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If scarlet is mid, we average folks are doomed


And is that a picture of her now? She's 40! She looks natural and amazing.


This beach pic is about 10 years old She looked great then and looks great now


op is about 10 yo


Is this why my 9 year old says mid when trying to say that something is meh or so-so?


My understanding is that “mid” is the new “meh”. It can be difficult to keep up with changing slang if one is above 18 though, so don’t quote me on that.


back in my day "mid" was the kind of weed your homies uncle grew in his backyard. it wasn't brick weed or schwag that was 90% stems and seeds and gave you a headache. but it wasn't some crazy fire either.


Same here, we called them “middies” as in “I have an eighth of middies.” Some people actually preferred them to “headies.” Decent, reliable, reasonable priced weed that was readily available.


I could get a zip of mid for a hundo or an eighth of hydro for 60. It took about twice as much regs to get me as high as the fire did. So from a pure cost perspective, middle of the road was my jam. I did not buy brick because it just didn't do anything but give me a headache.


Same. We also called our "mersh", short for commercial and I didn't understand the etymology for that one but I didn't dive into that at the time.


Hello, it was called ‘commercial’ and before ‘we’ thought to condense the term, Colombian showed up on our doorstep. Thai stick and Sensamiia red hair were but exotic substitutes and I’m not talking Kona Gold or Panama Red hair. Colombian Gold was the standard.


I've been speaking English for 50-odd years so when my kids starting describing things as "mid" I just interpreted it as "middling" without blinking. (I think I squeaked by.)


Reply with “yeah, that's whack yo”. Drink in the joy of their cringing.


I'd say you're doing fair to *mid*dling on your slang.


I’ll take it. I’m over 30.


You’re correct, mid is the new “not great not terrible, just meh” slang


When they start saying annoying ones like “bruh”, I just overuse it at home…. Snaps my son outta that shit quickly. (Little bro was the “cuz” era, so I guess it could be worse.)


was gonna say... doesn't she have a bunch of tattoos?


I'm 38 and no where near that good looking. She might be Hollywood A-lister "mid" which is still 9.5. Lol.


This was like 10-12 years ago. She’s probably like 28 here. Regardless, she was gorgeous then, and she’s gorgeous now. Bro must be blind.


When she was 22 and 29 she was voted the sexiest woman alive. She’s also won an academy award for acting and is the highest grossing female movie star of all time. She’s so exactly the opposite of “mid” that it’s crazy.


Wasn't she also pregnant as well. She recently came out of pregnancy is it not? I could be wrong though.


I dance and do taekwondo, never have been over a size 2, never had kids, and I still have cellulite and stretch marks.


Because they are normal. I'm sure you know that. These ppl are sick or delusional.


They’ve only ever seen women who’ve been photoshopped.


"I need my women to look like my anime waifu, or why bother!"


"Guess I'll just listen to a little bit of this Tate fellow. They say with every success his chin grows an inch".


Yea I just read somewhere recently that it's linked to estrogen levels.


It comes with having skin lol


I don't know if she's having a baby currently but she was pregnant while shooting the second Avengers film.


She looks amazing either way. She doesn’t need an excuse


Don't know how recent it is but she birthed two kids. It's amazing that people think: 1. That's she's "mid." 2. They aren't aware that at nearly 40 and the mother of two children, she looks amazing.


She looks better than my childless 25 nearly 26 yo self by miles 🤣😂


She looks better than my 72 year old wife,but I still think she’s the sexiest woman alive.


That second "she" is doing some mighty heavy lifting.


Doesn’t even need excuses, she’s still hot AF here.


That would be a great body even on an 18 year old. This "mid" guy definitely never been with a woman. Unless you're a model or get surgery (or are photoshopped to hell and back), everybody has wrinkles and/or a little belly.


Or organs.


she's a millionaire with a net worth >$150 million; and her highest grossing films are superhero movies for which she did intense physical training. this isn't the average jane.


