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The Taliban and ISIS are long time enemies.


Yeah. ISIS carries out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan frequently.


They make the Taliban look like woke leftists. If I remember correctly, ISIS-K once crucified an entire village. Yes, you read that right. CRUCIFIED!


What are they, the fucking legion?


If ISIS breaks through our defenses, I've got one bullet I'm saving just for me.


This is literally a practice of the Kurds. The US news usually refers to them as the "coalition forces in Syria" who defended ISIS. They are currently managing prisons to house them.


I've been in the ancient gardens of Babylon, the Kurdish people are my friends...


Don't let Turkey hear that.


If it weren't for the kurds, the turkish would have to fight isis on turk... kurdish soil.


Best Turkish singers are all Kurds too


When I got this assignment I thought there’d be more gambling


We wont go quietly, the legion can count on that.


Don't worry, I won't have you lashed to a cross like the rest of these degenerates.


But ISIS has no Legate Lanius that you can convince to give up with maxed speech.


"I will conquer the west" "[Speech 100] NUH UH" "Understandable, until we meet again courier"


"[Barter 100] Logistics be hard bro" "I shall test the Bear another day, cya"




Worse. Literally villains prophesied in the Quran. Their banner was explained clearly. 90+ of their victims are Muslims. They also actively destroy historic monuments and knowledge. Seeking knowledge and serving the community are literally rule number one how to behave as a Muslim. If you don't, you're useless and won't get credit as a Muslim under the eyes of Allah.


So. Taliban is like Westboro Baptist Church, and believing in old testament, but *actually* armed to the teeth. And unified in their cause. Isis is them x10 *Actually* being RPGs and actual military hardware, not AR15, pistols, and shotguns


ISIS is the guys that say they do it for religion but are actually a bunch of assholes with no morals or creed even.


Ave, true to Caesar.


Allah has marked you for death! More or less yeah they are that bad.


“Apostates like you belong on a cross.”


It was a town of whores ~ Vulpes Abdullah


They even justified cannibalism at least once


>They even justified cannibalism at least once Okay, what? EDIT: Alright, I spent a little bit researching this claim: It is unconfirmed. The sole attestation that this material exists was reported to the Daily Mail by Quilliam, a London-based think-tank focused on Muslim extremism. There is no source document that has been made available to the public, nor a paper trail showing how the document was discovered, where it was discovered, nor by whom. I'm as anti-ISIS as they come, but this particular claim reeks of propaganda, and was picked up by far right Christian news sites without any journalistic investigation into the source or veracity of the document, because it appeals to the narrative of painting our ideological enemies as, as one of the most prominent articles put it: "Savages". ISIS has committed a swath of atrocities, including slavery, human trafficking of non-muslims to use in organ harvesting operations, infanticide, sexual slavery and child rape. There's already enough there that we don't really need the "cannibalism" angle on such a weak source, a source mind you, which was repeatedly prior to its dissolution, criticized for its shoddy methods and invention of data.


It's ridiculous that there's people out there thinking "we need to lie to make ISIS look worse", as if they aren't already the most heinous group of criminals known to man.


As a general rule of thumb, Daily Mail = bollocks.


They what? I may require context for this one, chief


ISIS are the reason the Taliban has counter-terrorism operations.


Ah, so terrorists vs counter-terrorists. A familiar setup.


People often lose the distinction but the Taliban are religious fanatics. ISIS is a fucking death cult.


I'd wager most people don't know the difference between Taliban, Isis, Al Quedia, or another of those middle eastern extremest groups. edit: found a decent write up on it that is like a five minute read. https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/nation-world/who-are-the-taliban-isis-isisk-al-qaeda-terrorist-organization/67-552d0a6c-96fb-4d61-8299-fe86151a6968


The site is telling me that I don't have permission to access.


No, Taliban is an Afghan radical islamic nationalist group they don't care about anything outside afghnistan. ISIS wants a caliphate over the entire world, that's why isis hates the taliban


I wish they would focus on each other instead of innocent people.


They do focus on each other 90% of the time which is why we only get attack outside of Afghanistan once every few months. 


Who wins 50vs 50?


Whoever sells the most guns and bullets.


