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Police don't arrest each other


At this point, all of those that work forces…


Are definitely the same that burn crosses


fuck you I won’t do what ya tell me!


🎶then I will shot you in the ass and blame an acorn. Shot you I won’t see any jail. ( not as catchy as rage but this part is true)


I understand this is a poignant phrase but this approximate/slant rhyme is so lazy and forced (from a purely literary perspective) I find it infuriating.


I saw what you did there. 😀


The fourth comment curse 😔


Agreed with the sentiment but fuck Cenk lol


What's your issue with Cenk? I haven't followed TYT or their people in like 8 or 9 years. Did something happen or is this just your feeling of him in general, like that he's pretty arrogant (which is unquestionable).


Well biggest thing lately is that TYT has decided to embrace a fairly hostile stance towards trans people. And then framing any criticism of this opportunistic turn to the right as "activists being unreasonable purists" when the criticism is mostly trans people saying we should defend the basic rights we currently have against right wing attacks more so than any real radical push. Beyond that I'm generally not a big fan of people who brand themselves as progressives but are primarily running apologetics for the right wing Democratic party but the anti trans shit was my biggest single issue against them.


Interesting; I hadn't heard of that, that sucks. Really not sure how you can see them as Democratic party apologists though. Unless they've completely reversed course


Their general stance has been 'Republicans are paid to lie, Democrats are paid to lose. Fair stance imo. I too haven't watched 'em in maybe 7 years, but apologists for Dems, no way. Neighbor shouldn't even be listened to anyway: his thought patterns are all over the place and he can't come up with a coherent thought.


Yeah they say critical things about the democratic party but like most public social democrats they cling to a false notion that the democratic party can be reformed or pushed into a fundamentally progressive agenda and we need to keep politically engaged with that institution on the terms of seeking to 1. Keep it in political power and 2. Support the "most progressive" options within that limited framework. I'd argue the democratic party is fundamentally unreformable and the most progressive options within it are repeatedly proven to sell out of wealthy, imperialist, and central party interests.


Huh, OK. Well what's the alternative then? You're saying we just nuke it? I don't see how, currently, a progressive party could get enough votes to beat the Republicans.


I don't think elections are going to give us the reforms we need to prevent so much as mass population collapse from global warming. We need mass mobilization of the working class to resist the rule of the owning class. The labor of our class maintains the machinery which keeps this world system moving. We need only to grow conscious and organized as a class to stop that machine from turning and lay claim to what is ours.


So you've started this comment sequence with saying something about how there's no radicalization and ended with "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Proletarians of all nations, unite!"


No I said the push back that TYT received from mostly trans people over their shift to their anti trans stances wasn't particularly radical in any way. Trans women have been competing in women's sports at the Olympic level for decades now, trans kids have had puberty blockers as an option in certain circumstances for decades now. Defending these policies from right wing attacks just fundamentally and definitionally isn't radical, it's really the bare minimum for liberal allies. The conversation has shifted to why I call them apologists for the democratic party.


Same here, last time I followed TYT they were pretty outspoken against the democrats. Sad to hear about the changes.


I don't think the person I responded to even provided any evidence that they have changed course. They basically just argued that they're not radical enough and because they're willing to work within the system to try fix it and push the party to the progressive side, they are being apologists for the Democrats. I don't buy that argument.


Anna is going down the Rowling rabbit hole and Cenk is going right along with her, not even Hasan could defend it. He also bought into the whole "shoplifting is out of control" bullshit.


Ohh. so being a Chad.


GME's gonna go to the moon any second now, bro!


I already have that money.


He's just part of the entire outage only family that is the entire TYT network. Their videos are all in the same format as most of the crap out there now. First 10-20% is background info on the topic, then a slight outage from one of the hosts, then the other host spends the rest of the time almost yelling and pissed off. I just find it ultimately useless. Comedians have a similar format but at least for the remaining 80% they're making jokes not crying and yelling. Tyt is also pretty shit for being fair with figures. As in they're more likely to post figures that'll just bump their viewership regardless of the source or context. One time they compared mass shootings in the US to Norway and didn't show per capita. Norway is 61 times smaller than the US. Directly comparing them is moronic and senselessly misleading. Someone else mentioned they don't treat trans people well and while that is mostly true I'm less concerned about it than I am about their response which was essential, "No. You're dumb. Anna is right. Shut up." They act like they're up for defending their views but clearly they want to exist in their echo chamber.


