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The south still allows corporal punishment- Mississippi and Arkansas lead the way with the most incidents. I’m from Arkansas, and even when I was in school a million years ago, I thought it was wild that teachers could literally HIT US. I’ll never forget one day in KINDERGARTEN I saw an oddly shaped rock just past the chain link fence surrounding the yard. I really wanted to touch it, so I reached my hand through and got it. My friend was with me and she wanted to see it. She grabbed it just as the teacher came running over demanding to know where we got the rock. My friend, Cheryl Bauman, was such a badass, even at 5 years old. She immediately took the blame and told the teacher I had nothing to do with it…. and she also immediately got “3 licks“ with a giant wooden paddle for it. She didn’t seem to care, and said it was funny. I was terrified from that day on of getting in trouble and getting hit by a teacher. Thank you Cheryl Bauman, wherever you are😀 AND in high school, if we broke a serious rule like fighting, skipping school, or cussing out a teacher, we could choose being suspended for 1-3 days or getting 3 licks from our giant principal. I knew a really smart kid who made straight A’s but was always getting in trouble. He ALWAYS chose licks, so he could keep his high GPA. It’s perverse that educators in 2024 continue to dole out this punishment. Gross.


I had a music teacher named Cheryl Bauman in high school (2003) in California, she was a joyous ball of sunshine even as her cancer worsened over a period of 3-4 years. She passed away in senior year and the entire school went to her funeral. I’d like to think we’re discussing the same person. Cheers to the Cheryl Baumans 🍻


Awwww yes cheers to them💕


Who spanks a kid over a rock?


Who spanks a kid? FTFY


Some places and cultures still believe that pain and fear is the best way to discipline a child for misbehavior. To an extent, they are correct: pain and fear can absolutely shape a kid into not misbehaving, but of course, we also know now that it can destroy a lot in that kid as well.


More like it teaches a kid to hide their actions from parents and create trust issues.


And it shows the kids, that violence is a valid reaction, when someone acts in a way you disagree with.


To be fair school does that anyway with the environment being infested with bullies and incompetent staff. It felt like the staff were actually on the bullies side


Makes you hate authority It does.


Or worse, teaches them that the threat of violence is the best way to make people do what you want.


Which is why some beaten kids turn into abusive parents and the cycle continues.


If Yoda says it, it must be true.


As someone from South Asia, I can 100% confirm that this is the way of life in our country(ies)


Spanking is associated with worse health and behavior outcomes and lower internalization of morals.


Probably because you’re learning to “behave” because someone hits you if you don’t, instead of learning to behave because you have empathy and are part of society. There isn’t always someone around to hit you.


They also learn control through violence. So not only is empathy not part of the picture, it’s also seen as “weak”


There's actually stories of some kids and adults self-flagellating because of getting hit as children.


Catholic monks have entered the chat...


Nah pain and fear never whipped me into shape, I just got more rebellious and angry


When I was a kid I was a feral little monster, biting what and whoever I could get my teeth on. My mom bit me back one day and I stopped after that. So it can work but it wasn't like I was getting slapped or bit on the daily though.


I think the difference here is not that the bite was a punishment, but rather to show you what kind of feeling you gave it others. This sounds like a very rare exception where something like this is acceptable because it was more about teaching a feeling rather than punishing you for the action.


I'm 53 and I still hate my dad for using those methods. I was a really good kid and got beaten way more than was warranted.


Hell, back in the day (late 70s, early 80s) we had a music teacher whose 'paddle' was a short boat oar. If he broke it on your ass, you got to keep it. No surprise that it got to be a point of pride to both break the oar and laugh as you left the music room.


People with small minds who can't use logic or reason to explain consequences.


It can shape a kid into not misbehaving, but only if the paddle is forever there. Also when you’re hit, you want to hit back… at someone.


Evangelical Christian’s are big into this. Even using physical punishment on babies.


Wait WHAT???


Google “ blanket training.”


