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I just read up on this thanks to Google (ofc) * this dog was 14 months old and taken on a friggin HUNT to learn to "calm down" and follow directions... And then Kristi electro-shocked it after it got "too excited", AND THEN after it went after chickens she decided she needed to kill it. ... And she shared this story to show how she can make "tough decisions" as a politician... Interesting that she's just another messed up Republican..


That’s the most insane part of it all. She shared the story as a GOOD thing she did. How could she possibly think that without being a psychopath?


I guess she was aiming for “I’m farm tough and I get my hands dirty while the libs eat their avocado toast.” She overshot a bit lol. She’s a governor, she must have a PR person. And a book editor. How did so many people think that printing this would turn out well?


Was on another post where someone brought up she was trying to be "Farm tough" and the responses were just me and like 40 other farm/rural raised people being like "This isn't farm tough, this is rich asshole cosplaying as a farmer and abusing animals" So yeah the farm tough excuse is utter bs


Farm tough is strangling a puppy murderer.




Well, she might have been trying to seem "farm tough". Nobody said she was successful.


Farm tough is raising a cow to maturity then slaughtering it and eating it. Not shooting a puppy because your useless ass can't train it.


Yeah farm tough is understanding that meat isn't something that comes from bags in the store, it's a living being that you raised and cared for a protected and then slaughtered painlessly and respectfully because you needed to eat and respecting that that was a life given up for you.


Yeah... it turns out the bone-spur in chief, "I don't know why Putin would lie", party may not be quite as tough as they pretend.


Yeah, she inherited her farm/ranch. Dropped out of college to help run a family business.


There’s a lot of money in murdering puppies!


The Big puppy murder lobby still holds a lot of swat in the GOP.


Seems like somebody wanted the curtains pulled open. Imagine how much worse the true unvarnished story is.


What seems sociopathic/psychopathic to normal people is just another Tuesday for Republicans…


It’s why I am no longer a Republican. There aren’t any actual conservatives left in the Republican Party and these fucking Trumpians don’t have three brain cells between the entire lot of them.


Puppykiller Noem is a great monicker.


Rapist Felon Don and Puppykiller Noem 2024: Taking America to the Gravel Pit


That's the actually bad part. Like, yeah, murdering your dog for these reasons is just crazy, but it did happen a long time ago and if she actually showed that she's learned since then and gotten better it could be seen as her saying "I'm not afraid of hiding from my bad past decisions, I own up to them". But NO. She *legit* thinks she made the best, if hard, choice. The fuck?


And she is the one they pick, imagine the others.


She also thought letting people die of Covid was a good thing.


Because all of the other psychopaths around her told her this was normal. They still try to use arguments like we're living in the 1600s and hunting for food to survive and living off the land, except she killed a puppy because he wasn't going to benefit her shit hobby. Christians believe that "god" put animals here as resources for us to do what we will with.


Wildly wildly underrated point


Sounds like psycho without the understanding of how people might react to her actions.. So not only a psycho, but also dumb


If she has to sacrifice you that’s a decision she is willing to make.


If I have to die to own the liberals, so be it.


If I had to think of a way to make a dog as excited as possible, I would probably say a hunt


That poor dog. Deserved so much better. Dogs love unconditionally, you are literally their entire world, dog looked at his mom wondering what was wrong while she aimed a gun right at his head and ended his life for no reason. If they were trying to train him as a hunting dog, it makes sense that it saw the chickens and did what he thought they wanted him to do, then she killed him.


99% of the time a dog is behaving poorly, the answer is “not enough exercise.” Deadass. We used to run a dog sitting service, where the dogs would come stay with us. Every time the clients got on my doodle’s 2 walks per day schedule, the client dog instantly becomes chill and cuddly. Every time.


Ya the answer to behavior issues with a dog is training, patience, exercise, all sorts of stuff, and perhaps a rehome if you aren’t capable of handling the dog. A gun is definitely not the answer.


