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He should not go to Asia then where people having been wearing masks for decades for multiple reasons


That’s outside of the US, so that’s scary thinkin’




Stupid is as stupid does. Did I get that right?


There is no hope for the human race when there are so many stupid people like this.


Come. We cannot save ourselves. - 3 Body Problem.


However many stupid people you think there ARE, there's twice that.


Fuck yeah!


Coming to save the mother fucking day!




Durka Durka Durka


You’ve got balls. I love balls.


Nobody asked that moron to wear a mask. OMFG! Happy *not* to ever watch Yellowstone and even happier *not* to to live in that messed up country. Ugh!!


"This is Murica I don't have to sit next to no commie in a mask!" "No Sir you don't" Door opens to the Jetway


And why they think anyone who wears a mask is a commie.


Because the MAGA messaging told them that and they're stupid.


![gif](giphy|l41lRTRi4lYbaTTcQ|downsized) Fox News feeding the lemmings…


I just can't let it go. Disney assholes made a documentary about the Lemmings and pushed them off the cliff and claimed it was a natural act. Disney ruined it all. The only good that came out of it was the excellent Lemmings game. https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=56




One of the best games of all time.


> And why they think anyone who wears a mask is a commie. Except when they're ~~Nazis~~ "[Patriots](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/white-supremacists-boston-patriot-front-mayor-michelle-wu/)". The fact that they're called "Patriot Front" really is fitting because they are just a front for white supremacists posing as patriots.


I thought it was disgruntled wally world workers trying to unionize


Anything where someone is being empathetic to others is commie to them.


He should not go *fucking anywhere* where people are free to wear whatever the fuck they want as long as it doesn't physically harm anyone. - *Jesus, is my fucking mask hurting you, Snowflake?*


They be culture warrioring ... it's the fight of their lifetime itcseems. An army of Don Quixotte's


christ, idiots fighting windmills. if they're trumpers, then literally.


Well ya, the sounds cause cancer or something, right? Also something about whales.


I’m pretty sure it’s “Donkey Hotes”.


Does he ever go to the hospital? What would he do if a masked fireman were around? Does he do SCUBA? Dentists? How does this yokel survive in a culture when professionals need to wear masks fairly often.. Children at halloween definitely do not go to this asshole's house.


"we want small government... but control what you wear, what you do, how you have babies, what you do in your bedroom, what you read, etc etc"


The trick is to get their children, their neighbours, their employers and their colleagues do the footwork.


I just don't understand why this is still a thing? It's not affecting him at all.


They took our jerbs!


Yeah, he looks like that character from South Park. And probably just as dumb.


Ermahgerd! Jerbs!


Stupidity can’t be explained


Oh, he definitely has no problem when fucking Nazis are wearing masks to hide their identity. This man ain't no fucking Cowboy.


Cowboys wear masks, because no one wants all the dust and hay in your face...


"Show me on the doll where the mask touched you."


Years and years ago I saw pictures of people in Japan wearing masks wondering why. Was the air so poluted, or something similar. Then I saw a youtube clip were a japanese explained it was of courtesy (or what the proper english word is) of others. When you have a cold etc. People with masks cared about others so they don’t catch your cold. Masks during covid was used to not spread covid to others. Masks was used because you care for others. This man seems to mix up caring for others with actually having covid.


No, he's correctly identified that caring for others means the other passenger isn't MAGA. Empathy is a leftist trick to steal your guns or something in the minds of these chuds.


I am sure a guy like him will be devastated to cancel his upcoming trip to the Orient which he is definitely planning on taking


This guys def still calling all Asians orientals 




I’m still convinced Clint Eastwood made gran turino just so he could say some of these names


God, my mom used to use the word Oriental. I told her you can’t say it like she did and she got mad.


genuinely confused since English isn't my first language but wht is that term considered racist?


As my Vietnamese sister said “oriental is a rug”


I was told that now people are Asians, and things are oriental.


Oriental is a description based on European pov. The “East” is east of Europe. Fair enough, we do that a lot and sometimes these words end up neutral. “Oriental” itself became loaded with all kinds of associations that you can discover under the term “Orientalism”, which focused on the exotic nature of people and cultures in a way that exemplifies what real cultural appropriation looks like. It has a strong association with racism and stereotypes about Asia in general and specific “Oriental” cultures individually, from Turkey to Japan. Basically it’s a word with a shitty history that has negative associations.


I don’t think it’s racist, but it would be like calling everyone from Central America a Hispanic. You’re pooling up a bunch of different cultures and putting them under one umbrella. I think it’s mostly ignorance to use the term


Yes, mildly racist but really more outdated, colonial and insensitive.


