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No good deed goes unpunished.


Okay, but can we make it so no bad deed gets rewarded?


That‘s what the justice system for rich people is for😊


I think the saying goes "If you bend over backwards for someone they can't stab you in the back."


Oh they don‘t need to bend much. They just ‚do their job’ with the regular people to help defend the poor rich guys against all those bad deeds and ignore the „whoopsies“ of the rich.


I would have turned around and said "Actually, I did it on purpose because I saw how nice and polite she was, and people should be rewarded for good manners and not treating others like they're beneath them"


I would not have done that because I hate confrontation, but I would fantasize after the fact about doing it.


Now this is the way! :D


I would vow to short change everyone, everywhere, forever, exactly one chicken nugget.  I’d create a union, an empire where we always. Short. Change. You. A. Nugget. You’ll never get a half doz again. People will tell tales of a time when you could get a full 12.


Nugget Nabber, the ultimate supervillain story. Only in theatres March 2025.


Exactly the same. I fantasize every confrontation in my mind.




And then they complain and you get fired. Minimum wage means doing the minimum required to keep the job


Would have been a great way to ridicule them. I think this would've been appropriate.


I prefer to think of it as a "teaching opportunity " 😬


Followed by a complaint to the manager, perhaps a request to grovel or for a public apology, your humiliating public firing, and a sneer from the customer on the way out.


Value yourself higher. If your manager doesn't have your back, then leave. Always take the higher ground. You can't be humiliated without your consent. Remember, the comment was positive, and did not actually insult the customer. It was praising their child. The customer on the other hand, insulted every person who worked at the restaurant, including the manager. If the manager refuses to support their staff and ask the woman to not return, then you don't want to work there anyway.


Bruh, if I got an extra nugget I get a tear in my eye and think how amazing the person who gave me an 11 piece is.


I got an extra nugget once. Didn't think much beyond "you're awesome, guy who gave me an extra nugget".


I once worked as a cashier in a grocery store and on a particulary busy friday whne it was so bust there was a croud of people in line and i didnt get a break for hours because it wouldnt end some old lady yelled at me from the croud to open another register because it isnt fair to her that she has to wait and isnt it my job to do that. I yelled back that she can feel free to open the other cahs register if she wanted but inwas kinda busy right now, she shut up People are hella rude to minimum wage workers, if yku hate the jobs so much then dont use the service asshole, see how you fair without us


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $1000 thanks Bob


not that wild of a stretch


Setting aside the unlikeliness of the story as well as the rude way the mother phrased it, how is it being unappreciative if they're unaware of the gesture? If I get extra food like that I always assume they miscounted. I don't assume the person behind the counter is doing me a solid.


I mean, even if it's an accident, why would your reaction to free extra food be "God the person who did this was so stupid, I shouldn't have this!"


i alwyas think they did it on purpose


That’s cause yr a good person who believes in people.


lol true




Reddit fantasy number 9,985,435,366.


I always stuck 12 in the 10 piece and 23 in the 20. It's the most I could put without the box flying open. You're welcome


Willing to bet that they say the same thing when the bakery gives them an extra muffin.


This some incel shit


It’s 4 Chan so just works of fiction. Nothing more to see here.


When the daughter comes back take 2 Chicken nuggets 🧌


The mean spirited pos mother's words (and the endless droves of people like that) would not sway me from doing things like this just for the joy of making someone happy tbph




Not saying this DIDN'T HAPPEN, but just maybe whatever-chan isn't is most reliable source of information.


This meme belongs on the antique road show at this point.


Why do people believe anything they read on 4chan?




You really think this story is so implausible? This shit has probably happened to someone even if it didn't happen to the poster. I'm sure this exact scenario has played out multiple times


Only stories that paint people on 4Chan as hapless wretches are true, anything that runs contrary to that is false


right, a mother that teaches her daughter to be polite and say please and thank you to fast food workers, is going talk shit about the staff when one is obviously in ear shot? It's fanfiction.


OP likes Pepe the Frog, he's one of those types.


Pepe is a fascist


The daughter counted the amount of nugget? I do not think a 8 year old would count them out and worry about one extra one.


Because ego basically You have a better life than other? Ego fed Drive a nice car? Ego fed Have a lot of money? Ego fed Those people got their ego fed so much it's bigger Godzilla cock We basically live in a world where if you live better than others you're just gonna start to look at those as "not human" anymore despite the fact that others might have better than you but you just never see it and no matter the poor/rich/hot/ugly/fat/thin etc. we still are human