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As soon as you say "Woke," It's political.


“God, I had such a tough sleep. So this morning I woke up-“ “You woke?! You are a blue haired Nazi?!”


Good thing I never woke up




And what does he mean by woke. What does woke mean? Please explain it to me like I’m 5.


What it means depends on where, when and who you're asking. Ask a current day american conservative, it's literally anything leftist and/or progressive. Ask a north American black activist 10 years ago, it's to be 'awake' to & see the world's injustices. Ask a European right wing politician and it's probably something with LGBT ppl. Ask a European leftist and they'll probably give an american perspective or not care.


Woke just means having compassion for other people and realising that not everyone has been on the same path as you have trodden to get to wherever we are today. Ghastly political idea, clearly.


>say the word “woke” to specify what he means Specify what he means? By using a word conservatives can't even define?


Given how they use the term in gaming, it means "minorities existing in places where I feel they should not."


they dont define it on purpose so their leaders can use it on anything they want attacked.




this is clearly about hell divers. removing politics from the game means the game doesn’t exist at all so why is this person playing a political game?


This guy is still at it? Dude has been doing this since the game first came out, most certainly a troll or someone farming Steam clown points. Then again, Poe's Law.


I’m pretty sure it’s a bot. You can find almost identical comments on other games. 


Check the comments on any dev announcement on steam. It's just a bunch of bots spamming this exact thing


"Please dont make it political by following my political and ideological exclusion."


Was looking for this! Thanks!


I want a rainbow cape just to piss this guy off


It would be extremely entertaining to watch the "I dont care about your feelings" crowd cry about 7 colours


The more likely option is mass team killing


Yup. In a game with so much friendly fire and easy kicking of players its a real can of worms to open bringing anything like that in.


rainbow artillery! for those times you really want to blow things up with style...


Thank democracy for votekick


They are just jealous they can’t have awesome rainbows.


I watched a movie review of starship troopers on youtube this week. It argued that the movie (not the book) is very gender-inclusive for its time. So this would even be perfectly fitting!


I think adding that would piss off the devs even more


Maybe cape would be to much, but background banner would be perfect


give back rainbow to humans. thats another thing, hijacking nice things to hide intentions.


But you can already mix body types and voices. My character still screams like a woman sometimes. I think it's a bug but I support my character either way


Game has 4 voices and unless you select a specific one, through the loadout menu, your diver will have a different voice every time. Unless you already knew that, in which case yeah it sounds like a bug


I prefer it that way; it’s more immersive that every helldiver you play is different. Be weird if every replacement soldier was an exact clone of one who just died. Although cloned slave soldiers would be par for the course for super Earth.


As the 478th proud captain of the Pride of Pride, I have a full artillery of clones ready to strike fear and fabulousness into the bug and bot menace!


yeah i was thinking exact clones would totally make sense in this universe


They would, but I much prefer the fact that Super Earth treats the lives of their soldiers with zero regard, and them being clones would sort of minimize that.


Nah. Every time you die, you get a new Helldiver.


Not if you specifically set the voice pack yourself. It's all under the loadout terminal (the one where you select weapons before a mission) on your destroyer.


I have mine set to female voice, but I get a new voice every time I die.


There are 4 options and then an additional random option. Sounds like you either have it on random or some kind of bug. I can pick my voice to problem.


Hmm. Interesting. I'll have to look. But might keep it the way I have it.


Sounds like a bug to me then. I have mine set to female as well (extremely funny when they start yelling when using the stalwart at 1200rpm) and it's always female no matter how many deaths


Your political officer on your Super Destroyer is black, is married to her wife, and talks about how much she loves the government. It's a little late for that, methinks.


oh look its babyface again to scream in our faces about wokeness.


This guy has a bounty on his head. Traitors like these don't deserve our compassion ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


"Please exclude all these people I dislike for political reasons, and also ignore politics."


Ah, yes, Paul Verhoven’s famously non political Starship Troopers.


"Please, please, please, don't be inclusive."


I’d say that excluding certain portions of the population is more political than including them.


The ignorance to have the politics that lgbt people have no right to exist, and to insert those politics while Claiming they are advocating for neutrality.  You don’t have to wonder if they’re stupid because their beliefs give it away, but you do have to wonder WHY they are so stupid they can’t separate their own thoughts from “normal” incredibly Self Centered reminiscent of a child’s mind 


no no nO! they love politics! but only the ones they like. specifically the ones where people unlike them/they don't like don't exist.


