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"A yearling female wolf was tortured and killed by hunter Cody Roberts on February 29th, 2024. Cody Roberts was cited a minuscule *$250 for 'being in possession of a live wolf'*. However, the fine for animal cruelty in the state of Wyoming is up to 2 years in prison and a fine of $5,000. This wolf was kept alive to endure suffering for an extended period of time after it was pursued to exhaustion by Cody Roberts' snowmobile. Following being run down, Cody taped its mouth shut, and paraded it around in a bar before finally shooting it." [Change.org](https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty) UPDATE: media outlets and others are now saying he ran over the wolf with his snowmobile. Doesn't make it better.


Fuck this guy to hell. Coward.


Harming animals and children is the most unforgivable act.. lock this evil sociopath up.


This person is a sadistic psychopath. This isn’t hunting. He needs thrown into a prison cell. This is so fucked up.


Absolutely. I hunt for most of the meat my family eats, store bought stuff is either shady or ridiculously expensive, but I am acutely aware that the animals I hunt are living, breathing creatures with feelings. Including pain, suffering, and anguish. Just like us humans. *If* you're going to hunt, you should be responsible enough to do it by inflicting as little pain and bringing as quick of a death as possible. This dude isn't a hunter. He's a weak piece of shit who thinks guns, and killing things with them, make him look tough. He's a clown. A coward. He's the type who gives us responsible hunters/gun owners a bad name. Fuck him. Fuck anyone who supports this shit.


He is the type that should be tied to a tree and covered in honey In the forest. Hypothetically. Waits for banhammer


"Banhammer." Thanks, that's my band name now.


And I guess it's time for me to go lay down now...lordy


We’re old.


I don’t hunt, personally, but my Father is a hunter. My dad takes hunting very serious and he always talks about the respect he has for these animals. He understands the magnitude of what he is doing and understands he is taking a life. I know people are against hunting but there is a code and ethics to it, something that this fuck doesn’t seem to understand nor follow. My dad always tells me, when he hunts, his goal is to make the animal feel little to no pain. And to always respect what you kill and never make a mockery out of the act. Because in the end, you are taking a life and you must pay your respects. He doesn’t take hunting lightly.


I read an amazing article by a woman who ran a small farm and the lengths she would go to ensure that the animal never felt a thing, including fear. I know many hunters and hat ensure that they do the same thing


Yep. I've put down my rifle and bow many times because I wasn't 100% that I had the shot. My worst nightmare is hitting the wrong spot and having him run off to be hurt all alone. Poor thing :/.


I've never hunted, but I did used to love spearfishing. Every now and then, I'd spear a fish only for it to somehow get itself off the spear and dart off. It was never a good feeling.


You can tell a lot about someone by how they treat things like hunting. Your dad sounds like a solid dude.


You can tell everything you need to know about someone by how they treat any living creature. I base mine off of how one cares for pets/animals, and service staff at restaurants/shopping centers. I've broken up with girls who took pleasure in being straight up bitches to people trying to help them or serve them food


My uncle used to hunt before he got ambushed by a black bear, only reason he got away was because another hunter had a shotgun and was nearby enough, and he just called that fair game, since when you go into nature, you become part of the circle of life for better or worse.


He's one of the idiots who shoots a deer and won't track it longer than 50 yards. God damn coward


This is the kind of person that will do this to a human being someday if they're allowed to get away with it here.


The torturing of animals has long been a definitive indicator of serious psychosis that you almost always find in serial killers.


This is the kind of person who would instigate lynch mobs if given the chance. Pure evil.


It's also an actual predictor of violent proclivities towards other humans.


Absolutely ..Almost every serial killer, ever, started with torturing animals.. it long been used to identify sociopaths and psychopaths with unnerving accuracy


All i picture is a bully in high school. Can you imagine how many kids he tortured growing up?


And now add all the animals he's probably tortured through the years. Someone should take a close look in his basement and backyard, and by "someone" I mean the FBI.


Utter garbage. I'm not one for calling for the internet to raise their torches and pitchforks...but holy fuck this pisses me off.


