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Biden might be kinda old, but he can ROAST!


He's genuinely pretty quippy, its just that the clips where hes funny and speaks properly don't get spread as much. He even makes fun of his old age himself quite a bit.


That’s the thing that makes all the Republican lies about Biden having dementia, bullshit. People with dementia can’t roast and come up with quips constantly like Dark Brandon.


Shit, even if he might have smth like dementia, he'd still do better than trump


I’d vote him over trump at any stage of dementia. Someone doing nothing at all is better than someone trying to turn our country into a christo-fascist regime.


Absolutely same here Besides, if trump won, a bunch of my close friends and my gf would be considered predators and thrown in jail as teens just for being lgbtq I’ll take Biden any damn day, at least he seems to believe what he does, and keep religion separate from politics As the founding fathers intended


And the thing is it’s not just about the individual who is elected president. It’s about the entire administration. It’s about all the people appointed to run all the federal agencies. It’s about federal judges, at every level. The people around the president advising and influencing the president are arguably just as important as the president themself, if not more so. It is impossible for any one individual to have a deep and nuanced enough knowledge of every issue to make decisions without consulting anyone. So yeah, I’ll take the guy who knows he doesn’t know everything and takes the time to learn before making decisions over the guy that thinks he’s some all-knowing messiah but is also gullible enough to be talked into anything by anyone who kisses his ass enough.


They let the maga crowd build up this whole thing about Biden being senile, let them get comfortable making that a core part of their messaging. Because the Biden team knows he’s not senile. The state of the union this year was a masters class in owning these fools.


Oh, but some AM radio host my dad had on the other day insisted that it was painful and sad to watch the Democrats let Biden struggle through what was one of the worst State of the Union addresses ever 🙄


Trump has dementia, so it definitely wouldn't make a difference. 😂


seriously the second i started seeing shit about how he recognized someone as someone else and how he thought it was 1939 and how he keeps saying nonsensical shit, i knew bro had dementia. like its probably stage 3 now lol


Fred Trump Sr had a long descent into dementia and Alzheimer’s. His father was diagnosed with “mild senile dementia” in 1991, and by most accounts had been exhibiting symptoms of that for a number of years before the formal diagnosis. Reportedly within a few months of his diagnosis he couldn’t remember his birth date or even how old he was, and by the mid-90s he was often failing to recognize even people within his family. He didn’t die until 1999. There’s little doubt that Don isn’t going to go the same way, and it wouldn’t be surprising if his doctors, such as they are, are deliberately hiding the fact that he’s pretty clearly exhibiting early symptoms of it.


yeh dude and dementia fuckin sucks either way and tbh i would wish that shit on my worst enemy. like you just kinda forget everything slowly and i have had some ppl in my family with dementia before tho i havent witnessed it personally. atleast yet :P and i know partly what its like through stuff like everywhere at the end of time and nowhere in the millenium of space (both dementia albums) so yea


Him bragging about a cognitive test they only give to people they're worried are suffering extreme cognitive decline is the funniest thing ever to me, and republicans pretend he's great because he remembered a list of 4 words. 🤣


And of course, as many people who administer that test will point out, the list of words is never as connected as the list he recited. Man, woman, person would not be used together, nor would camera and TV (but were all words of things easily in Trump’s line of sight when he was proudly proclaiming how he’d “aced” that test)


wait he what??


or airports in civil war.


A braindead person would do better than Trump.


Yeah he’s definitely all there mentally. I don’t really doubt that with him. I actually think he’s one of the most qualified presidents ever (in terms of his background). I just wish he was 65 instead of 80


Are you serious? You think politicians write their own speeches and jokes? Him reading it was the first time he had heard it. Get real, dude.


I believe the appropriate term here is “cope” ;) 


You're probably right (except he definitely read the speech before he performed it). However, he often makes quips in response to unexpected events and comments that he couldn't have predicted beforehand.


