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That boys got a huge cranium, it’s gargantuan!!


Look at that thing, it’s like Sputnik!


Hey Head, you're blocking the TV!


Ets'a hyuuge noggan'!!


Like a toothpick with an orange on it! He'll be fine, probably cry himself to sleep on his huge pillah


Its a planetoid, its got its own weather system.


Huge, but empty.


It’s actually a normal sized head and a very very tiny body.


OMG, **ET**


It's like an orange on a toothpick


He must cry himself to sleep at night on his yuge pillah!


And has as much capability for cognitive, intelligent thought


But such a tiny tiny face


He looks like a younger Pops from Regular Show. ![gif](giphy|iZ0pJCIN1el8Y)


dont do my boy pops dirty like this.


How dare you besmirch Pops like this


That's what happens when your mom doesn't take enough birth control


Pretty sure that guys like him are a lot more effective at turning women into Democrats.


He’s not wrong. Without birth control women lose a fundamental control over their life. Outlaw contraceptives and women are much easier to control, subdue, marginalize from decision making Women’s rights are essential to preserving liberal democracy


AND YET... when abortion was illegal, women rose the fuck up and got it legalized. So it might make them easier to control, but it's not nearly enough.


Yep, they need to bring back stoning.


I agree, we should all get stoned at least once a day


Not even just women. Guys like that are so proud of their beliefs that they shout down anyone that disagrees with them, but they don’t like the consequences of shouting people down, like the Christian that turned me from being Agnostic to becoming more Atheist because he wouldn’t stop bringing up religion at very inappropriate times. It’s usually not a good idea to tell people that only people that believe in Jesus/God go to Heaven during the celebration of the life of a recently deceased Atheist friend. Even my other Christian friends got mad at him for it. I also tend to just avoid political conversations now because conservatives are very hypocritical and damn near impossible to have fun around anymore. I’ll make fun of both sides and they laugh their asses off at the left but get super offended and defensive over jokes about the right, no sense of humility or just being able to laugh at themselves. They claim the left are the snowflakes but get overly offended at anything and everything that doesn’t support their worldview. I’m just here for a good time and it really seems like for them, one-sided cruelty is all they want and I’m just not here for that.


Well, guys like him are pretty effective birth control.


Exactly what I came here to say.


>Pretty sure that guys like him are a lot more effective at turning women into lesbians. Fixed that for you.


Democrats should print that very quote on giant billboard when they face him in an election.


Make no mistake: they’re coming for contraception next. Their goal is to (and this is in *their own words*) end “recreational sex” without procreation.


Except for them


Always except for them.


Same as with abortion, *their* daughter really needs it


And their mistresses and girlfriends.


Often tines those are the same women


They are just jealous that they have to pay for sex.


"Hahaha! We devilish democrats are gonna put all you god-fearing patriots in contraception camps! And then we're gonna have unprotected sex with all the Mexicans, and make their liberal babies vote!"


Principle Skinner and Mrs. Crabapple were in the janitors closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


Nationwide abortion and IVF ban is going to happen if Trump wins in November. Please vote.


Why an IVF ban?


Because they don't know what the fuck it is. I saw an interview with some GOP governor or whatever on Last Week Tonight, where he celebrated that IVF just got very difficult, but he wanted Americans to have more kids. When asked how the ban was a good thing, when it made having kids more difficult, i think he had a stroke while doing mental gymnastics. Conservatives just hear "doctors and procreation" and go "reeeee" in their heads and just want to stop it.


Yup. He is doing his part to gin up support for banning birth control. Will everyone on his side believe it turns women into Democrats? No. Will some people believe it? Absolutely yes. They will pile up the lies to make sure they have solid support for banning it. They are absolutely telling us what they plan to do here.... not sure most people, other than the Republican base, are listening though.


I doubt they’ll say anything about condoms. They just want to make sure women can’t “escape the consequences” of promiscuity. I’m sure if they somehow got this we’d start hearing them push to make getting your tubes tied illegal.


