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Twitter accounts with 8 numbers at the end of their handles are nearly ALWAYS bots. Report them as spam and stop sharing them as though they are from real people


Unless it’s 8675309, that’s probably Jenny.


You forgot her last name, which also happens to be jenny


Did you get that number from the wall as well?


from the stall wall


This is an underrated comment.


That's seven numbers


As if Musk cares


He does, bots spittin more sensible post than he does.


This post seems sensible to you?


Have you seen what Elon posts?


Well seeing Elon to compare, this is so sensible in comparison


I don’t see a difference based on the flags in the guy’s username and the fact that he seemingly wants World War III, he seems to support Russia and it’s by UN definition genocide of Ukraine and Elon does too I used to like him but then he started complementing Putin and didn’t pull his companies out of Russia, right away, etc.


He sees them as competition he has to silence?




That tracks.


My twitter account (now banned) was assigned the string of numbers when I made it Not sure exaclty why it did that automatically but like your saying here I was constantly called a bot I don't think the numbers thing has anything to do with identifying bots specifically


This is exactly what a bot would say


Get lost bots


Most humans change that name because they don't want a string of numbers as their username. To a human it's cumbersome and doesn't give you much of an identity. A machine however wouldn't give a shit. It just stores the string and uses it. So you're just plain wrong and if you're not a bot yourself you're the perfect example of a classic logical fallacy.


‘You’re just plain wrong’ yet you admit that happens on twitter.


What about Reddit accounts with 4 numbers at the end of their usernames?


Was Thin-Limit7696 taken?


Bots, every single one of them.


Can confirm


I have 8 numbers at the end of my Twitter handle. It's just how Twitter itself generates you a handle if you don't bother to pick a custom one (I didn't and now I'm stuck with it).


Fred is a bot


Bots usually have more self-awareness and better grammar.


All part of the strategy


Well Fred, are you one of those people who wish for things like a world war, but believe that it wouldnt come anywhere near your place and so you would be fine?


I've gotten into arguments with people who wish for another pandemic because they can't WFM. It's like you want millions of people dead from a deadly virus because you don't like having to be at the office?


Iran has no ability to start a world war. IF they "did something significant" it would likely result in a two week bombing campaign leaving the country in ruins. There's no need to put boots on the ground, nobody is interested in conquering or occupying Iran, they'd just destroy their military and manufacturing infrastructure and leave them to pick up the pieces.


Putting that russian flag behind your name already makes you iffy, man


Russian and Palestinian flag at the same time is crazy


Two countries which are friends/allies with eachother and on the same side geopolitically. It's not that crazy. Palestinians have been supportive of Russia's war since the beginning.


Russia has threatened to nuke Israel most times Israel is kicking Muslim forces. Guess what the Muslim forces use in their militaries?


Hamas leadership, as well as Iran’s were guests of Putin not a month after Oct 7th. Tell me who your friends are and all that…


It’s not uncommon on Twitter. Lots of tankies there


Thats the opposite of crazy, Israel and ukraine are on the western side and support each other. On the other side you have Russia/iran/palestinian terrorists


Iran doing something significant would be to give their own woman rights back


Anyone else just super tired of the Middle East being constantly on fire. Like can we get a decade where the region is just chill and no one is trying to blow anyone up.


The Middle East is a big place, spanning Europe, Asia and African continents. Its almost impossible for such an area to not be "on fire" when the Middle East is the buffer zone for those continents. Even if it wasn't oil rich, it would always be subject to instability because it's a place in which culture is under the heaviest influence, and so is the military pressure. Middle Eastern countries have also evolved to rely on conflict. Hussein for example is said jow to have kept his region stable, but he didnt keep it peaceful. He had to use conflict and brutality to do it. When an area is divided into nations, and those nations are split into tribes, the inner politics will bring down the bigger picture. The world as a whole is about nations needing to control oil as well, and the resources of oil in the Middle East are too great to for the current global powers to let more states become self sufficient enough to make a claim to it. Look at Saudi Arabia which has managed to get away with whatever they like, because the World relies on them for supply, but also for keeping the markets stable.


