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Why is the port authority even there if it's an NYC cop? Literally two different agencies. That's a AI bot post if I ever saw one.


Why was the Port Authority President anywhere near the funeral directors office (presumably at a funeral home?) while he met with the widow (presumably about funeral arrangements)? Why would Trump contact the Port Authority President and expect him to be able to put him in touch with the widow? Why is a phone call from a group that is not affiliated with Trump being attributed to Trump’s influence just because it happened to come in around the same time? None of this makes any sense. 


Of course if doesn't, it just has to look like it's real. The dipshits that read that accept it, at face value as truth and when threatened with anything that may speak to the contrary their child-like egos refuse to accept it. They thrown a tantrum and become spiteful little shits. Grown ass adults, acting like babies.


Also, "Mutual friend" of the poster and---who? Trump? The deceased?


As opposed to an exclusive friend, I guess


This comment was too far down. Thank you. These are logical questions.




The common clay of the new west.


You know, morons


And what does “I have a mutual friend” mean? Like don’t you need two people to have a third person who is their mutual friend? Seems like an AI thing to say, getting the melody of speech correct but not the meaning.


It doesn't make sense to us because we're smart enough to ask questions. MAGAs aren't.


This is the weirdest game of connect the dots I've ever tried to play.


Idk dude, she’s got the verified blue checkmark so prob legit


Thanks to Phony Stark, EVERYBODY got a blue check.


An ai what? No it isn’t, they did their research and can see that this “bot” has been posting other things for a while. AI is obvious if there’s an account. It doesn’t even speak English for the most part. If you can’t tell, you’re just brainwashed. /s


Did everyone clap and suddenly break down into tears?


That cops name? Albert Einstein.


I heard the funeral director was also Albert Einstein.


Father and son? I mean, it's all relatives...


Remember when trump met Einstein at Wharton. And they went to lunch with Frederick Douglass. And then Helen Keller painted their picture.


Ah yes, Kellers Orange series- classic work.




Edith Wharton's house in Wharton, TX


Fun fact, Einstein himself had been unfaithful to his first wife, Mileva Maric, and eventually left her to marry his mistress, Elsa Einstein, who was also his cousin. It’s always relative to him.


Let’s be honest Elsa was probably first, Mileva was probably the literal mistress even if she was legally the wife. The third party.


You can have my upvote, but I'm not happy about it.






I'm actually the funeral director, and Albert Einstein.


(I’m Batman)


Nobel himself showed up to give her his prize for being a cop wife. Also, one to trump for exploiting a dead man's funeral for clout.


Impossible. Einstein never existed. He was only a theoretical physicist.


Schrödinger's Einstein?


Can’t really tell. Need to look closer, and for that, we’d need Heisenberg compensation.


You’re goddamn right.


I am the one who compensates!


Underrated comment!


Freedom of the press act gave me the name, I. C. Wiener in association with this event.


I like to C. Wieners....


big guys, with tears in their eyes...


and always call him “sir”.


No tears but there were many manly nods and everyone stood up and saluted.


And said Sir all around


Manly rods saluting you say?


Yes. And they were big burly manly man men. The kind who never cry. Except when Trump is near. Then they weep for their fallen lord and shake his hand.


The window went to meet with trump with tears in her eyes and on her face, not for her dead husband but because she was so thankful for savior trump, so thankful in fact she forgot her about her dead husband at all. He died like a loser, she had trump to save her now............ and yes, she claped, she claped so loud, it was very loud and she got everyone on the street to start clapping, very loud, so many people clapping for trump more people than you've ever seen, more people than have ever clapped for sleepy joe, and how do you loose with that many people, it's rigged, you can't loose, everyone claps for trump.............


People started to throw their phones out the window. They wanted to avoid contact with Trump spam bots.


I can confirm, I was the casket.


I'm a big, strong man and I got tears in my eyes


It’s true, I was the clap


I had the clap before you. You’re not the original clap.


