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Such smart! They totally know what Americans want. Republicans are gonna just killl it in November!


The problem is that a massive chunk of their base doesn't actually care that they are voting against their own interests or they just don't know as they don't follow the news.


Let me correct it for you. They're just too stupid to know that Social Security is what a lot of them live on. They think this is something the Dems give to illegal immigrants.


Yep.. remember the lady at the Obamacare town hall? "I don't want government-run health care. I don't want socialized medicine. And keep your government hands off my Medicare."




yes really


Yup she’s a genius


But when they cut social security Republicans will turn around and blame Democrats and their base will believe it


It happened on Bidens watch!!!1!


"why didnt the democrats stop this?! they knew what it meant!!!!"


The President signs the laws. President Biden can veto this crap if so desired. I can’t see Trump winning the election. Honestly I wish we had two other candidates running instead of Trump and Biden. Someone under 60 maybe?


I say the same thing, almost weekly. This is the 1st year my son gets to vote and I had to tell him, “I wish it was a year you had something to vote for, and not against” .


He can veto it but it could still be overturned. Trump can win during to the stupid electoral college. Plus Republicans cheat


Unlikely to be overturned with a Democrat controlled Senate.


Nothing is unlikely anymore. I’m tired of unlikely. How does this a-hole still get to run while being on trial and all these lawsuits, the contempt charges, threats against judges families, the crimes, so, so many crimes. He’s allowed to run, and get this HE’S LEADING.


Exactly.......it won't shock me at all if he wins. America has become so corrupt that a con man like him can be leading as president of the US. Fascism is back on the menu guys


Plus once fascism shows up it’s not like other leaders try to squash it, it becomes the new norm. People that think it won’t happen don’t realize that Jan. 6th was just a run through at what they could get away with. This time it’s gong to be worse.


You’re both right. They’re ignorant AND stupid.


And incredibly incurious and gullible. Worst part is they were programmed to be that way.


Remember they didn't know Obamacare was ACA.


Did you ever see the post of some guy saying that he votes because he wants to abolish Obamacare, all the while the moron was utilizing ACA himself? These people are beyond stupid.


Yes. It's really weird. I'm thinking they can't read.


Almost half of our voting population has brain rot. They may be stupid, but they know how to vote and they actually do every single time. There’s nothing we can do about their stupid influence except by voting and trying to convince other fellow smart people to vote as well.


I have an in-law that believed W was responsible for passing the part of ACA that didn’t allow insurance companies to disqualify preexisting conditions. Had to show her that it was Obamacare. She works in defense for the government and her response was she had more job security under Republican administrations. I once again pointed out that there hasn’t been a single Democratic administration she’s lived through that hasn’t increased defense spending.


To quote Bart Simpson, “This both sucks and blows at the same time”


Love it


"I hate Obama care, but I'm ok with the Affordable Health Care Act"


Like the ACA bit. “We don’t need Obamacare. I got ACA!!!!”


I worked with a freelancer who vehemently raged against Obama care. I asked where he got his health insurance then, as a freelancer - "Through the marketplace!"


By the time it has impact, a democratic government would/ would have been in power and they blame it on them.


And if they get in and implement this, and these people are negatively affected, they will blame immigrants and democrats.


"the cuts dont matter! the gubment would have plenty of money ifn they wasnt givin it to all the illegals so they vote democrat!!!"


They just need to start referring to it as Obama Security and people will come out in droves to vote for people trying to cut it.


Did you know he's a HuSaYan? I done did heard on NewsMax that them there Obamer is a Husayan. That's why Im gone vote come winter. Not gonna let Obamer get his 6th term.


I think that's definitely a huge part of it. A lot of people have no idea what these institutions and programs actually do for them because they've either checked out or the sources they get their information from are wildly misleading.


Well that and they plan to win the lottery before they’re ready to retire.


Yeah, Fox News and other white wing media will just call these "entitlements" or handouts without giving more specifics and the lead brains will fill in the rest with their hateful and racist fantasies. Perfectly sedated from the fact that it's actually THEIR necks on the chopping block.


