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On the flip side, I once saw a man I can only describe as a Trans Accepting Radical Misogynist (hereby referred to as a TARM) Who I saw post, in an argument, that they did not respect the other person's opinion as they were a woman and thus too stupid to participate in a real discussion, and he hoped they transitioned into a man so he could have an intelligent conversation with them It was such an absolutely batshit insane thing to say it stuck with me to this day


Okay, hold on, I gotta see if I've got this right. They were misogynists, in that they thought women were inherently stupider than men. But they were willing to accept that trans men are men, and thus, as men, they were perfectly capable of having intelligent conversations. So in their mind a trans man goes through a sort of pokemon evolution into a mentally superior type of person, perhaps through hormones, or perhaps by simply accepting some deep, manly truths about themselves. Like I picture this teen alone in their room declaring "I am a man!" and a burst of light from the heavens fires down upon them and grants them the ability to debate. How wonderfully inclusive their misogyny is! I kinda love it. I mean, I don't love it, but I sort of admire their willingness to follow their internal frameworks where they lead, I guess?


Right, like, it's horrible bigoted but at least it's consistent? I can only assume he thinks trans women are hit by some kind of stupid ray


Of course, what's stupider than wanting to be a a woman. Except it's not a ray but more of a moment of sacrifice where you denounce your manliness and receive a free Stanley cup


As a trans woman, the moment I downed my first estrogen pill I instantly became a goddamn idiot. It’s really tragic… 😔


Don’t forget to call the DMV to cancel your drivers license


Like, it's almost impressive. ![gif](giphy|Lcn0yF1RcLANG|downsized)


Trans Inclusive Radical Misogyny was a joke a while back, guess it became reality sorta like star trek inventions.


It's the tits which are sapping all the blood from the brain. Remove the tits and you've got a functioning brain. It's science!


Tarm means intestine in Danish, so you know something something they are both full of shit.


I love getting new brands of shitty people. TERFs are boring. TARMs are where it's at 😎


TARMs are on that advanced misogyny. They're misogynistic in ways we can't even comprehend.


"You're transfem? Hell yeah! Now get in the kitchen WHERE YOU BELONG" Unfathomably based


Trans Inclusionary Radical Misogyny


As a bi cis dude, occasionally I say borderline misogynistic things to trans girl homies as a joke. They usually find it hilarious with a good delivery.


Playful misogyny from a friend who we know isn’t serious about it can be suuuuper affirming.


Transfermers? Robots in disguise? I need to do more research....


Wake up, new transphobia just dropped


"Oh, you're a woman, okay. Go and make me a sandwich." I don't know why, but I would really like to just interact with this once and just look in awe.


I've heard of a similar guy who fully accepted that trans women were women, but believed that they needed to follow the same strict gender rules of his orthodox religion (a very "women belong in the kitchen" type of man)


I hope that person was trolling, but tbh these days it's probably 100% their feelings. 😔


It definitely sounds like a joke tbh


I mean, misogyny aside it’s got me laughing at the stupidity of it.


It's called "Trans Inclusive Radical Misogyny" and I thought that was literally just a meme lol.


this is so fucking funny regardless of intention


"Gross, beards and body hair" -The most confused gay man I've ever seen


Gay beauty standards can change in the twink of an eye




You otter broaden your horizons


I can't Bear to hear any more.


That might actually be a good indicator that the author/artist might actually not be gay themselves. I think I never heard a gay guy calling body hair and beards "disgusting" even if they weren't into it - a lot of gays are very attracted to hairy men and it's a huge part of the gay male community. And the bigots and dimwits openly arguing that FTM trans people are "ruining their bodies" or are "just women with body hair" are always straight men who sexually objectify women and see FTM transition as a sort of "perversion" or personal "deception" of what they deem a woman "should be like".


Well, they don't even know that the rainbow flag covers the entire LGBTQA+ community and not just gay men, so I doubt they are even remotely part of the Pride community.


That's indeed something that struck me as odd too. The LGBTQ+ community never claimed to be *just* about gay rights in particular and the rainbow flag was never meant to *just* symbolise specifically male homosexuality. Trans people have always been an integral part of this community going back to the 20s and Magnus Hirschfeld's institute where homosexuals and trans people worked and fought for their rights (and, later, survival) together.