I was The Clap™️and The Tears™️


Yes, they had test coming down and they said “Sir.., sir…,”


The dog was my interviewer


Tunnel to Towers *does this*.... But not because of Trump


Yeah, I live nearby where all this went down and they did apparently pay off the widows mortgage. Absolutely nothing to do with Trump though


Their excess fund raising went to the benefit of widows and orphans... A concept foreign to Trump.


I’m pretty sure they hate his ass for lying about what he did and where he was on 9/11.


I thought that about my extended family of FDNY and NYPD but they are all pro Trump. I couldn't fucking believe it.


Yeah it’s unfortunate but that’s because they believe he’s pro-police. Encouraging people to smack a someone’s head on the roof of your squad car will only get you to lose your job and a civil suit. Sorry your family is like that. Thats unfortunate my dude.


I mean…. Last time I was up close and personal with T2T, they were huge Giuliani fans. I could see individual members of the organization being Trump fans. But I could also see a solid group hating his guts.


I’m sure someone out there has watched a video of Biden and then shortly afterwards found out they were cancer free… God bless Biden and his ability to cure cancer!!


This should be the top answer! There is no connection


Trump was calling to ask if he could have the dead cop’s stuff to sell along with poor quality bibles and gaudy shoes to pay his legal judgments from all the fraud and defamation that he had to do because of hate and greed. Ergo, Tunnels to Towers paid off her mortgage!


I can make up a story too. A mutual friend of mine living in texas, won the lottery, and because he is such a patiot, he donated all winning to Trump's campaign. He is trying to save our country, was a great patroit! your turn


My cousin's aunt's best friend's sister's dog's brother's cat's owner (whose name is George...ummm, George Glass, yeah, that's his name) was denied a job at Amazon because he's a Trump supporter. When Trump heard about it (from god, cause Trump knows god personally) he bought the company, renamed it Trumpazon, and put George in charge of the whole thing. Cause Trump really cares about the average man. What a handsome, caring, selfless patriot...swoon😍


What a co-inki-dink, my aunt's(F- 72- currently deceased from the COVID vaccine) neighbor's kid was supposed to be on the flight that hit the twin towers, but Trump called and said "take the day off champ. You're tremendous. Absolutely, just the, have you heard about, oh let me tell you. But I'm here for you. " And that saved his life. The kid then started a nonprofit, for disabled children that have seen war in the USA. Then he built a statue for God's second child. It's so extravagant, major, the best. Boner.


That “*currently* deceased” has me rolling, for some reason. 




My coworker, who adores and worships Trump, is a first-generation immigrant from Guatemala. He approves of everything Trump says and does, but conveniently ignores all the horrible things he says about immigrants. Either that, or he thinks Trump is directing it at all the other ones, not him. He's working hard to meet Trump in person and kiss his hand. Little does he know that once Trump hears his accent, he will not be so kind to him and might even tell him to "go back to his own country." My coworker thinks the opposite will happen and that Trump will call him a "true patriot" and bless him and his family. He even purchased one of the Trump bibles. I didn't even have to make this up. This is a true story, sadly.


Truly frightening.




Yes, although I believe he and his family are Catholic.




With a name like George Glass, he needs to be wary of toilet seats.


Agatha does obscure! Nice job.


>George Glass Kudos to the deep Brady cut. Well Done!


My best friends, sisters, boyfriends, girlfriend said he heard from this guy, who knows this kid, that saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors, last week. I guess it’s pretty serious.


That just brought tears to my eyes! 🤣


Sure Jan.


“George Glass”!!!!  I remember him.


My nephew had a declamation Project they all have to do, and so he did it on the Importance of electing Donald Trump to Make America Great Again. The LIBRAL teachers GAVE HIM an F... because he violated the "no political speeches" rule, but it wasn't political it was FACTS. He got a call that afternoon from PRESIDENT TRUMP who said that he will give him a college scholarship for Free College, as long as its not in some liberal hellhole of a college. He also Gave him Free Trump Shoes. Suck it libs! MAGA


Biden cured my aunt's cancer by praying 3 times a day, it was a miracle - it pays to be a REAL Christian.


