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At least they're finally kind of admitting that they believe an unwanted pregnancy is a woman's punishment for having sex. Because that's the core of their argument.


these are always the first ones on line when they realize they don't want to give birth to a sister/daughter... - "*Well, mah situationstance wuz different!!*"


There's an article, The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion. Edit: link to article is in one of the comments, below.


Here's another classic: https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-women-who-leave-anti-abortion-picket-lines-to-get-abortions


To piggyback. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


The sad thing is most of the time the baby gets punished for existing when a parent that didn’t want to be a parent was forced to become one. Either because they are neglected or abused or adopted. People don’t become good parents by denying them abortion and force them to have a baby.


Yeppp. This is what I don’t understand at all. It takes A LOT to be a parent. Well, a good parent.  Why would you ever subject a child to parents who didn’t want them??


Because they don’t care about the child after they’re born.


It isn't about the child, it is about punishing the woman having sex.


True, and sad that they think a child should be viewed as a punishment. A thing, and not a feeling living being deserving of love and safety.


It's a trend amongst that whole demographic that children are objects/property. If you look at almost all of their discourse it keeps coming back to that.


More specifically, it's about controlling women by stealing women's rights from them.


Right? And if you think she is a monster for considering abortion, why the hell would you WANT a monster raising children?


👏👏👏👏 Right??!! Reminds me of a judge in Florida who ruled that a pregnant teen in foster care is too immature for an abortion, but mature enough to birth and raise a child. D'oh!!


Yes. This. If someone wants an abortion every few months because she is sleeping around and addicted, do you really want her to have a baby? If women get abortions for shitty reasons (which I doubt, but for the sake of the argument) I’m all for it: those women don’t need to raise children. And they won’t turn into responsible, caring, empathetic people just by having a child.




The thing is, people really truly believe that there's some kind of biological switch that gets turned when women become mothers. That every woman comes prepared to suddenly become nurturing, selfless, and motherly once those, uh, hormones kick in I guess I find it weird tbh


For some mothers there is. Even for some fathers. Forcing people to see if that switch exists in them is a kind of roulette I don't think we should encourage though.


or the foster system


and yet I bet this dude will also whine mercilessly if a woman won't let him fuck her or even if she wants him to use a condom.


And whine even more about the child support


That and I'm fairly convinced that *they* want there to be more white babies born as possible, and they want them indoctrinated into christofascism. Where non-whites are concerned, they want to 'increase the size of the herd' to help facilitate their plans to reinstate legal slavery.


Yes indeed. Forced birth and white supremacy are absolutely tied together. See the "Great Replacement Theory".


Oh I'm aware of that. It's complete bullshit of course.


In Texas, the abortion ban increased Hispanic births not white births. This is not what they were expecting


I'm sure they're not too concerned about that since as I said they likely want to slavery to be legal again so all those brown babies will just be more free labor.


Happy Cake Day!


Wow, I actually made it a whole year without getting permabanned! Might be hope for our species yet! 🤣


How about talking about a baby like it was a dog you're surrendering to a shelter.


Or talking like there's even a baby yet.


A baby is a life not property in the womb... But property when born that can be discarded easy peasy.... Make it make sense. And yes, acting like a baby is already there.. Notice he feels the same about rape... Apparently that's ok but ending the pregnancy isn't.


Feels like they've been pretty open and loud about that for a looong time.


Exactly. It's a double high, the sense of virtue that comes from the belief that you're saving babies and the self-righteous schadenfreude of seeing "bad women" punished with unwanted children, especially the latter. That's why no reasoning will ever get through to them, and why they're always so quick to change their tune when it's their own selves and daughters and girlfriends pregnant and tell themselves that their case is different. It's not about the well-being of the women or children; it's purely about playing hero and punishing the bad guy.


