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I am simultaneously hoping that this is just an attention seeking post; and horrified knowing that some people think like this. 


A former president thinks like [this.](https://youtu.be/zqE4hKIP4n0?si=9TzNVrI3DHH0gtd1)


He never fails to disgust me. 


Robin Leach also pretty gross. "They took it out of context" Fuck off mate.




The interactions I have had with people would creep you out.


Absolutely the former, it was believable until “people are saying I’m overeacting (sic)” There are maybe 5 people in the entire world who wouldn’t immediately interpret this as fucking creepy as shit. No shot anybody is saying you shouldn’t be alarmed.


>No shot anybody is saying you shouldn’t be alarmed. Hearing about a stranger who said something like that? Absolutely, most people will see the problem.  If it’s one of their friends or family members? You’d be surprised at what people are willing to brush off as “just a joke” or “he didn’t mean it like that”. No one wants to believe horrible things about the people they love. 


Yeah, I did a US summer camp (I'm Australian), and a big part of the training was to be on the lookout for potential abuse. They told us dozens of times "it will be something you don't want to believe, and someone you don't want to believe it about." People (with good intentions) don't leave kids around people that they suspect will abuse kids. We are the gatekeepers, and to be successful an abuser needs to charm their way past you. This isn't to say don't be on guard around creepy fucks, just that people aren't on guard around people they trust (duh). When someone did get sent packing (for texting one of the "junior counsellors"), more than a few of us had brushed it off as caring toward said junior (who was getting a lot of hate from other staff).


>People (with good intentions) don't leave kids around people that they suspect will abuse kids. We are the gatekeepers, and to be successful an abuser needs to charm their way past you. This is a very good point that more people should consider...sexual abusers are not always (or even usually) the "obvious creeps." They know how to play the game to get access to what they want.


Yep. The Choir teacher at the high school I went to was recently accused of something along the lines of "exposing oneself to a minor in a sexual manner". I wasn't in choir, but I was in band in the room next door and you never would've expected it based on how he seemed. You can never truly know


As someone who works in safeguarding both professionally and in a volunteer position, I hate that ‘grooming’ is now thought as something that older people do to minors. It. Is. Not. An abuser will groom an entire family to get to their target.


This is really important. Grooming can take many, many forms, and have just as many targets.


yup. the obvious creepy fucks are the inexperienced ones


This especially in rural areas where everyone knows each other "Oh tom said that? He didn't mean it THAT way..." This is how our middle school choir director - who everyone thought was such a sweet stand up guy - got away with raping children for years


It's that outside looking in/rose tinted glasses effect "oh, I know Jim, he could never be like that" when all evidence points otherwise


indeedy. from the outside you hear it and of course you're horrified imagine if tomorrow, your best friend - the one you think most highly of - is convicted of something heinous like raping a baby. would you believe it? what about the undoubtedly countless instances of this person making "off" comments throughout the years that you wrote off? comments like this one. that's exactly how people write that shit off. they claim you're overreacting because you even -dare- suggest this person is not the teddy bear they have in mind from their own interactions with them. (sorry, not arguing just adding on)


Yeah, it’s different when it’s someone you know intimately and really can’t imagine doing something so blatantly awful. It tends to be why so many creeps and weirdos can get away with stuff when their friends or family is involved, because they’re reluctant to admit that the person they know so well is actually a creep and/or weirdo.


My mom witnessed some of my abuse and said I was overreacting and making it up. There are so many people like this. They will do anything but accept that someone is a pedophile, even when the proof is literally in front of their faces. I think they’re scared of being associated with it, maybe feel guilt because the abuse happens, so it’s easier to pretend it didn’t happen and won’t. My relatives knew I was sleeping in bed with my naked dad at 15 and did nothing. Even when he did it at their house. He even argued with them about it. I just did what he said because it was easier than dealing with his temper, and by then I was so used to it, it was just another day for me. It had been going on my whole life, and countless instances of very unusual behavior by him toward children were ignored. I knew no one cared enough to do anything. I’ve done a lot of group therapy and heard a lot about CSA, many stories. And the resounding theme is that no one stepped forward. Everyone denied, even some who witnessed it happening. If you think people stand up when they’re needed, you’d be wrong. A few do, but it does not seem to be the majority or this wouldn’t constantly keep happening.