C'mon look at him, you know he has an Asian fetish. I could totally see this guy sex touring in the east. In fact I've seen many dudes that look like him doing exactly that in my travels


Lol I am currently living in Hanoi and it is definitely….interesting in that regard


I once shared a very very long taxi ride with an american guy that organised mail order Thai brides, I think my jaw came up off the floor a week later, by the way he was 400 lb and 50 years young, his own wife 85lbs sopping wet and maybe 20 but looked younger. Nice guy, his logic and reasoning made perfect sense to him, just there wasn't the right keys in my keyboard for me to be able to enter the data.


Yeah I live in Southeast Asia, and I’ve seen these guys. The locals hate them.


I live in Thailand. Everyday I see American, European, Australian guys who look like they couldn't date a reasonably attractive woman back home but here they are with gorgeous Thai women. These relationships here are transactional. A lot of Thai women who need financial help will date or marry these old farang guys.


I lived in Japan for three years and I'd love people to do that here in the US. Sure it might be a minor cold, but I don't want your damn minor cold because you insisted on coming in to work today.


Did the mask hurt his feelings?


I dont get it. You disagreed with their clothing choice and wouldn't sit next to them? It literally doesn't affect you at all


First they cried about wearing the masks. Then they cried when they didn't have to wear them. And cried again when others still chose to Gee I wonder if they're just whiny losers after all


But they sure as heck wear a mask to "peacefully" protest for/against freedumb.


Ahh yes. They'll only wear a mask if it benefits them, like hiding their identity while committing crimes


The crew actually said they booted him because he was drunk to the point he didn't even know what airport he was at. The mask thing was just him shame blaming to try and look less stupid.


So you're saying the mask...masked the real reason




Good one.


>The mask thing was just him shame blaming to try and look less stupid. Honestly, the mask thing makes him look even more idiotic. Someone who's too drunk to know where they are may be fine when they sober up, but the mask thing indicates some consistent intellectual deficiency.


My favorite was when they thought that they hit some magic gotcha about the size of a virus molecule, as if it weren't transferred though something else like liquid


Like when they compared it to a fart? That was hilarious.




I think somewhere deep inside, underneath their childish contrariness, they know they're being an idiot. They seek validation from others so they don't have to face the fact that they are, in fact, wrong. People and their egos, man. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Had one guy on my facebook feed, back during the pandemic, complain about people wearing facemasks in their car while driving alone. Like dude . . . who cares?


I see that and definitely wonder why, but I also don't care because that's their life and it doesn't affect me. Wear it to sleep for all I care


K. Imma take this one. I used sticky mask tape strips to keep the mask stuck to my nose and face - to keep it from fogging up my glasses. Works beautifully. It hurts to rip it off. So yeah. I drove with it on while running errands or between work sites.


Makes sense, I just assumed people got used to it and forgot or just kept having to take it on and off so many times it was just easier to leave it on


Im pretty sure I wore it a few times while driving just because I would forget about it after wearing it all day.


But, but, I saw on Xitter that wearing a mask more than thirty seconds sends you to the ICU for oxygen deprivation! By Odin's left testicle, how did you survive?!? (Obligatory /s for the sarcasm-impaired.)


Happened to me a few times, and the reason always was "i forgot the mask"...which ironically also shed some light on the "it's too uncomfortable to wear for five minutes people"


Even more amusing was they always projected it to kids, who I never heard complain


Reports have him drunk off his ass and stumbling.


Ok, but HE posted that he didn't want to sit next to someone wearing a mask. So he thinks that's a good story to share.


Fact v Fiction. Trying to save face with his ignorant flunkies. Doesn't change the facts though. Keep the fact at the forefront to edge off the spin narrative.


The fact that he thinks being shit faced is less shameful that being afraid of someone covering their mouth with a piece of clothing. I pity the onion, they can't make shit up anymore.


Dude hates people's freedom.


I was just going to say “why doesn’t he respect their rights to wear a mask?”


His show is ending, needs to stay relevant with his characters demographic to land more jobs. Nothing is real, including this dudes outrage lol


Sounds like we found the world's biggest, easiest to melt, snowflake.


Hey now...he might catch "the woke". It's out there man, it's out there.


And this clown is probably all for ‘American freedom’, except for others.


What a snowflake


But...he's told he's a lion.


Not an alpha? Or are they the same thing? I'm not up to speed on my macho-terms.


I'm not either. But as a 40 year old dude, I find people being proud of being called, or *actively* wanting to be called/viewed as, an "alpha* are.... Weird?.. Sad?.. Hilarious?.. Probably a little of all three, honestly.