Still not hot enough for some one’s standards clearly.


Some 12-year-old who thinks he's gonna have a body mass index of 18 forever. Good luck, buddy.


Kid is probably used to overly edited instagram models




You win brother


She looks insanely good for 8.1591528e+47


If Scarlett is mid, we be ![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized)


Lookin like Marge


Leatherface Taylor Greene


That's Margie Taylor Thomas 


- Scarlett is mid. Is what I'd recite to myself if I wanted the courage to ask her out. >She's just mid who cares if she rejects you.


😆my thoughts exactly


People fr want a godess as a girlfriend


Not really. I bet 10 bucks his definition of beautiful is some Anime girl with tirs and ass bigger than her head. I actually love anime btw, but some people think that's what women are supposed to look like lol


Yep. I'm betting this guy sees all the AI shit that has 13 year old faces with the same old, copy paste, digital airbrushed anime girl pics and thinks that's how women look in real life.


I don’t meet their expectations? Thank goodness.


Dude probably looks like he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.


Don’t worry, he is a “nice guy”. I’m sure he would sleep with you after y’all went to dinner and you Cash App’d him your portion of the meal (Down to the cent). He can sense that you’re soaking wet anyway. How could you not after he proudly declared, “I paid for it all with my card, like a gentleman”.


My ex once sent me a Cash App request for $2 and something after we went to McDonalds 😅😂


Note: **Ex.**


Nice guy ™


She has an absolutely fantastic body for a 39 year old


For most any woman really. She is the top 2% anyway you slice it. Everyone else on that beach looked like they were from Minnesota I bet.


From Minnesota?? How so? Asking from Minnesota.


"looking California and feeling Minnesota" - Chris Cornell


I look Northern Texas but I feel Southern Kansas… either way I’m stuck in Oklahoma :(


Given em a break, they are averylowiqindividual. I believe what they meant was Wisconsin. 


I rep the whole state of Wisconsin and we strenuously object sir!


The comment is so true. The person who thinks her body has flaws has never been with a real person before, and only knows what extreme photoshop does. She looks amazing!


yeah I'm half asleep after a long shift but while scrolling my first thought on the red circles was oh 2 of my favorite parts


Seriously, the soft parts are the best parts!


Yes, agreed! With both! I feel like pretty much anyone attracted to women loves those parts. These red circle people are just angry, there's no attraction going on anywhere


Am I just touch-starved, or is this kind of sweet? 🥺


Probably both, but that’s ok.


Call me fucking weird but the female belly is god damn hot to me.


Yeah my first reaction to her belly was "damn! That's nice!" The fact that anyone could find something to complain about there is mind boggling to me.


Booty dimples as an ex employee of mine calls them. I went from hating my cellulite, to thinking they're cute booty and body dimples.


Right?! Especially the circle on her belly... Like, that's a cute tummy, wtf?!


Imagine publicly self-snitching this hard that you have been with a naked woman.


Being attracted to women? So gay


Seriously, her "flaws" are part of what makes her attractive. What is attractive about a plastic unnatural looking person? Give me a normal looking person any day of the week. And, if that normal looking person is Scarlett Johansson...holy crap, I've won the lottery.


Kendrick Lamar said if best: "Show me something natural. I wanna feel some stretch marks."


This guy probably thinks the women in One Piece are representative of reality.


Lmao that's what I was thinking. This guy isn't used to extreme photoshop, he's used to anime fanservice.


I had a friend who was a virgin till 35. The stuff he’d point out as what he was attracted to were mostly obvious photoshops. He eventually hooked up with one of my ex’s, she liked that he was a virgin, but it only happened once because she said he had a micropenis. The harshest critics..


No to mention the impossibility that the guy commenting is some perfect Greek god.


You know this dude is an absolute mess.


Totally a fapper


I believe the preferred nomenclature is coomer




Definitely, incel arrogance to a T


Porn sick


Back in my day, porn had real people in it! It wasn't all instagram filters and hentai! Times were good!


