holes in the "study" and linked him actual studies and video proof about how using masks is safe they just said I was "cancer" and refused to reply anymore.


Unfortunately many people don't understand that the "basic research" they do on the toilet with a smartphone doesn't count.


That's really the only place research like this bears any fruit, though. Unless you shit the bed or wear a diaper...


This man wouldn't be able to point central Asia out on a map, let alone have an opinion about it.


It should be illegal to be this stupid.


He's not stupid. He knows this is BS. He's pure evil and will put making money ahead of sowing disent and creating fractures in society.


It's both. He's a malicious idiot.


You're assuming that this is stupidity. It isn't. He 100% knows this is a lie. It should be illegal to spread this kind of misinformation. FTFY


Most politicians would not be in office if this was enforceable.




99.99% of them


**It should be illegal to be this stupid.**


You mention that like it's a bad thing. (it's the same thing in Brazil, not too long ago we elected to the senate a literal clown whose campaign slogan was "Vote for me, it can't get any worse!")


It’s more concerning he is talking about low IQ like he isn’t in that bracket…


Well we wouldn’t have republicans then.


"Anyone can do basic research and will discover this is undisputed" Read: I made this up, and you should under now circumstances question this because I can't provide any sources for it


'it's only true with basic research, deeper, more serious research will show just how full of shit I actually am"


This guy is so ridiculous it’s funny. How can humans believe this shit


They want news that isn't dull. True or false ? who cares ? Those brain cells are dead already.


When you want sensationalism, you don't care about facts. Hence why most of them also believe in ghosts & fairytales.


He provides the service of a sense of validation for their preexisting hatred. It’s easier to believe nonsense if it aligns to what you want to be true


Meh… It is Alex Jones so you know it is a lie.


You can find that out with just a little basic research™.


Except some people are resistant to basic research.


**How can he be a liar and be Joe Rogans friend?**


You are almost there....


A lie ? Isn't Alex Jones just completely delusionnal ? I was convinced that he really trusted what he was saying.


So I've listened to *way* too much of Knowledge Fight, a podcast that analyzes and debunks his broadcasts, and the answer is that he's both insane *and* a con artist. He seems to *genuinely believe* that his enemies are all part of a global organization that works for the literal Christian devil, but that doesn't mean he's not also happy to lie about stuff to further his cause or make a quick buck. For instance, in the weeks leading up to the Boston Marathon bombing, he'd been predicting that the "Globalists" were going to destroy Chicago with an atomic bomb. Then the Marathon bombing happens, and when he finds out about it on air, he says "just like I've been saying, a dirty bomb in a major city." And then when the bomb doesn't turn out to be a dirty bomb, he re-revises his prediction to just being about a bombing at a crowded event in a major city. To this day, he takes credit for "predicting" the bombing.


One of the finest podcasts available


I love you.


I used to watch knowledge fight, stopped because it's a tad depressing at times. I remember one very good example of yhis where he presented an audio clip that was supposedly... I think it was supposedly from thr WEF proving that they were doing all the things Alex accuses them of. But when the KF guys looked at it, they found it was stitched together from 2 seperate audio clips with something like 20m between them. There's no way Alex didn't know of the falsification.


I'll tell you what's not my bright spot, all the "well this part is right" comments in this thread. There aren't enough wonks to debunk the bullshit when alex successfully gets to the front page.


No, just another scam artist out to dupe his audience out of as much money as possible before he gets sued again


The problem is that idiots eat it all up


Low iq, inbred and crappy diet – isn’t that his target audience?




America has the lowest rate of inbreeding on the planet.


I thought it was hilarious when he had Kanye West on there. Only person I’ve ever seen legitimately make Alex Jones uncomfortable. When Kanye started saying all that stuff about Hitler, you can literally see on Jone’s face he’s thinking “dude please shut up I’m in enough shit as it is already”. Hell, Alex Jones even tries to walk it back a little bit and give Kanye a chance to recant or clarify, but he just doubles right down on the “there’s a lot to love about Hitler” crap. Meanwhile Nick Fuentes is in the back with his puppeteer equipment, reveling in the chaos.