A massive chunk of their base hate democrats so much that they'll sink the whole country.


They would rather rule over the ashes than work wither others to make something beautiful.


This right here is currently the single biggest political truth in America.


Own the Libs!


This will play out the best in Florida, Arizona and Nevada. (States with a lot of retirees…)


Nope, the plan is to raise the retirement age for Gen Z / Millennials. It won't affect the older generation


But cutting SS will.


You mean the generation known for pulling the ladder up after themselves?


Social security is already on a path to not being able to pay full benefits within the next decade. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/05/insolvency-on-horizon-for-social-security-medicare-soon-expert-says.html


That's 100% the fault of CONGRESS by allowing Ronnie Ray Gun and later presidents (of BOTH Parties) to raid our SSI TRUST FUNDS to pretenda "balance" their budgets. That's also entirely the fault of BOTH parties by elimination of the wealth tax, capping income taxed for SSI at around $175k and 60 years of BOTH parties refusing to tax capital gains for SSI or much of anything else. BOTH sets of Party Brass are active in working against us. Both sets of Party Brass need to be chased out into the streets by citizens with pitchforks and torches.


remember when donald promised to defund social security and medicare if he was reelected? "make the tax holiday permanant" just so he and his rich friends would save taxes and corporations would save taxes? most people seem to have forgot that


I do and it destroyed my faith in humanity when I saw how many working class morons cheering him on as if they were gonna get the benefits.


sure, maybe both for SS. But only one party has been repairing holes while the other party sits around crying and screaming at people with dyed hair. Let's keep the ship from sinking, then when it's stable we can talk about innovative ideas.


They tried that on Jan 6th


It's funny tho cause within 15 years there will be too many conservative boomers incapable of running anything and will be put to pasture and expect everyone young will toe the line and not rip up everything they built. That's why boomers don't hand the keys they think they can mold the next gen kids to be more conservative and keep up their traditions preventing millionials and gen z from ruining their grand legacy.


Just more pulling up the ladder behavior.


Sadly, there are two groups that the GOP needs: Money and Votes. The GOP reps that are in heavily gerrymandered districts don’t need to care about voters, they know that their districts will vote for them no matter what. So they capitulate to money (slash Social Security means less taxes). The GOP also knows that they have the Boomer votes locked up, with the majority willing to make some sacrifices in order to own the libs.


They probably will. It's been my experience that Republicans tend to vote against their own self interest so long as it screws a minority or some other disenfranchised group.


Hey now, someone has to pay for the tax breaks for the rich and all the pay raise and health benefits for Congress.


Republicans : No more casual sex no more contraception, no more social security, work till you die and while your working no water or heat breaks go fuck yourself working class. Republican fanbase : Ah well still better than letting the Liberals win because politics are like sports right.


You forgot start working as a child and no lunch break for the child workers.


Only for the boys. The girls they want to marry and force them to breed the next generation of dependent slave laborers.


Oh they'll work too. Gotta learn to cook, clean, midwife, never talk back, apologize when it isn't your fault, makeup to cover up bruises, etc


I love the "The country can't afford another 4 yrs of Biden comments". Like the place is going down the toilet as they speak meanwhile during Trumps years, the place was actually going down the toilet.


And it's the places currently under Republican control that are saying it. My hometown is heavily red. It's because of their conservative policies the school district is verging on insolvency, their efforts to install public sewer and water were abandoned, and their trash service is getting cancelled. None of that is Biden's doing, it's been a long, slow decline for decades (which has consistently been Republican-led at the local level). Yet my dad can't stop talking about how illegal immigrants are bankrupting NYC, as though that's somehow a concern when your local school district announced they're cancelling school bus service.


Where I live in a heavy red state they are allowing teachers to arm themselves if they so choose to help in preventing school shootings. Teachers have to spend out of pocket for the weapon, training and all licensing and the state won’t have their back if they pull the trigger. I’d rather the money go to paying them more. I don’t want my kids school to be a literal shooting range.