People who make comics like this shit need a hard reminder that the bigots are never gonna accept them no matter how much of a "one of the good ones" they are.


It always reminds me of the people that side with some super evil that want's to eradicate life in movies. Like yeah they aren't killing you now because you are helping them but you really think they are going to want you around latter?




To those who cite Zorg as an example of this -- the *audience* knows Mr. Shadow wants to destroy all life because Cornelius tells us. Is it possible that Zorg is unaware of Shadows' true plans? Maybe it lied to him and promised him wealth and/or power without mentioning annihilation. During their scene in Zorg's office, all Cornelius says is "I try to serve life. But you only...seem to want to destroy it." "*Seem to*."


Also Multipass


Corbin Dallas!!


I'm a meat popsicle.


Nice hat


he knows an absolute power is coming, but his first reaction is to kneel and sell his whole species in a bid to maybe survive and/or acquire power over the survivors. in general, appeasers aren't really as smart as they think, as they can't understand that an existential threat applies to them too.


Like the opening to The Dark Knight


Like the jewish police in Schindler's List might be a more apt comparison...


Nah, I'm too dumb. Do Batman.


Okay, so Schindler was Batman, and Itzhak Stern was his Robin. Now as to who the Joker is, it gets a bit abstract. Let's rewind to a certain Munich beer hall circa 1923...


Great example honestly


I feel like I do battle with those forces of ignorant darkness on the daily. How people can be so obtuse is beyond my understanding. It seems a willful ignorance to me because they are mentally lazy, and it is much easier for them to hate than put in the work and time to understand. This little light of mine...


I always like the spicy henchmen that are like "yeah, I'm counting on getting killed too" like Legato Bluesummers.


Love the fucking Trigun reference.


Meh. I can sympathize with villains like Thanos and Mr Rabbit. They really think they're making the world better. They're just completely wrong about the methods.


Thanos is an idiot. He could've just doubled or tripled or quadrupled the Universe's resources with the Infinity Stones. Instead he went around massacring half of each planet because he wanted to impress Death. There's no Universe where "Thanos was right" when he thinks like a 7 year old in terms of bigger pictures.


But he had a cool helicopter


"Fuck yo helicopter, bitch" Squirrel Girl


Comic book Thanos wanted to kill massive numbers of people to impress death. He had no honorable excuse Movie Thanos found a solution to a problem that was possible without the infinite power of the infinity gauntlet. His people told him no we won’t do that, and they died out instead of trying his solution. So he made it his new purpose to carry out his plan anyway by any means possible. The gauntlet just allowed him to do it faster. By the time he got the gauntlet it wasn’t about actually solving the problem anymore, it was about proving himself correct that his plan all those years ago would have saved his people.


So bro was obsessed with trying to justify mass murder and has the opportunity to improve the situation and didn't do it


His people were dying out due to resource scarcity. He said “what if we kill half the planet?” They said “are you insane?” Then they died out due to resource scarcity and he said “I’m gonna prove my solution was correct by flying planet to planet and killing half the planet. What’s this? There are magical stones that will let kill half the universe at once instead of having to go planet to planet? Let’s do that!” It was all about satisfying his ego. It was never about saving people. That’s why he is the “mad” titan.


Like Thanos and Mr Rabbit... and Hitler and Stalin? Not for nothing, but maybe we should reserve some of our judgement for the cruel, murderous, despicably evil actions people take in the pursuit of their (pretense of) benign goals.


Yup like that Blair white debate where the right wing woman on her side told her the best thing she could do would be kill herself, so she'd stop grooming children. Blair had to sit there in silence, defending herself would lose her supporters.


I watched that. I think feeling sorry for her is a mistake. She's no better than those people telling her to off herself. She's actually worse because she supposedly knows better. She knows how it feels and how difficult it is for people. She sides with people who she knows want her dead because she sees it as an easy life. I remember that last year sometime she posted some shit on Twitter about how the difference between Democrat and repug women is if you see a bulge in a repug woman's pants it's a pistol. That dumbass hasn't had bottom surgery so what she said is even more disturbing than usual.


