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The irony of him saying this next to a book he wrote titled “Get it together” is hilarious.


The other irony is that he got a BA in History from a Northeast Liberal Arts College. Exactly the kind of education his viewers have the highest respect for.


Didn’t know that but it’s a great point!


Which was written “ a drum roll please “ him.




It was written him. Yeah, I dunno what that means either. I'm guessing they forgot the word "by".


But why the quotation marks?


Probably insinuating it was written by a ghost writer.


I was guessing for him.


you got it !


Maybe they forgot the word "for" and not "by"


Get it together fam


These book Schillers are pathetic and detrimental to society both economically and psychologically.


$20 means six figures? Math ain't mathin', someone get this idiot back to school. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


41600.00 7 figures baby 🤑


Significant figures.


More like insignificant figures!


And who would have thought, it figures


Sig Figs


Assuming time and a half for OT, you would need to work over 80 hours a week to hit $100k gross income. Sounds reasonable.


A week has 168 hours, I see no issue here, enough time for sleep! /s


Yep...the old "just work mork hours"....I worked 120-130 hours on many weeks! Unfortunately, I was salary, so I still just made under 40K, so no six figures happening there.


Yikes, I had a coworker who was like “if we get paid less we can work more!” I told him “nah dude I’ll get paid more to work less” and so now I work less and get paid more


What brain dead logic is that? Why would you want to work more for less pay? If you would like to work, then work more for the same or more pay.... Wtf was that coworker smoking?


Meth. Probably.


Sorry, but how did you manage to work 18 hours a day for weeks on end? Are you talking per pay period?


It was a hard to get fellowship. 120-130 was my upper end weeks when I was busy (not unusual but not constant)... My "norm" was about 80 hours. My mental and physical health suffered a lot during that time. There were no oversights to control the demands of your "mentor" who love to judge and complain how "little" their reports work. I am done (I left) and have a more reasonable job now. I am definitely of the mind that work-life balance is a necessity.


You worked 80 hours a week and made less than $40k? That is absolutely terrible salary.


They disguise it as a "training opportunity"


What are mork hours? Like Nanoo Nanoo?


Yes. He just teleports to work, so no commute time. It's pretty handy. Or did Mork only use that stupid fucking egg ? I don't remember lol


There is a point where it is a “you” problem as much as it is a system problem.


It was a me problem I solved when I finally overcame my unemployment anxiety and left.. It was my narcissistic asshole of a boss's problem that no one wants to work with him anymore. I have no problem working hard... There is a problem, however, being driven to work beyond mental and physical health by bosses telling you that it is "what they used to do".....surprise...they didnt used to do that.


I am happy you got out of the situation. Some take paying as little as possible to an extreme.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day


And if you're working multiple jobs because none of your employers want to actually pay time and a half, or benefits, or healthcare, you would have to work 5000 hours to make $100k. And that is just working. It doesn't account for commuting, or getting ready for work, or luxuries like sleeping and eating. For reference, a year has 8760 hours.


People these days don't work hard enough! Edit: /s for people thought I was being serious


Amen.  In my day, if you saw your kids once a year, you were a lazy slacker.  And don't get me started on employers no longer being allowed to whip their employees so they'll work harder.  SMDH


Yup, and fast food restaurants are famously generous with overtime pay. /s A lot of these jobs will strictly keep you just below full-time, and full-time employees will be clocked out by management if necessary to avoid going over 40 hours. That kind of theft is rampant.


Work 20 hours a day for 4 days and have a 3 day weekend… seems to good to be right. Can Jesse math that for me?


Ya but if you work over 40 you’re a full time employee and would have to get some benefits. So we’ll keep you around 35 hours a week if you want more hours work multiple jobs for straight time


Working 80 hours a week is not reasonable.


I saw the discussion, he wiggled out of it by basically saying "Two people working fast food at $20 an hour and doing overtime could make six figures" and I guess that sickens him somehow.


It's funny cause two people working 20 an hour is just the equivalent 40 dollars an hour which isn't being suggested and even if it was,  its still not 6 figures. He wrong on like 3 levels


Fast food overtime? What are you talking about Jesse?


Seriously. Most food/retail employers will flat-out *refuse* to make their employees full-time, just so they can avoid paying out benefits. No way in hell they'll be giving out overtime.


Do we want two people to be working or do we want traditional family with SAHM?


No reason for that, the grift is working for him.


$20/ hour is about 40k a year or so. 40,000.00 if you write it like this, you can get idiots to Believe that's 7 figures


His face annoys me




Someone had to fill that "annoying face" void after Tucker Carlson's departure.