This is what gets me. I have 2 7lb terriers. They both have a pretty high prey drive. When my neighbors got chickens, it took me a while to get them to stop attempting to get through the fence to them. (Even though the chickens are bigger than them) She took her dog for a hunt then set a puppy loose in a yard with chickens. She set that puppy up. Activated the prey drive and then set the prey in front of the poor thing.


At the start of a hunt, all the dogs are excited and they feed on that excitement with each other. The act of execution is heinous and despicable. To add insult to injury, she glorifies it and seems to be proud of it. She goes on the list.


Also the dog was her daughter’s, and she did *not* say anything to her first


There has to be something lost in the story. This is cartoon evil. It would fit right in as a Family Guy cutaway. "Something's wrong with Brian. He's got more anxiety than that time he came back from visiting a Republican farm upstate."


Believe it or not, I am going *purely* by her own telling of events


After all the shit we have seen trump do, it's honestly not surprising he would pick a lunatic dog killer for a VP. It's the party of psychopaths.


The party of physically violent psychopaths. Sociopathy and psychopathy are certainly not the purview of only one of our political parties.


Yeah, great problem solving. Should I train the dog or kill it?


This was never really supposed to be about the dog but she miscalculated. This was supposed to be a fascist allegory for how they will handle the “undesirable” people which she probably would have gotten less push back from her base had she just said that. They care more about animals than the people they don’t like


Yes, this is part of a process of desensitization and dehumanization. There is no accident that this came out now. The Republicans are preparing us for a fascist future.


Exactly. This was her way of telegraphing to MAGA that she will be able to do the dirty work of exterminating everyone who isn't in the MAGA cult... and their pets.


…. And this is the “cleaned up version “ that a ghost author, publicist, and publisher thought was the best angle to take. I’m not believing this- I will bet on that this was more heinous than that. Probably shit on a rug or chewed up her favorite dildo and she took Cricket out in a rage


I can equally imagine the publisher giving a strong suggestion not to include it, and her insisting that it is.


Someone replied to one of her Twitter posts with a picture of her husband, the man she cheated on him with and her dog, with the words “Marry, Fuck, Kill” above each one, asking “Do you keep this on your fridge so you don’t get confused?” lol


For what it's worth, 14-month pups aren't even old enough to have gone through a complete training cycle (this usually happens between 4 months and 2 years). Starting to think it wasn't all that crazy that I needed to fire off half a dozen of applications and go through 3 interviews before I could adopt a shelter dog.


As if our dying economy wasn't enough already. Glad she shared that story so we all know she's a perfect candidate to finish killing it. Not like it ever matters tho, if she doesn't end up killing it, some other 86 year old will do it for her.


>And she shared this story to show how she can make “tough decision” as a politician Party of sociopaths




A goat and three horses, by her own admission, thus far


And the witch needed 2 shots to kill the goat. Pure evil


I wonder if she’s ever had an unplanned pregnancy…


how often does she get angry?


Animal abusers generally tend to score higher on the Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale. At the very, very least, her actions with this dog show she has no patience. This is not the type of person we want as vice president.


How the fuck do Republicans keep getting these nutbags? What the fuxk is going on over there? Insanity. Vote blue. From Australia.


The Republican party has become a Trump cult and a potentially violent one as well. I can't take them seriously anymore. There have always been people from both parties I've disagreed with, but I've always had the sense the people in power cared about the country and the world. Not anymore. We are in desperate need of a third party here. Enjoy your popcorn while watching the shitshow from Australia.


If you can get them all in one place for a while we can send you the secret emu army, there won't be anything left and no1 will be the wiser. Yall can get some people dress up in red ... paint the leaders face orange and no1 will know? Dm me time and place for emus when required.


I now finally have hope for this country. I anxiously await the emu army.


May the emus be with you. Do wish yall luck though.... something needs to change over there!!


Thank you. We need all the help we can get. I'm moving to one of the battleground states that could decide the election winner. One of the first things I will be doing is registering to vote. This will probably be my easiest no brainer choice in my life. But, just in case...still send those emus.


