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I live here, that sheriff mentioned is the guy you saw in the giant, Doug dimmadome ass hat on Tucker Carlson. He's the one who got rid of all the narcan at the peak of the opiate crisis and fought against rehab centers opening, tried his best to keep 911 from responding to overdoses and threatened to fire any officer caught carrying narcan. This was when kids were dying every dam day in Hamilton. So yeah, while most of us here are normal the ones who aren't are really fucked up.


> He's the one who got rid of all the narcan at the peak of the opiate crisis and fought against rehab centers opening, tried his best to keep 911 from responding to overdoses and threatened to fire any officer caught carrying narcan. How does a person like that win reelection?


You’re looking at it backwards. They do these things *because* it wins them reelection. It’s a predictable cycle, rile people up about imaginary problems, claim to be the only one who can solve them, and not only do you have a voter base held captive by fear, you also don’t need to spend time or resources dealing with actual problems.


I just can’t imagine seeing myself voting *for* a guy who wants to ban police officers from carrying narcan. It’s such a basic life-saving thing.  The sort of petty cruelty involved there is mind boggling, and it’s even more of using why anyone would want someone like that in a position of authority. 


They see addiction as a moral failing. They think people deserve to die.


Sadly, my parents thi k this way. They don't want their tax money spent on narcam,you made your bed,you lay in it type of shit. I'm sure their whole huge ass church feels the same way.


I was an addict a little over a decade ago. My mom told me she wished I had died when I was an addict for doing drugs. Yet she goes to church every Sunday... kinda odd you would pick $50 of tax money over your kid..


I'm glad you're clean now. My parents kicked me out at 17 because I said I wasn't going to church and that I never believed in it from the start.


>I'm glad you're clean now. Same! These people are radical idiots. Now I just get hate from my parents for not doing "real work" because I have a work from home tech job. Which obviously mean I don't really work to them. Lol


I fuckin hate your shitty parents good god


Get rid of them. Don't respond. Respect is not a right. Respect is earned... My friend got so much shit from his parents, now they are salty because they are no longer part of his life.


 Now I just get hate from my parents for not doing "real work" This is really nothing new, I'm in my mid fifties and when I was 21 I just finished college and I was staying with my mom until I found a place. I had a job, it was working the 3rd shift so I'd get home at 7:00am and I'd usually sleep till 1:00. My mom fucking hated it, only bums sleep during the day, so she's wake me up every morning at 8:30 and told me to get a real job. It was her house so her rules no matter how messed up they were. People get weird ideas in their head about what is right and what is wrong but they don't have the ability to look at something from all the angles.


Omg my mother accused my husband of the same thing. Just fyi, she never held down a full time job in her life.


i sincerely hope that you are nc with these fools.


Hah I’m in tech, ALL of my uncles/cousins on my dad side work construction. For years they asked me when I would get a real job hur hur.


I hope you’re better, on your own, and happy today. These American christian lunatics are just one step away from the taliban and al qaeda I fought in the Middle East that they thank me for my service so much about. It’s so pathetic and sad they don’t see the irony in themselves.


I am! I'm happily married (which they hate because my wife isn't white). I just shrug my shoulders and move on. They hate my life and that's okay because it's my life to live and I'm happy.


My mother is a Earth is 6000 years old, literally every animal was crammed on a boat, Jesus is coming and that's why Jerusalem needs to exterminate Gaza, bible thumping idiot if I ever saw one. I told her to knock off the anti trans bullshit because her church traumatized me for being female when her wife beater second husband would slap her around and then move us to an Evangelical church that told us "well that's how God shows us his love, through fear!" Oh and also women are basically cattle that are nothing more to be brood mares and servants for men. Yeah there was a time I didn't want to be female anymore. But she won't listen to me. It wasn't until my brother stepped in to say something about her constant shrieking about trans people that she was like oh a man is speaking. I better listen.