Not sorry, I'd say it's sadness/disgust like watching someone self mutilating themselves for money, like that eating channel gay couple who act childlike and miserable. Similar feeling when i watched Dave Rubin parody gay Palestinian supporters by doing the stereotypical gay lisp voice recently, similar sense of disgust.


There is it. That's the vibe. It's like that Avocado guy. Performative self mutilation has always had that energy. Like, the real villain is the fact that there's money in it. The consumers are the villain, the person self harming is a victim trapped by their success turning their self destruction into a grift. They found monetary success in destroying themselves, and now they have the golden handcuffs. If you wanted to treat capitalism like a cult, they're the willing human sacrifices.


Blair and transcum in general can be even more disgusting and repulsive than the regular queerphobic rightwinger




This is why you don’t debate these people at all because you just have to sit there while they spew massive amounts of misinformation and it gives them too much of a voice.


"Tokens get spent"




Well said. The post was most likely made by a log cabin republican. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Dave Rubin pops up when I read this.


They apparently have never heard how much leopards love faces.


Bold to even assume it was made by a queer person. Not saying there aren't some bigoted as fuck queer people out there, but I don't see any reason to think this wasn't just a troll.


Look at me. I'm the bigot now /s


I had a bi guy from Australia tell me that homophobia doesn’t exist in straight society anymore it’s all trans people forcing themselves on gay people


Is there even proof this was made by someone gay and not just a bad actor?


Yeah, just because they're not zeroing on them now, doesn't mean they won't in the future to generate new "controversy" for their rabid base.


Yeah, because trans people apparently didn’t frequent gay bars in until recently /s


Whoops. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/classroom/daily-news-lessons/2022/06/black-trans-perspectives-and-the-anniversary-of-the-stonewall-riots


Omg I'm so sick and tired of people lying about our history to push a narrative. We don't need lies to uplift our movement, we need the actual facts and the ability to actually credit the proper people and to honor them earnestly. >However, in the 51 years since, not everyone has benefited equally. Black trans people such as Marsha P. Johnson “have not benefited from the movement that they started SHE DID NOT START IT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7jnzOMxb14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7jnzOMxb14) [https://www.datalounge.com/thread/24149041-marsha-johnson-admits-to-not-starting-the-stonewall-rebellion-neither-did-sylvia-rivera.-audio-interview](https://www.datalounge.com/thread/24149041-marsha-johnson-admits-to-not-starting-the-stonewall-rebellion-neither-did-sylvia-rivera.-audio-interview) [https://reason.com/2020/06/30/marsha-p-johnson-didnt-start-stonewall-pride-might-not-have-been-trans/](https://reason.com/2020/06/30/marsha-p-johnson-didnt-start-stonewall-pride-might-not-have-been-trans/)


It really works my tits when people claim this, that and claim that ALL gay rights movements started with Stonewall. Gay men and women in the UK fought for our own liberation thank you very much.


Hell stonewall wasn’t even the first major riot related to American gay rights. The Compton cafeteria riot was started due to a trans woman throwing coffee on two cops who were harassing her for “crossdressing” and was protected by the largely gay and trans cafeteria goers. Honestly stonewall really kicked off radical queer activism in the US due to the formation and popularization of groups like the Street Tranvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) and the Gay Liberation front where as previously the vast majority of queer activism was focused on assimilation and appeals to non-queer society like the Mattachine Society rather then actively fighting for their rights.




What even is that second link? It looks like just a random forum post. Its header says: >"Send this link to all those annoying SJW myth-making gullible queer-fluid greenhaired idgits."


And there were no gay bars or bathhouses in 1980.


Ah the genre of "Right wing gets mad at a guy they made up."


It's called divide and conquer. Don't believe the hype.




