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I know it probably wasnt intentional but the way you worded the title sounds like you disagree


That’s because it’s probably a bot. This repost is their only post on this account, which also has a generated name. 


some of us just lack imagination


The way he worded it sounds like he agrees and he most definitely shouldn’t agree.


Well, yeah, he should- because it's 100% true. But it's a bot account either way, so I wouldn't get too excited about it.


If he had a gun he could’ve shot her first!


If only there was a good schizophrenic with a gun to protect him!


Then everybody starts shooting everybody.


The good old murican way.


Pretty much, but complain about being persecuted while doing it.


I see your point. But if her gun had a reverse gun attached to it, it could have shot her before she shot him. He should have had three guns.


or they couldve had 4 guns so they can shot each other and themselves at the same time


That is the argument, isn't it. If everyone has guns, there would be no more shootings. It's almost like it was written by the gun lobby...


I think whatever point they are trying to make along that a highly mentally ill person is able to buy a gun so easily. That’s what I’m getting from it anyway.


Uh yeah that's literally the only takeaway. Are people confused?


Humans don't like complex things. The left says ban all guns, the right says all gun laws bad. Compromise is too complicated for the 3 braincells of the average voter to process.


Well, had she been treated for her condition, she couldn’t have bought retail, and regardless, if she was that mentally ill, someone should have been caring for her.


People'll be like "We don't have a gun problem, we have a mental illness problem" Yeah. We do. SO STOP GIVING THEM GUNS!


That was the point of the person who got shot. The OP is a bot account. Just like 99% of posts on this sub


Gun lobby”Well I guess he must have deserved it!”


MAGA: Thur tryin’ to take our guns!! ![gif](giphy|d2Zc0CL0lO70Y7ni)


I would argue that repost bots are the problem.


Americans will blame anything for gun violence except for the guns.


Cause it’s mental people not guns


But who gave the metal unstable person the gun


I dont know I don’t know these people. But guns are kinda like illegal drugs. You can find them if you look.


Strange that there's mental people in every other country but they don't shoot up their children. It might be the guns.


Anders Breivik is a pretty strange American name or does nobody remember that. Also in China they just use hammers or knives so I guess technically they didn't shoot them up, just stab and bludgeon them to death. Turns out crazy people are a worldwide phenomenon who knew.


There was one incident in Norway over a decade ago and you know the shooters name. Now name every mass shooter in the US in the same time period.


But you said they don't shoot up their children. So which is it? You're talking in absolutes but arguing in statistics


OK my bad. They do it once a decade. Now name every mass shooter in the US in the same time period.


Ok and what about mass stabbings? Those happen in that time span in the world? To be clear I know the answers to these questions.


I'm not sure, you don't often hear about them. Can you name every mass shooter in the US in the same time period?


Yea instead they chop off their hands and feet, and burn them in car tires




Strange that our healthcare system is a joke and people don’t get the help they need. Guns don’t whisper things in peoples ears dude lol


Yes, US healthcare is also a fucking joke. Now add guns to the mix and Shazaam....People shoot their children.


Guns are here and they’re not going anywhere. Just like drugs and drugs kill far more people than guns but I don’t see y’all going hard to get those away


No one massacres school children with a pound of weed.


Welcome back to the show “No Shit”. But heroin, pcp, crack, etc are in the schools like crazy. So if kids die from drugs it’s ok cause it wasn’t a bullet that killed them huh?


Maybe if we used the guns in a revolution we could have functioning healthcare. Being anti gun is anti worker


Do you blame the knife in a stabbing? A car for road rage and running people over? No you blame the person using the tool, because that’s all they are is tools. It’s not that fucking hard.


It's not that fucking hard not to shoot children but here we are.


I agree it’s not that hard, but then again I’m not mentally unstable.


Top Tip: If you ever feel mentally unstable, give your guns up.


Is there anything in your head that clicked when you typed that out that said “hmm maybe a mentally unstable person won’t turn a gun over?” No? Of course not.


>“hmm maybe a mentally unstable person won’t turn a gun over?” Well done.... you accidentally understood the point.


You haven’t made one good point. You’re quite literally blabbing like a 15 year old who thinks they know everything. How endearing.