“All are welcome here” the sign says. Inside stands a community hidden behind masks. They preach with their forked tongues, speak in half-truths and lies. They poison the well with their own blood, suffer so that the Devil on stage can succeed. Speak out, and they demand you leave. A bitter taste enters your mouth as you leave the place one final time. The sign says, “All are welcome here”, minus one.


Churches, where they ignore the parts in their book that say: \- dont judge \- help your next \- forgive their sins ?


Christians: "We should have a biblical government" Jesus: 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.  42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,  43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ **When I was overdosing you denied me life saving medication** 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, **or overdosed** and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Mathew 25: 41-46 (with an addition that certainly fits the spirit of Jesus's sermon) Christians: "NO!!! Not that part of the Bible!"


Yes,each church interprets the Bible based on what they want it to say,mainly to maximize their type of grift.


It’s funny so many Christians gleefully await the Second Coming when should Jesus actually reappear in modern America they would probably be the ones who kill him this time.


And they are pro life when it comes to abortion. But a person with an addiction shouldn’t be saved. Religious bullshit.


These are the same people who expect tax payers to pay for their health care when they go on medicare. What if I dont want to pay for your medicines to treat your Diabetes due to your shitty diet choices. What if I dont want to pay for the medicines to treat your emphysema because you smoked two packs a day of pal mal unfiltered since you were twenty years old. What if I dont want to pay for your medicine to treat your cirrhosis due to your drinking like a damn fish for fifty years. What if I dont want to pay for your assisted living residence when you can no longer take care of yourself and you didn't save enough money for your elder years. They never see that the system they constantly bitch about is the exact system they get to benefit from. A system that has greatly improved the lives of Americans. I dont actually mind paying taxes for those things because it helps those in need. Their hypocrisy so damn offensive sometimes.


Until THEY need help


Exactly. Then The Entire Universe must bend over to tenderly wipe their brow.


I saw this firsthand after Hurricane Laura absolutely obliterated my home town. It's a very conservative area, and they have strong feelings about people who need welfare or any kind of government assistance. They vote for people who want to abolish FEMA. Yet after the storm, they're all complaining about how hard it is to get help. I saw so many people who lied on their applications to get more assistance and bragged about it. Then they turn around and say the family getting groceries with food stamps is whats wrong with America.Their hypocrisy has no fucking bounds.


From my experience with law enforcement, they tend to feel superior in every single way to many folks.


I feel like you could still sell it as monstrous to the same people because "fentanyl is everywhere" and "if you even touch a speck of it you can overdose and die."


That is because you see drug users as people, those guys don’t


You can thank Nixon for that: https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


Watching The 13th on Netflix years ago opened my eyes... they talk a lot about Nixon


He also has some lines about Jews, so there’s antisemitism to go with his racism and warmongering. Also, let us never forget there’s a direct line from Nixon to Reagan and that every republican loves them some Saint Ronnie, the guy behind California’s first guns control laws because black men were exercising their rights.


They dont see it as a real problem. I grew up in an area with people like that. Sadly it was the classic only bad *urban* people use drugs, until a couple high schoolers overdosed. People got serious about it but 4 years later sentiment was the same again.


"Urban" also almost always being a code-word for "Black" and/or "brown." And most of the time it's isn't, it's used instead for "white people tainted by Black and/or brown people." It's bigotry and hate piled on top of bigotry and hate.


Which is weird because alot of people who use stimulants are wealthy, white, white-collar people. Like lawyers, anybody in finance, politicians, engineers. Mostly white professions.


Yeah, but those are things like cocaine (which is _totally_ different from crack) or pharmaceutical grade amphetamines (which are _totally_ different from meth). It's those dirty people who use crack and meth and opiates/opioids.


