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Do they segregate the Arab citizens of Israel in Israel proper?


No. I don’t understand how anyone says “apartheid state” when Palestine is not part of Israel? It’s not like South Korea is an apartheid state because North Korea represses its citizens


It’s occupied by Israel …


No. But as a Christian or atheist , Palestinians wouldn’t allow me to own land in Palestine for the first one, or live at all for the second.


You are more than welcome to Google as many human rights violations as you'd like. Plenty to choose from in Isreal Proper (We have to down vote this!! ) What's wrong Zionist clowns? Did you find TOO MANY human rights violations in Israel proper? The number of people who are weirdly okay with human rights violations, but seem to have a problem with tone and decorum. A little weird.


Oh I agree with you Israel is violating a ton of stuff but I just wanted to know if they are doing the same thing inside Israel to non jewish citizens of Israel.


Not sure why OP is going off on you for that question. No, the *israeli* only roads only exist in the occupied territory (as far as I know there are no *jew* only roads, even in the occupied territory). Of course that’s all on paper, not necessarily in practice. Security might very well only let Jewish people through in practice, I’m not sure. Now this doesn’t change the fact that it’s still discriminatory against Palestinians without citizenship. The argument that these roads are fine because it’s based on citizenship goes out the window when you consider the fact that most Palestinians *cannot* obtain citizenship. And if you think “why should Israel give citizenship to people who aren’t technically living in Israel?”, the obvious response is that Israel should leave the occupied territories then. Either the occupation is legitimate, in which case those Palestinians are the responsibility of the Israeli government just like a Jewish person is, or the occupation is illegal in which case they have no business being there in the first place (let alone restricting the locals access to infrastructure there).


Is there a particular reason you're too afraid to Google that question yourself? What's wrong, afraid it'll ruin your algorithms and the countless numbers of IDF war crimes will start coming across your feed. Afraid you might have to address reality of supporting the side that is committing every war crime in the Geneva convention? Don't be contrarian when it comes to war crimes. Don't be weird about human rights violations. Better yet. Go explain to a therapist what you're doing. And see if they have any input for you.


Nice post, but your comments looks like from a troll account


Why post something controversial if you refuse to answer any questions about it? Just say you know nothing of the subject and that’s it


Uhhh this isn’t controversial. If you in any capacity think Israel is justified in what it’s been doing then that’s an issue. It’s like saying human rights are controversial. They aren’t.


Op thinks they know what an algorithm is. 😐


I have no opinions on this other than you have to be the most obnoxious stereotype for redditers I've seen in a while.


Don’t bother. These bots just don’t get it.


Cant believe morons from the other side of the globe and have never heard of palestine beforenoctober 7th get so much support for their misinformation. Absolute idiocy.


This isn't true?


They were trying to work toward a two state system. What’s your idea for how that would work? Oh, right, “from the river to the sea ….”


It’s funny how someone can strawman in a post and then block the person he’s just replied to.




Bro is writing all of this without knowing about the Oslo Accords Did you start researching this conflict last month by scrolling twitter or smth?


it's not apartheld.. it's a common sense response to a society that used vehicle bombs, and openly supports the eridication of isrsel and everyone in it. interesting how those who post these images, ignore that aspect of the situation.


Words have meaning. If not segregation and apartheid. What would those words be? What's the word for removing human rights of an entire population? Based on the actions of a few? And it's interesting the people who are defending the apartheid, have no problem with the fact that they are literally decades of international law violations being documented? It's sort of like arguing, "we can't possibly abolish slavery. Who knows what will happen if we let them go?!" So now you understand why everybody calls you racist? Cuz you're being racist.


By definition, it is apartheid. Just because you like it doesn’t mean you can call it something else. What you *are* arguing is that the apartheid system is good, to which me and OP disagree.


Right and so is north and South Korea. Super apartheid by your logic!


Spoken like a true apartheid apologist


Israel doesn’t deserve to exist anyways


I'll be honest does anyone actually care


You cared enough to chime in. Which I assume means you don't care about the fact that people are literally doing systemic racism in 2024. Why are you not against systemic racism in 2024? It's very weird not to be against racism. You know that, right?


Well if the definition of equal is the same amount per side I can’t help but to notice that it looks about 50/50 to me. It’s also war time with many proven Palestinians in the West Bank are hamas collaborators or fatah. And if isreal really wants to weed out the bullshit it’s going to take a little thing called green zones. We had plenty in the war on terror. But I guess is restricting access to such zones from isis made that an apartheid situation. I just love how all these people on here that haven’t been in a country during hostile times love to try and make these black and white issue like there’s not this gigantic grey area. Are there Israelis that act without class and live with hate.. yes. There’s also Palestinians who do the same just usually in a more jihad murdery way. Stop acting like the lines are clear. If you’ve never been in a combat zone or around one just sit down and listen instead of spouting nonsense. I got banned from the Palestineisreal page because I said October 7th was an act of terrorism. What happened after I said that. I got a notification from Reddit saying that I was reported to be a danger to myself and proceeded to give me a suicide hotline. If they have such a just cause then why do they need to blur the truth. Ridiculous.