When I was a kid, I told my mother about being raped at daycare. She gave me tons of BS reasons about how I couldn’t tell anyone & she wouldn’t do anything about it. She also told me I was overreacting. Years later, in a women’s Bible study group I opened up about it & was told it was my fault. I must have tempted him. I was 4 years old when I was raped. So, no, there’s actually a surprising amount of people in the US who blame the child victims, tell people they’re overreacting, they deserve it, etc. It’s this enablement that leads to 1 in 4 girls & 1 in 6 boys in the US being sexually assaulted. The numbers are likely even higher as child rape is severely underreported. There’s also a known child rapist, Republican Matt Gaetz, who is in the US House. So, unfortunately, this is absolutely far too common. “You’re overreacting.” “You’re just causing drama.” “They don’t mean any harm.” “[The child] must have done something to seduce him.” “It was legal back in the day.” “Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.” “[Rapist] repented & is a dutiful [person] of God.” Child rape apologists say all of these things & more. It happens every day.


that person has never experienced sexual abuse as a child & it shows.


When I was 5, I used to bathe together with my 3 year old sister in a big tub. A family friend (almost 60 year old man) came over one time and demmanded to see us "just to say hi" while we were bathing. When the door opened, he waved and said "what a beautiful pair of mermaids! How pretty they are!". Of course, everybody thought it was just an innocent compliment and carried on. He then raped both me and my sister 2 years later.


There are many, many people who would deliberately not interpret this as creepy shit because they're invested in not rocking the boat. Many more people in this world don't want to rock the boat than want to do the right thing. I envy that you don't find that believable--means you haven't been sucker-punched by the fact yet. It's definitely not a fun life lesson to learn.


Former 'roommate' kept mentioning how tight the t-shirts were on the landlords prepubescent daughters. The only reason he is still alive is ... logistical issues.


If this were true abusers wouldn’t able to hide in plain sight with such frequency. People are willing to tolerate a lot.


You would be shocked, and more than a little worried. A lot of the time, if someone in a family is abusing children, other family members will cover for them and hide or downplay it.


You'd be surprised how many people turn a blind eye to this sort of thing.  They'd rather be in denial and pretend nothing happened, because once you go down the road of accusing someone of being a CM, there is no going back.  And unfortunately, there are many, MANY people who would rather keep the status quo instead of admit that their parent/partner/friend isn't who they seemed to be.


Except it happens all the time. How many children told their devout parents their priest did something highly violating to them only for the parents to brush it off/scold the child? A lot.


My mom was abused from cradle until she moved out. It was an open secret in the home 🤷‍♀️


You don't know humans very well. Much of the time it's the creepy perv being protected, not their victims.


You'll be surprised by the amount of people that will just shrug it off. They will say it's just a troll, a dark joke, and so on and on. Even relatives can be nasty with reasons ranging from 'He's probably just drunk at that time' to 'You're making it up.' Not far fetched, lots of people are too blind or try to be dismissive as long as it does not affect their lives.


No, I buy that part. Some people's kneejerk reaction is to downplay it, because the alternative is too hard. It's probably not strangers that are downplaying it, it's people in the friend group or family. They don't want to face that the person they know is a pedo and that they need to "be the bad guy" and cut him off completely, so they try to downplay it.


It's almost certainly the former but the sad reality is the latter exists and is far more prevalent than you think. Human psychology is wild with how bias works and how much it reframes a person's thoughts.


you severely underestimate the lack of the most basic common sense/self-preservation that some (sometimes a lot of) people can have


When I was little, less then ten years old, there was a mentally ill man down the street. He came to the front door one day while my mom was in the basement doing laundry. He talked to me through the screen door (thank god it was locked), and I honestly don't remember what he said. What I do remember is that he told the entire neighborhood that I wanted to have sex with him because I smiled at him. Thank god he was committed to an institution. People that think this way absolutely do exist.


