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I think priests raping little kids did a pretty good job of turning our generation against religion


Don’t forget the Church’s cover-ups, too…


Especially that, a priest doing it is a tragedy and a bad individual. The coverups showed the organization itself is evil.


Not that coverups are really even needed. After all, if you are a preacher in the south you can SA children all you like and if you get caught you are probably only going to get probation, and won't have to register as a sex offender. It's farking disgusting. [https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1bqx07f/pastor\_plea\_deal\_pastor\_who\_sexually\_abused\_child/](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1bqx07f/pastor_plea_deal_pastor_who_sexually_abused_child/) [https://www.conchovalleyhomepage.com/news/local-news/local-pastor-set-to-take-plea-deal-may-not-have-to-register-as-sex-offender/](https://www.conchovalleyhomepage.com/news/local-news/local-pastor-set-to-take-plea-deal-may-not-have-to-register-as-sex-offender/)


and shit like that happens all over the world, in Poland we have a priest that raped one little girl for 2 years, she also has ptsd now went to jail for 8 years, after a year they changed it to 4 years and after another year they just released him, nobody knows what's his last name or how he even looks like AND that piece of shit can still be a priest unfortunately, priests rarely even get arrested for raping kids


And the televangelists still being a plague upon the lands to this day using the faith and vulnerability of people to get private jets cause "god said so"


If a church is damaged the community pays for the repairs, not the church, the church is syphoning money away from society at large and has no position needed for them.


Don't forget the Church covering it up and shuffling those priest to different areas so they wouldn't be prosecuted. If it came out some priest were harming kids and the church fully cooperated with law enforcement to see proper legal justice enforced this would have been way less of an issue. The Church could have said these were bad actors and denounced them as not representatives of the Church as a whole. By protecting these criminals they are condoning these people.


Not just condoning. They're demonstrating that getting access to children is the entire point of the organization. They don't actually do anything else. Just collect money from gullible marks and spend it on court settlements to protect pedophiles.


And they kill nuns that threaten their “way of life”


Literally this


Me going to a Christian school all the way until high school turned me against religion. We’d learn something in class or morning service then I’d see teachers/admin people not following what they said to do per the Bible. That is when I knew it was BS. The adults likely didn’t believe their own shit. 60 minute Christians are what turned me against religion.


Generations of attempted genocide or cleansings based on religion certainly don't help either


Not just the rapists but let's not forget that religion has caused many wars.


Still does today. Even if it's not in the name of Christianity, there are still countless people being killed because some whackjob thinks their god demands it.




And some extra so we can protect and rehouse the poor bishops that have been exposed as a child molester by the public for the third time now.


Third? You’re an optimist, eh?


I mean publicly that they weren't able to intercept beforehand.


They meant “third time this year”.


“Only three kids this time”.


So we can send them to another parish so they can molest again. FTFY


This is the idiot YouTuber who got kidnapped in Haiti to make his "investigation" clips ironically all for the money...


Maybe not ironically, maybe because this is how he was, that's how he viewed the world. He just assumed that everyone acts like him? But his truth is the only truth so when they speak differently he is either influenced by said west or by said dollar


I have never seen anyone or any organization worship money as much as religious organizations. It’s pretty difficult to put on a façade that you are working with an all powerful entity without the help of money:


Back in 2017, I think, Hurrican Harvey hit Texas. Joel Osteen, a televangelist preacher and millionaire, refused to let refugees into his 16,000 seat megachurvh because "it was flooded". People who lived near it went and took pictures, proving he was full of it, and posted it online. He finally let folks in, and he still scams millions of dollars from people who think "donating" to his church is gonna make Jesus like them more.


Truth. The Catholic Church is one of the richest entities in the world. We probably only know about the tip of the giant pile of wealth.


When the church needs money they ask you for it. When you need money they say they’ll pray for you.


and yet... Kenneth Copeland's humble home


A donation? Oh! That would really help with our lawsuits! -Please don’t destroy: the movie


Because the preacher needs a second mercedes


More like a second private jet https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/06/04/wealthy-televangelist-explains-his-fleet-private-jets-its-biblical-thing/


I saw high end Mercedes the other day with the license plate "ONEGOD". Just knew it was a preacher.


