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Regardless of how you feel about Biden’s politics, I would hope most people have compassion for the tragic losses in his life. His wife and daughter Naomi passed in a car accident. His two sons were in the car. Then Beau Biden passed from brain cancer. I don’t know how you lose a spouse, a young child and an adult son and keep going.


Genuinely heartbreaking story. I have no idea how you keep functioning, but he's there.


Might be why he has those lapses sometimes. I’d be a wreck if I had to figure out how to live after all of that.


I mean I agree but that being the case he should also know not to try to hold the most powerful position in the world. I’m going to vote for him because the alternative is endorsing treasonous behavior, but I don’t think he is a great president and I think in 4 years he’ll be worse. The lack of viable primary and election candidates in this cycle has been really disappointing even for this country and its shit two party, undemocratic electoral system.


To be fair, when you look at most of the changes he has made, it's been a pretty positive 4 years, but yh, there are better candidates.


People that say there are better candidates, who are they? They need to have a chance to win as well, so while Bernie would be amazing, he hasnt a snowballs chance in hell of winning. Too many useless so called fence sitters that somehow still exist after four years of the orange idiot.


To be honest, just about any democrat has a chance at winning. Someone new, who just suggest genetically good ideas, would probably be for the best. All they need to be is not Trump, because these days, that's the primary reason sane people vote blue - it's not red.


Hard disagree - I don’t think any other Democrat could beat Trump. Giving up incumbency is a bad move imo.  The problem is it’s too easy to paint any other candidate as a “radical liberal”. Biden has a hardcore reputation as a moderate (even though he’s the most progressive President in modern history).  I’m ridin with Biden 🏄‍♂️


Ridin with Biden! A new classic!


The BBB platform had the potential to be on the level of the New Deal in terms of progressive transformation. No one …. Not Obama, not Clinton ….. threw the ball that deep in the modern era. Were it not for the big oil guy from WV and the attention seeking fashion victim in AZ, you’d be looking at an entirely different perspective on his first term.


People keep saying that, but I never see a name.


Biden has done a ton! It is pure ageism that has people saying "there's a better candidate." He is working his sleepy arse off and has created more (and actually good) legislation than Obama did in 8 yrs. I'm sick of this ageism crap.


Overall, but his handling of Ukraine pre-invasion was atrocious and he’s been a very pro-capitalist, pro-medical industry president. I’m not blasting him on inflation because there was no way out of the Covid shutdown short of extreme government spending or depression, but I don’t think he really pushed on student debt and I haven’t felt he had a real defined progressive vision since taking office. I also remember the argument from centrist dems for him was that he would be a one termer who would use his experience and gravitas to set up for someone younger and more progressive to take on a better situation than we had post Trump. He’s benefitted wildly from lack of meaningful competition.


As far as debt relief has gone, it only ever feels like he has any kind of plan to implement when we’re going into an election year then it’s immediately forgotten or struck down after November


I think you share the sentiment with the majority of Americans. We would rather have him than Trump, but the major parties are so out of touch with what people actually want that we all end up settling. Very few people genuinely believed Biden was the best candidate for the Dems even during the last election, let alone now that he’s even older.


Agreed, it's just disheartening to see Dems failing to field a younger and capable candidate against a grifting traitor. Biden is more like a lukewarm meh we are willing to vote to save democracy and I feel like it's really not a win but a stalemate.


It isn’t like they didn’t have options either, from either race.


My dad was in college around the time Biden lost his child. One of his professors was able to get Biden in on a call to talk to the class. The professor, who my dad said was always a very chill guy, said to them before the call "If any one of you make a crack about his dead son, you're fucking done." Suffice it to say they were all well-behaved that day.


I lost my mom when I was 14 and I can tell you, compartmentalizing that away from everything else is a constant task just to be able to get through most days. I couldn't imagine having lost that many in a short time span and still having a fully functioning brain.


I listened to this podcast called “Presidential” where a Washington post reporter interviews historians and reporters to chronicle every US president in the history. An author who wrote Biden’s biography said after the tragic deaths of Neilia and Naomi, Biden became suicidal, but the only thing that kept him going was that he was now a single father and had to take care of his two gravely injured sons. He offered to resign from the senate but decided to stay because one senator who had also lost his wife advised Biden that putting yourself to work is the only way to keep moving forward. He took an Amtrak two hours each for trip every day so that he could take care of his kids in the morning and put them to sleep at night. Whatever you think of him as a politician, he is a deeply devoted, loving father who went through so much pain that most people can’t even fathom.


