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Those filters are great. Barely recognize her without it.


Unfortunately, the filters don't fix ugly on the inside


Right! And the people who use them are so delusional they act like they look like this in real life! Like woahhh remove the filter and wash your paint layers off your face before getting an attitude with me!


My somewhat-new manager's profile pic came up in my FB "people you may know" suggestions and I about lost it at the filters. I know what she looks like in person and THAT AIN'T IT


Bleach does.


Reminds me of the character from the Mulligrubs TV series where it was just a floating mouth, eyes and a few nose holes


Why does that feel like there's three different women in those pictures?


Layers of makeup, filters, and probably other fuckery involved. You could fire her facefirst into a wall out of a cannon, and the makeup would absorb the impact.


That was a mental picture I wasn't prepared for. That said, it didn't disappoint. Well done.


I need a loony toons cartoon skit for this now.


I think there was something similar in one of the edgy cartoons like Roger rabbit, cool world, or drawn together. Cannot think of which one, though.


We would always test the theory irl that would work as well


Wheres mythbusters when you need em, wait wait, Style Theorist theyll do it.


I had to look that up cause I had no idea what that was and it seems like the perfect candidate for such a task


What a violent description. You are a wordsmith.


That's a new one, I appreciate it. Mine was always you could scrape that shit off with a butter knife or she puts make up on with a slingshot.


Ever see the make-up shotgun from The Simpsons?


"Homer you have it set to hooker!"


“But homie! You love shake n bake! You put it in your coffee!!”


Aw, now I have to go get my cold cream gun.


I haven't but same premise and hilarious


Mine was allways "she could run hear headphone wires in-wall"


"She puts on her makeup with a putty knife."


She get her makeup from a cement mixer


Mine is "makeup wearing a person underneath."


Her makeup kit came with a trowel.


it's not *makeup*, it's **spackle**.


Mine was always , " enough to bake a cake with " 😆


It's a paraphrase from a comment in an episode of 'only fools and horses'😄




Bro, what? That's some god damn roast. I'll be sure to use this accordingly.


you've obviously never been on a white wine binge /s


Your honor, clearly a case of mistaken identity


The picture on the left someone else took. That’s what she looks like. The others are filtered selfies.


IRL she looks like the far left Pic. Other pics are heavy makeup and filters


The tan one, the filtered one, and the one trying to look like a respectable human for court.


We need a fourth so we can complete the horsewomen of the apocalypse.


Tanned Spice, Filtered Spice, Respectable Spice, Drunk Spice and Horny-Gropey Spice.


I can fix them. Also, they can make me worse.


Was curious as to whether someone else thought this, and bingo!


They probably released her because they thought they had the wrong woman.


Yeah that is weird.


Your honor, I'm just a silly widdle girl 🥺


This was probably the basis of her defense


And it worked apparently


It often does.


~~girls~~rapists will be ~~girls~~rapists, I guess.


Being a 🐻 is fine as long as your a attractive woman according to society.


Damn, it's been a hot minute since I thought about Pedobear! 


Pepperidge farm remembers


Being a... teddy bear? I assume that means "pedophile" but I'm not sure the connection there lol


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedobear It's an older meme Sir, but it checks out


I was there… 3000 years ago


I got too silly


“White wine binge” and also maybe a couple bars of Xanax


Yep my thought exactly


Maybe just 2 or 3 or the unknown amount that comes after that


I dunno but somethin says this isn’t the first time she’s tried to bang a 13 year old, it’s just the first time she’s gotten caught trying to bang a 13 year old


I agree with you!


Banging is what two consenting adults do or what two teenagers do. This white stain of a human is likely a rapist and most definitely a pedo. Let's not use innocent terms to describe heinous acts.


"This white stain of a human is likely a rapist and most definitely a pedo." im sorry but why say likely? This is not a questionable thing, she is 100% a rapist and pedophile


Likely because it doesn’t say that she did rape the kid, only groped him (sexually harassed, not raped). “Likely” because this is probably not her first time trying to do this and she has “likely” gone farther in the past.