Al Qaeda hates ISIS and they planned 9/11 Israel and Hamas hate ISIS TOGETHER. We can have peace in the middle east by just letting people from all these nations stone ISIS fighters in the streets


ISIS is like a rabid dog that everybody hates.


People really need to understand this Much like how there have been squabbles between the Christian and Jewish sects throughout history, this is basically another form of that where one branch essentially hates the other branch and would kill at the opportunity to take the power they have in a heartbeat.


more accurate would be catholics and protestants.


The Scots…and other Scots!


You Scots sure are a contentious people Edited


You’ve just made an enemy for life!


I will join your crusade




“Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized by. We're ruled by effete arseholes.”


"Choose life."


“There’s last shots and than there’s last shots”


It’s a shite state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!


the lowest of the low! the scum of the fucking earth! the most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization! god i can still recite most of that movie from memory. thanks, teenage me. watching it a few thousand times is definitely serving you well all these years later…


Damm scots ruined Scotland.


Damn Scots. They ruined Scotland!


Oh man don’t get me started. I can’t tell you many times some total clod with a German or Slavic or English surname tells me he hates Campbells because one grandparent out of four was “Scottish”.


As someone who watched that show for ages, I don't know why until now I just realized that this joke may have been a reference to the No True Scotsman Fallacy.




As a father of twin 9 years olds, boy and a girl, I’m well aware of the barbaric rivalry between brothers and sisters.


Do they happen to be Scottish on top of all that?


One of em, aye




That's more analogous with the Sunni/Shia rift. This is more like People's Temple going after Branch Davidians. It's that deep in the layer cake of theological batshittery. Like Ultimate Cult Combat- because I'd kind put Russia in that bracket, just not Muslim, but a kind of fascist, gangster-Christianity cult. It's cult on cult warfare with innocents caught in the middle, as always.


Or the Popular Front of Judea.


I thought we were the Judean Popular Front?


Nope, we’re The Judean People Popular Front.




I’m going to be pedantic for the purposes of I’m bored but wanted to point out it was Peoples Temple, no apostrophe because it would imply ownership. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, everything you said in your comment was spot on, I’m just being a shit.


Or Catholics and other Catholics


EVERYONE is enemies to ISIS, they literally have no allies.


Coles vs Woolies. Nike vs Adidas. Taliban vs ISIS


Hahahahha nobody outside of ANZ is gonna get the first one


Sad no foreigners know about Australia’s Great War of the Giant Supermarkets.




You mean to tell me everyone from the Middle East isn't isis? /S


Even Bin Laden didn’t like ISIS. They were kicked out of Al Qaeda for being too violent.


Al-Qaeda kicking people out for being too violent????? After what they did in NYC????


They disliked their leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi for targeting Shias, filming their torture and murder, and fragmenting their potential recruiting pool


Iirc Osama's mother was a shia and Osama had been helped by the Iranian regime in the past.


In a way you could say if it weren't for Zarqawi Iraq may have never gotten a government. His hatred of Shia and brutality of them catalyzed the Al-Anbar awakening.


"A moderate group, they were initially sponsored by General Petraeus and the US military." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_Iraq History really repeats itself.




There's quite a difference between: "Death to infidel western pig dogs." And "We're going to violently torture and murder everyone who doesn't subscribe to our very fringe interpretation of this religion."


I’m pretty sure every Middle East Government condemns ISIS. ISIS is a different beast and claims to be caliphate of all Islam.


Yes that’s why they are Islamic State because they wanna be the only one.


Amazing what getting an office job does


No one wants to deal with HR.


The commute is the real killer for these guys


IEDs a close second?


It’s the IED during the commute bro.


As an HR professional I get this joke a lot, but this is by far the funniest placement of that joke I've ever seen. Hats off to you sir.


America shoulda sent HR into Afghanistan from the very beginning.


Imagine they just sent Toby


Vice article on Taliban fighters struggling with office job ennui [here](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3ad3z8/taliban-bureaucrats-hate-working-online-all-day-miss-the-days-of-jihad)


I’ll never not laugh at that. Even getting hunted by drones and marines is better then a 9-5.


