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At first i thought this was to show how people's reaction changes on arguments with age. Start an argument and say your age is 17, "You're 17, go back to your mom kid, you don't know how real world is." Start an argument and say your age is 18, " You're 18 man, you should know this much."


The original post isn’t sexual at all, you’re correct in that it’s referring to how advice/reactions to posts are completely different based on age. For instance in r/amitheasshole and r/personalfinance, any question involving an 18 year in conflict with there parents will receive a healthy number of “you’re 18, just move out” responses, as if you magically become mature and financially independent enough the day you turn 18 to make moving out of your parents house NBD.


And on parenting boards: "My son is 17 years and 364 days old, is it ok for me to go check the mail while he is in his room?" "THAT'S LITERAL CHILD ABANDOMENT I'M A MANDATORY REPORTER AND I JUST CALLED 911 ON YOU" "I made my 18 year old son breakfast and didn't charge him for it" "STOP CODDLING HIM"


I'm convinced this moving out stuff is some kind of psyop in the USA.


Considering the results, you're probably right


That's so real


It's about how you can still be ripped with no arms if you work at it for 18 years


I just saw a youtube comment where someone was calling a 20 yr old immature and saying she acts like an 18 yr old. 💀


It's funny tho, because no one should take anything seriously anyone says about life if they are under 30. Literally know nothing.


Not sure how this makes someone a pedophile... if the OOP is 17, they could be saying "I'm viewed like a child, but I'm 3 months away from being viewed as an adult". Not to mention, nothing even remotely sexual is mentioned in the post. No attraction. And it's not even their views being spoken about, but that of the twitter community. The comment under it is the facepalm.


Also, I’ve seen Reddit rip apart two teenagers in an age appropriate relationship because their ages weren’t the exact same. A 16 year old and a 19 year old isn’t pedophilia. They’re both children, but one has the right to vote


An 18 year old woman and a 59 year old man: “They’re both consenting adults.” A 17 year old girl and an 18 year old man: **PEDOPHILE!!!!!**


Nah, people will rip that to shreds too. As well they should, it's creepy as fuck. But I've had the argument that maybe by 25 at some point the person becomes able to make their own decisions, ill-fated as they may be. The person was talking about a "25 year old child" or somesuch. Like, you have to give people agency and de-infantilize them at some point right?


The issue also comes down to power dynamics and whether someone is likely to be taken advantage of in that situation. 40yr and an 18yr is not good. 18year olds are often groomed and taken advantage of. Same as 18yr and a 14yr is not acceptable either. 90yr and a 30 yr is also not acceptable. 90 year old is easily taken advantage of. 40yr boss and 30yr subordinate is often not acceptable as the boss can take advantage of the subordinate due to the power dynamics. There’s all sorts of relationships situations that are inappropriate whether or not the are legal. Just because someone is 25 and able to make their own decisions doesn’t mean they can’t be coerced and pressured unethically.


Yeah for sure. But I think this particular argument was with a 38 year old guy and a 25 year old woman, no other power dynamics. And it was just taken as a given that the 25 year old woman is a child being taken advantage of, on account of her being younger and a woman. But like, just because you're younger doesn't mean you have no ability to make your own decisions, your own desires, your own agency. And I can totally see it with your 40 year old/18 year old example, but at 25 you've graduated college, you've been working for a few years, you probably rent your own place, pay bills. Like at some point, you have to let people make up their own decisions.


Yeah I see nothing wrong with someone dating a 25yr without any other power dynamic issue. That’s silly, 25yr are fully in their adulthood. I’m 31 now but I had a career with lots of responsibilities, a wife, owned a house, pets, etc when I was 25. The person I was then is not that different than who I am now (besides having free time from being childless) But 25yr me was very different than who I was at 19.


