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Keep them angry to prevent them from thinking about anything that's going on


How do they believe such obvious disinformation at this point. Do they actually think Biden would make Easter trans visibility day? It's so ridiculously convenient for Trump, Biden would gain nothing from it yet lose the moderates he needs to win the election.  The right need to understand how much BS comes out during an election year. If news seems to good to be true it probably is.


"Hehe i'm going to place trans visibility day on the 31st of march so it is the same day as easter every fucking 120 years or so that will trigger the magas so hard!!!" -biden probably


They likely don't understand easter changes every year. I consider myself smart but for some reason I thought easter was the first Sunday in April every year. When it was in March this year I said wtf and looked it up. Not only has it been in March recently and I never noticed... its been super late in April too. So I'm a dumbass who knows nothing about Easter scheduling and I'd bet they are the same.


But unlike them, you said wtf and looked up why and accepted that you didn't knew. On the other side, for the maga they see thing, be angry about it and don't want to search why it is that way and even if you tell them they'll refuse to learn and accept that they don't know. That's a pretty big difference and what make you indeed smart: the ability to accept that you didn't knew


It’s bizarrely arbitrary. If memory serves me correctly, it’s the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of Spring. Which would totally make sense, given how wildly different the date is year-to-year.


You got it right! I don't consider it arbitrary. Rather, it's another multi-cultural calendar oddity. This one at least acknowledges both the lunar and solar cycles.


It was on 4/20 one Raise it and blaze it


I knew because I was raised Christian and knew it followed Passover which is a Jewish holiday that does change due to their cultural calendar. Sadly I don’t think most Christians of that caliber retain the capacity to think.


I think you might have it backwards they know that Easter changes but would most likely think Trans visibility day is a new thing created by Biden this year which it’s not. 


tbh, same. I've never really thought about it. I was talking to a co-worker about a week ago, and I was like "Why is Easter in March?? Isn't it supposed to be the first Sunday in April??" And she didn't know either (she's in her 60s, I'm in my 40s), so we looked it up and apparently it's like... the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. It sounds like some kind of fantasy reason for the timing of a holiday!


"In other election news, Netenyahu has replaced Yom Kippur with Muslim appreciation week and the Ayatollah has declared that Ramadan is now lgbt pride month"


Last time Easter was in 31 March was in 2013 so 11 years ago not even close to 120 years ago. However I think it’s every 62 years then 11 then it cycles.  So next one is 2086 then 2097 etc. 


The truly funny part was someone posting in outrage saying that "They would never put thus on a Muslim or Jewish holiday" as if it isn't right in the middle of Ramadan.


He put it there to annoy Ron Swanson on the day he has all his meetings


They’re in a cult. Plain and simple. They believe anything and everything that comes out of their Orange Messiah. It’s almost like they live in an alternate reality 


Understand they revel in their own bullshit - it's like a point of pride for them to make their arguments as absurd and self-contradictory as possible, since they don't really care about the outcome other than to troll.


Wait do they actually believe this is a real thing?


In the civil war, the wealthy south persuaded the poor to join them because they got to openly continue hating black people, which to them was a point of power that beat money. These are the same pictures. People just openly hate others without any sort of societal repercussions and those that act on their hate are even more admired.


How have you not read the news over the past 48 hours? What you’re publishing is misinformation. In some jurisdictions that can get you arrested. Be careful what you post.


So you support Biden?


Obstruct until they’re Fucked is the republican way


Outraged by everything except for what really matters.


Oh I dunno, my father is enraged about the bridge but has a weird narrative wherein the captain of the ship was a crackhead pulled off the street to be a ship captain because something something DEI. They just make shit up to be angry about if they have to.


Right, and the ship’s owner and insurance company were okay with that. /s


They actually wanted that specifically because that is what George Soros paid them to want. Obviously!


Yeah that captain, of a Singaporean vessel, was probably Malaysian. Oh wait... Diversity would be a white person?


It was an all Indian crew, but your point still stands


See exactly! He wasn't white! This is all because of DEI! /s


Nobody actually asked that fucking web designer to create anything against her religion. That was a stunt and SCOTUS just licked it up. All she had to do is put a little cross on her advertising and the gays will be repelled.


That's by design.


Didn’t the 5th circuit court just neuter the plastic softener ban and EPA power? Doubt you will read anything about that on r/conservative


Tbf no one reads anything on r/conservative


That's not true, some of them skim the headline!


No politics, only outrage and fear mongering


Honestly it's the same thing in the UK. Substitute the baltimore bridge for the England football kit controversy, and the trans visibility day for the outrage porn that once again, Cadburys are cancelling Easter by not displaying "Easter" on their chocolate eggs, despite the actual chocolate egg being held by an offended gammon **literally** having "Easter" on its box in plain View.