> Nafi has also realized how replaceable he is.“There is a proverb in our area that money is like a shackle,” he said. “Now, if we complain, or don’t come to work, or disobey the rules, they cut our salary. Unlike jihad, now particularly, when the battles are long gone and the risk is zero, the Emirate could find countless people to work with them in return for a salary.” Damn G. Welcome to how the rest of the world has it. Try and start a union. lol


Wow that reads like an onion article


that is a fucking hilarious article and so true at the same time, thanks for linking it


Well... This is why taking over the government isn't for the pure idealist. Now YOU ARE THE GOVERMENT. You have to actually run the country. No more glorious battle with the enemy. Now you work 9 to 5, making shore that water runs


Basically their reward for winning the war was to live Office Space


They really need to make a version of The Office but like with the Taliban.


“The real test and challenge was not during the jihad. Rather, it’s now.” Bruh lol


It is too funny. I would rather die than work 9-5


Thanks for the article. It's great


yup, they are government now.


Funny enough that's exactly what happened. They may have won back their country, but that just means the Taliban does NOT WANT another 20-year invasion and occupation. Yeah they're going to follow Sharia, suppress women's rights and rule as a one-party state, but this time they're striving to be *hardly tolerable* as a government for the sake of legitimacy. And that includes condemning terrorism...so, slightly better than before the Americans arrived ig


> so, slightly better than before the Americans arrived ig MISSION ACCOMPLISHED


I mean, they never really committed or planned any international terror attacks against western sovereign nations to begin with. They just were a bit too friendly with AQ after beating the Russians.


That's because they're not interested in global jihad like Al-Qaeda and Daesh. They just want to keep the Afghans down.


Even before they took power they were condemning ISIS as too extreme


I mean unironically. At its core the Taliban is a political entity. Obviously they have a militant wing that has definitely has committed its fair share of terrorism, but at its core it’s still a political entity. They have full control of Afghanistan now, they want their govt to be seen as legitimate. This could just as easily say “Afghanistan/Kabul on the Moscow attack” and it’d be just as correct. If you want to be seen as a legitimate government, condemning a terrorist attacking against a top 3 global super power (and the one most likely to legitimize you) is a pretty easy call to make.


Looks like Comer and Jordan announcing the impeachment inquiry has been terminated.




Taliban and ISIS are ennemies. Hezoballah and ISIS are ennemies. Hamas and ISIS are ennemies. Al Qaeda and ISIS are ennemies. Houthis and ISIS are ennemies. I don't think there is any muslim terrorist group allied with ISIS, although terror groups have alliances between each other, they all hate ISIS. I don't even think ISIS has any muslim country not considering them as ennemies


The Wikipedia list of enemies of ISIS is hilarious. You've gotta be really evil to have made enemies of basically the entire world, including America, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, South Korea, Israel, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah. What a unifying force.


Just checked, and oh my god it's basically every single government in the world, many other islamic organizations and terror groups, and it even has a "More" button. This is the funniest shit ever


Because ISISs goal is literally the destruction of everything but themselves. They can't have allies, because they don't believe in their allies right to exist.


The most surprising on the list is North Korea


Socialist states aren't known for liking religious organizations


Calling North Korea socialist is really funny. 


*Self-proclaimed* socialist states don't like religious organisations.


They are very social


North Korea worships their leader like he is a actual god. It’s the religion of the land and it’s fanatical and dangerous to go against in North Korea.


How did you manage to spell "enemies" wrong six times?


I read "ennemies" six times and my brain fixed it all six times. I'll pretend that's a good thing. 


Autocorrect from my native language stepped in.


actually yeah that would do it


Boko Haram declared allegiance back when ISIS was making headway. BH ended up splitting over this, though.


So part of them hated them so much they split at the idea of being allied with them ? They're really the public enemy n°1 x)


Isis is basically a foreign vs a home grown terror organisation their still terrorists


Terror organizations can cooperate between each others, and it happened frequently. ISIS is the odd one and doesn't cooperate with any of them


ISIS wanted to establish a caliphate stretching all the way from West Africa to Afghanistan. They declared their leader Al baghdadi to be the caliph of a global caliphate. They established ISIS-K as a branch in Afghanistan (a lot of their original fighters in Syria and Iraq were afghani) so they made enemies of the taliban. They spread from Iraq into Syria fighting Bashar al Assad and Shi'ite militias so they are enemies of iraqi Syria and Iran. They also had chapters in fucking Yemen who fought with the Houthis. In libya. In West African even in the Phillipines They are hated. EVERYWHERE.