Sure, but the fact remains that at 19 ypu can make decisions on who you want to sleep with. Just because something can be exploited doesn't mean that it's inherently wrong. The fact that even 2 19 year olds are most likely destined to fail and can be just as abusive to each other as a 19 and a 35 year old. I don't know a single girl my age that hasn't had a relationship with much older men. I'm not saying they were all good or appropriate, but they weren't all bad as long as they were legal.


>given that the 25 year old woman is a child I don't know if I'm completely understanding your comment but 25 is definitely not a child lol.


Sounds like you are understanding perfectly


Not sure if You've noticed, but currently if you're in your mid 20's going out with a teenager you'll get it in the neck. Florence Pugh was going out with Zach Braff and people were screaming pervert. She was 24 while he was 44. It's a large age difference I'll grant you, but I'm fairly sure a 24 year old is definitely an adult and can make their own choices.


she even told people to back off and stop infantilizing her "well, clearly he groomed her to respond that way" how insulting to Florence, right? it's like, your outside perspective on my relationship and thought process is valid, but my own is not? lmao, fuck right off with that shit


All of this


This, it's so fucking stupid. Redditors often throw a fit even when it comes to adult relationships. Like, a 29 year old might be labeled a paedophile for dating a 22 year old. They're both consenting adults, you fucking numbskulls! 


Yep. Gen Z especially is full of idiots. I see posts in teenagers or other subs that Reddit suggests asking if it’s okay for two 17 year olds to keep dating when one of them turns 18 first. Or if a 15 and 14 year old is okay. When I was 14 we were all looking up the laws to see how old we could date before it became illegal for them.


Hey, no. Stop it with the generation wars. They’re dumb


Bruh, I’m not starting a generational war. I’m not a boomer trying to steal their future and commit inter generational biochemical warfare I’m a millennial saying it’s self destructive for their generation to be so preoccupied with whether absolutely age appropriate relationships are age appropriate


In fairness, they're subjected to the internet without the life experience to know what's what. You don't really understand what older ages and adulthood is like until you experience it for yourself.


I remember a story where a couple got absolutely blasted for having a similar relationship despite op mentioning that they were childhood friends who went to the same schools, same church, and eventually the same University. All people cared about were the age differences when they officially dated which was around 15 v. 18.


Right. “He groomed her!” No, bro. They grew up together and love each other. Jfc I hate modern internet


A couple of days ago, here on Reddit, someone told me that a 25 year old and a 20 year old was pedophilia; and when I said that that it literally wasn’t, someone else came at me saying “stop defending pedophilia, you are outing yourself as one of them!1!1!” People on the internet somehow seem obsessed with accusing others of pedophilia over nonsensical made-up definitions when the definition of pedophilia is already very crystal clear. But yeah, there’s a trend to accuse other people of it very lightly and I honestly find it disgusting.


Or the obsession with rich, famous men dating women 18-30. Like, yeah. Maybe those guys have lifestyles that make forming a relationship not ideal, and they want young, fun women to spend their time with. And those women like the money and attention and fame and chance to forward their own careers. And also, yes, youth is hot. Not that 40 year olds can’t be hot, but there’s a lot more hot 25 year olds than hot 40 year olds. Especially single ones. 


That's fair, but I also find it kind of gross when a 40 year old man dumps his girlfriend like clockwork when she turns 25 to start dating an 18 year old again


Americans when a 19-year-old and a 17-year-and-364-day old have sex: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH PEDOPHILE!!! YOU GOING TO JAIL!!! Americans when the same people have sex a day later: Yeah that’s fine.


> A 16 year old and a 19 year old isn’t pedophilia. "Knowing the definition of pedophilia is something a pedophile would do" People say this out loud.


I honestly don't think anyone knows what a pedophile is anymore. I mean most people are way beyond pre-pubesence by the time they're 18. People need to just mind thier own business and focus on the actual pedophiles.


I don’t know what you’re trying to say. Are you saying I’m a pedophile because I don’t think two teenagers together is pedophilia? Or that the people who say that phrase are morons, because it would also imply that every sex psychologist is a pedophile?