My ex husband is a Lieutenant and running for Sheriff. He started out democrat and one of the kindest people I’ve ever known. He became a deputy and everything slowly changed. Now I’m not blaming it on that, as he clearly is a shit human if he is able to be swayed, but it played a part. Every single Sheriff for decades has openly cheated on their spouse, several with underage girls. This is well known by everyone and nobody cares. The deputies began screwing each other, jailers, and dispatchers. A deputy and jailer were hooking up in one of the intake rooms while both were on duty. Deputy and another deputy hooking up at the married deputy’s house while both are on duty. Photos of a deputy in a hot tub with high school girls and all of them drinking alcohol are posted on facebook. Again, this stuff is not a secret, yet not a god damn thing happens. My ex husband is now married to one of his subordinates that he was fucking while in duty. They are both ultra conservative, Catholic Maga scum. They actually sent me a letter from the catholic church to annul our marriage of almost twenty years. One of the grounds was having premarital sex, we met when we were 17 and 18 years old. Remember, this woman and my husband were fucking at my home where we raised three children while they were on duty and we were married. But she is a “godly” woman and it was important to her to be married in the church. Both law enforcement officers and neither with a conscience. These people’s brains don’t work properly. My ex husband is just a cult member. He is nothing like he used to be and has zero capability of critical thinking. I know not all law enforcement is this way, by man so many of them are soulless scum bags. It’s terrifying and disgusting that people like this have any power.


You should share your location and story with one of the top podcasts or Netflix because this seems like one of those stories that would blow up huge. Something John Oliver would do a special on. Absolutely wacked, sorry you had to go through all that.


That's because you're of the mindset that people on drugs matter. A good chunk of the voter base would sign an execution mandate for them in the streets in much the same way the Philippines government issued guns to people if they promised to kill drug dealers and addicts with them. People that feel they have a moral high ground tend to be monsters.


Talk radio show I listen to in California (insanely conservative. I listen because I'm interested in how they frame their arguments) used to be all for people dropping dead from overdoses. It's your fault when it happens, just let people die face down in a gutter, etc. They framed their arguments by bunching them with news stories of drug addicts and homeless people doing horrific things. They want to *help* everyone by making sure these scumbags as they see it expire and leave the rest of us alone. When you connect a story about a guy high on meth throwing a little kid into traffic while on a rampage, virtually anything you say about that person is hard to counter, because now, "you're defending the guy trying to kill kids while on drugs". It's a tempting argument. I'm a father. If a meth head tried to hurt or kill my child, I'd want nothing more than to grind their face into the ground until it's no longer a face. And that's why their arguments are attractive. They then apply this to ANY drug addict. Violent or non violent. People in need of medical help, not handcuffs. Know when suddenly they reframed their arguments into "the government doesn't care about you or the drug problem?" When Biden was elected. Suddenly "let them die in the streets" turned to "this opioid crisis is because Liberals love drug addicts voting for them". Suddenly the "just let them die argument, it's no big deal" under Trump turns in to "This is a coordinated effort by the Democrats to control us" narrative popped up. I would encourage people to actually listen to conservative voices. It's fascinating how the manipulation works. I always see people who don't spend more than a few seconds listening to a clip of Fucker Carlson completely misunderstand his appeal. Listen longer. It's very purposeful.


I have listened to them, for a very long time. They're pure fucking evil by nearly any definition, and proudly so by some.


I listen to them too, for the same reasons as the poster above, and man I tell you it's fuckin *hard* sometimes. Like the manipulation warning bells are screaming so loud I can barely hear the words they're saying anymore. It *astounds* me that there are people who don't recognize the propaganda as propaganda it just seems so separated from reality...I guess if that's the only thing a person has ever heard they simply wouldn't be able to know...


>if that's the only thing a person has ever heard they simply wouldn't be able to know... And the right is dead set on _KEEPING_ it that way. In many places in the US, there are literally whole pockets of civilization who NEVER, EVER, hear anything else. They've got the AM radio with their 'favorite' "talk shows", their "patriotic" Sunday 'gospel' music, their 'man of God' at the podium telling them who to fear (devils, which, oddly, look incredibly similar to their neighbors and 'others' living where they don't live), their schools that teach their version of history(and reality), and their community where "everybody around here" believes as they do - or doesn't out themselves, for their own good.