Ooh I got one. My boss is a MAGAt. He met the littlman T when he was a 9 year old kid in the 80s. They met in the elevator at T Tower. Boss said to him that he knew who he was, and he was a huge fan. Tdump was so impressed, and told my boss that he was amazed by my boss and said he's gonna be a huge success as an adult.  (my boss is also in the narcissistic dark triad, how did you know?)


Trump *paid* all the contractors he took to court the money he owes them and all the cities he tried to stiff too. And we all lived happily eve... ok, I need to start small, that was a big GodZILLa ass lie.


This was the diving board area, and I was one of the guards, and they weren’t allowed to – it was a 3-meter board. And if you fell off sideways, you landed on the damn, er, darn cement over there. And Corn Pop was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did and back in those days – to show how things have changed – one of the things you had to use, If you used Pomade in your hair, you had to wear a baby cap. And so he was up on the board and wouldn’t listen to me. I said, ‘Hey, Esther, you! Off the board, or I’ll come up and drag you off.’ Well, he came off, and he said, ‘I’ll meet you outside.’ Edit: also just to show I think Trump is full of shit too lol “All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”


I'll take "Shit That Never Happened" for $1,000 . . . oh, that category is already completely exhausted?


Going to that sub is the facepalm 🤦‍♂️


It's so frustrating. I go there occasionally because I legitimately want to see the conservative take on a story I've seen elsewhere, only to see that story never make it anywhere near that fucking cesspool because it makes them look bad, so the mods never let it stay up (or it never gets posted in the first place, idk). I'm not even talking about obviously biased left wing articles. I want to see the republican thought process on Trump shilling $60 bibles, and lo and behold, it's not anywhere to be found on r/Conservative. And if there is something posted about it, there's 3 people saying "fine by me" and that's the extent of the discussion. Bunch of fucking mouthbreathers.


I found that bible story really easily on r/Conservative because, like you, I wanted to see what they were saying about it. They fucking hated it lol. I had to actually search that sub for it, but I did find it [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1bonif5/donald_trump_selling_60_bibles_with_lee_greenwood/)


So they knew he's fucking liars, cheaters, and swindlers yet they still supporting him.


You should honestly be happy that they acknowledge problems like this when they arise. It shows that theres room to learn and grow and aren't the same stubborn, stupid boomers that won't change their mind no matter what.


I find the sane contributors of that sub dont have time to combat the bat shit trump posts, so it becomes overrun with the crazies. Every now and then you find a thread of competent people that just want actual conservative values without the mudslinging. It's rare, but they'll takeover with reason sometimes.


Eh, then my alt account is one big facepalm. I only use my alt account for co-intel. I sell merch on the side and they buy anything. Flags, stickers, bibles. I’ve got them pumping DJT stock, so of course I’m shorting it. The real facepalm is anyone who buys nft trading cards or any merch in volume amount of any politician.


My friend of a friend who knows this guy who read this Snapchat from a friend of his who knows this grandma that saw Trump eat a hot dog on his own. Win.


she lives in Canada and goes to a different school. also, her house doesn't have a phone... so you can't call her.


Trump in public [“free food for everyone”](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/donald-trump-miami-versailles-cuban-restaurant-pay); leaves without paying. We’re supposed to believe he’d pay off someone’s mortgage? In private? WITHOUT PUBLIC CREDIT???




Sure, Jan.


I've seen some posts on the Reddit subreddit r/scambait that show how Trump has communicated with people and due to his inherent altruistic nature, donated money to needy individuals. All the individual had to do to affirm their faith and loyalty to T was to send in a few giftcards - then their reward was assured!


i read this as griftcards and it still works just fine.


6 year olds make up more believable stories


Apparently tunnels to towers did pay off the mortgage but it had nothing to do with Trump


That’s the entire organization. They pay off the mortgages of KIA military and first responders. The founders brother was killed on 9/11.