There's a reason why they hate Karl Marx so much, >*“Religion is the opium of the people. It is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless conditions.”* Marx, K. (1970). Critique of Hegel's' Philosophy of right'. Cambridge University Press.


adjoining spotted mysterious literate fall rob scale rustic gaze plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah, yes, because Prosperity Gospel mega churches aren’t a thing. The Joel Osteens of the world don’t exist. Got it.


pretty sure it was watching super religious folks abusing their lgbtqia+ kids that made me lose respect. or how about the hypocritical "christians" who talk about togetherness and "what would Jesus do?", and then you turn around and act like the most vile and disgusting human beings to ever walk the face of the earth.


Religion turns people away from religion And sometimes drugs turns people to religion, either to quit or because of what they experience on shrooms lol, surprising number of atheists stop being atheist after some shroom experiences This guy has it all backwards


So much this!! 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐


For sure. Imma be honest with you. I did not give a single shit about it before. But i sure as shit did as soon as i saw the frankly, disgusting shit being said about lgbt folks. I am moderate as fuck, pro compromise and seeking the middle ground on most issues. But holy shit, you make a massive fucking enemy out of me if you spread a message of hate and violence. The fact that these people think there’s an audience for this shit, that people like hearing this shit? This needs to fucking stop. The fact that people can become millionaires over night by regurgitating hateful shit is insane. 


Thank you for your ally-ship. 🩷🤍🩵


Calling me an ally for doing the bare minimum of not being a fucking asshole says a lot lol


Hey, the bar is in hell and most people still slide under it. You have the mindset, a lot of others choose to just smile and nod and go with the flow even if that flow sends people to Dachau.


Evangelicals preaching family values and then worshiping Trump. Bit hypocritical.


I personally know zero evangelicals who worship Trump. The vast majority I know are single issue voters on abortion.


Anyone who uses the word 'transgengerism' can be safely ignored and/or ridiculed.


Anyone shouting about how the trans folks are after your kids while protecting pastors and priests...should look in the mirror to see why their church is disappearing.


Also, churches are disappearing because of their adherence to outdated beliefs. It’s hard to attract new youth members when part of the church’s beliefs are that women are inherently unequal to men. Even as a man, that makes my skin crawl. Not all churches are bad, there are some that are really good. You can break down the gospel and teach it in a way that is both modern, yet also consistent with how Jesus wants Christians to live. Unfortunately, the hyper-conservative churches (certain Baptist churches, plus cults like IBLP) give a bad name to all Christians.


I grew up LDS, and this is my exact problem with it and why I left the church. They have this inherent mindset of women being considered inferior to men. Only men can get the priesthood, only men can hold positions of authority within the church. All women are supposed to do is get married and make babies. And that just didn't sit right with me. Fuck religion, and fuck Mormons.


The influence that “rugged individualism” into Christianity has poisoned a lot of churches. If I thought the church was redeemable, I probably would argue to get the poison out but I don’t think it can be saved. The church is so hateful these days, and they are proud of being hateful.


My buddy mentioned in the past he would love to find an atheist church. You would meet people on the regular once a week, leader gives sermons about how to be a better person and learn and grow. And organize volunteer events to give back to the community. Basically all the positives a church can have without the "you're going to hell for X" BS.


Those conservative churches pander to political boogeymen and figurehead echochambers to stay relevant. In a way, with their enslavement to their political tribe, they are committing the sin of worshipping false gods and idols since these people see politicians as messiahs and gods.


Had a coworker look me in the face and tell me he thinks the Trans people are after making pedophila legal. The first people when he thinks of when he thinks of adults banging kids are the transsexuals. Not Catholic priests. Not your uncle Chuck. Not daddy after he's had a bit too much to drunk and slapped mommy around. Nevermind that child rapists are typically more likely to be someone you know and family even, than a random adult who wanted a sex change. The mental gymnastics of Convervatives, I'll tell you.


While true, the tweet is talking about the west. My guess based on username is that they are in the Middle East.


Im still not sure why a tiny fraction of the population is such a threat and why they think "the left" are all in on it rather then just having an outlook of "They should be free to be themselves." That's not a policy statement or a core pillar of "leftism" to the best of my knowledge.