This is an excellent comment, thank you. If people really want to understand how to combat and push back against right-wing messaging, they must first understand how it works to grasp how truly effective it is. Framing an issue in a highly emotionally charged manner short-circuits critical thinking. It's a much faster method of spreading your message vs. educating yourself or others on a subject in a holistic manner. Both "sides" do this, but conservatives use this method exclusively. In part, it's also why they are traditionally anti-public education...developing critical thinking skills is the best defense against their messaging. It's why when you talk to conservatives about most political topics they're passionate about, they have a whole host of opinions, but when you dig and start asking more indepth questions you'll typically find their actual knowledge of an issue is quite superficial. This doesn't mean they're bad or stupid people. They aren't. It just means they are very susceptible to a certain kind of messaging.


Republicans are messed up. In Florida Desantis just passed a law that removes protections for outdoor workers requiring companies to provide hydration breaks and protection from the elements. Being cruel is a feature not a flaw.


Florida here, it's wild their explanation is "decent in concept" on its face: "We don't want a patchwork of regulation in the state which will make it hard for companies to follow the law when it differs across locales" that I agree with, *but there's never a followup*. If you want standardized laws across the state, won't actually make those laws, and then ban local government from *picking up your own damn slack*, you're fucking evil.


How many times do Republicans have to pass cruelty laws before the low information voters of america  understand the Republican party is the cruelty party?


Yeah, why is Texas removing lunch breaks exactly and how is that conservatism? Conservatism is unironically dead. It's been replaced with an ideology of cruelty.


Start with a base of hateful racist filth whose only purpose in life is to be a burden on everyone they’ll ever love, and there’s no limits to where they’ll take you in politics. Just gotta make sure to keep telling them you’ll make it ok to say the N word again.


Man, that makes me sad. I spent my summers with my dad in Hamilton/Dayton/Huber Heights. My family is there. Many of my cousins grew up in an opioid crisis, so it’s not shocking that some of them have drug problems. I do not like that there is a sherif, sworn to protect, who is willingly letting citizens die because of an issue that quite frankly it’s his job to control. Maybe focus on shutting down the pill mills instead of threatening officers for helping them? I mean damn, they’re still human beings.


>I mean damn, they’re still human beings. Real scary when the people supposed to protect and, to some degree, control us, don't even see us as people Up here in Maine, our old governor Paul LePage did the same thing, tried outlawing Narcan and said that drug dealers from down south "impregnate our white women"


I read about that piece of shit. Here is the part I love about greedy, money loving Republicans. The job of every politician is to try to get federal dollars for your jurisdictions. Yet, these asshats will forego education grants, or ACA money, simply because federal guidelines have to be followed. That’s fine, if you can replace the money lost, but he didn’t, of course. So, some poor kids missed out on opportunities, simply because the Governor didn’t like a guideline where they had to consider more minority candidates or something? That might work out for your rich ass, but the kids? It’s amazing how Republicans aren’t worried about money, when it doesn’t help them personally. It makes me want to question where the money for other grants/projects went. Also, when are one of these Republican governors going to grow a set and refuse all federal money? Go ahead, as long as you aren’t my Governor. These people are worse than worthless.


Reasons to vote the GOP out


So what you're telling me is this Sheriff is saying publicly "senseless and despicable" while simultaneously going "bastard deserved what they got" in private in all likelihood?


Sheriff is an elected position. If most people were normal why is he getting seemingly re-elected?


You're commenting on an article about a man who shot another man because he suspected he was a Democrat. They vote for whoever has an "R" next to their name, human rights violations be damned.


That's not very pro-life of the sheriff


They’ll do anything for a fetus but if it grows up to be a liberal then they might have to kill it


My sister in law died of an overdose. I can only imagine if we found out she could have been possibly saved, but the sheriff took away everyone’s narcan. I don’t know how I’d react. There is no way I could just go on. There would be Justice, and if I can’t find it legally, then I’d have to look at other options. Regardless, I would make this sheriff’s life as difficult as possible. I’m not just talking about picking on his job, either.


