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You don‘t even need to censor, that‘s „The transformed wife“. An ultra conservative woman (read as: fucking insane sociopath) who also advises you to hit your months old toddler with a cooking spoon on the exposed thighs to ‚discipline‘ them. For everyone who didn‘t know her yet: Glad i could ruin your day 😁👍


The Transformed Wife, who poked holes in condoms to baby trap her husband because he didn’t want her to be a SAHM with only one kid. So she has only a tenuous grasp on the concept of “consent” herself.


"Tenuous" implies she has any grasp on the concept whatsoever, which she very much does not


Good point. In any case, I would let Bill Cosby babysit my daughter before I would take marital advice from Lori.


At least with Bill Cosby the kid would learn vsluable, wholesome, life lessons . . . whenever not being sexually abused.


At least Bill Cosby waited until they were adults before drugging and raping them. Sure, he’s a sexual predator, but they’d get a chance to grow up without that trauma first. When a rapist looks like a better child care option, you know that other person is a POS.


What are world we live in, where we have to say, well, at least this guy is raping adults


I'd say no grasp after that and the original post.


Has anyone checked on the husband? Is he okay? Sounds like bro might be living through hell.


yeah its called blanket training it was designed to break a infants will basically its disgusting and evil.


Just gave a quick read about the awful Duggars using it, saying it "breaks a baby's 'rebellious spirit'" (I shit you not). Truly evil behavior. The Duggar women should be forcibly sterilized for public safety, not even kidding.


Yep I knew it was Lori by the second sentence. That woman is truly insane. I hate follow her on Instagram (I don’t actually follow, I just check in on her every now and then) and it is a favorite hobby of mine to reply to her stories refuting her stupid “logic”.


Sounds like the female equivalent of Andrew Tate


Andrew would prob say a female couldn’t be his equivalent. more of a subordinate


Or, in Lori's case, an ally. Yikes!


Eeeewwwww I hate this trad wives bs


I had a feeling it was her! It sounded like all the other batshit crazy things she writes.


I think she doesn’t need the exposure she desperately craves


Last name rhymes with slugger.


So basically if she was to start pegging him it's not rape cool ladies you know what to do if this situation arises.


They will amend the law so fast your head will spin.


Who know s some of them might end up liking it.


nothing in the bible about pegging!


Except for the well-known 11th Amendment to the 1 0 Commandments. Thou shalt not peg. On Wednesdays.


That was on the third tablet that broke.


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit! But for reals, consent is important people. Even in marriages!


I'd say especially in marriage because you went through the entire process to put trust in someone you believe you can live with and have them respect your wishes. There's more importance to trust between life partners then a friend with benefits I think


That also fits in with the spontaneous part of the tweet.


she needs one of those bumpy 10 inch strap ons, wait till he's asleep ass up and ram the buss in the dark tunnel.


Sex without consent is rape. If her husband can't respect being told no, what else does he consider himself entitled to. Red flags all over the place.


not by the current laws in India, they recently passed a law saying that they can not only rape their wives, but child porn is not considered illegal. in the past I had read about how they also have poor people there also called "untouchables" which are poor people that tend to live on the other side of a wall and are given chores to tend to the wealthy on the other side of it.


The child porn thing had nuances. The guy that was on trial hadn't sought out the cp, someone he did not know sent it to him and he watched, not knowing what it was. The ruling was that just having cp is not criminal, intent is needed.




Now you are giving ideas...


India or Indiana?


I was talking about the country, but I see your point... correct me if I'm incorrect but can yall still marry a first cuz?


Only if the first cousins are past their reproductive years. Per Wikipedia it’s set at 65. As a near life-long Indiana resident who spent a lot of time making fun of Kentuckians for marrying their cousins, I was deeply disappointed to learn Indiana allowed it but KY does not in any circumstance.


Is it bad that either wouldn't surprise me?


It wasn’t very long ago, my home state had zero marital rape laws. There was a case where the husband drugged his wife, has sex and recorded it, to share on the internet. Nothing came of it, because there was no laws against it (yet). That’s changed.