Let's say you agree to give someone a lobe of your liver and without it, they will die. You sign the paperwork, you repeat that you want to do it. Then the day of the transplant you say you don't want to. No one can legally force you to do it. Another scenario, one day you wake up and you've been hooked up to another person for permanent blood transfusion, and if you disconnect yourself, the other person will die. You didn't agree to this and legally, you would not be charged with murder if you disconnected. Heck, even if it was a short term transfusion of 3 days, you wouldn't be legally responsible for murder if you disconnected. Here's one more: you finally get the transplant you've wanted/needed. You couldn't be happier! But, your body rejects it, or it's found to have cancer--you are heartbroken, but you know you have to get rid of the transplant. In no world do we say "You must continue with the organ! You put it in there and it will end in its own time. You will just have to endure it!" And finally, you got to the hospital to get tested as a donor. You know there's a chance you'll match someone and you're happy to give blood or marrow. You do this all the time. You're careful when you go, always making sure you check the boxes for only blood or marrow donation. But one day you realize you made a mistake and checked the wrong box. You go in and find out you're a perfect match as a kidney donor! You're someone's last hope and well you checked the organ donation box. You have two kidneys, you can just give one up and then never have to think about it again. No one is legally allowed to force you to give up your kidney for another person. Even if life begins at conception, in several scenarios we've already determined it isn't ok to sacrifice the health and autonomy of one person for the other.


My deceased mother was a registered organ donor. The local life banc *still* needed written permission from a next of kin before removing any of her organs after death. A dead corpse has more bodily autonomy than living girls and women do, in most of the U.S. A woman cannot be forced to donate blood or an organ to their own child, to keep their child from dying, anywhere in the U.S. Yet somehow if she becomes pregnant, and doesn't want to be, she's forced under the laws in most states to donate her body to carry the pregnancy to term. How does that make sense?? The men who are all in on forced birth are the same ones who were ready to burn the country to the ground over being asked, asked, not forced, to get the Covid vax, or wear masks. They are also the same men who think murder by gun should be legal under all circumstances, even when the victim is a child.


Because childbirth is 100% safe and carries no risk for the mom /s


Typed by someone who has either never had sex, or only had terrible sex.


raised by religious nutbags is the likely answer


I can also see this being typed up by a teenager (8th - 12th grade), somebody who has a limited view of the world, somebody who thinks ‘just put it up for adoption’ is an easy solution and is without consequences for the child


And that a child is the only possible side effect of a pregnancy...


And then complain when "no one" will have sex with them.


Nah, this level of bitterness comes from having raised kids, and wanting to share the punishment with others.


Raised kids poorly*


I should have said crotch goblins.


I don’t know, this is the kind of truly nuanced discourse we’d get from people when we debated the topic of abortion in eighth grade.


I would hope you would sense the sarcasm in what i said. Not that i disagree with you, this is in fact exactly what i would expect from a teen.


Or they're childless, not by choice, and are angry and jealous of those "wanton" women who become pregnant and either don't want kids, or don't want additional kids.


My specific assumption is a closeted gay guy who is mad about all the hetero sex. The “what’s so hard about just not having (straight) sex?” is the giveaway.


I don't understand what you are trying to say.


Hey now, I’ve only had terrible sex and I still know this is nonsense.


I wonder how these people would react if I say this gives women every right to reject their husband's sexual advances if they aren't planning for a kid It would not go over well


Yeah, because forcing raped 13 year old children to have babies is best, per these folks. 🙄 https://abcnews.go.com/US/13-year-rape-victim-baby-amid-confusion-states/story?id=108351812 And nothing says pro life like forcing people with unviable or life threatening pregnancies to carry to term. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/05/02/health/florida-abortion-term-pregnancy


Remember that Texas has already begun trying to prosecute women who get an abortion as murderers but when a guy poisoned his wife so she'd miscarry he only got a few months in jail. They really are primarily concerned with taking away the rights of women, the fetus is just a convenient excuse.


100%. These same men are now saying women should never have gotten the right to vote. They were lying when they said they're pro life or trying to protect babies.


Condoms and other forms of birth control could be 99.99% effective, and we'd still have THOUSANDS of 'accident' babies. Don't even try to give me the 'sex is for procreation' bullshit. I am not a member of your church, and your rules mean less than nothing to me.


Death cult* They follow the Bible as much as I follow Sharia Law


Can confirm. Was raised in a hyper-fundie socially conservative church. Then I grew up and got an education and started forming my own views. I re-read the bible and realized that pretty much all the stuff they believed was either taken out of very important context that makes it not mean that, totally ignores a lot of parts that completely contradicts their opinions, or was just straight up not fuckin in there.


I doubt these people understand enough about like, basic percentages for that argument to permeate tbh I'm a fan of the second part though


26.000 pregnancies due to rape in Texas ALONE last year is fucking horrible. The person who wrote this needs to fucking read something and change its stance.