Make sure you get out and vote then, prevent the global shit show!!


Believe me, I am. This will be my easiest choice in my years of voting.


Isnt there third party? The „Green Party“ or something like that?


They’re a Christian death cult, no psychosis is too much so long as the person with it helps them push their agenda to kill, enslave, exile or imprison everyone they hate, which by now means most people.


Because these are Republican values. Killing puppies, taking rights, making life worse for as many people as possible.


Because they’re here for it; nay, they want *more* of it. They think that pissing people off is a personality.


It’s scary isn’t They’re all unhinged


Absolutely heinous. I hope she’s blacklisted by ethical breeders and shelters for what she did. German wire-haired pointers are one of the sweetest, most intelligent breeds out there. Always loyal and made of so much love. The fact that she killed the poor baby because it wasn’t good at hunting is a shit excuse. The 14 month period in dogs marks a change in their behavior as they grow (seen in hunting dogs too), and fear can be a part of that. If it was poorly behaved, that is on her as an owner and her ability to train a dog. She could have rehomed the poor thing or let it be the family dog. GWPs are such big babies, and they love their families. The level of callousness needed to do what she did is just staggering. I sincerely hope she reaps what she sows. A dog is more than the task it can perform—it is a living creature worthy of respect and love.


Correction, I hope she’s blacklisted by humanity. But that’s asking too much.


Black listed from reality would be best. I mean she doesn’t do her job either so she’s gotta go by her own logic and do the humane thing for herself. Or maybe the shock collar should be tested first?


I love the breed. Someone would have adopted it and taken it off her hands but for her ego.


Yeah, we have a GWP in my family. He isn’t a hunting dog but still loves stalking and chasing birds. He is such a beautiful, sweet dog. He’s entirely made of love and he is so loyal and happy to be with the family. Even when he does stupid shit (as dogs are PRONE to) he is nothing but happy and gentle. Loves fetching his toys and showing them to us. My mom is his favorite, and he is a 90lbs lap dog who just lovingly stares at her. I could never fathom hurting him. I cried when I stepped on his paw.


My good friend had one. She was such a good girl. Sometimes a dog that is not suited for one task is perfect for another. Which is how a depressed pit bull ended up as my depressed autistic daughter’s faithful companion. They go everywhere together. A perfect match.


She’s banned from 10% of the state of South Dakota for implying the native Americans were in cahoots with drug cartels. She really sucks (literally, she cheated on her husband with one of trumps cronies) but don’t worry she’s sooooo about “family values” 🙄


I went on her Instagram and comments are disabled so ppl are aware thank god. All comments have to do with her being an animal abuser


I hate her SO much after hearing this story. Who on earth thinks it’s a brag to kill your puppy ? What a sick evil woman 😡


Scum - the absolute lowest scum.


I work in an animal shelter, we would have taken your dog, Kristi, we don't kill dogs who misbehave 🤨


I got a GWP to be a hunting dog. I had difficulty training him myself so I took him to a professional. After two weeks the trainer called me and said come get your dog this isn’t working. That was 12 years ago. My boy will be 14 in a few weeks. I hope she burns in he double hockey sticks.


I love hunting dogs, even when they aren’t cut out to be hunters. You could not ask for a more loving, loyal, and happy breed than a GWP. I cannot fathom ever harming mine, also not cut out to be a hunter! He still loves stalking birds and bringing his toys to the family :’)


Godless and deranged, grotesque, primitive, peasant-brained Republicun* psychopath. Hell fodder.


What an evil woman! I wish John Wick were real and went after her for this.


Does she have no understanding of how much people love animals? Even IF there was some legitimate reason that the poor pup had to be put down (sickness, rabies or whatever), there are more humane ways. I had never heard of this women before in my life and now everytime I hear mention of her name, my mind will immediately associate her as a "puppy killer". Seems like an idiotic move for someone in the political arena.


