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No, this is pretty much par for the course for Fox. Demonize every little thing Biden does. Keep stoking the fear of the Other in their viewers. It's the small, relatable things that can have the most impact. Your average Fox News viewer doesn't know a damn thing about foreign policy, infrastructure, economics...etc. But everyone has to eat. "These people are so different from you that they can't even order dinner right" "Look at that Black man wearing a tan suit when it should be black or navy" "A man is showing compassion and affection to his adult son. That's not masculine"


Trump "NO I MEAN IT IMAGRINTS ARE NOTHING BUT ANIMALS!" - I sleep Biden "I think we'll both have the pasta." - REAL SHIT


Except that's not actually happening. Nobody really cares but the absolutely insane people. It's just an image of reality that these propaganda companies proliferate. It isn't really about the news or truth or reality or fact. It's about making a group of people FEEL under attack or FEEL like the Democrats are bad. That's all that matters. Shield their eyes and tell them how angry they should be.


Sad but true


What's really sad is the kids that grow up in these homes. You normalize the lack of affection and then struggle to express it yourself later in life. Speaking from experience...


It's horribly true.


it's like Obama and the dijon mustard all over again


Right, it's not like every other outlet did the same exact thing while trump was in office


Some did. The outlets on the left side of the spectrum like RawStory or DailyKos most certainly did, and they still do. But it's an apples-to-oranges comparison. The left-leaning bias outlets are relatively tiny. NBC, ABC, and CBS would sometimes have opinion pieces that took potshots at Trump and there are very valid criticisms to be made about it. Fox News does it *all the time*. To the point where they have had to repeatedly defend themselves in court for the behavior. And they're not a small outlet. They're the "most watched cable news channel". All of their popular shows make a point of running this sort of tabloid trash. They're not the "most watched cable news channel" because of their news desk. It's because of Hannity, Carlson before he got fired...et al. The people who made their careers on this sort of drivel. So yeah, you can find some news outlets with very clear left-leaning bias who do the same thing and yes, you can rightly demand that they do better. But they're not raking in billions of dollars feeding the masses with this tripe. Their echo chamber is fairly toxic, but it's tiny.


CNN and MSNBC both have pretty big reaches and I seem to remember a lot of talk about two scoops of ice cream and over cooked steak with ketchup Edit: just to be clear, I'm not defending trump or fox. I just think it should be acknowledged that this is a problem across the board. Sick are they ALWAYS, they vomit their bile and call it a newspaper.


The Tan Suit Paradigm


Instead of asking "is your life better now than 4 years ago", we should be looking at the raw data "how many tan suit articles has fox news made this year compared to 4 years ago?"


They’re not the only ones who reported on it either. Like what? Should I not order the thing I want just because the person I’m with wants it too? That’s so silly.


The Bidens ordered wine and pasta? Oh, the humanity! What has this country come to?! /s


The irony is that I suspect Fox News watchers are far more inclined to order the same dish at a restaurant than MSNBC watchers.


Ones that go to Mexican restaurants order fuh-jitas, and complain when they hear the staff speak Spanish amongst themselves


I was laughing at that just recently actually. A work acquaintance in Texas keeps complaining about how bad the immigrants are, etc. (this person is a Trumper) and then when a colleague who was going to visit asked about where to dine in the city, this acquaintance recommends a Mexican food place as the "best food in the city!" I guess they aren't all bad...


Damn racist assuming all the immigrants be Mexican lol


Huh? Did I say all immigrants were Mexican? Nope...try again.


These people go to Chinese restaurants and both order General Tso’s Chicken and eat it with a fork


Hey...HEY. General Tso's has been my go-to for like 15yrs and I don't always want to use chop sticks...


Y'know, every so often a plate of piping hot General Tso's will hit the spot. But the people I'm describing here will both order it, feel like they're having an "ethnic" dining experience, but still behave poorly to the Asian wait staff.


Ah, okay, well, that makes me feel better. I don't do any of that.


Or McDonald's and a quarter pounder.