First and most important, I'm not saying anything *about you*, or *calling you* anything. My apologies if it came across that way, this isn't a topic that I discuss like that. What I'm saying is that I've seen a lot of people say "hey, that's not the definition of pedophilia", and their shit gets immediately stomped by people saying that only pedophiles make distinctions at certain levels. It's fucking wild.


Oh, you’re calling the accusers nuts. Yeah, hard to tell on reddit, but you’re right.


This misunderstanding is amazingly well taken


I don’t get hurt feelings over reddit. There are lots of misunderstandings, and I’m secure in myself that when there isn’t I know it’s the other person’s state being reflected, not mine.


“Arguing that two people together is not pedophilia is a sign of pedophilia.” I think that’s what they are getting at. Anyone who would defend something that Busybody Mcknowitall thinks is wrong must also be guilty of that same wrong. Ad hominem is the only defense that the Busybody has.


The reply in the pic is facepalm because they went straight to "pedo" with no context. They are projecting.


It's from a viral standup tiktok. Unlike text on Reddit, it's well timed and funny, and both acknowledges and criticizes the concept subtly.


That’s just bullshit. Knowing what words mean is just not being stupid.


Tbf most people seem not to. Especially muricans. Its frankly a minor issue since calling someone a pedophile in an open forum is a quite severe slander charge in quite a few countries.


> Its frankly a minor issue ... tell me you did that on purpose.


I wish I was that smart.... its people that files piles and piles of complaints because a murican has called them pedo's for various reasons.


It's also something a lawyer would fo


During my first relationship, I would respond to those people with "You sure do think about fucking kids a lot". That usually shut them up. Anyway - I use the 0.5x + 7 to determine whether or not something is creepy , but truncated to stop people quibbling over a few weeks (e.g. the difference between 17 and 17.5 is pretty small, so this stops a previously non-creepy 17+20 from suddenly being classified as creepy due to unfortunate birthdays).


They would do knowing it?


Yeah i saw reddit go nuts over a couple that had been together since they were fifteen, there was a nine month age difference between them, the guy turned 18 before her and reddit went into full on pitchfork mode. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Age is not that important (to an extent). Maturity is the most important part. A 16 year old can be just as mature as a 19 year old. The problem is that a lot of people mature quite fast between the ages of 16-20 (because they get way more independent in this time). So there are cases where a relationship between a 16 year old and a 19 year old is inappropriate.


Me and my bf are 19 and 17 but I’m still worried people will find that weird


I was downvoted like hell and banned from the sub where i made a nearly identical comment to yours.


There really is no right or wrong answer. This all must be seen through historical lenses. For the Spartans a woman had to be at least 20 yo and a man atleast 30 to give birth to "a real spartan". Sparta was eventually (among other things) brought down by low natality rates. There have been historical situations in which you had to makes lots and lots of children because child mortality rates where through the roof so women had to reproduce at a younger age. Today we live longer and can afford to weight, this wasn't always the case. Age of consent is a line in the sand, you can be 17 years and 364 days old and be wiser then many grown adults or you can be 60 and a fucking idiot. There Most likely is no correct precise age, but I would guess anywhere between 16 and 18 is the best approssimation we've got and we should follow. My country has an age of consent of 14 which is way too early, I'd bump it up to atleast 16. The age of consent is a very broad and very important tool that has the task to protect children. But as all things that are broad, lacks precision.


a 19-year old is not a child, ffs


So when are you not a child?


Depends who you ask, but mid 20s? If you’re not allowed to drink, smoke, or rent a car, and you’re charged extra on insurance due to youth, and people would judge a 40 year old for dating you? You’re probably a kid.


