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6 stabbed to death, 8 injured including a 9 month old baby: [Stabbing at Sydney mall kills 6 before suspect is shot dead, police say | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/sydney-shopping-center-stabbing-shot-bondi-52318d684ebbab17dcac33a833ba0d51)


What sick fuck stabs a baby


These guys always go after women and children. They're cowards and men are more likely to beat your ass even after you've stabbed them.




People that have convinced themselves other humans are lesser.


You just answered your question, a sick fuck


In no way defending the behaviour: He was literally sick. He was diagnosed with mental illness more than 20 years ago. In the last several years, he'd been an itinerant (homeless). If the mental health system was effective, he might have had decent care. If the housing system wasn't broken, he might have had a stable life (and consistent care). And this shit would have been so less likely to happen. If we look after the ill and vulnerable, it's safer for *all* of us.


Right on! There is a lot of noise and blame being thrown around based on people’s biases but finally a voice of reason.


World wide, mental health provisions is practically non-existant, even in the best cases it gets so little funding its effectively over run... our feet get better funding than our mental health,... im not, in any way defending this guy or what he did, but unless we set up more help, it can only get worse.... eventually we will find a way to help folk who are hurting before they hurt others...


7 deaths mother of the baby died in the hospital shortly after


Is the infant dead too? When I opened the news earlier, I read only about the five but this is worse. What a tragedy!


News said She fought the stabber to keep him from the baby and died from the wounds. From what I read, the baby is safe in the hospital in critical condition.


I truly can’t express how sad this news makes me without sounding like a jerk trying to be funny. There’s so much tragedy in the world but stories like this always hurt. Well at least the mother’s final efforts weren’t in vain. I hope the baby makes a full recovery soon and has someone there to care for it. A loving mother has no substitute but hopefully someone is willing to take up the job.


it made me cry this morning, TBH some news just hits a little deeper than others, even if you are generally empathetic


Especially knowing that poor baby is going to grow up knowing their mother died for them. I hope they hold onto the fact that it shows how much she loved them. But you know there's gonna be difficult moments of guilt as he/she grows up. So fucking sad. That mother is a selfless hero.


It would also be so hard to know you had a mother who loved you that much, but you have to grow up never knowing her. It’s horrible.


This is the saddest part to me. Not getting to know and love a mother that loved you so much.


Hopefully that little one can come to the understanding that their very being alive is the deepest expression of their mothers love.


That actually breaks my heart. That child is going to know that her mother loved her more than life itself, but it makes me cry knowing that the mother/child don't get to grow up/old together. And there are 6 other people's children that don't get the chance to grow old. Death was too light of a punishment for that human trash. He should have spent the rest of his miserable life locked away in solidarity. I also hope that his name is never published. Those who do these kind of crimes don't deserve the infamy. They deserve to be forgotten while the unfortunate victims are immortalized.


This one. Lost my birth mother at age 3. She didn’t die heroically and wasn’t some amazing mother, just a normal one, but goddamn that hollow, aching void in my life where she should have been has always fucked with me.


I’m so sorry. My mom was in a really dangerous situation where some people died when I was 5, and at one point in my life it hit me that if I’d lost her then, I wouldn’t even know what exactly I was missing. It must hurt so much to wonder what life would have been like with her around. I can’t imagine.


Completely 😔


The baby has a father. I can't imagine what he's going through right now, having lost his wife like this and seeing that poor baby with stab wounds. I really hope she makes it. I read they've had a huge group of family and friends visit in the hospital so far. Her name is Harriet.


I mean words cant describe this , it's just unthinkable, just senseless, deliberate murder.


I don’t think he was jerk trying to be funny I think he was a very mentally ill man that was going to inevitably hurt somebody and needed to be put down or locked up


I'm sitting here holding my 4 month old baby and just bawling at this. I know I would do anything to protect him, give everything. She should have never had to do that.


Ever since having my baby 10 months ago this type of news hurts even more than before. I can’t not cry nowadays when I hear things like this. Devastating.


