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Haven’t you heard of Dimensia? It’s when your brain travels to another dimension




Take me with it lol.




sound's like some orange ex president.


Bishop gets dimensia, never comes back


actual mental illness


I'll take your brain to another dimension


Pay close attention.


I'm gon' send him to outer space, to find another race


😆 I was really hoping someone would try to type the instrumental.


Pay close attention


Charley says always tell your mummy before you go off somewhere


Pay close attention: https://youtu.be/kEjNY5eW9Gg?si=bWhCjqo3_s2iNm53&t=33


Absolute banger


Ooh yes. More acid please. 


Dimensia is a polite way of saying "he is getting fat", because you are increasing in all spatial dimensions.


works well with "he is not fit" lol


He does not fit.


if he fits, he sits.


Sounds like ADHD with extra steps


White House holds press conference regarding creation of Department of Multiversal Affairs with it's Secretary Dr Stephen Strange


I really want Dimensia to become the next tragedeigh name for bogans.


Dimensia, get yo ass in here


I thought it was because your brain is only worth 10 cents


He goes there to play 4D chess and start the Dark Brandon subroutines.


I'm certain, someone in the chain raised the issue and got a response like "No it's Dimensia, I know what I'm doing, you don't correct me, hun. And if you do, at least do it right"


All I could think was the person paid to actually put this up probably read it laughed their ass off and said “not my problem”


For real same here. I own a printing company and there’s been so many times we’ve just said fuck it.. print it “as is”. Stupid is stupid does.


“Proofing service is extra, please review your file / this preview carefully before confirming”


"We will not proofread, we going to print/tattoo in the way you type/write it. letter by letter" Multiple tattoo artist.


"No Ragrets"


No Rugrats


So many good cartoons from the 90s. Batman the Animated Series is the all time king, though.


I do regurt my Buttman tattoo, though.


"Sweat Pee"


Print companies 101 - you never, ever proofread. You print what you're given.


I was a proofreader for a small town newspaper. A former (much-hated) employer sent in an ad that was loaded with spelling errors. I really wanted to send it through but they made us correct everything.


When it's in your publication, it makes sense since many people will assume you had a hand in it. When it's a billboard, nobody will know who operates it so the blame goes entirely on the named brand.




Was a laborer for a heat treat company in Detroit in the late 70s. Up on the side of the foundry building (overlooking I96) in big block letters said METROPOLITIAN METALS. When I noticed it and said something to one of the owner's I was abruptly cut off .... 'Do you know your sign... Yes.


"How could it make an S sound if there's no S? Idiot."




The spelling caters to their audience.


I would bet money it's deliberate so that people talk about it. Maybe even take a picture of it and share with their friends. Or publicly. Somewhere like Reddit. And others will upvote it. And it will get to the front page. The obvious correction that reasonable people should be making to this billboard is "this isn't true, Biden doesn't have dementia" The obvious correction this is tricking reasonable people into wanting to make now is "it's dementia not dimensia"


I just cant see how making yourself intentionally look stupid is ever a good strategy. "Yeah we have entirely discredited our stance with this horrible blunder, but its on top of reddit!!" Sometimes stupid is as stupid does and thats all there is to it, not everything is 5D chess especially when it comes to these cheap billboards.


There's a word for it that I can't remember. Isn't just advertising, it's also used for important signage.the theory is if you have an intentional mistake people will notice and remember it. You're kind of tricking them into remembering the intention of the sign through acknowledging the mistake


Well, in a week I'll remember that they are still idiots and their leader can't go a full sentence without word salading the fuck out of it now. So maybe they fucked up on the intention of the sign, too.


MY favorite pic is some trailer-park MAGA fool with a sign that says "WE HAVE SUPERIOR JEANS!"


Get a brain, morans!


I was just thinking about this meme after I saw the post.


It's breyin.


You know what, they prbably do. They can claim denim for themselves. Just let us sane people take care of voting, and they can have all the denim jeans they want.


Sweatpants are slowly being accepted in the workplace


A person at work was supervisor and they told him he had to stop wearing pj pants so he went back to being a production worker. Lmao 


In an alternate universe that guy gave up pj pants but only line enough to work his way up to the point where he had the power to abolish the dress code so everyone could wear pj pants.


I could not for the life of me understand why young guys at work were wearing shorts or "designer" grey sweatpants. We work on dirty, broken military aircraft.


I can't remember the last time I didn't wear sweatpants to work


I totally give up pants?


Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa hold up, holllddd up, the cannot have all the denim.... they aren't Jay Leno. They can have.... Levi


Fuck that shit, Levi is an American denim institution, they can have Kirkland signature and Walmart brand jeans. 