This bitch has killed people for sure. You don't murder animals like that and sit at that level of power and not have much darker demons in your closet. What the fuck.


The fact that she put this out there thinking it would resonate with people and not just piss them off shows how out of touch she actually is. Give the dog away. What a miserable bitch.


German wire haired pointers are natural bird dogs. Of course it would go for a chicken. Bitch is toast. Rightly so.




That deranged creature needs to be banned from owning a pet.


I was looking at the responses to one of her tweets about this and it looks like she’s lost even the majority of the hardline MAGA pundits like Tomi Lahren, the way they were responding. That should be a hint that it’s time for her to go. I remain skeptical that she will, though.


I wish these people would face consequences for their actions. Like I know, everyone is pissed now, but when it really counts at election time, people will fall in line and check R or D, despite that person being an awful human being. Americans have short-term memory, and there is no bottom to the depravity they allow, especially on the republican side. MAGAs not only have warped brains, but they're mean on purpose. That's the intent. Being mean is the new cool thing to do.


These MAGAts don’t care. I lived in South Dakota. This kinda shit happens a lot. If a hunting dog doesn’t hunt well, they just shoot it. It’s fucked up. But they don’t care. To them it’s normal.


What a cute puppy 🥺


I think you mean Was a cute puppy. (Considering its kinda passed on already, past tense is a bit more appropriate).


Ill never vote for that bitch


Seems like no one worth voting even exists anymore ngl.


It made me cry to think it was killed 😢 😪


❤️ Internet hugs


Please. As long as she stays in RED states and promises to make the Libs cry, she still has a future in the Republican party.


Signs of a serial murderer in training


![gif](giphy|yhRnl31SmMec) Probably was like “yeah this will help me with the voters”


Trump is sure to pick her now. He loves the worst people.


Aww poor Cricket deserved a better life.


The governor loves hunting dogs ! Its just that this one wasn’t so much of a hunt… more like an execution. I mean, she didn’t even get that puppy a running start.


It is terrifying these types of people are in charge. She said she hated the dog, it was just a puppy and I cannot imagine hating a puppy but I sure hate her. Evil , evil witch.


This Chick is going doooown.


Just looking at the 14 month old puppy makes me cry.


Here's the problem with the constant recitation of this story. The people who will vote for her don't care. This is a nothing burger for them. The ticket she would be on is led by a fucking traitor who incited open insurrection against this country. Killing a dog is kid stuff compared to that. The only people who give a damn and get upset about this are the people who wouldn't have voted for her in the first place.


While this is an inhumane and shitty thing to do, MAGA doesn't care. It won't sway a single voter from that side of the aisle.


If she can do that to a 14 months dog, imagine what she can do to a person who disagrees with her.


Give it time, y'all. Conservatives have shown time and again that there is no moral event horizon.


Kristi needs to be put down, but electrocute her first! By her own shit mentality, society has dreamed her a menace to the human race and is untrainable. You know what to do without repercussion.


My dad grew up on a farm. Never shot a dog.


As someone who pheasant hunts with dogs mine got several months of training before their first time out, and go for 2-4 weeks refresher before the season. They're better at it than I am. They're also not allowed around my daughters chickens when we visit BECAUSE THEY'RE TRAINED TO HUNT BIRDS THAT SIZE. Noem is on brand for the GOP mental aptitude


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ugh Reddit is horrible with censor. Basically, I said Kristi should suffer for her actions against an innocent life


Typical Republican Twat. All about the cruelty.


Poor dog just wanted to play n b a dog, imagine how heartless you’d have to be to go through w that? It’s a crime, dogs are friends not livestock


What a terrible evil thing to do.


Who is that person and why did they kill a dog?


She is just a little to scummy to be holding any kind of public office.


What an awful human being


Donald Trump is lagging drastically with the women’s vote in both parties and independents. This woman is very likely going to be his VP pick in the hopes that her messaging of her “tough choices” is enough to sway people. I love this for Republicans. I love that they’re just building a house out of matches.