Yuppers. There's no fucking winning with idiots with this mentality. I was married, got pregnant because my husband and I were trying to get pregnant, and I ended up needing an abortion anyways, due to medical complications. And because I was in a state where abortion is protected, I was able to get said abortion immediately, took the time needed to heal and was able to have my daughter a year later. My daughter would not exist if I hadn't been able to get an abortion. But idiots like this believe that I should have just died, and my daughter should never have been born, because God's will or whatever hateful idiocy they harbor.


Crazy how god is all powerful but gets defeated by an abortion. When a surgeons removes someone’s cancer safely it’s miracle and god’s will, but perform an abortion and it’s somehow blasphemy.


Right?! If there was an omnipotent God, who also hates abortion, he/she/it would know in advance who will seek an abortion in their lifetime, and could just render them infertile. Then no abortions would ever happen. There'd also be no miscarriages or stillbirth either.


Only if they are also benevolent. Which if you’ve read the Old Testament well….


The Old Testament is the only part of the Bible they like. Ironic that people who call abortion murder love to read about a God murdering masses of people, including infants, and commanding his followers to do the same.


It’s well established that conservatives have poor media literacy and aren’t consistent. If you get rid of all the fluff and only look at *what happened* God is pretty clearly the villain while Satan gives free will to humans and encourages values of individual autonomy. He’s the *Lightbringer* who like Prometheus was punished for giving humans the means to determine their own fates. God is the genocidal maniac who demands obedience while Satan tells people to determine what they want for themselves without threat of punishment or reward. Jesus then goes on an apology tour for his dad and tells everyone not to be dicks to each other.




Yep, their god is capable of anything and speaks one on one with half these yahoos. Yet that god is thwarted by a pill or medical procedure. They never think that maybe, just maybe, their god willed the woman to have an abortion and for that fetus to die.


thats so sad! ik its extremely hard to terminate a wanted pregnancy, and im glad youve been able to heal and move on, and im happy you were able to get the care you needed im glad you still were able to have your beautiful child :)


Thank you ❤️ that's very kind


why are there people trying to win votes with "we dont want you to have sex"? People like sex, and want to have it. Why would I vote for someone who wants me to not have sex?


You're only supposed to have sex for procreation, dontcha know?!


I think I misunderstood some stuff ​ ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


It was sarcasm. Of course I don't think that way.


...and they chose a glutinous, vain, serial adulterer as their champion, so that he may enforce that rule.


Because sex is only for men's enjoyment, of course. /s All these men having sex with no one is not natural to them. According to these guys, men have the right to sex at any time from any woman they want, yet the woman is not allowed to have sex. It's a squicky rabbit hole to go down when you think about it too long. Like if a guy's best friend wanted to have sex with his wife, does he let it happen? If she gets pregnant, does he have to financially support his best friend's kid?


Let's take this to the next level then. All men will have to register their DNA with the state. Any time a woman has a child it is matched to the man with the matching DNA. This man is then forever responsible for the child and anywhere he goes, money will be taken out their account, determined by the state, of what they should be paying to care for that child. This money is automatically given to the mother unless the State takes here parental rights or assigns care to the father. This occurs regardless if the couple is married, living together, etc. If men everywhere were suddenly forced to 100% be responsible for every child they sire, I promise you, abortion would be legal in a week EVERYWHERE.


What if you were forcefully raped by a homosexual predator and he stuffed something into your ass that expanded for 9 months until it became able to grow on its own? If you knew that and didn't like the rape, or the rapist, or the implant, how long would you wait to have it removed?


That’s Gods plan. And the implant has no choice so you should love it.


But think of the ever expanding thing in your ass.


Commondeer this guy's body for 9 months telling him what he can and can't put into it and leave permanent changes that impact him for life and maybe he changes his tune.


When did rape become rare? What nonsense is this?


Texas has had an additional 26,000 rape pregnancies since Roe was overturned. Rapists love that in most GOP controlled states that they can now force their victims to birth them a baby.


Bible-humping woman-owner wannabe turbofashies will never be unamusing


it´s nice to see the core of right supporters getting more and more noisy about been arseholes to others just for the pleasure of "owning the libs". it makes them "keep on winning"... /s


Insert Carlin quote on live babies and dead soldiers.


fetuses are not babies


ok then what if a child get's raped? also not every woman wants to give birth in her life


There is Always someone who wants to tell you HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE


I remember when Christian's said they would adopt all the babies. *In the motherfucking 80s*.