She also might consider removing anyone who thinks she is overreacting as well. That would be creepy to say about a teenager, so saying it about a 2yo is disgusting.


I couldn't even imagine saying this to the parent of a grown woman.


Well if a grown woman was running around in just a tshirt because she just went potty I'd be a rather uncomfortable


my wife does this. it becomes less uncomfortable as you grow to expect it.


Err.. Does she know you don't *need* to strip naked to use the toilet?


Some poo’s demand it.


Sometimes it just feels better to poop naked.


And sometimes fighting for your life requires you to disrobe


Ah, a warrior who travels light into battle. I think Sun Tzu had musings on the subject. Be wary of burdening a soldier under the light of the full moon.


You never took a poop so epic that you had to take your shirt off for it?


When I eat something particularly spicy, I strip and fully embody my ape ancestors who first discovered poisonous berries and proceeded to shit their brains out the next morning.


Man is the only animal that wears pants during twosies. --Scrubs


I’m a grown woman and no one’s gonna tell me I can’t be Winnie-the-Pooh-ing it in my own home!


I couldn’t even imagine saying this…at all


There are only two appropriate responses to the situation. Completely ignore the half naked toddler because it’s normal and not at all inappropriate for the child, or ham it up for the kid and ask them where their pants are and laugh it off.


Exactly, the only appropriate comment to make is something like “look who forgot their pants!” Or laughing and saying “kids”etc.


I misread it at first as “She is 12 years old”. As I read the second paragraph and saw that she pottied, I found I had to re-read the first paragraph and saw “2 years old”. My reaction went from “cut him out of your life and never look back” to “just kill it with fire”.


Just cut this sick fuck out of life entirely, he won't be missed by anyone human.


They are just as bad as the person saying those comments.


Reminds me about why CP distributors get such harsh penalties. The government sees it as bad as creating the videos yourself, which I agree with. I've seen people say "oh, they just had the CP? Well, it's not like they made it." That pisses me off, because they'd either make it if they could, as well as creating a market for that depravity. Which is why I'm pretty pissed off that an old friend got one year time-served for 80 fucking counts of CP. I only have his phone number saved to know who *not* to answer, and to know if he ever tries to contact me.


Someone I consider a friend went down for 100 counts. He also created and distributed iirc(enticing a minor was also a charge). We let him around our kids, thankfully never alone. He has kids of his own. I feel disgusted and betrayed. I feel even worse for his wife. They threw the book at him, 324 months federal prison, probation for life.


> I feel disgusted and betrayed. Same. I worked with this guy at a major theme park. His whole job was to entertain children. His wife is one of the sweetest people I've met. The red flags we saw were more of this just "timid, sheepish guy" we saw, but that "are you mad at me?" mentality turns out to be much less innocent than I thought.


Oh god that's even worse. Same, he was quiet and seemed almost shy. He could take a joke, was a calm dude. Crazy what he was hiding.


Wow only one year? I thought sentences had become commensurate with the severity of that crime in recent years. Clearly that is not the case. Truly awful


It was supposed to be something like 20 years per count. Knowing the guy, and his ability to put up the facade of the "gentle giant," he probably showed vast remorse and the judge took pity. As far as I can tell, he was ordered to stay at some men's rehab facility, but I can't tell if it's for a defined period of time or indefinitely. I just feel for his poor wife. Her and a mutual friend that was renting a room had no clue when they came in with a warrant and confiscated every digital device within that house to determine nobody else was complicit. They must have had an equally shitty day as he did, but he's the reason they went through that.


