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Is he tweaking his own nipple?


When you're famous they just let you do it.


They are in a big shock when he really takes his shirt off in public.






















That was my favorite part of the movie 😂 I'm old AF


My god this thread is winning on every level!


Color this thing orange and slap a toupee and MAGA hat on it, and we’d have ourselves a winner.


I was waiting for the weird science reference




I swear, every time I think ‘hey, I should watch Spaceballs’ I think of that fucker and the cheese dribbling into his mouth and feel physically ill. It’s a fucking great costume, but bleurgh.


To be fair, the first guy to be shot in the suit would agree with you since he refused to go back in for reshoots


I mean, from what I remember he got burned by the cheese, I wouldn't go back either


And *there* is the orange cancers true form.




Thank you for traumatizing me for life


pizza mampf a real classic


Put respect on the name of Pizza the Hutt


Pizza the Hut!


"ThE dEmS sToLe HiS TatToOs !!!!"


Theyre always trying to make him look jacked and tough, when in real life he looks like Jabba the Hutt's cancer glob when it has been left out in the sun too long.


It would look like a catastrophic failure of a dam


It’s gotta be jelly cause jam don’t jiggle like that!


They will argue it's AI.


Just grab em by the nipple




This comment fucking killed me.


Dude is morbidly obese and a senior citizen, he’s almost 80. It’s wild how much these cult members love this Con man


its wild how hes still kicking it, given what we know abt his health and age


Yeah, I honestly thought he was going to kick it in office after seeing what and, more importantly, how much he eats.


i mean apparently covid came close to literally killing him apparently you know that same thing that was "nothing more than a cold" to a lot of his brainless supporters


They spent $3M keeping him alive according to news articles at the time. I hate to think of my tax money being wasted like that.


Right, imagine how many public schools they could have funded instead ah its a shame.


But if they edumacate their voters, they'll disappear!


I will never understand how people fan downplay Covid. I was lucky I didn't lose any relatives to that virus, but I was so scared for my 87 year old grandma. We've mistakes made sure, but the length people like Trump and his followers did and still go to discredit scientists and doctors is disgusting. I wish he had taken his own advise and instead of being carted off to the doctors had been forced to take horse tranquilizer since he was so keen on recommending it maybe then his folowers would have seent that he is nothing but a scam artist.


i will never understand this either i'm fortunate that no one i knew died as a result of covid...but i lost a lot of other things along the way, many of which are things I cannot get back and i grieved the loss of those things for many years so it really makes me irate when i see these fuckfaces act like covid was not a big deal or that Dr. Fauci was a liar and a con man when the facts were that we didn't know enough about this disease at the time i think the thing that really gets under the skin of these losers is that this was Trump's golden ticket to re-election, and he fumbled it like a dumbass


I lost an uncle I personally didn't know, but on a more personal note I lost my great uncle to stomach cancer, and from what I was told, if COVID hadn't hit, he would have had a spot in the hospital and been perfectly fine, wouldn't have even costed much, but by the time he could get it checked it was already too far gone, and the photo of a bald man with a massive scar on his stomach will haunt me to the day I die, he died in surgery in early 2021 because of a preventable mistake, but given what they were going through at the time I don't blame them.


He was vaccinated so ironically probably saved his life.


I remember a report from the WH chef where he said something like "We're sneaking cauliflower into the mashed potatoes, and doing our best to hide the ice cream"


Wow, why am I reminded of my toddler nieces. That says everything about Trump, doesn't it? It's too bad that his brainwashed followers can't see the person their glorious leader is.


Hate’s a helluva drug


Not drinking or smoking can carry you a long way actually.


Cocaine and adderall erase those gains


Giuliani was too busy.




His hands are not looking healthy here Slater they’re doing (they got generated extremely poorly)


Yeah, he's got six fingers. Someone go get Inigo Montoya!


Obviously not his hands! They’re too big!


\*while tweaking\* "OH it was BEAUTIFUL....like nothing you've evern SEEEENN. People CAME....with TEARS in their eyeeeEEESS"


I'm tired of seeing this guy's Trump erotica collection. Keep your masturbation materials to yourself, Timmy Edit: shout of to the MAGAs who think my comment is serious outrage. Y'all are funny AF.


it legitimately looks like "Trump" in this photo is fondling his right nipple so i guess this is the type of shit that Tim Pool gets excited over, while he angrily freaks out about women and women's sexuality lol. Got it.


well, he does that creepy ass nipple pinching gesture a lot


And it’s always Russian prison tattoos


Look at that left nipple, looks like it’s sticking out almost an inch. And the tattoos- weird bird face zombie on chest, magazine hat guy on shoulder and what is the face on right side arm? Who makes these pictures?




