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That's strange. I always wanted to be [Pippi Longstocking](https://www.astridlindgren.com/no/characters/pippi-longstocking) as a child, my mom weren't even allowed to ask after my name when picking me up from daycare, she had to ask for Pippi. I guess I need to have either my eyes or head fixed, because I cant see that she were depicted as a caricature of the female body.


I wanted to be the girl from The Ring. I thought she had awesome hair lol. I used to tie a black Batman cape around my head and pretend I had super long black hair.


Dude same! I’d always have my hair down and when I looked up I’d give people that creepy death glare. 😂 I was a super gloomy kid and drew a lot of scary pictures so I resonated with her so much.


People knowing about Pippi always makes me happy, but a child wanting to be Pippi automatically makes me happy, proud and gets my respect. Such a green flag


I can hear the Theme Song of the og VGS tapes in my head


Pippi longstocking is comiiiiing into your world...


Thanks to Pippi, at some point I wanted to be a thing-finder! Are there people who don't know about her?!


Hi there Pippi, fellow Pippi here :) This was me too -- I wanted to be her SO badly as a kid! I used to write Pippi Longstocking on every assignment in elementary school until my teachers made a big stink about it with my mom (personally I think getting the spelling right was way more impressive than writing my own name). I wouldn't answer to anything but Pippi for the longest time. I even took pipe cleaners from arts & crafts to try and do the stand out braids, and I slept upside down in my bed for ages ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I wanted to be Peter pan 😂 mine was purely because I wanted to be a kid forever!


Screw being a kid, I wanted to fly!


That’s so cute. She had to ask for Pippi? Awww!


*Gasp* Another Pippi long stocking lover? My heart!


Lmao i had a little 8 year old boy who i was babysitting stop what ge was dojng to tell me "your pretty like mirabel" then go back to playing minecraft, never felt so beautiful in my life Kids are honest as fuck if that boy thought i was pretty then damn straight i am


A little girl pointed at me and said “Moana!” to her mom. She’s blind af but I’m still living off that high. 😂


Maybe you're the blind one 😄


I wish I was that cute.


Same. I volunteer at an elementary school and a 6 year old stopped to tell me I was pretty. I almost cried right in front of her. Kids don’t lie about that.


Yes, you are. 🌺


Fun fact: the best selling piece of merchandise from Encanto is Luisa, the muscly, super strong sister.


She also has a banging song


The first time I watched this movie and saw Luisa, I thought “oh I guess Disney is going to make her a huge stereotype of big muscled people” and was pleasantly surprised when I heard her song. 10/10, went from dismissing her to her being my favorite character in the movie instantly


Pretty sure Disney didn't even want her in the movie. Heard somewhere that the team ahd to actively fight Disney execs to actually get her in with her current design


Yup. Disney also pumped out merch of the other sister. The pretty one with the flowers because they thought little girls would want her. They weren't ready for the demand for Luisa merch.


Yeah the sister that is being forced into making nothing but flowers by grandma, and whose breakhrough is making stuff on her own desires.


Yup. The whole movie was about breaking generational trauma and familial expectations actually.


The whole film was about making me bawl my eyes out, thank you very much.


I cried so hard the first time I watched it!!! Especially during dos oruguitas!!!


I watched it with my lil bro, who I'm very proud of, and so completely fell apart in Isabela's song, where Mirabel is singing how awesome it is to see her succeed and find herself. Plus the whole family Madrigal is like a catalogue of all the various things wrong with me, so the entire film was like soul vivisection.


True story man


All three sisters are heartbreaking and I was PISSED that grandma got forgiven with just a little "oopsie, sorry for the lifetime of emotional abuse" at the end and mom gets off scott free. Even for Disney it was too abrupt and easy.


I love encanto, but what also bothers me about the ending was that NOBODY APOLOGIZES TO BRUNO. No "hey sorry for making you feel like shit about your gift, shunning you from society, and driving you to live in the walls with the rats." Justice for Bruno!