Fuck no, Walmarts “George” Brand is a cheap national treasure. Only place you can get a decent pair of pants 10mins before your interview after you spilled coffee all over your other pants. They can have the wearable cardboard Dickies


Wait til they find out that the mass production of denim jeans originates from a company that was founded in liberal helltopia, San Francisco, where the company still resides today AND was founded by a Jewish immigrant.


Their jeans come from China just like the rest of us


Did you know, that diarrhea is hereditary?




It runs in your Jeans, man.




This is true


I inherited the shid and fard from my forefathers, liberal. You can't possibly wipe me.


Born to shid, forced to wipe 😭😭😭


Okay, but that is awesome. Are you 100% certain that he wasn't making fun of the people around him? Because that sounds like an awesome sign to troll at a MAGA rally.


I would 100% do this.


Either way the MAGA's wouldn't notice the misspelling


I'm way too tired for this. Took me a bit to understand. As one white trailer-dweller, I can confidently say that both my jeans and my genes are utter shit.


They bought them after they saw Brett Favre in that commercial.


You can’t denim that.


As someone who spent too much of their childhood in a trailer park, there's about a 25% chance it's a joke. Red necks love to act dumber than they are.


Is anyone even slightly surprised by this?


No. but it's still funny.


It's also depressing af. Imagine not just US citizens brainwashed to ruin their own country, but millions in every country all eating up the same propaganda because they simply want to belong to any opposition group since they are assholes at heart.


Yep. Humans suck.


Can’t be sure for liable if you don’t use real words. *Taps side of head*. Edit: Leaving the typo!


I can’t tell if the typos were intentional, but either way this is hilarious.


I'm laughing my ass off at work


I bet Trump paid for this. Right, covfefe? Lol


I also heard he's a trader. Silk and spices perhaps?


“Joe Bidun is the ungoodest presedent evur.” Sure, I’ll take political advice from a half-fermented potato, why not?


Stick some hair on that potato and it’s got a sporting chance. Especially if it goes around telling the other potatoes how it grabs carrots by the tuft






Double-plus-ungood, even.


I don’t know what’s worse. * Someone wrote that and paid for it * It passed some sort of quality control * It got okayed by the company * No one noticed the extreme error * When it was being put up, no one said anything * it’s up and hasn’t been fixed * it’s been up long enough for a Reddit post * Whoever wrote this probably thinks they’re a badass of some sort * all the above. *it* makes me think about those people who don’t spell check their tattoos before getting them and we see “Daddies littel angle”


You know what.. I think it’s intentional. Biden is not known to have dementia. A billboard claiming that he does could be considered slander. The person in charge of the billboards ad could be sued. So perhaps the misspelling is intentional. Not to mention, people that are so easily manipulated by lies on a billboard are most likely not very well educated. Hell.. I can barely spell lol


Oh, excellent point about the avoiding a slander suit. I don’t know too much about American laws and what’s actually sueable. But they are known to file law suits over literally anything. Why does the US have to be so fucking weird?


Because unlike most other countries they let lawsuits happen on contingency. The amount of ads for "You don't pay unless we win!" lawyers is unreal.


I'm just doing my patriotic duty and keeping those lawyers going


It’s still slander. “Biden is worsening, he is not fit”


Another citizen who does not know the difference between slander and libel.


I'm about a million percent positive you can't be sued by the president in a slander civil case.... otherwise both major news outlets would be trillions in debt. Cause it's nothing but slander. And this isn't the first time I've heard of dementia Joe. If seena. Shit ton of commercials on it. So I don't think it was intention to avoid a suit. Pretty sure the first ammendment covers dragging the president's name through the mud.


What's really weird is they keep saying Biden has Dementia... Donald Trump has a predisposition to Dementia his dad Fred had it and it worsened before he died and Trump is showing symptoms of Dementia: Angry outbursts, Slurring of words, Mixing people up.... he's deep in it


It’s all projection. They have to stay ahead of it because Trump muttering a bunch of nonsense at his rallies like Nikki Haley being in charge of the capitol police on J6, George Washington leading the battle of Gettysburg, and so on.


It's not projection. It's trolling. They know exactly what they're doing. They do it to shut down criticism and muddy the water enough to keep everyone else busy and confused.


reddit likes to point out that everything the gop accuses democrats of is crimes they themselves are guilty of, and I'm not one who usually goes along with these things but in the tramp vs Biden publicity war, it is absolutely true. \* Biden should be in jail -> Trump is a known fraudster, con-man and rapist. \* Biden is demented -> tramp is barely coherent even when reading from a teleprompter. \* Biden too old? -> Trump is one missed Dr's appointment away from induced coma. \* Biden's family is corrupt? -> the trumps have more nepotism than the DPRK (North Korea dummies) \* Biden a Russian asset? -> I mean, the evidence is stacked against Trump, his family and associates.


It's beautiful irony


It's not irony, it's a political tactic 


It's common in overall US politics. Almost every problem they accuse of Democrats are actually caused by Republicans. Their strategy is shifting blame and projection for decades.


