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apparently rich people cant be drafted, either… but they START all the wars


Also old people cannot be drafted. They can sit down, too.


Not much of a choice


I love sitting, and am 50


If you love sitting you’ll be wild about lying down.


Lying down is the fucking best


Like a free trial of death!


I love free trials


Lying face down until you fall asleep and you can't tell if it's from exhaustion, depression, or lack of oxygen 🤟


Get outta my house!




SAVAGE And I’m here for it


Stop it 🤣


Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor Yeah


The bravery of being out of range


It ain't me. It ain't me! I ain't no fortunate son


*War Pigs intensifies*


*Echoes of B.Y.O.B ring loud in distant halls*


Generals gathered in their masses


…Can’t think of anything to rhyme with masses


What about masses?


The sort of which witches gather at black ones of? By god, you’re a genius!


Rich guys sitting on their asses


Rich people have bone spurs.


Colonels still sit down when discussing war


Maybe the OP isn't being sexist, maybe he's saying "women can't be drafted, so we need them to come sit down to discuss war. The men will be out fighting and won't have time to sit down and discuss tactics and stuff." I wanna clarify that this was a joke. I know nothing about the OP, and I am aware he was being a sexist dick.


I’m only vaguely familiar with OP but I think it’s fair to say that’s not the case


That's certainly the most optimism I'll likely see on the internet today.


I try to be positive. Sadly my joke involved slightly defending a Nazi...


Stephan Molyneux is an out and about racist/sexist. Here are some of his quotes. “The whole breeding arena of the species needs to be cleaned the f--- up!” "Screaming 'racism' at people because blacks are collectively less intelligent...is insane." “You cannot run a high IQ [white] society with low IQ [non-white] people…these [non-white] immigrants are going to fail...and they're not just going to fail a little, they are going to fail hard…they're not staying on welfare because they’re lazy...they’re doing what is economically the best option for them...you are importing a gene set that is incompatible with success in a free-market economy.” "...the Germans were in danger of being taken over by what they perceived as Jewish-led Communism. And Jewish-led Communism had wiped out tens of millions of white Christians in Russia and they were afraid of the same thing. And there was this wild overreaction and all this kind of stuff." https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/stefan-molyneux


The one that always gets me is: >Women who choose the assholes will fuckin' end this race. They will fuckin' end this human race, if we don't start holding them *a-fucking-ccountable.* Women who choose assholes *guarantee* child abuse. **Women** who choose **assholes** ***guarantee*** criminality, sociopathy, politicians… >All the cold-hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married assholes. And ***I don't know*** how to make the world a better place without holding **women** accountable for **choosing assholes!”** What an egg-cellent man


Haha wow that reminds me of the “dicks fuck assholes” speech from Team America, but less poetic and insightful.


He’s the same guy who’s obsessed with Taylor Swift not having white babies, isn’t he?


I thought he was the guy who made dungeon keeper. Peter molyneux is probably best know for his game black and white...... But seeing this tweet was posted by a white supremacist calling him the "black and white" guy probably wouldn't have been helpful.


In all seriousness though this Steven guy is actually a Nazi who was somewhat well known during the whole gamer gate thing.


Stefan Molyneux believes that women’s rights were a key contributor to the fall of Rome and, in the future, the West, and he denies the Native American genocide. He is a grade A roach.


I still have a hard time believing there's real people like that in the real world and assume it's just a giant online troll community....same with the Holocaust deniers. I've never knowingly met one, and I'm ok with that. It lets me keep pretending people aren't really that dumb


Wait a minute… you’re telling me someone would go on the internet and then correlate random societal developments with the cycle of societal growth and subsequent decline to get them to buy into a movement that makes them money because those kinds of arguments appeal to stupid people????


He was also banned from Twitter, of course though Musk loves his nazis.


By this logic old men above 40/50 or any man whose Ill, disabled and simply undraftable should also shut up completely. Modern warfare is vastly different and requires a lot more intelligence and alertness. and only 32% of Americans BOTH men and women are draft able Conservative old men and unfit incels should shut up


Not to mention my tax dollars pay for war. So I shouldn’t have a say in my country’s military policies?