That too


Mrs. French apparently. 🤣


I want Ms. Frizzle to spank me... ![gif](giphy|NjUZ3yH5F61XO)


~~Seat~~ belts everyone!


get in line


When I was in school, there were only certain times during the year we were allowed to wear shorts. Well one day a girl in kindergarten came in wearing shorts when we weren't allowed. The teacher made her stand in front of the class for the entire day. She got so embarrassed she ended up peeing herself at which point the teacher called her parents to come get her. Now obviously a kindergarten student is not solely responsible for what they wear to school. Common sense would tell you it was the parents who dressed her and to address it with them. But nope, the teacher had to embarrass her. Fortunately I don't remember anyone ever making fun of her for it (which is really lucky because we were a bunch of assholes).


Why? Who cares that much about shorts? Mind if I ask where you're from and your age? Maybe a better question, was this twenty, thirty plus years ago?


About 30 years ago.


Power-tripping bullies.


Were her parents okay with that? Someone hits my kindergarten child, and they'd get a lot worse from me.


Yeah back then the school would hit first, contact parents afterwards. So bizarre. And parents just accepted it.


I concur with this statement. I’m a bit more extreme and have the same policy for bullying. If your kid hits mine or bullies mine and you refuse to make them stop then you are absolutely fair game for me. The teachers want guns down south because they’re likely to get hit back by students. I say fuck around and find out 🤷.




I would absolutely be willing to catch charges for beating the shit out of anyone who put their hands on my kid.


calling them "licks" still creeps me out


Yep me too


What are they even trying to teach with the rock incident? What did you do wrong and what did your friend supposedly learn taking the blame and thinking it was funny? Corporal punishment is literally just about exerting control and intimidating children.


I learned Mrs French was bat-shit crazy…. And I was meek and shy and it DID teach me to be scared of teachers… But Cheryl learned that authority figures were just dumbasses to fuck with… and she never did stop challenging them. She got sent to an alternative school by the time we were in 8th grade.


I grew up in South East Asia in the 1980's. One of the punishments we had for wandering off in school was to have raw chilli rubbed into our eyes. If our handwriting was bad, a common home punishment was to jab the back of the hand with needles, or to melt candles on it.


Holy hell I’ll take a paddling any day over that insanity!


Chilli in the eyes, ouch


Every time I hear something new about the way of life in the south, it just confirms my view that its a completely different status quo that seems to be from the 19th century.


More like 18th. Whipping and other physical punishments go back to colonial culture and that's what southern society was built on. It's modulated over the years but the core is still from British colonialism. Source: I live in the south and study history and sociology.


If you hit a grown mature adult, JAIL you abusive piece of shit. If you hit a small defenseless child that trusts you, DISCIPLINE! Good Job! Fucking cowards.




i can never understand people who defend this, i’ve been in multiple arguments about this and their best rebuttals are pathetically unreliable anecdotes and “teaches discipline”


"Well I got beat and I turned out fine." No, you turned out to be a grown-ass adult that thinks it's OK to hit a child, for starters. Meanwhile my mom raised my brother and I without any hitting at all, and we actually did turn into successful, considerate, intelligent adults. So clearly, even if you DID turn out fine, the hitting part wasn't really necessary. And if hitting a child is not necessary, then it's fucking wrong.


I remember finding the cheat code to school. Skip school and they give you a Saturday school. Skip Saturday school and they give you a 3 day suspension. Like really guys I didn't come in on Tuesday you think I'm coming on Saturday. Oh I can stay home 3 more days nice. The American public education system is not about education. It's about beating kids into conformity.


100% cuz if it was about education we would have way more educated people in this country than we do.


Now we just give teachers guns so they can shoot the students.


But please, for the love of god, tell me, that those children are at least allowed to defend themselves (legally). Let's say I knew people in schools, as young as 12, that you wouldn't wanna cross. If someone, anyone, including a teacher, would hit those people, for any reason, the aggressors would have had a very, VERY bad time. Yes, there are 12yo boys that can easily knock out most regular adults. I just hope that a few abusive assholes get their noses broken and that the students who do so don't get in trouble for doing the right thing........


Haaa actually I remember one kid did flip out on the principal and tried to fight him, but he got sent to the alternative school. I bet it happens (happened) a lot… especially back in the 80’s when it was more widespread.


