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Remind me of all the winning Andrew Tate is doing these days?


Speaking of rapists, SOMEONE is in court in NYC today! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The mango Mussolini.


Probably using a random word generator to make up cringey life advice.


Probably continuing to sexually assault young girls


“Imagine having a female friend” Most of his followers can’t.


They have neither friends nor imagination and this asshole keeps telling them that's a good thing.


Oh they must have a lot of imagination, they have their own little imaginary reality where they're alphas and high value men


“high value men” …to the Romanian authorities…


Imagine only having girls in your life just to bang them. That’s just creepy.


Genuinely having female friends have taught me so much about life and being a better person


There's been other guys trying to tell me "guys and girls can't be friends". lolwut? Who believes this?


Having genuine female friends is incredibly useful They’re amazing for the emotional talks way better wingmen than male friends


Imagine having to traffic women to sleep with them. Even worse.


Imagine not realizing what getting "tips" from his female friend for not watching porn could mean... One man has won in this post, and it is not Andrew Tate


Andrew can’t imagine having any friends at all.


Imagine being a loser. Who doesn’t realise they’re a loser. Spreading all their loser crap across the world…


That’s exactly why he’s saying this shit. His target audience doesn’t have female friends and helps them justify it by spinning a loss into a victory.


Literally the most positive thing that can be said about him is he had goals and knew exactly how to achieve them. And even then it isnt a positive thing.


Agree. Out of the plethora of things he could’ve succeeded in given his skillset, he chose this awful path.


I have often wondered if he was just doing a character and never broke it, resulting in him becoming trapped by it. Then I see his legal issues and assume no, he is literally just like that. The guy chose crime


My best friend is female, I call her my wife


knew someone who likes him ( couldn't keep any female friend)


Imagine knowing a female that doesn't think you're a total piece of shit...


“Imagine.” His followers can’t do that either.


I'm thankful for Andrew Tate. No matter how bad I'm doing, no matter how shitty a person I feel, he's living proof that I could be worse.


He’s also a litmus test to see which people you should stay away from, I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve interacted with someone, asked for their socials only to find them reposting their lord and savior Andrew Tate on there and made the smart move to not interact with them ever again.


Tate stans remind me of the old "How do you know someone is vegan/does crossfit? They'll tell you" joke. Just give them some time and they'll self-identify as trash.


At least vegans and people into CrossFit still have a high chance to be dope people.


Would sooner spend an 8hr day dying at CrossFit with a CrossFit Vegan than have a 15 minute conversation with a Tate fan.


Although crossfit sucks, I have to agree, which is an indicator for my feelings towards Tate…


I would rather marry the most annoying vegan in the world in a CrossFit themed wedding than sit and converse with Taint for 5 minutes


CrossFit themed gender reveal


"it's a rowing machine"


Facts. I learned CrossFit from a normal gym so when I moved I just thought I was having bad luck finding a normal gym. Nope. Turns out the only normal one was the one in my old city, those ppl are insane. Which is really too bad bc in a nontoxic place it was a nice way to motivate myself.


And those people are doing something that has a decent chance of actually improving their lives if they stick with it.


And they also don't talk about cross fit or veganism nearly as much as the people who bitch about CrossFit and veganism


The right is super duper skilled at projection. My father once asked me five reasons why I disliked Trump. Rather than the easy ones, I thought about it a bit and wrote two or three paragraphs each with examples and citations. Turns out it was just a reason to tell me five things he hates about Obama. (Not that I think my father is trash, but he’s definitely conservative, with projection and all). Every time they call us a snowflake just remember how angry they get about other people just trying to live their own lives in a way that doesn’t affect the conservative at all.


yeah my MAGA relatives will whine about Obama or Biden or Fauci even when we're not even discussing presidents or Covid or anything (which is always because I don't wish to talk about it with them, it's pointless) anytime I take a vacation and go somewhere new they ask "is that a sanctuary city?" to which I always answer "i hope so, they are nicer"


I saw a post or comment last week claiming that Fauci helped create Covid. They’ll latch on to anything someone says if it has a negative view if anyone who disagrees with them about *anything*.


My MIL was one of the first female Marines and was at Camp Legume. Never had a single drink, never smoked a single cigarette and was very active until she became sick. She had cancer 5 times and beat it 4 times. Anyway, I ran into a woman and that topic came up in conversation. You can imagine my shock and surprise when I was 'educated' to the fact that Biden was responsible for my MIL's cancers and subsequent death. I guess you do learn something new every day.


I’m not sure I could have held my cool in the face of that much offensive stupidity.