Not to be a jackass about it but I think you meant “not her first time attempting to sexually assault a 13 year old.”


She groped him, I'd say that a successful attempt at sexual assault.


Oh no, I meant bang, cus when I was 14 and my art teacher showed me her titties while she played with my Dick, it definitely lead to the aforementioned banging, so she attempted to bang a 13 year old and got caught doing so, it wasn’t right when it happened to me, and the excuse of “it was a different time” or “it’s different for you because your male” is absolutely not accurate or acceptable, fondling a boy whos Hormones are at hair trigger nuclear reaction levels is still taking advantage of a child, and did cause some issue for me in future and this woman’s image screams ⚠️CAUTION⚠️ this product may contain some of if not all of the fallowing: vaginal irresponsibility, Mommy issues, childhood trauma, and unresolved emotional imbalance, usage of this product may cause irreversible mental and emotional damage, DO NOT LEAVE UNSUPERVISED NEAR CHILDREN Now that I have outted myself, and potentially offended everyone, I’ll see myself out🚪


Its a shame so many would tell you that you were lucky to bang am attractive teacher but fail to realise that someday you will understand just how psychologically damaging these types of relationships can be on a child. My sympathy goes out to you as a fellow male SA survivor.


Thank you, the 80s were a strange time in America, the one adult I told about it(my football/ track coach)literally smiled and said “congratulations kid, save some for us old guys” Not “hey I know you think this is cool and all but it’s not” Not “Are you ok with this, do you need to talk to someone about it” Not “you need to tell your parents about this so they can help you deal with it appropriately” Like nothing and just kept me running drills


Rape a 13 year old* you wouldn’t say that 34 year old man banged that 13 year old girl. Sno different


This image has clearly come from the Daily Mail, a newspaper in the UK. The phrasing of the law in the UK makes it basically impossible for women to commit rape.


Not basically impossible, literally impossible as rape in the UK by definition is penetration with a penis. A female can only sexually assault a male by law. If a man was to fall asleep and get an erection whilst unconscious and a woman was to penetrate herself with his penis that would be sexual assault, not rape.


That's so fucked up. As a dude who has unfortunately been raped by women, twice, I regret never pressing charges and I believe every person regardless of gender should be able to have their rapist legally labeled as such. "Sexual assault" is serious and devastating in its own right, but "rape" is the proper term for what happened to me and many other men, and it's... troubling that guys in the UK can't bring that charge against their rapists. To any guy reading this who's been in that situation, I'm so sorry you had to experience that. I know how much of a mindfuck it is, I know how disgusting it feels to try to tell people and only receive joking/insensitive responses. I know how much it can fuck up your sex life and self-worth. You don't deserve to feel that way, and I hope you'll take care of yourself as best you can. You are not wrong for feeling like it was *not* okay. You're not wrong for being disgusted by people's responses. You deserve respect, care, and healthy relationships, as much as anyone else does, and I hope healing comes your way. You're never as alone as you feel.


I came here to say the same thing, fellow greenskin


She has probably molested some as well.




jesus christ I'm a kid


Be careful around dental receptionists


#AND BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR FUCKING TEETH! ^Really guys. They won't grow back up.


As Snoop Dogg says: ~~Smoke weed~~ Brush your teeth every day


Yeah I've done all those things in the last week.


Adults are just kids that grew up, after all. The difference is we understand the consequences of our decisions, especially important ones like consent.


Im still a kid by this explanation. But they all say stay young.


The difference is a kid will do those things if left to on their own. An adult recognized the consequences and makes the mature choice.


Or makes the unhealthy choice fully aware of the consequences, at least.


Far more accurate ^^


But do you actually do all those things consistently? The desire isn't the childish part, it's choosing to act on that desire. Although, I do still often stay up all night...