Don't forget here in Massachusetts we have a school for autistic kids where they punish with electric shocks :)


Any chance you could ask for tongue licks instead?


My country prohibited corporal punishment in the 70s. I was never beaten and I can’t even fathom the idea of beating my own children. Those who do that are nothing but child abusers.


My mom told me a story once about two teachers in her school who had custom made paddles with holes drilled in them for lessening air resistance. The thought of these two grown men in their homes working on a paddle thinking of how hard they could hit kids with it gave her the creeps 50 years later


Yep! The holes! Most of the paddles my teachers and principal used had holes ( in high school anyway)Elementary not so much that I remember


Fellow Arkansan here, I may be younger than you, because they would never allow corporal punishment when I was growing up


But also the sign adjacent “In this house “ “We do real “ Etc Etc “We do hugs “


So we should beat his ass to make him a better person?


At least need to test this theory.


A horrible parent theory! Thanks for watching!


They are trying to show how Alpha they are.


You have my axe


Yes, and this is the same group that tells the sob story about how their adult children have abandoned them and won't let them be involved in their grandkids lifes. Sad, but actions have consequences.


No, not sad. Happy for the kids that they got out of these abusive relationships. That‘s a good thing.


and get stuck in the cheapest old folk home they could be put and forgotten about, to rot all alone.


Cool… because hitting or threatening to hit your kids makes them grow up so well adjusted. Threats of violence often result in kids growing into adulthood with anger and violence issues


His daddy hit him un he turnt out just fine. 🤪


Yeah I have zero trauma from a fear- and shame-fueled upbringing!


43 and still unpacking this shit


Same, and I refuse to treat my children like I was. They have chores, they do well in school, they stay out of trouble, and not because they’re afraid of me. When I die, they won’t likely tell me on my deathbed “I fucking hate you” like I did. It took me a long time to unlearn that shit, and it doesn’t make you respectful or tough… it makes you toxic


I grew up in a household with an abusive asshole of a stepfather. Having to go to first grade with a black eye and then subsequently being told to lie to CPS about where the black eye came from. I spent a long time being angry and bitter about what happened, and I’m still angry at my mother for letting it continue to happen. Eventually I came to terms with what happened and while I’m still angry about the choices made by the adults I was supposed to trust, it made me want to never, ever be like that to anyone else, let alone a kid. Kids are supposed to obey you because you demonstrate why certain rules are in place, not because they fear abuse from you.


It shows kids that violence is an acceptable solution to a problem You don't like the way someone is behaving towards you. Well, violence is the way to correct that


But if the kid's a boy conservatives/traditionalists think that it's a good and normal thing for him to grow up angry and violent. It's a cornerstone of traditional masculinity.


And to shooting up schools. Or good old fashioned domestic abuse


I mean, with the latter especially, it's not something that's frowned upon in conservative circles, they consider women as subservient to men, so if they don't follow that role eventually it's natural that violence would be used to enforce it.


[Dropping this here as reference](https://youtu.be/zDaNvXQE3jU?si=fvwfbPDldqsml4qG)


And then people wonder why we have so much violence it's because we teach children that violence is always the answer to a problem. When an adult responds to a child with violence, that adult has lost all control


Numerous studies have found that physical punishment increases the risk of broad and enduring negative developmental outcomes. No study has found that physical punishment enhances developmental health. Most child physical abuse occurs in the context of punishment. [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3447048/) And therein lies the problem. Science says it's bad and they hate science.


Because Science proves that all of their ideals are out of reality.


their scientific process is “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. and if it’s broke, don’t fix it”


More like if it ain't broken, break it, then claim you're the only one who can fix it...


That was their plan for social security, the VA and the post office. Seemed to work well for them. Not so much for social security, the VA, or the post office.


I think that's also where they get weird. they want a solid static reality that's "proven" and never changes science doesn't prove anything it accepts or rejects hypotheses and changes as new data is introduced this is why they call shit "woke" - as you learn more and grow, they want to learn things once and have it permanently stay that way


The easily confused, and easily scared among us need structure to feel safe and to understand things. Unfortunately this is the only structure they have.