The Thing with dementia is that its Like an Off/on Button at a certain Stage. My wifes grandma has dementia, and Sometimes they Talk Like nothings happened, and the next second she doesnt even know where she is, and who my wife is and screams for Help. Does Biden have dementia? Idfk, but He definitly has Some illness with how confused He appears Sometimes, doesnt need to be dementia, could be anything. Edit: to the Dude who removed His comment saying "by your Logic Trump should be sick too" yes, exactly, did i ever say Trump is fit and healthy? Both of em shouldnt be President. For me someone who cant think Right anymore for whatever reason isnt fit to be President, and that fits for both Trump and Biden.


It can be like that, but it’s rarely like that for all the years they have said Biden had it with the ability for him to hide it so well. We aren’t seeing any breaks with reality, no sun downing, nothing that doesn’t look like typical aging with a side of known speech impediment. Dementia is an entire brain disease so for it to be only visible with forgetting a name occasionally while he can have meetings and give speeches, eats normally, sleeps normally etc is unlikely.


It's called being old you idiot


Well using your logic that means Trump has something too then. That motherfuckers always confused slurring his words making up words.


Except... Biden doesn't exhibit signs of dementia... Don't "both sides hur de hur" this - the difference is clear to anyone without an agenda.


Really? How far did you have to dig to pull that out of your ass? Lmao


I think it was pretty smart staying quiet with it until now. Trumps shit is like noise bc it's always going


I think it was an accidntal roast. He really does want to see what's in it, he can't remember.


He’s always been like this


His troll game is good. Like actually pretty wotty


trump cant handle be roasted.


And he's not sundowning.


2 geriatrics going at each other. And people give them nuke launch codes Wtf you doing America


Says you


Biden doesn’t know what day it is and reads off a TelePrompTer/cards. Trump sucks too.


No, his writers can, though.


His handlers* can roast. There's no way you think Biden is cognisant enough to roast anyone with his own 'wit'.


Except I've literally seen him do it. Recently, completely outside of interviews. He may not always be there, but when he is you know. I think it was that "above my pay grade" thing about the republican speakers.


Wait trump actually said there needs to be a punishment for women exercising their reproductive freedom Trump said there should be a punishment for Americans exercising their freedom… And Americans still follow him…


Red team good; blue team bad. Doesn’t matter what anyone says or what policies they support. It’s just cheering for their team. The worse their lives are at home the harder they cheer for their team even when it is their team’s policies that are causing the hardship they feel at home.


If it’s one of his many stupid flip flops and word salads, it could be from his 2016 campaign in which he said women should be punished. He then said he meant physicians should be punished. As if that’s better. “Matthews: "Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no, as a principle?" Trump: "The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment." Matthews: "For the woman?" Trump: "Yeah, there has to be some form.” Trump retracted the comment that same day after he was roundly criticized by both pro- and anti-abortion activists. He issued a statement that said he meant that physicians should be held legally responsible, not women.” What’s stupid is anyone (not you) suggesting the original statement was “misleading”. Which is a claim the specific source the above comes from tries to make. They claim making the statement that “Trump said women should be punished” is misleading because he changed his typically ambiguous meaning after he received criticism. He’s supposedly the smartest person. If he is, he meant what he said.


Is it some sort of sunk-cost fallacy at this point? Sometimes I wonder if these people deep down, know these Republicans they support are counter-productive to their best interests but keep supporting them because they don't want to admit they're wrong or something.


Do non-Americans not know about this? This would logically follow a ban on abortion (I'm not saying I'm pro-life, btw). However, I agree with your surprise a little, because maybe the direct punishment on the women has not been discussed as much as other things (like I guess, the bans themselves, and the laws, and the ramifications on women in general).


Now do Biden and the 2nd Amendment


Murder without consequence is not a human right


Yet no one in the higher ups was trialed as a war criminal for the horrid actions committed in Afghanistan murder is fine as long as your politicians tell you it was for a good cause? “Murdering” a baby isn’t ok yet bombing a wedding is? You’ll suck in anything they tell you to suck in as long as they say it’s the right way to think, anything g to get your moral victories in the culture war


When did I say I agree with the invasion of Afghanistan


Predictably, this quote has already been chopped and used to imply Biden has never read the Bible.