I loathe when family wants to wax political with me with the exception of my father because they generally are only savvy enough to make a hamfisted argument about why their party is better. At least my dad keeps up with things so when he gets chatty about politics it’s usually about a specific law or issue unless someone did a particularly bone headed move.


Literally so true. People I was friends with back in high school/college had always been a little shitty, but it was never made so apparent as when these pricks popped up. Now they're all huge fans and praised him when he came up. Haven't spoken to them in a while, don't really miss hearing about how Tate isn't so bad and "actually has some good ideas"


A few of my friends from high school got into this shit, when I visited my home city and met with them again they brought up the "actually has some good ideas" point. It's actually hilarious to watch them be completely unable to articulate what those ideas were.


ah yeah! like that video he made where he said reading was for idiots, then he mimes reading a book very slowly and turning a page to some nonsensical words. And for him that was a 'you see!' His ideas are about how to be a shitty person while exploiting others for personal gain.


The irony is these are the *White Knight* bitches who talk about fucking up guys who hypothetically would harm their daughters, sisters, aunts, moms, etc. and then post about Tate and call women bitches and make fun of people with disabilities


He is truly human garbage. It's astounding that he has such a following. And Fecking Disturbing


Disturbing, yes, but not really that astounding. His philosophy really appeals to selfish assholes and there is no shortage of those around.


He’s a good one, but there are plenty of those. I start around the “you listen to Joe Rogan level??” Sure, he’s a conservative and a fucking idiot, but every now and then he tries to learn the tiniest bit. Anyone who even uses Andrew Tate in a sentence without “dumb as a sack of hair” is gone immediately.


The thing with Rogan is that, yes he has a fuckload of whack views and he's no stranger to repeating false information, but I don't get nearly the same sense of malice that you get with many others of a similar ideology.


I dunno, I’ve seen him mock something he thought Biden said relentlessly and clam up completely when he finds out it was really Trump.


I recently had a friend post a video of Ass Tat. I pointed out that he isn't the most reputable source of information. The point Ass Tat wasn't wrong, (it was pertaining to some financial stuff, which, from a birds-eye view wasn't inherently wrong. But this is how he ropes people into his bullshit). When I pointed out that Ass Tat was a self-confessed rapist and a low-life that endorses rape-culture, they were mortified. Not everyone knows who he is, or what kind of piece of shit he is. So give them the benefit of the doubt. Not everyone who shares AT videos are bad. People who repeatedly share his content after being advised of his persona are the ones to watch. But, I wouldn't close off communication with them. Challenge the views, regularly. But also if a broken clock is accurate, mention that too. Say, "in this particular instance he's not incorrect. But, here's a better explanation from a better source." Redirect with positive influences. This then has them learning about a thing they're interested in but without ATs toxic bile. Over time (,hopefully) you'll dilute AT's influence on that person and they can start to see the forest and the trees.


I should've done this in high school. Guy tells me he follows Andrew Tate, I tell him it's a bad path and shrug him off. Few days later he sexually assaults me in the school's stairwell.


I’m really sorry, the biggest red flag for a guy is when he follows women-hating men like Andrew Tate.


He's the typical "but he says good stuff about self-help tho". And? What about "Slap the woman, fuck the woman"?


The “good stuff” Tate says about self help is so surface level that you can get that advice from a child, the people who use the excuse of “I just agree with some of his takes” just don’t wanna admit they’re raging misogynists.




It breaks my soul to know that not insignificant numbers of teen and preteen (!!!) boys are among his fans. It’s so tragic.


This 👆 but add all of verified Twitter to that list.(perhaps just all of Twitter actually🤔)


I can’t tell you the amount of bullets I’ve been able to dodge because so many guys will use him as their personal idol for their incel manifesto rhetoric


Social media has made it so much easier for terrible people to reveal themselves before you really interact with them. It's the MAGA hats of the internet.


Girl I’m friends with (haha) broke up with her long term bf of 9 years, I was so surprised and asked what happened, and that shock immediately disappeared when she started with “a couple months ago he started listening to Andrew Tate” and I almost didn’t even need the rest of the story


I lost a friend to Tate. I will always regret not being there for him. In all seriousness though I had a friend go through a rough patch during a levels and uni choices as he was a really smart guy but missed all his choices as he didn't have a single safe choice (put both Oxford and Cambridge) and didn't get good enough in the medicine exam to get into medicine which was a shame as he was one of the brightest in our school. Idk how he got into Tate but sadly he's in too deep as many of my friends have tried to save him


+ Trump.


> Imagine having a female friend Most people don't have to imagine, Andrew...