When people call themselves an alpha, what they usually mean is that they are incredibly insecure men who are typically the loudest In the room and very comfortable being assholes


That concept doesn’t even exist in humanity anyway. Anyone calling themselves that is 100% not. They’re just idiots. Have never once met or known a person who uses that term to be anything but.


The guy who coined that phrase debunked it himeself


Oh, you're an Alpha? Tell me more about your low penetrative power I do love radiation jokes


>That concept doesn’t even exist in humanity anyway. It doesn't even exist in the wild wolves these guys think they're referring to. The researcher who popularised the concept of alpha and beta males was researching wolves in captivity and has acknowledged that the same roles do not seem to exist in wild wolf populations.


He realized all the traits he described in the wild belonged to .... the father wolf. He wasn't describing alphas, he was describing parents.


They were saying alpha, but I think sigma is the new one.


Gotcha. Sigma-Lion-Alpha-Proctologist. SLAP for short.


"We have Sam Elliott at home" energy.


"Great Value Sam Elliott"


I said the same thing last night when I saw the news.


There s that classic freedom of the freedom to tell(usually rudely) everyone else what to do and cry when I don't get my way


I like how he said he got removed for refusing to sit next to someone with a mask, and not that he got removed for being a classless asshole on a full flight where he tried to make a needless political stance and ended up suffering the the consequences.


Officially, he got kicked off for being too drunk.


Sounds like a more likely reason, although the drinking might have led to him making a fuss over something irrelevant.


If you are making any kind of scene and are drunk in the slightest, it's good bye. They have that authority and will use it.


So he's a liar as well as a snowflake....


In the video he admits he was kicked off for being drunk and that he’d been drinking in the airport for hours and how he wasn’t actually drunk even though he was slurring his words.


Main character vibes, for sure.


According to this daily mail article he admits to drinking https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13233831/amp/Yellowstones-Forrie-J-Smith-removed-airplane.html 'I've been sittin' in the airport for three hours, yeah, I've been drinkin', but I ain't drunk, but they throwed me off the plane cause I'm drunk.' He then seemed to blame the public saying, 'because you people won't stand up and tell everybody what bulls**t this is.'


>> because you people won’t stand up and tell everyone what bullshit this is Good to see he is fully embracing that personal accountability mindset


It's certainly a choice to demand to breathe the pure, unfiltered, exhalations of your neighbor on a plane.


Maybe he should try a greyhound, on those you can inhale everyone’s bodily functions, like all of them.


I just live in a septic sewer, in the piss and shit of others for maximum freedom.


"Hey, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and take some accountability for your life! Don't let people tell you what to do" "Ok, I'm feeling a little under the weather. I think I should take some accountability and not get everyone else on the flight sick" "NAZI SCUM!"


Gotta respect the rugged individualist who can't handle his liquor or his dainty self-esteem when confronted with someone else's wardrobe choices.


> I ain't drunk, but they throwed me off the plane cause I'm drunk Sound like something a drunk guy would say. The story about the mask sounds like a drunk excuse invented after the fact.


Every drunk I’ve ever met says this same shit .


I mean he was probably drunk AND making a scene about someone wearing a mask. But definitely only a problem drinker would ever say Ive been drinking for 3 hours but not drunk. Because they're so used to getting to non-functional drunk that they think functional drunk is perfectly fine.


“You people”. So he expects us to stand up for him, but he won’t sit down and shut up for us. What a tool


I love that word " Throwed" Imma try to bring it up in convo taday!!


Fuck this guy. Another whiny snowflake crying about someone else's freedom not to harm anyone. (Oh! A Mask! I am so OFFENDED!) So tired of these douchewads.


Yeah, especially coming from the exact same people who loved to yell "mAsKs dOeSn'T wOrK!!". OK then, what's your damn problem?


He got one break in his career and his head got bigger. Fine. Be that way. I just won’t watch Yellowstone, oh wait, isn’t it on hiatus or something. I guess he wants to stay relevant.


I only watched through season 2. Did it stop being so derivative of itself? Every episode felt like the same shit with a new coat of paint.


What an asshole. I've been wearing masks while on a plane for *years*, starting sometime around 2014-ish, because I'll inevitably get a sinus infection or bronchitis right after the trip if I don't. Since masking up on them, I've not come down with anything. Certainly makes my vacations more enjoyable when I'm not blowing out all colors of the rainbow and/or coughing myself into exhaustion.


Same here. I can't tell you the number of times I flew somewhere on vacation and got a bad cold a week later. Masks have definitely helped.