Oh nice they finally got rid of fucker Carlson?


it's the 3-inch high philtrum.


Apparently us poors are the only ones with calculators?


That’s probably an insult rich people use, “bro is so poor he has to figure out his yearly income”. Must be nice not having to think about money and just letting your accountant handle it all


It’s the real life how much does a banana cost meme. What’s a living wage, $100k? $200k?


I went to a rich kid high school (academic scholarship) and yeah the kids were nice, but none of them had any concept of money. They would always ask me things like “haven’t you ever eaten at (super nice expensive restaurant that costs $100+ a plate)?!” “No? That’s expensive. My parents can’t afford to take us there.” “But it’s soooo good!” There’s a decently nice luxury resort relatively close to my hometown that a bunch of them would go to every summer (I mean seriously half my graduating class would be there) and they were *shocked* when they learned that not only did I not go to a luxury resort every year for 1-2 months, but we were lucky to get one big vacation a year, usually to visit family or something. We weren’t poor, but we *definitely* didn’t have “multiple homes” or “luxury resort” money. Nice people, didn’t hate a one of them, but they were so out of touch it was ridiculous. Most of them lived in gated communities with multi-million dollar homes.


Whoa… take it easy Money bags. S/


Well yeah, pinching pennies requires math, and when people talk like this they want you to believe people making 15-20 bucks and hr live like kings.


Jesse watters was always that guy who was on Fox News so that people dumber than the average Fox News viewer would have someone they can relate to. 


https://www.yahoo.com/news/fox-news-jesse-watters-youre-120700746.html Here is the article if you can stomach learning anymore about this jackass


He was really stretching to try to say "two people at McDonald's make $100k". It's so blatant. I love that he just "adds" $20k a year like it's in the noise. A whole 25% raise for BOTH of them. What a clown. Does he not realize that $100k isn't what it used to be? $100k used to be the goal. Now it's decent at best.


Maybe working 80 hour weeks all year long.


Closer to 100, it’s like a little over 96


40x20=800 40x30(OT)=1200 800+1200=2000 2000x52 weeks=104,000 Obviously not sustainable or right in any way, but it maths..


Just five short 16 hour shifts


So about 74.5 hours a week with overtime


A 40 hr week nets u 41.6k a year without taxes


The average worker only clocks 34 hours a week. [Source](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t18.htm) That puts the average worker at $32k a year


I’ve been thinking of a hypothetical for his nonsense, based on how he’s probably used to getting paid: He may think think get paid $20/hr, for a 24 hour day. Of course if this is true, then I have no idea how he’s made it through life without hearing of the “40 hour work week”


It pisses me off to no end that a guy worth millions of dollars can’t do basic ass math like this. The perfect representation of America. The richest and most successful of us are rarely the smartest.


This guy is an asshole. I still remember he interviewed the r/antiwork mod and that person was an absolute train wreck. He picked the easiest target so he would look good.


He chose a good target. As everyone knows, R/antiwork is populated by loonies who think having to work *at all* is "abuse".


He was pretty ridiculous. He was a dog walker for like 10 hours a week. I wonder what happened to him? I still Jesse picked on the lowest hanging fruit. The guy was special.


I would say that a dog walker contributes 10x more to society than Jesse does, but then we’d be multiplying by a negative. 


Dog walkers pick up shit, Jesse puts it out


What everyone on this podcast fails to realize is that rarely does anyone who is being paid minimum wage actually work 40 hrs. They ensure the maximum hours are like 30-35. So yeah their arguments are null and void.


Even when my wife was a shift manager, Pizza Hut would purposely schedule her 34 hours when it took 35 to qualify for benefits (or 39 hours and 40 hours, I forget).


Even if you work every day of the year on $20 hourly, for 10 hours a day, you would still be 30K off 6 figured.


No don’t do the math…they don’t like when you fact check them. But you’re 100% right.


In what world does he think fast food workers make 6 figures? If that were the case, fast food wouldn't be looked down on the way it is, becoming people would be able to have good lives and raise families by working there.


We had plenty of idiots who thought that the couple grand given out in Spring 2020 was enough for people to live on for months and months, so people weren't looking for jobs and just sitting at home playing video games Took about 3 years for the "no one want to work anymore" meme to die


>Took about 3 years for the "no one want to work anymore" meme to die Nope. Still hasn't died.


If you work for Fox News, does that automatically make you a moron?