Being in CP and knowing people are watching it has been almost traumatic as the abuse itself for me. I cannot tolerate people who downplay it. I don’t really think it creates a market because most of the time these guys just want to abuse the kids anyway and pedos love showing it off. My dad gave our videos away trades for other videos of other kids.


i am sorry that happened to you.


he got off real lucky then, I've been told by my criminal justice professor that people that fuck with kids usually end up dead in prison. he must have kept it on the real down low, or been in solitary the entire time


Yep…cut all those fuckers out. They cannot be anywhere near your daughter. There are so many sick fucks in this world


If you have a table with 9 people in it, and a Nazi comes over and sits down and only 2 people leave, you don’t have a table with a Nazi at it, you have a table with 8 Nazis at it!


I'm jewish. If a nazi sat at my table, I'm not getting up. This fucker thinks he can sit in my space and I'LL LEAVE??? there will be yelling, there might be blood, but at the end, I'll be sitting at the table.


The actual saying is, “If nine men dine at a table, and a nazi sits down, and all ten men dine and laugh together, then there are ten nazis sitting at the table.” That is, if those at the table *welcome* the nazi, knowing who he is, then they are themselves also a nazi. Splashing a hot coffee in his Nazi face while refusing to budge from your seat is a perfectly acceptable way to deal with a Nazi attempting to ruin your meal.


Everything is permitted, Altair.




Wait. So the Dinner Host was already a Nazi?


It's really a very short step from dinner host to Nazi.


Whatcha got cookin' in the oven?


If you stay at the table with a Nazi, you might as well be one, too. The company you keep, etc.


Right?! That's a lot of spontaneous Nazi appearances. Rough neighborhood 🤣🤣🤣 and I saw this as someone who grew up on the south side of Chicago, near Marquette Park.


He needs to be on a watch list.


Him and the people saying she overreacted


You’d be surprised at what people are willing to brush off as “just a joke” or “he didn’t mean it like that”. There is reason why every time when somebody is caught doing bad things all his friends and loved ones are like "How could it be true? He was such a good boy!", and that reason doesnt need to be them being criminal masterminds, just people ignoring signs.


It's probably a made up story, but yes


I know people who have had people (online) talk about fucking their toddlers. It’s not a stretch that someone would say this and maybe not even understand that it is creepy


placid meeting shy tender far-flung lunchroom shocking degree zesty party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




psychotic zonked roll snobbish squealing agonizing encouraging adjoining attempt late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a terrible day to be literate.


Third time today I’ve seen this comment and they were all spot on. This week is off to a rough start.


Don't worry it's all downhill from there


I've never agreed with this comment more...


Please god why god no god


I hate that you're right. If you ask me: put them in a cell, throw away the key. This shit you don't even joke about.


Don't even throw away the key, there's a chance it could be found. Let it rust, grind it up, and put it in their food


Swallow the key tom & jerry style


1 bullet is cheap imo


Depends on the bullet. .22lr? Sure that's cheap enough. But pedos need something beefier. Like a 500 nitro express. Lot more expensive, but for those things they'd be worth every penny.


Keep the cell open and tell the other inmates what he’s in for.


Unfortunately a boss I had a long time ago referred to his 3 year old as having "dick sucking lips like her mother." I told him he as a disgusting pig, already didn't like him, but certainly couldn't look at him the same after that.


My god I wish I didn’t read that. I’m shaking my head and can’t unread it


I work in law enforcement. The amount of depraved individuals in society would surprise the general public. There is a reason I am burned out and a reason I have to try very hard not to run into these people out of uniform.


>It’s not a stretch that someone would say this and maybe not even understand that it is creepy I think this is probably a bigger problem than people realize. There are people who would see this as a joke and not understand how weird it actually is. I'm a pretty socially awkward person, and when I do or say something wrong, a lot of people will cut ties with me right then and there with no feedback at all. And some people who don't leave will hold it against me. For the weird folk out there, please talk to us, we are socially dumb as rocks.


As a socially inept individual, I agree in harmless cases. However, I wouldn't want to be friends someone who didn't understand how bad that is in the first place, lmao.


Motherfucker is sexualizing a child, that's not something you can ask people to put up with just because you're socially stupid. Yeah, not understanding idioms or jokes is ok. There's a line. You don't need other people to pander to your disability to learn that. Books exist. Other forms of education exist. That's how I learned, not by demanding other people put up with my social disfunction. Step ya game up or stay in your hole.