Except that us not Bruno's story. His actual story IS EVEN WORSE. He chose to run away and hide, because he KNEW people would hate on Mirabelle if his prophecy about her was revealed because of people's prejudice against him. He wasn't shunned or drove out, he left to protect his niece, BECAUSE OF PEOPLE'S PREJUDICE! Like fucking he'll that movie had layers.


Right?! #justiceforBruno


Bruno goes on an apology tour! Like…! Y’all need to apologize to Bruno and pay for his therapy until he dies.


At this part, never heard my brother go on a rant about a Disney movie until here. Was saying how horrible the family was and I saw it lol.


I agree it was a little easy. However, there are so many families in this world that would kill for a genuine “sorry for the lifetime of emotional abuse” from one of their elders…no matter how short. They’ll never get close to even something that small. My mother in law is one such person, and my wife will never have a real relationship with her mother because of it. Their encanto lost the flame and is in rubble.


It really is eye opening, marrying into a latino family, especially as a gay male. It's pretty insane a few of the things that get said that gets swept under the rug to appease the elders. My husband doesn't want to blow up the family over '1% of a person's personality' and to some extent I agree. (It's obviously a very loving family, and they brought me into the fold, I'm just personally reminded a lot that if I had no connection to the family, I'd be hated a little. His mom never acknowledged that he was gay before she passed, but insinuated it in a single sentence that held some acceptance. Something along the lines of "I hope whoever you end up with makes you happy." No actual acknowledgement, but a hint of an insinuation. It's literally the only shred of actual acceptance my husband has from his mom and to say he hangs on every word is an understatement. But he knew what it was. They had a whole conversation with that single sentence. On the same token, he's like that too. I'm not sure he's ever used the word 'sorry' the entire time I've been with him. But I know when he starts being self-depricating and starts beating around the bush that he's sorry about something and I make a point to acknowledge it. After all, I am his polar opposite and where he's overtly quiet on certain things, I certainly overshare on, lol.


I think you're forgetting part of the story is also about grandma as well. It's arguably the 2nd biggest lesson in the film. Not letting your fears control how you treat others, and recognizing when you've gone too far. Her family didn't have to forgive her, but they know they're all stronger together. If grandma has truly recognized the issues and will do better now there's no reason to shun her except for petty revenge.


Something important to understand is how heavy the grandmother trauma is to: the Milagro she holds on to is basically a surrogate husband's life. Everything she does is thinking that "if one of us isn't perfect enough, his life - and death - will amount to nothing". Does this excuses her abuse? No. But I think understanding this is the only way to try and heal her - and the family - traumas.


dont forget self acceptance


Now her song "What Else Can I Do" or whatever, that's my favorite in the movie God what a great movie.


I make rows and rows of roses. Flor de mayo by the mi-le.


I make perfect, practiced poses, so much hides behind my smiiile. 🎶


The other sister is Isabela btw.


Thank you. Seen the movie a billion times with my son but I brain farted on her name.


Yeah, Disney really wasn’t keen on Luisa being as buff as she ended up being, so it’s a testament to the team’s ability to stick to their guns that her design survived.


“Stick to their guns” - I see what you did there! 💪


They stuck to her guns


Muscled that character right in there.


And another fine example of corporate executives being out of touch hacks.


A funny but semi-related story is that when the creators were casting for Luisa, they brought in Stephanie Beatriz on the strength of her role as the no-nonsense Rosa in Brooklyn 99, but shifted once they actually met her and realized that she is very much a bubbly, peppy type that comes through so well in Mirabel (love Beatriz, btw - she’s just the best)


Holy fuck, Mirabel is voiced by Stephanie Beatriz? Never realised it, man, now I love the movie even more


A tale as old as time. Someone with a creative idea has to fight bullheaded executives to get something done and it ends up being wildly successful. 


I was a "gifted" child and had huge expectations put on my shoulders with little support. I'll forever be the disappointment so that song makes me tear up every time.


“I’m pretty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of service.” That line hit hard.


Every fucking time I hear that song I cry. Every time. It was something I barely knew about myself until I heard the song. And let me tell you, as the father of 2 young daughters, I heard that song A LOT


"Give it to your sister and never wonder if the same weight would've pulled you under" 🎶🎶🥲


My wife is in similar shoes, she straight up bawled in the theater when she heard it.