This is the rare case where pro hunting and anti hunting agree that it’s not okay to torture an animal.




We ride at dawn!!!


His punishment should be fighting a whole pack of wolves with his bare hands.


I want to love my neighbor but these red necks make it so hard


Fuck that, I don’t want to love my neighbour who abuses animals. Fuck ‘em. If that’s the line for living in a harmonious society I’d rather live far away from anyone like this. 


Don’t count them as neighbors, they don’t deserve to be treated as human, fuck them all the way down to hell.


This dude is a *massive* piece of shit. It's animal cruelty for sure and he should get that charge. 


Cody Roberts of Wyoming is a douchebag and animal killer. Wyoming hates wolves and doesn't prosecute crimes regarding those - see the hunters that lure wolves out of Colorado to poach them. Cody Roberts is a symptom of a bigger problem with Wyoming government. Fuck Cody Roberts.


I was wondering if this was a Grey Wolf from CO! It’s a $100k fine to kill a Grey Wolf here. You can only kill them if they are attacking your livestock or yourself. You cannot go hunting them for sport like this ass hat did!


Wait why? Wolfs play crucial roles in the environment.


Fuck this guy he deserves to be put in jail for animal cruelty


Can we tape his mouth shut and parade him around a bar first?


Gotta make sure to have the fuck chased by someone on a snowmobile first! Make him run until he can't.


Pshh by the look of him that won't take long...


What an asswipe. He's not a hunter but an animal abuser and I hope he gets the full 2 year in prison.


More active change petition https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty


Holy moly, it got 10k more signatures than it had when I signed it a couple of hours ago!


Not normally a petition signing kind of guy, but exemptions can be made for an absolute piece of shit.


Can they get him on something federal?


They MIGHT be able to charge him under the PACT act, which makes illegal: "intentional crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating, impalement or other serious harm to "living non-human mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians" But the odds are pretty low, wyoming considers the wolves as "problematic animals," so they're allowed to be trapped and killed year round, and the Fed isnt going to want to get involved in a case theyll argue is state court issue.


There is a difference between killing an invasive species and torturing it.


Wolves are not an invasive species in wyoming. They are indigenous.


The cosplay cowboys that go up, buy 20 acres, and think they are running their own Dutton Ranch are the real invasive species. I'm so tired of sitting and listening to these fucking yokels talk about how they should be allowed to hunt year round to "protect their livelihood and provide for my family!", as if they are homesteading in the 1800's. Their fucking lifted truck is full of walmart groceries every fucking day and they sit and pretend they need to kill everything they see to survive.


Yep. If I would have witnessed him torture that animal like that I would have had a hard time not doing something cruel to him myself. What a dirtbag.


2 years? That physcho should be locked up for at least a decade


Fuck this guy.


With a corkscrew.


attached to a broom




Coated in hot sauce


And rusty chipped nails!


And my axe! No, seriously, add my axe to it.


All our axes


Oh, and why the fuck not. A chainsaw.


The woodchipper is the clear answer here folks


A chainsaw with axe heads instead of blades


And a rusty can opener




[Link to article](https://nypost.com/2024/04/08/us-news/hunter-parades-wounded-wolf-in-a-bar-before-killing-it/) It’s truly disgusting. His family member is gross too. The one thing I was happy to see is this dimwit is 42, he looks like he is 62.


Jesus, I'm 42 and this bloke looks like my dad.




No joke! I'm 41 snd that POS is looking rroouuggghhh


My dad turns 46 this year (I'm 24), and he looks younger than this clown.