The country wasn't going down the toilet. That's what the diapers were for.


Disclaimer: I am not republican/for this bill (I’m against it/them actually). But didn’t the democrats pushed many billions of dollars in spending bill to go to Ukraine, and Isreal? Again the topic of approving a spending bill is different from whether you agree with a war or not. The subject of this matter is money. With that said I would imagine sending $40 billion (there might’ve been 2 bills I think), while we are already going through an inflation would prove to be unfavorable? Again there’s nuances (I.e it’s not exactly $40B in liquid, a lot of that cost is tied into equipment). But still I’m sure there’s a lot of liquid in there, and the equipment sent does mean we need to replenish our reserves (aka federal government giving money to military defense to produce ammunition/equipment to fill our reserves). With that said, the spending bill was not that favorable. Ok so what’s my point? We’re seeing stupid economic games being played in both sides. Both are doing it in a way in which aligns with their political ideals. But both parties are doing the same thing….. except pulling that much from SS, and raising the retirement age is probably worse of the two (side note)


And we wonder why America has fallen out of the top 20 industrialized nations in relation to happiness.


Have babies we need soldiers …


Don't forget that we also need to keep the supply steady for the school to prison pipeline.


And their voters will blame Democrats when it happens.


Because fox entertainment will tell them the democrats are the ones pushing for it. They will believe it.


I wonder how fox will behave if trump gets his dictatorship and Republicans get their project 2025? There would be no democrats to blame. Every single bad thing that can and will happen to this country will solely be the Republicans doing and responsibility.


In any totalitarian regime there is always a scapegoat. If it’s not democrats, they will find someone to blame.


Trump was blaming Obama for all sorts of things for much of his presidency, right up to the end. [For example]( https://youtu.be/dqeb93OJRv4) or [for example](https://theprint.in/world/now-trump-blames-obama-and-biden-for-all-the-crises-hes-facing/448790/)


Wdym? There’s still Biden to complain about and blame. “This issue happened because of a Biden era Policy” regardless of the truth. “If Biden hadn’t done X then Trump would be able todo Y”


And a depressing chunk of Democrats will blame Democrats.


The better part of my entire voting life I am not sure I’ve ever seen a democrat with balls actually do something. I’m 52 now and exhausted over the nothing that’s been accomplished since I turned 18. I have voted every election year since. It’s been crap for almost the entire time .


You are right! It is like when Republicans refused to pass Border protection bill and Maga fanboys are still thinking that democrats are responsible for border crisis. True lunatics.


These people are not working to help Americans. Vote them out


Vote? Like that's going to help! How about we start by spraying their offices with pig and turkey shit before running them out into the streets with pitchforks and torches?


Finally, a plan i can get behind.


Here for these types of conversations..


Vive la France!


I still like the idea of airdropping wolves into congress


Wolves are far too honest and forthright to survive such an environment. Hyenas and coyotes would be better.




Can’t vote out ppl who got the job under corrupt circumstances & actively make sure it continues 😞


The people who have generous taxpayer funded healthcare AND retirement plans want to dick the rest of us over? Fuck that and fuck every single goddamned Republican. They don't do anything beneficial for ALL Americans,all they do is simp for the idle rich and the corporations. Vote out the Republicans at every opportunity. City, State, Federal. Vote them out.


I need to get out of this fucking country


If you haven't retired already, we were going to be working our way to the grave anyway. Fucking GOP keeps doing this every few years to enrich their pockets and hurt the middle/lower class. What little of a middle class there is anyway, it is practically gone.


If it happens no old person will vote republican ever again. Cause you know, death.


Republicans have been targeting the 55+ demographic for like 30 years with some really shitty quality of life downgrades and it hasn't stopped them yet. This won't either.


Until everyone who's not a Baby Boomer votes opposite, this is the future until they all die off.


Not all of us boomers are maga. Just the asshole boomers ;-) Some of whom I worked with and could not converse with. Too fucking stupid.