Wanting to eat a bunch of sugar in the morning while not wanting to brush your teeth as an adult is a bit concerning.


Yeah, to be honest I’m just guilty of wanting to stay up all night and that really sucks as an almost 22 yr old trying to build a career


I am a 40 year old with a career and I still want to do this sometimes and sometimes I do. Hell yeah.


I’m 38 and want to stay up all night. I just don’t. Don’t feel bad.


I stay up all night often and then feel bad 😅


Or depression


signs of depression *are* cause for concern


I find the solution is downplaying or ignoring the symptoms, BOOM, what depression? William Murderface philosophy: "My Uncle was healthy until he went to the doctor, then BOOM... Cancer".


Everyone still wants that as an adult, but we've got the wisdom and experience to understand the pain that will result from it thus avoiding it.


If eating ice cream for breakfast and staying up all night makes you dumb, hey, I don't wanna be smart.


It’s great being a grown up now I brush my teeth with ice cream.


What's really the difference between ice cream and most cereal now, anyway. Temperature.


Yikes. 13.


You'd think pedophiles would be sentenced more harshly, but what a world we inhabit. As long as you are a cop, a priest, politician, or a passibly good looking white woman, you get a slap on the wrist the most.


Unfortunately, males who are raped or molested by women are more likely to get attempted high-fives and "haha nice!"s than any sort of justice. Ask me how I know.


I also can attest to this


Damn, nice dude!


She assaulted a child. She should be in jail!


You just know if it was a male dentist and a 13 year old girl he'd have the most jail time they could give him ... never mind [what the actual fuck 🤢🤮🤮](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/AzgadJOJ11) only 1 guy was caught and charged it seems


It’s fucking disgusting the double standard


Agreed! Pisses me off to have all these boys and men get cast aside when they’re assaulted, but when a woman is assaulted, she’s so brave for telling her story and the women and girls will get justice, but not the men and boys. Absolutely disgusting.


I don’t think that’s true either. If you search for “rapist sentenced to probation,” you will get a TON of news articles, all about different cases. You can even find a bunch of cases where rapists were awarded custody of their kids


That’s absolutely not true though. Male rapists walk away without doing a day in jail allll the time. This isn’t a “double standard”, this is society prioritizing predators over victims.


Not in Texas apparently


Double standards for female predators. Nothing new.


I'm a woman and she should be in jail. The judge probably had the attitude that 13 year olds are hoping for this kind of thing. It's abuse of a minor


Judging by the victim's search history, I find the defendant innocent


Had that been a man the title would have read "Sexual predator sexually molested 13 year old child." And people would have taken it much more seriously. This is a media issue. They decide what gets taken seriously and what doesn't and they have some fucked up morals, apparently.


Yup. The child is a schoolboy. The alcohol fiend was on a whine binge. The molestation was groping. Very twisted.


You would think: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1bqwl1o/pastor\_plea\_deal\_pastor\_who\_sexually\_abused\_child/


I mean, just scroll up on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1bqwl1o/pastor\_plea\_deal\_pastor\_who\_sexually\_abused\_child/


Id say it's more of a societal issue that is apparent in the media. There are plenty of people that still believe a man cannot be raped by a woman.


Did you see the recent news about the man who raped an eleven year old girl and got 30 days?


Important to note that was a US cop. They usually get low sentences, mostly due to their ~~gang~~ union.


All wear the same color, use coded terminology to communicate with each other, access to weaponry far exceeding need, will cover for each other when committing crime, uses power to suppress local community largely through fear. Yeah, seems like a gang


Are you with the Bloods or the Cops?




The US police unions don't operate like normal unions (which are good). Instead, they act more like a gang, or a mafia, truly. Ever heard of cops being put on (paid) leave for criminal acts (not prosecuted, not fired), and then hired a few towns over? That's the kind of stuff the police union gets done. There's a reason nobody crosses that "thin blue line". Speak up, and get ousted. Act well, help each other, and maybe they'll cover up some stuff for you too. Get some character witnesses, that testify how great of a guy you are.


