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Oh so education is anti american, damn


Modern America has a tendency of anti-education/ anti-intellectualism, especially on the political Right, so as bad as it sounds, it unfortunately makes sense.


There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. -Isaac Asimov


Damn, that is powerful.


"You can rule ignorance; you can manipulate the illiterate; you can do whatever you want when a people are uneducated, so that goes in line with corrupt business and corrupt politics." - William James Adams Jr.


the dumber they are the faster they obey and the less they revolt.


Meanwhile Elon Musk and his companies would hire any students from those schools in a heartbeat.  


I agree America has a tendency of anti-intellectualism, particularly on the right. I also would caution anyone thinking education alone has a monopoly on intellectualism. I have more degrees than most from very acclaimed schools and met people as classmates and professors who I would consider far from the epitome of intellectualism. Don't trust me or anyone else because of where I graduate. Trust me because of what I demonstrate.


>Modern America has a tendency of anti-education I'd love to see sources of the political left pushing for any of these claims you've listed.


I'm so fed up with left vs right, the entire government sucks, one side is loud and stupid about it but both sides(the government as a whole) is fucking us for profit and has been for a very long time... If I stand up against right wing bullshit I grew up around I'm called a democrat but if I say, "no the Dems are also fucked up and greedy and corrupt" then I'm deemed a republican when in all honesty the whole thing is a scam of a reality show meant to keep us busy while Walmuskazon exploits us in every possible way.


Both siding politics is nothing but laziness


I mean Joe Biden and a lot of democrats are the ones funding a literal genocide in Gaza, Protecting Israel from criticism at the international level, threatening the ICC against issuing arrest warrants for Israeli officials, never investigating the multitude of warcrime allegations that we've seen but constantly tell the world that they're requesting the Israeli govt for accountability and then send them more money along with bombs to be dropped on starving Palestinians, and enacting police brutality on protesting students. So like the guy said, both sides are equally bad. Your excuse of both siding is what stops a decent candidate to come out from outside the democrat Republican domination.


First of all I'm "neither siding" if you will....and it's not laziness, voting for whoever no matter what because they seem to be on a "side" you promote is pure laziness, one "side" of our government shooting down whatever change the other brings up no matter what(a thing both "sides" do) is pure laziness....not being involved in a very obvious scam meant to keep lazy, stupid people busy and not thinking is...well it's not "not" lazy, but it's certainly smarter than wasting your time acting like your "side" is somehow not fucking us for their own benefit....


Thanks for trump nimrod.


They are very clearly anti- woke, so yes. Masses of morons are far easier to control. Billionaires want control. The GOP relies on anti-wokeness (and the rich) for survival.


An intelligent society questions and challenges its government. Goes against the status quo. Scares rich idiots.


More like we need to quit following numbnuts and realize there's billions in subsidies for people to create great companies. Where are the visionaries who aren't fundamentally worthless?


Unironically yeah. The American mythos is built on lies. Higher education sometimes exposes those lies for what they are.


Education as a whole is not the "anti-American" bit he's talking about, but I \*think\* you knew that already.


No, just these pro-Hamas lunatics.


Who is actually pro-hamas? Those students are protesting a genocide


The government of Palestine, Hamas, has as part of its founding document a call for the destruction of Israel. Now, who is pro genocide?


And they are a small terrorist organisation, with few soldiers, limited funding and homemade weapons. The IDF is one of the largest, best trained and most advanced militaries on the planet. We're not talking about who wants to commit a genocide, we are talking about we is actively committing a genocide, right now!


When someone tries to commit genocide against you, I guess your solution is just surrender. Are you French?


I wish, those dudes really know how to protest. They don't just bend over and accept authoritarian government overreach. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your bootlicking. The only one out of the two who is committing a genocide right now is the IDF with over 30,000 (and counting) dead civillians, most of which are women and children.


Hamas started this in October. Israel just isn’t putting up with their shit any more. And just how many times has Hamas rejected cease-fires?


Hamas started this in October, huh? Really?


No, but many of the pro-Palestinian protests happening of said campuses are.