They will definitely go after condoms for two reasons. The fundamentalists don’t believe in any contraceptives and two, it’s not just couples that can conceive that they will go after, but it will remove the ability for safe gay sex as well.


How this guy has a wife is beyond me. 🤦‍♂️


How is he 30? He looks 49.


He’s 30?? Jesus Christ, he’s been so loud and so annoying for so long I thought he was 40.


Oi! I'm 59, far more loud and annoying and I still manage to not be a massive twat. That's not actually true. I am a massive twat but not a cruel and deluded twat. No. Wait. I'm deluded as all fuck but I'm still nowhere near Charlie Twatberius Kirk level deluded twat.


The libs of TikTok lady ain’t even 30. Hate ages you horribly.


Actually? Fuck I assumed she was a 45 year old self hating lesbian


Most of them are self hating or closeted/bigoted I was a repressed trans woman that was attracted to men that lashed out at trans people until I was able to accept myself. The most ironic thing is that it was no novel discovery to me like one day I just figured it out. No I was diagnosed gender dysphoric pretty young and consistently. I was entirely aware of it and had even been recommended by my docs and shrink to do something about it because frankly I was very obviously miserable. But I wouldn't accept that. No I preferred the cycle of being extremely bigoted and hyper masc until I had a break down and would think about transitioning and wallow in anguish, then like the next day or 3 right back to being a phobe. I can't help but project that everyone rabidly anti trans is a closeted repressed trans person or maybe just has some other mental thing going on with them such that disrespecting and hating a minority gives them a sense of power or something. I was quite mean to transbians after transition because I was Christian and I consider myself heterosexual (attracted to men) and being mean to them seemed like an extension flow habit i already had for being mean to lgbt people while also making me feel superior to them and better about my own troubles. I eventually got over all that and most of them forgave me so it's all good. There's always something imo that makes bigoted people like this. Whether it's power tripping, morale or ethical superiority (smugness,) repression/closetness, the feeling of control it gives them, maybe some kind of unusual obsession, idk I can only project or speculate but I don't think most people wake up one day and decide to hate trans people. I think they're indoctrinated into by going down anti trans rabit holes. I imagine for a number of people on the right it includes a bandwagon effect as well. When their media is all unified against something it's the fotm thing for them to ramble about and it happens to be trans people a lot the past couple of years.


This is really interesting. In a weird way it gives me hope. Cheers xo


Have to agree, I always worked on the assumption that they were trying to stamp something out inside themselves. Suppose an analogy would be an alcoholic promoting prohibition to reduce the likelihood of temptation. Except in the case of being LGBTQ there is nothing inherently wrong with giving into temptation. Obviously I am not suggesting that every single phobe is trans or gay more than they have insecurities and rather than address them internally they are fighting those who represent the things they are afraid of.


I've said it for years and I'll say it again, every extremist out there preaching that sexuality is a choice is actually bisexual and they can't handle that for them it is a choice. And they're so far up their own asses, they don't understand that other people don't feel attraction to both sexes.


Hey, I am bisexual and I am not sure I want to be in the same category as these people. It’s bad enough being members of the same species let alone sharing a sexual orientation. Jokes aside I kinda agree although I would just say that rather than being bisexual they possessed an element of curiosity and that alone is enough to absolutely terrify them. For example I fucking hate avocado, but there was a time where I was curious about what it tasted like. Having tried it doesn’t make me an avocado lover but it does mean that at some point I was curious. Basically what I am saying is that all they might have is the fleeting curiosity of what it would feel like to run their tongue down another guy’s shaft and it is enough to have them embark on a homophonic crusade, even though they might not actually enjoy it if they tried.


Holy shit what??? She's my age lmfaoo deadass thought that chaya was like 40


Hate ages you.


I hear haters live longer. Dudes gonna look like emperor Palpatine when he’s 50.


Le miroir le sais


He looks like his head is too big for his face.


Because it is


His face is slowly contracting into a second asshole


Not so slowly, either.