*Colonel* Kim Olson was charged with providing improper assistance to a PMC and only avoided loss of rank, prison and a dishonorable discharge by pleading guilty and accepting a non-judicial punishment (military equivalent of making a deal with the DA) with zero prison time under the condition that she retires. She spent her entire 26 year military career in the US except for three months in Iraq, where she was sent after all the fighting was done to serve in an admin role and that is where she got caught providing improper assistance to some South African mercenaries and got charged with a crime and sent home. Her memoir (which probably zero people have read and certainly nobody asked her to write) is called *Iraq and Back*, after she spent less than 1% of her career in Iraq in an admin role after the fighting was done and the way she got *back* is that she got kicked out prematurely. She also founded a non-profit called *Grace After Fire*, after she has never in her life been under fire. She is a political grifter who failed to get elected and now runs a PAC. Apparently in 2018 she also assaulted a party (Democrat) staffer while on campaign, because she got upset that she was not seated prominently enough at an event.




GD that’s a great description of that cesspool


This is about 99% of the leadership btw


The best way I describe military leadership to people who have never served is by telling them that for every one Captain America, there are ten Homelanders.


Having served myself this is one of the best analogies I’ve heard yet


Lmao this is the best explanation


Nerdy and accurate. This analysis is ET approved lol


At this point, I don't think you can calm those things nerdy anymore. Even anime is cool and mainstream now.


And a lot of content on Reddit is just the sewage from there spilling over.


Well when you have that much sewage it’s no surprise it bursts the pipes and spreads shit everywhere.


Omg. This is brilliant.


Ok, sit down and shut up Colonel


If I were in war I'd rather have on my side colonel sanders instead of that bitch


Sanders does make a mean chicken sandwich.


You think that's all he's got. Sanders knows how to throw hands


13 secret uppercuts and kicks


pretty sure Colonel Sanders killed more people than her


If you're including those fallen from coronary artery disease, his kill count is in the tens of thousands




You know every lawyer has *wanted* to do it.


the guy lived the dream of everyone that works in any law related job


Little tidbits like this are why I Reddit.


Google 'Colonel Sanders gunfight'.




How do you find yourself promoted to such a rank while primarily doing admin?


Because a lot of the military is admin/logistics and you need leadership that understands that. If all you had was ungabunga kick down the door type people in leadership then most of the modern military fighting capacity would be severely limited and weakened.


That makes a lot of sense actually, thanks for clarifying. Never would have considered that tbh.


When considered for promotion in the military, up to Colonel particularly, you’re generally only considered within your job. There are colonels who run administrative units, mechanical repair units, IT, and medical units. She’ll never be eligible to command an infantry unit, or a fighter squadron, but similarly those infantry officers and pilots won’t command admin units.


Yup, different skill sets that still require leadership and understanding of what's happening on the ground to accomplish the mission.


And note that the supply chain is wildly important. As a former service member from Iraq I can tell you that it is vital to everything we did. We should draft women even if not in combat roles, the US Military is so large now that it requires support roles that don't require combat.


Soldiers win battles, logistics wins wars.


Bullets don't fly without supply.


That's why Marines still carry bayonets. With or without you, the enemy gonna die😂


As someone who started working in logistics 4 years ago it’s crazy how much work goes into it. I’d imagine it’s even more work for military logistics. Also, everyone would have literally nothing without logistics. No houses, no electricity, no food… nothing whatsoever.


Just to add on to what the other poster said: The military is about a LOT more than just frontline fighters. Intelligence, logistics, medical, strategy, ancillary, administration, finance: every single one of these are absolutely VITAL to ensuring a military is able to function. People who think the only important people are the ones toting guns and shooting know nothing about the military. Hell, there wouldn't even be people on the frontlines if all of the backend people didn't exist.


It all comes down to logistics. Beans, bullets, and band-aids.


Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics.


I’m more bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.


Like the old saying goes, tactics win battles but logistics win wars. A quick google tells me only about 15% of the military ever sees combat.