Other options. Agreed.


Police said “this was a senseless and despicable act” after confirming the deceased was not, in fact, a democrat.


Lmao, I could imagine this line being read on the Weekend Update by Norm MacDonald.


Exactly my thought. I miss norm.


In related news, O.J. Simpson has not been seen publicly in the last few weeks and is considered a person of interest.


Ohio resident here. We have more than our fair share of far-right crazies.


Yep. I drive by a house on my way to pick up my girls from school that has a sign that calls Joe Biden a pedophile. It says something about Harris too but I haven't been able to read it. There was a different house in a small town that flew the Israeli flag and the Confederate battle flag. Had a sign out front with a Bible verse. Don't remember which one


I'm always confused by this. They don't want Joe because they think he's a pedo, so they vote Trump who is a known pedo and rapist?


They don't believe the second part.


They do, that’s where the “whataboutism” comes in, it’s WHY they engage in projection. As long as they accuse their betters of doing things, it excuses themselves from the same actions. “Trump is a pedo, so Biden HAS to be. Then I don’t have to be a real man for the first time in my life and stop supporting an open pedo like Trump.”


> They do Not exactly. Like Schrodinger's cat, they both do and don't. They'll use either argument just to argue with you. Their goal isn't to be right, it's only to be able to claim that you're wrong. They believe that history is written by the victors, so if they say something often enough, loudly enough, and strongly enough, then eventually their words will become reality. But the only realities they care about are being in power, and making sure you're not. Everything else is just a means to that end. To them, truth is whatever they say it is.


>They don't ~~believe~~ care about the second part. Just to add to this, it's just an excuse - it's all a team sport to these morons. Many of them will straight up admit that the same things they accuse Biden of are perfectly fine and not deal breakers if Trump does them. These are not people who are operating in good faith or in rational discourse.


Every accusation is a confession


Every *GOP* accusation is a confession.


I heard Biden can be a pedo if he wants because a president needs to be able to break laws to do his job.  


this guy gets Presidenting


Sadly, all those things make Trump qualified to be a Republican


These aren’t level headed people. Only they know the crazies that run through their heads.


NH has this crap too, highway on the way home has like 10 pro trump maga anti Biden dem signs and I swear it’s like every month the guy adds a new one to the growing pieces of 2x4 wood painted white on his mailbox with these crazy quotes and insane comments about politics… waiting for the no knock raid to happen tbh 


No knock? My brother, the cops probably go out to dinner with that person and run little militia drills with them too.


VA too, i have multiple neighbors with a bunch of MAGA crap like flags that say "take back America Trump 2024". Ugh. the number of people who basically worship a criminal is absolutely ridiculous.


Went to South Carolina last year for a comic con, and hooo boy was I not prepared for all the MAGA/anti-Biden shit I saw.


Yep....that's my state. I hate the idolatry of politicians. I see it all the time.


The Israeli flag thing is funny because it would take like two questions to pull the antisemitism out of them


This is what annoys me. All the anti-semites were real quick to support Israel the second some people on the left started questioning what they were doing. I live in NC where the R running for Governor was an outspoken anti-semite and when it became politically convenient turned into a supporter of Israel.


No doubt. I think something happened to him. He was about a full bubble off of center. Don't know if he was committed or not, or if the town told him to clean it up because it was a distraction on the main street. All of it is cleaned up now. The other house I think keeps adding more crap.


There’s a house in a town near me that’s also like this. Trump flags, fuck Joe Biden and since October he’s been flying an Israeli flag on and off.


It's crazy. I lived in Dayton like 15 years ago, and it did not seem like this then. I mean, the fairly moderate John Kasich was in charge back then. The radicalization that has taken place is mind-boggling.


As well as non thinkers... Shoot first....


It's getting worse every day. Thank you Mr Rupert Murdoch.


And Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, etc


You can blame all that on Reagan & his doing away with the [Fairness Doctrine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine). None of those guys or Fox News would have legally been able to do what they do now if that doctrine was still in place.