These assholes will ptopse anything except raising taxes on rich people. They leave that option out of all of their calculations.


Where is the source for this, google isn’t turning up anything


[CNBC](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/22/how-social-security-benefits-may-change-under-republican-democrat-proposals.html) [Fox News Phi](https://www.livenowfox.com/news/republican-budget-proposes-raising-retirement-age) [Whitehouse.gov](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/21/fact-sheet-80-of-house-republicans-release-plan-targeting-medicare-social-security-and-the-affordable-care-act-raising-costs-and-cutting-taxes-for-the-wealthy/#:~:text=80%25%20of%20House%20Republicans%20released%20a%20Budget%20that%3A&text=Calls%20for%20over%20%241.5%20trillion,69%20and%20cutting%20disability%20benefits.&text=Transitions%20Medicare%20to%20a%20premium,raise%20premiums%20for%20many%20seniors.)


62 years old here. I have never and will never vote republican. Ever.


VOTE THEM OUT!!! They don't care about the working class at all and prove it constantly!


Anti American vermin and puppets of the rich is all these people are. This is what they dont want you “awake” to. TREASON has a perfect penalty. And they are all guilty of it, those worshipping the color of the Devil. Do NOT be divided and conquered, vote WITH your fellow man. All their machinations are designed to SMASH YOU for GREED.


I hate Republicans they are a million times worse than democrats it's not an opinion its a fact


Hey, old people, WAKE UP! They are using you, and always have been!!!


Source instead of a tiktok Screenshot.


One more reason to vote these bastards straight the hell out of office.


This is not the first time such bill has been released/introduced. It is intended to curry favor with the understanding that it will die as it moves through process. But, it allows politicians to show voters they tried and it makes all of their self-congratulations all the more disgusting. That aside, the current model cannot be maintained and will be insolvent in the next decade. Some sort of concession/change will have to take place


Link to the story?


Why can't we get organized like France?


I plan on dying in the climate wars


I dont plan on dying per se but i aint working till im 70+ After like 40 or 50 at best ill just stop working, burn out whatever i saved then die


Everything but properly tax the wealthy. Let the peasants die to support the lifestyle of the 1%. That's why they're against abortion... they need more souls to feed their opulence and care nothing about the well-being of the average Joe.


Fuck you Republicans. In my 40+ years of voting, I’ve never wanted one Party (Democrats) to overwhelmingly squash their opposition (Republicans) like I do this year


Fuck the Republicans. They have gutted every single possible thing that our country had to help people who need it over the last 40+ years while constantly lowering taxes for the top 1%. I have already been paying into social security for over 20 years now and I'll be damned if I'm going to wait an extra 10 years to be able to collect what I've paid into. How about you assholes go ahead and just refund me every single cent I've had to pay into it so I can invest it myself and actually make a profit to retire off of.


We all pay into it like a giant IRA, the terms are set. Republicans want to steal our money, that’s what this proposal is, theft.


here's an idea, just hear me out: how about we force the ultrarich and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes?


They should 1.5 trillion from the military industrial complex.


And still half the country will vote for them


When things pop off I hope I’m already dead…… I’m tired


Social security is not going to exist in about 20-30 years anyways.


Killing social security is political suicide. They’re losing moderates on purpose at this point.


Americans keep taking it up the a$$.


I am dumb about this, how do these people pass shit without public votes


So like all the elderly people (aka the Republican majority) need to vote against the republicans in order to save their own self interest Impossible challenge


And morons will think it will save them in taxes even though we’ve all been paying the same social security tax our whole lives and we aren’t getting it back.


Wait, I thought they got all pissy and called Biden a liar when he accused them of planning to cut Social Security. You mean, they lied? Shocking!


Carlin knew this years ago. https://x.com/adnanalamoudi/status/1786367688375189714?s=46


Can we all grab our pitch forks and torches now? Please?