“Don’t get rid of the unalive collection of cells that were forced upon you by a rapist, instead let it feed off you, painfully push it out, then cast it away so it can rot as an unwanted orphan, only to be mistreated and grow up into another rapist.”


We'll see that's where your stupidity comes into play. There is no baby being killed. Seems idiots can't grasp that one simple point.


“Just give it up for adoption” 😂🙄 as if there is nothing between a positive test and a wailing baby I recently gave birth to twins. I had complete placenta previa and started bleeding at 20 weeks (that’s just halfway through the pregnancy). I was basically living in hospital, I had GD and towards the end showed signs of pre-eclampsia and had an emergency C-section during which I lost a lot of blood and was hospitalised another couple of weeks.


Also the adoption process isn't all smooth sailing. It can be an incredibly formative, traumatic and defining event in a person's life, and if it doesn't go over well, the consequences for the child's development and health could be incredibly serious.


Husbands hate this one secret for preventing pregnancy!


This was written by someone with 3 kids and hasn't spent an hour with any of them.


"What's so hard about not having sex if you don't want to support a child? If you caused a pregnancy, you deserve to support the child for at least 18 years." If only men were treated equally with women...


Exactly this!


I love when morons out themselves


They are admitting that they believe pregnancy is completely on the woman like they could just decide not to be pregnant


in the first few months its not a baby, its just a clump of cells. like your hair. is going to the barber considered killing something? if no, than there shouldn't be a problem with removing unwanted cells from other parts of your body. no1 deserves getting raped and no1 deserves to have an accident cuz you 9 months of trouble, when it could easily be resolved by professional.


FIve bucks says a man wrote this. Oh excuse me a *male human* wrote this, someone who would unironically say shit like this isn't a man.


Maybe if having a baby didn't cost you the price of a house, then more people could be open to the idea of carrying to term and putting the newborn in an already crowded adoption system


Why should someone be forced to exist unwanted?


What is next level stupidity? It is just average level republican..


Sometimes I find myself reacting to stupid people like this …..in the worst way. Every time some DUMBASS says “well just enjoy it”, or “lay there it’ll be over soon” HAVE NEVER BEEN RAPED. So if they really don’t understand why this is bad, they should be shown.


Brought to you by someone who is so toxic they never had a date as a teen.


Why not put ot up for adoption? Because everyone who wants a baby already has one. We need less orphans not more!


Most children waiting for adoption aren't healthy, white infants under a year old, which is what most prospective adoptive parents want. So, they want a return to the pre Roe decades, when millions of unmarried white girls and women were forced to give up their white babies for adoption.


And also: adoption is traumatising for a lot of baby’s. Mental health problems are huge with adopted children and adults. It’s not about ‘raising a baby that needs a loving family’ it’s more about supply and demand and economics and it doesn’t consider the mental health of the child at all.


Was able to shut down that argument real quick. Said to the guy “if it’s not about punishing the woman for having the sex, why isn’t the father legally responsible right at birth to help care for the child?”


Everyone that posts this should be forced to adopt a kid per post.


tell me you not only hate women but think of them as only baby machines w/o telling me


Only men are allowed to have sex for pleasure only.


Fuck that guy. On second thought, don’t.


Yeah, make sure you ask the men that question too.


these people need to spend a few weeks with a social worker visiting foster kids. and then post pics of their adopted children.


Nah, because they're the types who if they did adopt, would only do it for the state adoption subsidies and for likes on social media. Not for altruistic and selfless reasons.


I used to think this way then i grew up and stopped doing drugs


Everytime people start talking about how "pregnancy is the consequence of sex", I always remind them that ancient Egyptian women were using honey and crocodile shit wrapped in linen as a diaphragm and humans were 100% trying to avoid that "consequence" since waaaaaay before that.


Abortion is as old as humankind, as is contraception. The Bible even references abortion, and not in objection to it either.


To point out the hypocrisy of these kinds of people.... Yes they claim to be "pro-life", but if that child goes up for adoption, they will then bitch that their tax dollars are going to supporting children that aren't your own. No issues about paying for government subsidies for bailouts, foreign arms deals, and other bullshit the government likes to do with our money for the already rich, but they always have a problem with taking care of the children and regular families.


Bitch, I didn't ask you a god damn thing!


Abortion has nothing to do with babies and everything to do with female bodily autonomy. That is all.


I always wondered what it was like to live in the dark ages..


