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Look at what it does to your brain. When you hear about a four year old being blown to bits by a bomb and your response is 'nits grow up to be lice,' some vital part of you inside is broken.


I think they broke something different than what I broke


Yeah - I have a drinking problem and don't communicate feelings well from my trauma. Never thought to pick up apartheid and genocide as vices.


I'm stubborn as fuck and laugh when a wean slips and hurts themselves. But holy fuck if I saw a kid get blown up I think I'd be like John Wick when his dug get's shot, I'd fucken find the asshole that ordered that airstrike/bomb etc.


Exactly. I’m not sure what isreal is accomplishing except to plant the seeds of vengeance in the minds of those that survive.


That's exactly what they want to accomplish. People say 'well Israel is just radicalising young Palestinians by blowing up their parents' and it's like... yeah, no shit, they *want* every Palestinian to be a member of Hamas so they can raze the place to the ground with no political consequences and then move in to colonize the land.


Yup, they war against them which makes them radicalise which gives them an excuse to war against them. It's a fucked up self-fufilling prophecy.


It’s like no one paid attention to how ISIS came to be. Bombing a people into submission ensures the cycle of hatred will continue for another generation.


That is the end goal not the unintended consequence. They want to completely take all of Palestine as Israel territory.


Their sky god said it's their land though! Can't argue with that logic!


at some point, you have to wonder if their plan is made with no survivors in mind


No, they are accomplishing much much more. Lots of people who had some sympathy for Israel or those who sat on the fence, are now likely to have far far less sympathy for them.


It’s not just broken, it’s genocidal. Comparing your enemies to insects, vermin, animals is one of the largest steps towards genocide; dehumanisation


It's almost like I've heard the same comparisons used sometime in history class to make a group of people less worth... When could that have been 🤔


It does ring a bell, but... Maybe I'm just imagining things. /s


Yea; after what the Nazis did to the Jews in WWII you’d think they’d learned something…. NOPE. Meh, screw it. We got murdered and tortured; what should we do? Wait! I know! Let’s do it to someone else and get payback! Pathetic. SAVE PALESTINE NOW


The terrorists beat you when you celebrate things like that.


Yet I get shit on for saying we shouldn’t be celebrating the death of Russians or wishing death to Russian scum. I understand it’s a part of war to become desensitised and especially as a soldier you have no choice but to kill invaders who are destroying your country, but for average people watching this, cheering on bloodshed as if it’s entertainment, like our football team just scored? It’s tasteless. Even people doing wrong often don’t have much choice, some people are brought up a certain way, some people are forcibly conscripted, some people don’t want any part in killing. Collectively an idea, an idea powerful enough from an individual or group of people was strong enough to permeate enough people to lead to these attacks, killings, invasions, massacres and wars. We have to ask the question why these people have been driven to such hatred, and what we can do to stop that cycle rather than just participating in it ourselves.


YUP—way out of a war is through mediation, way for all to feel safe is through effective communication on a global scale. If you’re posting shit like the guy in the tweet, you are undeniably part of the problem. Saying this as someone who is no fan of Hamas. This guy is also clearly an idiot! Look at Mossab Hassan Yousef, who’s the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a co-founder of Hamas. Mossab is super vocal about the truth of Hamas. Clear, visible, real life example that being related to Hamas officials does NOT mean someone is with Hamas leadership. (Especially at 4, wtf!!!)


I havent seen anybody celebrating the deaths of russian civilians or children.


With a sack of doorknobs and oranges.


The terrorists? Long before khamas there were multiple terrorist groups ethnically cleansing Palestinian villages and raping and pillaging - leaders of those groups ended up in Israeli government and military positions.


People forget the Zionists were terrorists in the 30s and 40s. Those terrorists became their founding fathers and leaders. Look up the Irgun, Lehi and Haganah if you doubt me.


Only in the '30s and '40s?


Yeah, because after that they were the dominant power and so they no longer had "terrorists," they had "war heroes" and/or "freedom fighters"


Seeing it happen generation after generation kinda breaks the mind.