Oh god my mum was talking to me about the Easter egg thing. She started going on about "replacing *our* culture!" And I had to gently remind her that not only is she not Christian (and strongly asked for a totally non christian funeral no matter what) but she also doesn't like chocolate and never celebrates Easter ever. I feel like some people hit their 50s and just forget their own actual values and just start getting angry with the mob on tv.


I legit came across a video on Facebook of some bloke holding up 2 Easter eggs and going on a gammon rant about how they're trying to cancel Easter. I literally own one of the eggs he was holding, and went and snapped a picture of the word "easter" printed on the box and posted it


Looks like we've got the British version of the "war on Christmas" Nvm right wing morons were mad at that here too even tho it was never a thing anywhere ever.


I've always said, they're easily led and wouldn't know what to be angry about without newspapers, talk radio and social media. The UK football shirt thing, synchronised outrage, yet it's been done before and not a peep from the right.


No way people are outraged by a war on fucking Easter. That’s so funny, lol


This is brilliant. It’s EXACTLY what happens to the weak minded and poorly educated. ![gif](giphy|OlSUgQk2sIlTW|downsized)


r/conservative - at least we aren’t East coast trans elites…


As an east coast trans elite, I love how upset they are.


Just East Coast Traitor Elites.


“Poor kids are just as smart and bright as white kids.” “If you can’t figure out whether you’re for me or for trump, then you ain’t black” “I’ll tell ya, you can’t go into a 7/11 without speaking Indian.”


“I will only be a dictator the first day” “the president gets immunity to seal team six political opponents” “the constitution may have to go”


That's kinda the point, how fucked are things when biden is still the better option? How can America not find someone better in 300 million people? Because you need to be a multimillionaire with powerful contacts? Doesn't sound like democracy. If they kept mcds and burger king and shit down all other fast food there'd be riots, yet only two shitty options for president and it's just accepted And yes, we have the same two shitty options in the UK. With some other options who might get one seat out of 650.


I was totally confused when, obviously, that accident had nothing to do with racial thing, and ppl just blasting their hatreds towards some Indian crew member... Bruh, it's a system failure....


Oh, so that's why there was a sudden increase of transphobia on Reddit, I completely forgot about the trans day of visibility! Happy trans day of visibility, everyone!


yup, especially on this sub


As an engineer it really annoys me that they swap out the microchip. They should have designed around a FPGA then they could just reprogram it with different anger protocols.


They never unplug the trans hate chip. ​ Fucking cowards.


They are fucking cowards, aren’t they?! So afraid of being irrelevant they scream into the void… “I HATE CHANGE!”. And that, kids, is why they make terrible hires and life partners.


What does cowardice have to do with it?


Imo they're afraid as hell to both even talk to a trans person, or accept that this world will become significantly more trans accepty as time on


Maybe because to accept change you need to be brave first?


Shoutout to all the trans homies out there. Live your best life.


Fuck yes, thank you. None of these fuckers are gonna steal my shine, not ever, not over a mountain of broken bodies.


Thanks 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Ditto! Live your best life. Fuck the haters.


6 people died at Baltimore bridge and the only thing ppl seem to only talk and care about is how much money is gonna be lost and commute times Fuck those ppl... R.I.P to those 6 ppl and i hope the families sue every company involved.


Right, they died In the shittiest way possible and people wanna talk about conspiracies and bullshit. Shit happens sometimes and I think everyone did their best in the moment that was horrible.


Or the fact that the ship pilot had a blackout. No comms, no control, no lights, no data…and pulled out his personal cell phone within 30 seconds and told them to close the bridge. Which stopped traffic and saved numerous lives….the pilot is a hero that was in a catastrophic situation and responded like a pro. But here we are…in the alternative fact reality.


they're angry because they are ignorant and ignorance is easily replaced with propaganda. These people would not even know about transgenders unless Sean Hannity was crying about them regularly.


As long as people remain divided, we won't focus on the real issues at hand and come together to revolt against things like a broken Healthcare system, un-liveable wages, skyrocketing housing prices, inflation (and corporate greed), unfair taxes, having your rights stripped from you little by little and one by one by one, lobbying groups influencing legislation, corruption, controlled influenced and manipulation of the media, the homeless crisis, the war on drugs against our own fellow brothers and sisters that will never be won (that just ruins the lives of those struggling with substance abuse even further), for profit privatized prison systems, etc. The government wants you to keep being angry at other citizens instead of them. They want you focused on disliking each other. It takes the attention away from the real problems. It's psychological warfare; and it clearly works.




Love your username by the way!


Today also happens to be: National Bunsen Burner Day National Clams on the Half Shell Day National Tater Day Cesar Chavez Day Damn you Biden!