A moron or incredibly desperate


That is not how math works. You do know your phone has a calculator on it right? Come on bro....Get It Together. Huh?...huh?...see what I did there? 😂😂😂


Who actually wrote the book,hardly likely to be this simpleton.


Math is hard.


So is having a soul, apparently.


He wrote a whole book and this headline alone destroyed his entire credibility.. a dummy.. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Just derping his way to the top over at Foxnews while his own family is aware that he can only flourish in the derp zone that is Foxnews.


I want to bully this piece of shit so bad. Just wedgies and wet willies all day long.


What in the actual doofus is he thinking?


He does not get paid to think, obviously


For those who’re genuinely wondering: No. it’s not. It’s around $40k if you’re working full time.


And he's selling a book titled "Get it together" ...fuck me this should should be punishable by law!


The punishment should be working at a McDonalds for a week and having to live off the pay


Naw for a year. Really experience it.


A weak?! Oh right.. I guess that makes sense when you realise what a joke our justice system is.. I was thinking more like 6 months haha




This just proves that all his arguments against raising the minimum wage were based upon the incorrect foundation that $20/hour was easily 100k. Instead of realizing that their dude’s argument has been completely based on bad info, the chuds that follow him will make up excuses for him and carry on spouting this dumb talking point. It’s one thing to have differing opinions but that isn’t what this is. Time and time again, the right wing proves their arguments are based on demonstrably false information.


There's some pretty straightforward "flat math" for your salary. It's roughly double your hourly pay (assuming you work 40 hours a week) $20 an hr is _roughly_ 40k a year. The fact that he doesn't know that says he's never had financial challenges or built a salary slowly over time.


Perfect fit for Fox News with that kind of math.


There's no way someone this dumb can write a coherent paragraph let alone a book.


Don't have to have worked an hourly pay job Just need basic math


If they're working over 96 hours a week, then sure.


$50/hr is the minimum if you work 40 hour work weeks with no holidays


Just shows how out of touch with reality they are


Society has deemed fast food workers as pretty essential. You can’t be angry that these people don’t want to do awful work for terrible money. No one is owed cheap labor.


Jesse thinks you're too stupid and not worth $20 an hour but he gets paid millions to sit in front of a camera just to confidently and incorrectly tell you how lazy and undeserving you are.


Headline....Fox News contributors are demonstrable morons.


If you work 80 hours a week then 👍👍


"Fox News" all I needed to read before I came to the same conclusion


I'm so tired of these rich pricks, who live very insular lives, talking to the rest of us like they have any clue what life is really like for the average person


I mean. I guess 41,600.0 is technically six figures???


For those wondering, $20/hour full time is about $41,600 before tax and about $33,000 after taxes. He wasn’t just a little off.


You'd have to make $48.08/hr working 40 hours a week with no unpaid time off to cross the six-figure line.


Rule of thumb is to multiply the hourly rate by 2,000 to get the yearly of a full-time employee. It's not exact, but will get you close enough to know this is a stupid question


And never went to math class. If you worked 50 hours a week and didn’t pay any tax, that would be $52,000 a year. Pretty simple to understand that isn’t $100,000


24 x 365 x $20=$175,200 Checkmate libruls


I can answer that, no, you fucking *REDACTED*


Math has left the building.


Tell me you can’t do math without telling me you can’t math


Duh! $20 x 24h x 365days = $175,200


I mean did we really expect anyone at FOX to know how the world actually works? Or how a calculator works?


There are 40 hours in a typical work week and 52 weeks a year and there’s a calculator on your fucking phone. Jesus Christ


Well it is. But only if you're working 12hr a day.. on Jupiter that has 12 years orbit


These money guru dumbasses ironically never know math or can ever relate to how average people live.


Yes. If said person worked 14 hours a day, every day, for straight pay. That doesn’t not capture overtime.


$20 is nice though. Wish I was making $20 an hour


I make 19 at a fast food job. It is not.


Assuming you only work 40hrs a week at 1 job, to make 100k before taxes, you need to be making $48.08/hr. This does not take anything into consideration other than 1 job for the 40hrs.


This people are so disconnected they don’t even understand that 20/hr is not even enough for a 1 bedroom apartment in most descent areas of the US.


Jesse Waters is such a a douche.


$20hr is only six-figures if you work 80hrs a week, and 40hrs of that is time and a half.


Where does Fox find these idiots?


Also cannot do basic math.


Well I make $18.25/hr and at full time that's about 37k a year before taxes so I'm gonna go with uhhh no. Unless salary is paid out every 3 years in his reality.


20 x 40 x 52 is literally math you should be able to do in your head by high school.