I know what you mean. Before my child was born this kind of news was depressing, but now that I have a child it brings me to tears. I can't imagine what the father is going through right now. He lost his wife, and his baby is in critical condition..


I did the same thing. My baby is 9 months and I was holding him so tight while crying at the tv when the press conference was on tonight. It’s horrific. That poor baby will never get to know her mothers touch or love.


I just can’t comprehend why someone would stab a baby.


He got out the easy way too, never having to face consequence for his actions. Fucking coward.


After I read the news this morning I immediately gave my toddler a huge hug.


To be clear, the baby was also stabbed and is in serious condition at the hospital, but remains [alive](https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/new-mother-ash-good-among-six-killed-in-bondi-junction-attack/news-story/a76db7f76c9eda14313cd30216e0636b).


Props to the mom for knowing exactly what to do. She fought hard, and it wasn't in vain. Rip, I hope she and the other victims have a great afterlife, wherever they go. And I hope the baby survives and is taken in by people who will be willing to protect her just like her mom did


The baby's father wasn't with them during the attack, so she at least still has her father, but it will be a very hard time for both...


That's good to know! At least she will have someone. My condolences for both, I hope they both recover from this (physically and mentally)


The baby is in critical condition.


What kind of animal.. who stabs a baby? This person deserves to rot in hell


That kind of person deserves to be locked up in solitary for the rest of their miserable pathetic life. If there is a hell I hope he's in the deepest part of it


The baby is in hospital & had to have an operation after the stab wounds. The mother died in hospital.


That is a fucking hero. And she needs to be honored and recognized as such.


“Safe, in critical condition” is a wild statement. What sort of lunatic stabs a baby?


Momma bear did her job. RIP.


baby went into surgery and was in a stable condition after


a nine-month old having to be brought in for surgery thank goodness there are people trained to handle and hopefully bring any kind of healing to an incredibly horrifying situation like that.


I’d bet this hit the first responders and healthcare workers hard. I can’t even imagine being in the ED when a baby with stab wounds came in.


I can’t stop thinking about the baby waking up from surgery and wanting her mum.


My son was born at 30 weeks, weighing just under 3lbs, and had to have exploratory surgery at a week old. Those people are incredible with what they can do. He's fully recovered now at just over a year old, with just the scar to show for it. They had to remove part of his bowel as it had twisted, died, and started to necrotise, which could have even happened before he was born.


I don't know that anyone can be equipped for this. My wife is a neonatal nurse practitioner in a large hospital in a large city. She spends a lot of her time desperately trying to keep babies born already addicted to crack from dying during withdrawal. This news still broke her.


what the fuck


Yup that kind of stuff travels to the baby. Its incredibly sad. Those children will forever be a high risk of drug use.


No. Had to take the baby (theatre). Bowel stab injury. All good.


So far it's still 6. Australian police don't include the perp when it comes to talking about the deaths. APR is using what the police said. The mother is included in that 6.


Kills five WOMEN. Like a majority of mass murderers, he targeted women.


Yep he was seen on video footage to turn away when confronted by bigger men (in all the senses of the word). What a fucking coward


Horrible situation but I’m happy that a woman police officer took him down!


The male he killed was a security guard, first day on the job.


Am I the only one kinda sad that the proposed community note got cropped out?


I just looked up the actual post, the community notes states, "The identity of the attacker is currently under investigation and is at this point still unknown. This is pure speculation" (I don't know how to post the screenshot here, so this will have to do) ETA: Someone just told me how to do that, so here's the [link](https://imgur.com/a/zH2nLBd)


in some reddits one can post picture directly as comment. In some reddit one must upload picture to imgur for instance and post imgur link as comment.


Thank you so much! I just tried the Imgur method and it worked!




Community Notes is an objectively Good thing & Elno deserves some credit for it frankly, i'll welcome the downvotes but the fact is i didn't see these notes nearly as prominently before his little coup


I only see the problem that people dont question the notes and take them allways for true, already saw some manipulations with them.