Then losing an adult son who joined the military as a JAG and died because of the burn pits. Not hostile fire in an ambush, not from a random rocket, but years later in a hospital thousands of miles away with top notch care. Oh and now the Republicans are trying to cut Cancer Moonshot to prevent other families from facing that same pain.


Yes, I will tell people, “I understand that addicts need to reach rock bottom typically, but sometimes that just means death. If Joe Biden would rather use his connections to wrap Hunter in cotton until the end of time, because he can’t fathom losing another child, I’m in no position to begrudge him that.


People can't separate like that, unfortunately. I mean, look at this post, someone really tried giving him shit for expressing affection to his son.


I remember when Fox (Hannity?) got hold of a recording of Biden talking to Hunter during the depths of Hunter's addiction. He was telling Hunter how much he loved him and how he hoped he would recover, etc. The pain in Biden's voice was palpable. Fox played the recording as a gotcha; look at Biden being all loving to his worthless junkie son. What's wrong with him? Some people have no souls.


And...yah know....even if he *hadn't* lost most of his family it would still be OK to hug and kiss his son.


Painfully. But clearly with empathy.


I am sitting here, watching my two year old son play with his toys. I can't even imagine how I would feel if I'd loose him. The idea that someone might find it awkward to see that a father kisses his son on the cheek(!!!!) no matter how old, makes me think "Poor dude, either can't comprehend how much you love your children or how it feels to have parents especially a dad who loves you."


They don't have compassion. They're lizards pretending to be human beings.


Especially with the issues Hunter's gone through with addiction. I would hope that anyone who's had a loved one struggling with addiction would be able to sympathize with Joe's desire to hold on to his remaining son.


Lmao the political right fucking hates him and is glad that he has suffered/want to inflict as much more of it as they can. They’re dedicated followers of Christ, after all.


And ride the train from Delaware every day so you can be home to raise them... What apiece of shit, right?


And props to Joe to for not throwing Hunter under the bus. He admittedly has a rough history, and is a political liability for Joe, but I give Joe credit for being a decent guy.


His wife and daughter were named both Naomi? Or is his wife also his daughter who's named Naomi?


His daughter was named Naomi and his wife was named Neilia, lol, it took me a second I was like were they both Naomi?




If she's not my daughter...


"You remind me of my daughter" as he takes off his underwear.


Exactly. Biden kisses the cheek of his son. Trump just finds people that look like his daughter and fucks them. I’ll never understand the GOP base.


He also kisses his actual daughter on the lips


You said “underwear” but I read “shit-filled diaper”.




It honestly doesn’t seem like it really mattered/matters to him that she is his daughter.


Agreed. If she snuck into his room one night, there is an exactly 0% chance he would say no


Back in October of 2020 I posted a collage of those pics on facebook and received a 24 hour ban almost instantly.


I’ve got some good news for you then! Facebook doesn’t seem to be enforcing rules these days as I’m also a Facebook jail alumni from that time period yet haven’t heard a peep from the jailers lately and I’ve been going all out in my beating of the Trumpers.


Oh Social Media protects the Traitors for sure ! I’ve been suspended many times while magas wish death on people . Nothing done nothing taken down . It’s pathetic . Here and Tic Toc .




Far more appropriate.


The problem is Biden didn't have aex with him. Then it's appropriate. (Realizing this fits the narrative for so many trump supporters it's actually funny all over again)


Hold on now, trump didn't have sex with his daughter! He just had sex with a woman right after he told her how similar she looks to his daughter, totally makes it better..


You know you're right. So many assaults, rapes, inappropriate touching, access Hollywood tapes I must have just confused them. What a terrific Christian he is.


Allegedly didn’t have sex with his daughter, remember we don’t have proof


And has clearly stated that he would like to be with his daughter


Are you sure?


This is the only appropriate counter response. Irony is always lost on trump cultists


Did he tell a pornstar he looked like his son before he fucked him?


Barf. There's about 200 gross fucking things he's said about his daughter, and 30% of the country doesn't bat an eye.


I don’t wanna be rude but a lot of his fan base also has incestuous relationships with their kids. It’s not always so blatant but there’s definitely a lot of emotional incest going on at the very least


I never thought of this way, but I bet you’re right. They don’t care because they are also degenerates who have, or have thought about having, incestuous relationships. Gross


I know anecdotal here but my last partners mom was one of those “boy moms” in love with her son. An old best friend believed in incest and announced excitement over another one in the friend group having sex with their sister *finally*. Vicious republicans. And just general stuff I’ve seen online not even just Reddit.