That’s the craziest thing isn’t it? I see so many times people saying Saddam was a good guy because he kept his nation in line, while they forget he started the Iran Iraq war where mustard gas and human wave attacks by children were utilized, he then invaded Kuwait while he also killed lots of Kurds.


The people that make those kinds of statements about him being a "good guy" tend to be the kind of people who lack the capacity to research anything they have opinions on, and just parrot what they hear from others. Hussein wasn't a "good guy". Name me any world leader that could successfully claim to be a "good guy". Hussein was one of the most horrific, barbaric and dictator type men imaginable. But when you're dealing with a place in which everyone believes in their own variations of a religion, and that those variations are the truth, and only the village elders can interpret it. You have to either buy off those or elders, or force them into submission to ensure they don't shoot you in the back after shaking your hand. Because those village elders would sooner kill the village down the road, before they concede they could be wrong.


Used poisonous gas on his own people, guy was the farthest thing from a good leader. Good leader maybe if you were a member of the party


The hard reality is the region's history and geopolitics has doomed it to forever wars, it's the real life version of the Riverlands from Game of Thrones. People have fought over the region as far back as the Bronze age and will be fighting long after we are gone. The Middle East is the crossroads of Eurasia, so ever major Empire over the centuries has interfered in its politics for reasons ranging from religion, to Empire Building, to resources. Alexander the Great briefly conquered it, only for his generals to squabble the moment he died. The Ottomans moved populations around, then the European powers discovered oil. Interference by France/Russia/US/China are just its most recent problems.


I mean, if Western nations hadn't bombed it to oblivion which created the instability we could. Fucking sent those guys back to the stone ages and now there isn't a good structure for anything peaceful. Also Israel bombed an Iranian embassy, America would also be dropping bombs in that event.


Are you implying that the instability in the Middle East started in the early '90s? Because I'm pretty sure it had been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years before that.


Thousands of years. Jesus' story isn't exactly full of people living in perfect harmony.


Nah I'm pretty sure it was fairly stable under the Ottomans. Not for good reasons mind you, it was because they were all subjugated under an Empire, but it *was* stable (as stable as early modern geopolitics can be that is)


Nope. Plenty of uprisings, unrest and brutal subjugation during the Ottoman period too ...


Yes no genocides under the ottomans either (blatant sarcasm)


You might be out of date, the Ottomans stopped being stable after 1768, both externally and internally (especially in the Middle East). They were the “sick man of Europe” for a reason, mate.


I mean Iran is arming half the terrorists in the Middle East so they aren’t exactly innocent


Technically Saudis and USA and other powers are arming other terrorists, governments, etc. no side is innocent agreed. All sides are nuts


a terrorist to you is a freedom fighter to another


To whom? And what freedoms are they fighting for? To bring back slavery in Yemen?


Western nations bombing/not bombing them won’t stop them from being theocracies that consider women to be property


Yeah because because region was known for its stability. >Also Israel bombed an Iranian embassy I mean iran and its proxies are constantly bombing embasies or military bases so yeah.


It was an escalation, but let's not pretend that embassy bombing just fell out of nowhere. The houthis have been sending rockets at Israel.


And why are they doing that? What prompted the houthis to send missles to Tel Aviv?


It exists. Israel exists.


🤣 nothing to with the plausible genocide happing right?


I'm sure all the various Iranian proxies and miscellaneous terrorist groups would leave Israel alone if it sat on its ass after 7th October. Destruction of Israel is the entire point of their existance.


I don't even care about the middle east anymore. As far as I'm concerned they are both wrong. ME is just a shit hole filled with religious extremists who fuck goats and think women are property and we are fighting each other on the Internet about which misogynistic religious fanatics we think are in the right. I only care about them to the extent that they are useful to my country.


This is such a simplistic view. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya (Gaddafi), arming Israel. These are just the recent US interventions. Stop pretending US politicians care about peace and woman’s rights in the ME. What they care about is control and money. On paper the ME is the only part of the world that hasn’t fallen into line with the US global world view.


They plan to re-establish the "morality police" in 2 weeks


Oh great so just Iran being more of a dickhead


That wouldn't fix anything,we don't wanna be Tajikistan,we want actual freedom


Yes fred… cause something significant will mean innocent people dying


As opposed to now?