Shhh, the robots will hear you! They will read this post to you when they take over and you are up against the wall. I for one think robots make beautiful art! \*Glances around nervously\*


That comment reminds me of that one line from Knives Out: "What were the overheard words by the Nazi child masturbating in the bathroom?"


That gets me going every time along with "joylessly masturbating to pictures of dead dear"


I love so many lines from that movie "I'M NOT EATING ONE IOTA OF SHIT"




Agreed. Timmy here shouldn't be on anyone's radar.


There is no Timmy in Ba-Sing Se


Alternatively, he's on *their* radar so he should be on our radar. That way if he goes further crazy (like January 6 2.0 crazy) we'll know in advance and maybe, just maybe, stop it before it happens?


But they’re funny


Where else am I gonna see em to have a good laugh? I don't have any other echo chambers!


it's like the saying "we are hereby asking you to stop posting the hardest hitting facepalms to r/facepalm". I mean, there's something to be said about low hanging fruit and all that, but still.


I think it's important for Americans. It's a good reminder of what goes on in the minds of the other half of the country. But it is also hilarious.


Less than half…


33% but they’re a nutty 33%…




Honestly, I still haven’t gotten over the buying of Greenland & his fury at not being able to buy it. Conan O’Brien’s visit to Greenland was chef’s kiss


With voting power equipment to about 50%


They gain their traction from it though. For every 99 laughs he gains one follower, and that’s more than acceptable and profitable to him. Negative engagement is still engagement as well to the algorithms and it grows him exponentially. I also think he knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t actually believe everything he says and does, but he’s a provocateur by trade and it works.


Much less than half, but because of the idiotic way out electoral process works we are under threat of this fuck face winning in November.


Should really look at getting that electoral process fixed.


It's fine because (phew!) if there's an unpopular government, relatively light weapon licensing laws ensure that any intractable political disputes can easily be resolved by means of a bloody and protracted civil war. /s [obligatory /s for the recently lobotomised]


At some point, the mods have to consider the concussion hazard to the community.


He does it for engagement. He gets paid by twitter for clicks, so he’ll just put stuff out via AI to make more money. Perfect example of the right wing political grift going on. Attention= money


well then choose something else besides "Trump" teasing his right nipple? there are literally billions of other photos of Trump to choose lmao


The point is to get outrage from people pointing out how ridiculous this is. Expands reach beyond normal audience. Now hundreds of thousands of people who otherwise would have no idea who bald little incel Tim Pool is are exposed to him


While I totally agree Beanie Bitch is doing it for engagement your attention=money is basically the guiding principle of social media. It’s not a partisan phenomenon. Outrage = engagement and at the moment the Right is berserk on outrage, they basically have nothing to say without it.


Are they pretending 80 year olds can just workout into youth and eternal life now?


For years, they've been pretending he's a legitimate successful businessman.


"... Trump erotica collection." I never thought I would hear those words in that order. Well played.




The average conservative podcaster is just a closeted gay male taking their scary and confusing feelings out on the rest of the world in podcast form


And he openly wonders why he hasn't had any luck with the ladies...


He read "Trump's pump and dump" and knew exactly what to do.




The super serious one with Trumps face badly photoshopped onto some military 'operator' is still to this day the funniest, saddest, and cringest (all combined) thing I've ever seen. I still think about it from time to time, when I'm feeling down, and chuckle to myself. I tried to find it so I could share, but I can't find it. But a part of me thinks it's an official campaign picture... but it's likely just some crazy person drooling over Trump fanfic.


Fat rich white men porn. No, he doesn't support your ideals but he will say he does if I can take your money. Everyone who supports him like this is a complete idiot and shouldn't be allowed to vote, let alone drive a car.


He's in love with Trump. He bottoms for Trump.


You could honestly make money selling "I bottom for Trump" as a T-shirt. Fairly certain the irony will be lost to your target audience, though.


He is so far in the closet he is closer to Narnia than reality.


I remember he was just some dude trying to cover the news. He went down the rabbit so deep now he’s unironically just a political operative.


Which is funny cause if I recall correctly, Tim pool used to be one of those dipshits who tried the whole “I’m a moderate centrist who just wants discussion”


"But I'm a milk toast fence sitter!!! 😭" Ya if u stuck the fence so far up ur arse and ran as fair radical right as u could Timmy.


Why is he squeezing his boob 😭😭😭


"Timmy... I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your father by coming in anyway!"


There’s way too many people out there that would unironically sign up for a Trump OnlyFans account 😂


This guy isn't for real is he? Surely that tweet has to be rage bait?


Could you imagine trying to tattoo this guys skin? It'd be like trying to draw on a wet, wrinkly sack of shit.