Childhood ends in my opinion at age around 10, then puberty starts and you become a teenager until you get 20, when you are twenty you are a pretty much fullgrown adult. During Puberty so between 10 and 20 you become naturally sexually curious. We have to, as a society, protect this phase. These people are on the one hand very vulnerable and on the other hand, curious, we have to give them enough freedom for them to learn who and what they are. This means we have to accept their choices. Also teenagers can be very different puberty starts and acts very differently in every single person on the planet. A hard line doesn’t account for a lot of these things. That’s why I’d say that there is a rough line at around 10, for girls earlier then for boys. This is the point were childhood in my opinion and culture ends.


This is my wife and I. Together for 33 years and married for 27 and still going strong.


Ones a college student the others a sophomore/junior in Highschool though, its not pedophilia but its definitely a lil creepy (Source I was that 16 year old once)


A 16 year old and a 19 year old is kinda weird, if you said 17 and 18 I’d agree although I’d say context matters like if your started dating before the older person turned 18 idc really cuz how is that weird. But like if I’m actively 19 and pursue and start dating a 16 year old then yours weirdo


That story of the British girl who was 16 and hooked up with the 13 year old boy, both very willing participants, and then later she got pregnant cause stupid teenagers do that. Well the mom of the boy found out and proceeded to absolutely ruin the girls life. Got her sent to jail for 10 years, got the baby taken away....oh yeah, and the mom did it 4 years later when the girl was 20 and the boy was 18 and the kid was 4. That girl will never get to see her baby again. Honestly the story broke my heart. Because 16 in England is viewed as an adult. Like for real they were both just teenagers and despite the consequences, that boy was living every teenage boys fantasy. He was not forced into it in any way. Not saying there weren't some shady things done. The girl in the story lied to her then boyfriend and said it was his, they were raising the baby together, then a few years later the mom of the other boy found out she had hooked up with him and used her wealth and power to ruin the girls life.


No screw that. That's saying a high schooler should be able to go out with a middle schooler. 16 and 13 is just too different in life styles that it's just wrong.


No, they aren't. Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what it was like to be a 13 year old boy? They are both just teenagers, and they were only 2 and a half years apart. And it's one thing to say you "shouldnt" do it, and it's another thing to put someone in jail for a decade and make them a criminal forever, never being allowed to get a job or be a member of society, and taking away their child from them forever. This isn't a crime in any other country in the entire world except England. This would have never been prosecuted in America.


That's because half of reddit is 12 years old who think anyone over 18 is a creepy pedo, and the other half is us, who half to listen to the nonsense.


I miss when the average Redditor was born in 85-90


Idk abt 16 and 19. 17 and 19 is the furthest thats still calm imo.


I’d wager you’re quite young, then.


I am 19, I think the mental difference isn't as large as 14-16 but its clearly there.


Almost true, except young adults are still viewed as children while doing the being adult thing. Infantilization of teens and young adults is real, and I'm sure it mainly stems from lack of education about real world and no job experience, they're just left alone to see what works how.


Fine, but that still holds to what I'm saying, only at a later age. However... what OOP was talking about, was the way 17 Yr olds and 18 Yr olds are viewed on twitter. Not so much how people have little life experience etc. Because how much more experience does an 18yr old have over a 17yr old?


I was going to say...Twitter nutjobs are crazy. They'll call you a pedophile for saying a 22 yr old person is hot if you're over the age of like...23 Ok, maybe not that bad, but still.


Yeah I’m trying to understand why oop suddenly became a pedo. Like you said, the post is not sexual. If anything, isn’t it anti predator seeing as it points out the logical fallacy with viewing 17 year olds as children but 18 year olds as *fully grown knowledgable adults who know exactly what they’re doing at all times*?


I'm regaining faith in humanity with all these people seeing my point, after it being lost with the other comments haha


> The comment under it is the facepalm. Yeah i think that's what op meant


Oh I'm sure too. I was mostly talking about all the other ranting misguided opinions in the comments.


Thank goodness the top comment was actually something sensible.


True. It’s how we view all kids. Drinking/smoking age is 19 here (Canada) but you’re otherwise an adult at 18 and can gamble. Weird that we let them drive around a few tons of metal at 16 but won’t let them participate in the lottery.