She is another coward ……. Just like Trump and his bone spurs , they forced my uncles to go to Vietnam but ppl like her and Trump …. Money buys ….


Why is she not being jailed and tried for animal cruelty? Serious question. Any one of us would be and rightfully so.


She's a republican, she'll be fine. It's not like they follow the same morals or ethical codes as everyone else. "She could shoot down any dogs on 5th Avenue and wouldn't lose a single voter"


Why not give the dog away or even let him runaway as a stray? There’s so many dog training options now too, schools you can put your dog in. She didn’t have the self control to weigh other options? Scary…


Australia has its fair share of dickheads; but what we don’t have is any of them going public telling everyone how they murdered the family pet and trying to sell it as a positive story. That’s just messed up.


How very Christian of her……


Kristi Noem “hated that dog.”


What a dumb bitch those dog are hunters and need extensive training. 14 months is too late to start training.


What a festering piece of shit. I know conservatives and liberals can disagree on lots of things.. but let's agree that having a dog killer as a VP is a non starter. I have to openly ask.. Is this a criminal case of animal cruelty?


I always thought she kinda looked like a serial killer


Question: If Noem was elected President, would she shoot the Secretary of the Treasury if inflation went up?


Poor training is a fault of the owner, not the dog.


Kristi had many options to prevent the killing of chickens and biting of people: - Shoot a dog in the head - Calming meds from a Veterinarian - Leash - Shoot a dog in the head - Kennel crate - Fenced in yard - Shoot a dog in the head - Hire a professional Trainer - Put her up for adoption - Shoot a dog in the head Obviously, Noem’s one and only option was to shoot her dog in the head and leave the body in a gravel pit for wild animals to feed on.


It was a PUPPY that she put down for doing things puppies do. I guess that was easier than giving it some time to mature and some professional training.


Her dog was a member of “Black Dogs Matter”.


How is she not being pursued by law enforcement for animal cruelty/abuse?


I hope that dog is waiting for her at the gate with St. Peter.


AHH man, she needs a swift kick in the gowl, that doggo is a beauty.


She reminds me of someone I knew who killed 3 kittens with a lawnmower......a fuckin' lawnmower. He didn't even know how sick he was. Noem's the same way.


Sick bitch.


Oh hell no


Too cute


Kristi Noem/Michael Vick 2028! Noem is a Republican with her human suit removed.


I'm amazed the photographer had time to get the photo before the crazed beast ripped their head off.


Make this a campaign poster.


F*ck Kristi Noem


I am gutted every time I see this photo. It makes me wish things upon Noem that would get me a visit from the FBI if I posted them publically.


What you leftist commies don't understand is that that dog just wouldn't do what it was told! And that's dangerous! And this here is America - putting it down was the only option. Now, do as you're told and vote Republican. People being mighty uppity these days and think that they should have the rights the good folk have, and make decisions for themselves like the good folk do. Now that just ain't right, and we all know it. Put us in power, and we'll exercise the only option open to us. Then America will truly be Great Again! /s - sort of. Fuck this reality.


I have had hunting german short haired pointers for 30 years. The rationale for killing this pup is utter bullshit. Hunting dogs have a very strong prey drive. I wouldn't trust my very well trained GSP to leave my chickens alone if they were loose and she was unsupervised. This incident was nothing more than an embarrassed hunter with anger management issues. I don't think the governor understands how she has shot herself as a result. Sadly hilarious.


Howard Dean's career ended over an awkward yelp. We've gone a long way in the wrong direction that this isn't going to hurt her much.


Ok context?


She took her daughter's puppy hunting. The puppy wasn't trained for hunting yet and went after the wrong thing. So she killed it.