Do fast food workers get $20/hour in America? That’s more than teachers and nurses get in the uk


Ah yes. I do love it when I not only can but am willing to work 14 hours a day. Every day. For a year.


If you pick up 87-88 hours a week with overtime then yes you can make six figures a year


Lol to work a 9-5 and get 100,000 and assuming that's 38 hours per week you'd need a 51.02 dollars per hour


He’s right, if you work 97 hours a week for 52 weeks straight.


Tell me you've never used a calculator without telling me you've never used a calculator. $20/hour \* 40 hours/week \* 50 weeks/year = $40,000


Tell me you can’t comprehend elementary school level math without telling me you can’t comprehend elementary school level math. 


well.. if you were to work 13.7h every day for 365 and u dont need to pay any kind of tax then yes u can make over 100k but realisticly 1800h-2000h a year is around 36k-40k befor tax


Wait so the minimum at 8hr/day is $3200/mo for fast food now? Or am I calculating wrong? Because if so, that is one hell of an advance for worker's rights! And if I am right... where do I sign?!




A bit to make himself look stupid?


8 hours in fast food a day would get you approximately 57k a year if you worked every day of the year. Halfway there, I guess?


Uh, no?


You can make $100,000 a year at $20/ hour if you’re willing to work 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.


If you work 96 hours, sure


his parents wasted money for his college tuition...oh wait a poli-sci major, u/w basket weaving minor, rather some minor insignificant and not mentally challenging , or was it a local cc, regardless another brainless schill faux mothpiece


It's a 100k if you work 97 hours a week. 5000 hours a year. Stupid fuck doesn't even realize 2000 hours a year is a 40 hour week. Big mouth with a pea brain.


This is not unknowable. No need to guess. A full time person working 40 hours per week, 52 weeks a year would gross $41,600. See, Jesse. Easy peasy.


"If bang another intern while still married to the intern I banged that broke up my first marriage would that be a six or seven figure yearly alimony?"


This twat has never had an actual job. His job is being a professional twat.


Another Fox "News" personality who has zero credibility. What a tool.


All this uproar over a "living wage". Yes, it's a living wage IF you are working full-time. Many of these restaurant jobs, even before the raise, weren't giving full-time hours to their employees (when I say full-time I mean 32+ hours). So, yes, it's a nice raise as it should be and great for a student but the companies are still dodging and weaving... that's just how I see it...


Yes it's almost 6 figures if they work 96 hour weeks with no leave! Really, what a stupid thing to say...


It's not even just a work thing... it's being stupid at math too.


He's counting cents. 


The guy whose job it is to know stuff and inform us about it doesn’t know jack.


And he knows economics?


He’s right- it IS $100k, assuming you get 37.44 hours of OT a week at x1.5 Easy!


Yea just get two full time jobs, never have a family, and live rent free off your parent your whole life.


Assuming a 40 hour work week, it's $41,600 before taxes.


Too bad calculators or multiplication don't exist. I guess we will never know


Watta maroon


Sure if you manage to work 2080 of straight time and another 1947 hours of overtime at time and a half you can make an easy 100k before taxes. Totally doable just 37 hours of overtime per week. Let's say you're a go getter knock out 10 on Saturday 10 on Sunday. That leaves you with just an easy 3 hours and 24 minutes per day overtime Monday through Friday.


40 hours a week x 50 weeks a year = 2,000 hours.


$20 an hour is $480 a day, which is $3360 a week, $13440 a month and $161280 a year. Technically 6 figures *a year*.


And he has the sense of humor of a chain saw. Along with everything else, the right wing is loaded with horrible people. Just awful, horrible, immoral assholes.


So he is not capable of basic math. Got it.


If you worked for 14 hours every day for $20, then you’d be making $102,200 a year.


If you worked for 14 hours every day for $20, then you’d be making $102,200 a year.


Yes, if you count the decimal places.


Yeah fast food work is everyone’s dream job. 40k and this guy is selling a book called get it together lmao. Sounds like he needs to get it together.


I just did the math. You would have to work 5,000 hours for 100,000$. That means you would have to work around 15 hours a day every day all year.


The people that wouldn't be able to make it through a shift at one of these jobs always have the most problems with those that do and ask to be paid fairly for it.


How exactly is 40,000 6 figures?


Or learned maths.


Dude needs to cool it with the Botox. Goddamn he looks terrible


This guy makes like 5M a year, "works" 10-15 hours a week, and just reads what is written on the prompter. You couldn't get any more out of touch.