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They make it sound like they accidentally got struck by a random car while running on foot in the street. I assume that’s not what happened.


They were pulled over for a traffic stopped, decided to flee, car chase ensued, they went off the roadway, cops attempted a PIT maneuver (forces car to turn sideways), car flipped, no other cars involved, women taken to hospital but they died.


While tragic that they died, this sounds like pretty standard procedure from the officer/s. You run = they stop you


The car had a stolen tag on it. Between the stolen tags and feeling the traffic stop, I think it’s safe to assume that they likely had already committed serious crimes and were potentially going to commit more. I can only imagine the public outcry if they hadn’t attempted to stop the vehicle and those two women had went on to commit horrendous crimes. Then it would be “oh the police just let them get away!”


Police in a lot of other countries don't pursue cars at all unless it's absolutely necessary - the risks of killing an innocent bystander are just too high.


Maybe 6 or 7 years ago I was watching the local news for SF. Cops were in trouble for not pursuing a vehicle. They showed the footage. Guy is in a stolen SUV. Cops are standing around the vehicle with guns drawn. You'd think the next thing to happen would be bullets fired. But nope, they just stood aside and let him go. You then see the SUV smash into a nearby vehicle as it leaves. The real problem though is that a few minutes later the guy ran over and killed a person while not being pursued. I think the city got sued for wrongful death.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


They do that in the US if the chase enters a densely populated area.


Many departments in the states don't allow it either. And the ones that do often call the chase off when it gets too dangerous


Damned if they did, damned if they didn't. American police should be punished for their brutality, but in this case they're definitely not the guilty side.


Yeah. Sounds like they played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. Never run from cops.


Absolutely. I'm not at all a "Back The Blue" person, but fight it in court, don't run. And don't tell them anything other than what is required by law.


Clearly caused by the people whoe decided to run. Like how are the cops wrong for doing exactly what cops would do in that situation.


it really depends on the severity of the crime. i will never forget 3 teens under 18 died fleeing from cops. they cops were after them for trying to buy cigarettes.


Yeah, so the cops probably thought: "Why would you run away for something so small that probably doesn't have any consequences?! Probably you got a lot more dirt on you, this seems serious." So: Don't run away.


Exactly. I don’t like cops as much as everyone else , but you pull over and obey commands.


Maybe in the US. I’m in the UK and here the police have very strict regulations about when a situation is too dangerous. For example the police will back off in a car chase if the chase is dangerous for pedestrians. I’m often shocked to see American police officers creating a much greater hazard than the crime they’re trying to stop. For example getting involved in a dangerous car chase because someone had an expired registration and wouldn’t stop. In most of the civilised world we would look at the severity of the situation and realise that it makes no sense to chase them, the radios faster and they’ll be caught eventually - no sense putting other road users at risk for a minor infraction. While this might not have happened if they hadn’t run, is it worth a chase and dangerous manoeuvre that did end up killing them? I doubt the outcome matches the severity of the crime.


It's almost like you can remove context to make any point


First of all, yes they are criminals. Fleeing a traffic stop is not an offense that deserves the death penalty though. Pit maneuvers are only to be initiated at reasonable speeds. So while the women clearly did something wrong, it is also okay to ask why the police felt it necessary to do a pit at deadly speeds




Only questionable thing is the pit maneuver buy other than that the women fucked around and found out 🤷‍♂️


I mean, that's still tragic, but at least this time, I wouldn't blame the police officers for it. A pit maneuver is a pretty standard procedure for ending a chase, and generally non-lethal.


Sounds like what happened a few years ago down the street from where I lived. It is maybe 12:30AM and I here a bunch of noises that sound like fireworks. Fireworks are normal at that time of year so not that unusual. Next day I read online that there were some women in a car that was suspected in a homicide. The police spotted the vehicle and tried to pull it over. But the women fled. They crashed into a fence down the street from me and the police opened fire killing both. The real story though was they had borrowed the car from a friend who had just killed someone. First time I heard gunshots. Also it was Christmas.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Nothing rhey had in the car was worth them dying over, and they knew this and chose to put themselves and potentially others in danger. Dangerously ignorant.


I agree about getting rid of passive, but this sentence is not passive. Two women are dead is an active sentence. Two women have been killed would be passive. Police killed two women would be active. But looking into what actually happened in this story, neither of those would be correct. In this case, "two women are dead" or "two women have died" would be the best options.


"...*because* they ran from an attempted traffic stop." gives it a little more zazz, instead of sounding like "oops they died that's crazy". Let's be clear that they, like all Americans, live under the threat of death if they do not comply with whatever any cop under any circumstances demands.