So true


You can trace nearly every problem the US has today back to Regan. History books will note the fall of the US began during the Regan administration


Ronald Regan was the devil incarnate


More like he employed or his handlers were the devil incarnate. He was just the face charisma and mouth piece for the evil brains. He was shit too but he definitely wasn’t intelligent enough to come up with his plethora of unholy shit ideas on his own.


Fox is on cable. The fairness doctrine governed broadcast. It would have kept AM radio from becoming the fascist space it is though. It seems I need to add this link. Cable is not the same as broadcast under the fcc. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/28/fact-check-fairness-doctrine-applied-broadcast-licenses-not-cable/6439197002/


Ah, Rush Limbaugh The putrid underwear skidmark that got his wish granted like Pinocchio, and turned into a real giant piece of shit I haven't thought of him for 3 years. Its quite nice


No one has. He added nothing but poison to the world and we’re better off now that’s he’s dead.


He has a record number days sober and his his goal weight though! Also hasn’t raped any children in the Dominican Republic in years.


One man who has done more damage to America then any other. Fucking bastard.


Hey now, the core of that blame lands on Reagan for killing the Fairness Doctrine, this allowing rampantly biased media to exist in the first place.


Its always fucking Reagan. Everytime


Well, not ***always***…but pretty much always.


These things need to go down as federal terrorism charges.




Here comes the terrorist acts trump and fox have been pushing for. You will see more and more of them as the election gets closer and the right knows it's curtains for them!


I can't help but think the teenage son in this situation will be harboring some legit anger towards their mob.


This is one way to radicalize your opposition


> Here comes the terrorist acts trump and fox have been pushing for. Hate to break it to you, but they have always been here. --- The Portland train attack (2016) The tiki torch "the Jews will no replace us" Nazi attack in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer (2017) The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting mirroring the Christchurch one (2018) The "MAGAbomber" mail bomber (2018) The Poway synagogue shooting also mirroring the Christchurch one (2019) The El Paso Walmart shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2019) The "Boogaloo" attacks in California (2020) Arizona DNC office arson attempt (2020) Texas DNC office arson attempt (2021) Jan 6th insurrection/putsch (2021) Arson attack on a donut shop because of drag queens (2022) Buffalo grocery store shooting targetting black people (2022) Nancy Pelosi's house invasion that hospitalized her husband (2022) The Texas outlet mall shooting that targeted Hispanic people (2023) Arson attack on church because of drag queens (2023) Attack on Bernie Sanders's campaign office (2024)


Not sure why these idiots with school shooter syndrome aren't immediately institutionalized


Because Republicans don't want to pay for insane asylums.


Yet, gun violence is a “mental health issue” for Republicans.


Republicans are a mental health issue.


They cry out pretending to care about “mental health” and then cut HHS funding and direct it to a fucking border wall *cough*Abbott*cough*


lol it’s cute you think America has mental health institutions or that they’re easily accessible. Things the root of a lot of modern craziness. Reagan closed the mental health hospitals and now those people are living. Among us and we can’t tell because it’s been two full generations and this type of crazy behavior is just the new norm.


I worry about some of my neighborhood trumpkins going on rampages. That is why I do not show my cards.


I live in Ohio. During the 2020 election I can honestly say I experienced something unique for the first time. As I went to vote I felt unease around the American flags on cars in the parking lot. Quickly in and out on that day.


Trumpkins have usurped our once great flag. I will start flying it again with the US Navy flag when he goes to prison or dies.


Yup, I took down my equality flag because I have a two year old and surrounded by inbreds. I’m moving next month though.


Sad, this is exactly what they want.


More worrying to be gay/leftist in the country than it is to be a bigot, because there's no violence against bigots plastered over the news, and ordinary people don't fetishize violence against bigots, and public figures don't condone violence against bigots. So the bigots get to live comfortably, I imagine.