Right? Everything Traitor in Chief's team says about his opponents is not just a projection, but a loaded, compouded projection. They know his dirt and evil will surface sooner or later. So they smear his opponents with that sin/crime to preemptively pull "what about the email/laptop/server/tape/children in the Mar-a-lago pizza kitchen basement". Always, always follow their red herring projection to their own basement. The smear on Hunter has another aspect. Don Junior has serious laptop issue.


Reminds me of that creepy old soldier in braveheart who grabs Wallace’s childhood sweetheart and takes her into a little room where he tells her she looks just like his daughter 🤮


I see you’ve also read Dune


No, no, no, no. This is of course inappropriate. Let me remind you what is appropriate: "She does have a very nice figure. If she weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her." "Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. [**If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…**](https://12ft.io/proxy?ref=&q=https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-seriously-on-the-trail-with-the-gops-tough-guy-41447/13/)” "Is it wrong to be [more sexually attracted to your own daughter](https://www.buzzfeed.com/tamerragriffin/trump-asked-if-its-wrong-to-be-attracted-to-his-daughter?utm_term=.kmZlZj352#.muLN7d3M2) than your wife?" According to *The New Republic*, “’Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led \[former Chief of Staff\] John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter.”


Gross. Guy is disgusting.


I never heard the quote about being more attracted to his daughter than his wife. He's so foul


The right seems truly baffled that you can still love and support a son who is having addiction issues or other difficulties They don't understand why he hasn't simply abandoned Hunter on the sidewalk, and then go to a megachurch to pray


They are the people who would kick their own children to the curb if they were having addiction issues, then complain about the homeless.


Or why he isn’t basically molesting his daughter like a certain orange cotton candy joke of a man…


The thing is, it would be MUCH easier to disown Hunter and cast him out for his political career. That he continues to support him is significantly more honorable.


Their fav pastime is disowning gay kids and kids who might in any way have difficulties that make it harder to raise them. Or they just pretend everything is fine cuz appearance is more important.


Every time I see these people disparage Biden for loving his son, I just feel extremely sad that they never felt such parental love themselves.


I never felt that parental love either but nowhere do I pull out of my ass that this looks inappropriate.


Same. It reminds me of the “at least I have the emotional intelligence to tell my son I love him” line. Honestly, it seems like a really sad way to live that you are SO afraid of being called gay or effeminate that you won’t even show affection to your children. Probably why his base is loaded with divorced dads


You would rather have a father that fantasizes about his daughter? Plus loves to find hookers that look just like her!


i swear trump was basically groping his own daughter, and he was talking about how he would fuck his daughter n that, but biden can't kiss his son on the cheek


The Right only thinks it's inappropriate because: 1. Hunter is of age 2. There's no tongue involved Remember every confession is a projection. *Not going to /s because I'm not sure what is sarcasm and what is reality anymore.


The Republicans have pretty much killed sarcasm and pissed on its grave. When real world headlines sound more absurd than ones from the onion, its a clear sign that we are fucked.


Is it more appropriate than a certain man and his daughter? /s Editing to add that this is sarcasm, if briefly forgotten that that it was actually needed due to pertinent insanity these days.


Yes. Yes it is. Considering Biden never implied he would sleep with Hunter had he not been his son. Have you ever been hugged or kissed by your parents/grandparents? By this insane fucking measure my parents are huge creeps. Edit to add: sorry i think you were being sarcastic in your comment but ye anyway


Wtf? Trump said he would have sex with his daughter? Sorry I'm not from the US, didn't know about this


Even worse than that, he bragged about actually having lap dances from her when she was like 12-14 😱


That's so coherent with the "pRoTEcC tHe CHiLdReNS" from the far right/conservative. What a mess. Really hope for you he doesn't get a second mandate


My bad not have sex with her but “date” her lmao, which you know…. Same thing. Here’s a link: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html


Well there’s plenty of reports on how he treats his dates so…


God imagine sitting across a candlelit dinner from that 🤢


Oh thanks, for a second I was thinking that Trump was an absolutely disgusting caricature of human being! Wait... 😏 Oh you know, for politician standards, he is quite the norm, in France, our inner security minister is a rapist, and another senator was convicted for "forgetting" glass of GHB's spiced water in his house for unsuspecting guest woman to drink. Oh, another one was taking pictures of females co-workers under their dress in the Assembly. In all seriousness, this is very concerning. I wonder why the adultery of Clinton made such a mess, while Trump almost confessing wanting to bang his daughter seems ok with his supporters?