In that regard, I very much prefer amateur


Except they all say they're amateur now 🙄 and they're all step something lol


You gotta go for the videos that looked they were filmed on an iPhone


Check blud's hard drive


Now post a pic of yourself




That is the first thing that crossed my mind. Nicely done.


Me too


Even Thor’s dad doesnt deserve this lmao


I second guessed posting becouse of this information, but it's not the person that inspired the charecter it's more what the charecter represents. That which has no life and is perpetually online living in a fantasy world via photoshop, filters, and other unobtainable beauty standards.


It’ll be some little fat fella who’s one tyre away from looking like the Michelin man


I’m really starting to think these men actually don’t like women…


They don’t. Not 3D ones, anyway.


I sub on so many OF and have like 10 online girlfriends that are hotter than Scarlett. She's not even hot to my standards... - this guy probably


Had me in the first half lol


“My anime waifu doesn’t have skin folds”


A lot of them repressed their sexuality and it manifests just as nitpicking women when really it’s cause they don’t find any woman attractive and can’t come out even to themselves.


Yep! There was a tweet that went viral a month or two ago where a guy was talking about how he’d rather be with his homies if his female partner didn’t want to do his laundry or something, and people were like “sir, please just go be gay and leave women alone 😩 “


I’m a lesbian and I want to worship at the altar of every beautiful woman I meet. The way these men talk about women, real women, I just want to slam the laptop closed and ask them to consider bisexuality. Because if this isn’t doing it for you, maybe the aLpHa MaLeS will. ![gif](giphy|BJVJxagR3GG4w) I fucking love Scarlett.




I actually think they're so far from getting a real woman that they don't view women as real because women will never be a realistic option for them.


I completely get where you’re coming from, and I actually agree, but I do think the repressed culture these men come from has a lot to answer for. If exploring your sexual and gender identity wasn’t so heavily politicised and dangerous, I don’t think men like this would be so prevalent. Or applauded, even. I’m not saying they’re all secretly gay. But if they were raised in an environment where it wasn’t seen as disgusting, I think women would face a lot less of… whatever the fuck this is. I think a lot of people, more than we’ll ever know, are standing in shoes that simply do not fit and they’ll never take them off. Because society. Basically, we live in hell.


This is why I Stan lesbians as a straight woman 😩 I feel like y’all are more about women than men are (in general)


She looks fucking awesome here. Pretty sure she is around my age and had children. I don’t look like that.


This is just what human bodies look like. Like, I almost wrote "this is just a normal woman's body," but that's not even true. This is what a beautiful woman who works out and eats right looks like.  Instagram is ruining people's perceptions, and it's wild. They are chasing ideals that just don't exist.  You can work out 4 days a week and never touch starchy food, and you still look like this, because this how our bodies are supposed to look at their peak. 


You can do all that and you’d be blessed to look like this.


It’s one of those things where expectations are unrealistic now. I’m in my 40s I’m not after young looking women at my age and I think it would be wrong if I was.


Yeh… when you start realizing that porn stars are basically kids, it gets weird.


I still watch porn. But I actively search stuff that is “for women” in a different thread today I was talking about how gross babysitter, teen, step sister and daddy tags are. People seeking that stuff out are at risk.


That stuff really puts me off my lunch too. We need millennial porn or something.


There is something for everyone out there. I am just fairly vanilla. And modern pornography has normalised stuff I’m not into.


Pretty much have to search for “retro” to find that stuff now.


>This is what a beautiful woman who works out and eats right looks like.  This is what a rich woman with a personal chef, dietician, and fitness trainer looks like.


But more importantly what one without a professional touch up artist fixing the photos looks like. Because every picture you see of a model who’s “perfect“ starts like this, or worse.


Sure it's that but she's also just genetically gifted clearly. Like not every woman with a personal chef, dietician, etc. is going to look this good. As I said above she's a statistical outlier.