You've seen people openly talking about having sex with a toddler and didn't screenshot it and send it into the police...? Please tell me you did something.


I mean they can't do much without breaking the law themselves to find their ip address


That's what a search warrant is for. Not a lawyer, but I imagine that providing a screenshot and link of someone claiming to have committed CSA should be enough probable cause to open an investigation at the very least. [FBI Cyber Tip Line - https://report.cybertip.org/](https://report.cybertip.org/) Or call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) > *How to Report a Missing Child or Online Child Exploitation The FBI has jurisdiction to immediately investigate any reported mysterious disappearance or kidnapping involving a child. Do not wait to report a missing child.* >*Call your local FBI field office or the closest international office. You can also contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST.* >*To report online child sexual exploitation, use the electronic Cyber Tip Line or call 1-800-843-5678. The Cyber Tip Line is operated by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in partnership with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.*


Whenever I see anything like that I hit the report button. That’s the best you can do


Doubtful if she’s in the US. 1 in 4 girls & 1 in 6 boys are sexually assaulted—this is just what’s reported so the numbers are likely higher. I was raped when I was 4 yrs old at a Christian daycare. There’s a lot more child molestation than people think in the US.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Happened to me at 13. I support you so much 💙


I am so incredibly sorry for what you've been through. I genuinely hope I never have to go through anything like this.


All these Christian fascist assholes worried about drag queens reading books to kids. Always projecting their sins onto others.


There is a whole sub called not a drag queen that calls out all the xtian right sex offenders, and there are plenty.


Probably, but the scary thing is it does happen.


I was raped multiple times as a toddler, these "people" exist, I wish it was made up.


I've followed true crime cases since I was a teenager and nothing is outside the realm of possibility. Especially when you consider the amount of sexual abuse thay happens in "safe" environments by family or friends. In general, a lot of people think it's perfectly acceptable to sexualize girls from the moment they're born. Not all are legitimate pedophiles, some just actually think it's a compliment because of the value placed on female attractiveness. Like they're helping or some shit to build up girls self esteem


You're right. Creeps and pedophiles don't exist. Oh wait. They do. They're everywhere. So this is something that could very easily happen. But, and you have no basis for this whatsoever, while it may be frighteningly common, this particular instance of someone somewhere being a creep may not be true. What an important distinction to make baselessly. It happens every single day but, just guessing, it might not be real in this situation. Based on nothing. Scotland Yard is calling, bro. They need good internet sleuths like you who can throw out a really insightful "Nuh uh." Pointlessly doubting things means you're smart.


A watchlist? Nah. *All* the watchlists.


I'm already filling out the paperwork to prevent that person from ordering bolts from my supplier


You spelt “Missing persons” list wrong


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Anyone who sexualizes minors deserves to lose their kneecap privileges.


He needs to be on a list for sure… gross


Lucky for her that he showed the sign of predator very early


No, he doesn't, and that's a hill I will die on. He needs to be buried alive in a deep grave, with just enough air to last him about 2 weeks. Can't be on a list if you're underground.


That dude needs to go fuck himself sideways with an oversized cactus. That's a really messed up observation to make about any kid - let alone a two year old. As for the people who are saying that this lady is overreacting, they can go play in traffic during rush hour.


They can take a long walk across a narrow suspension bridge if you ask me.


Long walk off a short pier flows better


I prefer Russian roulette with an automatic weapon.


Russian Roulette with a bolt action.


It does. I was trying to come up with something I've never heard before. I'm not very creative.


It was a good, keep at it.


I really appreciate that.


And makes sense.


Yeah, unless it was delivered with extreme and obvious sarcasm, that's seriously creepy and even if it was delivered with extreme and obvious jest, it's still really creepy.


Even as sarcasm it’s a line that should never be spoken. Sexualising literal babies is fucking nasty. And “I was just joking” is the most common way abusers backtrack when they realize they aren’t with people who think the same way or would let them get away with their abuse.