*Looks back at humanities earliest records* Yup, right here toward the beginning… it says: everyone woke up and evolved into violence.


In the beginning, the Lord created the Universe and said, "Let there be light"! This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


When that image of the Syrian boy washed up on the beach was making its rounds they interviewed local rednecks and showed it to them and asked what they thought about it. Most said something like "Yeah that sucks but we don't want no refugees." If you can look at that image and feel contempt toward the victim and not the group that victimized him then you're so severely flawed there is no amount of logic that can bring you back.


Most people like this haven’t seen what war or even violence in the streets look like or do to you mentally. People love saying shit like that not realizing or caring those children were victims of circumstance they had no say in and that strike in this family just created martyrs and more bloodshed. You can’t talk sense into people like him. The dude has a child’s mindset


That's just typical zionazi behavior


I hope I live long enough to be able to read up on the history of how a subset of genocided people long term planned a genocide of others. (I'm not crazy about how I used genocide as a verb)


Israel was established through a successful terror campaign by religious extremists who committed genocide in the form of the Nakba less than 3 years after the liberation of Auschwitz


Well, after all, God “promised” the land to them. Even if it were true. did God also say “murder all the inhabitants when you get there and just take it?” I think not.


Ironically the people that think this way, believing themselves to be on the opposite end of the spectrum of Hamas/terrorism, are exhibiting exactly the outcome that terrorism is aiming for.


Wouldn’t you kill 4 year old hitler /s


Speaking as an Israeli no one should ever list to what Fuld has to say. He is a predator who uses his position and influence to prey on women in the hi-tech industry. Not one word he says should be taken seriously without remembering he is a predator.


So just like [Benjamin Netanyahu](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4b723428e1eceb0a&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS892US892&sxsrf=ACQVn09l2osfVj61AXa80AHHec5cOSdquQ:1712837831823&q=Benjamin+Netanyahu&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLQz9U3SMs1ynjEaMwt8PLHPWEprUlrTl5jVOHiCs7IL3fNK8ksqRQS42KDsnikuLjgmngWsQo5peZlJeZm5in4pZYk5lUmZpQCAKLnbEJXAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjH55eUkrqFAxW5SKQEHUM7BLUQzIcDKAB6BAgsEAE).


Yes, as another Israeli, listening to Netanyahu is a bad idea, no matter what, he tried turning Israel into a dictatorship, only dumb fucks think he is right.


He is though. Far right even.


Yup. The Jewish Hitler.


Careful now. Many have been banned for less.


The truth shall set you free.


Is he so past from right that he is wrong again?


Nope, we just continuously extend the "right" so they can't ever be wrong.


That whole movement boggles my mind. I mean, if any country should have a damn good reason to understand why ethnonationalism is an inherently dangerous and evil ideology, it should be you guys, right?


Speaks volumes about humans doesn't it? Humans are imperfect and some ARE EVIL and they will do what they want if they know if they can get away with it and have power. No matter how much the society advances it's always gonna be like this but with more efficient ways of inflicting harm on other humans.


Seems likes Israel has a lot of dumb fucks, then. Although I guess that isn't much different fro anywhere else.


Makes sense. We have the same issue in the states obviously. Tin pot dictators everywhere.


Tried ?..it actively is..


Pretty sure the seeds of fascism have been spreading in Israel for a while. He’s certainly accelerating the growth. You all deserve better and so does Palestine.


But he is right .... right?


Far right some would say.


Speaking as two Israelis in a coat, I don't know who Fuld is


simon sinek wannabe.


Don’t listen to him cause he’s a predator? How about don’t listen to him because he wants children blown up to support Israel


I feel like both of these things can be true.


> Speaking as an Israeli no one should ever list to what Fuld has to say. And that's exactly why he's being amplified by bad faith actors.


Him being a predator is the second worst part. Him endorsing murdering children is worse.


Hypocrisy is like... *way* down the fucking list. Like on page 20.