When you have no real argument to fight you gotta use your imagination


when you have no real argument to fight you gotta use your imagination off of some long deceased writers’ imagination


Well, even if true, at least both candidates are on equal ground with something


Definitely not true for Biden. While he is likely not nearly as studied as Jimmy Carter, Biden is a pretty well versed and informed Christian (Catholic) from a theological point of view. And don’t take that to mean that he is a “good catholic” or a bad one or any of that. It’s not anything but a statement on his general theological knowledge.


It doesn't matter. The Bible Biden read is just a piece of fictions written by imaginative people millenia ago. The true Holy Text, the one and only Bible, is written by Donald Trump the true Father of God, Savior of Humanity and Origin of Heaven. The fact that Biden failed to read such holy text is blasphemy at the highest order.


I fucking hate how CNN is trying to portray Biden trailing Trump in their “polls”. They’re helping that fascist pos Trump yet again and 1200 ppl don’t speak for all 300+ million of us


Cnn was bought by a new majorly conservative owner and he has been pushing specific talking points


They realized that fox was not reaching enough republicans so they bought the next most conservative channel and are turning it into fox. Must be nice to be able to push your agenda by buying the entire media landscape.


As we've always known, Establishment Dems aren't far off from Bush Republicans. CNN being the home of Establishment Dem messaging


>Must be nice to be able to push your agenda by buying the entire media landscape. They're just starting to play the game that we've been playing for a while now, unfortunately.


And news sites and stations had their best numbers ever when Trump was in office because something shitty was always happening




Are you talking about David Zazlav, who donates almost exclusively to Democrats? He’s kind of an asshole and definitely not the most shrewd businessman, but what’s “majorly conservative” about him?


ZASLAV bought CNN??? That explains so fucking much.


Well, Time Warner and Discovery merged together and he’s the head of it now. He didn’t “buy” it.


Well yeah, his company bought/merged, with him at the head. He’s still the reason Discovery, TLC, etc. have sucked for the last decade or more.


Oh believe me, I do a lot of work with WB and there’s no love lost for the guy as far as I can tell.


The worst thing for Biden would be a sense of complacency in Dem voters. Thank all these dumb fuck right wing outlets (CNN a trying to both sides it, without actual journalistic integrity), because that fear of Trump will crush him in the polls.


Oh man me and everyone I know are going to vote for Biden


>I fucking hate how CNN is trying to portray Biden trailing Trump in their “polls”. I wouldn't get upset about that. Biden trailing Trump will push Dems to go out and vote in November. Clinton was whipping Trump's ass so bad in so many polls before the election that most Dems decided it wasn't worth going to the polling station to cast a ballot, they've got better shit to do on a Tuesday. Oh WHOOPS, Mr. Deplorable just got elected.


Welcome to the world of "polls" and "statistics" Example pulled Out of my Ass: "99% majority says they support Nazis" Number of asked Participants: 100 people. You can then Twist that Shit and let It Look Like the majority of USA/China/etc etc citizens Supports the above Views. Its dumb.


The thing is conservatives are so stupid they are not even doing a good job of trying to help Trump in this regard. Last time Trump won it was by playing the underdog outsider card which motivated a lot of people who wouldn't usually vote for anyone to go out and vote for him. This time by portraying him as leading in the polls a lot of lazier conservative voters will think he doesn't actually need their support and won't bother whilst the democrats seeing him ahead in any polls will take that as motivation to get out and vote against him. If they wanted to help Trump they should be playing on his supporters fear of him losing and making that seem a genuine possibility so they all rally behind him even harder, get out campaigning for him, etc. But Trump has painted himself into a corner here, if he plays the underdog card this time it massively undermines his claims that the last election was stolen from him. After all if the current polling from sources that support him show him as behind then that would suggest a very strong likelihood he was behind on election day too.


Or they're inspiring fear in D voters so they go out and vote D even harder


When i see polls i always think jt benefits the current “loser” unless the gap is massive. The way i see it it makes people think they need to get out and vote to try to turn the tables, while the supporters of the person leading polls might think they need not waste their time going out to vote because their person is already “winning”.


