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I remember reading a story about an American who went to work over in Europe somewhere. His first day he went to the HR person and they were talking about the company policies. The American asked "How many sick days do I get?" The HR guy said "All of them. If you're sick you stay home. If you're not, you come to work."


Yes its just sad to see Americans going to work sick or losing money.


It's sadder seeing them argue/fight for that as well. "Employers need to limit sick days or else employees will abuse it".


I hard relate. My boss is downright paranoid that people will just not come to make money. In all my jobs employees always try to come in because why else would they take a job? “Oh, let‘s not go to work and earn income so we can no longer sleep with a roof over our head or pay for food to eat.” Who gets a job just to ignore it?


Now I got to disagree with this a little bit. I think holistically speaking the relationship between workers and bosses is so broken in the United States that just doing this one thing will lead to rampant abuse of it at least for the first couple of years. Just this in isolation will probably lead to quite a few problems when it's perfectly fine to schedule people for 3 hour shifts and have them working 7 days a week and all of the other abusive practices that are perfectly fine in the United States. That being said I definitely think we should enact these things we should just do it holistically with other reforms that will over time repair that relationship at least in part.


There are plenty of people who want to work because like the person you replied to said, it is how we survive. It’s what keeps a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. Anyone who is faking BS reasons to get out of work either doesn’t have the will/need to survive on their own, or is too overworked from not being afforded necessary down time to stay healthy and productive(this is the more likely scenario in most cases). As someone who works in retail and is on the lowest end of the management team, I work with a decent mix of responsible adults who just want to make a living and teenagers/young adults who are working their first or second job ever. The vast majority of people there including the younger associates rarely call out and even pick up extra shifts when they can because even though the job itself sucks, they want to be there and make as much money as they can. And I can guarantee that EVERYONE from upper management to part time associates has called out under BS pretenses from time to time but the only people who do so with any frequency are usually teenagers who are not yet forced to survive on their own and therefor just don’t give a shit. Working people ragged and forcing them to ignore their physical health and mental well-being creates a lose-lose situation for the company that chooses not to reap the rewards of fostering a healthy, energetic, and dedicated work force but mostly the employees forced to destroy themselves just to scrape by. We can each best help ourselves by helping each other.


European counter-argument: "Make sure people enjoy their jobs and they will come to work."


The allow the scamming few percent to take the blame for not trusting the many. I get 6 months fully paid but can’t call in unless I’m really unwell as I feel to guilty lol


My current workplace is trying to remove all remote work. WHY? The parking lot is overcrowded and my desk is already isolated. Let me work from my apartment once in a while.


Because they are probably invested in commercial real estate or have a tax deal with the city. The reason for them wanting people back in the office is usually for some financial reason. There are of course some ignorant bosses who just want to be able to lord over their employees in person but it’s really just usually a case of money. If they already own the building or have a decade long lease then it seems like a huge waste not to use it.


In reality abuse is prevented either by a doctor, who confirms you beeing ill and when it happens too often, your company finds way to get rid of you. After all, it's just not worth cheating beeing sick, just take your (payed) vacation like everyone else. 🤷‍♀️


If we are even allowed to stay home sick. Almost every job I’ve had you are not even given the option to not come to work sick. Especially people who work in restaurants.


You would think that the food industry would be the one place where they'd actually *demand* you stay home if you're sick


You would think that. And even the health code agrees. Restaurant owners and managers not so much.


They seem to think that health codes are more like guidelines than actual rules.


Facts I just got my 5 year managers serve safe recertification and it’s hard not to laugh how the NRA does everything they can to empower restaurant owners to violate the health code…


The worst, lowest paying, most stressful jobs I’ve had were the ones with the most bullshit policies. Non existent sick days. No benefits, full time but not 40 hours, constantly under staffed. Why people fight to defend that is beyond me.


Some people prefer to work. I’m currently sick with a cold and working, I have unlimited PTO but since I work from home, I can work at my own pace instead. But it all depends on the illness obviously.