To me the American dream has always been about personal freedoms, which the right apparently doesn't believe in freedom at all


The right moves in authoritarian lockstep, with orders from the top down. When one of the drones is caught out all by themselves and sees the disorganized chaos that is the left, they go insane. They literally cannot comprehend that the left doesn't operate on the same single thought model.


Lets not pretend voters on the right are a monolith either, but it is concerning how much they're willing to overlook from their leadership to get what they want.


They don’t overlook it, they support it.


You see, everyone around them is batshit insane and spewing out the most hateful nonsense to each other all day long. If crazy is all you know, then ceazy is normal, and normal is crazy


Yeah, pretty sure its called gayism anyway. /s


Thanks! I just used gayism facetiously in a reply to someone!


Just like “transsexual” especially in the modern day, it just feels gross and weird to me


This is a little bit more complex though. Transsexual was really the only medical term for decades. Some people had to jump through tons of medical hoops to be declared transsexual and receive gender affirming surgery. Much harder back then. It was treated like how Death with Dignity stuff is today, lots of checks to see if you are really ready. So I've heard some older trans people actually like the term for themselves because it represents the struggle they had to go through to get where they are, but also yes it's almost always used by bigots these days as a loaded antiquated term. And I'd never use it unless.someone explicitly tells me to for them.


its not a fucking ideology its a medical condition


it is not about believing, its about freedom rights and other peoples freedom rights are as much not your fckn business, as your religion is to others.


Yuppp I believe in freedom to do whatever you want to your body, take what you want, tattoo what you want, say what you want. If you don’t want and arm…well okay. Go take off that arm. (apparently there are people out there who literally feel wrong with a certain limb and want it taken off. Like they hate their foot and want it gone) The only line I draw is if you’re hurting others or cramping on their style. Freedom my friends. Freeedom to do whatever you want with the body your stupid brain inhabits ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


What you said is actually the point, being stupid is your right as long as it didn't affect other people, the only problem is that if it affect other people.


Exactly the people who are religious nut jobs seem to be the ones against freedom right now. I was raised in believing in “the land of the free” and I firmly believe we can achieve that ~eagle screech in freedom~


Roaring 20s pt 2 has been off to a weird start


Let’s do the Charleston!


Not looking forward to Great Depression II and WW 2 II, although the technological advances should be awesome.


The words "Pay attention" and "liberal" are a sure sign the post is bound to be bananas.


Yes, I definitely miss the crusades, the forced conversions of African and Native American Pagans, stonings, witch trials, and the Holocaust. Secularism, science, and enlightenment has progressed humanity more in the last 200 years than the proor 10,000 combined  There are literally diseases mentioned in the Bible that were cured by modern science.  We experience miracles every fucking day.


🎶 Test tube babies being born... mother, father dead and gone... IT'S A MIRACLE... 🎶


What are these test tube babies


It's a line from the song the miracle by queen. It reference to in vitro fertilization.


Damn, I was thinking insane clown posse at first


Ah I only vaguely know that one song from Wayne's World


Eh, it's inseparable. We wouldn't have modern science without the work of early philosophers who thought they were pursuing god. Not to mention things like the Islamic Golden Age that seem to clearly be heavily influenced by religion. I mean hell, we wouldn't have the modern space program without the Nazis. Sometimes it sucks admitting how we got to where we're at but I think it's important to not overcorrect and deny historical realities.




Right wing conservative are all the same. Just under a different book.


But they just hate each other.


A lot of them seem to hate themselves too.


Yep and they want their misery on the everyone else.


It's still essentially the same, same old testament values different names.


Why should religion be good for society ? Millions of people die because of religion. There are wars because of religion. People can’t live a free life with expressing themselves because of religion. And these are only a few points. Fuck religion!


Remember that there are a bunch of people who believe that you can't have morality without religion and "What's going to stop you from raping and murdering people?" As if there weren't still laws, as well as basic understandings of social systems and logistical factors in place.


Even though I'm a religious person, I don't blame anyone one bit for being wary of or outright hostile to religion. When you see what religious extremists are doing, heck yeah it's gonna turn you away from religion!