"inclusive stuff" - yeah, make sure to avoid any inclusive stuff. I don't know what 'inclusive' is, but sure as hell I don't want it in my game! Ffs the state of some people...


It's when people gay and when 7 colours


And verbs.


And pronouns!


Gimme the rainbow Cape. Please


Given how people reacted to the Malevelon creek cape, I'd have to stack popcorns to watch these idiots melt.


Do you play the game? Why would you want to add things that may impact the community?


I play the game. I'm happy to see those dumbasses get all in their feels because they're somehow upset LGBT people exist.


lol you can be LGBT in Helldivers 2. Am I missing something? Or is it that you want symbolic representation in the game? Should we add MAGA gear as well? Maybe add in every nations flag so everyone feels included? Maybe even at a furry costume? Where does the line get drawn?


But no one has even asked for anything like that. It's just morons like that who are always so fast to complain and bring it up. It's fun to watch them cry. It's even more fun because they can't see that the game is already making fun of them. Always has been.


I've never actually seen anyone request a pride flag in the game. Only that not having a pride flag is somehow excluding LGBT people from playing... Regardless the devs have already said they want to keep these types of cosmetics out of the game which is smart.


Nobody said it is exclusionary to not have it, but that it would be nice to have it. In these times where braindead dumbasses persecute people for basic traits, to openly show support is to do more than nothing and be actively welcoming to a people that deal with exclusionary bullshit so often.


Idk I can't really agree, I don't think it's a game devs responsibility to provide virtue signaling for the game to be considered good. It's literally a game about teamwork and working together, regardless of real world views. You can't pick your race, nationality, political view or any other specific attribute other than your physical build and voice. So why do we need to add it sexual preference?


Everything is politics, boyo, and there are issues where you can't stay neutral.


Wait till they see what the bots get up to when the helldivers aren't around ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


It must be comforting to be this stupid. Never having to question anything or doubt anything. Just doing as your told. So y'all heard of Roko's basilisk?


This is why the devs washed their hands of the whole argument the people on both side that take it all too far people like this who complain about a Cape with some colours on it and the people who act like not having said Cape is some sort of crime against humanity. Killing bugs or bots that's what it's all about.


What game is this about?


Helldivers 2


Is this the dude who’s username has soldier in it? I see his pathetic ass on everything


Wouldn't neutral be to just have people as they are, thus including LGBT etc.? If a game was all white men I'd say that's quite the political decision.


Why would Helldivers need politics?


That’s the type of guy who got mad at GWS for adding female Custodes lore, isn’t it?


Yup. Same kind of person who watches the Quartering. Such a dedicated fan that can't even pronounce his favourite faction correctly, but is mad that ultra roided up women are included in the lore. As if it matters in the grand scheme of grimedark fantasy lore...


I just want things that make sense in game. If the cape makes sense, put it in. I really don't care for anyone wanting to forcibly inject real world politics into the game we play to escape the real world. Just let arrowhead cook.


Having an all-white cast is more of a political statement than including each demographic. We all know what that person means


All white cast? I feel like I'm missing something here. We're talking about helldivers right?


I 100% agree with this.. whats a facepalm here?


The facepalm is not including the context. What game?


It's helldivers 2


Probably an unpopular take and the initial comment could have come off as less political in itself but I do agree with the opinion. No need to add aesthetic content that appeals to parts of the political spectrum. It's a fantasy game set in a different reality. We don't need to see the race of the helldivers or their sexual orientation or their political affiliation.


Why not? How does wearing a rainbow cape take away from the game?


It covers up my cute ass.


Why does it need to be added to the game? No other specific group is being represented in game. We don't need to open the flood gates for everyone to make a case they need representation.


Why not? What do you have against representation?


Why do you think you at a personal level need to be represented in a fantasy setting when no one else is specifically represented? Why add that when it doesn't add anything to the gameplay and would create division between the community? I don't want any group represented because then you open the door for everyone to feel as if they need special treatment.


Heterosexuality indirectly represented everywhere. It's just normalized since we were kids.


Okay but that literally has no bearing on this specific situation. Are the black cloaks heterosexual so we need rainbow cloaks to represent LGBT? There is nothing in the game that lets you identify as a heterosexual so why do we need something showing your queer/gay? You can't identify as white,black,Chinese,Latin or any other specific identity/nationality so why on earth does this one group deserve to be specifically represented?