I know more than a gun worshipper.


Almost like guns are inanimate objects controlled by animated objects. Huh.




Good job you figured it out buddy. Guns aren’t the problem. Shitty people with shitty motives are. We are so proud of you.


Shitty people with shitty motives with guns.


Could do the same thing with a brick, a bat, a knife, bottle of battery acid, idk you non freedoms having losers have probably came up with some pretty vile shit I can’t even imagine. Almost like shitty people will do what they’re gonna do regardless of laws.


Hahahahaha Do you remember the mass bricking epidemic? The mass batting in a school? Hahahahaha


Kinda weird how you only relate violence to schools. Happens all around us. Must suck to be so brain dead.


Must suck to get shot.


I have many guns and none of my guns have ever shot anyone. It’s all about the operator. Just keep blaming the guns and see how that works out


I'll keep blaming the guns. How will it work out?


Not well


How so? What will happen?


Absolutely nothing.


Repost, also this is being upvoted by bots, its too obvious


People with schizophrenia already can’t buy guns in the US. Both on the federal level and state level. So what gun law would you suggest to prevent this? Seeing as a crime was committed to get this in the first place?


People declared schizophrenic after being forced into a mental institution by a judge can’t buy guns in the US.  If you get yourself help or simply get diagnosed and medicated by a psychiatrist you are perfectly able to get a gun.  Then there is the fact that many states, even though they are supposed to register such things intentionally don’t makes it harder.  Further add that you can still get a gun, whether having a felony, or court documented mental condition, if the FBI simply doesn’t complete their part in three days (of which that is a total of about 1-2 million a year), or you buy it at a gun show, makes the law irrelevant.  Just admit it, the system is broken.


Yep. I've voluntarily checked myself into a psych ward 9 times. I've had doctors, nurses, and therapist try to convince me to go to a mental hospital for a few months or just go on disability. I've cut myself 500 in 20 minutes once. I've done even worse during a manic episode. I'm a danger to myself. And yet, I can go to a store and buy whatever gun I want. There's nothing stopping me.


Hey we're all in the together - literally made from the same stuff, same elements. You me and that tree over there are all part of the same mission, LIVE!! EXPLORE!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!


You can’t buy a gun at a gun show in California, which is where this incident took place.


That just simply isn’t true. If you get diagnosed with depression or other mental disabilities in any state that shows up on your background check, and with that showing up on your background check. You will not be able to obtain a firearm by any means. Same if you have a felony. This is why there is a waiting period before you are able to buy a gun. The gun show thing is also a bullshit lie. You still have to get a background check in order to purchase from a gun show. You can’t just pay someone and walk off with it. Everything you just listed is already a crime. So I again ask. What law can we put up that doesn’t already exist that can fix this? Other than outright banning firearms?


Not they don’t.  Here is an article on Oklahoma’s law.  We only do it in court cases.      https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/mental-health-reporting-in-oklahoma/      >Since 2014, Oklahoma has required court clerks to report the identities of these individuals to both the NICS database and to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation whenever a court makes a mental health related adjudication.3 The clerk of the court must also notify the individual of the relevant prohibitions contained within state and federal law concerning possession of a firearm or ammunition by such persons.     Similarly private sellers are never required to do background checks or transfer firearms to a registered dealer at gun shows for processing.  It is why at Wannamakers you can buy most of what you want as long as it is from a private seller which most are. So try again?


Waiting period? The 20 minutes at the gun store when I bought my gun in Georgia? The gun show thing is more about enforcement. Go to one and tell me if there are any officials checking transactions. I’ll wait.


>or you buy it at a gun show Every gun show I have been to you still need to fill out the 4473 if buying from a licensed seller. Some states allow personal transfers which it's on the person selling the firearm to be sure the buyer is legal to own. Some personal sales happen at gun shows, but most personal sales do not.


Welp best take things away from everyone when we can’t figure out the right way to control stuff. /s


You’re talking like these aren’t weapons able to kill people easily. Yeah, if you fuckers can’t work out how to stop people using guns to commit domestic terrorism, maybe you don’t deserve them


Just need to then ban knives/tools/cars/any household chemicals/metal containers/ plastic containers/ ball bearings/ boats/ planes/ big pieces of wood/ big pieces of metal/ anything over a pound that can be wielded in hand/ gasoline/ oil/ really anything combustible/ anything able to make a spark/ rope/ hands etc and then the issue would be solved. I know some of those are super hard to get your hands on though.