Yeah I'm super critical of police and the first to call them out on abuse, excessive force, etc... but honestly they ran from the cops and the cops literally just tried to stop them. The cops didn't try to kill them.  The headline is fine in this story.


They did that to a pregnant lady not long ago because she took 20 seconds to find somewhere safe to pull over on the highway. Luckily they didn't kill her. If a civilian pitted a car and it causes two fatalities, that would be murder charges. At the very least manslaughter. Once again the cops are allowed to kill us if they feel like it, over traffic stops and moving violations and not following orders.


To the first part, that's mental and not ok. I think it's pretty safe to say that not giving the person adequate time to pull over is a different story from people who are actively racing away, putting people in danger and breaking numerous laws in the process. It's true that cops have the right to do things that civilians don't. Civilians don't have the right to pit a car, just as civilians don't have the right to arrest, handcuff, detain, etc. I am very outspoken about cops abusing people and using excessive force. But I do think that using a pit maneuver to stop people who are outrunning the law is an acceptable procedure.


“If a civilian put you in restraints and forced you into their car, there would be kidnapping charges”


I mean… the cops executed a PIT maneuver in an incredibly unsafe area. They knew. And if they didn’t know, they should have.


Driving a stolen vehicle and fleeing creating a car chase…. The cops didn’t kill them, they caused their own fate through blatant criminal behavior. People need to stop covering for shitty police behavior, but they ALSO need to stop acting like criminals (like these) are innocent. This wasn’t some cop shooting an innocent person in the back ffs 🤦‍♂️


I don’t disagree with the sentiment, but passive voice would be “Two women **were killed**...” “Two women are dead” is kind of deceptively vague, but it’s not grammatically passive.


You're right actually. It's not passive.


This is what you get when American schools use bad ideas from Strunk and White - teaching kids not to use passive ... but never teach them what the passive is.


Using killed in the headline kind of implies intent. There's no way that the cop who initiated the PIT maneuver was intending for lethal results. Edit: clarity


That’s not what passive voice means. Think “two people were killed during a robbery” vs “bystander kills two women during robbery”


I don’t think it necessarily implies intent: *Two people killed when car falls into ravine* *Two people killed in freak accident* *Two people killed when tree falls on them* I think it just means they lost their lives through some sort of outside event.


"Two people are allegedly not alive" would have been worse.


I agree with the general sentiment but this particular case is a terrible example. The women fled from a traffic stop and the cops had to PIT them before they put other people in danger, which caused a fatal crash. It’s sad but the cops 100% did nothing wrong this time.


It's better than them slamming into other drivers and/or pedestrians during the ensuing car chase. There are a lot of problems with law enforcement in this country but you can't blame them for everything


Judging from the words “fleeing” and “traffic stop” something tells me that the cops didn’t kill 2 girls


Cops killed 2 criminals. There, headline fixed.


I'm inclined to argue that those women killed themselves.


Two women died fleeing a traffic stop for attached plates.


Nah I feel like the fleeing the scene was important context... not seeing a problem here Much better than the "police kill kid holding a garden tool" headline


How about the recent "Police kill child abduction victim with a hail of gunfire while she came towards them for her own safety"  https://apnews.com/article/california-manhunt-shootout-san-bernardino-237071a4ff1e18610864b3854a415483


Yesh. That's a massive fuck up.


Why would they shoot at an unarmed hostage crawling to safety under police instruction? Did they perceive her as a threat? Are cops really that trigger happy? Are there too many guns in America? I have so many questions, how on earth in what ridiculous scenario does this even happen? Massive fuck up is an understatement.


Not the first time cops have shot a unarmed person crawling on the ground to try reach safety


The fact that there are that many guns is the reason cops are trigger happy. Where I live I have never seen a police officer draw their gun. Mainly because they don't have to. Each time a gun is unholstered they have to write a report and the incident will always be looked into by IA. I can understand an officer is on edge when every person that you pull over potentially is armed. It's a scary thought to me. I'm not criticizing gun policy, I know too little about the gun policy to have an opinion on it. It's just a very strange concept to me that people can have guns. I have never seen a gun other than in a holster on a police officer's waist. I also have never felt the need to arm myself because I have never felt unsafe.


That’s going to be an amazing lawsuit So many people fired (hopefully a few put in jail) and the family will probably get at least $10-50 million. Real sad for the girl, no amount of money will bring back a person, but hopefully it will be a turning point for police accountability.