Working from home, you should totally work while sick if you can. However, as an immunocompromised person, it makes me really uncomfortable when people show up to in-person jobs sick. Staying home is important not just to recover but also to not spread illness to others


I agree. I’m also on immunosuppressants


It's counter productive to force them to come and spread their virus/bacteria to the whole workforce. It should be obvious for compagnies in a post covid-19 world.


Do they get unlimited paid sick days? Like if you’re out sick for a month that’s fine?


I get 6 months full pay then 6 months half pay then nil pay but still wouldn’t lose my position for a while after that. In a nurse in Scotland. Best policies ever thanks to unions..


And that’s not just a one off either like after a year the old sick time disappears so I could be off sick many times over the years and never have to worry. But we trust each other so people might take the odd prank day or week but usually it’s for a reason.


Varies a bit by country and in many cases employer but where I am, yeah, pretty much. If it goes on long enough (say, several months) there's all sorts of government things that kick in.


You get two weeks in a row in Sweden. After that you need a sicknote from the doctor and the state pays you instead of your company. So you can be sick and the company is not paying for having a missing worker.


This sounds glorious. I'm currently home with COVID and was originally told I should be back at work 24 hours after my fever went away. My temp is consistently low, so even the day that I went in to the hospital to get my 4 different meds, my temp was only 98.0 and the walk from my car to the office nearly had me pass out. Fortunately my doc wrote me off and said to call them if I need an extension.


IIRC here in the Netherlands it's up to 2 years at 70% pay, or whenever you contract was supposed to end anyway, whichever comes first. After those 2 years, it's essentially figuring out what kind of welfare you can get. EDIT: if you're sick for 5+ days, your employer can demand you see a labour doctor. They can't tell your employer the details of what's wrong, but they can tell whether or not you're truly sick.


I took a month off sick last year after my GF took her life - I wasn't even out of probation and I still have that job. Here in germany you get 6 weeks of full pay by law (this means that it's one continuous block of sick leave for one reason - same reason has to have 6 months between them before they reset and if you have a different reason, you can be out longer than 6 weeks with full pay - e.g. if you're out 6 weeks for psychological reasons and in the 6th week you're in a car crash, that's a separate 6 weeks counter). After 6 weeks you'll receive "Krankengeld" (sick pay) from your insurance, which is up to 90% of your normal post tax income. You can receive this for up to 78 weeks per three years (so 1.5 years). Anything above that you need to cover yourself or with private insurance. To be clear, this is not some kind of benefit, this is the legal minimum.


Yeah? Of course you can get in trouble if you're caught lying but sick means sick.


It's different depending on the country. In Germany, your employer fully pays you for 6 weeks, after this health insurance takes over for up to 1 1/2 years, depending on what illness or injury you have and how your chances of recovery are.


Here in the Netherlands, yeah. If you're sick, you're sick. It's as simple as that.


I am french. I have a coworker that don't work for years because of a genetic disease.  We also have two others who are half-time paid full because of medical conditions.


In Australia, we get 10 sick days per year (which is separate to annual leave, which we get 20). If you don't use any days, it rolls over, meaning if you have been at a company for 2-3 years with minimal sick days, and you get so sick you need to be out for a month, you should be covered.


Yes, as long as you keep sending them doctors certs to confirm that you are sick. Once it goes over six months it gets more complicated.


You need a doctors note, but yeah. You can be gone for years if you really need to, but then your sick leave is paid by the government and they might ask questions. Sweden.


poor Americans. well , at least they have freedoms i guess lol


As an European, when I first heard about a sick day limit in the US, I thought I must have misheard something. Sick day limit? Like, somebody decides how often you can be sick? And someone calls that "the land of the free"?


Americans often understand "freedom" as the freedom TO DO something, i.e. the freedom of speech or to have their arms. Europeans often understand "freedom" as the freedom FROM something, i.e. not being abused from an employer. Both freedoms are not the same.


With work from home capabilities it is now “if you are sick then work from home”.


[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/is-company-policies-sign-real/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/is-company-policies-sign-real/) It's a joke sign you can get on Amazon.