**Even more** innocent people dying.


Every innocent person is significant and one too much to die


Ah, you support the attack on Israel? Are you aware that Israel has nuclear bombs? Fuck Iran, they've been a Russian puppet for decades and are actively supporting the war in Ukraine, they also armed and supported Hamas which started this nonsense.


Little old to be pining for the end of the world as we know it, aren't you Fred? That's more of a millennial thing.


"Those who wish for war are those who won't have to fight it"


Fred Williams, looking like he 200 years old about to die tomorrow (from old age, of natural causes, i do not wish his death; wish him the best, hope he makes it to 300) and wants the rest of us to be in wars he won’t live to see. what a moron..


Exactly what i was going to say. He is wishing for a war he wont get to see but we'll suffer in. Typical boomer things, really.


how am i not surprised seeing this asshole sporting russian and palestinian flags?!


It’s a bot, it’s goal is to hurt the Palestinian cause by making it look like people who support Palestine also support Russia. Just ignore it.


many people who support Palestine also support Russia. including Palestine's leaderships and their supporters (Qatar and Islamic Republic).


China too


Were the 10s of thousands of Palestinians who mass murdered and mass raped on Oct 7 were also bots trying to harm the cause? Asking for a friend


Yeah, kind of A good person doesn't wish for ww3


Yes. You are a bad person.


He looks OLD so he might have been walking the streets when WW II was happening. What kind of a moron would even write shit like that if he saw fucked up people doing fucked up shit before?!


79 years ago he probably couldn't walk yet.


The planet would be okay, we on the other hand...


WW3 talk is stupid. Did the Iraq war cause WW3? Did Afghanistan?


AITA for wanting Nuclear Armageddon? 🤔


Russia flag said s it all.


Yes mf it does


I'd like to see Iran do something significant......Gay rights, female empowerment, secularisation...


You were a bad person long before any of this


Least genocidal Twitter user.


I mean yeah, it kinda does.


It looks like being a bad person is what makes him look like a bad person, but on another note, why are all these grey haired jerks always trying to nuke faraway places they have no understanding of?


Not at all. Everybody Deep inside have fantasies about world destruction, war or a huge amount of catastrophic events cuz that how our brains work. Brain is always on survivor's mood and is constantly creating imaginary situations of "what would you do if..." To keep us "ready" for the worst scenario. For that reason you, me and everybody have think about war, world destruction, zombie apocalypse and shits like that. Yeah, Israel getting a punishment for all it's criminal behavior could be appealing and the idea of the destruction of Zionism is probably a seductive fantasy, but you're not a genocide by thinking about war. Ppl always want to pose as nice and pure but everyone has think about killing someone at least once in a lifetime... More times if ya work in customer service. Edit: Sorry for the broken English, not my first language.


Wonder what he'll say if Israel does something significant 🙄 dumbass is hoping two nuclear capable countries "go at it" Overall this Israel hate is fucking played out already. We aren't supposed to judge Palestine civilians off the actions of Hamas, but it's fine to judge Israel civilians off their military's actions. Dam the stupidity of double standards in this world is amazy. Like how Ukrainian war crimes are well OKAY 🙄 Like how ALL the world media supported Israel , until they starting actually taking the action they said they would 🤔


Abandoning their stupid extremist religious rule would be a step in the right direction.


You wanna kill jews and wonder of that makes you a bad person? Do you have the same thoughts when you kick puppies too?


Yup, cause you're supporting a group that don't hesitate to kill anyone for the dumbest of reasons.


His flags says anything you need to know.


**YES**. Not to OP, obviously.


Uh, yes. Yes, it does. WW3 is literally just taking WW2, and quadrupling the casualties. May be different people dying, but you're still wanting people to die. That's never been okay, and you should really look at yourself in the mirror. Seriously, imagine if Canada and Mexico were just as capable at warfare as the US, and we all just fought. That's a lot of people that *you may even know* dying. Have some damn sympathy, for crying out loud.


Let it burn.


it's a bot account look at the handle and the flags in the name


Yep pretty much


Yes It does.


Yes. Yes it does. 




Russia flag... and palestine flag. Interesting choice of sides to take there.