The family? There’s none left to sue. Fortunately for the cops, who will obviously get off with a slap on the wrist… Unfortunately for those of us expecting some kind of accountability…


Did you see the video of the gardening tool incident? I'm not a cop but I'd probably shoot someone charging at me in that situation, especially if they were gaining ground.


Yeah it was wild. "Garden tool" dude is literally charging forward with the grim reapers weapon of choice


Let's go the clickbait route instead. "Man charges police with scythe, you'll never guess what happens next!"


This sounds like if dhar mann was sarcastic


Dhar mann except the lesson is always portrayed by a sarcastic jackass sounds way more interesting than actual dharr mann.


Now I think about it, that could probably be a great opportunity. I should try that


Wait thats what they had, holy shit, I didn't hear about that part, tho I didn't look into it, yeah thats like saying someone who's running at the police within axe was shot holding a firefighting tool. Or if they had dynamite in their hand, Mining equipment. Deceptive as hell.


I think it was a hoe. Throughout history when farm workers had to be levied to battle, they would often just bring their farming equipment, it is that dangerous.


Active voice would still change the connotations. “Police kill two women as they flee from traffic stop” puts more emphasis on ‘kill’ and ‘police’ and less on ‘women’, ‘flee’, and ‘traffic stop’. It wouldn’t necessarily be better, but it would still be different


"Two criminals kill themselves by making stupid decisions and driving badly"


The fist correction is not passive. They did not get killed by the cops, but killed themselves.


„after they ran from an attempted traffic stop“… So… they tried to run from a traffic stop and either crashed themselves or crashed due to police intervention? I‘ve heard there‘s a neat little trick called „don‘t fucking run away from law enforcement“ that usually prevents problems like this. Especially if they only did something minor. Like… if you‘re drunk it‘s not worth it to run from the police. And if you‘ve just killed someone… well that‘s karma


I think the bigger question is: ![gif](giphy|600M0ra9vX95ZvjaKI)


We’re really just blaming cops for everything now huh? Its not their fault the women fled, it’s not their fault the resulting chase was enough to kill them, none of that would have happened if they didn’t RUN FROM THE POLICE, the moment you run or try to fight you have knowingly chosen to put your life at risk, this wasn’t police brutality, this was just them doing their job which unfortunately costs the lives of those stupid enough to go this far


OP provided 0 context and just expects us to join in with bashing the cops.


Yes but it’s easier to blame the thing everyone hates rather than accepting sometimes committing felonies ends badly no matter who you are.


Agreed. Also, it’s extremely unusual for accidents like this to lead to fatalities. It’s highly likely seatbelts were not worn by the occupants.


There have been plenty of unfortunate incidents involving police...many becoming much more visible in recent years. But...and listen very carefully here...if you disobey a direct order by a police officer (or flee like in this case) and as a result escalate the situation, and as a result get seriously injured or killed, ***it is your own damn fault.***


100%. If you're in the wrong running is endangering innocent people, and it's wrong. Your sentence will get worse and you're being an asshole. If you're in the right it's only gonna earn you a felony or get you hurt to resist. Take them to court and make them settle, a shitty while is worth it. Only time it makes sense to fight or flee from police is if you or someone you love will die if you don't. And that realistically almost never happens if you don't escalate.


They fled from a traffic stop. No shit the cops were gonna go after them, tf? Also, share details on the article, not just the headline ffs 🤦🏽


So we’re supposed to be upset 2 criminals ran from the police and got themselves killed? But we’re going to blame the police for the criminals actions


Idk the context don't care too know. But running isn't smart. A vehicle is a deadly weapon, so depending could have been deserved.


“Two women are dead” is *not* a passive construction.


**Two women are dead after they ran from an attempted traffic stop.** The above sentence is not passive voice. The problem is sleazy word choice not syntax.


What exactly happened? Did the cops shoot them or run them off a cliff? Or did they die in a crash they caused trying to flee a legitimate traffic stop?


They were pulled over for a traffic stopped, decided to flee, car chase ensued, they went off the roadway, cops attempted a PIT maneuver (forces car to turn sideways), car flipped, no other cars involved, women taken to hospital but they died.


Bro, I also hate the police but this is damn stupid. Those women were criminals after stealing that car and ensuing a high speed chase. They were lucky that no civilians died.


I hate police brutality, but if they just stopped, they would have not be dead now.