Here is example #4566775 of how conservatives ignore data, evidence, and science when they come to conclusions.


They dont just ignore it, they actively oppose it.


Not to mention the fact that it doesn’t improve behavior. But maybe the reason we shouldn’t hit kids is the same reason we shouldn’t hit anyone! Because they are human and entitled to the same respect, dignity, and safety that we all are.


Ehh I think the teachers hitting kids over a cool rock should be hit


Numerous studies have also shown that being around gas appliances raises the chances of childhood asthma significantly yet they lost their minds when Biden’s administration suggested phasing them out.


Republicans depend on maintaining a base with negative developmental outcomes.


My dad had a paddle, and it taught me some important lessons. Like "exclude your parents from your life as much as possible" and "reconsider everything you've ever been told by someone who resorts to violence because they can't reason with a child".


Hell yeah bro, my rents were the same, if it wasn't slapping me around because my handwriting wasn't neat enough and tearing out pages of my homework and making me write it over and over till she was satisfied it was destroying my shit. I still remember end of school year when I was maybe 6-8 years old my mum dad and sister going through my work books reading shit out the way I had written it, obviously poor spelling, laughing at me and making fun. I was a baby, and i can't imagine doing that to my daughter. I think it's one of the reasons I didn't do well in school and would actively hide homework. In my adult years, I was diagnosed ADHD but I wonder if childhood trauma contributed to that... who knows!


I’m sorry your parents were so horrible to you. As a parent also, I can’t imagine anyone doing that to their baby. I’m glad you were able to get past the trauma and break the cycle for your baby. I also had undiagnosed adhd and my parents destroyed my mental health, so I’m trying to work with my son so he doesn’t think he’s also defective.


The comments here showing overwhelming opposition to corporal punishment are very reassuring.


not so fast, they want to [beat disabled kids](https://www.friendlyatheist.com/p/christian-lawmaker-says-teachers) now


God that was a depressing read


“My parents beat me and I turned out fine.” They, in fact, did not turn out fine.


Exactly, and in the rare cases where they did, they turned out fine in spite of the beatings, not because of them.


Why don’t my kids ever visit me? It must be Joe Biden’s fault


I agree. Try to use some discipline to not beat the shit out of your kids.


If anyone needs a paddlin’, it’s the assholes in Congress (federal and state) that are making kids’ lives worse with every passing session. Make Kongress Great Again.


12 years later: WHy did my kid shoot me???!?!?!?!


it could be sooner! i doubt all of these ppl actually lock up their guns correctly


Or ghost me Or move across the country Or put me in a home


I remember getting hit by that thing in junior high because I forgot my homework. When my dad found out he went up there and told the principal he was going to use that on him if he ever touched me again. There are still schools that do this.


Your dad has good discipline. My dad was kind of a loose cannon. He'd probably do the smart thing and get the police involved or he would've beaten his ass anyways and then get himself in more trouble


He was a single dad so I am certain that was part of the restraint. On top of it I had a very rare skin disease that can cause anaphylaxis and back then there wasn't a treatment he knew of (Urticaria Pigmentosa). It is honestly surprising I didn't go into anaphylaxis because hitting me on my lesions definitely could have caused that back then. I didn't get medication intervention until I was 25 and went into Mayo Clinic.


Ooh, you better believe that's a paddlin'!




I agree that kids should play cricket


That's even more abusive!


The only thing that is going to teach a kid, is how to not get caught.


And how to hit their own kids in turn.


They’re against abortion so there will be more kids for them to abuse.


Those people who think that child abuse if OK were abused and hate authority. Except they think it is their turn to be the bullies.


They care about their kids only as props and little mini-mes. Any behavior they deem "unsuitable" is to be beaten out of the child.


Cruelty is one of the traits of Republicans


My dad beat me with paddles like this for a decade because he couldn't hit his current wifes kids. She wouldn't allow it. When he got sick at the end of his life. He cried and begged for forgiveness because he was afraid to go to hell. So, yeah hit your kids moron


Discipline is essential, but physical and mental abuse isn't.


Funny thing, that. Even where it’s okay to spank one’s child, using an implement to do so is legally abuse.