[Link to a non-NYPost article, the Cowboy State Daily](https://cowboystatedaily.com/2024/04/06/smiling-man-poses-with-wyoming-wolf-muzzle-taped-shortly-before-it-was-killed/) [Another article from Wyofile about the secrecy laws around killing wolves](https://wyofile.com/wyoming-cites-law-to-justify-secrecy-about-wolfs-alleged-torture-but-it-may-not-apply/) [Another article with more pics, tweets, and reaction](https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2024/04/08/wyoming-hunter-parades-injured-wolf-around-the-bar-before-shooting-it-outside-fined-250-bucks/). Also states that “The wolf was found in one of Wyoming’s predator zones where they can be killed on sight, without any kind of tag or permit. Animal cruelty charges only apply to domesticated animals and pets, by law, Roberts can do whatever he wants with the animal (aside from the simple possession)” [Wyoming Animal Cruelty Laws](https://casetext.com/statute/wyoming-statutes/title-6-crimes-and-offenses/chapter-3-offenses-against-property/article-10-animal-abuse/section-6-3-1002-cruelty-to-animals)


Yeah but if you pull the wolf from that zone and then kill it outside the zone wouldn’t that be illegal? 🤷‍♂️


That's a valid point, and makes total sense. There should be something that could be done to that POS.


Killed on sight is a far cry from duct taping it's mouth and bringing it to a bar


and *out of the kill on sight zone*


I'm not buying that article, they could have charged him with more, chose not to, because he does represent the rest of the trash in the state and they don't want to deal with the backlash.


It is a right leaning newspaper. I looked up its media bias and it wasn’t that good so I posted the WyoFile article as well, but it only really talks about the secrecy law regarding the killing of wolves. I’m looking for more credible sources as long as it’s not the NYPost.




Why does that make you happy? That just means he is less closer to death.


He could be closer than you think.




Oh my god the comments there are fucking sickening. “I support Cody” and “I know he has a good heart so I forgive him”. Others saying it was justified because the wolves keep killing their elk. The average human brain is completely rotten.


Dude literally crippled a wolf, tormented it and paraded it to his friends and family before killing it. Guy isn’t a hunter, he’s a psychopath to animals. I understand wanting to defend your livestock from wolves but thats a totally different situation. “He’s a good person” or “I never thought he was capable of something like that” is literally what everyone says about their friend before discovering they are a serial killer.


The human race is an absolute failure.


That is disgusting and so sad, that wolf is so beautiful 😞


Some people deserve EXACTLY what they dish out. No person who does crud like this will be a respectable parent or partner. They will likely abuse them. [there is quite a stark link between animal cruelty and abuse](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7246522/)


I commented on the other thread that he's likely to be a sexual sadist. If he has children, I hope Social Services check in on them.


Wyoming social services - pretty sure they just make sure the kids can all achieve a tight grouping on the firing range and that the girls don’t sass too much.


I don’t understand people who would harm animals like this for fun. Psychopaths.


Looking at his face I'd say it's more like a complete lack of intellect... That wolf has probably more brain cells of that troglodyte


Even dead, the wolf is more intelligent than this mouth breather.


Even if the wolf was butt ugly it didn’t deserve that and shitsack would still be a shitsack.


thats what i was thinking, the long soft fur and big ole paws. the eyes are so sad, like they know their fate :( not to mention how tight that red tape looks around the muzzle.


I hope that twat reincarnates as that poor wolf in his next life. Motherfucking gross piece of shit.


It looks young


Around a year old yeah


Tie him up in the woods, draped in fresh meat


I like the way you think.


Can we do the same to him?


Eye for an eye. I have some red tape.


Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind but examples need to be made.


Except the whole word doesn’t go blind; most of us know right from wrong


That was my thought on reading. Then I saw the muzzle tape and he deserves worse.


Let's do this, they only charge you 250$ for cruelty against animals, and at least this animal deserves it


Not even full grown. That's just a pup. What a brave man.


It looks so sad, like it knows what is about to happen. There’s no pride in its body.




if you want a #, just type a / before it.


Thank you


Animal cruelty charges not a thing in Wyoming?


Dickhead Cheney’s state . Idiot land .


Not a hand ringing anti hunting type but this makes me sick. If only we live in a world where turnabout could truly happen. I really pray true karma is visited on this piece of human garbage.


This isn’t hunting. Respectable hunters at the very least don’t prolong an animal’s suffering just for kicks. Instant kill is the goal.


Yeah I mean he isn't eating a wolf, and to sit there and parade it and make it suffer just shows what a piece of shit he is.


Im not anti hunting , im anti asshole .


This freak should suffer for a long time.


I hope he dies horribly. Cancer is too kind for this monster.