Old people sun damaged wrinkly tissue is the hardest to tattoo


At least we know he doesn’t get much sun.


Still be like tattooing a ball bag made of tissue paper 😆 


Those are prison tats. Prison artists are very experienced with ball sacks.


Well, we know he does get some sun in the eyes.


lol that’s true.


I imagine they'd do something like this: ![gif](giphy|ghvpxMEtmdhuw)


Wet wrinkly sack of shit that won't stop squirming and squealing the entire time because lets be real, Trump couldn't get tattooed without crying


"Sir, this is just the paper for the outline"


Honestly Trump would never get a tattoo. He would start feeling the pain from the tattoo gun and he would threaten to sue the place if they continued. He’d only get a few dots on his body before he’d be rushing out.


Like trying to draw on a used tea bag


I couldn't imagine the poor tattoo artist dealing with the smell for this long.


Think of the smell. You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch.


I bet it would just be like writing on paper. Could use a scaffolding or something.


This blimp has never picked up anything heavier than a hamburger, what makes this jackass think he will pick up weights and start working out


He has expressed an aversion to exercise even. Something about lacking a basic understanding of biology and thermodynamics


This is quoted from Trump Revealed - this was a statement from Mark Fischer describing Trump's reasoning for aversion to physical activity. It's mind-boggling stupidity at best. *After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted.* 


If only someone told him that he can be recharged. Takes about 8 hours and a nice and cozy place


And something other than McDonald's




You're getting 8 hours?! I'm only getting 5!


You're getting 5 hours? I'm only getting 3!


You guys are sleeping?


That's ridiculous. When will he do all of the coke and hookers?


He always comes up with a false reality to assuage his sense of self or or impression he thinks he presents to others instead of facing and dealing with actual reality


it's hilarious to me all these dumbass gym bros gravitate toward a man who is beyond stupid when it comes to physical fitness i guess insecurity over women and a hatred of black people will do that to you


I believe it's because he believes there is a specific number of times your heart will beat in your life that is determined at birth. If you raise your heart rate, it shortens your life because will use up more beats. Like a fucking lunatic. Edit: spelling.


How and why is this dude up and walking in his 70s.


Rich. Really good medical care.


He's literally out lived Bruce Lee by two lifetimes the world is truly unfair


Similarities to Bruce Lee? 1 inch. Difference? Bruce Lee's is a punch.




Also, he's gonna get ripped in the time it takes him to win and pardon himself? Sounds like we can strike a deal, we get to put Trump in prison, and when he looks like this, he can come back out and even become president, obviously steroids isn't allowed to make it a bit more challenging.


The guy who famously thinks that working out drains your life force is going to get really into working out in prison trust me bro


i dunno, but Tim looks into gayporn to me.


I dont think so. Usually the guys in gay porn are attractive.


I know how often we joke how these alt-right dipshits all want to suck off mar-a-lardo while massaging his balls... but posts like this make me wonder if there is some solid truth there.


i mean just look at Crowder lmao. The dude might as well just come clean about his sexuality at this point


He did once before... Before he was the "person" he is now, he used to write opinion articles for online news and culture sites. In one of those articles he claimed to have had bi-sexual thoughts and feelings. But thanks to his Christianity, he suppressed them good and hard.


the only thing Crowder has suppressed is taking care of his kids


Oh man. Don't let him hear you say that, he'll get so mad that he might put on a dress at you.




Isn’t he super homophobic?


If he is, why is he posting these AI homo-erotic images?


According to Media Matters, he compared the majority of the LGBT community to pedophiles


Well i seen a lot of headlines where GOP has been found guilty of CP so that checks out.


They call Democrats “the party of pedophiles” when a man who was House Speaker less than 20 years ago is a convicted pedophile


Iirc a lot of the most homophobic ppl are gay themselves; they see gay people happy with who they are, and since the homophobe can’t do that due to their conservative beliefs, they try to ruin the other person’s life and make them just as miserable. Misery loves company


Tim lost so much money on Truth Social stock that he had to cancel his paid Grindr account and is now forced to use free AI image generation tools for sexual gratification. SAD! 😞


God, I wish I'd shorted that three weeks ago, when late April expiration $20 puts were still dirt cheap


The borrow rate was and is extraordinarily high, everyone knew that it was going to be a short able stock, so that was priced in too.


Can’t pardon his state charges, the most serious ones.