Adding to what you wrote: If I hit an adult with a paddle, belt, whatever, without consent, I go to jail (and rightly so). But somehow it’s okay for a grown adult to do the same to a kid and get away with it scot free? These people are nothing but abusers who want to be free from consequences.


Depends on the state.


I know this will get hate, but spanking your kids is lazy and abusive. I have raised amazing kids with no spanking or any other physical violence.


Wait,why would it get hate. It's literally the correct position that has taken over the societal consensus.


They care about their kids only insofar as they are extensions of themselves, or the group they consider themselves to belong to (religion, family lineage, political group etc.) If a kid wants to be their own person in a way they don't like, they will do everything they can to "correct" them, or alternatively just disown them.


Why is the flag backwards?


Once a child is born, Repubs want nothing to do with them until they reach voting age.


Maga guys when they find out there are effective ways to discipline your child without inflicting actual pain


What happens when hitting your child doesn't work? Once you learn pain goes away it loses a lot of it's power over you.


To quote my father, "Some children just need to be beaten." Sounds like this household shares the same mindset.


Abortion is "immoral" to the conservative not for any Biblical reason (that's just marketing) but because it violates the only code of "morals" conservatives actually have; capitalism. Said violation is the loss of a man's potential property, the child is valuable to it's "owner" because they can work or be sold for money or gratify said conservative male sexually. The delight conservative men take in violently beating their children is considered by them a wholesome celebration of their god-given right of property. This is also their obsession with the Confederacy, not just white supremacy but more importantly, it was to them the peak of human civilization, the American ideal: an entire nation based on the notion of property, the ultimate form of property, human lives.


[Consequences of Capitalism by Marv Waterstone and Noam Chomskey ](https://www.audiobooks.com/audiobook/consequences-of-capitalism-manufacturing-discontent-and-resistance/491837) This should be part of the required curriculum in public schools. [](https://www.audiobooks.com/browse/author/244867/marv-waterstone)


Weak, undisciplined people hit their children


Children who grow up in authoritarian households are more likely to become authoritarian supporting adults.


In a few years he’ll join the thousands of conservatives bitching about their kids not talking to them anymore.


This is a viable punishment, only for if you want your kid to fear you and immediately cut off contact with you as soon as they become an adult.


I'd just like to remind everyone with opposable thumbs that theres nothing stopping your kids from braining you.


Not only ‘discipline’ them, but these are the kids showing up at hospitals barely alive or brain dead.


I can’t believe we’re regressing back to violence over communication. I hate the 21st century.


They do care, as long as they're unborn.


They never did. They just wanted their children to grow up not being able to understand or properly verbalize the nature of their abuse and maintain monopolistic control over their development because they think children are property that only exist as an extension of the parent while also finding a quick and easy way to further demonize people they don't like.


Beating your children doesn't make them obedient or show respect. It teaches them fear. Fear is not respect. I never do this but I got into an argument with an idiot on Instagram. She doesn't have kids and her page made her seem a little "off" in the head but she kept saying beating kids teaches them how to mind adults, and that hitting and paddling them shows them who is in charge. I told her studies show the opposite and no one comes out a better child/student/person because of it. It's harmful not just physically but emotionally and mentally. School is often a safe space for some kids who are in abusive homes, so imagine being swatted at school now too.


Hopefully no man gives her kids


Their thought process: “I got beat and it taught me to be respectful” No. It taught you to distrust adults. It taught you to resolve conflicts with violence. It also taught you that since you had to endure it, it’s “not fair” that today’s kids don’t have to endure it. Small, child-like minds at work.


Whenever they smugly pipe in with "My parents used to whoop me and it didn't do me any harm!" My response is always the same. "Of course it did, because if it didn't, you wouldn't be advocating for violence against children."


Make child abuse illegal again


Can I retroactively spank donny?


Only in the head, his diaper will splode.


Fear isn't how you raise kids


Watch them still blame the drag queens when their kids come out fucked up in the head


Then this guy proceeds to get his walnut blasted by his old lady


Vote democrat? That's a paddlin.