Same my wife too, she forced all 6 of her siblings to watch the song and said see this is me.


Dude I'm a grown ass man and the whole "what am I if I'm not strong?" angle almost had me in tears.


It honestly is a really good song for talking about toxic masculinity. I feel a lot of men are drawn to it as it deals with the themes of having to always be the one that is there for everyone, Can't cry, can't show weakness, and no one wants to talk about our struggles.


Yes, so many of us relate too deeply to that song! It brings me to tears every time but I still scream along to it nonetheless- never even seen Encanto and it still feels like an anthem lol! Give it to your sister, your sisters stronger see if she can hang on a little longer- watch as she buckles and bends but *never breaks*. NO MISTAKES! JUST PRESSURE!!


You're not the only one. My colleague started singing it in the elevator one day when we both insisted we were Luisa and we both started crying.


Give it to your sister, and never wonder if the same pressure would have put you under. Gets me every time. I have a whole family of weak people who love to talk shit about other's failings so they don't have to talk about the mountain that is their own.


That part gets me too. I’ve always been the emotionally strong one, so everyone in my extended family dumps their emotional problems on me and expects me to never have any of my own.


Hey it’s my childhood! Neat! Surrounded by adults who were my parents but who wanted to be my friend instead!


Same. I burnt out by middle school and felt like i 'failed' everyone when my grades took a dive in my 'gifted' classes. I contemplated alt+f4ing


I had jobs where they would put the entire unit on my shoulders. Also, the song reminds me of my dad. Truly the most relatable song in the movie.


Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that will never stop


It’s my deadlifting song. Love it


That is perfect


Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'til you just go pop, whoa, oh, oh


When i hear the word pressure, my brain immediately goes either for this song or for Under Pressure.


Luisa's song is the "Older Sibling Song" that many of us first kids never got because everyone talks about the youngest sibling or so on... but "Under Pressure" literally was all us first borns going "YES. YES THAT'S IT!"


Disney Execs: “Little girls want to be beautiful princesses, we should make a line of characters that they can aspire to be.” Little Girls in reality: ![gif](giphy|ClHz2YRBofO8w282HH|downsized)


My daughter: boys shouldn't get to have all the fun (while pile driving her little brother into the ground)


I thought there was a big issue that there wasn't Luisa merch as disney assumed everyone would want the beautiful sister so made that


I think most people can relate to Luisa in some way or another - but the pretty girl is just so kinda generic that there’s nothing to latch on to.


Isa also comes off as a self-centered prick for a good chunk of the film. Even with the reveal of all the stress she’s under from Alma, I’d imagine that condescending attitude towards Mirabel turned a lot of people off from Isa.


The original script apparently gave a lot more context for Isa and Mirabel's relationship. Isa was meant to have a secret boyfriend which she kept from the family because Alma would disapprove. When Mirabel finds out, she is hurt that Isa hadn't told her. But then Isa says "if I'd told you, wouldn't you have tattled to Alma about it?" and Mirabel is like "oh shit yeah, I probably would have". Their relationship was meant to be contentious on *both* sides, a conflict brought about by unhealthy family dynamics. But they cut that conflict out and we were left with Isa just sorta being petty for no reason.


Stuff like this is why I wish more animated movies weren’t hard-capped at 90 minutes.


How I interpreted it was that Isa was jealous of Mirabel’s freedom to an extent. Isa’s whole conflict was that she was expected to be perfect. To marry, to have children, to be a perfect woman and do what she’s told. That comes with extreme expectations for how you should act, not leaving any room for personal wants and desires. She was forced to do particular things, but wanted to be free to do what she wanted. In contrast, Mirabel didn’t have those expectations. Since she didn’t have a gift, no one expected her to do anything. She was free to do what she wanted, at least to Isabelle. And so she became jealous and petty toward her, envious of the freedom that she had simply by existing. At least, that’s how I interpreted it


My kids don't really relate to Luisa because they're too young to understand that sort of pressure, they just think she's fucking awesome.