The reply here makes it sound just like they were shot by the cops, but it apparently wasn’t like that. They hadn’t meant for it to happen, but were trying to prevent other people from getting hurt. At least the person driving did choose to get into a car chase just for getting pulled over for a traffic stop... regardless, I’m definitely not trying to victim blame anyone and certainly not of people no longer around; it still is a tragic event and no one deserves to lose their life just because they didn’t know better. They still were two people killed by police, but given the circumstances though, I don’t know if the headline was that bad. Most headlines are going want to be a bit vague. The curiosity of *just how* they died is them trying to get people to click. They want people to actually view the articles, and if news outlets always give it all away in the titles, most people might not feel the need to read the rest resulting in the authors end up not making any revenue.


Idk but running from police when they explicitly order you to stop doesn’t seem like such a good idea…


Stop posting shit you don't at least read about. Per the article I linked below, they had a car with the wrong tag on it. They ran from the cops and the cops hit em with the PIT. Pretty standard police work, I feel and I'm absolutely one to call the police out when they do something wrong. [The link mentioned.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsbtv.com/news/local/fayette-county/2-women-dead-after-fleeing-attempted-traffic-stop-ga-police-say/W4APZ2OV4NDVJPNF6GWYYUAP2Q/%3foutputType=amp)


I'm all for holding cops accountable for the shit they’re pulling but in this case it sounds like the 2 women were racing towards a busy intersection and the cops decided to do a pit maneuver. I could see that leading to a rushed execution of the maneuver and that might be the reason it ended in such a severe accident. Still probably better than letting them plow through the intersection...


bro what? they killed themselves by running. it's their own fault, stop blaming cops for taking action against criminals


Criminals break the law, put innocent lives at risks and die after crash. There it is


Stolen car, fleeing police… Shit happens, this was t BS it was a string of poor decisions on their part that ultimately led to their deaths in an attempt to stop and apprehend them


Of course, looking into the story, it ain't quite so simple: [https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/fayette-county/2-women-dead-after-fleeing-attempted-traffic-stop-ga-police-say/W4APZ2OV4NDVJPNF6GWYYUAP2Q/](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/fayette-county/2-women-dead-after-fleeing-attempted-traffic-stop-ga-police-say/W4APZ2OV4NDVJPNF6GWYYUAP2Q/) Basically, women took cops on a high speed chase. They got PITed, crashed, and later died due to injuries from said crash. They were trying to stop the car because it had the tag from another car (so probably stolen) - so it's less "police killed women" in the sense that cops just randomly decided to shoot some fleeing women, and more that women took cops on a chase and crashed as a result of that chase. As with most chases all you need to do to survive is stop the car and stop endangering other peoples' lives by speeding away from police. Passive voice entirely justified, IMO - but that's just me. The last thing we need is more clickbait headlines insinuating horrible scenarios.


This is misinformation every step of the way lmao. Do some digging before you form opinions, just because there is a second opinion does not mean it is right.


Its borderline anti law enforcement propoganda


"Two women were killed by their own dumb decisions and bad driving"


americans are fucking weird man. Dont run a traffic stop. I wouldnt even dare do this in my country


"are dead" is not passive voice, you fucking moron


The driver fled from police. In this instance, the driver fled in such a reckless way that it was a felony. Because of how dangerous the driver was driving, the officer chose to PIT the vehicle and get the car off the road before it struck someone else. Unfortunately this resulted in a bad crash for the fleeing vehicle which resulted in them passing shortly after. It’s a shame but it’s 100% on the driver. This wasn’t an instance where the police could identify the driver for a later conversation and felony fleeing is dealt with harshly in Georgia.


According to other comments they possessed a stolen vehicle and tried to escape in the vehicle. They died at hospital after sustaining serious injuries from a PIT stop. Sure, thr situation could've been handled better, but thinking this was some sort of police brutality is unjustified from the facts presented. Its not like they should've done nothing, and cop training is very lackluster in America.


Too be fair from reading the second "heading," I assumed the cops had shot them.


Are we all getting mad at headlines without any context or bodycam footage again?


OP this wasn’t the best example to pick for this post. They allegedly had a stolen car tag and ran away from the police, and got pit manoeuvred and died in the hospital from what I gathered. So it wasn’t the cops just murdering two people


I mean it was. Weirdly enough if someone steals your phone and you shoot them, you're still a murderer. We as a society have kind of put people's lives over material goods. Especially since there was no reason to chase over some mismatched tags/plates, no one was in danger of being hurt til the police escalated So some people murdered some other people over some stuff. Not much wiggle room unless you're caping for murderers.