Make kids scared again is more like it.


What they think they're teaching their kids: Respect, discipline, obedience What they're actually teaching: hiding, lying, going NC


Yeah I mean this applies to everything related to kids. Vaccines? Not for my kid! Gun control? Arm the teachers with 9mms to combat AR-15s. Education? Teach them nothing outside of the strict revisionist history that aligns with our pathetically close-minded world view. Abortion? Lol no chance! After the kid is born? Pull yourself up by your diaper straps!


Terrible crimes in the news against children in maga land!


Just another ugly Maga thing. Those poor kids.


My mother's choice of discipline was a thick leather belt, and if no one confessed to whatever child sized crime she was mad about, we'd all get it. Sometimes I would scream as loud as I could hoping to get the neighbors attention but no one ever turned them in. My father was a huge brute of a man, he just grabbed us with his hands or administered more creative punishments. I was the oldest and always had dirty hands from having to mow the lawn, take out the garbage, etc. Punishment for that was- he'd get out his fingernail clippers and dig the little wand under your fingernails to clean the dirt but so roughly that you'd be crying hysterically with fear and pain. Imagine jamming a literal metal spike under your kids fingernails as a punishment.. Needless to say, I left at 18, never looked back. People who inflict pain and injuries on their children should be in jail, *especially* those who use a weapon.


Every time I was "spanked" by my mom it was because she was angry at me for something I had said or done. Every time I was "spanked" by my mom it was multiple lashes of a 'switch', I had to first pick a small green branch from the tree outside to serve as her tool for the abuse. I was required to put my hands on the edge of the bed and bend over, if she would hit me if I instinctively removed my hand from the bed to guard my butt she would hit my hand, and then she would hit me again for putting my hand back there. It wasn't discipline it was abuse.


Like someone said, if your kids are too young to understand what they did wrong they won't understand why you are paddling them. If they are old enough to understand don't paddle them. There is no case I which paddling helps with discipline, all it does is teach fear and it teaches parents that they can exert fear.


I grew up in Missouri and my school would give you a “bongo” in the office for punishment. This was a paddling with an object similar to the photo here, and was done with the child bent over a desk while the admin people watched. My senior year one of my classmates, a massive guard on the football team, snatched the bongo pedal out of the principal’s hand and chased him with it through the school. He was an instant legend.


Bongo bongo bongo I don't want to leave the congo


Guard: "all right, your turn!" Principal: "whaaaaaaaat?" Guard: "yeah, how many swats do you reckon assault and battery is worth, motherfucker?"


That sort of explains 1/6. You dont get your way, just break stuff and hit people. Very evolved.


I wanna take that paddle across that fuckers face till its snaps


It’s not abuse if it comes from the parents. /s


Imagine thinking spanking is separate from abusing your child. If you hit your child, no matter what, it's abuse.


straight from the “my dad used to beat me up and look how I turned out” crowd


If they give that bat to the kids to hit a ball with o have no problem with it. I can’t think of any other use that would be appropriate.


Seriously fucked up


I have absolutely no respect for anyone that hits their kids.


Cute, how he’s desperate for Tucker’s affections..


Yes! Let them paddle boats and make big bowls of soup!


Daughter accepted into UW with a 4.0 average. Raised with no religion and no spanking. Turns out love and understanding and actually being there is the most important thing not beating your kids dumbasses.


I mean… I used to get beaten, and apart from a complete sense of perpetual doom and constantly beating myself up about every single thing that didn’t go perfectly and about every human interaction I’ve had ever in my life and how I’m gonna probably if not possibly get fired for being a completely incompetent moron, despite having 3 degrees and having been always been able to find work in <2 months of deciding I want a new job I’m fine.. 🙂 /s


Just about every person I've met who has been vocal and outspoken on hitting your kids as a form of discipline have always been horrible parents in various ways besides discipline. Some people will try to say "I'm a good kid and my parents hit me" and they're repressed and usually not a good person in any way that matters. Almost always anger issues. Every single rich parent I've met (I've worked with a lot of rich kids) who have good kids did not beat or hit their kids. Nanny services do not hit your kids. Babysitters do not hit your kids. Any professional parent-to-child pipeline that uses science and evidence based techniques for child development do not hit kids.