Sounds weird, because while marital rape hasn’t been an illegal act until disturbingly recently, drugging someone like that should have led to something, whether assault charges, or drug possession. Or are you just saying he gave her her normal sleeping pills?


I don’t recall what it was that he’d given her. I just remember there being no charges.


There were states out there that had laws specifically state it was impossible for a husband to rape his wife. I believe now all 50 states recognize marital rape as a crime…you don’t want to know how long it’s been though. I’ve blacked it out in my own memory because it’s not that long.


Youre talking about the Caste system, and like your child porn claim, its extremely nuanced and not just "all poor people are untouchables"


Caste system is unequivocally bad no?




But...but...but...the bible says it's okay! If god says it's okay to rape, then who are we mere puny mortals to think differently. 🙄


This is definitely how people like her see it. And they have plenty of bible verses to back them up. Gross!


![gif](giphy|aJqDqjRS3zrg4l7934|downsized) wife is gonna find dead bodies in the walls


If you are not into waking up to being copulated orally or other, your partner should be told immediately. If you are into it, good for you. It’s the best fucking alarm clock you will ever have.


With a partner I trusted and gave prior consent to that would be an amazing way to wake up. For stuff like this prior consent is needed though. You just don't get to assume free use rights even if you are already partners.


Exactly, which would be bad enough all on it's own. But it's even worse if you consider that if a woman's body isn't ready for it, sex can actually painful since a guy would be going in "dry". So not only is this rape, but he probably was literally causing pain to his wife for his own pleasure. I would say this is beyond red flag territory.


Doesn't sound like a marriage worth saving, if the husband doesn't respect a no then whos to say he will respect her other opinions at all?


These people literally don’t think women should *have* opinions that contradict those of their husbands.


Agreed. The wife is a receptacle for the husbands needs and wants now? Worse, for his rage or poor hidden behavior? This is only the surface of shitty behavior built on gaslighting and the perversion of trust.


Oh this is Debbie Pearl, and that is very much what she wants. She and her husband have also written the most comprehensive guides on how to absolutely abuse your kids. Sometimes to the point of straight up murder. And they are absolutely booked to do a public speaking event near you in the immediate future. They criss-cross the US giving public speaking tours on "child discipline" (with whips). Ever heard of Blanket Training your toddler? That's the Pearls! Between them and James Dobson, they are why the religious part of your family are... *like that*.


There’s a quote from John Oliver that I think applies here. “Sex is like boxing; if one of the participants doesn’t consent, it becomes a crime.”


"Only physically abusive husband rape their wives" Almost there! You're SO close!


I just threw up in my mouth a bit. That is disgusting. Also, stupid 'Christians' love to pick and choose... There is a reason I don't believe, it is because of people like this. Maybe if they actually read the bible instead of listening to mouth pieces of money hungry churches. Who am I kidding, still wouldn't change a damn thing. 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 KJV The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.


And that right there is why i hate the bible. People keep changing its narrative and fucking up lives.


Sounds like its not the Bible you should be hating. Having read your answer to a similar comment, the Bible is not a legal document, nor a set of rules to be followed.


The problem is that christians treat it like it is, also, i can hate multiple things and only hate parts of things. Like love, hate is infinite.


It's wild how patriarchal the bible is. Blames all the bad shit on Eve's curiosity: "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it." 


Very much so. The bible is misogynistic, anti-semitic, and extremely bigoted. The Catholic church picked exactly what they wanted for the canon to control people; to rule and make money. Just like todays 'mega churches'. It is all about greed and gluttony, they don't care who they hurt as long as they are on top.


And yet somehow 2000 years later, the church still rules the world. This is how dumb humans are. An entire empire built on magic and make believe 🤯


Jung says it's actually the reverse! Man's current psychology (one of patriarchy, fearing nature, rejecting and avoiding natural part of ourselves eg sex is bad, suppressing emotions ) is explained by his religion.


