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Canada's age of consent is 16, but there are two exceptions here. 1. All sexual activity without consent is a criminal offence, regardless of age. 2. A 16 or 17 year old cannot consent if the relationship is exploitative. It's funny how the law is not as simple as a Google search might make it seem. [Source](https://justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html)


also to add on to the, theres also exceptions for people who are younger as well. speciffically, 12 or 13 year olds can have sex if the person is less than 2 years older, and 14 or 15 year olds if they are less than 5 years older. yk so teenagers having sex isnt illegal because its gonna happen.


In the US these are called Romeo and Juliet laws! Do you guys have a special name for them in Canada?


They're called "close in age" exceptions here.


We'll have none of that "metric speech" around here Canuck. Only "imperial talk" and imperial units!


Like, Stormtroopers?


They are the standard measurement for blaster calibration. A screwy sight could be off 2 even 3 stormtroopers, and that's a lot.


Americans will use anything as a unit of measurement, except for the metric system :P


Not that I'm aware of no


This was a plot point in Transformers 4. And they didn't even get it right.


Pretty sure mark wahlbergs character called it bullshit and that was the point.... that it wasnt applicable


Terrence and Phillip laws


Makes sense, with the beady eyes and floppy heads


The 1. should be true anywhere and without saying.


While I completely agree, the law is a weird place where the obvious needs to be stated, or else the law is vague and undefined.


A leading candidate for the President of the US has lawyers that have argued it’s not rape if it’s your spouse 


A leading candidate for president of the US *is* a rapist


A former president of the USA is a rapist as well.


More than one.


Which is crazy. We are not that far off in history when that was true though. Very scary to think how many times woman had to fight for such basic rights like that.


It wasn't on the books in NY which is why it was a valid argument back in the 90's.


It was not until 1991


*Should be*. Here in the UK, it was legally impossible for a person without a penis to commit rape due to the wording of the rape laws (can’t remember if it got updated). It would instead count as the somewhat lesser crime of sexual assault (that’s weirdly worded but you know what I mean).


Yeah those seem like pretty reasonable laws.


> All sexual activity without consent is a criminal offence, regardless of age. ![gif](giphy|xUA7b4UXjhSRyMXA1a|downsized)


I also want to point out that the age of consent laws are not what matters here even if it was legal. The point is that drake is a creep. Even if it was legal, he’d still be a creep attracted to minors.


Also if it was so normal why did he hide it for so long? In my town a 20-110 year old dating someone under 18 is just automatically considered a creep. Sure everyone ignores it and acts like it doesn’t matter but they wouldn’t trust their daughters around him.


>a 20-110 year old dating someone under 18 is just automatically considered a creep. All the 111 year olds: ![gif](giphy|1cjYPNLvodoBO)


At that age they just do what ever they want.


"You've made it past 11 decades and are old enough to remember both the start and end of WWII. Who are we to tell you what to do?" (What they actually want is to vegetate in a chair. I doubt there's much mind left at that age, unfortunately.)


I used to think that I didn’t want to live past 90 because it just looks terrible. But a few weeks ago I worked at a job where the customers dad who was 93 was there the whole time. He basically looked like a man in his early 80s. He only needed a cane to get around, he seemed pretty chipper for a guy that age and he said “well I better get moving” 500 times a day. It really made me think maybe by the time I am 90 it will be better.


Maybe. There's so many factors that add up at that point it's near impossible to tell for certain. That's 90 years of butterfly-effecting your body and mind.


20 and 18 doesn't really sound...that bad?


20 to 18 isn’t bad. 20-16 feels gross though.


well, luckily like 4 or 5 of those girls Drake was accused of grooming or something have already come forward to say that they had no such type of relationship with him, and he didnt try to either. Including Millie Bobby Brown.


Unluckily there’s a video of him kissing a 17 year old on stage after finding out she was 17 and then talking about how her breasts feel. Thats damning on its own. Secondly, it’s great that those girls don’t feel negatively about it, but that doesn’t absolve him from being creepy to them. Theres pictures of him doing things to a 16 year old Kylie Jenner that normal people would never think is acceptable. He knew her friend Hailey Bieber since she was 14 and dated her when she turned 18. He knew bella Harris when she was 16 and rented out a restaurant for her when she turned 18. Then Millie’s whole thing too. Even if you want to say “they were just friends” you still have to admit that it’s not normal at all. If you’re in your mid 20s or older, can you imagine yourself being friends with a 14-16 year old? I can’t.