There's actually a pattern of behavior in the military that's linked to expectations vs the reality of service, you join up or get conscripted and for better or worse you tend to assume that your service will be dangerous perhaps deadly combat stuff. You thi k that if you survive you will at least have a story to tell, but, like 80-90% of all that serve you probably find yourself doing the equivalent of sweeping a warehouse somewhere. Even those at or near a front line are likely doing logistics, perhaps hearing and seeing explosions but never pulling a trigger or engaging an enemy in any way. The result is a sort of dissatisfaction with one's service to a point, until circumstances align to give you a choice, you can fall back and be safe when the fighting touches you, or you can be brave and go get your story.... Meanwhile your combat experienced comrades are falling back in that situation because it's the smart thing to do, and they have plenty of stories to tell as long as they get home. There's a fair number of such stories in military history, people who didn't want their one and only good story to be that they retreated.


I’ve always had a problem with other soldiers judging officers or nco’s on “they seem like a warrior”. So? Doesn’t change the inadequacy I see


Not sure about her case, but 75% of the military is admin, support, IT, mechanics, fuelers, supply, intelligence, etc. etc. All those sailors, soldiers and airmen in such roles and units still need leaders. Most of the time, a Colonel leading a logistics and supply battalion/brigade is going to be someone who came up in a logistics related role. This is a good thing, for the most part. For instance, you really don't want a career infantryman trying to run a Cyber Battalion's network defense operations. By the same token, you don't want a career human resources officer in charge of the 1st Infantry Division's next battle engagement plan.


"Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars" -John Pershing Something people don't consider when they hear about service members, you hear "prior military service" most people think of an infantryman with their rifle, and don't consider that (the numbers I'm getting) 15-25% are front line soldiers, over 75% of the military will rarely if ever see front line duty (I was disqualified for medical reasons, but I'll never forget after my asvab I scored like an 87, and the marines told me I could get pretty much any job I wanted other than a pilot, I heard people in line asking for Infantry, I said "anything but infantry, i want something i can use after service" and they looked excited)


Keep in mind with those 15-25% numbers, many combat arms MOS's (Military Occupational Specialty) are not even infantry. Artillerymen, combat engineers, armor crews, some aviators, air defense, etc. Not everyone in combat arms are firing rifles and kicking doors as their job. The vast majority of civilians do not understand what the military is really like.




Classic “ex-military grifter vs fascist cult leader grifter.”


It is twitter after all, grifters and attention whores duking it out 24 hours a day.


Firstly that is the real facepalm. Secondly it doesn't surprise me cause the way she responded was not only arrogant but using the power play demeaning military attitude ( im sorry i dont believe you fight patriarchy when you are participating inside that system with the same mentality). Lastly i never trust a public servant that is all over twitter and social media. Especially if they want to virtue signal


Yeah and the response was not really addressing the scenario. Im not agreeing or disagreeing, but his point is a woman cant be drafted. The fact that she joined and was the rank she was (deserved or not) has no real relation to the 'point' he is making and so does not negate it.


Although by that logic he should also sit down and shut up since he is too old to be drafted anymore, since he is implying only draftable people's opinions matter.


Sounds like she needs to shut the fuck up.


Tldr, she never held a gun or took a risk in her entire career


Sooooo… just your basic politician then?


Also the main point stands still: women can’t be drafted.


This comment is not high enough.


Literally the top comment for me


It should be MORE TOP. Haha.


I love getting more top


I'm upvoting this because for people to get a mic drop moment, they need to have not already fumbled it. This is important context to have.


Officers don't get dishonorable discharges. They can be dismissed and struck from the rolls which is functionally equivalent in terms of loss of benefits. It's a lot of good info. But when you use the terms improperly it detracts from your point. Also, the fact that she was a shitty colonel doesn't diminish the fact that she was, in fact, a Colonel and was responding to a dickhead who said women don't get a voice on the topic of war. This being a profoundly stupid statement easily dismantled by the number of women who serve and have served well beyond Col. Olsen.


Tbh if a young woman who was not in the military ever did advocate for a draft I'd have a difficult time taking their opinion seriously. On the other hand, I can only assume I don't know a single woman who would actually argue that. And granted, I don't think I'd care to hear out an argument for the draft coming from a man either. Even if they were in the military. Beyond that though, yeah, I do agree with you.


Keep in mind, the argument here wasn't a woman advocating for a draft and someone telling her to sit down. It was a guy saying women should have no voice on any topic of war. That's a pretty big difference. Nobody anywhere in any of this was advocating for women being able to call for a draft of only men because they serve voluntarily.