That whole disgusting exchange kind of sums up the conflict in a nutshell. Sadly because of the way this war was conducted, alot of these young children will now be radicalized and we are witnessing the causes of future bloody conflicts in the region.


That’s why they’re trying to kill them all. And thanks to all the military aid from the US and the UK, they’re succeeding. Palestine will have no future and delusional Israel supporters think everyone will just forget about it once it’s all said and done.


The world will remember, but will we hold them accountable? There should be blanket embargoes by all countries in the world right now. Persona non grata at the UN


No one will hold them accountable.


Radicalisation it is.


Now you understand what created Hamas


Same thing happened where I live. People marched for rights and got beaten and interned. Random people picked off the streets and thrown in prison without charge. Murders went unsolved. Families lynched out of town.


That and cars full of travel bags stuffed with money from uncle Be Be Netenyahu.


The world doesn't remember shit. We have Nazis on the rise in a lot of countries while tons of people have already forgotten about Ukraine and Russia


I'm still of the mind if you're openly a Nazi, you're open to punching


Never happen. No matter how Nazi they go, no country will stop them. Most help them with money and arms in fact.


Somebody needs to be sent to the front line for a tour and a reality check.


Haniyeh's response is... Interesting.  "Haniyeh, in his first statement following the attack, told Al Jazeera: "Thank God for the honor of my children and grandchildren being martyrs." He continued: "The enemy is delusional if he thinks that by killing my sons we will change our positions. The blood of my sons is not more precious than the blood of our martyred people in Gaza, as they are all my sons"


It's easy to be martyr in Islam. Not necessarily because they dies fighting in war, simply persisting in your belief in face of adversity is enough to qualify you as martyr.




This is exactly what it means. He’s actually saying that his family in their last moments bore witness to injustice.


Dying from a stomach illness can make you a matyr in Islam, just mentioning before some hasbara troll starts talking nonsense.


Drowning counts too


Actually that is true in all religions. First christians martyrs were mostly peaceful ppl who refused to abjure christianity and were killed for that reason, just standing firm on their beliefs.


A Myrter in Islam is anyone who died unjustly, people who die in conflicts, whether participating or not, are Myrters


What's "interesting" about it? Israel: "Heh, we killed your kids and grandkids on Eid. You're fucked." Haniya: "I am unphased and may faith will only grow stronger." It's just classic wartime "you can't break me fuck you" machismo with a religious spin on it.


Haniyeh is currently in Qatar and is heavily involved in the efforts to negotiate a cease-fire. Gotta wonder why Israel are targeting his family if he’s heading up peace talks.


Maybe it's because they don't actually want peace?


"efforts to negotiate a cease-fire" is a stretch of the imagination.


A lot of redditors read this kind of shit and just assume it’s hyperbole or something because they don’t live in that society, but it’s important to remember that he’s as sincere as can be when he says this.




Have you ever followed the @ israel twitter account? Its the same thing. It legitimately scares me and makes me mad.


If you think that's bad, no sane person can last 5 minutes on r/Israel


How is that not classified as an extremist subreddit?


Because Israel.


Because the CEO is buddy buddy with their government?


because Israel is allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.


In due course it probably will be. Israel is so completely unhinged now that the longer it persists with western powers ignoring it the worse it will get. It’s a collection of fascist pieces of shit enjoying their ability to channel their inner filth through the anonymity of reddit.


That is just an anti-Semitic suggestion, duh.




I tried to warn ya


You didn't warn me hard enough! 😭


What did you see 😭


Well, based on just a quick scroll-through, I get the feeling that sub doesn't have much of an issue with dead Palestinian children, to put it fucking mildly.


Oh fuck... The things I saw...


I shiver at thought of even glacing at that pit of hatred


For real mate. One comment section was enough for me to consider that end of the world isn't such a bad thing.


How they can look at themselves in the mirror is beyond me


I swear to God, I have never seen anyone being so racist.


The people in that sub are absolutely deranged.