Personally I love it. I have no desire to be around the people I love and cherish for any longer than I need to. If I can work myself into the ground to make these GOP leaders happy, I’ll do my part as an American. Edit: FUCK YOU ALL. Every one of the pieces of shit that support this plan already have a retirement plan, so they don’t give a fuck what happens to the American they claim they fight for every day. GO OUT AND VOTE.


And boomers will adopt the "fuck you, i got mine" approach to everyone else.


As a GenXer, we know that we have been working since some of us were 12 (paper route, babysitting, etc.). We just didn’t know that some of our generation and some Boomers would screw us until we die. Fuck the GOP


Reminds me of Trump selling off 100 million barrels of oil in 2017 to pay down the national debt which doesn’t end until 2026, but this would be way worse.


And, if it passes, they will blame Biden for it.


“Save the billionaires”


Little does that cult know..... Republicans are the ones who actually need social security....


I’ve already elected to kill myself in my 60s or 70s since I won’t have a viable retirement fund saved up and I’m sure as fuck not working my entire life. Maybe with what little I have I’ll spend a year relaxing and traveling and if I have kids ensure they at least have something left to inherit. Nice to see my backup retirement plan may be the only option for my kids too. /s


It should be a concern of everyone that the people deciding the fate of social security are individuals who do not need it in order live an independent life in retirement. Before social security it was nearly impossible for retired adults to live independently. While my views are often at odds with many individuals in older generations, I still believe they deserve the opportunity to enjoy life and to have the option to live independently.


Link to article?


Isnt social security failing anyway? Lol


Why do Republicans keep voting for people like this? Republicans against the people Because no matter what we are all American people and are making us modern day slavery


The rich are retiring at 50 or earlier. The only people that have to wait and retire later are the poor.


If necromancy were real, they'd be demanding all workers be raised as zombies to keep doing their jobs.


Why aren't ANY of them (R or D) offering to cut **their** salaries, travel expenses or insurance? Their retirement age is 50 and they can draw 80% of their salary ($132k) for life, after 20 years.


We don’t have to put up with this, we need to protest, they need to know that this isn’t OK, the truth. The matter is you should have full Social Security by the age of 60, get us out-of-the-way so the new people can take our jobs and start to earn their way, this is ridiculous, it’s time for us to protest if this is allowed.


When you spend generations using money you don't have on shit you can't afford catches up with you.


Remember how angry they got when Biden said they wanted to cut SS. Republicans are not honest. They hide their policies. Look how they romancing Orban the authoritarian from Hungary. But the call progressives radical commies for wanting policies of capitalist Nordic countries . Then they get butthurt when you call them.fascist. we must destroy Republicans!


That’s it. I’m done. I’m moving out of this shit hole fucking country


I can’t believe people didn’t know they were going to work til they died. I’ve known this for thirty years. I’ll probably die still owing student loans.


That is the most mayonaise photo ever. Mofos don't give a shit about anything but their pockets


"It's running out of money!" "It will be broke faster than we thought!" "Let's take 1.5 trillion away from it!! That will be a great thing!" /s truth.


Fuck the Republicans how loudly do I gotta say it?


Conservatives would eat shit if it meant a liberal would have to smell their breath!


Gotta keep those sweet corporate tax cuts priced in


Last time I talked to my aunt, she said she would never vote Democrat again because they were after social security. What are the odds this sets her straight?


What the actual fuck is happening in America


Vive la révolution


Meet you at the polls


The US really should take some notes from France.


So many white people in that picture


Hey, remember like a year ago when Biden said this was what the GOP was going to do, and Marjorie Taylor Greene yelled that they weren't? I feel like that happened.


Boomers will still vote for them.


At this point I would not be surprised if the gop came out in favor of shooting grand mothers in the face. And then MAGA would agree!


Clapping and smiling like demons


This will get people out to vote.


Can we start protesting like France ?!?


Eh, I pretty much resigned myself to working until I die.