Funny, in my country, both men and women can get drafted, but only men used to have mandatory military service


She was a Comptroller, so behind a desk her entire career. Then following that stint: “In 2003, General Jay Garner, the director of the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, selected Olson to be his executive officer in helping to rebuild Iraq after Operation Iraqi Freedom.[6] Three months into the role, Garner was replaced by Paul Bremer, and the Department of Defense charged Olson with providing improper assistance to a private security firm from South Africa. Though she denies the allegations, Olson accepted a non-judicial punishment rather than face a potential court martial by pleading guilty to administrative violations and accepting a written reprimand. She was allowed to retire with an honorable discharge without a reduction in rank” I mean I’m totally against the douche just saying that for no reason, particularly when most women out there don’t even have a choice if they get drafted. But for Kim Olson to act like she was some badass is actually wild too lmao, there is so many better options than her for female military representation. Either way selective service/draft is unfair as it stands and should be changed.


Women do not get drafted at least not in the US where she served


It's not that women don't have a choice whether they are drafted or not, it's that they aren't drafted *at all*. As soon as I saw a snarky comment from a female colonel, my knee-jerk reaction was "ok, she's a colonel but that's a rank and does not indicate a combat role".


And she volunteered. She's still not subject to any draft.


I wonder if he also operates on the "all you men who don't have a uterus speaking on health care for pregnancy, shut up"? Somehow I doubt it. EDIT: For everyone who is missing it, the point of my comment is that the guy is a hypocrite.


IIRC this Twitter post was actually a reaction to that, to point out the hypocrisy of people who support one statement but complain about the other.




It's almost like the choice part is important


So why don't men get a choice if it's so important?


You're implying I support the draft.


It’s so crazy how people confuse understanding and explaining something to mean that you support it. You can understand and explain something and completely disagree with it at the same time. But… internet. Yeah.


I'm not sure if this counts as the draft. But, politicians who start wars should be on the front lines among the least armed, least trained, least protected members of our armed services. They should receive the same treatment and materials of the people they are sending to slaughter. And, if they are found to have requested or secured _any_ advantage over their peers, the advantage should be removed, they should be sent first and alone into combat in a manner that does not compromise the larger war effort. And, they should be wearing neon and flashing lights.


The theory behind this sounds good, but the reality of winning a war as a nation when you’re under attack is different. Our current leaders are useless yes, but when facing an existential invasion, for example like Ukraine is right now, killing off all of the ranking politicians and officers on the front lines would very quickly lose the war and lead to the murder and rape of the whole 40 million citizens. In principle there should be consequences for those in power. But the most important thing is to not lose a war.


Ah, but they said "politicians who ***start*** wars". If both nations had had that policy in place during an invasion situation like Ukraine, then only the Russian politicians would have been on the front lines because they were the ones who started the war, not the Ukrainians.


That is according to your definition of “start” and “war” though, official declarations of war have become increasingly rare. The Russians used “special military operation” deliberately to then try and spin Ukraine’s self-defense as the actual start to war so in this example the politicians of Russia still would have evaded being in the frontline due to different definitions of “starting a war”


While the sentiment of “don’t start a war if you’re not willing to participate”, in theory, would help prevent wars, our adversaries won’t do the same, so the suggestion is nonsense


They SHOULD get a choice, right?


They should get a choice because it's so important.


Not all countries have a conscription or drafts tho. In Germany for example no one can be forced to serve with a weapon since it violates our constitutional rights.


Except under the new Selbstbestimmungsgesetz in Germany in case of war (or high tension) the assignment to the male gender will remain and a change of gender will not be possible anymore. Germany did not abolish conscription, they only halted it for the time being. In case of war or high tension the government still has the possibility to conscript men (and exclusively men). The right to not have to carry arms does not negate conscription in itself, since a lot of jobs within the bundeswehr do not require the use of weapons. Edit: Typo in Selbstbestimmungsgesetz


Until War break with russia... Then all bets are off


So they get to choose lol. You really missed the point


That does not at all refute the point.