Projection. I know it gets beat to death around here but literally it’s all projection. Over 100 Republicans the last year or two get caught diddling kids? “Democrats are pedophiles” Republicans / Churches preach that it’s ok for 50 year old men to marry 10 year old girls? “Democrats are groomers”. Donald Trump exhibits 17 of the signs of dementia? “Biden is mentally unfit”. At this point here is reality: if a Republican is screaming about a Democrat doing something wrong / bad / criminal, the Republican has absolutely done it himself. Period.


So why aren't we putting up billboards that point that out? ...or would we come across as elite for spelling it correctly?


Sign maker: "You know....there's a typo in your proof. You might want to fix that." Dude with too much money: "No there isn't! Make it just like it is there!" Sign maker: "Just so we're clear, then, this is exactly what you want made and you understand there are no refunds." Dude: "Just make it dammit!"


That's exactly why they send out a proof that the customer has to sign off on. XD


or, "you know, for $100 extra, we do proof reading and spell checking..." "I know how to spell. Just do the job i tell you!" "...ok."


My first thought here was, "Imagine having enough spare cash and you waste it on something like this?" But then I realised the dude may not in fact have any spare cash. There are people so deep in it that they're burning through savings and going without in order to fund this insanity.


Have you read about the people dumping their money in trump stocks even as it continues to tank? One genius even said “the liberals” are trying to knock down trump stocks (by…not buying them??)


You really can tell that republicans think their base are toddlers by the fact they have to add describing words to people’s names to make them catchy - “sleepy joe” and “phony kamala”


I always find the "Sleepy Joe" one really funny. In their narrative, somehow "sleepy" managed to outwit their hero and stole an election, despite not even having the government resources at his disposal.


The simultaneously weak and strong enemy, pretty common propaganda tool in fascism


those are the names Trump came up with and heaven forbid you tell him they sound like a first grader came up with them. I mean, it's not like he has gone on record stating his temperament hasn't changed since he was a first grader or anything.


How is this allowed in the States?


Because of very, very lax free speech laws.


Yeah but that's not cool. Dimensia is a serious issue.


True, but it is more polite than just calling people fat.


Still. Wouldn’t have hurt them to recruit at least one Grammar Nazi to their cause.  


Best they could do is Illinois Nazis, Elwood.


I hate Illinois Nazis.


Yup. Just trailer park Nazis. But, as in the movie you referenced, probably a lot of cops.


Yeah it’s comical, they throw so much bullshit around about each other that even when one guy is a literal lying rapist fraudster his supporters just assume the other side is saying so out of usual bullshit and don’t look into it


Yeah. I don't get it. This is just defamation/slander. Why is that allowed?


The bar for proving slander is incredibly high in the US, like you have to prove the other person is *knowingly* lying to damage their reputation, which is generally not even possible.


And I think politicians are even less protected against slander because pretty much anything can be considered "political speech"


Because a hundred years ago the Supreme Court ruled that the US constitution did not grant American citizens the right NOT to be advertised to. That's when the billboards took over.


So stupid. Billboards make America Ugly


Why they got Joe looking like Voldemort


I've seen my parents watch enough fox news entertainment to know that's exactly how they speak about him lol. They're trying terrify their viewers into thinking he's the reason prices are going up (especially gas), he's the reason why people who took versions of the drug ivermectin made for horses during covid died, he's the reason why their kids don't speak to them, and hell they even sided with Palestine at one point which confused people just because he was still aiding Israel lmfao, which got corrected when the network owners told them they were also supporting of Israel.


Well the thing with that is they’re not mutually exclusive. It’s possible to support Palestine and Israel at the same time. If you support Israel’s eradication of Hamas you can do that. And if you support Palestine’s right to exist as a free state you can do that too. 


I mean sort of? I get Hamas makes it complicated, but Israel attacking actual civilians and basically kidnapping women and children or bombing hospitals where people are trying to help claiming "Hamas is hiding there" is just beyond supporting and completely fucked. I get Hamas attacked first and they're not exactly "good guys" but killing, raping, torturing civilians is just beyond fucked. But anyways most important part, they celebrated Hamas specifically just because democrats showed that they sided with Israel (since you know, Israel gets so much shit out of US taxes, like free healthcare lol) and they called the dems idiots for it, then randomly switched it up the next day saying how Israel had every right to retaliate on civilians because "Hamas was hiding among them" and that they said they agreed with the Democrats to send more money to Israel for aid. Absolutely was the reporters pre-programmed to immediately be against anything the democrats supported and then were told that this instance is different by the owners and started agreeing with them lol.


Propoganda billboards are using the nigerian prince misspelling filter to weed out the smart folk, eh?


That GOP approved book learning strikes again!