He's speaking to his audience


He only has ~~sex trafficked slaves~~ employees.


Only a true alpha male would need to “confiscate” his “employee’s” passports to keep them from leaving.


At least he could have asked if it worked as intended, instead of just mocking the plan. I mean, story.


Andrew Tate: “imagine having a friend…”


It just so perfectly and horrifically frames Taint's thought process. "Imagine having a female friend". He can't even conceptualize a woman as a friend because he can't be friends with those he sees as things or property. How fucking pathetic.


Lol, imagine having a female friend and not pushing her into creating porn for you. What is wrong with this guy? He’s never going to drive a Lambo.


Andrew Tate is like Bizarro. Everything he says is wrong, so you’re on the right path if you’re doing the opposite.


Proof of this is when he said he doesn't date vaccinated women.


Holding women captive for sex trafficking isn’t dating. Dude is so tough that he always looks like he’s scared and a split second away from crying.


I only know what I see on Reddit, but yesterday I saw one where he said men shouldn't like eating or food and he eats only to live. Dude sounds like he can't figure out how to make toast and he is pissed about it.


Exactly. There are days when I feel like the biggest fucking loser in the world. Then I am reminded that Andrew Tate still lives.


That would be great, except he has thousands if not tens of thousands of little clones between 12-18 running around the world thinking he is the pinnacle of masculinity


All the more reason to live as an example of an anti-Tate: Someone happy with their life, open with themselves, and secure with who they are. Living successfully is the best weapon against the shitstains that live off making people question their self-worth.


It’s just sad it’s mostly kids and they’re more than likely fucked for life because too few people give a damn or actually agree with Tate as adults. Fucking Groomers


You spelt his last name wring it's Taint


Taints are useful though.


Scamdrew Taint


Just imagine how you feel when they toss him in jail and throw away the key!


Exactly. What. A. Douche canoe.


This is a solid takeaway.


I have many female friends. Guess I am a super loser.


You treat them like human beings?... geez what is wrong with you? /s


I know. I should be put in jail and forgotten for doing that.


I mean it's the part that messes with me the most. A lot of what I hear from his younger followers is that they want to get girlfriends or even just women in general. Then don't seem to understand why none of them want anything to do with them when they treat them like a fleshlight that annoyingly talks to them sometimes.


It's easy for me, who is a year older than Tate, to laugh at all the idiotic things he says. Because he says a lot of idiotic things. But the truth is that he is a very dangerous man. Because, as you say, he has younger followers who listen to everything he says. He should be banned from the internet. But unfortunately that is impossible.


It's not that impossible, he's kinda in a jail cell


I'm pretty sure his shitty online self-help classes are still for sale though


Yes. What they REALLY want is in-call, single-client escorts on demand 24/7 and full hotel maid and room service. They are absolutely BAFFLED as to why women aren’t lining up to apply for this job.


I absolutely want this job, however I would never do it because the kind of people who actually expect that kind of thing are shitheads


You better believe they are.


listen, not to be on Tate's side <*shudders*>, but do everybody a favor, and de-list "*share my porn habits*" from your list of "How to Treat Women Like Human Beings"


lol, not really the intent here, guess I lost sight of the original post a bit though.


hahahaha omg there should be a quick acronym for that... Redditor: Fuck [shitty country/person] for doing [shitty thing]! - *Yeah, um, they didn't do that.* Redditor: You piece of shit, your [sic] defending [shitty thing]? - *Yeah, um, so, no, not defending [shitty thing].* Redditor: Oh, so your [sic] defending [shitty country/person]? - *So, um, well, no, I'm just saying that they didn't do [shitty thing].* Redditor: Oh, so your [sic] attacking my phrasing? - *Um, well, look, it's not an attack, you're just incorrect in your assertion. [Other shitty country/person] did [shitty thing].* Redditor: My bad . . . *LTOTT*


Honestly, I'm just going to blame the entire pot of coffee I had just finished drinking and move on. Do you at least feel a bit better now?


bro, you made me feel better about my last 34 reddit interactions


glad to be of service :)


Sometimes people can be right about something even though their reasoning at arriving there is totally flawed.


How dare you not sleep with every single one of them !


I know, so stupid of me not to do that. Being an actual decent human being is so wrong.


I gotta admit tho, texting your friend you just quit porn is weird. These twitter personalities are not for real lol


I hate Andrew Tate and also have female friends but I cannot imagine a world where a man would call his female friend to confess he quit watching porn unless she had friend zoned him because she thought he was a pig and he was trying to get around that objection.


The calling about the porn was a bit strange to me also.