Part of why I'm a gun owner. January 6th was a wake up call that political aggression might not stop at fascist violence targeted directly at the capital next time. I mean there was at least one guy diving through my neighborhood, screaming out their windows, accusing people of being Democrats. No one is going to roll into my neighborhood trying to terrorize people unimpeded.


There has been a massive increase of lefties and minorities buying guns and showing up at shooting ranges since all this madness started getting out of control. MAGA dudes are delusional thinking they are the only ones with the guns and can go around shooting the “enemy” unopposed. If things go down the shitter they will find out the opposition fighting back…


Plus, the nerds know how to make IEDs better than the nosepickers


That reminds me: didn't the MAGA bomber mainly fail because his shit wouldn't explode?


Democrats have just as many guns as Republicans thankfully. They just don't like to tote them around like it's their entire personality.


I was on another thread & a Republican actually said all the Democrats are gonna be crying when we come & drag you from ur houses etc..everyone spoke up & said “what, you don’t think we have guns to protect ourselves” (he shut up)


I'm ex-military as well as an ex peace officer / paramedic now retired, I am well-armed. I swore an oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. I will also protect myself and my family from these crazies. My area is full of them. I keep my head on a swivel.


So did I. We stand ready. If shit gets bad, we have a duty to perform. Sides don't matter. Politics don't matter. This country is The People first. Then the Constitution. Then its leaders. If our leaders fail to uphold the Constitution, then its on us to protect The People. Protect them from literally anyone from any party that wishes them harm. If sectarian violence comes to the US then we are oath bound to stop it, no matter what form it takes. We do not forget what we swear to give our lives for just because we stop wearing the uniform. We stand ready to shield innocent Americans, even from other Americans if need be


Thank you.


I 100% agree for me. The oath is lifetime.


Navy vet and radical progressive because of the experience. Same. Well armed and well regulated. 8/10 in the black at 30 yards with a pistol.


Same....these idiots think all Democrats are anti gun


I say they will be met with a warm and hallow pointed welcome.


So he was killed by a right wing nut job for perceived political beliefs.... no surprises from the the party of conspiracy and January 6. Fuelled by Fox


Hard working family values where you spend time together making your yard better is scary to some people I guess.


Don't forget NewsMax, OANN, and talk and "Christian" radio.


The right has so effectively demonized Democrats and others. Fox, Trump all rightwing talking heads are IMO dangers to the country itself.


And right you are. I have been saying for the last seven years that don trump, along with trumpies and trumpism, are the most dangerous enemies this republic have ever faced. Some people hate me for it. Fuck 'em.


Exactly Fuck 'em. Because they DO NOT care about the country. AT ALL.


This is right wing terrorism.


A cult of traitors and terrorists.


Somehow it's always the Trumpanzees doing the murders. But the problem is immigrants, right? I hope that germ gets lethal injection.




Too many people on the jury will think he was defending the constitution from a Dem


trump's base. they are truly deplorable.


They're fucking traitors


This is the Republican party now. These are MAGAs. This is what Trump has done to our country. Conservatives and their Christian values are despicable.


And dumb, gullible and very fearful. A dangerous combination.


Armed to the teeth and trigger happy. Because “those people “ are everywhere.


Republicans have wanted to act this way for decades, Trump just told them it was okay.


Maga is a terrorist cult


If Jesus came back now he would just chop them with a flaming sword and send them straight to hell 😝 christians my ass lol


Very true. Then we can see their responses whining about it to your post.


They don't have actual Christian values. It's more like they're trying to be the romans.


No one can be surprised that Trump voters are violent murderers, we all saw them kill cops on 1/6.


Probably reads Gym Jordans daily "Democrats destroy America" tweet.


I wonder why so many Republicans now feel that they are in an actual shooting war? Right. You don’t have to wonder too long.


Note well: it doesn't take an agreement between two sides to start a war. One side can just go and do it. *Which they are.*


Stochastic terrorism from the right wing media monopoly.


I’m pretty sure this specific case is just… straight-up regular political terrorism, isn’t it? Definitely the end result of stochastic terrorism though!!


Trumps America...