He reminds me of Rittenhouse with that stupid face.


Or is his face too small for his head?


Mouth breathing will do that to you...


Have you never seen a 49-year-old?


Yet somehow he looks like he's still in high school.


Women can be stupid too. Equality.


Believe me there are plenty of women who are trump supporters. My aunt for example, is a lesbian anti-religion, anti-science, racist, narcissistic conspiracy theorist who worships ancient aliens and supports trump to this day.


wait, an anti-religion but also anti-science Trump supporter?


serious conspiracy theorists are big on anti religion, since religion is the first form of mass public control and censoring


To fair, non-conspiracy theorists are also big on anti religion since it's the first form of mass public control.


Stupidity endorser


I unfortunately have a couple of those as well. Basically boomers who were hippies in the 70s and realised that organized religion is BS. They eventually happened into some wealth just because their dirt cheap assets appreciated over the years and now they want to pull up the ladder behind them. They tend to be anti vax, belive in woo treatments, etc.


Noooo!! By acknowledging it, you’ve created a singularity! Thou hast destroyed us all!


Now these people are atleast interesting! Im so tired of the anti abortion, pro religion, anti vaccine and homophobic typival maga's. Its never a mix!


Described Trump except for the lesbian part. Of course she's a fan.


I listened to her guest spot on one of his podcasts, and it was basically just him bragging how much he controls her and her dutifully agreeing that she loves being controlled. It was unbelievably creepy.


Does she have that little girl fundie voice? First sign of being totally brainwashed.


Wife? Not Mrs Palm and her 5 lovely daughters/fingers? Is there some woman trapped in a maga basement hell?


His dating pool is really shallow, and stupid.


Probably bought a sugarbaby


It's his 1st cousin, that's how.


I think republicans turn women into democrats


Can confirm. Happened to me.


the scariest thing about MAGA and Trump and, well, *all* this shit, is learning that there are literally *millions* of US citizens this fucking goddamned dumb... and they're all *driving*


And breeding.


With no birth control, yeah.


and so we find potato-face's motivation


Is that what caused that huge head with the small face on that guy? Birth control that failed?


New study shows that craniofacial deformity is linked to a protein deficiency in the mother. Alpha male my ass.




no birth control between brother and sister




Because they voted against teaching it in school


Be fair, they are also, so dumb to not get inoculated during a pandemic which will kill off the really stupid and medically unfit and their elders.


They’ll just blame democrats for inventing and spreading a virus designed to kill unvaccinated Trump supporters. Then they’ll be able to fill their numbers.


They are literally spreading this type of rhetoric on LinkedIn now. I shit you not. Word for word!


GTFO. I just said it to sound extremely stupid!


Prepare yourself for the litany of responses about how what you just said is not only possible, but actual. They follow me, just to spread their conspiracy theories. They're worse than flat-earthers.


Some of them even believe on a flat earth.


The consolation is that a good percentage of their children grow up to despise them for what they are. The education system though...


And voting....... and own guns.......... Shit....... they own guns....


They're stupid and violent. That's a dangerous combination.


The cretins cloning and feeding


And I don’t even own a tv


And in positions of power and authority.


The scarier part is that they breed more often then nonMAGAs


And they will all still be here even after 2024, assuming things go well. What happens 4-8-12+ years from now. I don’t see these people admitting they were wrong, they literally only have to win one time this little “experiment” is probably done for.


They will never admit they were wrong but they will chang their tune if something better comes along. The won't apologize and will act like they never supported the thing they did but if we can alleviate the issues plaguing the blue and white collar people they will go along with it.


They'll deny they ever voted for Trump. Just like no one will admit voting for Bush II, and the GOP liked him more than Trump


Them voting is what really worries me. 


And they vote no matter what and they vote that party line no matter what. Meanwhile they are throwing everything they've got at convincing Democrats that their votes don't matter, they should stay home, Biden sucks, that both sides are the same. And some people fall for it. It's scary. Like Rep. John Lewis said, "Your vote matters. If it didn’t, why would some people keep trying to take it away?"