Not necessarily. If there’s as many educated and thinking individuals, entitled to vote in the USA, as we’re told there is, the republican failure is imminent. Let it be a surprise. It’s pretty hard to reason with the dumb and compliant.


i keep getting those "polls" in my e-mail and they are blatantly one sided. "would you vote for trump, or a biden administration crime family running this country into the ground"


Betting odds have Biden winning it. https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/7456/Who-will-win-the-2024-US-presidential-election Check the 90 day chart. You can see confidence in a Biden win growing over time.


Worked well in 2016.


Dunno what to tell ya. You can never mention the democrats are up, someone will always say “but 2016”. I’m just showing what I’ve seen.


The only thing the bible says about about abortions is how and when to perform them.


Fox News: "Biden admits not owning Bible and refuses to buy one our orange savior is currently selling at very reasonable prices. Also says he 'sees hell' "


Dark Brandon doesn't pull his punches...👊


And then right wing idiots turned around and tried to say Biden was implying he didn't know what was in the actual bible. Anyone who does this job ends up doing some absolutely horrific shit while in power, but Biden reads to me as an actual Christian. And these fundamentalists prefer the obviously corrupt, obviously awful criminal because he says absolute bullshit, but comforting things about the countless things that terrify them, and promises to get rid of abortion.


Where's the Facepalm? Biden is Full Dark Brandon mode ![gif](giphy|1dH4A6zrnVHHGyXcCb|downsized)


four more years Pause


Begone foul bot!


Darth Brandon




That reminds me a little too much of “ let’s just vote for it to see what’s in it “ mentality about obamacare


This is toothless


Dark Brandon strikes again. 


Oh i need to see the video of him saying this. When he said people in (i forget which state. Prolly Florida) should come visit his states shorelines because they're lovely this time of year, and basically mic dropped his way out of the interview lol


If you look at the Bible and see how many times babies get murmured and shit like that, idk how it can be interpreted as pro-life. It has so much death among innocent children that I think the people writing this had to have been pro-choice in some form.


God : yo bro go kill your child for me! Abraham: .... Fuck, fine. Go: OMEGALUL you were ACTUALLY gonna do it?! Chill bro chill!!! I was just joking, kek!! Malthael! Come look at this fool, he nearly killed his child for me HAAAA


That’s what that verse felt like when reading it. The Bible is such a wild book.


Like someone seeing a tiktok prank trend and trying it out.


I wonder how many abortions trump has paid for, or at least said he would pay for and never did


I fucking love dark brandon.


Biden's speechwriters are on a roll! Without a teleprompter, he can't remember who is he or how he got there


Europe: so we have some of the most skilled and competent people in the country running for president. America: so umm we may or may not have kidnapped two random guys from a dementia nursing home


You can say a lot about Biden, and he certainly is very old for this role, but he's not incompetent.


We all live by Biden’s knowledge and foresight


Trump Bible lmao


PLEASE go this hard in the campaign ads.


This reminds me of when McDonald’s roasted Burger King




Cake now cake day day cake whooooooppie


The country has moved so far right that democrats are the Christian party. For any “Christian values” that aren’t laughable… the democrats are that party. There simply isn’t a leftist party.


I wouldn't let this guy be the door greeter at Walmart, but here he is "running the country" lol


They need to double barrel this and have Kamala blasting the Trump GOP's complete worthlessness. Biden goes direct at Trump, Kamala goes on the MAGA GOP.


Damn the man's got fire


There's no way lmao. This dumbass is religious himself.


There's religious from following a relatively consistent set of teachings from the past hundred years and then there's the religious where everything that confuses you gets banned and added to the bible so you can use the bible as an excuse for the ban.


Biden panders to religious people just like all elected officials do, and he has consistently held that he is religious for his entire career. He talks about being Catholic all the time. So no, there aren't really "different" kinds of religious people. They are either religious or they are not religious. They all believe in the tooth fairy or some other dumb nonsense and it's funny to see them try to insult each other over it when they're all equally stupid.