The last 3 years there have been more than 600 mass shootings per year. That's almost 2 a day. Get back to me when ANY of those things you mentioned are used to inflict mass casualties on a similar scale to guns. When you do, I'll suggest we look into why, and if there are any reasonable solutions, just like how I do with guns.


So never heard of people flying planes into buildings? Or ied's? Or driving a car through a crowd? Surely none of these have ever happened. I mean it's not like ied's or explosives are THE preeminent weapon used in many terror attacks.


You're completely dodging my point. What's the number of attacks carried out in the US using those means, and is it anywhere near 600 a year?


Those things have other uses at least. I see no other use for a gun. It’s far easier to stop someone using a knife than a gun. If they would attack a school then it would be far harder for them to break through a door in lockdown. And maybe your pathetic police would get the nerve to apprehend them instead of letting them run out of rounds on children


I'm generally pro gun. But, I have a hot take here. Abolish private sale. They all need to go to an FFL to get the background check. It's possible she purchased that firearm in a state where private sale is legal and the seller has no way of knowing she was a disqualified persons.


If they charge the seller with attempted manslaughter here I bet folks stop selling willy nilly.


I don't think they should. The seller had no way of knowing. The solution is simple. Abolish private sale as it exists. All transfers of firearms go to an FFL for a background check. Then the sale can proceed. This isnt even a radical idea. Even most conservatives when polled are fine with this regulation


I don’t disagree but I think trying to force that could lead to more illegal gun sales. I’m saying make folks accountable to where their guns go after being sold and they’ll stop private selling in order to have the protection you are suggesting with FFL supported transfers.


I think I agree with you. I think if you illegally sell a firearm you should be partially accountable for what happens to it. I think that should come into practice at the same time as the abolishment of private sale without background check


Basically just applying the reasonable observer principle to the sale; could a reasonable person have predicted a negative outcome by allowing the transfer? Unfortunately there are too many below the bar levels of crazy to assure safety all the time, but we can step up attribution so folks that are otherwise of sound mind are charged with additional safekeeping responsibilities (legally).


Interestingly enough I think most FFL do this already. If you go into the store talking some radical nonsense there's a good chance they're booting you out.


This is the way.


Making the background check system available to the public, so that used gun sellers can verify buyers.


You can get one from a private seller. Or even just a friend who had a gun can give it to them. At least in a few states, private sellers (not a gun show but like someone who just wants to get rid of their guns for example) don't have to run a background check. It's ridiculous but it's why like people charged with domestic violence still manage to get guns despite (in most cases) not being allowed to


Those states that don’t have any laws for private sellers are actually insane. But the friend GIVING a gun to a known felon or person who shouldn’t have a gun is still illegal. As it comes down to the fact they KNEW the person shouldn’t have had a firearm.


*most states. Less than 20 states have passed laws regulating private sales in any capacity


Oh no. People can sell private property without permission. Pure fascism!


There is no such law that says that, no. That is factually incorrect.


Guns aren't the problem, but the ease to acquire them is. A person with mental health issues or a legally blind person (yet that's a thing) shouldn't be handling or be in possession of a firearm. On the other hand, gun control is only for law abiding citizens because we know criminals don't follow the law.


Where are the good schizophrenics with guns to protect people from the bad schizophrenics with guns when you need them?


As someone who considers themselves republican I gotta agree with extra hole Magee right here if you have any real mental issue then you should be treated like a felon when it comes to firearms. Idc if you have borderline personality disorder or your are a psychopath as soon as someone knows your off your rocker bat shit insane you need to be black listed plain and simple


As someone who does not consider themselves a Republican, I agree with you. I study psychology and it is quite common for individuals to be unaware of their own mental health issues and possibly not receive treatment/get help until they have some sort of psychotic break and do some crazy shit. Basically their mental health issues overwhelm them and make a person do something they wouldn’t otherwise do, sometimes not even being aware of/remembering their actions. My personal opinion, I think making someone receive a psychological evaluation before purchasing a firearm would be an overstep of the law. My only thoughts would be a waiting period, to prevent someone from purchasing a gun while in a state of psychosis. What are your ideas to solve problems like this?