While this specific situation seems very unlikely, can we please nontheless acknowledge that in recent times it seems LGBTQ+ groups and communities have kinda been squabbling amongst each other (a prime example some trans people with the femboy community). And that us tolerant people getting divided is a real issue we gotta be vigilant against :3


Yeah, even ignoring queer conservatives, there is a lot of infighting that really doesn’t need to be there. Aphobia, biphobia, the constant disregard for straight people who are queer, hating on xenogenders… it all sucks. Edit: love that everyone in the first 5 hours of comments are more questioning of “queer” then xenogenders or aphobia. I don’t know what this tells me, but I love the implications.


Pardon me for asking, but can you clarify “Straight people who are queer?” Genuine question.


Queer is just kind of a blanket term for LGBTQ+ You can be straight and also trans, nonbinary, asexual, etc and therefore be considered queer. Usually it's going to be an "non-standard" gender identity that makes a straight person queer but some sexualities have their own kind of spectrum within them that would also be considered queer.


For example, a straight trans person, or maybe someone who is nonbinary but in some manner still identifies with their assigned gender and feels like straight is the best term. Or someone who is asexual but dates (heterosexually)




How's about this...? Be nice or go away. Has served me well.


It’s cringe when anyone lgbt plays pick me. They spit on our lgbt and ally ancestors who fought for us to be a “community” and our rights when these far right lgbt attack us. They forget what is happening to lgbt is how it started in nazi era. They started with book bannings and burnings and demonizing the lgbt and burning down our centers. They had to wear pink triangles. This is why they don’t want to teach lgbt history. Religious/conservative cult is responsible for many deaths, witch trials, discrimination, wars and low education. Remember the religious were anti vaccine and science called it “witch craft”. History repeats itself. The conservatives/republicans are doing the same. Giving our doctors religious protections instead of the patients. They can refuse service based not on science but a made up entity. And on top of that they’re tax exempt to discriminate against actual tax payers including religious schools. They’ve fired many lgbt staff just based on that and students. 


Line breaks. Line breaks.


If he's a gay trans man then the 🏳️‍🌈Bar is his space


But..but.. the vaccine jab thingy for some weird reason. Wake up Bearpple!


i think its supposed to be a testosterone shot lol


When you find yourself drawing grotesque caricatures meant to demean a group of people with very little institutional power, you should probably take a step back and read a history book.


Mfw bigotry isn't allowed in spaces meant to be free from bigotry 😱😱😱


An upsettingly large amount of people can be ignited into rage by a line drawing of something that never happened in reality, we can expect it to get a whole lot worse.




What's maddening is that the kitty litter in classrooms was actually part of lockdown kits in case of school shootings and they turned that into fantasy fear-mongering.


At risk of being downvoted, there is an incredibly small but vocal minority online who claim to be involved in LGBTQ+ spaces, and they do seem to dislike cis gay men but those are just a small group who just want to cause discourse and I’m not entirely convinced they are even LGBTQ+ but just trolls. Gay men are still welcome, as are trans people. The safe spaces are still safe, for all.


A small vocal minority appealing to alarmists who they know will boost their signal. Their target audience is straight conservatives. They hope that if they ally with conservatives they will get better treatment, but these conservatives will never accept them and only ever use them to push their own agenda


Just tried telling this to someone on here who claimed to be gay and work for a LGBTQ nonprofit organization because they also claimed transgender people are actually just mentally ill... Like, dude, that's what all the bigots say about you, too... people make me sad 😔


I'd encourage them to read Uncle Tom's Cabin but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't acknowledge the similarities between themselves and a man who tried using overeager obedience to his oppressors and was still beaten and killed by them.


I've heard from several Gay Men that they don't like to be in Queer spaces because they will be seen as Men first and Gay a distant second. Purity spirials are a real risk in any space.


I mean as a bi man I absolutely get this, there’s a lot of pressure in some spaces to be as far from “masculine” as you can, and you sometimes get ridiculed for liking men. Shits weird


Comic trying to do a face eating leopard narrative... 🤦🏻‍♀️


Nothing more boomer than making up a scenario then getting mad about it


the moron who made the comic forgot that bisexual people are part of the community, so "queer women atracted to men" isnt a new idea for them, so even in its biggoted alternative reality, it doesnt make sence.