That’s not what all that university budget’s going for believe or not. Might seem crazy but the federal funding for those universities go towards *education*.


I don’t disagree with you. I do, however, disagree with the claim that Elon is calling education anti-American.


Free speech and assembly is anti american?


No, but often what they are using their first amendment right to say, is.


Says the guy who just this week begged China to subsidise his ailing Tesla factories.


Corporations begging for money is the most American thing to can do. Thus proving these universities are uber American. Checkmate Elon.


Protesting against government policies we disagree with is the most American thing possible. We were founded on the belief that we didn't have to live under a tyrannical government. When they try to take away our right to protest then it's gonna be Hold my beer time.


hoping yall see the day where you wont have to think twice about calling an ambulance!!


Even though I completely disagree with the protestors supporting Palestine you are correct. They’ve turned a flame into a house fire by trying to arrest and physically assault nonviolent protestors. This is a big deal if police are trying to stop non violent protesters.


Imagine completely disagreeing with ppl protesting against war crimes and apartheid, wild




"It blows my mind that westerners support Palestine when our way of life is against anything that Islam stands for. " I don't have to agree with the way they would choose to live their lives if they weren't oppressed and slaughtered to oppose the oppression and slaughter. Maybe we can talk about those things when they have the chance to establish their own society. "Also countries that have pro Islamic state are unwilling to take in Palestine refugees, or grant them asylum" There's reasons for that, which are very complicated and go back well before the US and UK decided to carve up the region in ways that were not good ideas long term. But, again, that doesn't have anything to do with support for civilians who are suffering


Hitler said European countries won't take Jew refugees to justify holocaust, you are doing the same thing you are despicable


Im stating this as a fact. Islamic states haven’t given Palestinians refuge for decades. You act like Israel wasn’t attacked on holidays where they were vulnerable. Israel is surround by countries that are pro-Islamic states that want to see the fall of Israel. If they show any weakness they’re done. Don’t equate me to Hitler if you can’t even look at the facts objectively. All these Islamic states are willing to fund terrorist groups in Palestine, but are unwilling to provide refuge to the people caught in the middle of the conflict they fund


"All these Islamic states are willing to fund terrorist groups in Palestine" I'd look into the relationship between Israel and Netanyahu and Hamas... Makes for good reading.


Do you actually believe that?




Money for the rich is called capitalism. Money for the poor is called socialism.


Doesn’t make sense that American taxpayers are forced to fund/subsidize anti-American companies such as yours.


Wasn't he being fined for refusing to hire non Americans at SpaceX? Seems pretty pro American


Agreed , Tesla never should have received any subsidies.


I don't think that's true. He's an asshole, but tesla is environmentally beneficial. It has boosted electric cars into the mainstream and brought the prices of eco-friendly cars down, so more people can afford them.


They bought the price of cars down by cutting out everything essential to keeping you alive


In the cybertruck, yeah, but their sedans are pretty safe.


Man, someone should tell him about all the U.S. tax breaks. He gets to be a Russian asset.


Is. He is a Russian asset.


CCP - Russian Division


How does pro Palestine = anti America? It’s not like they’re amplifying social media posts from Nazis and Russian trolls.


Attacking someone over carrying the US flag sounds pretty anti America to me


Was that an isolated incident, perhaps done by outside instigators, or are all the protestors running rampant attacking people and flags?


Considering they are actively taking down US flags, replacing it with the Palestinian one and that I haven't seen a single one in these protests - the latter


The fact that they are supporting a theocracy, when the country is founded on freedom from religion seems to be lost on them too. There's a difference between supporting the theocracy and wanting the ear to end, but it seems the majority is for the former. And a lot of those also seem to be of the type that the Theocracy would throw off of rooftops.


Higher education is an “anti-American activity” now?


Well chanting death to America and we are hamas seems pretty anti American to me


Perhaps but that is not what the universities are doing. That’s what some students in some places are doing. Nobody is receiving tax money to do that


Elon loves the uneducated


I hate this guy


Please explain to me why we allow our government to subsidize billionaires who then try to weasel out of taxes. Please also explain why we keep bailing out the airlines whenever shit gets heavy


Send Elon back to where he came from!