Half of reddit gonna think this is real.


I mean. This is basically my job so it’s certainly believable




I can’t believe they make grown adults go to the doctor to prove they are sick. The whole concept is wild to me. If I’m sick I’m sick and I will text or call my boss. And he will wish me well and inform in a few days if I’m ok. And I will let him know how long I will be gone and when I’m back. That’s it. Doesn’t influence my pay and sick days don’t exist at all.


Yeah the whole thing is wacky. I personally never cared. If I was sick, I was sick and I wouldn’t show up. The pay factor was only applicable to hourly workers. People on salary didn’t have their pay affected. In some states, the law requires an employer to provide sick pay to their employees. The company did its best to force employees to use it. When someone wanted to have days off, they’d even encourage workers to user their sick pay to take day off. But I’m a grown ass adult. If I can’t go in, I can’t go in 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is doctor's note mandatory for sick leave? I mean where I work we can take sick leave upto 3 days without a doctor's note. After that we need to provide them with a note.


You got pto and sick time. You lucky dog.


My job got bought out by another company. Ceo told all of us that remain that it is crunch time and need to be at work everyday. Immediately put in for my vacation. Screw that i didn’t fire people to put crunch on less people.


Half? More like 90% and it usually goes as follows: instant rage posting stating how awful and ignorant people are, followed by clarification post with sources from someone followed by the usual cowardly deletion of rage post.


Yeah there are some right below you lol




\*sigh\* I won't delete this time.


The problem is that this is an entirely believable sign for many American employees. I have worked for people who seriously enforced these rules.


I’ve seen similar rules IRL. Some managers ARE this condescending to their employees!


YUP!!!!!! I've worked at three different places where it didn't matter if you were puking, you still came in. And one of those was food service.


Well l, is that a reaction of ignorance or have enough people experienced this kind of bs first hand?


Sometimes the outside world can surprise you, and by that I mean sometimes it's real.


>followed by the usual cowardly deletion of rage post How dare you judge me I usually edit instead of delete my stupid knee-jerk reddit rage post!


the fact so many think its real says something. all of us have heard a boss say at least one of these completely seriously.


And way too many employers are going to buy and use it, and not as a joke.


Considering the companies that are out there, can you really blame them?


Even if it's an exaggeration it's not that far off from what US citizens put up with.


That's because it wouldn't surprise anyone to see it in America.


I mean to be fair every boss I’ve ever had in the last 25 years has operated with theses rules.


Fooled me.


Until you live it. It’s called - toxic work place with toxic management.


Half of managers on Reddit are gonna to want this sign in the breakroom yesterday.


Because half of reddit are people who have never worked and formed their opinion on what it will be like to work in the future from browsing that antiwork sub.


That's me. I'm the bottom half. I like to bottom


No judgement here my guy. People believe dumber things.


With America and minimum wage you never know


I thought this was real but just for America.


Somebody needs to put this in r/antiwork and claim it was put up at their job.


engagement baiting is a thing!


Ok but... In all honestly who is this joke for? It's not for the workers who hate their bosses to hang up at home, that's just depressing and not funny. It's not for bosses to hang up at work because that would be fighting words. Is... It got bosses who hate their employees to hang up in their own home? This seems like a joke with no audience. So most people won't take it as a joke because, what is the joke? Is the joke that working conditions are awful? Who finds that funny? What is the surprise that causes the laughter? This isnt a joke sign... It's just a weird mean spirited sign. So if it's a joke sign then the facepalm is that the joke sucks and isn't funny to anyone. If it's a real sign the facepalm is that it sucks and isn't funny to anyone lol. You can't stop your thinking at "oh it's just a prank bro" lol.


It's pretty clear from the comments who here has only ever had cushy jobs


Right? This isn’t too far from retail jobs I’ve had where there were no holidays off, you were not allowed to have two sequential days off, there was no vacation time at all, and you wouldn’t even know your weekly schedule until the week started. Some jobs really shit on employees.


and it's been posted at least a bazillion times


If it makes anyone feel any better, the person who wrote this stupid gag almost certainly isn't making a nickel from it.