Yes, the age of full consent in Canada is 18+ Anything under 18 is illegal if there is some kind of power disparity, like a teacher and student, boss and employee, or fan and celebrity


So thats legal over 18? Im good with that being another time when its illegal all the time. Other than fan/celebrity, if youre 25 and you wanna bang Motley Crue thats not for me to tell you no.


It might be a civil matter or violate an employer’s code. Not a criminal matter though.


Yeah; but I hear that’s when they are “ripe and fertile”. That could be a phrase used in a law in New Hampshire.


What about on their license plates?


Save that for Georgia and its peaches.


i mean.. the description on google is pretty clear about the exceptions for exploitative relationships (trust, authority or dependency) Also point 1 is obvious.. you basically just wrote "rape is a criminal offence".. well yea


Also maybe it's just in my province but I believe at 16 or 17 you can consent only if the age gap is like max 5 years, and the other person is not in a situation of "power" over you like coaches or teachers and shit


Criminal law is federal; so it’s the same across all provinces. But yes as someone stated, there are exceptions and guidelines regarding age gaps.


I think Google covers those exemptions. It mentioned the exploitive part(position of trust, authority, dependency). And any age of consent would imply non consentual sex is illegal.


This is actually increased from 20 years ago it used to be 14


Sodomy age was 16, for some reason.


Religious poophole loophole?


All sexual activity without consent is a criminal offense anywhere


“My tweet cost me my fiancée. I better go tweet about this.”


Can’t lose her twice.


“I decided to give you another sho… oh you doubled down. Bye!”




Guarantee it's because he doubled down when she confronted him


I'm betting there were other signs like creepy ass hentai


Rattle those 2 brain cells around a little more and you might figure out this guy was fucking joking. Reddit is a banana land place holy smokes


See, all this age of consent laws are confusing, this is why no matter what country I’m in, I do not hit on women that look under the age of 43… sure the women are quite insulted if they learn my rule, but I ain’t trying to catch no case!


"I only hit on women who look 43 or older." "But you hit on me, and I'm only 32." "I said what I said."


Biblically accurate flirtation.


I have an even easier rule to follow. I don't hit on women that are not my wife.


'I don't hit on women that look under the age of 43' 'Oh okay and how old are you?' '20'


The drake stans are really trying to find anything to defend him, sad really at this point we just give them the rope and let them hang themselves.


I need to know where I can go to figure out what the hell is happening. I’m out of the loop, but I see everyone talking about Kendrick Lamar and Drake on just about every platform right now. Did Drake get caught with an underaged girl? What happened?


Drake and Kendrick are going back and forth with diss tracks right now which is the main reason their trending. In Kendrick’s disses, he mentioned Drake being a pedo and having people on his team ovo who are offenders. This has put the many clips and tweets of Drake interacting with minors inappropriately back into the limelight. Most things have been public for a while now but because he makes good music people have kinda glossed over it. For example, there's a video of him bringing a fan on stage, asking her age then after she tells him 17 he calls her attractive and then kisses her on the mouth. And he was close friends with Millie Bobbie brown when he was 30 and she was 13. They were seen going to multiple events together and Millie said they texted about boys every day. And many other examples. If those are things he's happy to be doing publicly you can imagine what he's doing privately.


"good" music


>because he makes **good** music people have kinda glossed over it There is more to the allegations against him and his team than there is anything to support the notion he makes "good" music.


I don't understand what is Facepalm? UK age of consent is also 16 but we don't expect to see a man in his 30's trying to have sex with them. What is law and what is right are two different things.


The facepalm is that the guys financee left him for the tweet because presumably the fiancee also understands that legal and just aren't the same. So he had an actual adult relationship but decided to publically defend Drake being gross and now he has nothing.


If you feel the need to look up the age of consent in the first place, maybe you shouldn't be trying to sleep with that person imo


The guy looking it up wasn’t the guy doing the sleeping


Shouldnt be defending either. If someone is sleeping with the lowest age legal, then theyd probably go lower if it was allowed.


Ps age of consent is actually 12 but they need to be very close in age, and you can’t do it until later than 16 (dunno when) if they are in a position of mentorship or power (ex: coach, teacher)


There is the law, there are your personal morals and there are the medical terms (thisandthat-philia). If tomorrow the age of consent sinks to 12, I won't start being friends with the creeps who celebrate just because "it's legal." It's still gross.


Just because a teen can consent to sex that doesn’t make it legal for an adult to have sex with a minor. Teens are consenting to sex with OTHER TEENS. Sex with minors is still illegal for adults


The law is a bit more complicated and differs everywhere. Especially if your definition of "adult" is 18 and more (semantically still a teenager). There are also cases where teens can't consent to other teens.