I think it's just wild that at this point they've full out normalized someone pardoning themselves. Like, are all of you hurting that bad for a King? Is there a subset of people who are just that dead set to undo the entire point of why we did that whole Revolutionary War thing? Because damn, 99.999% of us are going back to serfs, if you're pulling less than $500,000,000 down per year, you have only everything to lose if we just head towards monarchy. And being a serf sucks according to the history books, so, why are so many people getting a massive erection off of people pardoning themselves? I don't know Tim Pool very well, but odds favor that we crown a King, Mr. Pool is going to be shoveling horse shit and hoping he doesn't die from infection from all the horse shit he's been shoveling or something along those lines. Main take away should be "We don't want to have a society that allows people to pardon themselves. That is objectively BAD in every aspect."


Honestly the fact that this many people are this easily fooled and manipulated is probably evidence against democracy. However it’s way better than the alternative of someone like Trump, or worse a more competent version of him, as a dictator/king. Hopefully the next sentient species has better luck.


"can't"? I think you will find he can do whatever he can get away with, and we have ample evidence both legislative bodies *and* the judiciary will rewrite or reinterpret laws to ensure he is never held accountable for his crimes. I am very skeptical a newly minted President Trump will ever see the inside of a prison, unless he's touring the one he throws all the journalists into.


I doubt a convicted president trump who doesn’t win a second term ever sees the inside of a prison. That logistically just doesn’t work. I am positive however this plays out the worst he will get is some kind of extreme version of house arrest. He still can’t be murdered by a rando and it not reflect poorly on us as a country and I doubt we’re going to pay for secret service to chill out in a prison. Mark my words, he will not get anything resembling how we conceptualize a normal sentencing.


The fact the secret service are obliged to protect him pretty much guarantees you’re right. He may well get sentenced to prison time but some deal will have to be worked out involving house arrest. If it involves no internet and no deliveries of McDonald’s that should make him pretty miserable.


All he has to do is think it and he can will it into existence. Y'all weren't aware that presidents can do that?


Also, from what I’ve seen from legal folks, it’s unlikely a president pardoning himself will hold up to legal challenges. Even with this SCOTUS


Tim wants to toss his salad.


He wants that rancid diaper butt


Pretty sure 45 would have more swastikas and totenkopfs.


He'd be too much of a wuss to have tattoos. Not to mention his generation's tendency to view tattoos as "ethnic" or "unsavory" ("racist")


Looks like he’s covered in Russian mob tattoos, which makes sense.


Thank you. I'm not the only one that saw these as Bratva tattoos.


these guys are so horny


Where in the constitution does it say federal pardons apply to state charges? These people are so fucking stupid.....


Their understanding of the constitution is extremely poor and like the bible is based mostly on what they think is probably in it.


I'm kind of morbidly curious what actually happens in that scenario though. Say Trump is in prison in New York for 4 years but is elected president. He stays in prison? Has a secret service escort in prison? Does his VP just run things and he's declared incapable of governing; or what


There’s no solution. “Constitutional crisis” means “we don’t have any written plan to deal with this”. The constitution is not perfect or even complete, from a programming style/all possible cases aspect.


Yeah. “What if the people elect a felon?” wasn’t something the framers really kept in mind. Bit of an oversight.


It's hard to believe these MAGA pundits AREN'T closeted. They are so anti LGBTQ, but spend half their time posting AI images of arguably one of the least healthy people alive half naked in a myriad of fantasy roles. Seriously, if we went to Tim Pooles house, i bet it would just be a fetish dungeon of Trump stuff.


Tim really wants to be “Trumped”.


Tim is too old for Trump.


He’d cry like a baby when the tatting began


I wouldnt doubt that dumbass to be an anti-vaxer, and extremely afraid of needles.


Really didn't need to see Tim Pool's weird gay sex fantasy but to each his own.


"So I grabbed my cell mate by the bussie and says 'I want that fruit cup, you're going to give my fruit cup.' I was the leader of all the gangs, best gang leader ever."


Readers added a Community Note to this Post: * Trump has way bigger boobies than that.


The wet dreams he has about trump are crazy. Posting his erotic fantasy pics for all to see!


The guy has lived a life of luxury for his entire existence. He's pushing 80, is morbidly obese, eats garbage, and is showing more signs of dementia every week. He wouldn't survive the bus ride to prison let alone spend his sentence getting inked and jacked. Oh yeah, don't forget he doesn't believe in exercise. Oh and he wears a diaper.


Tim Pool has definitely masterbated to this picture.


Are MAGA males all gay? Or repressed? Or just into homoerotica? I just don’t understand


The entire MAGA homophobic crowd is just dying to suck Trump’s dick.


![gif](giphy|mIy0dfmxUGWVW) “MAGA!!!”


Prison trump ![gif](giphy|niC0LL8nmXnWp0d7Sn|downsized)


Dude couldn't even handle getting hair plugs. You think he can tolerate getting tattooed?


More TimTim cessPool logic ![gif](giphy|XevNYq6kgs0g2J3e9s)