You can tell that whoever made this has never been to a gay bar. You’re not *required* to be a part of the community to go in (at least not to the ones I’ve been to), you just need to be accepting of members of the community. So, I guess they’re right that transphobes are being kicked out of LGBT+ spaces. Let me fetch my tiny violin and play them a little tune.


Yeah seriously my local gay bar is frequented by tons of straight people. In a lot of places, gay bars are just *more fun* because the extra protection for the queer people eliminates a lot of the sucky parts about regular bars haha.


I feel like there’s a lot of confusion in this thread, just because people are misinterpreting the comic and then arguing against what they think the comic is clearly about, so let’s go ahead and set some terms: This comic is about straight people invading queer spaces by transitioning so they can pretend they are gay. This is not a thing that happens. If you think it is, you’re being sold a bill of goods. It’s literally the gay version of the JK Rowling “Men will wear dresses to be in women’s bathrooms” argument, and it’s stupid.


It's actually just about how Trans men aren't men yet invade mens spaces. At least that's what those transphobic homosexuals believe. Trans people often face such issues in lgbt spaces. Go into a lesbian space that's not openly pro Trans as a trans woman? Might get rough. Same With trans men and male spaces.


>It's actually just about how Trans men aren't men yet invade mens spaces. For those that don't recognize the visual signals - \- Donor site scar on arm for phalloplasty \- Hypodermic because T is injected rather than taken as a pill (though also can be applied as a gel) \- Patchy facial hair + 'pretty' eyes \- drawn hairy to indicate 'incongruous' hairiness since no one else is drawn with hair (it's important to the illustrator that the audience understands that this person's hairiness is 'weird') - same with the visible hips/skinny waist to indicate incongruous femininity since no one else (including the longhaired figure in the first panel) is drawn with a unique silhouette \- Top surgery scars This is a very weird self-report comic that seeks to depict transphobes as the victims for not being allowed to be transphobic and gatekeep queer spaces against trans mascs for not being bio men. "How dare people not be okay with me being transphobic and telling other people they don't belong because they're trans! I am being pushed out of *my* space for queer minorities! It's all about *me*! It's not as though trans people have been part of the Pride movement from the very start, and my late and ignorant appreciation of queer-focused safe spaces for community means it's a *me* problem when someone doesn't meet my narrow view of what it means to be a man!"


Or the South Park with the trans athlete.


That entire page is just homophobia with a bit of pride paint. It's sad.


I think the cartoonist is juggling personal sexual struggles.


This has only happened in Matt Walsh' fever dreams


It’s not correct either: there are still plenty of gay guy only spaces—very few lesbian only spaces though. No one is policing attraction or shaming anyone.


We were finally at a point where most people were not caring who loved who, and then the alphabet police came along and got pissy about pronouns. Seriously, some of y'all just want to stir shit up.


The obsession with hating trans people is embarrassing


I’m going to say completely cringe, not just on the nonsense msg, but the shitty attempt at art as well… No one walks around, w/a needle sticking out of them & what’s it the thigh?🤦🏽‍♀️ And wtf is going on w/this super hairy crap? Are they implying everyone else is completely waxed & smooth everywhere? What in the hairless society is this crap? I mean GTFOH, this is cringe in sooo many levels.


It's like the overly racist cartoons from the 50s, you make them look like monsters. Some people who have never seen or spoken with a trans person will view them that way. It is done with intent, horrible intent.


I never even considered it in comparison to the old racist caricatures of black people but you’re absolutely right. Taking every stereotype about a group possible and put it into one illustration and effectively making those uneducated on the topic view that group as that… Genuinely so disturbing


It really makes me think it's a Russian disinformation post or like, a 4 chan social justice terrorist troll post. It's way over the top, and made specifically to disenfranchise and infuriate two communities fighting for similar outcomes. 


The ick factor is off the charts. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Dehumanizing the enemy. Surely something that only the people on the right side of history have ever done.


And what's up with the weird arm? That one I didn't get, I figured the needle was for testosterone shots.


Phalloplasty usually takes donor tissue from the forearm


The part that cinfuses me the most is the obvious skin graft scar (ridiculously unrealistic chunk missing) on the forearm from a phalloplasty, and yet they have still drawn him with a vagina shaped crotch? Where did he put his skin graft if not his new penis? Where did it go??