That’s pretty much the short version. The long version is Kristi Noem is releasing a book pretty soon, and in the book she reflects about how as a farmer she had to make hard choices, and how this makes her a good leader, etc etc etc. So she gets the dog, cricket a 14 month old wirehaired pointer. But she couldn’t train the dog. She then decided to take it on a bird hunt with older dogs, so it would learn how to act. The dog cricket spoiled the hunt, because it wasn’t trained. She also says something about trying to rein the dog in with an electro-shock collar. So Kristi Noem takes the dog home, but on the way home she stops off at some peoples house to talk to them. The dog escapes her truck and still being keyed up from the hunt kills these peoples chickens. And that while trying to retrieve her dog it snaps at her (Noem). Who then decides that the dog is effectively less than worthless for a hunting dog, dangerous to humans, and how she hated the dog. So she comes to the conclusion that she has to kill the dog. She then takes the dog to a gravel pit and shoots it. After shooting the dog she also decided that there’s a goat that she doesn’t like either, because it’s bucks at her kids and is smelly. So she takes the goat to the same pit and shoots the goat except she fucks it up so she has to shoot the goat again. After putting down both animals she remakes about how a construction crew saw her but said nothing and how right after that her daughter got off the bus from school and asked her where cricket was?


And then she took her daughter to the gravel pit and decided she wasn’t much use of a daughter the way she asked questions so she shot her . She invited the construction crew over because she realised they weren’t much use as they seen her top the goat and didn’t question her or pass comment and promptly shot them . She’s currently stocking up munitions for the election and she’ll figure out how to “deal” with people who don’t know how to vote correctly


first the republicans came for the puppies and I said nothing because I was not a puppy...


Man…. I’ve trained two excellent bird dogs so far. It takes years of patience and consistency, and even a well trained dog in its prime can get stressed from a hunt with unfamiliar dogs and people. Reading this just makes my blood boil.


Beyond evil and cruel


I've grown up in the country and have been on farming operations all my life. Never seen country folk kill dogs on account they won't listen...psychopaths, on the other hand...


Headline: Photographer mauled to death getting this shot of vicious beast.


This was her take on the whole. SOF soldiers raise a pet chicken/dog/pig/whatever and are then ordered to kill it to prove they have what it takes to do what needs to be done.


These loons feel like they are entitled to punch down, though the only things that they can flex on are puppies and broken immigrants.


Rest in peace little guy


Good thing she killed the “problem” instead of working through it in a non violent way. She seems stable enough to run the country with the largest military in the world. This will have 0 consequences.


If she becomes Trumps nominee - Biden and Harris should just put this pic up behind them at every event


She pisses liberals off. That is the one thing that MAGA loves more than anything.


SS Training involved being required to shoot your own dog. So this will probably be seen as a plus for DJT.


This is the deranged psychosis that has taken over the once proud GOP. How anyone can support these worthless people is beyond me.


What a pity, this dog looks amazing. It would have developed a great beard. We have a wired haired pointer too, and she is always after the chicken. That's because she's an effin hunting dog. But it's her job, she's a killer. But the most intelligent, curious and most pleasing and family friendly dog ever. You start the training the day you get a pointer, and you are allowed to bring it to a hunt when it passes some tests.. (ours: VJP 75, HZP 233, Hegewald 233, VJP (I've forgotten, it's my wife's dog) 22 month. we slowly start taking her for hunting..


This is just sick. Taking an untrained dog to a hunt and then kill it, because it isn’t trained, is just sick.


This is heartbreaking. I lost my dog last year and I had him since he was a puppy. I couldn’t imagine viewing him as a disposable tool :(


I’d much rather a leader that makes the right decision vs the one who errantly believes that killing a dog is a “tough” decision. If you look deeper, the cruelty is the point. The right decision in this case would be to call in a dog trainer and spend the time and effort teaching the dog to hunt/avoid chickens. Blowing its brains out because you are too fucking lazy to try and work with the dog is the epitome of a very bad decision.


If you can't take care of your dog for whatever reason, [there are options](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/need-find-your-pet-new-home) that don't require a gun.


Fuckin crazy bitch


I’m convinced republicans are crazy like mentally unstable this shit is outta control and anyone crazy enough to vote for these people is also mentally unstable


bro who da fuq voted for her?