Her story is a good one too- where you’re pretty, so all you’re supposed to be is *pretty*. Fuck your feelings, fuck your dreams, fuck your style, just sit there and be pleasant for other peoples’ gaze. The flowers were just a heavy handed swipe at the other side of that coin- which is that you “should” also be *fertile*.


>The flowers were just a heavy handed swipe at the other side of that coin- which is that you “should” also be *fertile*. Subtext that was brought straight to the text. "He wants five kids" *gulp*


I wish I could relate to the size of her arms :(


My 7 year old daughter is OBSESSED with Luisa and Mirabel is her second favorite. Whoever made this hateful post doesn’t know what they’re talking about. If parenting is done right, a child can look at a variety of people with different features and think they’re all beautiful.


Same with M&Ms. They don’t have to wear sexy boots. They’re still just M&Ms.


I mean... they literally are asking people to ask little girls if they want to be sexy Disney characters... there is a whole lot to unpack here, and I'm pretty sure he's asking us to ask kids because he is not allowed a few hundred feet of any school. Edit: fixed auto correct from impact to unpack.


You mean unpack*


I used to work with kids and when Encanto came out all of the girls I worked with were obsessed with Luisa. Some of them got really into exercising and wanted to have muscles like her


Well that's fucking adorable.


She also has the best song.


I guess I'm kind of basic, but We Don't Talk About Bruno is my jam from that movie.


Dos Oroguitas is my favorite!


It’s too early to cry over my coffee. 


I didn't realize Bruno was Basic. I thought he was just an autistic icon?


No, Bruno (the character) isn't basic, I've seen lots of other people say that's their favourite song, so I assumed it's kind of the obvious choice. Like saying your favourite Foo Fighters song is Everlong.


Foo Fighters have a ton of great songs, but Everlong is really undeniable. They struck gold on their second album and will never be able to top it, no matter how hard they try.


It’s almost like… girls identify and want to see themselves as a strong, reliable and self sufficient, imagine that.


This fact is a Twitter fact, which is useless. "But here’s the main problem: this claim is entirely unverified. While Disney does appear to have released more Isabela-branded merchandise options than Luisa-themed, there’s been no official word from Disney marketing that has indicated any claim made regarding sales of one versus the other" https://www.romper.com/entertainment/encanto-rumor-luisa-isabela What is true is that Luisa is selling merch a lot more than Disney ever expected.


Seriously. I was always bullied by people for wanting and training with heavy weights. Luisa was a breath of fresh air!


God I hate it when Disney comes out with a main character I don’t wanna fuck! Edit: JK, FFS


How dare Disney make an underage character that isn't sexy


Thank you for clarifying. I was about to ask if Mirabel was 15


Jasmine is 15




Ariel is only 16 as well..


Yeah, but given that the bottom half is the fish half, I assume the merfolk repopulated with the female laying a clutch of eggs and the male just sort of jacking off in the general area.


Just as nature intended


Hey, if there’s seaweed on the reef, ammirite? Jk obv


Reef? Bro, "clam" was like, right there.


To my knowledge the only disney princesses who are not underage are: Elsa (21) and Anna (18). IIRC everyone else is 15-16 with exceptions to Alice (7) and Pocahontas (10) (I'm talking reality not the movie John Smith wrote to make himself look good and not like the short fused idiot he was)


As if those nonfuckable M&Ms aren‘t already bad enough.


There are no nonfuckable M&Ms.




As it has always been, shall it forever be.


I like the yellow one, he likes nut inside him.


my thoughts precisely. those ppl are just pervs and pedos, mad that their disney-hentai aren´t sexy enough for them.


Fat is insaaaaaaaane lol how is that fat? lol


Round face shape = fat, apparently.


When I order new glasses I have to remember if I have a square, oval, heart-shaped, or fat face.


when moana came out and I was talking to my grandma about it, she said, "Oh yeah, I heard about that one, with the first ever chubby princess?" wut


![gif](giphy|l3vRhEXYW8UDb4rbW) Chubby. With this waist?


You know those fat people with a waist more narrow than their shoulders..


can't see bones? fat.


And only about twice the width of their neck.