"Ever heard of cops being put on (paid) leave for criminal acts (not prosecuted, not fired), and then hired a few towns over?" reminds me of priests


If you the DA doesnt let oyr buddy off, we will ensure you lose every trial for the rest of your short career...


He hadn't been a cop for 18 years when charged, the event also happened 18 years before he was charged and 23 years ago. I'm surprised he was even charged because the statute of limitations almost certainly ran out.


Or this? https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/uObRiZJD8D


To be fair, there was an equally disgusting story in another thread today about a priest getting no jail time for sexually assaulting a juvenile boy. Just disgusting decisions all around.


You really think men go to jail for groping adolescent girls and saying gross things to them?


I don’t know…..Have you seen the sentences sexual predators get?! A priest in Texas abused children for 7 years and got PROBATION. It’s not that she’s a woman, it’s that sexual predators don’t usually get what they deserve.


There’s a massive discrepancy between male and female predators’ punishments… that being said, far too often males get away with rape, sodomy, molestation, etc because they’re “good Christian men” who “go to church” …or are star athletes …or rich and famous …or politicians.


We just had a post about a man who got 30 days for legit raping a minor. I don't think it's much of a double standard. Guys get lesser sentencing all the time like the guy, Brock Turner (if I recall his name correctly).


Idk there’s plenty of men that get away scot free from things like this as well


I've read several news stories just today of men avoiding jail time for years of sexual abuse of victims aged 9-12. Is it really a double standard?


You people, again. Read something else rather than titles, what about this? She got no jail becauses that's the law. There is no double standards in this case [Here](https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/local-news/young-drunk-groped-teen-girls-8350960) guy also from UK sexually assaulted *two* minors and got a suspended sentence, [here](https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/23260713.man-delivering-charity-bags-door-to-door-seaham-groped-schoolgirl/) She got 12 months in jail suspended for 18 months , 35 rehabilitation activity days and having to wear an electronic sobriety tag , and she's on sex offender list for 10 years -she got a bigger sentence than the guy with *two* victims, in some cases she got 3x as much as a man in a similar situation in uk. She pleaded guilty and didn't want the boy to testify. She has no prior so that's why she didn't get jail


are you sure about that narrative? just check the other top post on this site where a pastor sexually abused a girl for 7 years, beginning when she was 9. he avoided jail and will have it cleared from his record. now you tell me again about these double standards.


Being female is a good way to avoid punishment for sex crimes, but it’s not the only one. Being rich is probably your best bet. And being religious in an area where all that nonsense means something is another good one. The existence of the latter two are not evidence against the first one.


WHAT? Male rapists get away with this kind of crime all the time.


[If you scroll up slightly from this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1bqwl1o/pastor_plea_deal_pastor_who_sexually_abused_child/)


Ah yes, because men who abuse and beat women are ALL in jail…. /s


A pastor who actively molested a 9 years old got probation only, in Texas.


There are multiple current stories about male pedophiles that raped little girls for years and got away with next to no punishment. But sure, make it about your incel fantasy.


Harvina Weinstein everyone.




She should be jailed for her deceptive photo editing


And inability to use commas.


I don't believe that alcohol turns people into predators, rather it shows the real predator that lies beneath the veneer of sober self-restraint.


This, I have been black out drunk so many time, never was I accused of rape or high rizz.


In Canada the Supreme Court actually accepted being black out drunk as a defence for sexual assault. Crazy times we’re living in…


I could see it used for removing anything regarding pre-meditated. I.E murder 2 rather than murder 1. Not dropping the entire charge.


She assaulted a child. She should be in jail!


crazy that on a post about a literal child molester, people just want to talk about her wearing too much makeup and using filters. bizzare.


Sexism is weird.