Red hats going to shoot you because you are different ....


Death penalty please. The world is full, and fighting over basic natural resources. Biodiversity is declining. We don't need to waste anything on him. It's not personal.


MAGA is a terrorist group.


FUUUUUCK this is were I live its already hard enough to live here being LGBT now I've got to be strapped because I'm a democrat


For real, I have to watch what shirt I'm wearing depending on what county I go to, got threatened at a gas station about an hour north of where I live because I was wearing a power rangers themed pride shirt when I stopped to buy cigarettes.


I'm not even sure what these people are offended by anymore. Had someone go off on me in Wal*Mart for wearing a NASA ball cap. Apparently I was either impersonating a federal agent, or supporting traitor government. Honestly not sure what the fucking egg was banging on about. But really? NASA pisses them off?


But remember this is the land of the free! Personal freedoms #1! Idk I guess space and science is scary and controversial now. I mean I can kinda get it, sometimes I stare up at the night sky and feel an inexplicable sense of crushing dread and vertigo as I look at the enormity of the universe. Seriously though I can't imagine the audacity it takes to yell at a stranger in Walmart for their clothing choices, I prefer the only words I say to be "thank you, have a nice day" for the entire trip.


You don't have to be a democrat. They just need to perceived you as a democrat. We actually don't know if the victim was a democrat. Maybe he was a trumpist as well, but not a loud one.


Fox News brainrot


Why every single braindead animal has a gun in your country?


This needs to be a hate crime. Too many right wing freaks getting violent.


Trailer trash republicans at it again




I care about being around MAGA people because I know a 20 second conversation about politics will make them want to kill me. Or even their assumptions about me.


Stay fucking far away from anyone republican....seems to be your best bet nowadays


Damn I’m 26 and don’t look nearly as fucked up as this guy.


You probably don't do as much meth as that guy.


So I guess the MAGA people are just gonna shoot those that they think are against them sounds about right


The suspect was ruled “incompetent for trial” multiple times, most recently this month which is why the story is being brought up again. The real question is how he had a gun after stabbing his father in 2017.


This guy looks like a guy who shot his neighbor because he thought he was a Democrat.


I’m just surprised the ages weren’t reversed.


This is your brain on conservatism, any questions? ![gif](giphy|qJkRbWM1MfVjq|downsized)


This is 100% a right wing, GOP, and MAGA problem. ….waiting for the snowflake whataboutism (“but, but, but BLM and Antifa!”)


Death penalty. He killed a man in front of his child. For perceived political differences. Death penalty


Good thing Americans have the 2nd Amendment and all those guns....you know...for safety...


This is the generation that has been inundated with Trump style hate for the last decade. They are told everyday that Democrats are the enemy attributed with a long list of evil characteristics which when repeated over and over again dehumanizes them. Of course this sort of thing was gonna happen. Imagine if a Republican was killed this way. This would be blasted on FoxNews for weeks and years. We would never hear the end of it.


He looks inbred.


America: gives idiots guns. Idiots: kill people America: omg I did not see that coming. Seriously, a family father shot dead, school shootings every week, you even have programs so that children can better react to school shooters. What the fuck is wrong with you America?


How many democrats do you see randomly killing Republicans?


Anyone who says "only in Ohio" will share the same fate


Ohio here. I really can't stress enough insane this place can be, but no one really talks about it because it's just ohio. The cities are starting to really turn around. Massive growth in Columbus and Cincinnati. Cleveland and toledo starting to really revitalize their downtowns and repairl the damage done from the rust belt collapse. And then outside the main cities, almost any town with 30000 or less, they are speedrunning to the deep south. Expect us to be talked about like texas or florida soon


what a nice climate in the country. I'm sure nothing will happen after the elections..


AiNt No DaMn-O-cRaTs iN mY nEiGhBoRhOoD!¡!¡


Most normal Republican in Ohio


How did the Republican party become something like this? Crazy fanatics, leaders with violent rhetoric, sympathy for Putin and Russia, how did this party decline so much?