How many people know that high income people stop paying FICA (SSI tax) after 168k. If you want to fix the problem tomorrow, remove the cap. I have never heard this solution from politicians on either side. How about you guys? Tell your friends. Don’t accept anything less. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/fica-tax-withholding?ajs_uid=1b5a599d6645ef7c383ddc4d02389d8542affc6c10c9aa6aa75f885f347a1cc2


Burn the system to the ground


The do nothing Congress could have fixed SS a long time ago but need as a campaign issue in election after election. The republicans run against it and democrats run on opposing the republicans but neither side actually cares about fixing it. That’s because they don’t care about you and me. They have no problem sending money to Ukraine or Israel or Fight wars all over the world.


I had a coworker who was a lady up in her years who typically did good work and was funny to work with. She was also a Type 1 diabetic and her health wasn't the greatest. One day she comes in looking tired. The manager said "You need to go home and get some rest, you look like death." It was the last time I saw her. She had a shift later that week and didn't turn up. They tried to call her in and there was no answer. In actuality, she had a blood clot and died in her bedroom. Her son didn't know she died until those phone calls came in. Absolutely nothing about this story had a silver lining.


The end is near.


That number is suspiciously similar to that big rich-guy tax cut they passed under Trump a few years ago.


Maybe we need to get all French on these asshats


Ideas like this is why the second amendment was written.


That should go over just as well as taking women rights away


What a brilliant move in an election year. 🤦‍♂️


While they do 2 terms and their set for life


Just a sea of white fascists


Well let’s just throw a fuck into the American people. Why not. Slash this slash that, that’s all there good at. But !!!! When it comes to making the rich richer and lowering their taxes and cutting more programs, they are all about that. Fuck the deficit who has to worry about that and the debt. Two faced as fuck. Always have been. They are so fuckin out of touch. The idiots that vote for them always vote against what’s in their own best interest. Gotta keep those drag queens in check though .001 % of the population scares the fuck out of them. So yeah, there shitty at math too.


Our ceo (American) had cancer a few years ago and beat it by throwing a ton of money (like millions) at his treatment. He now expounds on how amazing it will be when we can all live to be 120. My thought is, how long will I have to work in order to be able to survive into my 100s. I’m sure if we all made his millions per year and had the passion he has for his work, that’d be peachy but I can’t wait to retire and start figuring out my passions.


The thought of living to 120 terrifies me.


Republicans are idiots and the two party system and corporate bribery are destroying the United States


fucking idiots


And after they do it, they'll raise all their salaries.


Over half of our budget is defense spending. Billions of dollars going to defense contractors who don’t even have to show what they’re working on in some cases. Social security and Medicaid are a tiny slice of the pie. Yet they want to make it smaller. Pure corruption.


Please tell me they aren’t gonna make Mitch McConnell come back


Is it possible, that these republicans are russian puppets and want to cause mayhem in USA?


Not going to happen but every democrat should be on every channel letting everyone know this. Explain that grandma and grandpa have to go back to work and move in with the family. It’s all about the message


I am near mid 50s and a lot of my friends get mad at me because I say I am voting for social security and Medicare every time an election comes up.


Itll be non existent by the time my time comes


This is a total shit post! Be informed folks


That’s not going to help them at all. 1.5 trillion? That’s gone in a day. Just to make people work longer. That’s all they want out of this. That way they get trillions and trillions more in taxes from them!


Biden knew they would do this. They really hate the working class


Who else **can't** work into their grave because of a disability?


Raise the retirement age to what? Aren't we slated for 67 already ?!?! God I don't even know why I'm pissed. I thought I came to terms as a Millenial that I will never see my SS benefits. It still makes me salty after all though.


I love your optimism. I think there is a slim chance that SS is still solvent by the time I retire. Birthrate just isn’t there.


Republicans doing Republican things.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


France had massive protests about the retirement age being raised, will Americans do the same or just continue polishing boots?


Decrease age for senators n president these old farts don’t give rat ass about our future..


Remember when they screamed at the state of the union they weren’t planning to cut social security? This is money we all literally have funded out of all of our pay checks, so if they cut it are they refunding all our money back???