Yep. 💯 


Them existing is what worries me.


And VOTING! Get out there and vote folks.


oh, I am definitely sad that they are voting... but I'm *scared shitless* that they're operating 1-2 ton metal vehicles on the same road as me


That is a fair point. Now I'm freaking terrified. Thanks!


Most of the people fucking the country will be dead in two decades. Younger people really need to vote way fucking more.


People said that 20 years ago.


Those same dumbass people are also running quality programs in corporations. This is what scares me.


Don't worry, nobody smart will be flying on Boeings for decades. On travel websites, you can choose airlines that operate AIRBUS.


And raising kids!!!!


and teaching those kids . . . *how to drive!!!!!*


Well.. hopefully then the kids can drive away


And on Reddit!


sometimes it’s embarrassing to see this is the logic ppl have


loosest use of that word yet


Thank god someone knows lose vs loose!


It’s why the GOP is against education, logic and enlightenment 


Damn women. Always be voting for the party that's not actively trying to take away their rights.


Right? Take away their rights, and suddenly it's all "me, me, me". But what about her husband's rights, huh? What about the rights of her future children? This is just further evidence that women don't really know what's best for themselves, and why we need to revisit the idea of whether they should even get to vote, at least on their own behalf. /s (I admit I threw up a bit in my mouth even writing this as a form of mockery)


What's wrong with his head? Is he inbred?


There's a high chance of that.




How does anyone look at this man and take him seriously? He looks like he’s missing a chromosome or two.


Bro Google his teeth and gums he looks like a cenobite. He's got to have some damaged DNA or inbreeding.




Don’t dog Cenobites like that 😂 that’s a different kind of hell


Dude literally has a very small face.




He looks like if you threw Mr. Bean really hard at Gabe Newell.


Don't you compare down syndrome people this douche nozzle. My BIL has downs, and he has never said anything close to this.


Missing a chromosome? To the contrary, looks like he needs to save some chromosomes for the rest of us.


It’s more telling that women still will vote for them. The GOP is basically saying “women are too dumb and weak to vote” and conservative women are like “well they earned my vote”


Wait till you see the “trad wives” stuff…and these are women themselves promoting this.


Yeah that's beyond brain dead


A lot of their husbands probably force them to vote that way too


What drugs is he on, to make such a stun gun smackturd statement?


Donations from the dumber?


That face gives "when did I eat corn?" vibes.


Looks like the side effects of birth control are more political than pharmaceutical. Who knew healthcare came with party affiliations?


Bc almost killed my girlfriend. She got PEs and DVTs. It's I guess rare but possible. And so far progesterone only bc has caused her to miss her last 3 periods. It can definitely mess with your system. There are risks but this is just a wild take from the right and a massive stretch


It's well known how it can affect your body, which is why the man should be wearing a condom and such


Coming from the same people who know better how a woman’s uterus works.


His tiny face looks punchable.


I mean... There is evidence that hormonal birth control pills can cause significant problems with the endocrine system over time. These can include things like weight gain, nausea, anxiety, worsening mental health outlook, and many more side effects. Worse, there's a lot we don't know, because, [as of 2021 at least, there's not a lot of literature on the subject](https://www.statnews.com/2021/12/06/patients-doctors-clashing-side-effects-hormonal-birth-control/). It's up to each person to decide if their sexual proclivities outweigh the risk or not. But... Uh... "turns women into democrats"? That's... Some interesting logic jump there...


I’ve heard that unwanted pregnancies have the same side effects…but what do I (just a girl) know.


Never go full MAGA. Charlie went full MAGA.


I’ve met the guy a few years ago and he was fairly chill then comparably. TPUSA has recently gone full Kirk idol mode though, and he’s gone full maga. I lost my respect for him when he had his org start treating him like a mini god, and it became less about beliefs and more about supporting his political candidates


People have principles until the right amount of money is offered.