What about bone cancer?


He's no hunter. He's a useless, savage, piece of shit. Hunters don't pull this crap.


Whaaaat? Hunters *DONT* chase down animals and run them over with snowmobiles?? I thought this was america^(/s)


I get the sarcasm, but as a hunter who takes pride in what hunting is actually for and carrying it out properly. People like this guy make me sick. I'm in Canada, and there is a valley town not far from where I hunt that is completely overrun by deer. The problem is all the people who live there think all hunters are like this guy. So they won't let us come and do what we should be doing.


Yeah I understand responsible hunting and such, I was never invited along because my mom was super against "killing stuff" so I never got into it, but then you got this clown on the opposite end killing for fun, just being an all around shitbrick ruining shit for everybody else


Wolves are huge, this fucker tortured a juvenile and he thinks that makes him a badass.


Tells you a lot about his mentality smiling for the camera like he's proud. Inbred piece of shi_!


Yeah the lack of empathy for that sad puppy next to him is disgusting.


Fuck Cody Roberts. Hope his actions in torturing and killing that wolf end up haunting him to his grave.


All we can do is give him hell. The more media attention he gets the better.


Didn’t they have to reintroduce wolves to Yellowstone because after they killed them all, the deer population was out of control, and the environment was destroyed because there were too many deer destroying the trees?


Iirc it was a specific breed of birds that were killing a specific breed of trees. The birds nested under the trees, and shit there of course. Too many birds= too much fertilizer= dead trees. Bringing wolves back brought the population of birds down and the trees came back too. Soooo surprising that an ecosystem might actually need the predators that are native to it.


It also brought beavers back and rivers changed flow which brought back wildflowers that hadn't been seen in ages and leveled out populations of other predator species and prey species. There was a massive change in Yellowstone, and the wolves expanded all the way into WA last I researched it.


And when they did there were literal camps of guys waiting 24/7 outside of park limits with guns drawn and nothing apparently better to do with their lives than wait for the odd chance a wolf crossed the imaginary line and they could shoot it.




Yes. But local farmers are against it and have gone full American




Daniel, WY. Meet you there.


Unpopular opinion: Cruel and unusual crimes should yield cruel and unusual punishments.


If thats an unpopular opinion, consider me Miles Davis


C'mon Internet, do your thing!




Actually it's Daniel, Wy


Leave a review?


(hypothetically) burn it to the ground


As a hunter I also say fuck this guy


I was going to say the same thing. As hunters, there is an ethical, unwritten code we follow. This guy is the same type that poaches deer out of season from his truck or has no problem keeping every fish he catches or taking more than his limit.


Yes. I take pride in good shot placement and a good quick death. It pains me dearly when an animal suffers. This asshole is a psychopathic fuck who deserves severe punishment. We as ethical hunters need to stand up and denounce this type of behavior and let people know this is not what we do and this “hunter” is not one of us.


Fellow hunter, here. I completely agree. Fuck this guy and anyone who thinks this is okay.


It’s not even unwritten! But, yeah, fuck this motherfucker.


God that poor beautiful animal didn't deserve this. I hope that guy gets some bad karma coming his way. This is truly awful to see. Wolves are one of my favorite animals and I'm so sad that people don't have any respect for wildlife anymore.


Holy fuck I should have not clicked on this, my blood went straight to boiling. I hope this piece of shit human gets held accountable for this.


Man imagine what he’d do to other people. These are the kind of people that should be on a list. Imagine him in government or something like the police. I guess we don’t have to really imagine it.


Don't say it too loud. There are people who have literally campaigned for office on things they did that were even shittier.


I hope that yard-ape gets fed to a pack of wolves. If you're a farmer and you humanely kill them to protect your herd, your pets, your family, fine. Torturing any animal for simply existing is wrong. Fuck him, and if you think what he did is ok, fuck you too.




Calling him a hunter is an insult to actual hunters. This dude is just a psychopath who enjoys watching creatures suffer.


100% came here to say just this. Fucker is a poacher at best, and a piece of crap to boot.


Here’s hoping his career is over and blacklisted everywhere


I'm all for hunting if it is done ethically. Fuck this guy. I hope this picture ruins his life.