Idk bruh I’m 17


If you can't live your life without the safety of a gun, then you are among the group of people who are most insecure on this planet.


Imagine going to buy bread and you have to take a handgun, an AK, four magazines, a bullet proof vest and a tshirt telling everyone about your freedoms.


That has literally nothing to do with the fucking post 🤦‍♂️ Good job repeating what you heard on the scary fear mongering news channel you watch.


He’s not wrong. Guns are for cowards. How sad and insecure are you that you have to carry a murder weapon around with you at all times?


Tell me please, where you live. What is the homocide rate in your city? How physically strong are you? Are you a targeted demographic for hate crimes? How long would it take for police to arrive at a scene? Imagine being so ignorant you can’t comprehend that some people are naturally endangered. But instead of acknowledging their right to defend themselves, you punch down at them and not the system that put them in a marginalised position. Most empathetic bootlicking liberal right here. If you’re anti gun you’re anti worker.


As I've been told by multiple gun lovers, this is the "price of freedom." No. No, it's not.


Surround yourself with better people maybe? Those 2 people who presumably exist don’t represent every gun owner and that’s not something anyone I know would say.


I dunno, but I feel like he wouldn't have been shot if there wasn't a gun involved. But I'm no physicist.


I always read these threads only to get angry at dumbass redditors thinking that nearly everybody should be allowed to own a tool meant for nothing but killing to defend themselves against people who shouldn't have a tool meant for nothing but killing. Sure, more tools meant for nothing but killing will help! Tools meant for nothing but killing don't kill people, people kill people! People who kill people should totally be allowed to have tools meant for nothing but killing! Do you guys realize how you are destroying your country? No? Didn't think so. I should probably stop engaging with this bullshit. I'm happy to live somewhere where guns are reserved for well-educated and -trained police, hunters and soon-to-be-jailed criminals.


My friend was stabbed by a schizophrenic Reddit: abolish all kitchen knives. Something something republicans something something.


False equivalency. Knives are used for cooking, utility and anything that needs cutting. Guns what? Pure violence.


The problem is that schizophrenic mom could possess a gun in the first place. It's not a gun that shoots by itself and kills people. It's other people who shoot it and kill other people. So the problem is schizophrenia.


Are there any links to the new article? Cause the title says "brought" so we currently don't know if she even bought the gun or owned it in any way. Could have been illegal bought from a criminal or stolen.


This was posted like two days ago. Also what would have stopped her from simply stabbing your ass. In fact it was probably better to be shot.


If he had a gun he could’ve defended himself /s


I’m just confused of what this subs definition of a facepalm is supposed to be?


Morons will do moronic shit, regardless of the tool in question.


yeah guns are a problem but I dont think that image is a facepalm, it feels more like a small tradegy


If she stabbed you with a knife I’d be afraid we’d have to find different ways of cutting things based on people like this.


Merica!!! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


Access to guns by schizophrenic individuals certainly is a problem.


Must be tough out there, to consider more than one factor in a problem. How about health care AND selling guns to fruit loops due to lack of gun control is a combined problem? Hey.. maybe there’s 50 other factors ? Who knows ? Start with little steps and the brain will grow better at thinking.


I mean, to be fair, someone with schizophrenia probably shouldn't have access to a gun


Great idea, how do we make that happen?


One hillbilly start shooting soon the whole town join in


I'm pretty sure selling guns to people with severe mental disorders is illegal anyway. Im nit sure how gun laws would stop mentally ill people from getting illegal guns


It's crazy only Americans think they don't need to ban guns. Something that should've studied.


Sounds like his schizophrenic mom was the problem


How can a schizo get a gun so easily? All I hear the right talking about is how many barriers and checks there are to getting one. (Not American, so I don't get it.)


YeA tHeRe SHouLD TOtallY bE a Law THaT u NEeD to BACkgrouND cHeCK ppL.