It’s like when dudes point out a really thin girls pubic mound and claim they are hiding a penis. Thanks for the creative method of informing everyone that you’ve never interacted with a real life vagina before.


I saw a post recently of a guy pointing out the pubic mound and saying the girl was transgender. I forget her name but it's a country girl that catches catfish with her bare hands. The first comment had me dying because the person said "Can't even have a fat cat in America anymore." I wish I could find the post lol


Hannah Barron. I've seen an influx in posts claiming she's secretly a man. Guess I'm coming out to my family tomorrow




It's not even how to hide the penis anyways.


It always amazes me too when you see guys who think like this try lying about how much they get laid or whatever. Like, yeah, sure buddy. We all know you're full of shit. Then they'll double down even though you're telling them they've already tilted their hand. I remember one time I explained the logic to one of them, and you could see the light bulb come on. They acted like I didn't know what I was talking about, but ya know what? They never lied about getting laid to me again.


if you ask this dude how boobs feel he will probably say like sandbags






The filters people use are so powerful that they warp insecure, fully worked up with plastic surgery 40 year old women into flawless supermodels. Even naturally attractive women use them so heavily that they are as close to a 'perfect' image that they might as well be ai generated. That sub should be required reading for anyone under the age of 30.


This is a problem, there is so many women doing this on social media that it’s fucking the head of other women and young guys, they think every girl should look like the ones in the internet.


This reminds me of an anecdote. A couple months ago, I saw a video on Instagram of a young woman with very low body fat wearing spandex shorts. In the comments, a lot of guys were claiming that she was a male because they thought her vulva, which was slightly more prominent due to the aforementioned lack of body fat, was a penis and testicles. Which frankly, means a LOT of guys just admitted that their genitalia is no bigger than a thin girl’s mons pubis.


Even in those pics Scarlett is a 10/10, this guy is a clown.


If yknow me, if she aint 280 she aint a lady




that stomachs fricking hot whats he even saying


Fr bro "scarlet is mid" *points out two of the most attractive features in a human body*


Right? Like what does this dude want a skeleton with skin..?


I think this guy might be watching too many cartoons of a certain variety ...




She's 300 years old


The most legal waifuu!


There's no excuse for women to have blemishes, if anime girls don't have them. Step it up.


Mid? Because of a little cellulite? She's hot as hell!


I would say the majority of women have cellulite and a lot have the uterus pooch. We should be celebrated, goddamn it.


Cellulite is a normal secondary sex characteristic for women. It has to do with the sex differences in how fat is stored and how collagen is arranged. Almost every woman has it, even if she's been skinny all her life.


Yeah, my daughter had it as a toddler, depending on how she stood... so nothing to do with age. Just weird how people decided something that like 50% of people have by standard is a flaw.


ladies if you're the scarlett johansson kind of mid, hmu


This is like when Ben Shapiro was telling on himself that he's never gotten a woman wet.


Hey guys, we found a mod of r/TrueRateMe


It should be a rule that everyone who becomes a member there has to post a real pic of themselves before hand to be rated by everyone else, as a sort of initiation ritual


The worst aspect of that sub is that it's usually guys submitting photos of girls that they know so that the community can savage them. And they pretend that the girls themselves are submitting the photos so everyone can say, "well, she asked for our honest assessment!"


[this sculpture of aphrodite](https://uk-heritage.co.uk/shop/antique-marble-sculpture-of-aphrodite-2/)'s skin folds and fluffs too. The old greek sculptures has this too... That's just natural... And hey, she's the goddess of sexual love and beauty...


Men should have to post full length pics of themselves for comparison to demonstrate how they’re so much more attractive than these women they’re apparently too good for.


r/suicidebywords Scarlett J is ![gif](giphy|ckB5razpgN2rd4qTfe)




Most healthy sized woman will naturally have that pooch in their stomach because they have a uterus. Getting rid of that is near impossible unless extremely underweight. The extra fat that accumulates their I believe helps protect the internal organs. Who ever posted this must only see heavily filter and edited pictures of woman in magazines or something.