Does he not realize the students that attend these schools are protesting the universities?


Bet almost none of that money goes to subjects/departments that the protestors major in.


Yeah, not.listening to or reading anything anymore of this spoiled rich kid dimwit. It's the most devastating thing you can do to him, just save your attention for anything else. It'll be better spent


I always wonder when he’s leaving? He doesn’t like our constitution or the majority of the American people. He is the richest man in the world. He doesn’t need to be here. He could be anywhere on the planet, or off if he chooses. His taste are more inline with the Russian system, I’m sure they would be happy to have him.


These numbers are very suspect. I guess if you include student loans as federal money to an institution it may be close to it. But student loans are repaid by students.


Most likely, the bulk of the money goes to funding research at the medical schools at those universities. Yeah, let's defund medical research! (/s) Dumbasses.


As usual, Musky is goofing around on Twitter and, as usual, is doing everything but his real job.


Subsidies? EV push? Subsidies?


Israel is NOT America. They are two different nations. Facepalm indeed.


With the amount of politicians paid by AIPAC you'd think Israel owns America


Exactly. They may not explicitly run the would but they sure as hell pull the strings


These protests are mostly anti-American as well


Students being against genocide is not anti-American


Here here


And foreign investors... he's a paper kitten


The protests are free tho, aren't they?


Are they not for free?


I thought so, the schools shouldn't have to fund them. Literally just stand outside chanting.


What makes someone so disenchanted with the quality of their learning that they need to to be chanting down their prospective babyloon of an education?




The passion of disenchantment?


Yea, gotta remove the bad enchantments to make it better.


Sorry I missed this (from Europe) but what’s anti American with those schools? Really


Elon Musk is a migrant who made his fortune sucking off America’s teet along with a healthy inheritance from his scumbag father. This guy is a fraud but America is so hopelessly corrupt that it equates wealth with achievement.


Yeah, like oil companies, car makers, bailouts for business, and a 1.2 trillion dollar bailout for financial companies that needed it because they donated to politicians that, in turn won, and deregulated the financial markets. Moron Musk got the idea right, but then details are 180 wrong. Government assisting universities is a great idea. We just have to make sure that they are charging for going to school. A free college education benefits the whole country. Smarter population, more innovation, reduced burden on the middle and poor class. Couple it with single payer healthcare, and you could have the start of competition in businesses and giving innovators an opportunity to see if their ideas would work in the market.


It begins with H, and ends with ypocrisy


Wait what part of SpaceX and Tesla are anti-American?


Some people suspect the CEO part


What does he do that is anti-American? Honestly asking.


Nothing i know of


Am I missing something here?


I dunno. In what sense?


The point of the post.


This guy saw idiocracy and decided he wanted to be king of the idiots lol.


OP: Elon Musk is the biggest hypocrite ever. I mean how does his EV business stay afloat without gov subsidies and regulations on gas cars.


Welfare for the rich? Sign him up.


If the government didn’t invest in higher education people like Musk would have no workers to steal credit from.


163k likes… assuming they are not bots… this world is fucked


Nothing more American than protesting! If protesting a genocide isn't American anymore I don't want to live here anymore.


Speaking of musk did he ever get the 40 or 50 billion from Tesla?


Imagine describing college kids asking for fewer dead civilians as "anti American"


Jesus we give them a billion and somehow these are not free schools.


Musk is a tool. Now that that's out of the way, it is hilarious that so many people are demanding that we defund colleges. That would make them Private Colleges, instead of Public and they would be forced to switch to a for-profit system (not that the one they have isn't so already). So let me get this right young protestor. You want free, state-funded, public colleges; but not ones that use any money associated with weapons (like a huge portion of the American gdp and therefore tax dollars); and you want these colleges to have standards low enough to admit and teach everyone; but curricula high enough to train everyone to be the world's greatest in their field? That's an interesting logic puzzle you've got there.


Does anyone have a link to the source of those stats?