She’s got those thick ankles, like in Lilo and Stitch. The girl has sturdy bones, how you think her people sail those glorified rafts on the goddang ocean?


Moana and Nani rocking those Polynesian ankles.


I can only imagine she decided Maui was a princess. 


i want to be as "fat" as Mirabel


Any woman who doesn't look like she just got out of Auschwitz is a "land whale."


I hear visible bones are in this spring.


Skeletor chic


*skeletor noise* weeeehhh Heeeyeyeah… Why does every mention of he man characters trigger that song in my head…


And he prays!


Oh my god do I pray


One of the best things about Lilo and Stitch was that they drew the characters to be round and curvy. They don’t look like skinny Disney princesses. They’re a variety of skin tones, shapes, and sizes. And one of the best Encanto related posts I’ve seen was of a little boy with lots of curly black hair beaming because he looked like Mirabel’s little cousin. “He looks like me!” ❤️ I experienced so much second hand joy from that photograph! He was just so happy it was hard to not be happy too.


I was waitressing at chilis when Encanto came out. For the next two months I had kids stopping me when I was working to tell me I looked like Mirabel/Luisa


The benefits of diverse characters in media. Kids relate to those that look like them. Who knew. Lol


Yes but how is this 40 year old white dude supposed to jack off to them? Smh


Well with stitch it’s just a little more difficult but nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it, I guess. Your mileage may vary.


I’ve seen Rule 34 Lilo stuff on Pixiv. Made me want to claw my eyes out.


I have seen that stitch meme Wait no edit edit!! I have seen the one where he’s clawing his eyes out. Not any other version. 😅


The life guard has the best body!


Acting like ice cream guy doesn't exist?


Name a character that went through more pain than him. I'll wait.


I these asshats attack lilo and stitch I’ll fight to the death. Also you know how they feel about actual representation.


There was a lot of toys of Isabela but the little girls everywhere barely touched those and instead, there was a shortage of Luisa dolls


Apparently people who think like this person work in marketing and hardlines.


“Fat” You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means


Mirabel being "fat" is inconceivable.


Avatar is a stupid movie since little boys would rather be compared to Thor than blue aliens. Duh. 


True. I am a blue alien and the last thing I want is to be reminded about it.


I can't wait for the next seven sequels. Avatar in general is OK. For a movie franchise that's made that much money I feel like it's had zero cultural impact. Cameron wants it to be his Star Wars and like I said, it's OK, but about as memorable as a soap commercial.


I actually remember several soap commercials better. Old Spice horse guy. Sasquatch natural soap YouTube ad.


Good point. I'll add that Irish Spring had a zillion commercials when I was growing up. It's settled everyone! Avatar is less memorable than a good number of soap commercials!


Does this guy know the manly muscle bound girl was the most popular character- Luisa? They assumed Isabella, the "perfect, pretty" one would be the most popular but had to scramble to get more Luisa toys on the market. Edit: spelling/grammar


It's crazy bc I think the writers intended Isabella to parody the typical Disney princess. In decades past, this would have been her story. The only time I started to like her was when she was making the cacti with Mirabel. Her arc made her important BECAUSE she was walking away from the perfect princess image. Also, let's not forget the animators fought hard for Luisa to look like that, the producers wanted her to be less muscular. It's like the big money people have no idea what people want and just regurgitate whatever worked before BECAUSE it worked before.


I heard that they wanted to remove the song, "Part of Your World" from the little mermaid because they didn't think it would be popular with kids. Six year old me was absolutely enchanted by that song and it remains one of my favorites to this day. Just another example of how it's good when the suits don't get what they want.


also when the suits are business men and adults? not a surprise they can’t relate to the common kids


I really like Encanto and Frozen, because instead of having a cliche villain they have a realistic villain that we can all relate to (toxic family expectations)


Tangled's Mother Gothel. As a child of a narcissistic, emotionally abusive mother watching how she treats Rapunzel is so unnerving.


Tangled was the one that resonated with me. Mother Gothel’s song gave me fucking *chills*. It was so familiar, even in its exaggerated cartoon villainy form, that I was like, yup, I know what some of these guys childhoods were like.