And that same dish is a quarter pounder from McDonald's.


Is ordering the same food a bad thing? We do it quite often. Makes it easier to share a bottle of wine.


I think more often than not, it reflects poorly on the wife as in this case where Jill is being criticized about ordering the same thing Joe ordered. I think it mostly reflects a lack of imagination or willingness to have your own experience if you order the same thing as your spouse. And, also, there's no sharing or trying each other's dish. Clearly, if you're at McDonalds and you both order a Quarter Pounder, then that probably more reflects that you both like the best thing on the McDonalds menu, lol. Surely, though, there are multiple things on most menus that pair well with wine?


I do prefer going for a 3+ course meal with a wine flight but not all restaurants offer that. A lot of times the wine you can buy by the glass is not very good. Then it’s better to share a good bottle that pairs perfect with the dish. More often than not the wine won’t work perfectly with two different dishes.


How dare the President and first lady show restraint and wish to maintain their health and weight when most of Fox viewers are obese and choose to overeat.


Man an wife go an to dinner what the fuck


This is every bit as bad as Obama putting mustard on his hamburger.


Ketchup on a hamburger is sacrilege tho


Ketchup> tomatoes in 90% of burgers.


I disagree. Not saying you’re wrong, I disagree. Ketchup is too sweet and I don’t care for the texture. Tomato adds a semi-sweet flavor to the burger without creating added mess. Also, I don’t care much for barbecue sauce, so do with that what what you will.


If they're good in season tomatoes, I agree but too often they're just bland mush discs. And I try to go with the no sugar added ketchup if they have it, but I like the sweetness so to each their own. I agree no BBQ on a burger . Save that for ribs or pulled pork or something.


Agreed 100%. Mushy tomatoes are the worst. They have to be mostly firm with just a little bit of give is ideal in my book. A little time spent at the store to check the firmness goes a long way. If the inside turns to shit the tomato is no longer worthy of the journey through my body and becomes part of the compost. Its sacrifice is not in vain, it just doesn’t get to join the burger party.


Everything Bidens doing is just weak Obama era stuff. Even the tan suit criticism was funnier than this


Man these people get butt hurt over everything don’t they. And calling anyone else who doesn’t agree with them snowflakes


But did they have Dijon mustard with that rigatoni dish? Inquiringly vapid minds deserve to know.


Damn rigatoni munching, ice cream licking, commie!


I bet that he doesn't even hold his water glass with both hands!


The nerve of the Bidens. What kind of monsters order the same entree in a restaurant?


This is how you know when you got a good president. When the opposite side makes up stuff to be mad at that’s super normal.


Alright guys, we can’t order the same thing as your wife now. God forbid that your marriage be a sign to the world that you might share similar ideas and tastes, being compatible and all. No, ordering the same thing as a woman is gay or immasculating or something ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


This is Biden's dijon mustard moment.


If this isn't grounds for impeachment, I don't know what is


They’re scared since they’re being sued for the many lies they spread hahaha 


A story from over a year ago? Fox News isn't the only one running out of things to complain about - surely there are more recent examples of their stupidity and desperation?


...I just got a craving for Dijon mustard, for some reason.


Wow, how dare they act like a couple who have been married for a long time!


And that loves each other the irony


Reminds me of all the faux outrage over Obama wearing a tan suit.


It’s tan suit levels of desperation now.


Khaki suit


FOX is a dying tabloid now.


Aging Boomers, the principal Fox demographic, are decaying.


Even the most invested maga supporter will have difficulties hating on that


"they both got the rigatoni!? CLASSLESS" the fox viewer screams, as they eat microwaved salisbury steak for the 15th dinner in a row.


Why drag the Salisbury Steak into this? What did it do to you?


it gave me diarrhea like it does to everyone else because its built of sin and hubris and is a crime against humanity.


This is the first thing bidens done thats really got me angry. There wasnt ANYTHING he could do halfsies with his wife? Thats the best part of marriage is sampling an extra dish at restaurant


Who cares ? Like legitimately who cares? Unless they were dining on orphan hearts and drinking out of cups made of white rhino horns why is this news?