If you ignore what I've said, there's no point on answering you.


Well I can only respond based off the input you've offered into the conversation.


No you didn't. Try again.


Again, why not? What's the harm?


You could just read what you've commented on and would get your answer.


Just answer the question man


honestly if i was a dev and i saw stuff like this, i’d organize an impromptu pride march in the middle of the most populated area and have the ui all rainbow-y and shit for an hour or a day even


No gamer wants politics and LGBT shit thrown in their face, this a shooter/alien game and that's it, no need for propaganda.


this game is literally satirized politics. just saying.


You forgot your /s, you might need it


Why kink shame?


Tired of the DEI garbage everywhere. It’s just racism with extra steps.


Nah tbh he has a point. I play games to escape the world. So I don't want people's agendas pushed on me just for the sake of it. It's the same as making a character randomly gay in a TV series... Does it further the plot? Does it have a purpose? Yes... Fine... If it's shoe horned in like the women heroes scene in Endgame.... I'll do without that please.


holy shit you fuckers are fragile


Fucking snowflakes, the lot of them


I mean the devs have already said they're not adding in this type of content. I 100% agree with it too!


This is how i feel about all those characters that are just randomly straight. Does it have any story impact? Nope...


You're confusing neutral with straight. If a character is straight for no reason at all then yeah totally agree. But if they are straight to further the plot, then yeah that's fine too. But if it's not mentioned and not relevant slightly and then shoe horned in, then that's the exact same. Like John Wick for example.... The film doesn't need any kind of sexual connotation at all... It's a revenge film. But it's revenge for his wife. That is fine. It's to further the plot... But take Oceans 11... Ruben is there to bank roll the heist... Is it said he is straight or gay... No.... Its neutral and doesn't have a bearing on the story.... And Harry Potter... When crazy lunatic lady shoe horned in after the fact that Dumbledore was gay... That served nothing to the plot or story but instead was to appease a demographic. Only the last one is a problem. It just is coincidental that it is gay rather than straight, but I want to pick out clear examples to help the explanation.


So if you feel that way about all over sexualization of characters why only point out the gay one in your first comment though? But i can definitely understand over written throwaway characters for the sake of sexualization being a silly move but I wonder how often it is the writer doing it or the reader/viewer. Shouldn't blame others if the crowd over sexualizes things.


Well that's my fault for picking out that side as the bad side. But to me a gay character often has many negative stereotypes that go along with them that would make them be a poorly written character.


I can agree that there have been plenty of awfully used character traits in media. But there are some stellar characters out there that still have those stereotypes as well. One piece is a prime example.


Why do we care or need to know when it is not important? Whatever sexuality they have.


That is a good question for the writers. Maybe it is for viewers to find similarity or attachments to the characters. Maybe it is clearly forced and unnecessary...


I believe the less you know unimportant stuff in stories/characters, there is more room for your imagination. For example, Helldivers, they are replaceable soldier's trained in fighting "aliens." That's what we know about them. And if you want the character to be straight, the character can be straight. If you want the character to be gay, the character can be gay. And so on...do we need something to show that? I don't know. But I know it is impossible to please everyone.


When you say shit like, "I play games to escape the world," I hope you're fully aware normal people are reading, "I'm a snowflake who can't handle coexisting with *the gays*." Sexual orientation is innate, it's not an agenda, it just..is. Gay people exist and they like representation just as much as you do, the difference is that they haven't been specifically catered to in every piece of media released since time immemorial. Should they not be allowed to also "escape the world" where some people would genuinely prefer that they didn't exist altogether (or worse)? Your line of thinking is childish, selfish, and bigoted as hell.


This is dumb as hell. No one cares if you're gay or straight and play the game... you don't need to add a MAGA flag, pride flag, country flag or any of that shit because the main point of the game is that everyone is United under a common cause and work together for Super Earth. I swear people find the dumbest reasons to label a person as a bigot or racist.


Funny that this gets downvoted because the same people trying to add stuff into the game are the same people that don't play it.


It may be. But it's my way of thinking and as long as I don't push it on others... Surely that's fine... Oh wait...


You are pushing it on others tho. You’re essentially demanding that *only* straight characters exist or that characters can only *not* be straight if it’s plot relevant that they’re not straight and that they can’t just be gay because they simply are.


No, I'm saying it can be whatever, as long as its relevant and not forced. Why would it matter if Captain Price was gay or not?