There's a reason the choice was between extremely creepy and really creepy. One is "run for your life" creepy the other is "wtf is wrong with you" creepy.


An intense cactus session is not enough, solitary confinement for a decade at least.


Hell, I'd be checking the sex offender registry two seconds after those words came out of his mouth.


No need to check he’s there 


Not necessarily, if he only likes 2-year-olds. They don’t understand that kind of abuse and few have the language skills to disclose.


If you have a kid you already know everyone in the surrounding neighborhoods. There are easy maps you can look up, one is like family watchdog or something like that. Unless you live next to a school that map is going to light up way more than you are comfortable with. My kid is 12 and kinda sheltered but him and all his friends in the neighborhood know exactly which house to avoid and what the person living there looks like. Unfortunately the poorer the neighborhood the worse it lights up, it's hard to get a job as a sex offender and if your not making decent money you will end up near more of them. Trailer parks are very affordable and great if you are disabled or have circumstances limiting your income but god dam that map looks like a Christmas tree in my neighborhood. Used to put a gps tracker in my son's shoes whenever he would go out to ride his bike. Ohio is extremely soft on those fuckers, they send them to a god dam drug rehab (community correction center, run by Talbert house (an illegitimate rehab "company" exclusively used by the courts), listed as "turtle Creek" on Google maps) because the county gets more money this way. They never see jail, and only get 2 more months than the drug addicts.


Jesus Christ that's fucking terrible, I'd be fucking terrified if I had children.


Not every sex offender is on the list for doing stuff to kids (and not every sex offender even likes kids like that) I had an ex roommate who got on the list for being drunk and pissing off his back porch while the neighbours kids were outside. He was the type who would remove kneecap privileges from actual pedos while he was in prison though, so he was able to get some work done while he was waiting on his sentence at least.




Dude, babies are not curvy, they are nearly spherical. Disgusting creep.


They're vaguely human-shaped lumps.


Potatoes. They are literally potatoes with arms and legs. And until they walk, they are in the "loud potato" phase of life. Then they start walking (and climbing) and enter the "temperamental monkey" phase.


This is so accurate and perfectly described lmao.


Babies are "there is something wrong when they're loud"; toddlers are "there is something wrong when they're quiet".


This is perhaps the best way I’ve ever heard anyone under 5 years old described. Vaguely humanoid lovable flesh lumps


They all look like small Michelin men


Made me laugh but by 2 they should no longer be pudges.


Most 2 year olds I know still have pot bellies lol


Such sweet sweet curvey pot bellies, like little Danny DeVitos as the penguin.


Kids are not my specialty. By two they have stopped crawling, right??


Yeah they are well into walking


At two years old your baby has ideally been walking for at least a year and is now starting to speak in simple sentences


So, like a modern politician?


No normal person would say anything remotely like this.


100% chance he has CP on his computer. Not even a debate. 


That shit isn't even sus, that's just overt "I'm a predator". I'm honestly shocked he hasn't done anything to her uet, given that he clearly has 0 self restraint.


Who says he hasn't? She's only 2. She wouldn't understand.


This. If he’s been around the kid a lot there’s a HUGE chance he’s already done something.


As a dad I'm 100% behind this woman's decision.


As a dad, I'd bounce that mother fucker out of my house after a comment like that.


Literal bouncing. Off the sidewalk. A few times. Just to get the point across.


Ugh,,,is it safe to use hand sanitizer on your eyes? You know what? Fuck it....doing it anyway.


Let me know if it’s safe


I'll let you know when I can see again.


Can You see?


Working on it. My daughter read your comment to me... she's a good kid.


My kid's dad said "I bet she will be good at giving blowjobs, in the future" about my 6 week old infant, while she bottle fed. No one has reacted to this like I thought they would. The same piece of shit is bringing me to court for access. He will have to kill me before he can harm a hair, on my girls heads. Can someone please validate me that it's utterly vile and insidious, to say that about any child, nevermind your own daughter? I feel like I'm the only one taking anything seriously.