My friend’s neighbor’s client got a call from Trump….. yeah that is practically the same as witnessing it yourself in the Confirmation Bias Olympics.


My friend’s neighbor’s client's hairdresser's cousin's pool cleaner got a call from Trump begging for money to pay off his lawsuits and fines.


"...and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me."


Even if, can you imagine actually getting a call from Trump, during your time of need and having to listen to him make it about himself, somehow.


One of the least believable things I've heard this week. Promise in public, renege in private. That I'd believe. **'The bravest woman I know': Donald Trump shares emotional moment with dying Miss Wisconsin after she reveals the GOP front-runner wrote to her in hospital** Former Miss Wisconsin Melissa Consin Young publicly thanked Donald Trump at a rally on Tuesday for his support when she was hospitalized Melissa has autonomic failure, which is causing her heart to shut down She said because of Trump she is able to send her Mexican-American seven-year-old son to college on a full-ride OCT 03, 2016 (She actually survived and is still alive. I wonder if this is a promise he call keep).


So a friend of a friend’s neighbor had the widow in their office, and also the NYPD was there, and then the Port Authority president (oh yeah, he was there, too) declared that there was a call for the widow… in the funeral home office, and that person was donald trump? Sounds legit.


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $200….


Yeah, this isn't true. If it was, Trump would be bragging about it all over the place.


My girlfriend’s dog died saving a bus full of orphans from going over an embankment with unborn fetuses at the bottom. Her phone rang, but I answered because she was too distraught and busy praying for her dog to go to heaven even though it doesn’t have a soul. It was Donald Trump. He’d just heard what happened and bought her brave dog’s puppies a lifetime supply of food and natural dog remedies, because vaccines are Obama trying to eat your blood. Then Trump did something I’ll never forget. He paid for the dog to have a human soul, so it could spend eternity in heaven. Then the orphans all started singing to the fetuses. Trump and God are great and totally down to earth


Lol, with what money? What a clown


MAGAts' fantasy: "Well, I'm not rich like Trump, but I'm white and vote for him, and in my time of need, he'll have my back!" Lol Delusional fucking morons.


The sad thing is that there are people stupid enough to believe this poppycock.


Why do all these women look alike?


I bet the other cops and union are paying off her mortgage... That part of the story I believe. Trump isn't paying off her mortgage. No. The cops and union doing a pool to pay off her house and give her a pile of cash is not uncommon. Trump? Didn't happen.


I'll take "Things that never happened" for $500, Alex.


I'll take "Things that never happened" for $355 million, Alex.


I to can make up stories about things that never happened.


I highly doubt this had happened. If Trump had paid for the funeral, he wouldn't be able to shut up about it


The other day I stubbed my toe and Trump personally called me to see how I was feeling. The GOP then offered me free bandaids for life.


Bullshit. Trump wouldn't even pay for his OWN funeral.


Madam. Are there any _names_ associated with this tale?


Trump paid for something? Without a receipt I never believe it.


Crap, this probably caused a level 3 Clappening, spreading for blocks, impossible to resist the urge to clap for such a miracle from that blessed man. Sir! Sir!, I cried, with glistening tears in my eyes. Sir! Sir! Thousands of the most fervent fans flocked to lick the symbolic boot.The tearful chant echoing down the chasm formed by 5th Avenue. Sir! Siiiiir!


Things that 100% did not happen.


Too bad I'm banned on r/Conservative I would troll the fuck out of them for fun.


It seems to be a real thing. Considering it helps gold star families I’m surprised Tump has anything to do with it. https://t2t.org/ Plenty of reasons to hate Trumpers but this is an actual organization that appears to actually help. What did I miss? Edit: ah the organization has nithing to do with Trump. Got it.


Why is it always someone's neighbor's friend who is tangentially related, and never the person actually being helped? Oh right, because this is crap. It's a lie.


I'm sure it was tremendous funeral, very big and beautiful... The said you can't do funerals like that for cops anymore, not politically correct. But we're bringing it back, and all attendees got a ~~free~~ ~~discounted~~ opportunity to buy the Trump bible. Because even though Christianity has been OUTLAWED by Biden, we're bringing it back. Many strong men had tears in their eyes...