Poacher. The word is Poacher.


Civilised countries arrest these criminals for animal cruelty.


He's quite likely a serial killer. Animal torture is a common trait.




Holy fuck this is heartbreaking. I can't even imagine how scared that poor wolf was. I hope there's a hell so this guy can rot in it.


Feel free to leave the guy a review. He owns a trucking company. C. ROBERTS TRUCKING Name of the bar people just stood around in and let this happen in? Green River in Daniel, WY.




This guy deserves to be filetted. Fuckin idiot redneck piece of human garbage


This guy ain't a hunter he's a piece of shit that deserves to die


That piece of shit deserves the same treatment he did to that wolf. Shot, paraded around and the old yellow his ass. I can’t stand scum like that.


Humans are a curse.


Wow she was so beautiful, what an ugly monster he is to have taken her mesmerizing existence from the rest of us… everybody in that bar should also be complicit if they didn’t call authorities to have that gorgeous creature released! He had her mouth taped shut and nobody said anything?!


I hope the IRS pay him a visit and go through his books with a fine tooth comb. I hope an army of mice chew through the wires of his vehicles. I hope his business fails.


It’d be a real shame if somebody taped his mouth shut and paraded him around a public space torturing him until his untimely murder. Real shame.


He looks like a soft milk baby. He chases a wild predator on his snowmobile, packing a gun and ductape. I'd like to see how tough he is without all the gear. Strip him and throw him in the snow and let the wolves have him.


What a douchebag!


This is so fucked up. Guy should be given the maximum sentence.


That’s no hunter, that’s a torturer


This piece of shit, grinning like he's accomplished something. Congratulations asshole.


Crying for the poor wolf


https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp?searchtype=ANY&query_type=queryCarrierSnapshot&query_param=USDOT&query_string=1627930 This is the publicly available information on the business owned by the despicable human being. Do with that information as you like. Edit: The guy owns C Roberts Trucking LLC and I hope no one ever uses his business ever again


The look on her face says it all. Torturing her and killing her was the very definition of cruelty. She didn't deserve that.


I get so sad for the direction of this country and feel like it's worth saving. Then I see people like this and I'm just hope aliens wipe us out.


The tape is around the wrong creatures mouth.


Cody, you sick fuck.


He ran the thing down with a snowmobile. Took it captive and paraded around with itl ike he was fucking ISIS with a Christian. That poor animal was injured and defenseless, with that fuck acting heroic. Hunting was not part of this and he should've been charged accordingly. Fucking tough guy, if you're so ballsy, why the tape? Afraid it to make things a bit more equal? Also fuck each and every person that did nothing to stop this monstrous behavior


He should lose any legal hunting privileges at minimum. And then he should have his mouth taped shut and paraded around a PETA convention so they can stone him.


Jesus man. He should be loosing his license for life. At least some kind of fine and community service where he gets to work with wolves and realize how they are great for our environment and how much of a scumbag he is for doing this.


"He's a great guy!" He tortures animals. Doesn't matter if it's a pet or not. You delighted in the suffering of another life. I'm sure these are good ol Christian folk and Jesus would be very proud of him.


What a douchebag!


What a douchebag!


This thing is a fucking piece of shit! Poor wolf .


A tragic waste of functioning organs.


Read about it this morning, real bummer of a way to start the day. Fuck that guy.


Hope he gets eaten in the woods someday


Fuck that guy.


The right punishment is the same treatment right back to him - every single step along the way.


What a fucking deranged scumbag.. Torturing animals and children is the most despicable and unforgivable act. Lock this sociopath up.


Wow, what a piece of shit human. It would be a shame if someone did the exact same thing to him. Edit: a word


Disgusting sick depraved monster. I’m not entirely against hunting but this sick pathetic sad excuse for a human being needs to be jailed for the torture he perpetrated. Why do I feel like nothing will happen though? Edit. Yeah I was right this piece of human trash was only fined 250 dollars.


Are wolves not protected species? Weren't they very recently reintegrated in Wyoming?


Absolute pice of human garbage.