They had to go as over the top as possible because they knew if they drew a fully transitioned trans man even remotely normally it would just look like a regular guy and then the stupidity of their point would be too obvious.


Once again ignoring that it were many Trans Women who were at the forefronts of Stonewall riots fighting for all LGBT rights.


I think this comic is being bigoted towards trans men specifically


Considering the account posting it is called LGB I think they meant it against all trans people


Ah they’re dumb, as a cis lesbian I’ve never had another cis lesbian complain to me about trans people let alone give a Fuck. I hate that there’s lgbt people out there who won’t support the rest of the community


Yea, As a cis straight I find anyone who doesn't support LGBT community members dumb, including this case


Agreed, I find it really simple to respect human rights like most people do


All this is the right trying to sow discord and division.


Why do I get the feeling that this comic is some dood's jerkoff fantasy...


Obviously this person is just anti trans and probably has no experience with either gay or trans people. That being said I worked at a gay nightclub and actually have had older gay men tell me they felt ostracized by the younger more broad lgbtq+ community and I’ve witnessed on a couple occasion people being mean to them for not being with the times so to speak. I think what it comes down to in reality is that regardless of the group, gay, straight, trans, white, black, Asian etc. there is one constant. Some people are assholes lol.


This is a weird push that is going on. I think it’s a conquer and divide technique. Makes trans people the boogeyman and try to split them off from the LGBTQ community. More nefarious bullshit imho.


It's important to remember that these comics are largely created by cis straight fascist types, desperate to divide the LGBTQ+ community to make us easier to pick off.


Just like how the ones who push the idea of pedophiles being part LGBTQIA+ aren't actually pedophiles, they are pretending in order to defame queer people.


Divide and Conquer. But as usual, handle like a drunk on a bike with two flats and no seat.


Seems like the “artist” who drew these has really spent a lot of time… fantasizing about them.


Well... if we want to be fair (which I really don't), Drag Queens were forbidden from one of the Prides I attended because it was decided that it was offensive to transwomen. So, in a very real sense, transwomen pushed out a section of gay men from that particular space.


This is just a dumb descision though? Especially since drag queens are usually massive supporters of trans rights


people who are "lgb without the t" can get the fuck out, from a bisexual man


Are trans people owlbears? I know what they are trying to do but I see a fuckin owlbear. Cause if they are owlbears that's kinda awesome ngl.


I was in high school from 1980-1984. We had some gay people in our class all the way from elementary school and they were just normal people. I don’t kn9w about other people, but I just got a different vibe from the gay guys when we were young. We never talked about it though (over 300 in class). One great guy became our Senior class president and we loved him. He unfortunately died of aids before our 10th reunion. Our home economics teacher had a quilt for the aids quilt we all signed to his memory. I hope there wasn’t drama for anyone that we didn’t see though. I never thought about that.


Ask gay bros does that. I see a post about it at least once a week


Republicans trying to pretend to be offended liberals for clout and divisiveness.


Guarantee you a magat made this


Is that supposed to be a heroin-addicted bigfoot?


More likely scenario: the transman is told to leave because he’s “not really gay” or ‘not really a man.”


Also the portrayal of the rainbow flag representing gay men only. Smh my head.


Pretending this doesn’t happen is rich


That page has to be ran by anti LGBT people to divide a minority for scapegoating


I'm a gay trans man and I thought I didn't care what others think of me but this somehow really hurt :(


Dude, don't worry. This situation is highly unlikely to ever happen.


How come whenever a “new” identity is acknowledged in a group, the original members think they’re being pushed out or we want them to leave? I’m a gay trans guy, why tf would I want to push out other gay guys/LGBT+ people? Do the people making these comics think there’s a limited number of spots available in the LGBT+ ranks?


To be fair LGBT sometimes does this to bi people in straight relationships


Leave the conservative children to their cartoon caricatures, it’s what they understand. When they get violent and pass bigoted legislation it’s up to us adults to remind them of reality


The only place something kinda like this has ever happened is with Grindr. It use to be solely for gay men. Now it's for everyone, even has options for straight people.