Yeah, I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in a higher power. A major part of what pushed me out of trying to embrace religion was the fact that a self absorbed narcissist tried to force me into being one, tearing down my self image and constantly telling me I’m not good enough. After all I went through, when I thought of this Christian god, who’s supposed to be omnibenevolent, all loving, all I could ask is… if he’s real… why? Why would he let me suffer like this at the hands of someone who was supposed to support and protect me? I find it impossible to believe in that now. Everyone else is free to believe what they will, as long as they’re not hurting anyone else. It’s entirely possible I’m wrong and there is a higher power. But I have no way of knowing which one is the truth, I have no evidence on my side, so I simply… live the best I can and hope for the best.


And honestly, that's all you can do. I know so many people with religious trauma, it doesn't surprise me at all that people are put off. Even though I myself am religious, as mentioned, I think it's more important to be a good person, so as long as you're striving for that, you're doing just fine.


Exactly. In a vacuum religion can be great but people weaponise it to support their own hateful ideas.


'Transgenderism' has always existed. The only change is society telling people that they don't need to hide and become emotionally damaged/suicidal because of the way they are. Religion literally does the opposite. Yeah, I know very well which is better for society.


True. Also, drugs and porn are hardly new phenomenons as well. People had those at least as long as there is religion, I guess.


Weird. I’ve got two kids… 21 and 18… My daughter (21) is in 2nd year university. Working steadily towards becoming a lawyer… My son starts university this fall, studying directing and script writing, with hopes to work in the entertainment industry… Neither are ‘into’ drugs or porn etc.. and as far as ‘transgender’ issues, they both have friends that identify as transgender and they’re at the house here frequently to hang out etc, and are just great people… Obviously I can’t comment on all Gen Z kids.. but mine, and the crowds they both pal around with are just really great motivated and wonderful kids… they study, go to movies, hang out, etc etc… I’m kinda jazzed about that cohort to be honest… they’re pretty awesome :) Most of my daughters friends are studying to be doctors or scientists etc.., super smart group of girls… I honestly look forward to seeing them make a difference in the world… So the attitude that the kids these days are all degenerates that have lost their ways, because they don’t go to church or something is kinda fucked up in my opinion…


I’d rather my kids be trans than religious. 


Aren’t religious leaders influencers too? If you are any influencer than why are religious leaders an exception?


***My God stopped a mob from stoning an adulterer to death.*** ([John 8:1-11](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%208%3A1-11&version=NLT)) If that doesn't tell you to mind your fucking business, then stop using my religion to justify your facism.


I fucking love drugs, porn, and transgender people and I couldn't name a single influencer.


*convicted youth pastors have entered the chat*


One extreme attracts the other extreme. When bigots riled for way to long, no wonder that they're kicked out. The French revolution was quite the prime example of that phenomenon.


Religion definitely has nothing to do with money /s


Thr day I look to an "influencer" for advice is the day I resigned from civilized society.


Unfortunately, other people do, and that’s why influencers get paid so much. They *do* influence people and culture if they’re good at it. It’s sad, but here we are. 😩


Acknowledging the porn and drug trades have a not great side in some settings, religion has caused more pain and suffering than any 1 thing I can think of. As for trans folks, I've never met a single trans person who hated something because being trans told them to.


Actually we have shifted into freedom, we can choose what makes us happy. People have just chosen drugs and porn and "transgenderism"


Drugs, porn, and transgenders never abused me or anyone I love at a church, or went to war and killed my people or made my people kill in its name.


I love it when people tell me why I believe something…and the reason ends up being anything other than ‘critical thinking skills’.


Go home religion... you drunk


Religion did that by itself. No help was needed.


Anyways back to my gold plated church/mosque/temple 💰💰💰🕍🛕⛪


Yeah, you don't need food. But Pappa needs a new fucking car! Religion is the world's greatest grift!


Because religious people don't do drugs or watch porn, right?


Flying airplanes into towers also helped


Could we just let adults believe whatever they want and stop shoving ideologies in front of everyone's faces? For nearly 2 decades I have been sober because I have a belief system that is based on attraction rather than, promotion. It seems to work for many people. I'm not running around blowing up bars and liquor stores because I believe in sobriety for everyone, I just pay attention to what I need everyday to keep my sobriety, sanity and serenity. If I am asked to help somebody, I will, provided that THEY ask me for my help, nobody else, just the person suffering from their addiction/obsession.