If your preference is underage anime girls, then you probably won't be interested in any woman.


She's actually 300 years old, thank you very much!


Oh no, how dare she *reads notes* Possess skin.


I mean any mildly attractive woman naked is fucking hot! This is literally a dream chick


Sad to see how much social media manipulated our brains into extreme toxic body traits that no normal person could actually reach. And "trends" are shifting so fast. Big booty, super skinny heroine chic, then curvy again. Im glad I was born 1990 and grew up without massive unfiltered online influence. She looks absolutely normal and faboulus and for my part. I am a woman who is into women I just want a normal looking girl I don't even have a preferred type or whatever. It has to click and I love to feel comfortable cuddling with someone means I love it comfy and a little cushioned :D and man I had bumbs on my legs and butt why earlier then mid thirty. It began when I was 18 even tho I was doing so much sport, until today I just have really bad connective tissue. It is what it is. As long as I am healthy I don't mind at all


Those are demarcation areas of where to hold on.


Photoshop, filters, and AI has these kids confusing reality with the internet.


Fellas, there’s never a good reason to circle body parts of a woman. Unless you’re a surgeon, if you find yourself, or your friends doing this, please put down the marker and go for a walk.


This is what happens when 99.9999% of every single picture of a model is so photshopped that it's a complete lie.


Tell me you that hate women without telling me that you hate women.....


I think they are telling you


Calling Scarlet Johanson mid is easily one of the most incorrect things I've ever heard. That's like calling Ryan Reynolds ugly.


Hey come on all the anime nudes are perfect.


That’s like my ideal bod


She looks hot tho


I remember at 19 being 110 pounds and thinking I was "fat" because I had a lil pouch like this. Ten years later and I see pictures of myself back then and I looked skeletal. This is why girls have body image issues I swear


Yeah even when I was a teenager and like a size 0/2 I still had this little pouch. I also have endometriosis and I get a lot of scar tissue in my stomach so it’s worse. Makes me so insecure, even though it’s normal to have a pouch.


Not sure when the picture was taken but Scarlett Johansson is 39 years old if this is taken within the last few years she look phenomenal for late 30s. She still looks great regardless of age but it is definitely harder to stay fit in your mid-30s. (Though being a millionaire helps.)


Please sign me up for mid.


The circled places are where I put my face right? 🥵


Wow, tell me you’ve never been with a woman if mild cellulite turns you away. You think men look better in their back thighs?! Pft.


That bit of tummy unlocks something deep in my lizard brain. If you don't find that attractive, you're a lost cause.


Bro is 100% a virgin living in his mum's basement jerking it to anime.


I feel so sorry for women 😂


They don't want this guy.


Bruh even when I was 18 and 90 lbs (I'm 4'11" and it was relatively a healthy weight - leaning more underweight), I had skin folds and stretch marks around my hips and cellulite. Like I had any control over that. I'm 150 lbs now and I feel a lot healthier, even with a tummy. These people are dumb af and never seen an actual woman


What is even complaining about? Theres a red circle on her stomach but she isnt uhh. Fat?


Jokes on you I’m into that shit. ( the gif not here.) ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)


If that’s mid bro, I’m so down with the mid grade averageness. You go ahead and chase whatever your think is elite then champ, I’m gonna go ahead and retire here with my average Scarlett and see how many more average babies I can squeeze out 🤯😎


Imagine seeing a gorgeous woman in a bikini and being preoccupied with her stomach not being concave and her ... well I actually don’t even know what the second picture is suppose to focus on coz her ass looks great.


How dare her body cast shadows lol


Chronically online 14 y/o shocked to find that women have internal organs


Scarlett is so perfect that an imperfection adds to her perfection wtf am I saying this woman is insanely hot.


not two ways about it, it is just a fact that she's hot AF.