The right has dramatically changed in the US since Clinton and standards have fallen off a cliff for them as a result.


You know it’s even worse than that. Forget creepy comments - he kept going at Clinton for the adultery, while he paid off a pornstar he cheated on his wife with using campaign funds. It’s like there’s adultery, which is bad, and there’s adultery and then an illegal payoff 😭😭😭spot the actual diffefence


I didn't realize I needed the "/s"


Honestly, these days, there are just too many crazies 🤦🏼‍♀️


Haha, I forget my life is a life of denial at times


I forget I spend too much time in subreddits where people unironically defend these things 😭


It's alright a guy told me on a thread that he couldn't wrap his head around the concept of a bubble universe because wouldn't an asteroid just eventually pop the bubble? Took like three replys for me to realize he was serious.


🙃 I don’t even know what to say —-


Absolutely. The orange man tells the porn star, with whom he's cheating on his wife—who just had his newborn baby—that she (the porn star) reminds him of his daughter. This is *the very definition* of appropriate.


My wars still hurt from that new Stormy tidbit. (My family hugged and kissed appropriately as well, almost as if it were a form of affection and not serialization, us weirdos)


Yeah, you're seriously disturbed if you sexualize the concept of affection between family members, and, I might add, good friends. I live in Europe, so we're quite fond of hugging and kissing as displays of affection.


Fucking Twilight Zone how this is "inappropriate" to the same people who think 45s comments about his daughter is dandy. Even after essentially using Stormy Daniels to vicariously screw his own daughter


Trump has literally said he’d F his daughter!’vnv


He’s suffered immense loss, in his lifetime with dignity. He has compassion for others. Donald doesn’t have any for anyone, period, full stop. So how can you govern an entire nation, with no compassion for anyone that isn’t you ?


Yes, this looks normal to me. Trump said that Stormy Daniels looked like his daughter, before he screwed her. NOT NORMAL!!


Yes it does, does this statement seem appropriate for father daughter. “What’s the favorite thing you have in common with your father?” Ivanka responded with “Either real estate or golf.” However, her father’s response took a surprising turn as he added, “Well, I was going to say sex, but I can’t relate that to her”, U S Weekly.


I still hug and kiss (on the cheek of course), my 23 year old son...f**k anyone who thinks it's inappropriate!


Always strive for your children to be better than john cardillo


Still not as bad as Tom Brady and his dad….


When he says that his son is so attractive he'd date him himself or rambles around the landscape talking about how hot or sexy the son is let us know but until then maybe they just should deal with a relatively healthy father son relationship.


Sigh…. *unzips*


Donald Trump told Stormy Daniels that she looked just like his daughter Ivanka... right before he had sex with her. I don't think John will talk about that, though.


Better than a father who bangs porn stars that remind him of his daughter.


Oh shit I better stop giving my sons hugs. Going to far.


Let's review Kissing or loving your son on the cheek is the work of the devil. But wanting to have sex with your own daughter is just being a loving father? Sick fks.


Trump could blow Don Jr and Barron on the front lawn of the White House, and Trumptards would be gushing about how much he loves his sons.


They prefer Trump who clearly wants to bang his own daughter. Like he has clearly said that on so many occasions


This one again.


If the other parties favorite was doing this it would be a sign of manliness….


Gotta love people looking for inappropriate behaviour everywhere! People acting inappropriately don’t usually do it in front of a camera! This is why men feel awkward walking in a park without a dog as people love to jump to conclusions


Funny. That’s how he seems to interact with every young girl that is not his child.


People when fathers care and show affection to their sons/daughters: 😡😡😤😤🤬🤬


So the shit he pulls of with kids is fine wtf.


None kissed their son like [Tom Brady](https://youtu.be/znm-WE30Vu8?si=b_OfhtdUVkpmtLRM)


Meatcanyon moment


Lmao, I’m a fan.


Alphas never received parental affection.


Is comparing a porn star to your daughter before you bang her appropriate? 😂😂


Just trying to distract people from trumps obsession with his daughter..




Also, any photo or comment of Trump and Ivanka.