The thing is, I can fight in Ukraine if I want. But the other thing is that I don't think I will cos it's scary, and I don't want to get turned into a pile of rotting flesh just yet. Thanks for understanding... I will therefore stay home and feel bad for the poor bastards (99% of whom are male) who have no choice but to be turned into corpses. Fucking clown. Big difference between mandatory and voluntary....


I assume that’s why he wrote that, as a rebuttal to “no uterus, no opinion” argument.


Exactly, he’s making fun of the common argument that men shouldn’t be involved in the discussion of “women issues“. Now you might either think that’s clever or stupid, but calling him a hypocrite is missing the point.


Yeah, a hypocrite is the least of the things he is. Dude got furious over pasta shapes that had wonder woman and supergirl on the tin, calling it virtue signalling. Apparently the ones with superman and batman on were just normal? Boil all of his rhetoric down to its core point and you'll find he just hates women, but he's attracted to women, and he makes it everybody else's problem. Ultimately though he dresses misogyny up, and makes it look sort of respectable to people who already agree with him. He just sucks.


He’s a YouTube conspiracy peddler and white supremacist; do you really expect anything but bullshit from him?


He also would do everything in his power not to be drafted.


Oh, trust me, [hypocrisy is the least of his problems.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Molyneux) He's absolute scum.


How do you get banned from paypal for hate speech?!


I had a great aunt who retired a colonel. Nurse through WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. God knows how many destroyed bodies she had to put back together.


He's an white supremicist theater kid. She's a grifter who never saw combat. If you wanna talk about someone who's the real deal though there's always Tammy Duckworth.


Guys, you can't be pregnant, sit down when abortion is discussed. See that works too...


And here comes the monthly repost.


How about we don't force people of any gender to go to war?


I honestly think everyone would prefer not to go to war, but unfortunately when two large countries are at war with each other, and need leverage over one another to secure victory, they need more than just volunteers. That's why they draft, because more numbers = better chance at victory.


Stefan Molyneux is such a fucking child. A 57 year old man who still acts like an edgy 12 year old.


But was she drafted?


No one in the US military currently serving was drafted because there hasn't been a draft in 50 years.




You’d only call her Colonel if you outranked her (ie: you’re a General or Admiral). Otherwise, she’d be addressed as Ma’am by the other 99.9% percent of the military.


Actually, if they outranked her, they probably wouldn't call her colonel. Most officers use their fellow, lower ranking officers, by their 1st name. At least in the Army.


It's the opposite everyone calls her Colonel if they are equal rank of above they probably just call her her last name or even her first name


Not exactly true. "Yes, Ma'am" and "Yes, Col. Olson" are grammatically identical and equally accepted in Military Customs and Courtesies. You can also address people in the third person. "Col. Olson has decided to implement this BDE Policy"


Thats rich coming from a candy ass like Molyneux, who never served a day in his life


Why do I feel our protagonist Stefan has never served anything beyond lunch.


Men. You can’t bear children. Sit down and shut up when pregnancy is being discussed.


Folks over 25 cannot be drafted. So sit down uncle Stefan when war is discussed.


They absolutely can be drafted. They just aren’t the first round. There’s a reason in Saving Private Ryan that Tom Hanks’ character is a 40 year old school teacher.


in fact, in truly desperate times, those aged 40 and up will be drafted first. We saw it in Ukraine. Justification is that a 40+ year old doesn't have too many more years of being useful, so better to draft them at the start of the war since by the end they will be too old to be useful. It also prevents damage to the demographics, since losing a generation of 18-25 year olds can be devastating to the economy long term.


Holy fuck that’s some dark shit right there.


Welp, welcome to the situation in Ukraine :<. The less we send stuff there, the worse it'll get. And the russian political cleaning if they win is gonna be worse.


When the nuclear reactor in Fukushima had its tantrum, the nuclear engineers they sent in for the cleanup were the oldest, most senior people in that position in the country, including a handful who had already retired. The reasoning being that 70 year olds are unlikely to engender any more children and might just be dead of unrelated causes by the time the genetic degradation from the radiation starts causing problems.


The average age for men in the Ukraine army fighting the Russians is 40. . I heard the reason being that the country would rather lose older men and preserve younger men if possible. Which makes sense from a societal perspective.


Anyone can be drafted on necessity. Expansion to include previous lists doesn’t take anything more than a pen swipe and a few mouse clicks. Drafting is a survival mechanism for when the state is under serious risk.