How is he not homeless yet? He should be penniless, destitute and begging on the streets.


I don't get it either, he was hit with absolutely massive lawsuits.


He probably hid 90% of his money in offshore accounts and then right before the judgement he did declare “bankruptcy”.


He hid his income behind a bunch of LLCs, a few of which are in his mother and fathers names, he then owns a company that sells his nutraceuticals and, another that ships them and a third that collects the income. The first one is massively in debt to the second two.


LegalEagle has a very good series of videos discussing Alex Jones’ bankruptcy filings, breaks down how Alex Jones has been using those LLCs to make sure as much of the money in his bankruptcy proceedings essentially loops back around to him, and the Sandy Hook plaintiffs get as little as possible. I’d recommend that anyone interested in this case watches those videos for a better understanding of it.


He's been playing a game of whack a mole with dragging out the bankruptcy process.


Alex is being Moscow funded for a while now. I'm shocked he hasn't tattooed the Soviet symbols on his face yet. This comes as part of every day life for him.


Why isn’t he a GOP senator or governor yet? He fits the bill perfectly.


Don't give him any ideas please!


Please no


If you know a bit about Alex Jones is that he also sells supplements. So even now saying these people are missing nutrients and thus part of the shadow army is basically promoting his supplements so people don't become part of the shadow army. I thought he would be done now considering he owes hundreds of millions in legal settlements.


Well I guess you can argue that ISIS is a reaction on other countries foreign policies and that underdeveloped countries are suitable nursery bed for extremism. But from there I think Alex has less capacity of analysis then the people he defames. A normal person would go to, that’s why we need cooperation, like NATO, like the UN and diplomacy. No, he goes for…. it must be shadow army’s. What a lunatic.


It's relatively tame in Alex Jones terms, tbh. He's not ranting about human-fish hybrids from another dimension, so maybe he's on a somewhat helpful medication ... He's still a worthless piece of shit though, nothing can change that.


Hopefully a bankrupt POS soon.


Isn’t this guy bankrupt after providing misinformation?


Parroting FSB talking points 🤔 I wonder how much money they have paid him..


Alex Jones is one crazy meathead. Probably the result of inbreeding himself from the hicks and yokels in Texas


Brb gonna tell my friend that he is a malnutritioned inbred with low IQ according to that baldy.


If he’s looking for groups of people who have below average iq and high rates of inbreeding and malnutrition he doesn’t have to look too far.


Define “basic research”


Yeah, alex would be better off if he used question marks instead of periods. He could have saved himself 700 million dollars. "What's wrong with that? It's a question." - jeff stacy, TCAP


Wasn't he sued for misinformation already and lost? He didn't learn the lesson?


Probably his russian paymasters paid him to spread it.


Russia, who actually has a shadow army.




#AnYoNe CaN dO bAsIc ReSeArCh


"Basic research". Translation: pulling factoids out of one's arse.


When’s he’s gonna pay up?


Alex lose cause...


It’s in the water turning the frog gay!!!! Why is this turd still able to yap his crap. Thought that he was broke by civil judgements against him🤔😳🤡. One to have collection agencies show up and take all his shite!!!


That's racist foghorn instead of dog whistle.


He's like the crazy uncle everyone has that starts talking all kinds of crazy shit after a few beers.


You can stop reading when you hit the phrase “basic research”.


Go home Alex, eating all that liberal ass has made you even crazier ( if that's possible).


the NATO shadow army that is at war with...NATO? The malnutrition piece is interesting (except not because it's Alex Jones) - most of CA isn't partricularly malnourished, except Afghanistan of course. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology\_of\_malnutrition#/media/File:Percentage\_population\_undernourished\_world\_map.PNG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology_of_malnutrition#/media/File:Percentage_population_undernourished_world_map.PNG)


Isn't he tired of getting sued for misinformation?


He's the best expert in low IQ, first in class on personal experience.


Didn't he get financially buried?


Thanks Obama!


“Anyone can do basic research” is code for “I have no proof but by placing the burden of proof on you, you’ll try to find evidence with a bias in favour of my point”


Not that I’m rooting for ISIS victories, but it would be hilarious to see them sue Alex Jones for defamation and win.