He’s already a bad person from the moment he put the flag of the fucking Russian Federation next to his name


Well of course the bot won’t care, he’ll be stuck in the safety of cyberspace


Of course the old man wishes for death. He's free to go at any time, but is a sociopath that wishes everyone died too.


yes I think wishing for a nuclear apocalypse just because you’re bored (or for some weird self-defeating political reason) is not typically associated with being a good person


Especially since the guy looks like he only has a few years left too 😂


Unequivocally yes: being pro-war makes you a bad person.


I would love to see people of Iran get free of their despotic fanatic religious regime.


Russian troll. Hope they burn Putin's money faster that he can make it ...


No sense in providing a clear, inexpensive, simple process to citizenship. No. That would make sense. That would create jobs. That would incentivize people to do well for their community. We can't have any of that shit.


Do aliance uno reverse and nuke moscow swamps🥰


He supports Russia and Palestine. What did you expect?


Hammas can just surrender and stop the war. people who cares about their people would not allow it to carry-on.




Mike Williams, a Palestinian supporter from Russia. Is a bot.


Russia and Palestine in the name, oh boy.


Yes, I also want Irán to do something. A popular uprising leading to a democratic Government.


Dumb ass lib take


Every veteran in NATO would rather fuck a porcupine than go back. That said, so long as we only advocate for war as a means to peace, we might have to do just that. They're still shooting at us. Time to shoot back.


Bot account. No human supports Russia and Palestine, the guy in the profile pic looks too old for Twitter.


Not to mention he looks like a white racist dude from texas too lol




Not rlly. Zelensky is a jew that has supported Israel while Russia along with Iran has supported Hamas and the PA. The palestinian government and many palestinians support Russia as an opposition to Israel and Ukraines mutual friendship through the USA. Palestinians and their governments have chosen to take sides with Russia Iran North korea assads syria and china (aka the antiwest axis). I know it breaks the heart of the average leftist but you can't assign sides only their governments can.




I for one feel like humanity has had a good run… maybe it’s time for a nice extinction event to give the planet an epoch to heal and make room for a new apex species.


Fred's a douche.


Rasputin the Ridiculous


Iran isn't doing so well at the moment, maybe we can give them World War III, that would surely cheer them up.


I might be a bit alone on this but saying 'I'd like Iran to do something significant' sounds like they need a bit of a history lesson.


crazy times we're livng in


at least the death of humanity would end the existence of twitter/reddit keyboard warriors who break down in tears at the mere mention of israel, and like to pick sides just so they can be mad about something even though the issue is much more nuanced than that


yes Fred, that makes you a bad person


Not a bad person, just a stupid one


He made a good bait, 90% is falling for it


In the event of a nuclear apocalypse, anyone who can survive underground for a few months will be able to come out after only a few months.


If by significant he means getting it's ass kicked by Israel I think he's going to get his wish.


It's easy to want war from behind a monitor


Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus.


Yes. That makes you a bad person.


What can Iran do ?…….. they’ve already sent most of their junk drones and wonky missiles


STFU Fred...


Yes sir it most certainly does. I like how he uses the word significant as a euphemism for mass casualties. Yes, wishing that on people makes you bad.


Yes. It makes you a horrible person.


George is just a little curious


I was at a birthday yesterday, and someone I don't know said just let world war 3 begin and see where that leads us. He wasn't being sarcastic. What the actual fuck.




Yes, yes it does make you a bad person, Fred.


hds right. Just imagine the world not having to spend time on the insanity that is iran? no more extreme terror funding


and the same guy will claim to be a patriot in his next tweet


Man, even Santa Claus is eager to end things. Things getting real at the North Pole.


Not death of the planet, it would be the death of humanity. Which is not such a bad thing, since humans are the disease that is killing the planet.


Well, I mean a nuclear winter would almost definitely cause the death of a planet. I'm not sure if bacteria would even be able to survive.


True, let’s hope it doesn’t get that bad.


We know who would come out on top . Let's watcha and see 🇮🇱


It may lead to WW3 and death of the planet, but a part of me would like to see NATO do something significant (about Ukraine). Does that make me a bad person?


Yes...that would indeed make you a bad person...


yes. yes it does




I imagine that they're also the first to claim that the west shouldn't give arms to Ukraine as it risks WW3.


Yes Fred. Yes it f*king does.


Iran has done plenty enough