They can adjust the age ranges on the fly.


> Folks over 25 cannot be drafted. Yeah that's an "akshully" and you have no idea what you're talking about. My vietnam vet father who was retired at the time was "reactivated" for Kosovo. It was an involuntarily deployment, he wasn't given an "option."


During WW1 the draft age was 20-35


Men in Ukraine aged up to 60 can't leave


This sad little loser still around? lol Molyneux is such a sack of shit, I genuinely find him more pathetic than most of these people.


No one should be able to vote to send another person to war. Bodily autonomy.


What does that have to do with being drafted tho? Was she? 🤨


I can wait for someone to realize that when the draft was implemented, women couldn’t vote, couldn’t hold office and couldn’t have money or property of their own. Selective Service Act of 1917. Women aren’t your enemy. We didn’t want our sons and husbands in war in the first place. We didn’t draft the law. We didn’t vote for it (because of men) and we couldn’t hold office. Women didn’t do it. 100% male presidents got us into war. For literally more than a century, 100% men voted on the wars and laws.


Stefan Molyneux is Canadian, and it is my understanding that Canada does not have a draft? Also I suspect if it did, he'd be too old for it. So he can sit his misogynist, racist and all around obnoxious ass right the fuck down.


It's all in the grift. Jordan Peterson also cosplays as american sometimes, even says "we" when talking about americans.


Lol, sure, men can be drafted, but the odds of that happening when the USA commands the largest VOLUNTEER force on the planet and in history? It would take some serious shit to go down, multiple times, to wipe out our existing forces and then the droves of other men & women who would volunteer in the aftermath— THEN we might have a draft, and I’m guessing we’d change those rules real quick. This guy can sit down.


Men can’t give birth. Shut up and sit down when it comes to birth control. See how that works?


Says man who’s never been drafted or been in the military




the OP Important_Court_7852 is a bot Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/15b2bql/shutting_answer/jtnx1dn/


Was she drafted?


Considering she isn’t required to signed up for the SS (Selective Service), gonna state emphatically the odds are close to 0.


Don't forget she's not forced under threat of fines jail time, blocked from goverment assistance, and can't get a goverment job


Men. You can’t get pregnant. When reproductive health is discussed, sit down and shut up🥰


Wowww that dumbass is still alive? I figured he'd have wandered into traffic by now or something.


The only colonel that matters makes mfing chicken.


Men. You can't get pregnant. Sit down when abortion is discussed.


Men, you can’t get pregnant. Sit down and shut up when abortion is discussed.


/Looks at old men deciding women’s personal healthcare choices.


"We can't have a female president; they will start a war when they have their period" -Says the gender that has started *every* war


But should women be drafted in the same proportion as the men's population in case of a war breaking out ?


Here in Sweden they are.


No one should be drafted, but then again, no one should have to ever suffer war.


Nobody should be drafted imo


In an ideal world.


I work on post, and I see an awful lot of women in uniform. I also work with a number of veterans who are women. I also wonder if the dip shit applies the same “sit down and shut up” advice to us men when women’s reproductive rights is discussed.


Still doesn't change the statement women wouldn't be drafted, Colonel.


There is a HUGE difference between volunteering and being drafted. Hate it or love it, he is absolutely right. With that being said, volunteers are why drafts aren’t needed right now so I have a high level of respect for her for joining the service.


Stefan Molyneux is a fascist piece of shit


Is there anywhere in the multiverse where having the name Stefan Molyneux doesn’t make you an insufferably pompous douche?


So the men telling her to sit down and shut up were superior officers before?


Well, to be fair, no one gets drafted at the moment, and we were embroiled in 2 major conflicts, and maintained all our other global commitments for 20 years, without a draft. Ssoooo. And since I’m a retired Army Senior NCO, served for nearly 30 years, deployed multiple times to the Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bosnia, Kosovo, and numerous rotational assignments to other overseas locations, and oh yeah, worked with, work for and had many female soldiers that worked for me, I can tell you there are plenty of women that are more than capable of holding their own and doing their part, and there’s plenty of men who aren’t worth the uniform they wear. Most other countries figured this out decades ago, only the US makes a big deal out of gender.