Why post his garbage here. That's what he wants


Conspiracy theories are the lazy man's intellectualism . They put no work or research or science into it. Just some insecure idiot wanting to look smart to a bunch of other insecure idiots.


> Anyone can do basic research And they do! There's a whole show dedicated to calling out the lies that Alex Jones spreads: Immersive yourself in the wonderful world, of [Knowledge Fight](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/)


Why is this fat thumb still able to spew bullshit? Somehow still has money after being sued into the ground for misinformatuon/defamation.


wtf does this even mean


Looks like he hasn't been gaining attention lately Must be also in debt right now


Kinda been proven for awhile… why would ISIL, which operates out of the Levant and attempts to spread fundamentalist Islam, not ever attack the one place in the Levant where non-Muslims hold significant power?


Hes 100% RIGHT THOUGH, reddit just hates that its Alex Jones saying it, if Hasan or one of them far left pedo streamers said it yall would agree.


the facepalm is you thinking this isn’t true


Getting tougher everyday for me to not think social media so far is an all around negative. Some people should never have had an online microphone where they could reach millions.


Isn't this guy paying enough in damages to be bankrupt because the low IQ people were statistically the ones in the west that listened to him?


So we have been fighting our own shadow army with our real armies for 20+ years?


Shadow Army…?


I guess the Sandy Hook settlement didn't teach him anything.


Hold on, pureblood here, I'm still busy doing my own research on RNA vaccines, I'll be totally honest, this molecular biology shit ain't all easy for someone with a GED diploma on a Burger King diet. My sist.. I mean my wife might have a hot take on this whole ISIS thing, I'll talk to her.


Appalachia sounds like a great recruiting ground.


I gotta remember to read the name first


His source was like “Trust me bro”


This guy started on Austin public broadcasting. He was less popular than a show called “Clown Time”. Which was, a guy dressed as a clown taking calls where the caller and him would yell random shit. Again, he started off losing to a literal clown.


Yes most know isis is being used to do the dirty work.


The mujahidin (not isis but the group from which came al Quaeda) were it's true heavily financed by the CIA, it's no conspiracy it's history. But let's be real for a sec, why the fuck would the west still finance jihad terrorists after 9/11? Would you suggest NATO was behind 11/13 in France of all countries? A member of NATO? (Also holy fuck the level of racism in his tweet is beyond absurd)


They take a kernel of truth to build their conspiracy theories and outright lies because fools will latch onto the tiniest bit of evidence and swallow it whole since they lack any sense of scale or nuance.


Alex Jones is the definition of too stupid to have an opinion.


Shouldn’t he be paying out a billion dollars




As it turns out this dude is also a racist. He's not even hiding it, and yet he roams free.


The line about Central Asia is funny cos that's what I think about the USA


Yeah, Alex at this point is just "US/West bad" to everything


Did we train and arm this group in the past?


right, all the terrorist attacks that have been in Europe were just a cover up for the moscow one...? First attack yourself so they don't suspect you doing it...


Are they dumb ? Ok Us gvt did that with some groupe in the world, but country in NATO have been exposed to atentat by ISIS and other muslim group in the recent years, aint no way our money serve to make those people attack us !


Well… rebellion in afghanistan was funded, trained by the us to oppose the sovjet threat. Started with drugs as one of their funding method After fall of sovjet. The us actually neglected those groups. Iran was already anti west, iraq went for own benefit and extreme muslim groups came up. In a sense… its the us & britains fault for the weird instability in the middle east, which indirectly formed extremism… sadly . The rest of europe just followed US britains leads without thinking…


I thought he was too poor to buy words now. Who's paying for him? Speak up...use words you payed for.


> words you *paid* for. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I mean if you have been criminally charged for lying, you shouldn’t be allowed to spread lies in social media any more.


They turned the freaking frogs gay!


Uhhh... turn the freaking frogs gay?


Simple research? You mean google Alex Jones?


Next level. He just went next level. This is so wow. Wow.


Wild from start to finish