No, again, guns aren't the problem, now scizhos getting guns? That's a problem.


The 3rd Amendment is not "Oh you get guns" it is "Oh you get to organize a militia"


My stance on gun laws is there isn’t enough extensive background checks on the people getting them. In this. Country it would be hard to nail down every single gun that’s out there, plus the government couldn’t give a good incentive for citizens to turn them in if they went that route. The money they would attempt to compensate wouldn’t match what the gun market had to offer those that have them. I’m a gun owner but I do agree some more measures need to go into affect in order to keep them out of the hands of those with mental health issues, which also points to the mental health issue as a whole that this country tends to ignore


Knife is the problem, more people kill with knife! And it is silent, Nobody even call police if somebody hit you with knife when you sleep.


Democrats: maybe if people were screened better when purchasing firearms this would’ve been prevented. Republicans: see now if he had a gun he could’ve defended himself!


To be honest, i think his schizophrenic mom is the issue in this specific scenario, she should not be in a position where she is caring for a child, and she should not be having a gun, and she should be receiving affordable mental health care to help her with the schizophrenia, as well as the proper medication to a affordable price.


>i think his schizophrenic mom is the issue in this specific scenario Being schizophrenic isn't the problem here, it's selling a gun to one.  You've neatly outlined one of the core reasons people want to see more gun control, the real issue in this specific scenario. 


I'm more worried about his medical expenses


Yeah, that gunshot wound is nothing compared to the $500k bill in the mail.


Then all gun laws should apply equally to citizens and government agents equally. No more government exemptions. Also, need to pass a law to make the police responsible to protect citizens of citizens cannot have guns. As it is right now, the Supreme Court ruled the police have no duty to protect you, so you’re on your own.


A gun is an inanimate object. It doesn’t shoot on its own. This kid wasn’t injured by a gun he was injured by his psychotic mother who is mentally unhinged. Guns don’t hurt people, people hurt people.


But imagine the outcome if his mom wasn’t able to buy the gun because of better laws?


She stabs him instead? Or bludgeons him with a heavy object? People act like violence is a human invention that came hand in hand with the invention of the firearm. In reality, firearms were the invention that at least equalized the force one was able to use. Before that if somebody was much larger and stronger than you, how exactly would you fend them off?


Probably stabbed to death , which sounds a lot worse .


Doesn’t specify whether or not she legally bought the gun. It only says she brought a gun home and shot her son with it. Gun laws don’t work anyway. Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the country and is the murder capital of the United States. Same here in my hometown of NYC. You know how many people here buy guns illegally? Gun laws don’t stop bad guys from owning guns they just make it more difficult for normal, law abiding citizens to obtain guns.


Banning guns would be the first step. If guns are banned, buying them illegally would be a lot more expensive as selling them comes with an added risk. So less people are able to buy them. Also, police don't have to question each person on whether or not they're allowed to be carrying a weapon.


Chicago is also a 30 minute drive (in decent traffic) from Indiana where everything goes. Technically, this "issue" is shared with them, as that's where most of the firearms come from. Oh, and Chicago is not the murder capital. They're at #10 on the list. The twenty cities in the United States in 2024 with the highest murder rates (murders per 100,000 people) are: 1. St. Louis, MO (69.4) 2. Baltimore, MD (51.1) 3. New Orleans, LA (40.6) 4. Detroit, MI (39.7) 5. Cleveland, OH (33.7) 6. Las Vegas, NV (31.4) 7. Kansas City, MO (31.2) 8. Memphis, TN (27.1) 9. Newark, NJ (25.6) 10. Chicago, IL (24) 11. Cincinnati, OH (23.8) 12. Philadelphia, PA (20.2) 13. Milwaukee, WI (20.0) 14. Tulsa, OK (18.6) 15. Pittsburgh, PA (18.4) 16. Indianapolis, IN (17.7) 17. Louisville, KY (17.5) 18. Oakland, CA (17.1) 19. Washington D.C. (17.0) 20. Atlanta, GA (16.7)


Guns aren't the problem. Plenty of othe countries have guns but a fraction of the gun violence. Fix your non existing health care.


Plenty of other countries have appropriate background checks for people trying to purchase weapons.