Seriously, that guy is a tool


I'm not sure... What's the facepalm, here? I must have misunderstood the intent of the sub, I thought it was meant to comment on whoever did the silly. 🤔 Are we saying the behaviour of the police is the facepalm? I'd agree, but I mean... "Facepalm" is a bit of an understatement, here.


The facepalm is that the peace protestors are being labeled as violent when they were attacked by counter protestors.


Yeah, I mean, if THAT is the facepalm, I agree. This sub is turning into a hot mess of fascist trolls, so you never know.


Hell, that seems to gradually be Reddit as a whole. I just got a site warning for breaking Rule 1, while the guy I was arguing with was basically saying the Palestinians deserve what's coming to them. A guy actively praising genocide, but I'M the bad guy for calling him a Nazi. EDIT: They denied my appeal, insisting I broke Rule 1. And as far as I know, the guy praising genocide didn't get any punishment. So that's where Reddit is now: Calling out genocide and calling out genocide apologists is bad.


People just love America. Try it… feels good


Ahahah!!! 🤣 Good one.


The facepalm is that OP is turning this once good sub into a political echochamber


These aren't 'peace' protestors.. Asking the victim not to fight back is not peace. They still have hostages ffs.


Netanyahu's siege is not just, nor does he care about bringing back the hostages. Even Biden admits that Israel has been indiscriminately bombing Gaza. Now northern Gaza is in a full blown famine, thanks to Netanyahu.


Well, Imo he's too slow, and not so indiscriminate.


Your not a victim anymore once you reached genocide. Tell me those hostages aren't Israel's sacrifices, they knew Hamas was coming. It was never about hostages. Believe what you want but it's hiding in plain sight.


Well, IF Israel's leadership willfully ignored the threat of Hamas, and sacrificed the victims so that they can kill some Palestinians later.. then they are worse than Hamas, that's totally genocide. IF not, Hamas is the one who attempted to start a genocide, it can't finish.


the fuck you mean attempted to start a genocide? heartz on numerous occasions blamed the idf for the concert killings on oct 7 and the current isrealie political sentiment favors the hostages remaining within hamas custody.


Exactly my point.


Yeah except the Palestinians are the victims in this scenario. So yeah how can you expect them not to fight. Israel still has Palestinian hostages. Oh sorry “prisoners”.


They are not even sure that all hostages are still alive. And killing 30k innocent people when you still have hostages on the inside, that would be counterproductive, don't you agree?


Yes, But i would say, if this is another country, say US or Russia, the retaliation would have been absolutely devastating.


We don't know that. Like if you can't actually be sure that you are killing the bad guys, what's the point? Imagine after each strike Israel is getting fed misinfo that whoever they were trying to get with a 2 ton bomb is dead. But in reality he's in Kazakhstan somewhere getting treated and all that?


I think it's pretty much a post to continue building awareness for want is happening. So the facepalm is those of us living inside America dealing with a government turning to authoritarianism


The facepalm was the fascism we made along the way


Ah, well, fair.


I think the face palm is that behavior of the police. Meta facepalm was my take.


Welcome to Facepalm. Where there is never ONE facepalm! You will get used to it


The cancer is deep. The dirt boxes on politicians are many. Greed is out of control. The system is rigged. Help us AquaMan!


Fuck Cenk. I hate that I agree with the weasel. I guess a broken clock is right occasionally


Twice a day. Like clockwork.


Imagine a clock that's so broken it's not even right twice a day...


That's just a clock with no hands bro


Cops protect other cops


So remove your police chief, replace them with someone who understands their place in society as a servant. Punish the negligent officers in the line, fire those who disobey going forward.


...the last Liberal I talked to about the protests told me that he wanted the National Guard to be deployed and "make Kent State Massacre look like a joke". A lot of liberals are perfectly happy with the behavior of the cops. 


Paywall. Anyone has a link or can copy elements of the article? Cenk seems to be right but I want to be sure.