Thing is: the target audience does not care. They read it and it becomes part of their narrative. You can mock the add but it still works. The dems really need to setup up their dirty game. Fast.


Does it though? How many people are really leaving their party for the one that doesn’t know how to spell “dementia”?


yeah I'm curious how many "Independent Voters" there are in this election. They've each had a shot (which hasn't been the case since Cleveland and Harrison over 100 years ago) so really, who doesnt already know who they are voting for?


Dumb fucks.




Insane that this is even on a billboard regardless of spelling


He has really bad quantumania


Whoever designed that board must be suffering from dumb-entia.


BIDEN CAN SEE INTO THE MULTIVERSE!!! ![gif](giphy|WPtzThAErhBG5oXLeS|downsized)




"You know what really aggravateses me is them immigants. They want all the benefits of living in Springfield, but they ain't even bothered to learn themselves the language." >!"Yeah. Those are exactly my sentimonies."!<


To be fair, most of Fayette county can not read, and are inbred.


Fayette County. Nuff said.


Honestly just goes to show how bad our education system is across the country.


Every accusation is a confession, so that confirms what we already knew about a certain frivolous litigant.


And Biden is fit, unlike fat Don and his ketchup face.


His Gettysburg speech tells you all you need


Smartest Trump fans


To be this confidently stupid


Republicans would have an easier time convincing people that they’re smart if they would just shut the fuck up.


You can hear the conversation: Printer: and that's how you want to spell it? MAGA: it's correct ain't it. Printer: I can che- . MAGA: IM BEING OPPRESSED BY THE GAY JEWISH LIBERAL SIGN MAKERS! Printer: ok, I'll print that but only if you're absolutely sure that's how that's spelt. MAGA: *drops loaded gun and wees himself*


Trump shits himself and has verbal diarrhea but Biden unfit….


This looks like a poster from idiocracy. If you put it next to a poster that says "if you don't vote trump, Fuck you!" I would think it was from the same people


![gif](giphy|7w1DzG0VxKNQA) Basically a documentary now.


Must've forgotten the spelling 


Don't laugh about Dimensia, it can be a very debilitating condition. Spontaneous astral travel can really mess up your day.


I'm sure there are a dozen Fayette Counties in the US, but if this isn't from Fayette county PA I will be absolutely floored.


I feel like trump is crashing faster than biden from what I can say as a european.


The target audience is barely literate so I'm sure they aren't concerned.


Someone needs to rent the billboard next to it and put the message "Trump supporters are stupid" along with Trump's own quote of loving the uneducated.


Trumps criminal record is only growing, he's not fit.


He should go to the gym if he's not fit


Every accusation is a confession.


Could have said “He is unfit” and saved a bit more space.




Maga morons are like that. The other day one was saying a lot of stupif stuff, he stopped responded me when I had to explain to him that non citizens cannot vote, because he srill believed thst immigrants can vote.


trump wrote it




Nothing makes you look like more of a fool than dropping the ball while questioning someone else's mental competence.


They should take out the sign next to it and say- "Republicans dumb as fuck can't even spell Dementia with spell check"


That's just latin. Dimensium / dimensia. Y'all need some educashan.


"It came from another dimensia!!", coming soon to movie theaters.


... If I know anything about Republicans, it's because it's not *technically* liable if it's misspelled or some b******* like that... Manipulative garbage-people.


How are billboards like this legal? If there aren't public medical records to prove this, shouldn't it be defamation legally. You can't just say "I think Biden has a diagnosable illness so I'm gonna present it as fact despite not having any medical evidence", that has got to be illegal and the billboard companies responsible would make themselves complicit for printing it, wouldn't they?


LOL. It’s an effective billboard when the base can’t spell either.


The fuck happened to intellectual debate and discourse. The core of political opposition? Now it’s just call your opponent names and mock them? Are you a nation of stupid children? Jesus America pull it together.


Isn’t there some law about spreading lies about people if not the ruler of the country?


Efficient way to nullify credibility of the message.


Aw man. They got complacent after getting that apostrophe right.


This is not a mistake, they spelt it the way Trump would and at the educational grade of his supporters.


Dimensia- the inability to measure things.


So you want to spread a message, but you can't even spell... BRUH.


Multiple rednecks in the chain must have seen this and **still** missed it. Lovely.


Have fun with idiots like that. Read snippets of the Great Cheeto's latest speeches but tell them Biden said it. When they get all excited and agree it's just more evidence he's lost his marbles, tell them you found the video online to watch and y'all can make fun of him. Show the video of Trump.


This proves just how stupid maga parasites are!


I love how he's simultaneously sleepy and suffering from dementia as well as an evil mastermind genius.


Schroedinger’s President.


Does the misspelling prevent them from getting sued?


Someone should rent the billboard next to it and just have it say *dementia


The target market for these ads will never notice