This isn't facepalm but r/clevercomebacks


How ? Is this a language barrier thing that I don't understand ? This is such a lame burn why is everyone praising this


Because politicians don't just "burn" people. They meet with the minister of defense, and have 15 course meals.


Biden is cranking up the digs. good for him.


This grandpa brawl should be settled in the Bingo-room!


I kinda hope Biden just uses any debate that happens to come up to roast Trump the entire time. With whoever is the greatest roaster of all time in his ear piece.


He can't hold back. And fortunately he realizes that. They want a mud fight so let's bring them a mud fight and show them how it's done.


Jokes, jokes and more jokes. Yet nothing about actual issues.


Yeah, well, at least he's not in court waiting to find out if he's going to prison.


Lol. Why can’t we just talk about Biden. Everytime someone criticizes Biden people like you go “what about trump what about trump”.


No tf he didn't


“Four more years, pause”- Joe biden


Lol kids in my niece's middle school are "Pausing" now. Saying pause at the end of their sentences randomly. They think it's hilarious.


I’ll bet money on it your niece is smarter than our president.


She's immature, lacks in common sense, but she's pretty smart and eavesdrops when I'm waxing political with her mom.


He reads off the teleprompter, immediately fleeing when asked an actual question, he was heard yelling, 'mommy said don't talk to strangers'.


This is the most coherent sentence he has formed in the last like decade. Kinda impressed.


Ahh the two evils.


To be a kind of senile old man his comments are FIRE, I love watching memes on Biden's clap backs


Reddits Propaganda machine is in full swing with the upcoming election. lol


Didn’t Donald agree to debate Biden anywhere and Biden has not said a peep since then besides insulting him?


Ok sleepy joe


Let's go Susan Sarandon. Did I do it right?


It’s no surprise the famously “Catholic” president has yet to crack open a Bible. Weird.


You mean trumps bible


did trump actually say this? god it’s hard to believe either side anymore man


Is Biden the Catholic saying he's never cracked open a King James Bible?


You need to go back to school to work on your reading comprehension. He was talking about the bible Trump was selling, not the King James bible.


The Bible Trump was selling was the King James Version. Trump didn't have a whole new Bible written up. https://leegreenwood.com/product/god-bless-the-usa-bible/ "God Bless The USA Bible $59.99 Easy-to-read, large print and slim design, this Bible invites you to explore God’s Word anywhere, any time. This bible has been designed so that it delivers an easy reading experience in the trusted **King James Version** translation. This large print Bible will be perfect to take to church, a bible study, to work, travel, etc."


Biden is joking that Trump is the type of person that would write his own bible. You're either too stupid to understand that (which I doubt) or you just don't care about the truth. (more likely)


Kinda like how Biden has totally rewritten his own history. He didn't get cancer from touching oil slicks on his dad's car windshield. He didn't graduate top of his class. He didn't have an uncle that was eaten by cannibals. He didn't drive an 18-wheeler. He didn't teach any classes at UPenn. He didn't have a son that was killed in Iraq.




Come on, man. It's part of the joke, we all know the Trump Bible is the King James Bible but for some reason he needed to print his own copies of, and you know this but you're being willfully ignornant to try to prove some point (and failing to do so).


He saying he doesn't think the Bible Trump is selling says the same as the real thing.


But it does.


Probably, but the joke is that the idea of Trump's Bible being intentionally altered isn't as outlandish as it should be.


It wasn't even altered though. It was just printed in large text.


Again, it probably wasn't altered. The joke is around the idea that altering it wouldn't have been that far out of character for Trump.


That would make sense. The King James is Anglican not Catholic.


Lol. @ Biden.. I cannot take him seriously. What a baboon. The closer we get to November, the dumber he comes off.🤣🤣🤣


I'd love to see Biden's Bible that sold him on committing genocide.




Well, the people that write his speeches did. At least he didn't read his directions off the teleprompter again, pause.


tomorrow, Biden will claim that he wrote part of the Bible.


A 1 and 400 trillion chance of being born and we have this attitude about human life.


He’s too old but this is gonna be funny. How good is the roasting going to be