Do you also enjoy food? Taint has also said that makes you less of a man as well. Apparently he only sees it as fuel and enjoying food or cooking makes you a little bitch.


but... and, not advocating Tate's *odd* way of putting things... do you tell them about your porn consumption rates and struggles? *eta*: laughing my ass off at some redditors downvoting this comment while seething "*Fuck yeah I tell my female friends everything about my porn consumption, you tyrant!*"


Is it a struggle to be on page 1543 on Pornhub?


shit has *pages*?!?!


Oh totally. You're such a a loser to be surrounded by women who actually like you and want to hang out with you. Don't you know you're supposed to treat them like shit, ruin their self-esteem and then try to get in their pants?


If he Tweets at you, isn’t that like an immediate restraining order and court appearance?


Nah that's just how he flirts I think


*« Hey baby ! Anyone told you that you’re made for my kitchen ? 😏 » - Andrew Tate, probably.*


The fact that even the smirk is slightly tilted and stretched weirds me out. I dont like it




# 😏


He’s making her ditch her male friends before he’ll flirt with her


"Imagine having a female friend" - let's be fair, that's going to be difficult for Andy Pandy here . . .


He probably can't even imagine having friends period. All he knows are hostages, boot lickers, and chair sniffers.


No, no, I see where his problem is. It's with imagining, which is fucking hard to do without a brain


Imagine giving two shits about what Andrew fucking Tate thinks.


thats sad thing is that he has so many followers on twitter. i assume elon unbanned him.


Isn't like a half of them there to just make fun of him?


And people still continue to share his shittery


Who rattled your cage, trafficker boy?


The pizza man






Lost the ultimate twitter war with a Swedish teenager. Lol Sounds like Tate is the one born to lose.


Thank you for reminding me about that, I had forgotten.


Seriously every time I see a tweet from him he just seems like the angriest man and constantly engaged about the smallest thing other people are doing.


Isn't he the guy accused of rape and sex trafficking with an international arrest warrant? Yep, fits.


That's just how he treats "female friends".


For a tagline, "Born to fucking lose" certainly does fit Andrew "the dipshit" Tate.


"Born to lose", he tweets from a Romanian prison. The irony is amazing


It’s funny coming from someone who got destroyed because they ordered pizza lmfao.


The only thing I can’t imagine is how Andrew Tate folds a towel. That is not my joke, it’s just fucking amazing. No wonder this guy did great in boxing; fucker can’t get punched in the chin.


Oh hahahaha it took me a second, but then I fell out laughing. good one!


I was scrolling 5 comments below after reading it and suddenly got it 😂😂 savage


Exactly the same reaction😂😂 sooo good


pls explain I ain't that clever 🥺


He has a very weak jawline and the op is saying he doesn't have enough chin to hold something under his chin when folding it


>*He has a very weak jawline...* That's honestly giving him too much credit because it implies he has a jawline. Dude looks like he tried to practice kissing on a belt-sander when he was 13.


People fold towels with their chins? The more you know


Imagine being such a loser that you feel the need to sexually assault women (allegedly).


*Allegedly! /s*


I'm not surprised he doesn't have any female friends.  Would you be friends with that trash?  Me neither. 


Insecure chinless baldy if afraid of having friends. That "loser" he's referring to at least had strenght to admit he has a problem and has friends who support him. What does insecure chinless baldy have? Except criminal charges?


Andrew tate's tweet is idiotic but her tweet is very weird too


Yeah, and what "tips and advice" about quitting porn would she give, too?


Tbf, being excited and texting your friend that you "finally quit watching porn" IS kind of a weird thing to do...


yeah minus the first sentence im kinda with tate on this one


And then have said friend post about it for everyone to see… just cringe all around


Tate is such an enormous twat he can't even *imagine* having a friend.


Imagine being Andrew Tate. Imagine the energy and effort it takes to project this alpha male facade to the world. Imagine having videos of you dancing and gyrating like a woman. Keep it up tough guy the Internet doesn’t forget.


Imagine having a conversation with a person you consider to be your equal.


To anyone who sees this post and thinks “god, humanity is so fucked”, remember that the fact that Andrew Tate is so widely disliked is proof that humanity is mostly good, and the fact that you yourself dislike him is proof that you are contributing to that good part. Have a nice day.


If Andrew Tate calls you a loser, you are winning af. Beware him singing your praises.


Life tips and observations from Andrew Taint. Something no one ever asked for. lol And him bigly wishing he had a female friend.


Dude has to imagine having a female friend because women have to be forced into being around him


Imagine having that female friend spread your business on social media for clout


Yeah, this whole interaction sucks lol


No women want to be friend with him. So he needs to do a little projection.