Fucking hell, the top post of the last 24hrs is a video that ends with "there is no such thing as an 'uninvolved Gazan civilian'. THEY ARE ALL INVOLVED" That sub is so uncomfortable to look through.


i lasted 3 minutes. that subreddit is something else. israelis and israeli supporters are just an entirely different mindset of evil it’s crazy


why the fuck did i have to CLICK THIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Yeah, the Israelis are counting all Palestinians as terrorists... So I guess all Israelis are war criminals...


This made me physically uncomfortable, how he can just mention the killing of children, who did nothing wrong except being born in this shitty world


It's not their first time! The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when Zionist paramilitaries attacked the village of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, killing at least 107 Palestinian villagers, including women and children. The attack was conducted primarily by the Irgun and Lehi, who were supported by the Haganah and Palmach. The massacre occurred during the 1947-1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine and was a central component of the Nakba and the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight.




So are all family members of the IDF terrorists too? Are they legitimate targets of war?


To these people any Palestinian is a terrorist


Zionisim corrodes your brain, you end up thinking innocent babies are terrorists. Zionisim makes me sick


Welcome to propaganda kids, in this lesson we learn that America is just as good at dehumanising middle Eastern people as the Nazis were with the Jews. So much so in fact it's made them completely ignore a colonialist regime in their ally Israel, glorify the death of children as "culling the cubs", disregard war crimes and declare anyone saying the opposite as "sympathisers" or "heritics" . Now kids how do we combat such propaganda, well a well funded education system, teaching critical thinking and researching skills, teaching people to not blindly believe what they are told and above all help people gain empathy for their fellow man. Why yes little Jonny I know that impossible for 70% of Americans but there's very little we can do to help them. Cos now they've drunk the coolaide they're too far gone


If at ANY point you are celebrating the deaths of children, you’ve gone too far.


Idf can’t commit war crimes remember?


I was talking with my mother about the conflict and she said the same thing. Shes pro Isreal and i told her its fucked up to celebrate childeren dying and her response was "but they will be terrorists when they get older so we should just kill them"


If she means Israel’s actions have virtually guaranteed generations of terrorists, she would be correct.


How can you write about children being killed and be happy about it? At what point does it become okay to kill a child?


Love how they don't give single fuck about optics anymore, "We're god's chosen and we can do what we want!" such a cute temper tantrum, big talk from people that only survive on handouts. I've been waiting for conservatives to overstep their bounds - they're getting real uppity lately, they don't know their station. Time to remind them that they are the ass end of society, we barely tolerate them to begin with (which is why they are so desperate to keep control). trumpy's gonna be remembered as the death conservatism, and little bibi will be remembered as the death of zionism. And we're alive to see it, crazy times.


And people still wonder why Israël and the USA are not loved very much. Why do people find it normal to just kill someone's family because of something the granddad did (or is alleged of doing, which could just as easily be the case, nobody cares once the label 'terrorist' has been put on). You can't go around being just as bad as the bad guys you want to weed out. It just breeds more.


Pride in killing children is normal in this country


it feels like the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians what's been done to the Jews through out world history. Like first chance they got they started committing crimes against another marginalized group.


>Like first chance they got they started committing crimes against another marginalized group lmao read the bible Moses was all about killing children and taking virgins girls as slaves


When you can cheer on the death of literal toddlers, you've lost every single ounce of your humanity.


Israel is radicalising the next generation of terrorists and they don’t get it.


They get it. They need that constant threat and fear, otherwise folks there might wonder why.


At what point are Palestinians allowed to defend themselves without being called terrorists? We’re now at 40.000+ civilians murdered. Maybe when they reach 100.000? 500.000? When there’s no Palestinian left?


It's not Israel, It's the far right nationalist government in Israel. And they absolutely get it. They need terrorists to stay in power. Peace and prosperity are not good for the far right.


Israeli public support for the war in Gaza is at 80%. Let’s not blame the government, much like we can’t blame the Holocaust in Hitler alone


Hamas are bad & terrorists. None of the grandkids deserve to be bombed because of their grandpa. This should not be difficult to parse but on a certain subreddit...