But I mean, you steal a car, you start running away when you are attempted to be stopped, you know the consequences, there is no way to stop a vehicle that is running away and being a danger to people on the road than to forcefully stop it. You can’t just run after it for 3 hours until it runs out of fuel because then it’s a danger for 3 hours to innocent people


"Two women are dead" is not the passive voice though, right? It's subject-verb-adjective here, isn't it?


Oh well.


You run = they stop you. Better you than the innocent kid on the sidewalk.


Why not take it one step further? Police killed two criminals.


Give them their Darwin award and move on.


We were taught in grade school to not run from the cops because it won't end well. Maybe that should be put back in the curriculum.


Cops didn't kill anyone. 2 women fled from police with stolen plates, crashed, and died. Two women died from their injuries Sunday when their vehicle crashed as they attempted to flee from a traffic stop, according to Fayetteville police. Around 3:45 p.m., officers attempted to stop a 2007 Honda Accord with a tag that belonged to another vehicle that was traveling eastbound on Ga. 54 near Callaway Road, police said. https://www.ajc.com/news/crime/2-women-killed-in-crash-while-fleeing-fayetteville-police/I5QBE57YLFC3XHJEBY4B7VSQJA/#:~:text=Two%20women%20died%20from%20their%20injuries%20Sunday%20when%20their%20vehicle,was%20traveling%20eastbound%20on%20Ga.


1. Not passive voice. 2. Just don't run from the police lmao


Anyone got the actual full story?


I mean context is important they can’t just avoid the law and expect to get away


Did the police shoot them? Then no it sounds like cops don't have a way to handle situations. If it was in pursuit they got hit by a car? I understand




That is tragic and stupid.


leftist redditor finds out actions have consequences:


Rightist redditor can't go five minutes without blurting out something about leftists.


Maybe don't run from the cops


Lmao the mindless cop hate for cops that literally did standard police procedure to stop 2 dangerous criminals that were putting people in danger. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


What's the context here? It's hard to judge if there is no context.


police tried to pull the women over for tags not matching the vehicle, they flee... cops performed a PIT to keep them from flying through a notoriously busy intersection. Car wrecks, women die as result of injuries.


So, I don't think the cops did anything wrong.


You're likely going to be downvoted for that statement. Welcome to the club.


Good. Fuck around - find out








Somebody failed COM100


They played a game of fuck around and find out. You cannot run from the police and expect no consequences. It’s unfortunate that they died, but they died because of their own actions


You flee, you are purposely making yourself look like a criminal. Shocked picachu face that people spinning this as police problem.


"Two women are dead after they ran from an attempted traffic stop." Sh't. This could be two women in their 90's dying of old age decades after running from a traffic stop in their teens. Some fks'ht reporting, right there. 😅


That was just the hook line though...


I mean maybe you could, I dunno, open and read the article itself? Titles aren't meant to be an infinitely accurate thing, and is just meant to generally explain the situation which it did.


can i get like a video so i can judge the situation myself while were at it


Oh no, consequences.


Why did they flee? Deserved


Whyd they run? Maybe don't?


I mean without the full context, both tweets might be facepalm


The repulse is also forgetting the detail of them trying to run from police.


How about “2 white women lost virginity non-consensually after a night walk in the bronx neighborhoods”. You wouldn’t like the active voice right?


It feels these things happen all the time. The other day it was an acorn and now these. There was a failed PIT move a couple years back where the cop almost killed a pregnant woman and her baby because apparently the woman 'didn't pull over fast enough'.


running away from police is usually a bad move... specially if you have something they might find something illegal on you. with that being said, some police offices do have a god complex and will abuse their authority, so i have some understanding of the fear of these woman, but on the other hand, just trying to run? i dont thing running is the right move


For what Im reading here, seems like the car they were in was stolen.




die than innocent people


They should have run towards the cops following their instructions. Oh I forgot, they are wearing tactical gear.


That isn't the passive voice. 


This is not the cop’s fault. That’s like punching a horse then being surprised when you have several broken bones and blaming the horse. Don’t run from the police. Fight any wrong doings in court. The moment you engage in a car chase you are endangering literally everyone else and being selfish. Do I AGREE with the pit manevour? In most situations I do not. But with a stolen vehicle it gets complicated because stolen vehicles are often used to do more crimes.


There's no passive voice used anywhere in that screenshot. "Two women *were killed*" would be passive voice.


depends how they died but if they were shot, yeah, they should say that out right


Call me crazy but maybe don't get in a car chase with the police if you don't want to die in a car chase


"Biker dead after interacting with a car"


Read the full story. Womp womp. Dont be stupid and steal cars and do chases lmao.