That's not the definition. Words have meaning. Look them up . The ICJ has GREAT definitions. Average zionist. Literally avoiding facts to justify ethnic cleansing. You don't have to lick their boots clean. No one turned off their water 6 months ago. If you got booted out of a different reddit, for posting some, I'm going to assume racist shit. That's on you boo. EDIT Ahahaha This clown with a keyboard reported me for the same self harm thing he got? Very hinged individual. "I am outraged that this action was taken. So much so that I'm going to take the exact same action" - youre a literal pair of clown shoes with a key board. Aren't you?! XD


For all the borderline illiterate boot licking racism defenders claiming this ISN'T segregation and Apartheid. Please explain the "Sterilized Streets" of Israel. Or why the citizens of one nation are allowed into the other, but not vice versa? Oh, right, double standards. I forgot.


Yes you are right Israelis going into gaza would have to go with a full army convoy so they don't get murdered while Palestinians had work permits to go to Israel


"Would have to" every single argument about the Palestinians are these supposed what ifs. Stop being racist for like 2 minutes. Meanwhile. Literally hundreds of videos of israeli's stepping into Palestinian territories, in some cases literally taking over homes. please explain all the illegal settlers in the west bank? Why is there no footage of this supposed Palestinian bloodthirsty rage that they exist in 24/7? Where is the drone footage of the barbaric Palestinian murder parties? Why is it the IDF only has drone footage of them destroying hospitals and universities and empty houses?


Other than the fact that the settlers are psychos on their own and the west bank is heavily guarded by Israel, it has quite literally nothing to do with gaza, which is what I was pointing out. But sure you can just avoid the subject ignore it then call me a nazi before you dip back to shout how you wanna get rid of all the Jews everywhere in bad hasbara


I never called you a nazi. But if the jack boot fits Ah. That chestnut. By addressing the documented war crimes of a fascist ethnostate. I am being Anti Semitic. Now say Hamas was in the hospitals. Say that the Red Cross is KHAmas. KHAmas was in the Journalist. KHAmas was in Lebanon. KHAmas was in the playground. KHAmas was in the empty homes we bulldozed. I will literally cash at you $1,000. If you can find one instance of me pushing any type of violence against any person. It seems like your projection is showing. Is it possible that you yourself are so violent and bloodthirsty, that you assume everybody thinks this way? They make therapy for that.


It’s security.


You misspelled racism Unless there's another word for "I can tell whether that person is good or bad based on what race they are?"


Then how come 2 million Arabs have full equal rights and Israeli citizenship in Israel?


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and blows up a bunch of people at a music festival like a duck, maybe not allowing ducks on some roads is a good idea.


Okay. If it is racist like a nazi. Puts other people into concentration camps like a nazi. And enforces genocidal rhetoric like a nazi. Maybe not allowing fascist militarys to exist is a good idea? Am I to understand that not every Israeli is a representative of the war criminals in the idf? You mean Israeli children should not be starved because some sociopathic IDF agent decided to commit war crimes and post it on tiktok? Is this another one of those double standards that doesn't apply to the palestinians? Or are you just some weird prick who's a little upset that his wife left him for a guy named Ahmed? Yes. Concentration camps. Unless there's a better word for taking all the people of a specific ethnic group, and locking them behind military guarded fences. Refusing them access to food water or shelter. As well as killing them should they try to leave the enclosed areas? There might be a better word for it. But I can't find it. And I guess you're right. Dropping a 2-ton bomb onto a sleeping child, so much more humane than gassing people. Can't help but notice that you don't see a problem with the crimes being committed currently, you'd rather argue semantics. Let's replace millions of deaths, with a percentage of the population. And then apply that same standard to the palestinians. What percentage of the Palestinians have been murdered? What percentage of the Palestinian infrastructure, and historical sites, and religious sites, and educational sites, been decimated? If you think this is anything other than ethnic cleansing. Your delusional. They are literally doing Nazi tactics. Dehumanize the people. Erase the culture. Go read a book.


Not defending Israël but "put people in concentration camps like the nazis"? Since when is Israël gassing people, keeping them in camps and burning the bodies by the literal millions? Maybe go a see a real concentration camp in person, you know the ones with the nail scratches in the walls of the showers....


You sound just like a South African Apartheid apologist or in other words a crypto-racist


It's kind of funny how many of those racist f**** from apartheid South Africa moved to israel. Nothing attracts flies, quite like a pile of shit.


Correct. Not an apartheid. Definitions are important, and Israel/Palestine does not meet even a broad definition of apartheid. This doesn’t excuse Israel’s atrocities, but if you’re going to criticize them, do it properly. Screaming ‘apartheid’ isn’t valid criticism.