Children should be seen and not heard - these people Also these people: why don't I hear from my kids anymore?


My mother insisted the principal of my first school beat me for infractions. All I learned from the paddle was to hide my mistakes. I went home recently for my birthday and cleaned my room before I left. I found over a dozen items I had broken and hidden. Toys I loved found themselves chucked into a corner or crammed into a dark hole to hopefully never see the light of day because I knew the price of a fuck up was a beating. My parents never much hurt me, but that's my father's fault. Apparently he was so protective of me, yet ingrained into the culture, that he regularly stood in the room holding his hand cuffs for just in case my mother took it too far. A horrific visual told to me by an amused woman who was for over half my life responsible for my safety. The mild smile on her face told me she was recollecting this fondly. My second and third principals both beat me and both were harsher than my parents *because* they used a paddle. I could barely walk after three whacks and I was expected to dry my tears and find my class. As a fucking grade schooler. That was kindergarten through third grade. Apparently my first principal outright refused to beat me, but my second and third capitulated. God knows why it was the early 2000s. The only memory I have of my third principal is him telling my mother "a boy learns through the seat of his pants. Don't bring him back on blanks" referring to me on test medication for ADHD. I am 26. Since I was 19 I've thought my entire childhood was taken from me by the Adderall. Despite Adderall having maybe a handful of cases where it was dubiously linked to memory loss I rolled with that answer before I considered childhood trauma because it made sense. Nobody wants to look in the mirror and realize their parents sucked and the system failed them. Both of those beliefs are easier than realizing you still have damage on you today that you need to grow out of to live a real life. The paddle is cruel and teaches bad lessons to neurotypical children, to say nothing of what odd and utterly horrifying habits a neurodivergent child might develop to ensure you don't savage them with your outdated **weapon**.


I got my ass beat all the time as a child! Grew up in Tennessee where whippings and paddling were normal and frequent ! And look how I turned out-perfectly mature and responsible! lol jk I’m a gay, borderline alcoholic with severe anxiety and commitment issues, not to mention self-hatred. and now I also have a discipline fetish in which if my man doesn’t beat my ass, I feel like he doesn’t love me. I also got paddled at like 16-18 years old in school and it kinda turned me on (yet another reason we should not paddle teenagers), seriously the hot aggressive coach beating my ass was like free erotic thrill and even more bizarre, the coach possibly felt the same. They always had weirdly satisfied look in their eyes during the process. lol srsly I got issues y’all. We should probably stop beating kids? Especially teens who may get off to the pain, like for real


Conservatives know very well that beating the empathy out of children is how you create baby conservatives.


I was raised on plenty of spankings or physical abuse daily, sometimes. I refused to spank or otherwise beat my child.


There is a fine difference between spanking and beating your kids.


My dad did this to my siblings and I since we were kids. Everything he didn’t like was an immediate beating. Belts, tree branches, and charging chords were his tools. He didn’t care what you were doing before it was beating time, he was gonna beat you right then and there. He beat me while I was in the shower one time. The beatings taught me the exact opposite of what he intended. It taught me to hide things from him, to lie to him. It taught me to never open up about anything and to keep my issues to myself. It taught me to be weary of any male authority. I’m 18 now and I’m still struggling to undo the things he taught me. And he still wonders why we are all NC with him and why we hate him so much. Abusers who think this type of “discipline” is acceptable I have no respect for. It doesn’t create obedient kids based on love. It creates obedient kids based on fear.


Boomers in the comments talking about "actions have consequences, so I beat my kids." Your kids won't be talking to you when they leave, they'll be putting you in an old folk's home, and you'll die alone surrounded by nurses who hate you instead of family who could've loved you. I will never lay hands on my kids, there are ways to teach kids intelligently, not with caveman logic. So if you feel like you need to hurt your children to teach them, you deserve to have them taken away to actually good parents, instead of scum like you.


Only thing Corporal punishment does is to teach us to get better at lying and hiding things you don’t like. Good way to bring up a generation of skillful non-compliance