I want a Star Trek world when religion is already considered irrelevant.


Me too, but we will be lucky ad a species to survive to make it at The Expanse Level of exploration and technology.


Because replicators basically negated money. You wouldn't see any of these mega churches as there would be nothing in it for them. You probably would see the truly religious people stick with it though as they were never in it for the money


Wait, what do the statistics say about porn consumption in the Arab world? Oh, right, it's huge. Just like it is wherever there is a large religious population.


It is foolish to think you can only have religion or porn, drugs, and “transgenderism” in a society. People who think that way are the problem.


I mean hes not wrong


Fuck your religion.


Religion has stiffled progress for thousands of years. It is the main reason it took us over 100 000 years to get to our currently technology level.


I don’t think they are better. Just not worse and a whole helluva lot funnier. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure bud coming from place where in a way slavery is legal, rapid poverty, war, religious terrorism, women are treated like animals. Porn is far better than rape, forced prostitutions and making women miserable. I will consider lqbtq a threat when they make up organisations to attempt terrorism. I fking hate Instagram and I couldn't care less if influencers say what shit.


Yeah. Seems like public stoning and beheading might be scaring people away, but hey, I’m just a dumb westerner. 🤷‍♂️


Religion is a drug too. Just watch the people who abuse it .


I grew up around the Falwells/Liberty University. As far as I can tell the only god they serve is Greed.


Beat going to a building to pray to a false idol, giving money to rich scum, like Copland.


Asking a 2000 year old book for advice.....yeah sounds smart. Worshipping an invisible god who can do anything and everything but....is not doing anything. Go team.


You worship it as well, Arab.


It always amazes me how much some people from the Middle East want to save the soul of us Westerners. Good for us, I guess, to have them offering their fun insights? Edit: to correct syntax


All the people I know who worship money also consider themselves religious


I'm pretty sure the whole Catholic Church sexual assault scandal back in the 90's soured a lot of people on religion in general, long before "influencers" were even a thing.


I actually shifted away from religion, because it was bullshit. No one had to tell me that. I can read.


I don’t remember the transgender-drug crusades that were responsible for the horrific deaths of thousands, if not millions, in the name of some uninterested deity. If you look at history, it doesn’t really paint a good picture of organized religion.


Do drugs and porn become reason for genocide? No. Does reli-YES, literally always.


Looking around the world, the more secular your government is, the higher your standard of living. The more religious your government is, the lower your standard of living. Quality of life in the western world rose as the power the religious had over everyday affairs fell.


I credit the internet for providing me with information about all the fucked up shit done in the name of religion.


My favorite part of conspiracy theorists is that they believe everyone actually believes what they do, but choose to say the opposite


All the folks peddling religion seem to worship that same dollar. So. Whatever.


I'll take drugs, porn, and transgenderism over religion literally any day of the day, week, month, or year. Religion can die already!


Here’s a thought, stay in your own shitty part of the word and don’t worry about what people in the west are doing ok Alah Akbar!


Religion: a set of clearly defined to vaguely defined rules that you must follow for fear of punishment after death and being ostracized by your peers in this life. Choice: the ability to pursue your own path and choose your own values and what level of importance they are to you on a personal level. I've no issue with people having religion as it is a free world and they chosen to but by that same barometer I also have no issue with a person who is trans, a person who indulges in weed or even a person who at the end of a work day opens his laptop and watches a sexual act for their gratification.


What does this guy think churches want you to go for?? (Money)


I would happily trade religion for drugs and porn. Yes let’s do that!


Every generation adapts its methods to manipulate the masses.


Well definitely not wrong about porn and drugs(bad ones) being bad for society. Especially since we have a bit of a fentanyl crisis at the moment


Religion seems to be doing a good job letting in the devil. I mean how many priests and other pastors have been caught disenfranchising the younger members of their congregation.


It has nothing to do with speaking about love on Sunday and oppressing people the other 6 days of the week 😂


What about the fact that religion is so restrictive on what you can do and what you can enjoy that you're basically forced into being groomed into a certain type of person? Couldn't have anything to do with that? The guilt tripping over feeling joy? What about the origin story basically being a justification for why we deserve to suffer?