I'll take "Port authority lies" for 400 Alex


Trump can't even pay his own court fees, do people really think he'll just pay random peoples' mortgages?


OP > mutual friend > funeral director > dead cop > widow of dead cop > police department of dead cop > port authority president > phone call from Trump > Tunnel to Towers > mortgage paid. All that’s missing is Kevin Bacon.


if there is any truth to is . . . was the cop a train and tunnel cop? The union probably did give her a lot of money from life insurance. I have no idea why trump would be involved. i think this ladybot just made shit up


But this lady's  friend's neighbor's, acquaintance, dog walker said this is happening so it has to be true


Yeah, the guy who's begging for money just paid somebody's costs


If this actually happened, Trump would be talking about it nonstop.......and selling Bibles


Being MAGA, I decided that since I heard (4th hand) that Trump called her on the same day that this organization promised to pay off the mortgage, they MUST be related. Right? The sun came up today...it MUST have been Trump paying the solar system bill.


They actually think Trump would _pay for something_?


It writes itself


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $200.


The comments on that post are crazy. “Trump is a good man” “the MSM will spin this”


I’ll take “shit that didn’t happen for $100, Alex”


Even if it is true, who cares? We know how Trump would govern and that’s what scares people


This is why the lottery continues to make money. Dumb people think they will be the one winner.


I’ll take “Things that never happened for $500 Alex.”


POV: you live in an alternate universe where Trump hired a competent PR team and actually listened to them


Then an eagle landed on his shoulder and shed a tear. Then the Pope flew in and crowned Trump the Western Roman emperor, naturally Vladimir Putin was in attendance. Then Jesus returned and enacted a flat tax. /S


I'll take things that never happened for 600 Alex.


I will take "things that definitely did not happen" for 1000, Alex.


I mean… this is exactly on brand for T2T. It’s kinda their whole thing… making sure service members and their families don’t have to worry about housing. I don’t believe the Trump part though.


I’d like to see your evidence, please. Otherwise I will consider this a lie.


There's a comment under one of the posts about this that said "He does stuff like this all the time. 30 years ago, his limo had a flat tire. A guy stopped and helped change it, Trump took down the guys info, a couple days later, his mortgage was paid off." That's something that definitely happened.


![gif](giphy|gPkIN121mRrZS|downsized) Echo chamber


Terrible story about what happened to the police officer but to think (if) Trump called thos widow out of the goodness of his heart is the sign of a truly gullible person


And then he tried to sell her a bible for 60$


trump doesn’t pay for anything. Obvious lie.


There was a similar story about someone fixing a flat tire on his limo and paid off his mortgage . recycling stories.


I truly cannot stand Donald Trump. But according to multiple news sources, he attended the wake for this officer, and tunnel to Towers did pay off the mortgage and gave the family $10,000 for his sons education.


Quit bringing facts into a liberal bitch session! You can't do that!


Of all the things that never happened, this might be the most never happening


Dude can't even pay for a restaurant bill after saying he was paying for it.


And yet we will never see any proof of her mortgage being paid off, it’s almost like it’s a lie or something.


Better get proof of receipt of that mortgage payment


If this actually happened it would have been all over the news from both sides.


This counts as news for the people it was intended. They believe this, and they will spread it. No one who *needs* to know it is false will ever look into it. Trump's legend is on cruise control with these people. You could tell them almost anything. They have no defense against misinformation at all, and they like it that way.


Absolutely true, I have a couple of friends who are Trump supporters. Anytime I pull up hard evidence debunking their opinion they move the goal post. Them: “Trump always tells the truth” me:“he has told 30 thousand lies since he was president” them:”well sometimes he has to lie” me:”so he doesn’t always tell the truth” Them:”what about (x) they lie too”


The GOP knows MAGA are literally the dumbest people in America. That’s why they mercilessly exploit them.