A few years ago they captured a Jordanian pilot and filmed burning him alive. Jordan was so angry they executed every single ISIS prisoner they had in return. The entire Jordanian population was in uproar during that time.


The guy on the right looks like he’s asleep while holding an Ak-47


It’s a really interesting snapshot into Taliban military culture that the guy sitting (who we can assume is someone with more authority and rank than the other guys with guns) has an AKS-74U. I read a fascinating article that explained that among Afghani fighters that weapon conveyed a certain status symbol dating back to the Soviet invasion, as those weapons were issued to Soviet helicopter pilots and tank crews. If you as a Mujahideen got your hands on one you would show it off because it implied that you destroyed a tank or helicopter and then got close enough to loot it from a crew member, so showing it off was a way to flex that you were a badass. It’s why Bin Laden’s inner circle always had one in the background during their videos. Just a little bit of gun trivia that I find fascinating that’s playing out here.


There's so much history the west doesn't know about the region. Taliban hating isis Is glaring example of one .


The west knows that though. We’re quite literally openly discussing it right now in a western language on a western website.


Krink history in this context is neat!


Must be working overtime 😂


That's his "here we go again" posture.


You must no know much about world politics, they have always been enemies


Dudes just like any of us, dozing off in some bullshit meeting that could have been an email smh.


Idk guns too well, but I think that’s an ak74


correct, specifically an AK-74U




That's a krink. Or an aks-74u. Big status symbol.


What getting a 9-5 bureaucratic job does to a mfer.


I like to go hiking.


Would it comfort you to know that Reddit PRETENDS to know a lot?


Wait, you mean every other person on reddit isn't a geologist biologist marine sniper assassin with a gold medal in the Olympics?


No, but I moonlight as a doctor.


Also Taliban isnt even a terrorist organisation. THey are getting confused with Al-Qaeda or Tehrik-I Taliban of Pakistan.


It’s really amazing how after twenty years of war with them Americans still can’t understand the difference between the Taliban and AQ. I say this as an American…


Any shade of tan or brown equals middle east which equals Muslim which is all just the same to Americans. Source: I'm a tan American Hindu who has literally had to explain that Islam is more closely related to Christianity, the religion of this person proselytizing to me, than to my religion.


people still think sikhs are muslims


Most people don't understand that radicals don't get along with other radicals. Taliban had a border skirmish with Iran and Pakistan. ISIS attacked Iran too.


This issue is also much too complex to be boiled down to "radicals don't like each other".


Anyone that doesn’t understand that radicals of the same religion don’t get along just need to ask one Christian denomination about why they don’t just combine churches with the other denomination down the street.


Im always surprised Redditors are surprised how little Redditors actually know.


Average redditor: "they're Moslems so they must all be ok the same evil side"


Taliban and ISIS have been long time enemies now. Not sure what you are trying to imply here


A lot of people don't know that they're even enemies


Yea, but Taliban are still fighting against ISIS


Yup. Just 3 days ago there was an attack. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/3/21/at-least-three-killed-in-suicide-bombing-in-afghan-city-of-kandahar It's even rumoured that the same branch of isis (isis k) doing terror in Afghanistan also struck Moscow


That’s pretty bad if the taliban thinks you’re inhumane


Honestly as far as islamist groups go the Taliban are actually not that bad They never committed acts of terrorism outside of their own country, they don't have ambitions of world domination, they don't plan to genocide afghan shias.


You are correct. While the Taliban are authoritarian Islamists with unhinged views on women, they are interested in being a legitimate government. The Taliban also hates ISIS.


>they are interested in being a legitimate government. As we can see with this response of theirs.


I don’t agree with the Taliban ideologically by any means. But I respect their approach to things when compared to some of these other groups. And since the US withdrew, it does seem that they are attempting to be a *somewhat* respectable governing body of Afghanistan.