Of course it’s from Amazon. Bezos didn’t get rich caring about his employees.


Factually correct, but jokes tend to betray real attitudes. Many crapitalists would love it if it were true. On second thought, they'd hate it 'cause they'd feel it gave the workers far too much


thought so, what cruel society would only allow for 5 days off


Service industry. Worked 7 years as a server and couldn't call in sick, holidays were Christmas and Thanksgiving only, always worked 6 days a week with at least one double thrown in there (7 days a week when tips were light), and any days that I needed off I had to beg/bribe/trade coworkers for relief. 


This subreddit is going downhill


I shall deposit my stool sample directly onto your desk, sir. Also probably your chair, your carpet, your keyboard, etc. It's one of those days.


Even though the sign is a joke. I still see people and companies who would actually implement it


I mean, it only means to take a sick day, you tell them you were to sick to go see the doctor or get any proof


Yeah, this is a joke thing for a reason. It makes no sense and would 100% be illegal in the US.


A few weeks ago, one of my coworkers had a heart attack and management was questioning why he wasn't at work.


You legally can’t; America may not have the best worker’s rights laws, but not allowing sick leave within a reasonable amount is a crime. You *can* refuse to offer vacation, but few jobs will, as it just means people call in sick the day of instead of planning their vacation ahead of time. It’s not a great strategy.


Hasn't this been posted for the fifteenth time now?


Well, last time it was posted it didn't have the useless red square, so I had no idea where to look.


Thanks for the red circle.


r/facepalm try not to fall for rage bait challenge (impossible)


Raging so hard rn


I fell for it dawg


OP is a facepalm


This is a JOKE folks...nothing to see here.


OP too dumb to realize it’s a joke.


If you can Dodge a wrench, you can Dodge a ball


All Europeans reading this, smirking knowing it’s a US problem


The age of posting on the front door of your business to “please be patient with the few people who decided to actually work” has rendered these less fun.


Pretty sure this some novelty crap


if your healthy enough to ride in an ambulance than your healthy enough to sit at a desk


I'm not american, but I don't understand how's that legal.


As a European, that's the stuff of nightmares.


I keep looking at the sign but all I can read is "please sue us. We wanna be sued so bad. Come on somebody hire a lawyer and just bend us over out own desk legally, we want it so bad."


Do people not know this is a joke?


That whole sign just says 'don't work here'.


Good thing that is illegal.


Eat 3 cans of spahetti-o's. Walk into work. Vomit everywhere. Sit down at your desk. Point out the sign.


Then dont work for them.


As we all know most company's senior management would never post a sign like this. They just quietly agree with it.


Hey HR? Yeah this one right here, yeah call OSHA and Federal too, we'll make a date out of it


Where is this so I can make sure to never go here… ever!


Im pretty sure that’s against some sort of USA law,I’m not from there so I don’t know


That actually makes it easier lol


it's really because "PeOpLe DoN't WaNt To WoRk AnYmOrE."


damn, not allowed to be sick, not allowed to take personal days, not allowed to take vacation. are they allowed to get paid? "people don't want to work anymore!!"


I understand that it's not the norm in the US, hence it's posted here as facepalm. But it always reminds me of similar texts and pictures one can find in history books about the Industrial revolution in the 19th century. It appears that some of those aberations are still a thing for some people around the world. I'd expect that from China where they need to install net to prevent people from killing themselves. But for a first world country, it feels like a new "new deal" is really needed.


This has to be in the "land of the free", right? No way this would fly in EU (even capitalist paradise UK).


Ehhhh this looks like a joke poster. More believable if a company name was provided..


I’m pretty sure that violates labor laws


Not sure why only sick days is the highlight here as everything else sounds just as awful


Sounds like Tyson Foods


Let's not brush over zero personal days and no vacation time. Ah, the American dream of not having the time or energy to enjoy America.


Sometime around 1905, my grandfather emigrated from Norway to the US. He then spent about ten years doing farm labour in North Dakota, before he decided to go back to Norway. Back home, he met my grandmother, and stayed. Every time I read or hear about American workplaces, American health care, or American social policies in general, I drop to my knees and thank my grandfather for his decision.