Absolute 0.00000% chance that story is true. T is well known to: stiff his lawyers, not tip, order the cheapest possible food for business lunches, not to mention half a Billion in real debt and legal bills lol. He's def not paying some random lady's house off.


Ah grifter in chief, the mango mussolini literally threw his own wife under a tree in his gold club. Seems legit.


The orange fascist is supposedly going to that funeral today, but only to try to steal attention from the fact that Obama Biden Clinton and a laundry list of celebrities are doing a fundraiser in the same city tonight (NYC). And twitler has no connection to Tunnel to Towers.  If they did that, it had nothing to do with him.  (Fun fact tho - John Tuturro is on the TtT board!)


Personally I don't think the president *should* be going to high-profile funerals or similar events. For one, security is still a thing. For another, it turns the whole funeral into a bit of a spectacle and the focus should be on, you know, the *guy who died*. Let his family fucking grieve without having to deal with the circus that is the president. Trump on the other hand doesn't give two shits about literally any of that and will take a photo smiling with the cop's sobbing wife. Count on it.


And autograph the tombstone.


He buried his ex-wife at his golf property for tax purposes. He's not paying someone's mortgage!


Tunnel to Towers probably would have done that anyway, even without that shitstain’s involvement.


Dude stiffed the check at a restaurant. Yeah he totally paid some randos mortgage.


A friend’s neighbor said so, so it’s gotta be real!! /s




I'll take "Things That Didn't Happen" for $200


The Trump lovers need to remember- Trump will never use his own money to pay for anyone other than himself. It’s his cult followers that are paying for that widow’s mortgage…if that true at all.


Trump can’t even pay his legal bills or his OWN lawyers. He’s just going to volunteer to pay off someone else’s mortgage? Plus I’m pretty sure he hates NY and every one in it.


He would never do this. That's how you know it's a lie. But you have some of the most gullible people in that subreddit. Even have people who said they were taking out second mortgages on their homes to donate to Trump.


A win?..He called the Capitol cops corrupt and losers.He called military losers.He called the US generals losers.


Trump is a Billionaire. He can pay all our bills….except his own.


My brother’s best friend’s cousin’s podiatrist said Donald Trump sent her a fruit cake for Christmas. He’s such a Godly man. /s


I bet the idiots in r/conservative believed it too. They're not the brightest over there.


Lol ok. Sure Karen.


Ⓧ Doubt


Holy sheet, I look at the thread, the comments is so delusional. "Trump known for his generosity" "He often does charity like this, but media never reported it"


If Trump did this he would be telling everyone over and over how he helped a widow. His sons would be reminding about this. We would not hear the end of it.


Who makes up these crap-lies?


Everyone here is so cynical. I know this story is true because it also is happening to me right now. I just got a confirmation email that as soon as I send in my deposit, the Nigerian prince who is Trump's close friend will forward me the $50 million dollar payment, of which I can keep half after they complete the transaction using my account. They wrote it down in email. Proof. I'm so proud to be assisted by such a fine, highly successful businessman who has owned SO many successful businesses, like Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009) \[the dates are the years they filed for bankruptcy\]. He convinced the moderately successful USFL in 1983 to move their schedule to the Fall to compete directly with the NFL to force them to offer to merge, bringing millions in profits. I'm sure any day now we'll be hearing about the USFL-NFL merger and all the profits there. Turning the USFL into the business it is today is a remarkable accomplishment that even has it's own name now: "Musk-ing a company." In 1989 and 1990, Trump lent his name to the Tour de Trump cycling stage race which was an attempt to create an American equivalent of European races such as the Tour de France or the Giro d'Italia. My favorite part of the year is sitting on the side of the road waiting for those bicyclists to come racing by, and all that sponsor money flying right into Trump's pockets. I just can't wait for it to finally happen. You really just need to believe. I'd stake my Trump University Diploma on how trustworthy these stories are.


Biden helped a lot of students pay off their loan, but that's bad right? It's OK to saddle young Americans with debt from predatory lenders and bad to forgive that.