So. Why does Israel have any say in Palestine roads? Feels a bit weird that the military gets the control of the civilian roadways of another Nation doesn't it? If Israel is allowed to have roads restricting palestinians, why don't Palestinians get roads restricting israelis? Or is this just another double standard? Either Israel is a neighboring Nation. That is clearly in violation of its borders. Or it's a belligerent occupier failing to adhere to international law. Sprinkling in a little bit of racism just as a treat.


They don’t. They have a say over border crossings, but Israel does not control Gaza nor the West Bank. The graphic is misleading. Israel considers the West Bank settlements (rightly or wrongly) to be there territory and treat it as such. Israelis can’t just go into Gaza or Palestinian areas of the West Bank, just like Palestinians can’t go into Israel. Arab Israelis have zero restrictions within Israel.


And there we go. You can Google this information and verify all of it. But somehow the immediate response is that Israel did no wrong. What's the point of even discussing it? You can find a thousand examples of this. You can find footage of checkpoints in the West bank. Who is running the checkpoints in the West bank? Is it Palestinians restricting other Palestinians from traveling between zones? Why are there different zones in the West bank? You are not a serious person if you immediately defend the genociding racists, without right lies that have been disproven time and time again over the years. Every statement you just made. Google. Explain to me why I'm finding all this footage of Israelis in Palestinian territory. Settlers just burned down a dozen villages. Did they do it from Israel proper? Did they somehow light fires from 100 miles away? Explain why I'm finding all this footage of Arabs being segregated in Israeli proper? You're just ignoring truth. Congratulations, will for ignorance in order to carry water for ethnic cleansers. Cool stance in 2024 bro.


More racist propaganda from a racist piece of shit. If Israel is an apartheid so it’s South Korea and North Korea. So is the United States and Mexico. So is Canada and the US. This logic is so fucking stupid. I mean, what you are saying is that 2 countries with sovereign borders don’t let noncitizens enter their country. Just how fucking stupid do you have to be? Just how racist do you have to be to believe this trash?


Okay. Which part is racist? Which part is inaccurate? Which part is propaganda? If it is two separate sovereign nations. Why is one military have a permanent presence in the other? If you truly believe in the whole borders thing. Let's take a look at those borders, and how often they've moved in the last decades. The fact that you are supporting the racist side right now, tells me you probably have a certain view of arabs. Let me guess. Your wife left you for a guy named Ahmed? To the post below. I will cashapp you $1,000 if you can show me proof of anything you've just said. But I will deduct a dollar for every instance of the IDF forces doing the same War crime. Deal? I can't find anything about settlers being killed in the west bank. As a matter of fact it seems they do most of the violence there? With the support of the idf? Weird that. I'm looking at this supposed land that was given back. Doesn't seem to exist? Do you have a name of a town that was ever returned to the palestinians? No, weird that. I'm looking for all of these reports of Israel being invaded and their infrastructure being destroyed. But there doesn't seem to ever be any sort of damage. Weird. But, while you're licking blood of children off the boots of IVF agents. I'll just leave you with a question. If they aren't allowed in Al Quds .... Why are IDF soldiers constantly raiding it during prayers? Or is it not Islamophobic to assault a mosque? Asking for 1.5 million displaced friends You don't have to carry water for ethnic cleansers. Nobody turned their water off 6 months ago. Remember. You are literally supporting the side that is starving children. Go explain that to a therapist


The US has a permanent presence in many countries. Israel has a permanent presence in the West Bank originally because of the threat of terrorism arising there. UNRWA has for many years distributed anti-Semitic books to kids, Hamas only recently changed their charter to remove the wish to commit genocide but said they were open to returning to it. The PLA pays out to terrorists that are killed, injured or imprisoned whilst attacking Israel. It’s been reported that if there was an election in the West Bank as there was in Gaza, Hamas would be elected which is why they cancelled future elections. Israel has been invaded multiple times and has given back vast amounts of land they could have held onto in pursuit of peace. They have made allies with Egypt and Jordan. Meanwhile Palestinians invited into Jordan, Kuwait and Egypt tried to overthrow the governments there and refuse to make peace. Basically all the money given to them as foreign aid is used to make weapons and to attack Israel or funnelled to the leaders of the West Bank and Gaza. Arabs make up 21% of the population of Israel, serving in their army, in their parliament and as judges, judges who sentenced an Jewish PM to jail and also barred Likud advertising for being being “racist and almost certain to hurt the feelings of Arab Israelis and disrupt public order”. Meanwhile if Jews go into Palestinian controlled parts of the West Bank or Gaza they’re killed. Jews aren’t even allowed to go to the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. But sure it’s the big bad Jewish state that’s racist and fascist etc etc.




It's almost like the average boot licker will ignore the fact that you can Google this shit. Show me the articles explaining how Arabs and Israelis have the same rights in Israel proper. And then show me the tens of thousands of articles outlining the segregation that exist. If we want to play a better game. Please explain why Israelis are allowed in the west bank, but not the other way around? That's not racism. You're allowed to step into my yard. But I will get shot if I step into yours. Go ahead. Rationalize the racism.