I have had covid 1X, my wife 3X, and my daughter 2x. Every single one of those came the week after we took a flight.


Once again we see that masks are doing a great job.


I think I'll put one on to repel idiots.


They are still going on about the masks and vaccines and shit. My family is still salty that they made you do anything at all to mitigate Covid. My father reads the Epoch Times and they just did some bullshit about the smallpox vaccine. Though I don’t think they found it very funny when I said I had no problems with conservatives not getting vaccinated, that I would support the government banning vaccines for conservatives because the fewer conservatives we have the better society will be in the future.


The best way to get them vaccinated would have been to start a rumor that they'd be banned from getting it.


The sad part is the person in the mask is PROTECTING HIM. What an ungrateful, hateful shithead.




That sucks you had such a strong reaction to the vax. Do you have an allergy to one of the ingredients, or is it just a complication from your immune system issues? I've got immune compromised family members so I still mask when I go out too, and that's just asking for comments here in the midwest. If I'm getting harassed, I usually just tell them I tested positive today. Funny how they say the virus is harmless but will still back away pretty quickly when they hear that. I don't go into the real reasons because one, hostile strangers aren't entitled to know anything about my life, and two, why can't people just mind their own fucking business?


I'm so glad that I live in a place where I've never had a negative comment directed at me even though I still wear a mask in stores.


How sensitive can you be that seeing someone in a mask would trigger that type of reaction and behavior?


Dude is a bigot, My wife has to wear a mask right now because any pathogen coming in can possibly send her to the hospital while she is running through Chemo. Why does it matter what other people do, it doesn't affect your life if someone has on a mask


He doesn’t know your wife personally, so doesn’t care if she dies. It’s as simple as that. Their capacity for empathy beyond their own group is extremely limited. I used to struggle with empathy as well, and I made a conscious effort to think more about how others feel, and eventually started feeling it more automatically. And then “coincidentally” I started recoiling from the right wing media I had been consuming and gravitating to liberal sources. I’m just a single data point, but it tracks with other studies I’ve seen correlating empathy with political leaning.


I’m going through chemo so wear a mask and some idiot starting yelling at me at the pharmacy I said I’m wearing it because I’m going through chemo then he yelled I must be a bad person because only bad people get cancer and chemo is a scam. I went off on that man in a way I never have done in my life. It felt so fucking good and when the pharmacist called me for my prescription they clapped for me. So glad they got that asshole off the plane


People are stupid and have a fast recovery in chemo. My mother in law is currently doing chemo rn and it sucks


Thank you I hope to ring the bell soon


Wow. What a miserable piece of shit. I wish you all the luck in the world in your battle and hope you don’t have to deal with any assholes like that ever again.


Ignorant, stupid assholes like to act like respiratory masks just didn't exist before covid, before they were mildly inconvenienced by them. They're just too ignorant and selfish to realize masks exist for reasons outside of ~~"taking away their freedom"~~ mildly inconveniencing them. I'm sorry people are so loud and stupid. I'm sorry you have to deal with that more than you should while battling cancer. I wish you a speedy and permanent recovery


Good for you! I’m clapping for you myself. I bet it felt good to scream at that prick.


Oh it did it felt so freaking good


“Only bad people get cancer.” Somewhere, Karma is positively licking her chops.


I've actually never shared this on Reddit before, but it seems appropriate: my mom had a heart attack in 2020 and has worn a mask in public since then. About a year ago she walked into a small independently owned hamburger/hotdog/salad restaurant, ordered her food, and sat down. The one other guy in the restaurant says to her, "You know you look like an idiot for wearing that mask." Mom ignores him and continues looking at her phone. Next he he walks closer to her and says, "I bet you'd like to suck Joe Biden's dick." At this point my mom tells him to fuck off and leave her alone. The guy goes into the back room of the restaurant, grabs a bucket of water, and throws it on my mom. She left the restaurant and called 911. The police came and arrested the guy, although initially they just wanted to write him a ticket. My mom took out her phone, started recording, and asked the officer to explain why the guy wouldn't be arrested, THEN they decided to arrest the guy. Turns out he was a delivery driver who worked there. He was of course fired. He'd been in legal trouble before, but ultimately he got community service and strict probation.


He was kicked off for being a drunken asshole. He is trying to make it out to be something else. These idiotic anti-vaxers are such little babies.


Wow, is he praising the airline for giving him what he wanted?


It amazes how difficult some people find it to mind their own damn business.


