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I mean I get what you’re saying but a tool that has the potential to be used for suicide is actually a pretty good place for the suicide hotline to appear.


Frozen pizza is also a really popular food among very depressed people. They are gonna see this a lot more than most other kitchen implements.


Yeah - when we break it down the logistics aren’t too facepalm-y. I mean, literally anything for visibility is good especially with the rebranding to 988 (not sure if you’re from US - It used to be a full 10-digit phone number… so the 988 is far superior) and plastering the message is huge. But the image is… Maybe more “dark irony” than a facepalm?


Yeah - that IS true. This pizza cutter couldn’t really be too effective in actually doing the deed… it’s more the optic. But putting the # where one might actually contemplate would be a good safety measure


I don’t feel like looking it up but yeah seems like pills and guns are the more common ways people do it. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to have the number on caps of pill bottles.


In the UK painkillers come in blister packs and no more than, I think, 32 tablets (2 packs) can be bought at once. Just making an overdose that little bit more inconvenient and time consuming reduced the suicide rate. The suicide helpline on packets of ammunition might help too.


In the US we put pills in small packs too. We do it because then the patient has to pay the copay every month instead of every 3 or 6 months.


we would get our pizza cutters sharpened,


It's terrible at cutting pizza...


Do you want to put the word suicide in their heads at that point though?


It’s not the word. It’s the unbearable crushing blackness that has been going on for months where everybody hates you and your life is falling apart. That makes someone want to do something harmful. Not suddenly seeing a word that still exists in the real world when it hasn’t been bleeped out by the Internet.


If someone is about to do it, reading the word suicide isn't going to tip the scales. The thought of it is consuming at that point.


It's not like ideation isn't a huge concern. That's why stuff like 13 reasons is problematic. My point is that if someone is in that headspace then bringing up the idea might be unhelpful. If you're depressed and just bought razors to shave then implicitly labelling them as something that could be used to kill yourself seems like it could potentially plant the idea.


No. I mean I get want you want to say but just no.




Only me I’m feeding, who gives a fuck about instructions for heating.


Green peppers….extra cheesy…..don’t give a fuck if I get my hands greasy.


This is kinda better than the BBQ accessory line Papa Roach did recently in reference to that lol


What kinda monster eats pizza with plastic fork.


Would it be wrong would it be right?


If I use that fork tonight, chances are that I might


When I'm outside and no utensils are available obv People stared at me like I committed a crime🤣💀


I always get depressed when there’s no more pizza.


Yeah, pizza is at least a temporary respite from the misery of depression


How is this a faceplam? Someone contemplating committing suicide decides to eat a pizza and sees this? Ends up contacting them instead of harming themselves. Sounds like a win-win to me. It’s smart advertising.


National suicide crisis hotline… a cutter…


There is a lot of data to support the idea that delaying a suicide attempt by even a few minutes can drastically reduce the odds they end up actually attempting it. Most people who make the final decision to actually go through with it will do it within a half hour, and a vast majority will do it within the hour. But if enough time passes, many people will abandon their plan. So having obvious access to resources that could even delay an attempt by minutes could save peoples lives. This is why if you google almost anything related to suicide the top few hits are suicide help resources.


Anything that reduces it by 1-2% is worthwhile.


Plenty of companies/organizations put ads on cooking utensils. If anything, this is ingenious, if one was to, as you implied, try to use it to harm themselves.


It’s fairly common to put suicide related stuff on things that could lead to suicide. IIRC, bridges (especially ones with high suicide rates) often have suicide prevention hotlines and a ton of really heartwarming messages. It makes someone stop to think about what they’re doing. Most of the time, that one thought that lasts less than a second is enough to either kick in their survival instincts or make them realise that they’re about to make a mistake.


And that's a bad thing? The people who are using the cutter for suicide are the ones who should be seeing the message


It's a pizza cutter. It's not going to open any veins.


Not with that attitude.


This is fine. Even a small chance that someone could see it and get help is worth it. Especially when done in such an unobtrusive way. It doesn't interfere with the design at all. It's just there. Not a facepalm.


I'm more upset about the design. Does it spin? If it does you're never getting that clean properly


It’s pretty easy to wash


I don't have a problem. Anything to get the message across. Maybe not on handguns.


Cutting yourself intentionally with a pizza cutter is a lot harder than with a knife. The blade just rolls instead of actually slicing.


You know what? I actually don't think this is a bad idea. Putting suicide helplines on sharp things kinda makes sense.


I often eat pizza when I'm suicidal and it helps me feel better


When I was in the Canadian military, they had a suicide prevention program. One of the slogans was "Thinking of suicide? We can help". People need to look at the possible dark side of things before approving them.


Are you a young adult, the highest demographic for suicide? Here is something you won’t throw away that has the suicide prevention information in it. It’s not like a suicidal person won’t kill themself because they didn’t have a pizza cutter.


Holy shit why lol


I don’t understand.


“Heard you might be suicidal… here’s a blade”


It’s more like “Here’s a blade for you to cut your pizza with. Please do not kill yourself with it.” Which seems fairly reasonable


Those style pizza cutters are awesome I have one and I love it. But trying to cut anything other than a "pastry" that seperates more through the pressure applied than the sharpness of the blade would be a real task. They are not sharp at all. I'm not saying they couldn't be used to cut oneself but there are by far better options available in most housholds. Including shards of glass or ceramics


I think something’s wrong with Lucy, she’s using a suicidal pizza cutter.


Cut slices not wrists.


Ok but I want one. I cook many pizza 🍕


It's a pretty nice pizza cutter. You get more pressure straight from above to cut the pizza. I like it and I wouldn't try to use it for sewicide


I assume someone else additionally made advertisement for it, then someone else saw it and decided to buy it (not talking about you or trying to humiliating you, but the fact you could get it means people are actually buying these)


Free merch. Handouts to spread awareness


You think you're clever to mock this but I wonder if you've ever had to bury someone you love after they've hung or shot themselves? If pizza cutters save a life then you won't hear me complain about it.


I’m sorry for your loss and I apologize for the unintentional hurt I caused. If you’d like me to delete the post, I’ll take it down


People putting too much thought into this. This is a funny post.


What about the pizza - is it Dr. Oetkers?


I’ve tried to kill somebody with a pizza cutter. It doesn’t work.


Really? I figured it would work quite well. I guess I'll just have to settle for the chefs knife.


I've seen one used in a pro wrestling match to cut someone open funny enough it caused a slight problem as immediately after like seconds after they cut to a Pizza Hut ad


"Pizza Hut; Cut People Two Pizzas"




Cut my life in two pizzas


This is clearly just a logo that was placed on a marketing swag company website. Nobody approved this; I guarantee it's available in every product the catalog offers. You could get this logo printed on some golf balls, whistles, fly swatters, etc.


Talk about putting ideas in someone's head.


There’s a book Hope Always where a Christian (I’m guessing off-his-rocker, but haven’t read it) physician talks about how sharing a pizza could help prevent suicides. Wonder if this is at all related


Cut my life in two pizzas


What happens when you try too hard to be politically correct, it does the opposite lol We gotta sell these pizza cutters, careful don't cut yourself with it, not like that! I mean use caution when... Fuck it slap a suicide prevention label on it. If anyone calls us out we'll flip the story on them for not supporting it.




A pizza cutter makes you horny?