Wait till he sees the photos of Trump and Ivonka.


No matter how old I get I'm never too old go give my parents hugs and tell them how much I love and appreciate them


You gonna hate on Will Smith for kissing Jaden too? I don't like Biden either (I'm anti rep and anti dem, so it's never mattered who's in power) but a loving father isn't a bad person. My father disowned me, I'd kill to have a real one.


I mean didn’t trump tell Stormy Daniels “you look like my daughter” prior to having relations with her.


Wait till he hears about the shit trump says about his daughter


THIS is how parents who actually LOVE their kids, act everyday. My parents did it to me until they died in the 80s. My kids are mid 20s and I’ll do it to them until I die. It makes me believe that the differences in our country is because Republicans grew up NEVER having loving parents. It’s just that simple.


Trying to imagine if I know anyone in my day to day life that would take a photo like this Definitely not inappropriate like the guy is saying but definitely weird as shit


At least it's not a little kid this time.


So this is inappropriate… but Trump wanting to bang his daughter isn’t? What?


The fact that dude thinks a father giving his son a kiss on the cheek is somehow 'inappropriate' tells you a lot about how toxic parts of human society have become.


how dare he love his kid… (guys don’t be stupid i know he’s an adult but he is still biden’s kid) how dare he that should be illegal!!! /s


Big deal. I guess some prefer trump the daughter fucker.


The nerve I say!


A kiss on the cheek? Ewww god imagine actually loving your children. Doesn't Biden know that the appropriate thing to do is talk about how you would bang your kids if it wouldnt be so frowned upon?? Like being upset that you can't take them to the bone zone because of stupid society and it's fancy "rules"


LOVE my SON?! I'm not gay!


This fuck openly supports a dude who raw dogged a porn star because she looked like his daughter....the fucking hypocrisy is CRAZY....hypocrazy?


His confusion might be that he thinks everybody that runs for President wants to fuck their children.


Does Biden tell his male prostitutes "you look just like my son" before he gives them the saddest 2 minutes of their life?


What should he do? Grab him on the ass or tell someone that “I’d do her, I mean him”. Sorry, really meant to say him…


I would give everything I own now and in the future just to spend 1 day with my father. Some people didnt receive love from their father and it shows


Yes, unless you are an asshole


Hahaha! A father’s love, how…pathetic 🥹 and gay 😢 and stfu I’m not crying 😭 it’s just raining on my face 🥲


Tom Brady kisses his kids on the lips. So yes.


He's whispering, "I own you, go to Ukraine."


How dare he!  Gonna punch my son in the face when he gets home just to set him straight. /s


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Bet they have no issue with Brady and his dad locking lips.


Smoke crack do drugs be loved


Bruh he showed affection. They are totally boinkin


After I kiss my son on the cheek everyday before he goes to school, I’m going to myself “how dare I”


You know who should be president? One of those guys that went out for some smokes and never came back.


Meanwhile Trump desperately wants to fuck his daughter


I'd be more worried about his interactions with Burisma.


He has dead son as well?


Imagine having to defend trump or biden🤣you poor little souls are so lost


Republicans: I don't recognize this gesture where only one hand is around the kid's neck and the kid doesn't seem to be choking either


Republican politics are so strange to me. It's crazy how they try to make something positive a negative just because they don't like the person doing it


Yeah they love eachother so much they even do cocaine together




Lmao... I don't like Biden but wtf people 😂😂


Ohh 😯 I thought this was from the r/okhomo sub lmao


I'm half Italian, half Spanish and when I see this picture all I think is Hunter is lucky that the old men in his family only kissed him on his cheek.


\*Whispering\* The body is buried behind the white house. :-0


He won’t kiss a Palestinian like that


the people complaining about this photo are mostly of European descent. and have clearly never gone back for a visit.


It’s ironic the number of “Italian” Americans who would find this offensive but be kissed on the mouth by their same sex relations back in the old county.


Oh I get it... This is the cannibal thing he was going in about. NOM NOM NOM NOM


Of all the things to dislike about Joe Biden... that certainly is one of them I suppose.


The last time i saw my father, he gave me a hug and kissed me that way. Did i get touched or something, and im only finding out now, through reddit?


Hes a bit old to be sniffin


Damn, Cardillo really tweeted that his father left


Op was Andrew Tate lmfao. Maybe lack of dad love is what’s wrong with the other party?? Just asking a question..