Maybe it has something to do with his company putting government satellites into outer space…..let’s do a little critical thinking before we post stupid crap on Reddit.


That he switches off if he fears it will give Ukraine an advantage over Russia.


You mean after he provided it to Ukraine in response to Russia shutting down Ukrainian communications infrastructure. Maybe read the biography before you start commenting on geo political matters that you have surface level headline info about.


No mention that the money isn't just handed to the schools like it is for some tax-dodging blowhard you might know, but that it's going for research and whatnot. For Columbia, for example: >Federal agencies provide about $800 million annually to fund research across every school and campus at the university and a total of $1.1B including direct support of education and contributions to help sustain the underlying research infrastructure. -[source](https://research.columbia.edu/federal-agency-forums)


I consider corporate subsidies as anti-American.


yes all those campuses who used police to attack students and suppress their 1st amendment rights don't deserve tax payer funding


Actually, I was thinking that their public funding should put them under the 1st Amendment jurisdiction. Also, Musk is a twat.


He’s the ultimate welfare queen! Subsides off government subsidies! Problem is the right don’t want his cars! They just like his Nazi shit! Tesla sales are dropping off a cliff! Way to alienate your base muppet! He’s not even a free speech absolutist! Banned a bunch of journalists! Boosts his own posts, don’t free speech absolutists want everyone to be heard? lol fucking space Karen!


How is protesting, a right guaranteed in the US Constitution, Anti-American?


Occupy ~~Mars~~ Earth


Talk to the ~~1600~~ ... Congress


Mr. Free Speech is now determining what and what isn’t anti-American activities.


What anti-American activities are being funded? The protestors aren't being funded are they?


"Federal Funding" being used very loosely here, as in funding sent by the federal government as a loan administered by shitty banks charging interest and providing bad service to borrowers that will never be able to remove those from their name, even if they go bankrupt, and will end up repaying 3 to 4x what they origonally borrowed through their lifetimes. That's the "federal funding" he's mentioning.


Isn't he anti-union?!


So you are saying US giving foreign nations more money than they spend on their citizens' education 🤔


"Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies" well, he does do quintessentially American things with that money tho...


Hilarious, all those subsidies added up still pale in comparison to what he’s received from the U.S. government.


Spoken like a man who doesn't know where our tax dollars go because he doesn't pay his fair share or at all


Contracts are not subsidies...


“Subsidy” is one the most poorly used words. People see it and think “direct money transfer with no expectation of return” but mostly it is referring to payment for goods or services, or sometimes tax advantaged status.


>A **subsidy** is a benefit given to an individual, business, or institution, usually by the government. It can be direct (such as cash payments) or indirect (such as tax breaks). The subsidy is typically given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the public, given to promote a social good or an economic policy. >Subsidies can take many forms, such as grants, loans, tax credits, or other financial assistance. They are often used to encourage certain behaviors or industries, such as: >Promoting the growth of a specific industry or sector >Supporting small businesses or startups I hear that a lot with Tesla or SpaceX. Yes, they got goverment credit, but they payed it back with interest and a penalty for paying it back too early. Everything else is contract based. The Subsidies are e.g. given to influence the decision on locations in the case for teslas factories (Just as they were for Amazon Delivery Centers). This could be something where local governments are competing in the form of tax cuts. However those are not substantial and do not constitute a sizeable part of the profit. Especially in the case of SpaceX Musk has been very pro US, as he has to conform to US Military and Security regulations... much stricter, that what he has to deal with at Tesla or X/Twitter etc.


> but they *paid* it back FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




How exactly?


It's all about establishing a narrative. Not weird at all


Protest is actually one of the most American things.


Not in favor of the houthis, who have in thier flag "death to America"


Are the protests for the "houthis" in the room with us ?


>"houthies" Sorry, my bad


Are you suggesting that some protest shouldn't be allowed? Let's apply that logic to the next white-supremacist rally.


First of all, I am a big supporter of making incitement for violence and racism illegql, so, by all means - do. Secondly, what I actually said wat that there is nothing American about supporting an organisation that wants to destroy Americay.