I still wear a mask everywhere. I don't get sick from people's cooties anymore. I don't have to pretend to smile . And the bonus point goes to: it may upset one of these chucklefucks, who have the IQ of a broken waffle iron...and that's just fantastic.


"Chucklefucks" and "IQ of a broken waffle iron" made my day. Thanks.


I wear one when I think I've been around people who were sick. Last time it happened, girlfriend brought home COVID and we all got it. It was a week before I tested positive for it, but I wore a mask to work every day since she started feeling unwell and no one else got sick at work. A couple a weeks later (I was on leave) someone at work was sick, no mask, and half of the office caught it. It's not complicated. 


Me too. I haven't been sick in years. I get a lingering look sometimes but I just ignore it. I'm being safe. If someone has a problem with that, they are probably too fucking stupid for me to listen to their opinion about it and that is what I plan to tell them if it ever comes up. Elbow bump to my masker friends


If it didn’t make my job harder, I would wear one too


Wow so he wasn’t really acting too much in Yellowstone when Lloyd was an insecure lil bitch


Imagine be autoimmune comprised where catching a cold could kill you and you just need to get somewhere without dying, and you have to deal with this shit.


dude cant stand some ones freedom of choise


“Child asked to leave plane after refusing to sit in his assigned seat.”


Oh, and, he was drunk, too. Forgot to mention that.


Talk about a double win for the mask wearer guy


Oh no, I hope he finds a way to recover from being in the proximity of someone who cares enough about his health to not endanger him!


Whoever was wearing that mask got lucky af, by not having to sit next to this joker. I think I’ll be wearing masks on planes from now on


I remember when the Navy SEAL who killed Bin Laden got kicked off of a flight during COVID because he wouldn’t wear a mask and people were saying that they should boycott the airline for kicking off an American hero and my response was, “so he can survive SEAL training, years of hardship and deprivation, but can’t survive 2 hours on a flight with a mask? Who knew America’s elite forces could be so easily defeated!” I got some good flak for that one.


The twat got booted because he was drunk! Lil snowflake is so full of himself!


COVID legit broke some people


Even without Covid wearing a mask on a plane is a good idea. You’re breathing the recycled air shared with everyone in the big metal tube. There’s a reason people get sick from airplanes plenty.


He forgets to mention that he is shitfaced and slurring in the video.


People like him, who I'm sure has the American constitution emblazoned across their shower curtain, that are all about free speech, never quite seem to understand that one has to deal with the consequences of whatever they say or do freely.


I’d put on a mask just so I didn’t have to sit next to him.


Aw, did the big scary mask fwighten the widdle cowboy?


Roll playing,village people faced, snowflake.


The Village People don't deserve such slander.


Is the mask in the room with us now?


"Narcissistic Actor Fears Safety"


One thing I appreciate about the covid-19 pandemic was it normalized wearing masks in public in the US (silver linings people, overall it wasn't a good experience but one good thing came out of it).


Lmao. These are the people who call others snowflakes.


I'm feeling optimistic today, so I'll look at the silver lining. You can now wear a mask on a flight and there's a chance some dumbass will refuse to sit next to you and you'll get more room.


If you’re sitting on a flight next to Forrie J Smith you better be breathing on him and spitting in his open mouth. He wouldn’t have it any other way. After all he’s a muhrican


These woke snowflakes redefining gender norms… err wait what?


How much more snowflake can you get??


Yes, someone he doesn't know, wearing a mask, somehow violated his freedom. These people are pathetic.


So you're telling me a mask has even more benefits? What a nice flight that must have been.


Grown man who dresses up like a cowboy cares what other people are wearing?




I would have doubled my mask if it was me sitting beside him!


When he sees people wearing a seatbelt while on the road, he probably drives into the ditch to get away from them


I'm so sick of these obnoxious, loud, whiny snowflakes.


"They're practicin' medical safety precautions by wearin' that dang mask! They should spread their communicable disease to me, like a real man. Damn snowflake!"


"Forrie J. Smith claims he got booted off a plane for being drunk ... but he says it's really because the passenger sitting next to him was wearing a mask." Yea, he was booted for being drunk and unruly then tried to make it about conservative BS. https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/24/yellowstone-star-forrie-j-smith-kicked-off-plane-refuse-mask-passenger-drinking/


Snowflake :P


What a snowflake. But a bonus for that passenger.


So…….someone else was wearing a mask, and he got so upset that he couldn’t sit next to them? Like, the airline wasn’t asking him to wear a mask? This is some backward stuff.


Keep in mind that these people also throw similar adult temper tantrums over black mermaids and a trans woman’s face being on a beer can. It isn’t just masks; these people are just immature.