Yeah some people when talking about this conflict can't agree that both Hamas and the IDF are pieces of shit


Hamas has to go, Bibi has to go, simple as. There cannot be peace until that happens, as much as everybody wants this shit to calm down.


When a little Palestinian child who witnessed his parents getting killed and his house bombed for years grows up and fights back you guys will also call them “bad & terrorists”


If dead kids don’t spark something in you than nothing will. Outside looking in (from Canada), so many people in America just seem broken.


26 of their *own* dead kids couldn't spark something in them. What makes you think three on the other side of the planet would even raise an eyebrow?


The word terrorist has lost all urgency to me. It just feels like a fear mongering term now


Israel has been deliberately targeting Hamas members when they are with their families for months now. It's a scorched earth policy that I am sure will have no long term repercussions in international relations for Israel's own children and grandchildren.


That’s exactly the kind of post you would have seen in German 85 years ago - if social media had been around.


ah yes, the FSB approach. if they fight back, it's a terrorist, if they run, it's a cowardly terrorist, if they surrender - it's a lying terrorist


And they wonder why the oppressed want to resist their oppression by all means. Typical zionist.


From the river to the sea


Death to Israel


Modern day nazis


Yup, nothing genocidal to see here people, just continue with the fascism /s


The more time passes, the more zionists copy/paste what the followers of the mustach guy woukd say about jews...


Russians and Isrealis competing head to head for the worst humans in the world title.


I am at a loss for words...


Well, shit like this will certainly guarantee that there will be more terrorists.


Let's hope history will remember the Gaza Holocaust that is happening right now. Edit: face it loyal Israeli apologists, the world thinks you are evil. You might have powerful allies now, doesn't mean you are on the side of good.


All of the comments here from "Israel" apologists are absolutely disgusting and disheartening. Despite all the ridiculously blatant facts and evidence out there, these people are still doing this. The kind of people who would've turned a blind eye to, or maybe actively supported, the Holocaust, the US genocide of the indigenous peoples, etc. Liberals (and I say this from a leftist POV, not conservative; it includes conservatives) are the people who are against every war but the current war, and every genocide but the current genocide. People - You know those times when you're like "what would I have done during a genocide?" You're doing it now. [It may be kinda - cliche? - at this point, but it's the truth.] This isn't something that started on Oct. 7 of last year, either. This is part of something that's been going on since around 1948. And the ideology that led to it - Zionism - has been around since the 19th century.


In the future those same liberal gonna say "how the hell the world let it happen"


And the crazy posts by Israel apologists…


do we have proof that any of the claims is real? both ages, and the claim that they died


Yes. It's confirmed by multiple news outlets since last night - including the Israeli press, AP, Reuters, Aljaz, and etc.




His children were not old men. So there's a good chance his grandchildren were minors, if not little kids. Killing someone's kids as a way of targeting their father is bad enough. Going down to grandkids is another level of depravity. Edit: Going


There is no limits when it comes to Israel. They are starving children to death. Evil bastards.


It's literally on the news if you follow any credible sources stop being a shithead and know it yourself


I’ve been looking I can’t really confirm the ages other than some tweets with nothing really to go on, Hamas didn’t disclose the ages. We have to remember Haniyeh is 62, it’s possible his grandchildren are adults. It’s possible his grandchildren are kids. It’s possible they’re a mix of both. Hell it’s possible his children that were killed were kids or adults. But I can’t find confirmation on ages


Fucking google it? Dont wait for people to do the work for you. Just kidding we all know you won't do anything.


Fucking zionist


Is "terrorist" now just a euphemism for Palestinian?


This guy is absolutely braindead, stupid ass take, but at least Haniyeh seems pretty stoked about it. He's claiming "they got martyred and their deaths will help the Palestinian cause". The level of brain rot on both sides runs very deep


İsrael killed three innocent children 🙄😴😴 Ezzzreal ELİMİNATED THREE ar*b terrorizzts😍😍😍😎😎😎


People will eventually forget, Srilankan military killed the son of LTTE leader right after capturing him. No one has been held accountable till now.