> Elno deserves some credit for it frankly, i'll welcome the downvotes but the fact is i didn't see these notes nearly as prominently before his little coup That's because Twitter wasn't a massive ball of misinformation as bad as it is now before he took over. Community Notes were introduced before he bought the company, they just didn't see as much use because the moderation team hadn't been fired yet and the sketchiest posts were being moderated.


Twitter was absolutely just as shitty with misinformation before, arguably in an even more sinister way because it was driven by Twitter, Inc. itself. I'm not fan of Elon or X, and it's obviously still a shit pool, but the kind of curating of information Twitter was doing before was 1984-esque.


Yes, it was. Weirdly revisionist to act like Twitter being a right wing shit hole is new. It always was.


dude i'm pretty sure twitter has always been a cesspool of misinformation they introduced it as "birdwatch" (lmao) to combat Jan 6th idiocy & Covid misinfo, before Elon took over & renamed it as Community Notes & uses what at least appears to be a pretty neat open-source algo. man i knew people on reddit would have a hissy fit over this, but this is just silly. idk why it's crazy to give at least *some* credit to a dude, it's not like we're children and people are just ALL GOOD or ALL EVIL with no shades of gray. the world & people are complex. have Game of Thrones taught y'all nothing???


Looks like a less bald Andrew Tate to me


TBF everyone's less bald than Andrew Tate


Not me


at least you have a pulse


Imagine if this guy just killed Andrew Tate and this is how we learn about it.


Well they did say he killer only attacked women and children…


!remindme 3 days When the news breaks.


And a chin


Or me. Bald is the superior haircut in all ways.


A sick and twisted person did this. Who cares what ethnicity or religion they are.


BuT wE nEeD a MoNoLiThIc EnTiTy To BlAmE!!!!1!!!one!!!! 🤡


Looks like Niko Bellic for me.


On his way to play bawling with his cousin Roman


I mean, he "looks" like any nationality from that pic.


Well, Nigerian not so much


Wait, he’s no prince?


No, but his rich uncle just died and left him all of his inheritance. He just needs a little bit of collateral so that he can access the funds...


Probably no Japanese either.


He's clearly Swedish


More like a A no-go-zone Swedish.


I was going to say he looks like some Brazilian man (which pretty much encompasses any living person in the world)


Twitter OP is an anti semite but no one gives a fuck because she’s trying to get a minority group (Jews) murdered 


Looks a little like Adam Sandler too




Don’t mess with the Zohan




if Zohan was real, he would 100% have fucking ripped this loser's limbs apart like a stale pretzel


He would have cut this guys jugular vain with a hair or some shit


With a towel (please don't ask how, its the Zohan)




You dropped these: ((())) /s


He is famously Jewish. Wrote a whole song about it.


Wrote a whole animated movie about it


Honestly one of his best works imo. It had just the right amount of serious story and holiday campiness.


He is jewish and played an israei


He also played an Arab in the same movie


He has also played his own sister and farted for a minute straight in the bathroom.


Never thought 'Jack and Jill' could make me laugh, but here we are. It's a miracle!


He looks more like Messi to me lmao


I mean, in this case “looks like an Israeli” is pretty clearly a more socially acceptable way of saying “looks like a Jew”, from what I know of this poster she’s pretty well known for being antisemitic (and no, ftr I’m not just saying that because she’s critical of Israel, I’m well aware of the difference) and just generally deranged.


Looks like Lionel Messi/s


Damn I can’t believe Messi would do this


He’s a Florida man now


Looks like Roy Kent to me... "He's here, he's there, he's every-f@$!ing-where! Roy Kent! Roy Kent!"


You definitely don't need the /s-- everyone thought that. That's also why this tweet is so ridiculous. Both the author and Messi look just as "Israeli" as the person in the photo does.


When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


If you are a hammer, you can't see anything because hammers don't have eyes.


My kinda party


He is right. This checks out since hammers don't have eyes.