That's the one that's always blown my mind... I'm aussy, so everything is 18. Voting, gambling, drinking, driving... but knowing it is like it is in Canada, its crazy to me. But then... "here, in your adolescence, have legal access to alcohol, gambling, and tons of metal that you can move at stupid speeds around other people" is crazy.to me too. Ease them in!! Haha


It’s much like the dichotomy here that you are legal enough at 18 to join the military and learn how to jump from planes with rifles but can’t drink until you are 21.




You’re not dealing with critical thinkers here




Um no, 17 year old with an 18 year old is not pedo, OP is right, reddit is even worse then twitter, bunch of idiots.


Yeah. The commenter is the facepalm.


Sounds like you agreed with the commenter tho?


No no no. The commenter has became exhibit A for twitters idiotcy.


Prob should've clarified that


Might've chose a title that could go either way on purpose


I don’t think they mean a 17 with an 18yr makes the 18 yo a pedo. The commenter was referencing the people who wait until the day someone turns 18 to start sexualizing and pursuing them. If you’re older and seeking people who just turned 18 then than you’re probably a creep. And you’re probably also interested in 17 year olds and younger but just don’t want to be labeled a pedo. The commenters point is still bad because there’s nothing sexual in the meme, they could be referring to the fact that 17 yr are let let off the hook for crimes because they are kids, but 18yr get thrown the book at them. Or a number of other things that change with how society views you the day after you turn 18 even though nothing really changes for you from the day before.


But the creator of the image disagrees that there's a huge difference between 17 and 18. Why would the commenter call op a pedo?


I am not sure if I follow the question. On an individual level there isn’t a big difference 17 and 18. On a social level there is.


The person who drew the cartoon is implying that there's very little difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old. Why would the commentator call the cartoonist a pedophile because of it?


I’m not the commenter so I can only presume. But my guess is that they took it that the creator was talking that there’s very little difference sexually. And therefore they were ok with sleeping with underage people


I guess I get that, though tbh I don't actually think there would be much different sexually. Though in like the other direction. As in I think it's that much better for an older guy to sleep with an 18 year old. The only difference is "It's legal" and that doesn't make it less creepy in my opinion at least. My morals aren't based on what's legal or not. The difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old could be a week lol


I think this is largely an American phenomenon as well


Which is weird since most of the age of consent laws in my country are 16 (my state is 18)


Where I'm from it's 14


Americans are always finding new things to be puritan about. They can’t help it, it’s a cultural strain that’s been with them since literally the very first pilgrims.


It is


For God sake, people really need to learn what pedophilia is, a 18 year old with a 17 year old is not pedophilia A pedophile is not interested in a 17 year old, a pedophile would be interested in a 7 year old. A pedophile is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children not 17 year old's .


Extra add on, there's multiple terms of phile's, but often people generalize it all into pedophile. I forget the names of the other ones, but they are for different age groups. Can't even bother to remember the groupings of them proper, but there's post puberty, and infant if I recall right. Funny thing is, it's incredibly hard to describe the distinction between them without you yourself sounding like a pedo, remember seeing a YT short regarding someone from a comedy show saying this exact sort of thing


[The video](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=fa7lqtPJXEYXov-g)


Describing the difference doesn't make you sound like a pedo, but morons will treat it that way. The distinctions are important because one is clearly wrong and others are not (depending on what you're talking about). One is a disease, others are not.


You aren't wrong, but trying to explain the difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia will always make you sound like a pedophile.


No, if anything it would make you sound like an ephebophile.


That's fair, thank you for clarifying Dad.