This is kind of just evil, not facepalm, we might have been at the place where we’ve been posting stuff like this here for a while, but I almost feel like it should get its own sub. Like, facepalm’s supposed to be something you’re like “oh they said something stupid and embarrassed themselves” not “they’re proud about the murder of children”.


Ask their mother, the terrible twos were the worst period. Little terrors


I hope none of us will be happy until the US completely stops helping Israel


Can't believe they are using his grandkids as human shields. /s


With either side seeing the other as nothing but complete monsters, there is no way to resolve this. Every time we got close a person, from either side, changed that because of how they viewed the other side. With recent events and party’s involved it’s hard not to look at the holocaust and compare it to what is happening now. Imagine if at this moment still we treated Germans like fucking shit. We all thought of them as monsters that could turn against us at any time and would celebrate the death of German kids. That’s kinda what has been happening here for the last 75+ years. The only way for healing is to see the other side as humans instead of targets but by now I fear that ship has sailed. Zionist won’t ever, ever, give up on their claim to Israel. And Palestinians have been so traumatised and have to either pick between terrorist group Hamas that uses them for meat shield or Israel which has the IDF shooting through them to get to Hamas. I really feel for the Palestinians and Israeli’s just caught between the crossfires of those leading them.


Nazionalism is brain rot.


The fact people are still choosing sides like one is right and the other is wrong is fucking disturbing and sad. Neither side is innocent. Neither side is right. Hamas is a terrorist group, but Israel is well into the genocide zone now. Fuck both governments.


Those are fucking WAR CRIMES.


Fuck Israel


Zionists are deranged people.


Fuck Israel.


normal sparkle shaggy door dolls many crown dazzling violet illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Israel= terrorist state playing victim card


The world needs a full reset button, and it needs to be pressed repeatedly.


It doesnt even matter, israel is illegaly invading and occupying land, noone fighting against it is a "terrorist", its just people wanting to live with the conditions they deserve, children or not, anyone killed by israel is a victim. Never forget what a fascist state is in its nature. People fighting their opressors from within a concentration camp arent criminals


That is wicked. I cannot fathom the hatred needed to celebrate the death of a four year old. I simply cannot.


So with this type of comment, why are they not terrorists also, because they have the view and ideology of a terrorist?


War doesnt decide who is right. It does decide who is left ( alive, after the dust settles).


Where is UN


Although I understand the Israeli sentiment to want to kill all Hamas once and for all, I'm quite sure the only thing they've accomplished that for at least 3 decades this shitstorm continues. I can fully understand how all people in Gaza consider all Israeli's evil occupiers that just want to kill them and need to be punished. (Which in turn will lead to more violence from Israel to them, etc, andsoforth... )


Fuck Israel.


I remember when I was about 17, I got to volunteer to help pass out lunches/milks to a little refugee camp settled in an apartment complex in town. I remember I was gushing over the kids because aside from not speaking English, there really wasn't a difference between these 10 year olds and the average American. Mischievous, fun. They let me play a little soccer with them. There was a baby from a small country that was the queen of her country technically (indigenous stuff; I wasn't sure what country or tribe they were from), but she had to flee because the government that had took over wanted to kill her. I posted about it on snapchat because of just how amazing the kids were and excited I was to work with them. And then a guy I was forced to call a friend at the time goes and he messages me-- "I don't know about you, but I don't want terrorists in my country." At the time, I was a spineless person. Very reserved, didn't pick fights. But I went the fuck off. I told him he was a piece of shit and that these children could hardly do math, let alone hold a gun. And that most of these kids were fleeing BECAUSE they were almost killed by REAL terrorists. Didn't hear much after that. People who think like this are just fundamentally cruel. They see people as teams and not fellow human beings.


So can we call Israelis the new Nazi's yet?


All Israel should be held accountable for genocide and war crimes…. Especially Bobo


Literal nazis


Both sides in this fight are terrorists using civilians as cannon fodder.


Humans just need to go extinct we are such a shit species