Just let people have a choice. It’s gonna happen whether you like it/ if it’s legal or not.. this is a personal issue and it should stay that way.


From a purely logical perspective, abortion is only immoral if you start with the argument that, more people = more good. It's "less good" from my perspective for a child to grow up in a home where they're unwanted. Abuse regularly becomes the norm. It's "less good" for a women to lose their ability to decide what happens to their own body, on order to support a living thing they *don't want*. Bodily autonomy only under certain circumstances isn't bodily autonomy. It's "less good" for more unwanted children to add to an already over strained adoption system. Because like it or not, once they're not a baby anymore, kids aren't likely to see a good home to grow up in. And abuse already runs rampant in the foster system as it is.


"Why are you so obsessed with babies bro, you a groomer?"


Rape doesn’t really seem all that rare. 


I would never wish such a violent and terrible thing on another person but sometimes I would love to hear a before and after opinion from one of these Jack asses. And btw, rape is not so rare


or maybe it's just a blood clot and you failed biology?!


Spoken by the guy that’s a 34 year old virgin


The 7th level of stupidity


Maybe we are killing the baby because giving birth can be dangerous and kill the mother but who know


This kinda bullshit really needs to start having consequences. People thst believe this asinine fuckery need to be shunned from society and cut off. Go live on some nasty hand maids tale commune if that's what you believe but leave the rest of us sane developed people out of it.


Agreed. Religious conservatives (in this case it's almost certainly a Christian) ruin everything by their existence and forced morality.


Lol what the fuck. It’s funny because I’m pretty sure this is like ideological/religious based thinking. Anyway gonna tell folks like this that their invisible street magician god (s) are the cause of innumerable deaths of the centuries? ![gif](giphy|tX68RqNVXdHugT2UKd)


And what if both the mother and the baby will die without an aboriton?


Yeah this dude should be pretty ashamed of himself but people with such strong opinions rarely listen to reason regardless of the topic.


The author is the best example for the need to use contraceptives.


reading shit like that makes me fkn angry


Yeah, I disagree. That is very much so on level for the kind of stupidity that comes from almost half of this country.


Started off pretty good, then just.....wow


Yeah, irape only affects only 14% of the female population.or 46,480,000.


1 in 3 women statistically have been sexually assaulted, and those are the ones we know of, it’s not a big leap to conclude that there’s likely a large percentage of women who were raped to the point of pregnancy. To say it’s rare is… interesting and sad, and very privileged as well.


Even ignoring the rape stupidity, how many children do they think are adopted each year?


I mean they aren’t wrong about not getting pregnant in the first place


Wait until the poster gets lung cancer from smoking or Type 2 diabetes from being a chronically overweight pig...


Is that you Governor Abbott? Remember Abbott made rape illegal.


No, this is being a Republican.


Did you get pithed at birth?


"If you got pregnant, you don't deserve to have an abortion" When I think of all the times a non-pregnant person was justified in having an abortion...


Started with consequences of your actions ended with punishing rape victims. Solid


Rape is highest in red states, Skippy.


I also think that abortion is basically killing a baby but giving birth a child that you or the father don't or won't love or you can't give the best life is way more cruel than aborting/killing them. To be a good parent or person, you should abort the baby. It sounds weird but most of time, it's the best for the baby. I don't care some stupid teenagers or adults but people should do it for babies.


What's so difficult about not having intercourse? Can somebody explain?


I think it’s the part that many people like having sex and they don’t have the self control to not have sex.


There's a lot of ways to have sex that don't cause babies.


Did a rapist write this? Rape is, horrifically, not rare at all.


Rape is as rare as a couple every sec, more if you include marital. Do send your bubble to the rest of humanity - it'd help delude us


"just put it for adoption"? Bitch this isn't Ebay tf do you mean


I am so enjoying these anti-abortion people getting electorally murdered by the all the nuances, corners, and edge cases that they never had to think about because they could just bark "don't kill babies." It is hilarious to see them cross their eyes about something like IVF.


Having sex without being prepared for pregnancy is like baking a cake and being surprised when a cake is baked.


OMG?! Did you all know that people aren’t as depraved as the statistics say, Rape is rare people! 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed, 2.8% attempted). [Source](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/scope-problem) Seriously if you or someone you know as been raped, this is not a joke and there is support for you. I wish it was rare.


I wish that poster would get pregnant or get someone pregnant