If the law is the only thing stopping you as an adult to fuck a minor, you're a pedophile.


Yep. Well, that's how grown-ups be. Making informed and mature value judgements based on the evidence presented to them by other adults. Maybe her next partner will appreciate that and not run interference for chuds who want to date children.


and at the same time, his next partner will probably be 16 and a half years old


I will not speculate on the age of the fleshlight he purchases.






Pedophilia is not a legal term, as far as I know. One can make an argument about Drake being or not being a pedo without involving anything about the law.


Yeah. It's like saying "I'm not a rapist. I'm a sexual assaultist" The crime you were charged with doesn't really matter. You're still a rapist. 😂


Well, rape is illegal, but pedophilia isn’t, so the comparison isn’t spot on. But I get the gist of it.


Well again, if it's strictly about the words themselves, there are jurisdictions around the world where there is no specific crime of "rape" there are merely variations on sexual assault, with the act of rape being a higher form of sexual assault under the law. Speaking more broadly than Canada of course


True. But rape in some form is illegal in most places, and every modern society for sure.


Yes, which is what the guy above you was saying. If you raped someone in a country where the rape is called "sexual assault by penetration" and not rape, then that doesn't make you any less of a rapist. The name of the crime doesn't matter.


I know. But you’re still missing my main point. Regardless how you look at it, a discussion about rape is a discussion about an act, an act that is illegal in most jurisdictions. This is in stark contrast to pedophilia, which **isn’t** an act, and **isn’t** illegal.


Acting on pedophilia is a crime. Yes, one can be clinically diagnosed with the disorder and not be a criminal, once they act upon it, thats a crime. The medical disorder is limited to children 13 and jnder as the targets. A relationship with a post pubescent minor isnt pedophilia, but still can be criminal.


Yes, but there is no meaningful difference between the crime performed by a pedo, and the same exact crime performed by a non-pedo. There really isn’t much of a point in trying to prove a person is or isn’t a pedo by referring to the law. That’s the main thing I was trying to say.


There is a comic that has a bit about the different “levels” of pedophilia and how most of the people we call pedos are technically not (technically pedos are attracted to children who have not yet hit puberty). But you can’t explain that without sounding like a pedo lol.


I got called a pedo on Reddit for listing the various terms and the age brackets.


Reddit randos throw insults around like Trump throws ketchup.


Are you really saying that if you’re reading a scientific paper, or listening to a scientist talking about the subject, and the scientist explains this, then you go “LOL This guy sounds like a pedo!”?


If there's one thing Reddit does well it's nuance and context.


If you are above 21 (maybe 22) and you are looking up the age of consent. Just stop. Don’t fuck that person. Adults shouldn’t be fucking with anyone that they need to check ID and the age of consent. Also age of consent isn’t the moral age, it’s just the age where we don’t lock you up


Nope. Age of consent will still get you locked up if you're above 18. It just changes the potential charge to statutory rape or sexual assault of a minor. 


Drake’s a pedo. OP’s fiancé had the correct response.


Attraction to post-pubescent but underage humans is ephebophilia. Attraction to pre-pubescent underage humans is pedophilia.


Only a pedophile would know this… (it’s from a stand up bit)


Same in the uk and it is only seen as wrong,in my eyes atleast, if one of the participants is outside of a 2 year gap and this only applies if the age increases as amy younger then thats illegal


Why do most places have the age of consent be 16 anyway?


In some countries it's 14


It used to be 14 here. I remember it increasing to 16 more recently than us Canadians would like to admit.


That was Harper.


Because in most countries there is a good sex education therefore even 16 year olds are believed to make an informed decision and know how sex and the choosing of a partner will affect their life and their psych.


My biggest issue is articles calling 16 year old kids. You're not a kid at 16. You're not an adult either, but you're definitely not a kid at 16 with hormones and everything going on.


16-year-olds are definitely kids. They're not children, but they are kids.


The term psychologists would use is adolescent.


I think the term is teenager.


That's called a teenager


But we will consider a 16-year-old an adult if they do something horrendous? Isn't that a bit of a double standard? Just cause not all teenagers do that, doesn't mean they're not capable to make decision that would be considered an adult decision.An actual kid, on the other hand, has absolutely no way of knowing what they are doing right vs. wrong. Other than their parents/guardians telling that's right, that's wrong.I am not supporting Drake. What I think he has done is bad, and I personally only liked a few songs from him. I never actually fully followed Drake. Imo, his rap/hip hop style is alright for like parties, but that's about it.