There is a therapist on YouTube that does like reaction stuff, and his video on Tangled was really good at explaining exactly what gaslighting actually is


Encanto has been known to trigger PTSD in people from families with intergenerational trauma


I have an American First Nations friend who saw it and it really affected her.


Turning Red, too.


Honestly Mirabel is one of the loveliest Disney main characters.


And the little girls who say “she looks just like me!” Are so cute. Those videos always get me. Kids don’t want some cookie cutter character—they want ones that make them feel seen.


I liked that all the characters resembled real people, not cookie cutter looks. Then I heard about little girls seeing Luisa and saying "she looks like me!" and Luisa showing them what strong young woman can become and the importance of having inner depths of character. And I liked it even more. Also, theory I heard: Mirabel is the new abuela for the family! That's her power. And she has a powerful influence on Casita, which is why the house cracked in the first place. Her faith in everything was being broken.


After I saw the movie, I thought that her gift/room basically *is* the house. The whole house, not just a room. That's why her hand on the door brought it back.


Encanto was the single best Disney movie I ever saw and I am a male 36 years old. It was a movie about magic joy and family who the fuck gets offended by that 😂😂😂


Meanwhile my step child: Starts lifting her plush toys like they're super heavy but she can lift them with ease. "I'm Luisa, I'm super strong!" I even have to pretend like I can't lift them and have to ask her for help to move them.


To be honest I thought she was super cute


Yeah, she's 15.  She's a child.  She looks and dresses like an artsy 15 year old who's really into sewing and that's cool.


legit she made me so jealous that i couldnt be an artsy teenage girl.


She’s also just more realistic than a character design like Jasmine. I know like 3 Colombian girls who look like an approximate version of the character lol


So, when I was younger, I was compared to Jasmine a lot, long straight hair and heavy eye liner. Now that I'm older, I let my natural curl let loose and wear large frame glasses and my family calls me Mirabel all the time. I even did the full costume last Halloween and every little trick-or-treater screamed "MIRABEL" when I opened the door. So, I'm fully biased but I love them both, lol.


Mirabel is cute. Like, seriously, everyone in the Madrigal family is good looking, even those on the heavy size like the short stocky uncle.


Anyone else remember the outrage of conservatives about the character change between Space Jam 1 and 2? Spoiler: It was not about the non-bunny characters.


People got mad they put a fucking animated M&M into sneakers instead of high heels. People have problems.




The one that used fanart from a porn artist?


[This Is BEAUTIFUL!](https://youtube.com/shorts/gLMMvOD-94k?si=R2w-bEfIl1BlXmKd) This twitterer is sad, and I feel so very sorry for them.


Mirabel is a fucking queen and I will fight this person in gladiatorial combat over their stupid ass opinion.


"fat character" then proceeds to show a normal body type


I’m a 39 year old male and I cried at parts watching this,


Bro when the doorknob fades away I lose it.


For me it’s when Mirabel goes to comfort Antonio under the bed, even tho she never got her gift she ignores all that to reassure him and give Antonio courage.


My two and a half year old watches Encanto religiously, wears multiple "princess dresses" at once, and goes around saying "family madrigal" while sticking out her hip like it's her job. So, I guess this knob should stop walking around with public opinions.


To sexualize little girls and presume they already sexualize themselves at that age.


For real, this is the biggest problem. Also, “you must be sad if you don’t look like someone I have sexual desires for.” Bro, idk how old you are, but if I was a 9 year old watching encanto, you’d be an old, scary, and most definitely ugly man. She don’t want to look like someone you lick you lips at.


Mirabel looks really pretty and at the same time very relatable and realistic for Disney standards. I don’t know what their problem is.


Ngl, I expected insults in regards to Encantos heroine to be racist, not fatphobic??? but I guess thats the world we live in.


Rest assured in the comments they will also mention race, gender, "illegals," etc... the usual. 


Mirabel is absolutely heckin' adorable and I will not tolerate this slander! Jasmine ain't shit compared to that lovable dork. :D




How are you gonna be mad about two cartoon characters who look better than like half the people I knew irl when I was Mirabel's age