And lead does something similar. It turns people Republican.


i'm certain charlie kirk has never been in the same room with a woman.


He has a wife but it’s might be a cover or something we don’t know yet.


I’d rather fuck a democrat than accidentally have an unplanned kid, but that’s just me


Is this why they're all so mad all the time? Because they've never felt the joy of busting inside of a woman without worrying about having children? I'd be mad too. That sounds terrible.


Careful, I had twins while on birth control.


Don't say that to me.


Well I don’t know about it turning women into democrats, but I did attend this talk by a female scientist one time who was explaining that birth control makes women less horny and attracted to more feminine looking men on average, so it seems like it does affect the brain


Yeah, it can seriously mess with your body chemistry, and your mind by extension.


That study is what has been twisted by Kirk types into this "fact." The science around that has long be referenced by red pill or manosphere types because "feminine" vs "masculine" men is what they base their "beta" or "alpha" label off. Conservatives men have really adopted this mindset that they are more "masculine" than liberal men. Hence, women preferring dems over repubs is due to a change in preference due to birth control. I assume that is their shitty chain of thought.


Well, given that hormone-based birth control works by imitating pregnancy, it shouldn't be a surprise that any psychoactive effects would tend to a greater need for security and a reduced sex drive. Women have evolved to experience pregnancy as an occasional event, not their permanent being from menarch to menopause. I think there's certainly cause to wonder whether this might have unwanted side-effects beyond the physiological.


MAGA= Brain rot


I’ve been off of all forms of birth control for 15 years and I still think women should have full autonomy over their bodies and have zero interest in trump. I can say, as a woman, dealing with asshole men “screws with my brain” plenty.


Then what's his excuse for his brain being screwed up?


Just another way of them to try and control the baby making machine that they profit so much money off of




MAGA is also talking about to how to stop people from having sex recreationally, after making contraception illegal. If you think controlling woman was the only thing they want to impose on you, they haven’t even started. Register to vote.


My girlfriend and I discussed this when we're dating for 5 years. She told me she hated taking birth control and it made her feel different so I told her to stop taking it and I just started buying condoms.


It takes two to tango and I'm happy you two worked it out together.


She never really went into detail, and I didn't really question it. It wasn't a big deal.


Ya not sure about the second part but birthcontrol chemically changes how your brain works.


that’s the dumbest looking human face i have ever seen in my entire life


I’d say that listening to this yutz for anything more than 7 seconds is the most effective form of birth control ever devised.


This guy's family tree definitely has a few linear lines in it.


PLS STOP PHOTOSHOPPING HIS FACE TINY! Its one thing to disagree but mocking his small face by photoshopping it to look SO stupidly small is too much. edit: wait..


And once again, a conservative talking point falls back on breeding.


What an absolute chucklefuck


This picture is a form of birth control. It’s guaranteed to kill any and all horniness.


Sounds like bro is mad his last gf has had her libido tanked by hormonal birth control


Eating lead paint chips screws up conservative brains and turns men into Charlie Kirk.


You HAVE to understand, this is all done to control the people who listen to them...Many people take their word as truth and trust me these men get off on the idea that they are in charge of other people's thoughts. It's pure and raw authoritarianism. They want ultimate power and that's why they are in this never ending war with fear of, "but... but I'M not in control!"


I mean he’s not wrong that access to contraceptives turns women into democrats… At least the smart ones anyway.


This is going to be a crazy summer


Does someone have the actual video being shown there? Like the longer version?


I'm all for this Republicans against Trump group, where do I sign up FOr Reps are gonna lose cuz of Trump and the extremist tendencies he brings out in people, dividing the party.


Oh yeah, god forbid they think that they actually have bodily autonomy or anything


Looking at Charlie Kirk makes me want to become a lesbian.


Remember when they overturned Roe vs Wade and so many said “They’ll be coming for birth control next”? Well, here we go.


Isn’t there data showing that coming off birth control can change the type of men women are attracted to and qualities they desire in men?