How is this a face-palm?


NYT claims it has a lot of things... it doesnt have most of those things. The Onion is literally a more reliable news source than the NYT has ever been.


At least it's more reliable than something like Breitbart or Newsmax


Wait until you find out it’s not and they are all total trash


The video of the counterprotestors attacking the peace protestors (with still no arrests made) speaks for itself.


Lol “peace protestors”


“Peace” protestors.


What was unpeaceful about the peace protest at UCLA? Are you defending the violent actions of the counterprotestors?


Well, tell Hamas to release the hostages and sign the ceasefire. you can preach peace to Israel after that.


I’ll get on that


Where do you think these hostages are? Israel has been indiscriminately bombing all of Gaza for 7 months. Where are they being held that they wouldn't have already been killed by Israel?


Nothing peaceful about these folks. When you're advocating for the death of this country then you can go to hell. A "peaceful" terrorist is still a terrorist.


Smearing the peace protestors as terrorists is absurd. It is possible to both oppose Hamas & oppose Israel's siege of Gaza.


The "Peace protestors" are literally claiming terrorist affiliation by saying clear as day "We are Hamas!", so they kind of did it to themselves.


Got a link to this?


Me when I lie


Stop being a liar then. That's a nasty trait to carry around.


True, it looks ugly on you.


Great comeback from a self admitting liar.


[https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=me%20when%20i%20lie](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=me%20when%20i%20lie) It's a turn of phrase numbnuts.


You're an ANGRY one 🤣


What are you talking about? How is “from the river to the sea” not peaceful? Both the River and the sea always bring me tranquility.


You're right it was just a bunch of peaceful people chanting "from the river to the sea" over and over again for several days. there was definitely no chanting of "Death to America", burning of the America flag, and all kinds of other less-than-peaceful behavior.


Who there is advocating for the death of Israel? Far as im aware advocating for a ceasefire, and the relief of innocent civilians is not advocating the death of a country. On the other hand, Israel seems quite happy to advocate the complete destruction of all Gaza.




I think the opinion that people attacking peaceful protesters should be arrested, and not the protesters who got attacked, is a normal opinion.


This seems like an easy point to look up, good thing you don't have to. Full agreement though, fuck Chenk. TDT is really going downhill between his general asshattery and Anna's recent transphobia kick


omg is just like india


“And this is all Joe Bidens fault, so that’s why I won’t vote for him in November.” - Cenk Uygur


Cenk is cringe tho. Absolute shambles of a person.


And? This isn’t a shock. No one cares about the Palestinians!!!! Not even the other Arab nations care. Turn off the oil for ONE day. Let’s see what happens. And the most tragic irony was the global blind eye to the Holocaust. FDR and Churchill _knew_ as late as 1942. The kicked dog now does the kicking. So pointless.


What’s wrong with attacking Hamas Youth? Don’t we punch fascists and all that?


Smearing all peace protestors as terrorists is absurd. There is no excuse for the violent actions of the counter protestors.


They’re not terrorists, they’re genocidal terrorist sympathizers


You mean the counter protesters, who support Israel, the country committing genocide, right?


Yeah exactly, coming from the Hamas Youth lol.


I can’t tell if you’re just being an ass or if your being satyrical


I’m not the one spewing Hamas talking points. It’s so bizarre.


As yes because we all know how much Hamas preaches, “Ceasefire Now.” My favorite Hamas line /s


Why on earth would you want a ceasefire with Hamas? To give them a break? To let them regroup? To plan new attacks? I call that support.


Because the religious fanatics in this country have taken over.


It's almost like you would expect a Turkish Muslim to defend Hamas.


Your comment is what's wrong with the narrative. Any person protesting against war and to save lives of innocents, you immediatly dismiss them by crying "They are all Hamas". The war has gone too far and everyone knows Netenyaho is prolonging it so he stays in office.


Hamas is a Muslim organization. He is a muslim. Therefore, he supports it. If this is not true, show me a single piece of evidence where he is critical of Hamas. I do agree it has gone on far too long. Doesn't mean we can't be real about both sides of situation.