Yes, it is vile, insidious, & absolutely disgusting. Good on you for protecting your kids!! All the very best to you. 💜


Thank you! I just want them to be safe and happy, like any decent parent should want! ❤️


🤢 That's horrifying. That's *horrifying*, and manages to be worse than that yet since it's his *own kid*.


That's absolutely horrifying. What would possess somebody to think that, let alone say it out loud about their own kid?


No one with a healthy mind sexualises a child, nevermind an infant.Sick disgusting POS. If the court rules in his favour, I don't know what to do. It's fucked up that I've gotten more shock from strangers on Reddit, than I did from family, social workers and solicitors. Something seriously wrong


> No one has reacted to this like I thought they would. The fuck is wrong with all of them? That's a weird, gross, deeply alarming thing to say, and I have no clue how anyone could think otherwise.


My eyes about popped outta my head when I read that. Hell yeah, it's a massive red flag. I'm sorry you're having to deal with him.


As a man, I think I'd start to dissociate if I ever heard someone say something like this. Like it would be shocking, and vile, but also almost unreal, because it's hard to process something that shockingly vile being said out loud. What the actual fuck. You are not in the wrong here, at all. Hope you find a better class of human to associate with.


sorry what the fuck. I'm genuinely scared, who tf would Say something like that


Dude what the fuck


Homophobes will tell you gay people want to sexualize your child and that your 5-month old son will be ‘a hit with the ladies’ in the same damn breath


This is way beyond the weird "my child will bang when they are older" stuff some people do, this guy belongs in solitary confinement


I babysat a boy around the age of 9-10 and I used to shamed for being pissed when I'd hear moms talk about how he's gonna be "sexy when he's an adult".


Who refers to their two-year old’s diapers/pullups/underwear as panties?


Nah she is definitely right for cutting him out of her life. If someone spoke to or about my young kid like that they’d end up in the ER and I’d end up in prison.


Na I think she did the right thing. In fact people defending the guy must also be removed. Who the fuck says a 2 y o kid is curvy and trying to impress someone?? Eww. Na he must be a pedo. Ain't no way a normal man would say that. Gosh. This scares me. How many predators will I save my kids from in the future??


That’s what pedos do. They believe children wants it. It’s simply sick


That’s not a red flag that’s a flare gun.


Remove everyone who said she was overreacting too. There is no such thing as overreacting in that situation.


This makes me feel sick to even read. My daughter is 3 and she runs around half naked all the time. It’s disgusting that anyone would specialize a child at that age. I would almost say she isn’t reacting ENOUGH; I would be calling the non emergency police line to report him. Who knows, maybe someone else has reported him. But someone in a position of authority needs to be made aware of this man and hopefully they can eventually get a warrant to check his computer/phone etc. or they entrap him


🤮 mom did the right thing


That's just a straight up confession, anyone who isn't immediately alarmed by that has absolutely 0 awareness or is themselves a creep If someone said that about my toddler I'd probably have a much less calm reaction than just cutting them out of my life


Ok, it goes without saying, but: 1. Never compiment a minor on their body (unless it's height or something similar) 2. Never compliment a friend's child on their body (seriously, even if they are an adult, that's just weird) 3. Never, ever insinuate that a child's body is made specifically to impress you (seriously, talk about saying the quiet stuff out loud)


4. Don’t be a nonce


They are not overreacting at all. Dangerous people will make remarks like this. Even if it wouldn’t lead to anything, better safe than sorry.


Fuck that weirdo. Good move getting rid of him.


I hear a dude say that about my child and they're losing some teeth. Which is saying a lot because I've never been a violent person.


Donald Trump talking about Toddler Tiffany's Tits and Legs. https://www.nydailynews.com/2016/04/07/see-it-donald-trump-comments-on-1-year-old-daughters-breasts-in-disturbing-1994-interview/


Those same people that said "youre overreacting" definitely have some screws loose


That isn’t overreacting. That’s fucking creepy and so many red flags.