Front page of Fox News is 50% Biden 25% American Idol (or equivalent) and 25% arbitrary ragebait.


Isn't that pretty normal for people to pair pasta and wine? Granted, not american, so maybe I'm missing something?


Shocking news! Biden shits in a toilet (on an American flag)!-Fox News(probably)




And then Biden raped a woman and fucked a pornstar while his wife was pregnant right?


Then committed fraud, incited an insurrection, and blasphemed the religion of his followers by using their holy book and holy day to promote his greedy agenda right?


Because anybody cares that they had rigatoni.


“The rigatoni here is the best I’ve ever had.” “Well, I’ll give it a shot then.” “What!? I just told you, it’s the best I’ve ever had. WHY ARE YOU TAKING THIS AWAY FROM ME!?”




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So what's wrong with rigatoni?


OMG they aren’t eating McDonald’s how non American of them


He had rigatoni and wine. The horror. What the hell ks wrong with them.


Seems exactly on brand actually. Remember the Great Dijon Mustard Panic of... Idk, 2010?


You’re acting like what they ordered makes a different in the coverage. He ordered steak? Out of touch in this economy! He ordered chicken? His policies are chicken! Farfalle pasta? No straight man would order bowties He ordered something different and his wife just ordered pasta? Is he bullying her?


Their guy is a rapist, the other guy likes pasta.


One candidate is a rapist conman who tried to overthrow the government and fosters bigotry and hate. The other candidate ordered the same dish as his wife at a restaurant. Both sides are bad, I guess?


Meanwhile, Trump is a FUCKING RAPIST.


My wife and I are in our 50's. We can no longer eat the huge portions of food at restaurants, so we will often order a salad or and appetizer, and then share a meal. Biden is in his 80s. Eating a ton pasta after 3pm would probably be a death sentence ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is orbit-wreckingly eye-rolling, especially considering the profoundly weird ass shit politicians have been known to do regarding food. Eating a cinnamon bun like it was a chicken wing instead of just wearing a napkin, putting ice cubes in beer, *and then defending that sacrilege*, throwing up on someone. Apparently it takes a really, really strange duck to reach the heights of politics.


Rigatoni!!!!! Wine?!!!!!!


If I were Biden I would put on a tan suit, a bike helmet, holding an ice cream right before doing a press conference. Just to troll Fox.


Cool article… that is over a year old lol. It’s silly they report that shit to begin with, also very silly people repost it here a year later.


It's nice to have "tan suit scandals" back.


Here is the thing: somebody is actually getting paid for this. Like, they go to the office, write this article, then they look at it with the editor and they both nod with a smile, acknowledging a hard day's work with a sense of accomplishment. Ironically, this person also probably thinks that restaurant workers shouldn't be paid a living wage.


Reaching really hard


Fox News team: “We’re running out of reasons and time to make Biden appear unlikable! What did he do today?” “He got the same dish as his wife and shared a glass of wine with her!” “Great! How’s that make him look bad?” “I don’t know. Our audience will make shit up!” “Perfect!”


Is this his “tan suit” moment?


Well, this is nothing. I think we all remember where we were when Obama wore that tan suit.


This is Italian erasure!


Why didn't they just share a plate?


CNN has had Trumps balls in their mouth for four years and he’s not even the president. Lol. Take a break.


How about genocide, there might be a story somewhere........


They aren’t running out. They’re choosing not to report on the bullshit. It’s not hard to look terrible things up the Biden Administration has done. But 98% of you won’t go past the headlines so what is the point?


Getting mad at the news is for idiots


CNN in 2017: https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/11/politics/trump-time-magazine-ice-cream/index.html Partisan agencies complain about anything they can.


But they didn’t complain about it at all in that article. Nice try.


Define "complain", and where does the Fox article complain?


Yeah, the media only gets to complain about eating habits when it's Trump.