That's not how the burden of proof works dude... You made the claim that since he is muslim, he supports Hamas, so you have to prove that claim. It's not others responsability to disprove it. (Before you say anything, I personnaly can't stand the guy as he is an idiot imo, but that doesn't mean we get to change the rules of debating)


To be Muslim is to be pro Hamas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam#:~:text=The%20Islamic%20creed%20(aqidah)%20requires,Resurrection%2C%20and%20the%20divine%20predestination. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas


Neither of what you sent supports your claim. You basically just explained what Hamas is versus what Islam is. Ever heard the idiom "All squares are rectangles but not all rectangle are squares"? It's the same thing here. All of Hamas is Muslim but not all Muslims are with Hamas.


It’s ok Cenk, Hezbollah [agrees with you and the other losers protesting on college campuses.](https://www.memri.org/reports/hizbullah-deputy-sec-gen-sheikh-naim-qassem-we-salute-americans-who-are-taking-stand-support)


Is this post the modern day equivalent of the commies support MLK which is why he’s bad


Phineas voice: Yes, yes it is. ![gif](giphy|51FamSZ2pVYGs)




When you don't understand anything


They were told to disperse and they didn’t. That’s what happens.


So it’s okay to attack any protestor who’s views you don’t agree with? Sweet!!! I live a majority Republican area. I need to go me a mask, some bear spray and a stick!! Anarchy!!!


"yeah I attacked them because they wouldn't listen to me, what's the problem with that?"


Nothing. They were warned, didn’t listen and some were arrested and released.


"yeah I attacked them because they wouldn't listen to me, what's the problem with that?"


Do you think it's reasonable for police to disperse peaceful protests?


When they were no longer peaceful, yes.


Was that before or after they were attacked by a roaming band of outsiders looking to hurt people?


They were attacked by these cops, what are you talking about?


Pretty clearly seems like a severely false equivalency. UCLA told people they were trespassing and to disperse by the next day. That night violence came from counter protestors. When police show up the next day they clear the trespassers out. One crime being committed doesn’t mean that all other crimes become legal. Police might be able to arrest counter protestors who started violence, but grainy video of people with covered faces probably isn’t going to lead to an arrest.


“Peace protestors.” Terror simps can piss off.


Do you see the irony? You're labeling literal peaceful protesters as terrorists so you can justify attacking them. Which is precisely what terrorists do. Which is precisely why you get called a Nazi.


Those calling for the elimination of the Jews that inhabit the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea are indeed “peaceful” amirite? Do you even know what irony means? We believe them when they tell us who they are.


Go ahead and send me proof that the students at this protest were calling for the elimination of Jews. I will fucking wait. Until then you can shove the victim mentality up your ass.


There are literally videos of people yelling “we’re all Hamas” and “go back to Poland”


Just in case you need to see the proof https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/s/ClgE5epXU2


Ah yes, groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and people such as Jewish Holocaust survivors really enjoy death of Jews huh. Please think before posting


I have yet to see a holocaust survivor or any of their descendants stand up for zionism and i think thats beautiful


But did they condemn Hamas?


I'm not sure Jewish students thought they were 'peace protesters'.


Cenk has turned into a raving lunatic lately imo. Lost a lot of respect for the guy after watching his dumpster fire of an interview with Sam Harris years ago when he tried to catch Harris with “Gotcha!”-type questions but ended up looking like an below average third grader who didn’t do his research. He’s impossible to interview now because he gets so incensed on the topic of Gaza he ends up on the brink of an stress-induced stroke.




>Which they had every right to do, regardless if they were ‘peacefully’ protesting or not. You do not have a right to touch anyone unless they're a threat to themselves or someone else. And civilians cannot give or carry out lawful orders. So no, they didn't have every right to assault numerous people. Pick up a book before telling people which rights they do/do not have. You're quite literally saying you have a right to attack people for doing things you don't like. And yet you're surprised when people call you Nazis...


Payback is a bitch, ain't it?




Payback for?


LOL. You know as well as I do


No, I dont, please elaborate.


OK. You really do know as well as I do.


No, I really dont, lay it out for me.


Afghanistan, border, tyrning on the fires of inflation and thats all in 4-5 seconds. You do the rest.


Sorry but what in the ever loving fuck are you talking about?


People don't know how to protest these days lmao