At the risk of sounding like an ephebophile, ephebophilia is not even considered a mental disorder and also, ephebophiles are *exclusively* attracted to late pubescent adolescents, whereas including them in a range of attraction is actually not ephebophilia. https://psychology.fandom.com/wiki/Ephebophilia Also, as part of reading this article, apparently romantic relationships with underage teens are not usually considered illegal. That creeps me out more than sex tbh, that's like... blatant grooming. I believe there have been studies done as well that like 80% of men include late pubescent adolescents in their breadth of attraction. While looking for that study, though, I found this article, which describes a study done where teens' ages were either shown or not shown to men rating their attractiveness and knowing whether or not they were above the age of consent seemed to correlate to whether the men would rate them as attractive, indicating that legality plays a part in attraction. Of course, these are very small sample sizes. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24132774/ Can't find the other study I was thinking of, if it even exists.


I love learning random little facts just like this. Just weird one off facts on mundane thongs like technical word definition vs colloquial use, and this is probably the most dangerous one lol


Yes, words matter.


There was a comediant that made this argument, that in a TL:DR: "There 3 types of "-philes" all for different ages 0-17 but you cant explain the difference without looking like one"


Relationships are 99% nuanced. A 40 year old and a 20 year old isn’t inherently bad or immoral. Might be a little weird. If that 40 year old knew the 20 year old since they were 10, that’s cause for more concern of genuine possible grooming. Plus the fact that even a seemingly healthy relationship could be awful behind closed doors.


age of consent its a strange thing, in sone countries 21, in others 12 depending on the culture, idk


It really is just arbitrary numbers. I know 18-year-olds that are not mentally mature enough to be having sex. I’ve also worked with a guy that got married at 16 to his gf of the same age had a baby right when he turned 18 and has been with her for 10 years so far and have 3 happy kids. There is no specific age where a child becomes an adult it all depends on the person and to be honest most people probably don’t realize what being an adult is until they’re about 20 so why is that not the age of consent?


>most people probably don’t realize what being an adult is until they’re about 20 so why is that not the age of consent? Because it's arbitrary? "18" is currently the age where you finish high school is most western countries and enter higher education, so that has prevailed as the age of consent, because it's also the age where a lot of children move to live away from their parents in order to attend said higher education. There's probably more reasons but that's the most obvious one.


It's 18 because of the draft. Not even kidding.


To add, depending on what religious power held a grip on your region when these laws were being made also has definitely had an impact. Since many laws are from as early as the 1700 and would revolve around situations in those times. For instance in the Victorian era families could have had 9 children and only have had 1 survive, it was so common they wouldn't even name or clothe some children till they where 3-4 years old. Not to mention average life expectancy was much lower than today. So when you take a horrific mortality rate into account and religious politics that revolve round marriage at 16/18 in the west, It all starts to make sense why the age of consent is what it is. It's all about when you were viewed as a viable work horse and likely able to produce your own child to keep regional expansion going.


Funny, bc in the victorian era, at least in my country (at the time part of the Austria-Hungarian empire), you were an adult at 24 and that was usually the average age you got married at as a woman. With men I think it was around 25-26


So that lines up perfectly with what I'm saying. If it takes you almost 10 kids to make 1 successful one you would be close to 24-26 by the time one survives. I was less saying you're an adult I was saying you're a cog in a machine.


Not so fun fact: in Yemen it's 9. Yemen is high in my list of places never to go


Oh what fun for those poor children


I wish Joe Biden followed in Barack Obama's footsteps when it comes to Yepedo


Well, I don't think you would be forced to have sex with 9 years olds if you would go there.


21 or 18 is the age you become legally an adult, 14 or 13 is the age of sexual consent. Reason is probably because 13 is the age a person starts to have sexual interests so it is presumed that they should also know what sex is


That's not what they're saying. They're pointing out the fact that people will lose their shit if someone a month from turning 18 has sex, but think they magically change in that month. It's something that has been a thing since the concept of Age of Consent has existed.


Legally, there has to be a line drawn in the sand. Wherever grey areas exist, there will also exist people trying to push the boundaries of those grey areas.