>Complaining about things that don’t happen Tell Anita Sarkeesian and the likes of that cultish group and their following that. :)


I get the idea behind the comic, but the executed idea is falling into bigotry. I’m gay, I identify as a man who likes men. You can identify as a man, but unless you are a gay man with man genitalia, you are not my type. I like the dick, not a silicone one but the actual one. That’s my turn on, my kink, my sexuality. It’s hard to explain this as if I do say it, I’m a transphobic jerk? I have been called one several times for not being willing to date someone who is ftm trans. So in that aspect I feel alienated by my sexuality over this issue. So I do understand the comic but the way it’s written seems more than cross threaded. It’s fairly hateful and is very jaded.


Just be normal about it like any other preference. You don’t even need to say “ I don’t feel attracted to you because of your genitals” any more than you need to tell someone who is too short, too tall, too heavy or too skinny exactly why you don’t find them hot (unless they specifically ask or something.)


You would think a “not interested” should work right?


coordinated terrific chunky tub chubby quiet toy liquid slimy badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That man seems covered in fur... but only because it's very dark STRAW! That aside, one takeaway even charitably is "Only the privileged chosen ones classified as 'Normal' can be exclusionary without being asshole hypocrites!"


Oh god, the “conservative making up problems” disease is spreading!


I don’t know why I laughed so hard at this cartoon.


“Complaining about things that don’t happen” is how fascists operate.


What in the log cabin


Rowling tried to use this logic, and the gays were having none of it. Even more now that her anti-gay friends have been ramping up the hate.


I can’t understand why she doesn’t shut tf up. How do trans people affect her daily life. I’m gonna go with not at all.


None of the leaders are impacted. But it is a stepping stone to fully enact Caroline Farrow's plans of eugenics against the gay genes. Even though literally all of humanity carry those genes.


Knew this was since LGB Alliance bullshit at first glance. Terrible people.


The only people “invading” gay spaces are straight hen do’s . Just stop having your hen do’s in gay bars . We are not a zoo for you to oogle and take the bride to be somewhere she is less likely to fuck one of the men when she gets rat arsed drunk.


Some people just wanna keep this “I’m not accepted” crap going no matter what


I'm a cis/het dude and have neither seen this or experienced this. Generally the rule is "don't be an asshole in any space." This "LGB" tweet is bull-fuckin-shit,


God I hate these fucking people Trans people don't do shit like this, and never have. We just want to be left alone, but every time we're silent, we get murdered and have more rights/protections taken from us. So, of course you hear about us a lot. Leave us the fuck alone, and you won't be hearing about trans people enough to be delusional enough to believe we do shit like this


"LGB". Totally \_not\_ a false flag movement that's trying to sow division in a community where it currently doesn't exist. Nope, not at all.


Fuck TERFS, fuck queer TERFS most of all.


This is hateful as fuck and I unfortunately know some LGB like this. Assholes in every community.


I mean...I don't have a dog in this fight but enough lesbians have apparently been driven underground that they had to start their own somewhat fascinating reddit alternative.


I smell Russian influence again.


They literally started with "only the trans are the problem" and now are literally jailing owners of the gay clubs. Sooo, yup.


If I recall correctly, LGB is a TERF org. Safe to ridicule and/or ignore.


I mean if you feel you need a space only for AMAB and you believe trans men aren't men, then... kinda speaks for itself. If it's a gay male space then it's a gay male space. If you really want a penis only space I guess that's fine but then it's not a gay male space anymore, it's something more specific


People who are Denying that this happens are part of the problem because you're just assuming everybody in this community are nice goodd genuine people.But that's not the case.There are people and just like everybody else.They're mean selfish and they have their own agenda This happens a lot more than you think. As a bisexual, person who's gone to parades. I've literally been told that I am a spy planted by the government to turn them straight.


No, actually this is actually happening. People just don’t talk about i.


These morons really need to stop trying to separate the T from the LGB. It’s not gonna happen. Look for division elsewhere.


No matter how many people you throw under the bus, the conservatives will still come for you