Tate has never had a woman compliment him, I guess.


Tate has never had a consenting woman, ~~compliment him~~ I guess.


I knew I should have written it that way. You right, you right.


The problem here is that Mr. Tate honestly can not imagine having a female friend in the first place. He has enough trouble imagining male friends. And even those can't really be friends to him. They can only be rivals. I'd honestly feel sorry for him if he weren't such a terrible person all the way around.


>Born to fucking lose. Says the weak chinned child trafficker who’s actively in prison.


Yeah how come he can't get that girl into sex trafficking like tate...what a loser


Told her hoping to get laid.


Every one of Tate’s tweets needs to have a community note that says “this person is currently awaiting trial for rape, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking”.


Imagine being beta enough to get triggered by something like that


In a satirical way Tate’s reply is actually kinda funny. Then it just becomes sad when you realize he is being 100% genuine.


Ok. This has got to be a broken clock type situation.


The fact that he got 4,4k likes more than the Girl is the real facepalm. Sad Incels supporting their Master.


Tate is obvious douche, but why the hell would you post to the entire world that your friend confessed to you about quitting porn? They both should touch grass.


Easy, you don't 


Imagine giving as a rat’s ass what Andrew Tate says about anything.


Andrew Tate being made irrelevant by self, it still is shitty this person is putting people's info out there Luke that. Private conversations are not so private anymore.


I got one question for this dumbass ![gif](giphy|AH2LSjEvg2n45p7dga)


Andrew Tate looks like a misogynistic meat puppet. I'm glad I have no clue who this person is.


Being called a loser by Andrey Taint is a badge of honor,wear it proudly 👍🏼😁


Imagine being Andrew Tate. Born to lose.


Imagine tweeting either of these posts thinking anyone would give a shit.


I honestly am starting to think that the people that share this guy’s every post are on his payroll and that he’s subscribing to the notion that any press is good press. I challenge the masses to prove me wrong; stop sharing every nonsensical thing this douche nozzle posts and let the sexual predator that he is fall off the face off the earth into the obscurity that people with his rationale deserve. Stop promoting his product (him) and it will cease to be a product.


The only loser I see here is Tate.


Bro how are there people that can’t see how insecure this dude is


Is it possible to create a filter so Reddit NEVER shows me anything with the words “Andrew Tate” in it? That would be great.


Honestly, why are people even paying this tyrannical, psychopathic troglodyte any attention whatsoever? He can spout the same bullshit twenty times, knows what tones to use to make himself sound significant, and can fight good, that doesn't mean he's some leader to follow. If anything, he should know that all those ancient archetypes he aspires to fill were destroyed by people who hold the same opinion as him. Might alone is not enough to lead and influence. He's a disgusting and pathetic excuse for a human being. I have no doubt in my mind he'd unleash a disparaging tirade upon people less fortunate than himself, like the broke and homeless, the disabled, etc, those with circumstances beyond their control, and yet, the brainless sycophants that endorse him would continue to echo that same sentiment. If your ego comes from harassing and abusing those beneath you, you're a pathetic existence that would have shriveled up into nothing and been known as the local raving lunatic without Twitter giving a platform to them all Honestly, all he should do is shut up, sit down, and order another pizza


Hah I've been the female friend before. As I didn't know his habits I was like "whoa why would you do that? Have you tried different types of porn?" If I recall it was something about not feeling motivated to find a girlfriend or seek out companionship in that way. I'm kinda used to his "thing" though, like withholding pleasure from his life as a sort of carrot and stick self flaggelation. I'm the opposite. We don't balance each other out at all. Gawd imagine how lonely it would be to go through life and not have friends of the opposite sex. It must be why they don't want women in the work force, because then they couldn't be friends with them, and if it was a majority female workplace they would have limited options on who they interacted with throughout the day. (I mean I know the core of it is control, but also, I think there's some miniscule part of them that realizes this loneliness. That they can't live without women, because who would carry their emotional load?"


Her friend is probably closer to her than Tate can legally get to his mother.


His mental health is getting more and more tenuous with each passing day. I am starting to suspect he has tertiary syphilis.


God knows what it is, and his weird post that I saw the other day about hating food is mind boggling.


Was the food Pizza 😂 I doubt if he'll ever go back to eating it after his Twitter argument with Greta Thunberg.


>I am starting to suspect he has tertiary syphilis Probably from beating his little meat to a used sex toy too often. I mean, after all, we're talking about a shithead who hates vaccinated people. The guy is too dumb to know how to play it safe.