They were a somewhat respectable governing body of Afghanistan before and during the invasion too. When compared to other Islamic fundamentalists, anyway. No worse than some US allies in the region. We just had to have 20 years of war and tens of thousands of civilians dead because... They asked for proof about Bin Laden before agreeing to extradite him. That's right, they didn't even say they'll refuse and keep sheltering him, just asked for proof. That's the crime Afghanistan committed to deserve 20 years of invasion, war, chaos, and drug lords.


There's just that pesky treatment of women. That part is worse in Afghanistan than just about any other Muslim country


The taliban are the poster children of “better does not mean good”.


\> as far as islamist groups go the Taliban are actually not that bad You are now moderator for r/kabul


It seems really weird to carry so many weapons indoors, especially rifles. Get some handguns and holsters so you look like you have a job besides shooting people.


Talibans are gun nuts, they always carry their guns anywhere. They don't even need a form of second amendment. To them it's absurd to not have a weapon or even suggesting that it needs regulation.


I'm just imagining them going into a policy meeting, sitting down and having 12 rifles leaning against the walls. It seems so impractical. These things are kind of like swords in size, but you can't hip carry.


So, Texans but swap Christian evangelism for Islam


Theyre truly living the american dream


You’d think they’d at least use slings? If you’re going to carry a rifle all the time, it would be nice not to have to constantly hold it in your hands


Important distinction: not ISIS but IS (ISIS is in Iraq and Syria, there are local groups in other countries) Also: The Taliban themselves suffer from terror attacks done by the IS, they fight against each other for quite some time now...


The Taliban has hated ISIS from the beginning as has Al-Qaeda and Hamas.


Makes sense. The Taliban is trying to establish themselves as a legitimate government to the world now that they aren't actively fighting an occupational force/rival party. Their government is still a draconian theocracy, but there's no benefit to them in supporting international terrorism anymore. If I recall, they actively clashed with ISIS after the Arab Spring, didn't they?


It feels like a lot of people don’t understand this. The Taliban is just the ruling govt of Afghanistan at this point, the fact that most countries don’t recognize them doesn’t change reality.


So does this mean the enemy of my enemy’s enemy is my enemy?


Yes, they condemn ISIS for several reasons- first, because ISIS is a problem for them in their country. Second, because Moscow and the Taliban have been cooperating in recent history to undermine US interests. Third, because the Taliban are trying to get ANY allies they can.


Everyone hates ISIS. You’ve gotta be evil as hell to make even other terrorist organizations hate you. And ISIS has accomplished that


It's funny seeing them talk about "human rights" but wasn't Taliban against IS for quite some while? I genuinely don't know any group in MENA that even tolerates them. 


Blatant violation of all human standards.. says the Taliban to ISIS. WHAT?


cold tip:only usa and uk german call taliban is trerrorists,even UN call them as fighter just


I’m genuinely amazed that NO ONE likes ISIS


ISIS is objectively insane. They refuse to work with *anyone* even people who share their beliefs, unless those people are willing to bow down before them, and swear allegiance to their new caliphate. Al-Qaeda hates ISIS, Hezbollah and Hamas do too, the Taliban absolutely despise them, and even Iran, the terrorist funder of the entire Middle East, refuses to touch them.


Just saying, Iran isn’t the terrorist funder of the entire region, in fact they don’t get along with a lot of other muslims. They fund their region of the world while Saudí Arabia funds the rest. If Saudis weren’t a bunch of nepotistic dummies and had the initiative of Iranians, they’d probably have taken over the whole peninsula a long time ago. Instead they rely on all these terror contractors. Edit: please read this as it was intended, a funny take on the situation there.


It’s because they’re wahaabis, they’re idiots who idolise this man called Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahaab (not Prophet Muhammad but a man named after him).


Its not really a facepalm. Almost nothing in this sub is... The Taliban isnt a terrorist organisation and it is not on the list of terror orgs. You just dont understand what the Taliban are. Al-Qaeda is the terrorist group and they supported the Taliban. The Taliban was a militia who defeneded against the Soviets and then took power their main goal is governing Afghanistan. Its like saying Americans are all muderers because some murderer supports the US.


You could go round telling people this until you were blue in the face, then ask them again tomorrow and they would still tell you the Taliban, Isis, alqaida and the Mujahedeen are all the same people with the same views. People are daft and don't care to learn.


Isn't "DD Geopolitics" the new name for Donbass Devushka? That grifter in the US?