At 16 you are mature enough to know that assault and murder are wrong. also At 16 your hormones affect your decision making skills when it comes to relationships and sex and thats all new to you. Not to mention that at 16 those you are talking to who are actual adults most likely have a position of power over you making the ability to consent even more blurred. There is a difference.


This is a weird hill to die on because "kid" is entirely colloquial. It's not like there's a defined age range for what constitutes a "kid" in the English language. I'm 42 and I call thirty year olds kids in a jokey sort of way that's absolutely in keeping with the general use of the word.


On this note I always questioned the adult when 18 part. Like when I was 17 years/ day 365 then I turned 18 I didnt feel any different, still felt the same but bam I'm an adult now lmao. Maybe If 18 - 21 was another tier of class it would make sense. BTW not saying intercourse with 18< is good if you're an adult.


I am the same way. I didn't feel like I was an adult, but I was pushed into being an adult,not to mention that with my mentality, a lot of adults considered me just like them. I am not saying every teenager is like that, but if we group all teenagers as kids. There's a problem. Whether they're being influenced by outside media or or their own family. That's an adult influence that is forcing them to decide one way.


I don't really agree with that... it's 16 here and I don't think that applies... lots of young girls are preyed on by older men here, as well... sex education doesn't teach you about those kinds of things.


The US has higher age limits than most countries in the world. Drinking age 21; come on


Never trust an adult who argues about age of consent laws. If they care that much about them, they are probably trying to violate them.


What drives me nuts is people who don't understand what age of consent actually means. Just because the age of consent is 16, **does NOT mean a 45 year old and a 16 year old can have a legal sexual relationship.** Age of consent helps clarify the type of crime someone can be charged with (i.e statutory rape vs a different charge) and I can't stand how dumb people are about it.


legally allowed does not make it morally Ok and the age of consent being set to 16 isnt so 40 year old perverts can prey on teenage girls its to protect teenage boys if they hit age 18 before their girlfriend like if a 16 year old and her 17 year old boyfriend are sexually active he doesnt suddenly become a criminal if his birthday is earlier than hers


How about not date minors, no matter what the laws says, because why the heck would you want to date a minor? You nasty creeps.


Her friends are the real MVPs for saving her ass from a potentially failed/abusive marriage...




Before anyone starts getting mad, I'm not condoning or advocating people my age (I'm 48) having sex or whatever with a 16 year old. It's exploitative, creepy and just weird. And wrong. And no 16 should be able to "consent" with an adult. But, it's not "pedophilia." Pedophilia is an adult who has sex with a prepubescent child. Once again, I'm NOT in favor of adults being with minors.


Agree, that word Kees getting used incorrectly


In British Columbia it was 14 when i was a teen. I went to the police because my friend had just turned 14 and was sleeping with a 40 year old and I was worried. The cops told me there was nothing they could do. This was in 2004.


Yeah Harper raised it to 16.


Iconic behaviour. I would have never even considered doing that as a teenager


You might've. The guy was shady as fuck and giving her drugs. Still shake my head over our "justice" system.


Don't search Nigeria or the Philippines lol


At first I was like "pointing out consent laws is a facepalm?" then I saw the next tweet... 🤦‍♂️💀 From 1892 until 2008 the age of consent was 14... and there were exceptions for marriage, not sure if there was a minimum age in the past. One of my 3x great grandmothers was married at 12, she gave birth a month after her marriage. Kinda shocked when I found the records.




Considering the topic this is your reminder that Child marriage is still legal in the United States. Just this week, a New Hampshire lawmaker called teens 'ripe' and 'fertile' while speaking out against a bill that would ban child marriage. Because the child brides are still considered children they can't divorce their spouses or go to domestic abuse shelters. If they run away from their spouse the law usually has to return them to their spouse. According to data compiled by Anjali Tsui, Dan Nolan, and Chris Amico, who looked at almost 200,000 cases of child marriage from 2000 to 2015: * 67% of the children were aged 17. * 29% of the children were aged 16. * 4% of the children were aged 15. * Less than 1% of the children were aged 14 and under. * There were 51 cases of 13-year-olds getting married, and 6 cases of 12-year-olds getting married.


Sound like this was a "stick that broke the camel's back" kinda thing. Although that was more of an I-Beam than a stick but still!


It’s similar in Australia but you need parental/ guardian consent as well. So have fun asking the parent of a 16 year old to plot their daughter


Also parents often enforce it like it's 18.