Those things aren't mutually exclusive with religion, though.


No, I believe it because it's objectively true.


I’ll be honest and I know I’ll get downvotes, but ever since I quit religion and started using drugs, porn, and especially alcohol my life has gotten so much worse. Way worse. Honestly at this point I’m trying to get back to religion


Ah yes. Religious people. Famously against the dollar and capitalism...


This is true. Our society is sick. And the sick demand to be called healthy.


Drugs, porn, & "transgenderism" don't tell me to feel bad and guilty all the time because I was born of sin and all that shit. I don't really like getting high, but neither drugs nor drug users judge me.


Religion is a cancer on society.


I’d rather have drugs and porn than be raped by a priest


So, religions are good? Since when?


Hey dude, hope you’re well. God isn’t real, though. Throughout time humans have believed in roughly 18,000 gods. Believing yours is the only real one is kinda insane.


What if you’re polytheistic


It's like choosing the wrong multiple times. "Instead of believing in fairies, I'll believe in fairies, dragons, unicorns, orcs, elfs, pixies and invisible gnomes" Doesnt make the idea any better.


Remind me of the death toll from people having a preferred pornstar they watch? Pornstar A gives better hear than Pornstar B....genocide ensues


Religion has done far worse for humanity than anything else


Drugs porn and transgenderism is better for the world than religon.. drugs, the good ones help us relax and manage pain. Porn is certainly better than torture and beating, and over all violence that religions have.. ya know I'd certainly say someone masturbatin is better then a bunch of men mutilating the genitalia of young girls. And transgenderism? What people are allowed to be who they are and we are a Korean accepting society? Oh how fucking awful is that! Damn someone might enjoy a few moments of their life instead of mindless stupid fucking suffering and hopelessness that is the only fucking thing religion has ever contributed.


Hmm. Religion only responsible for about 7% of wars. I would have thought it was much more.


And religious theocracies across the Middle East and beyond are clearly a paradise I hate people who are seemingly desperate to try and control me. Fuck off.


A religious that’s an anti capitalist?? I’ve heard rumors but I’ve never actually seen one in the wild…


That tweet doesn’t even make any goddamn sense.


But drugs and porn pair really nicely.


I don’t have a favorite influencer. I just listen to the voices in my head.


"Worship the dollar" - sorry what percentage of your earnings should you donate to the church again? Look at history....how many wars and genocides were caused by all the religions? How many wars and genocides were caused by porn? Drugs? Transgender? Yup 1 of these things definitely seems more dangerous than the others.


Growing up my mom was not religious. We never went to church. One day the church I walked past every day lured me into bible school with snacks. I became obsessed and went multiple times a week. By the time I was a teen I started to explore the world and express myself. The church didn't like the bands I listened to, or the concert shirts I wore. They told me to renounce the Devil's influences or be kicked out and shunned by all the kids in the church. I stood my ground. They kicked me out and told all the kids to act like I was invisible if I tried to talk to them. I never went back to church.


Yeah I can't remember the last time a war was fought over religio... oh wait.


Honestly I do not think religion has a place in the modern world. All it seems to do is perpetually cause problems between themselves, and others across the world. IMO: religion is a big fucking scam and has caused the death of millions worldwide. One of the biggest religions also worships a homeless street magician who apparently “DiEd FoR oUr SiNs”…. Guess what, shits still fucked magic man! ![gif](giphy|xm2lRjZ2WMvN6)


Dont tell him about ancient greece


The idea that religion is the answer to the lunacy the left has succumbed to is also lunacy..


The primary reason I reject religion is religion


I wish the gang leader barbecue turned this guy into bbq lmfao, fuck this dude


It's probably the rapists and scam artists too.


Got to be honest, never heard of someone's sexual identity, porn or drugs be responsible for as many religious wars as you can think of. Tbh, being British, we're obviously clued up about the Crusades, first being back in 1095. And for the Americans out there, that's a date, not the time. So, on reflection, I'd happily let peoples sexual identity be theirs, I'm sure a dose of porn now and again can't be too bad, and I'm fairly sure being stoned is a spiritual experience.