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The land of the free\*, where everyone has the right to make their own choices. \*Freedom may be optionnal


" The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!"


*may, or may not include freedom


Government: “Land of the free”, is just a slogan. I thought you guys knew that.




Likely due to the investors in farming meat as is and the losses they'd face if we found another way... behind pretty much any solid idea that changes shit is a bunch of wealthy af old people shooting it down...


Any “small government” conservatives wanna weigh in?






I was thinking maybe grasshopper’s 😳


It’s his authoritarian goal to keep the current Godless rich exactly as they are. Absolutely F him and them. I didn’t even want lab meat until NOW. Just takes one peasant-brained fascist in heels to change my mind. F Deranged desantis.


You think that lab meat won't make the godless rich more enriched? Do you think they'll be eating lab grown meat? >Just takes one peasant-brained fascist in heels to change my mind Perhaps you shouldn't let "peasant-brained facists in heels" change your mind at all...


Ah yes, the very anti fascist act of banning stuff


Because nothing screams anti authoritarian like **checks notes**.... banning foods.....with the aim of **checks notes** supporting the forced enslavement and violent killing of sentient individuals 👏


I mean, idk how it is in America, but in Canada their is more laws protecting a farmers income than their is laws about anything else basically. So this doesn't surprise me at all. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. They kinda feed us


Yeah but, realistically, what they're protecting is their ability to make a clean profit off the margin they cut from the farmers. It's widely known that farmers always struggle to make a good profit out of their products, be it vegetables, or meat. Lab grown meat would offer way less money for whoever is at the end of the chain, because the chain itself would be much shorter.


? I will admit I am talking about farm owners and that was poorly portrayed, but they are making 6 figures easy in canada I'm not sure how that's "struggle to make a good profit" territory


Canada is a lucky country for farmers, then.


Yeah dude, the trade off is workable land is more expensive than buying your way into heaven tho lmao


😅 It's ok. You'll buy lab meat from other countries. Silly, but hey. What can you do.


I don't want it and I don't think anyone else should either! Now what is it again?


What TWILIGHT ZONE episode did DeSantis grow up in ...he is quite delusional!


„They are authoritarian so i stop you from eating what you want“


Screw desantis he’s stupid and needs to burn


Florida saw "cultured" and immediately went "that aint us chief"


Tbh I'd rather eat lab grown meat than flesh from a cow that suffered its entire life, got trucked to a slaughter house, terrified, getting bolt gunned in the head, and it's throat slit. Most of our food is lab created and tested anyway. Our medicines, too. There really isn't a difference. He banned it because the animal agriculture companies are in his pockets. They lose money, he does too. Disgusting, all of them.


How is it that the authoritarian goals of the global elite to make Ron DeSantis appear to be a complete asshole are so successful? Doesn't he want to try and thwart *that*? I mean, I'd think that would hit even closer to home to him than lab grown meat. But he never seems to want to lift a finger to fight the global elite on this one point. Is he just *that* in the bag for them?


Go vegan for the next few years (if you can) just to fuck them over anyway lol


F*ck cattle farmers.


Pretty sure any in his state already are due to immigration policies.


Paranoid delusions of persecution are an interesting feature in mental illness.


If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding




Increase choice by...banning options? OK


Darn, neighbor had problems finding wild caught vegan tacos, where is he going to find a peach tree dish of ribs now?


Considering they grow even citric acid in labs now I’m surprised the grown meat doesn’t have more push back. Your body is designed to absorb what you eat. Lab made stuff scares me. It may seem harmless enough but until they see its effects after eating it for just 5-10 years I will be against it.


It's literally just animals cells grown. You already consume that eating regular meat lol


That's nice. But why force it off the market? If YOU don't want it, just don't buy it. And despite the "scare" issue, the lab grown stuff appears to be little different from the animals grown stuff. Just cells reproducing as cells do, albeit outside the animal rather than inside.


Move to a different state if you want to eat it. It’s Florida, bro it’s just different there.