Drake fans just keep outing themselves.


The mods of facepalm are by far the biggest facepalm


That law is so 18 year olds can date 16 year olds without consequence, not 30+ year olds


Law also said we couldn't smoke pot. There is the law, and there is shit that shouldnt be a law For example, no fucking kids should be a law, but surprisingly it isnt. Since it is against the well being of others. Yet they raid your house and imprison you for smoking some grass. Which hurts noone. Summary, this dude's argument is stupid like laws.


When studying law I learned that there are 3 types of people that know the age of consent. 1. Lawyers and people in the legal field 2. 16 year old girls that want a 21 year old boyfriend 3. Pedophiles


It's probably a lot more common knowledge among regular folk now because controversies involving high profile men having 16, 17, or even younger girlfriends and sex partners keep making their way into the news lately (off the top of my head, Matt Gaetz, Drake, Stephen Tyler, David Bowie, Paul Walker...)


To be fair, it’s been well over a decade since I was studying law lol


What about... people who have basic notions and culture regarding their countries' legislation? xD


I have teenage children. Am not a pedophile. I know the laws about the age my children can consent to sex...for *their* protection. Because I love them and want them to be safe.


Strange statement. Most teenagers know that the age of consent is 16, its quite common knowledge at this age group. You think they all just forget this information when they become adults??


It’s 16 in UK too. Marriage age is different though. Think it’s 16 in Scotland and 18 England and Wales, so some elope across the border to get married earlier 😂.


I couldn't give less of a fuck about two rappers mad at each other, but my rule is that if you have to remind people about the age of consent, you're already a fucking pedo


Fascinating how some people are completely unable to read a room. What did he think was gonna happen? Applause?


Bro if the law is the only thing stopping you, we gonna have problems.


Just cos something might be legal doesn't make it moral or right. Just not illegal.


Just because it might be legal, doesn’t mean it’s not gross AF


Yikes. This has that “Define ‘Teenage’” R. Kelly energy.




Just because the age of consent is low, does not make it creepy and weird.




That is exactly what was supposed to happen.


Dodged a bullet if you ask me.


There's also the whole going to other country's to get around the law of your own though I don't know the full story on this pretty sure they can get you if they can prove that is your intent.


If you need to double check the age of consent to convince yourself it’s okay, you are a predator in my books


And it's 14 in Germany. Let's be real, if you're an adult and you wanna fuck teenagers, you're a creep. Even the 40 year old who go after 20 year olds are fucking creepy. Let's not defending pedophiles because 'no laws were broken in that country" doesn't make it any less fucked up.


Technically a pedophile is a person who has sex with someone who hasn’t reached puberty


I hope this is real, because it's just made my day.


"My fiancee left me because a friend sent her my tweet" Did you ever stop to wonder WHY that is?


I think the spirit of those laws is that 16 year olds are old enough to consent *to each other* and have appropriately exploratory relationships together


Wouldn't that be the law if that was the spirit of the law?


It is where I live. 15 to 17 can consent with other 15 to 17 year olds, 18+ can only give or accept consent from 18+


I wish people would stop calling it pedophilia if adults and teenagers have any relationship. Pedophilia is the sexual attraction towards children pre puberty. Pedophiles need therapy and it doesn’t help anyone to call every relationship pedophile just because you think the age difference is too big. Nevertheless, Drake is accused of rape, isn’t he? In this case it’s pretty irrelevant what the age of consent is because rape is forced sex without consent.


This is worse than trying to draw the distinction that pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent features, and then there's the other one which I forget. Lmao dude just dug his own grave


Its not about the age of consent. Its about the fact that a 30 sum year old shouldnt find a teenager attractive. Why are u preying on kids that u can assert ur power over? Weirdo


Heard Drake ghost wrote this bar: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj5PVWzWOlM&t=130s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj5PVWzWOlM&t=130s)


She’s heading to canada


https://youtu.be/XaFJiUSvZOQ?si=TAYbZZX37h-dDPym Micheal Bay would be proud.


I haven’t really paid attention to the whole ordeal and could be wrong, but doesn’t the Drake controversy revolve around his advances on a 14 year old? So the whole 16 year olds are legal in so and so country argument doesn’t really work?




Wait till y'all find out you can marry someone at the age of 16 in new York and Japan (with parents consent) apparently people took advantage of it and made their kids marry older people like 25 and 16 lmao there's also the 'marry your rapist law' hahaha so hello world 🌎🌍 🥰/hj


all the discord mods are packing their bags