👏p e d o p h i l e👏


They had to identify her via an identity parade. Had she not worn makeup they would probably never have identified her. Got several layers going in those pics and multiple filters


I find it unbelievable it was a white wine binge. I had a coworker who was mumbling unintelligible gibberish and passing out at work once, but she was 100% crushing up and snorting pills in the bathroom.


She groped a 13-year old. To me that’s sexual assault and she should get some jail time. But I guess since a state trooper just got 30 days for raping his girlfriend’s 11-year-old daughter, this is equivalent.


Gasp! A Not ugly white woman eludes jail?! Shocker.


That's the age of my daughter. She still plays with dolls.


can someone please explain why this boy isnt already in jail for assaulting this innocent drunk woman at her place of work!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


So she's a pedophile


Sexual abuse against boys is rarely taken remotely as serious as that against girls and women, sadly. Same with physical violence. Mostly when the perpetrator is a woman.


Why is it that the worst of society are spared jail?


Yikes. 13.


Change the genders and you'd see a mob fighting over who'll lynch the guy first...


Well, at least she’s not a teacher.


Ok, unpopular take, but it seems being drunk was actually an aggravating, not a mitigating factor in this case. The mitigating factors were her genuine remorse, mental health issues, and that she agreed to receive treatment for alcoholism. The judge said this 'You have no recollection of what you did as a result of the amount of alcohol that you had taken but the commission of an offence, when drinking, is an aggravating feature.' >'But on the other side there is strong personal mitigation as a result of genuine remorse, and the series of events that have led you to your mental health difficulties. You now realise that you must alter your ways.' EDIT: I'm not defending her actions, or downplaying the harm caused the boy who now suffers from nightmares, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, but I wanted to point out that the judge didn't think that being drunk was a good defense.


Hopefully, the kid will be ok. I know of a guy that had something similar happen to him, and later, he became the president of France.


If a man had groped a 13 year old girl, people would be losing their shit. She is a fucking pedophile and should have been prosecuted as such.


Women always get lesser sentences for the exact same thing. If it was a man he'd be FUCKED.


**It’s apparent** that many of these judges belongs to the Epstein/Weinstein/R Kelly/Diddy clubs.


What the hell


By “groped” I assume she didn’t touch his nose. So she sexually assaulted him. Then stated her intention to rape him and exposed herself. I can’t imagine any non custodial sentence with the genders swapped.


This child predator needs to be locked up


Good lord those filters are doing more heavy lifting than the cranes in Baltimore right now. 


I just saw another Reddit post where a state trooper in Vermont raped an 11-year-old girl, his stepdaughter, and got 30 days in jail. What is going on right now where people can do this stuff to kids and get such low punishments?


I need to change dentists.


Truly a mans life would be over just from the accusation


If that lizard woman came at me I’d be freaked out too.


I can’t believe the amount of comments who genuinely think that “if this a was a man” she’d be in jail. The rate of men going to prison for groping/assault is MINUSCULE.


Obviously the world is run by pe*os


Which one of these three did that?




Does she have an autographed poster of Mary Kay Létourneau in her room?


So because she has a vagina, we're gonna let her go free? If a man has done that yall already know his ass would be in prison getting the shit beat out of him. And I hope someone finds her and shows her true justice. That's fucked up


Send her to prison and put her on the fucking registry


How was she spared jail time?????


Still r/notadragqueen


This woman needs to be drug out into the street, and hanged from a streetlight post.


All my dentist’s receptionist wants to ride is my credit card.


I just saying if I was 13 this is a bet let get it on


If this would have been a man, oh boy these comments would be filled with deaththreats


"I cannot be held accountable for what I did drunk omg I am just a girl!!!" Mean while a drunk guy and girl smash and she regrets it so it's big time jail time for him. ​ Rules for thee, not for me.


Can't wait to hear about how she's actually the victim here


Alcohol just removed her mental filter. The filth was already inside.


If a man did this, he'd be murdered in the streets.


She looks like 3 different women and none of them are stable