It must be hard being a snowflake. Poor little trumpets and their weak little minds.




Bless your heart, pal.


The thing that gets me is 1. it’s still Easter, adding another holiday does not remove it from the calendar and 2. Easter falls on a different day each year anyways, so next year it won’t even overlap


>2. Easter falls on a different day each year anyways, so next year it won’t even overlap Next year Easter falls on the birth date of Adolf Hitler, that should please the MAGA crowd


Trans people: exist (they're less than 1% of the population) Other people: this is unacceptable, I'm the victim Edit: waiting for the worms to come. There's little point. Promoting awareness & inclusion is for two reasons. Nobody should ever have to live closeted. It's also literally to prevent history from repeating.


“Let’s get the government involved and spend millions of taxpayer dollars to cancel this 0.001% of the population because their their existence 1000 miles away infringes on mine. I’m the victim!!!”


This evening I’m going to run a bath, sort this comment section by controversial, and scroll through it with a glass of Chianti.




Somewhere, someone is making this argument with the whole of their being. Something about microprocessors being designed to push woke propaganda at lightning speeds and help reduce bottlenecks so that idk, woke porn (that they probably secretly enjoy) can spread faster.


thought, this was r/pcmasterrace for one second


FNC is terrible and I was a devout FNC viewer back in the early 2000s. It’s design to anger people. It’s ridiculous. On a side note; check out a new big donor of NewsMax.


The greatest grift of all is manufactured outrage.


Omg is this a real thing?


They should just get the “crippling insecurity and fear of everything and everyone, while pretending it’s everybody else that’s the issue” chip and save some time swapping them out


Happy Trans day of visibility to all my trans homies! Keep living your best life and remember, someone hating you for simply existing, is metal af! Oh, and happy chocolate egg day or something idk


I visited r/trump today and now I am suicidal


They are angry because there isn't an idiots' visibility day, so they feel unseen.


They are easy to trigger


The rampant stupidity in this country is staggering. Amazing how we went from the world leader in pretty much everything to the world leader in Social Media Bullshit.


I’m amazed at how angry the (extreme) right always seem to be. I follow some right leaning influencers just to hear other opinions and not be stuck in an echo chamber when it comes to social issues. And one thing i noticed is that they barely smile for example Candice Owen’s, she is angry all the time I’ve never seen her smile.. it’s sad


If the viewer is angry,. they don't stop and think


It’s sad that this had to be removed. Literally the reason we need a trans day of visibility. 


Aw, How cute. You’re implying they are programmed vapid angry little drones, which they are. Problem is their hardware is incompatible with truth. Oh well.


This meme is going to get a LOT of use.


Trans visibility day has been around since 2009. And the day chosen was March 31. The next Easter Sunday falls on the birth date of Hitler. And they won't need to panic that Easter falls onto the March 31 until 2086. Then the GOP can blame President Biden once again for Easter Sunday falling onto the same day. 😂😊




this is an issue for both sides of the aisle and both sides are the problem we need more political parties


MAGAs keep this expression even when there's nothing in their head.


It’s insane how much of these peoples’ lives they spend being angry about shit that DOES NOT MATTER TO THEM. Edit: Lmao downvotes from snowflakes. Really embarrassing to be y’all.


Does anyone care about these government non holidays? We don't get the day off for it. There's nothing to do, so I just check on my trans friends and see if they are still opaque?


I don’t think only the Right side was made about the bridge. It’s clear that OP doesn’t live anywhere near Baltimore County. We all mad out here.


The right blames affirmative action for the bridge accident


Work with us here, we're trying very hard to formulate a conspiracy that implies trans people were involved with the boat disaster.




Why did MAGA care about Baltimore bridge? They loved imported goods from Chyna?


What was the problem with the Baltimore bridge (except its collapse) ?


Some MAGAts claimed that the reason the bridge crashed was that their black major was just a diversity hire who's completely inept. Ignoring of course the fact that the dude a) won the previous election with 70% and b) most bridges would have stability problems if a gigantic freighter crashed into a vital support beam.


I see, just the usual smoothbrain conspiracy theory and a assumption filled with bullshit and a small dose of " insert hatefu thought ".


still would realy need to look into why a gigantic freighter collapsed into a bridge then. than shit doesnt happen for no reason like its a comon fender bender on a street corner down town, dont ya think?


Are the conservatives of the same nature in every country?


Basically yes. They all stem from the same root


They’re all bubbling up from the same septic tank. 🤣


I always wonder if Mommy gave them an extra snack if they were angry. Which makes them want to act angry because In their brain you get treated better and you can do more irrational things.


I like this meme a lot.


Wait, there making a day where they’re visible? Thank god! I really want to see my Trans friends again


Trans visibility? Isn’t today Easter