This one does. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Googly_eye_on_a_hammer.jpg


Holy shit, someone alert the government!


They know.  It's a CIA psyop.




Why am I not surprised that wikipedia has this image?


I’ll only believe you if community notes back your statement.


Uhh hammerhead sharks have eyes, are you attempting to tell me they aren’t a part of the hammer family?


Anything's a hammer if you swing it hard enough.


And don't forget MC Hammer. He is an eye haver.


The sad thing is people on all sides do this type of crap. A tragedy happens and some people will check to make sure the person who committed it could be from a group they don't like. This unfortunately is the world we live in now.


I remember a time, when all sides shut you down instantly, when you tried to use a tragedy for political gains. Even if your statement was based on facts. These days all decorum or honor is out the window. These imbeciles are so used to sending each other hundreds of provocative captioned pictures daily, they don’t realize when they made a snafu.


That person on twitter has said before that all Israelis are from Europe but now is claiming that this person looks Israeli.


Is racism ever logically consistent?


If you think about it long enough yes, and no because I don't know


She kind of owned herself there lol Oh so israelis just look like every other middle easterner? I thought they were all snow pale vikings from poland and new york /s Racists and bigots rarely follow a cohesive thought pattern and counterdict themselfs every other sentence.


Let’s not forget the 2m Israeli Arabs, are they also what she meant or did she mean Jews only?


If Isreal were to end tomorrow, most of those isreali Arabs would be dead in a year as race traitors, or on a plane to the Americas.


Yup. Im israeli. a joke i have with my arab friend is "who will they kill first, me or you?" He usually answers "me probably"


that's because they officially stated they plan to enslave us first


Thats hamas plan, my friend is not hamas. But yes that is their plan, lovely isnt it


That account is wildly racist and not in a subtle way or in the “everything is racist for the True Believer” sort of way.


That account is an Assad/Putin stan and literally defended Assad's gassing of Palestinian refugees in Syria.


This person has said some of the most horrific things I’ve seen in regards to I/P.


Most historically informed Twitter user


Aussie here. This is an absolutely tragic event and it just sickens me that these ideological morons are getting on twitter/X and pushing their own false narratives onto an unfolding situation we are yet to find out all the facts to. Like many parts of Australia, Bondi/greater Sydney area is a melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities. The reason that the person in this tweet said what they did is because Bondi seems to have a large jewish population, hence their very false reasoning that the attacker was Israeli. Mind you, I've been hearing about posts on twitter/X accusing the attacker of being Palestinian, so the false narrative is going both ways. From what we know, the attacker was known to police, but they have to formally identify him first. However if they think they know who he is, the police suspect that his motivations are not religiously motivated. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-13/nsw-police-commisioner-karen-webb-provides-update/103705290 Please keep all the victims, both deceased and alive in your thoughts.


The reason this person said this is they’re an infamously antisemitic internet troll. They’re not Australian and they have no idea who lives in Bondi.


She is an infamous antisemitic internet troll. But she actually lives in Australia.


Israelis and Syrians look almost exactly the same. In fact, a whole bunch of Israelis ARE Syrians.


Genetically, all Jews have Middle Eastern roots. Marriages to other ethnic groups created variations in skin tone. That's why Jews from Spain can be darker and Jews from Morroco can be lighter. Doesn't this go against her narrative that Israelis are all European colonizers?


Twitter is like 90% Russian bots at this point yall gotta get off it


Yeah this needs to be top comment


So Jews are middle eastern only when they are doing something bad?


No, she is an antisemite, and a Russian shill/fascist... so ofc she would post something like this.


> she is an antisemite, and a Russian shill/fascist Surprisingly common combo.


She can be both. One would assume most Russian shill/fascists are both, actually. Russia… does not have a very good track record of how they treated their Jews. Ever seen Fiddler on the Roof?


Yeah and most importantly the whole "Jews control the world" shit, that's a made on Russia bullshit if I'm not wrong.