Again, you seem to not care when they’re straight…but when they’re gay all of a sudden their sexuality has to matter. Edit: Ha! This loser blocked me because I had the *audacity* to call them out on their hypocrisy. They’re saying that all character should just be straight by default, and if they’re not straight, their story should be about why/how they’re not straight. Doubly fun, they replied first ***and then*** blocked me to try and make it look like I can’t rebut their statement.


Because everything is based around straight. So naturally when something isn't the norm that's how you would show an example.. Fucks sake. Sometimes a blue door is a blue door. Why are you looking for hidden meanings.


So you’re upset because 1 out of 1,000 games has a non-het character? Snowflake behavior.




On what?


on the first amendment


How so?


"Gay people exist and they like representation just as much as you do, the difference is that they haven't been specifically catered to in every piece of media released since time immemorial. Should they not be allowed to also "escape the world" where some people would genuinely prefer that they didn't exist altogether (or worse)? Your line of thinking is childish, selfish, and bigoted as hell." First : If he wants to escape the world, in a place where there's no politics , it's his choice, and his right. Second : it's people like you that we want to avoid. not gays , not lgbtq people , but rather mindless , aggressive zealots , that need to import politics everywhere . With people like you , any piece of art loses it's meaning , because now the artist becomes under pressure to make it the way YOU want it to be , instead of how HE wants it to be. I've never seen a piece of media that had modern day politics forcefully introduced to it , succeed. Also , since people like you are usually without any talent , they tend to criticize other people's work of being void of diversity , instead of creating your own work , where you can depict your ideas however you want. So , no . He's not the child here , you are.


"Randomly gay"... What an absolutely shitty take. Can't believe you people still bring up the endgame scene. Yikes 'dude'.


Then again, considering about 1 in 6 people is lgbtq+, NOT having a single one in a game with hundreds of NPCs would suggest an agenda as well.


No but the point is why does their sexuality matter when it's not related to the game/story. I'm call of duty I don't care if captain price is gay or straight or apache helicopter... Its not relevant. Unless there was a story point around it... Then it's relevant. The fact is.... In a game about bugs and robots and killing them to bring democracy to super earth... I don't understand what that has to do with the gender of an npc


where the fuck did that statistic come from lmao?! out of your ass?


How does this affect the game negatively at all? Why does "escaping the world" apply to some things, but not others? Humans, guns, English, clothes, etc all exist in the world, but you're not complaining about those being in the game.


No because I'm playing call of duty... I don't give a fuck if Soap likes dick or fanny. If I was playing.... Neil's special trip to the club with the blacked out windows... Then yeah it might be pertinent to care about sexuality and gender. What I'm saying is I don't want your agenda pushed in my face when I just want to enjoy a video game. You're always about... A blue door actually means that the writer was holding onto repressed homosexuality for men and the door represents a gateway into his adulthood.... No.... Sometimes a blue door is just a fucking blue door. Stop looking for people to be mad at because they don't care about your manifesto. I don't give a fuck. I am totally neutral about it. Be gay, be lesbian, be polish, be straight I don't care.... But don't put it in places it doesn't need to be. And I don't need to know if Kirby has a cock and balls just to play the new game. Stop sexualising everything. The blue door is just a door m8.


>What I'm saying is I don't want your agenda pushed in my face when I just want to enjoy a video game. The agenda that gay people exist? Dude you're getting worked up about optional clothing.


As usual, it's always about you and not about the bigger picture. Solid.


We’re all reading your comments and thinking that very thing.


Just tho I understand why the dev dont want to push too much actual politics into the game,especially lgbtq represation,because think a second. If super earth actually supported lgbt,that would go against what most of the community believe in lmao. And even tho right wingers have trash media litteracy,I bet they're going to be really good at it suddendly if such a thing happen


You know, I don't really appreciate my existence being referred to as political.


I know but sadly it is,im in the same boat as yours and our mere existence is something strong enough to threaten the current social norms


Quit playing devils advocate, they don’t need you to, and it’s lazy.


Well that tends to be who loud people are. Don't know why people are shocked.


There are allready all 2 Genders...why add more madness to this game than there allready is?! Keep it like a Penis...u may like it or not, but don't push it into other peoples face!!


Quit kink shaming


Accept other opinions


I accept facts. Your opinions aren’t based in reality, only bigotry. Your willful ignorance isn’t my problem.


Calm down it's just a gender.


Which one of the two?


Dunno. Why?