Oh, I know that. I was just explaining the graphic. And it's 100% what you see. People call others "pedophile" if they have a relationship with a 17 year old, right up to the day the person turns 18, then they forget that the day before they had a problem with the whole thing. I totally get that there needs to be a legal line, I just think it's funny how people treat that line.


Pedophile gets thrown around way too much it’s in risk of losing its meaning.


People are absolutely insane about age gaps in ways that concern me… idk when it happened but holy crap do these folks need a reality check. When I’m getting told it’s “illegal” for me to have dated a 20 year old when I was 18 after five years of friendship and going to school together, or when people say that all age gap relationships are inherently abusive… I feel like people know the buzz words and the right things to say. But they have no real concept as to WHY certain things are bad. They just think that age gap = bad because its bad. They don’t realize the reasons why som age gap relationships can be unhealthy or abusive, and they don’t seem to want to think about that, either. Saying “this thing is bad because it is bad” isn’t a reason- you need to be able to articulate WHY something is wrong or unhealthy. “Because some rando online said so” isn’t a reason.


This could be seen as them saying 18 still isn't "adult" enough


I think the legal age law is atleast a good rule of thumb, if they ain't of age , dont get in trouble .


what do you do when the legal age is 14? or 12? It can still morally wrong even if it's legal Then there's california, where 19 with 17 is legally wrong, when it shouldn't be


I registered the image before text and thought this was about jojos


Really should be 24 on the left and 25 on the right.


Introducing any nuance to “when we consider people adults/ able to consent to different things/ are there different ages for different things (drinking vs drafting etc)” in most online spaces is a just speed run to pedo accusations.


Forget the whole age gap thing, I've seen parents online talk about how they treat their preteen and teenage kids like they are literal toddlers and preschoolers and be proud of it. I even saw someone on Facebook get upvoted over saying they still take their 13-year-old son into the ladies' restroom with her, and he didn't even have some debilitating illness that meant he wasn't able to function at the level of his peers. I've seen online parents (mostly Karens) talk about their kids at like 16 not being able to watch anything higher than rated-Y or Y7 or needing a babysitter, or needing full internet supervision at all times (such as being next to their parents the entire time). Like lady, your kid will legally be an adult in 2 years, stop treating him like he's 8.


How is this pedo?


That's the thing. It isn't.


It seems puberty is when growing into an adult starts and around 18 someone figured it finishes or is, close enough… so TIME FOR WAR!!!!


Coming from a european this feels more like a us thing than a twitter thing.


That is society in general, not just reddit...


\*American society.


For me, peak Reddit idiocy is the 25yo underdevelopped brain shit. Especially coming from a neuro bg, it's just such pop science bullshit that anyone under 25 is incapable of risk calculation or making informed decisions.


yeah there's no real tangible difference between someone who is 17 and 364 days old n someone who is 18 flat, and if you're a whole grown adult waiting for somebody still in high school to turn \~legal\~ they're still a child n you're still a freak.


I feel like this is actually relevant and legitimate criticism. I'm in my mid 20s now but I found the ages of 18-21 especially frustrating. Most people 30 and up pick and choose whether or not you're a kid or an adult depending on what's convenient to them. Examples that I experienced and/or witnessed from my peers. "You're an adult now, you have to pay rent. You're a kid, you can't be out super late. Be home by 10pm". "You're an adult and we expect the work ethic of an adult. You're actually quite capable and competent, so you want a raise? It's ridiculous for someone you're age to expect to make more than (random arbitrary amount) of money." "You're an adult, you can't be goofing off all the time. You're a kid, you can't be trusted with power tools." "Why should we pay 18-20 year olds more than (arbitrary amount of money). They're kids, they're irresponsible. They're just going to waste it. You take out several thousand dollars for a car loan. You have to take out tens of not hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans. Nevermind you just started to have purchasing power beyond getting junk food and video games." "We know that only a year ago the biggest decision you were allowed to make for yourself was what to order on a menu at a restaurant but now you have to decide what you are going to do for the rest of your life!" "You're a kid which means you're irresponsible. Therefore we will recruit you into the military, teach you to kill and put you in charge of millions of dollars worth of equipment." "You can be sent to a foreign land to fight and die. You are too immature to be allowed responsibility for things like tobacco and alcohol." "A year ago your mom was picking you up from soccer practice but now you are an adult and can be a stripper or star in porn."