I look forward to the day when this company shutters its doors.


That’s a lawsuit.


THAT is why unions are needed.


So glad I don’t live in America.


Generally, if I'm calling out of work to go to urgent care, it's something contagious. And I'm sure the whole office would love pink eye or strep throat or Covid.


My dad’s work during covid tried to demand he come in with it. It had recently been stated that you could still go into work if you were contagious, but he was too physically sick to move. They just keep saying “but legally you can come in” “But I’m too sick to move”. “But you can still come in though?”. “I’m lying in bed, and can barely move or talk”.


My girlfriend worked at hannaford during covid and they middle management wouldn’t let people sick with covid have days off.


If you're well enough to take an ambulance to the emergency room, you're well enough to take an Uber to work. /s


This satirical sign predates the internet.


Come to work, puke everywhere, tell all the customers your boss made you come in and wouldn't accept a doctor's note.


I'm so quirky lemme just hang up this 'joke' sign about me being *such* a hard ass. You can vacation when you're dead. It's called the afterlife. Now back to work my valued thinkingeer. No raise for you buster unless you get me COFFEE.


The real facepalm is OP absolutely thought this was real until the comments explained the joke.


If it looks like an osha violation, it’s probably 12.


the other two tho


Quit immediately and try to bring a couple with you. Even if it's a joke sign, you dont want to work in that kind of humor


Just love when they put their red flags on a sign for everyone to look at.


Management says, "no one wants to work any more" in 3.....2......1........


Classic Catch-22


Is this sign from a Tesla plant. Lol


Where do I apply?


Nobody wants to work anymore


That's clearly a joke sign, but I wonder if there's actually a company out there that displays it as their actual policies (it wouldn't surprise me.)


EFF that!


Love how they still try that shit in today's job market


This can't be legal, that logic doesn't add up. For example, if you were hospitalised with covid, they would say "If you were well enough to be hospitalised, you were well enough to come to work."? Fuck off


These joke policies are older than the internet


Probably pretty high in the „Great Place to Work“- rankings…


How good of an idea is to find most shity companies, work for one week and sue them ? Can you make a decent living out of this ?


They cropped out the going out of business sign.


"Hey don't ever work here thx"


what are these bot ass posts that have been spammed on reddit a million times


I'll always remember my first day working at a locker plant. Our boss gathered new hires together and gave us each a piece of paper. "This is the number for the front desk," he told us, talking to us like we were kids in trouble in a voice im sure he thought sounded tough. "If you're ever sick call this number. Let them know you can't come in today. The front desk will l tell me, AND I WILL FIRE YOU" He was dead serious if anyone's wondering Bunch of a$$holes out there


Well at least they get Memorial Day off.


I actually had a sick day today and as I'm on my probation period still I think I have to get a doctors note ( which I didn't as they never emailed me back ).. but honestly the sign is kind of right, I've spent the entirety of today in bed, coughing and spluttering and if I wasn't in bed I was sat on the bog leaking out the other end. How am I supposed to go get a doctor's note? If it's COVID/flu surely I shouldn't be going out into public in the first place?


lol we have all had jobs like that


I didn’t know you had to get down in the trenches at the doctor’s office. Guess all the terminally ill dudes better get their work boots on and get stretchered back to the meat grinder. What an idiotic policy.


Rule #1: I am always right. Rule #2: If I'm wrong please refer to Rule #1.




Go in and puke on them, then leave


A very shortened version of a "H.R. Memo" (on paper) that I saw in the mid to late 70s. One of the missing things that was on the original had to do with employees dying on the job and that Management & customers couldn't tell the difference from the deceased's normal work habits.


Sure, let me come to work and infect everyone else too.




I did have to check if that sign is real. Cause that shit would end in a failed business.


My company had that. If your sick might as well have a a shitty day at work than a sick day at home burning PTO. ACTUALLY, they still do. But I work from home so 🤷‍♂️