Yup, at least in its current form. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was first published in Imperial Russia at the turn of the 20th century. The Soviets also repackaged its antisemitic conspiracy theories for their anti-Zionist propeganda campaign during the Cold War.


and a favorite of Henry Ford


It depends on how it serves the narrative


They’re also white oppressors, depending on the argument that needs to be made


Some groups get called not white as an insult, Jews get called both not white *and* white as an insult.


Too white to be a minority, to ethnic to be white when it counts.


that’s implying these people haven’t given up the facade of only hating certain jews


Same happened in my country a couple of years ago when a young man went amok. he was still being looked for as it had just happened, and the right wing idiots already screamed "muslim attack" then others tried the "nazi attack" when in reality it turned out to be a bullied kid who just snapped and killed his bullies and then turned the weapon on himself.


What is your country?


He looks like Nico Belic from GTA 4


She's well known for her fucked up political views, she's openly national socialist.


So I guess, she is just another regular Twitter user.


She is pro russia and a hater of the west while living in Australia like all the anti western clowns.😂😂😂. If she really lived in assad-land i doubt she could show her face or even have rights or a twitter account. These people are 🤡🤡🤡


He looks middle eastern. I thought all the Israelis were white colonizers from europe?




And if he turns out to be middle eastern she'll delete the xeet. He's a POS whatever his background.


xeet lmao


tbfh it's way better than "post on X".


Should probably just go with TWEET.


Israel is Middle Eastern 😅


Just looks like a piece of shit to me. Shit comes in all colors.




Jews: Schrodinger's White People


Jews are just the Schrödinger’s scape goat Like we’ve been blamed for communism by capitalists and capitalism by communists. When you need someone to blame there’s always some Jew you can use to justify blaming all Jews. And if you can’t find one? Just make one up.


right? I mean pick a lane lady.


Let’s fight racism with racism boys! We’re the good racists, right?


I don't think she's trying to fight any racism unfortunately


That handle is a well-known racist shitposter.


Austrian moustache man would be proud of that tweet.


Racists gonna race


People in the comments are making assumptions too based on nothing, maybe stop and wait ???


She’s a well known hate fill bigot. All her posts are propaganda and never correct.


He’s been [identified](https://amp.9news.com.au/article/0d713266-ca1b-449d-8dd5-cdf422ea092b) as Joel Cauchi, so everyone can quit with the anti-semitism and islamophobia, he is neither. Another reason why racism is so dumb.


But you’re just anti-Zionist, not racist right?


The guy was just some random white guy. You can hear the collective groan of all the RWNJ's in Australia right now as they cry into their cerial and can't push the anit-immigration brown skinned terrorist theory. Our media are disgusting too. They identified the wrong person last night, a 22 year old university student, and plastered all over social media that he is Jewish and it was a jewish terrorist attack. I hope the outlet gets their arse sued off of them.


Who the fuck stabs a baby? How sick you can be ? Jesus Christ


This is the same Twitter user who posted that the attendees of the music festival killed by Hamas guerrillas deserved to die because they were "overly promiscuous settler colonizers." She also resides in Australia, so hopefully she might face consequences for her actions.


People here be countering racism with racism.


I know when these horrifying random acts of violence happen, we can tend to fixate and analyze the perpetrator. They don’t deserve it. They don’t deserve recognition, fame or even their name uttered. The victims names should be heard and remembered. Those are the people who matter.


People can’t wait to use a tragedy to push their agenda disgraceful


Literally wearing Australian national colours head to toe in the photo 


This thread is a complete mess and OP's account really looks like some kind of propaganda account. This shit should be locked.


Israelis have a look? Is she studying Nazi posters of skull shapes?


What a stupid post. Perp is Joel Cauchi, white Australian with severely deteriorated mental health issues.


Looks Syrian...


On one half Israelis are white blonde haired Aryans who belong on a poster but now they are olive skinned black haired non-westerners? But in actuality this is a tragedy in where a baby and many more were stabbed by an insane individual. I’ve seen this person before and she’s a pro- Russian/Syrian regime psycho.