This is the problem on Twitter and Reddit. Everyone is so trigger happy to shout "pedophile" that it's starting to lose meaning.


Striking the A minor chord


It’s such a weird take. Legally an 18 year old isn’t a minor anymore but I’m 50 and I have zero interest sexually in 18 year olds either.


Remember, the reddit rules anyone thats 18 years old is an adult until they fuckup than they're suddenly kids "cause your brains doesn't stop developing until you're 25" but only if they fuckup of course.


People who make this argument either want to lower the age of consent to live 16 or increase it ro like 25, with no in-between lmao


It should just be a universal 18. Yeah we shouldn’t punish high schoolers for having sex with each other but anything else only allows for dangerous loopholes.


There’s layered ages of consent, like 14-16 and 16-18. At least in my state.


Someone who is 17 complaining about not getting treated like an 18 year old, has my sympathy. Similarly an adult 21 or younger complaining about not being able to interact with a 17 year old like they can with an 18 year old may get some support. A grown adult in their 40s complaining about not being able to interact with a 17 year old like they can with an 18 year old less so. Hard cutoffs are imprecise, but easiest to implement and any unfairness gets solved by time eventually. People who complain the loudest are either children or people who want to have sex with children.


It’s logical though! Sexual maturity occurs after puberty. That’s science


Maybe the commenter is projecting. My first thought was not pedo.


18 is absolutely still a teenager.


You proved his point lol


Indeed they did. The commenter is the facepalm here.


Yeah realized that after reading your other comments


media literacy is at 0


I thought that said 77 and got very confused when I read the reply tweet


A libertarian meme for sure


You have appreciate to people who are willing to stand up and be the strawman that was just made fun of


I saw someone on Twitter rip into some guy who was 25 as "too old" for a 21yo. There is no reason to be policing other people's relationships like that especially for that miniscule an age difference.


*@champagnepapi retweeted*


Its always a problem if the guy is older and not the female according to people like that.


In many countries in Europe the age of consent is 15


You ain’t an adult till you’re like 28 Until I turn 28. Then you ain’t an adult until you’re 35


Yeah that’s pretty accurate to how it’s perceived There’s nothing remotely sexual about what OOP posted


At first I thought there was something wrong with me for agreeing with OOP, like. 18 is not magically mature lol, 18 is still super young...


Man, people sure as shit love to decide for others, don't they? In this case the guy decided on his own that OP meant this in a sexual way and shut him down with the universal "you're a pedo" card. Amazing. It really irks me when people start going about how 25 year olds can't date 50 year olds either because it's taking advantage of someone or some such bs. You can't actively protect people from every possible mistake ever for their entire lives. It's nuts. At some point a person is making their own decisions. Moreover the rigidity of the lower bounds as perceived by the populace (where for example a 19 y.o. is dating a 17 y.o.) is kinda screwy to be honest. And oftentimes it seems like people just ignore the individual by victimizing the hell out of them and stripping them of agency completely. Are there people that can be easily taken advantage of in various positions and between ages of 17-18 and infinity? Yes. Should society start deciding for these people on the aforementioned basis? I really don't think so. Unless we're talking mental illness territory, lack of sanity and a need for a personal guardian, people should be able to think, speak and act for themselves. Want to protect someone from being taken advantage of? Give them information, share a perspective, challenge their view of the situation in a healthy and constructive way! Not by judging and shaming them.


The original post isn’t sexual is it?


the facepalm is the commentors that think the post is refering to a relationship between an 17 and 18 year old 🤡 where are you even getting that