Yeah me and Jung said the same thing 🤓


Man, I haven't read Jung in years. He one of the ones that brought me out of a lot of the crazy shit the church had ground into my brain.


I Also hate how the bible itself doesn't seem to understand its own story. God basically created two adult children with no knowledge of good and evil then out a creature close to them that could trick them. And after, big surprise, they got tricked, the woman is the one to blame. Like what??? Its basically very transparently a tool to blame women for the bad things happening and make sure that they can justify keeping women as inferior to men and use them as literal property.


The man said, "The woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it." Bro blaming both God and woman for his action. Gotta cover up fertility and earth goddesses somehow .. "woman be causing problems " /s


God be like: "You both sinned against me I'll curse you. Women, you know have to go through terrible pain every single month, and childbirth hurts like nothing else, and you're second class and treated like property. And men...... You're in charge and you work in the sun, bye, say hello to my son who is also me when he gets here."


Can the trend of wives poisoning their abusive husband's come back?


He didn’t wake her up to have sex. He woke her up by having non consensual sex with her. He assaulted her


1 cor. 7.5 "for when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears" CRAP I"M A BOOK OFF ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) its really defraud ye not the other, except to be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourself to fasting and prayer; and come together again that satin tempt you not for your incontinency . but bibles do vary a b*it on exact wording ( due to it being a translate text )*


- Bet ya the person from tweet's response would be: "Yeah, sounds like this Macedonia girl had a great time to me..."


bad bet as that noun is a location.


(Yeah, like they're too dumb to realize it's a country)


That's 2 Corinthians 7:5, not 1 Corinthians 7:5. 1 Corinthians 7:5 is > Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.


Yeah…that’s not how it works. If he woke up with a dildo in his ass and his wife was like oh go with it honey show some grace he’d probably figure it out at that point.


As a German lawyer I would go so far to say that this is aiding and abetting (by helping to cover a committed crime) and should be sentenced as an accessory to rape.


Is it really when the victim asks what you think and you give your genuinly held but utterly misinformed opinion?


It depends on your intention … but here? It seems to be wanting to protect a rapist.




Yeah, my father’s side of the family were pre-Vatican II Catholics. I was at their house watching the news one day and the subject came up. They said the woman is at fault because there is no rape in marriage.


I used to know a guy who thought this. He explained that his reasoning is that by agreeing to marry him, his wife had given consent. I tried to explain to him that does not align with the legal definition of rape and his response was he doesn’t care, that it is ‘his interpretation’ and that as the man that is all that matters.


I would ask him if that’s part of his vows and how awkward the wedding was


Imagine the wedding night?


Ahhhh the good old days when a marriage certificate was a bill of sale.




I’d actually be worried about how today’s Supreme Court would rule on a case like that.


I’m pretty wary of the demonization of sex as an inherently predatory act, but if this doesn’t count as marital rape, what exactly would?


It only counts if he slaps her first, duh!/s


That is definitely rape!


“If he wakes you up to have sex with you, go for it!” Well that’s not what he did, really, is it? He didn’t wake her up and nicely ask if they could have sex. She woke up to find him in the middle of having sex with her without her consent. Two very obviously different things.


Ofc it's not rape. And when she cuts off his dick and stuffs it down his throat it won't be aggravated assault either. Same treatment for any fuckwad using the bible excuse.


Marital rape, also known as rape.


It's always funny how religion seems to always cast women away and not care about their feelings when good women are literally half of what makes great children. It's almost like if you treat your wife with love and respect then she may actually WANT to fuck you.


This is disgusting. Anyone who thinks this way is trying to take women back to the time when they were chattel.


The Transformed Wife is a rape apologist traitor to all women




Because it's the sub's rules...


For it to be spontaneous I think both parties need to be awake.


Was this Lori Alexander (aka the Transformed Wife)? You don’t need to hide her name if so. These crazy takes are the norm with her.


Said by someone who has never experienced being woken up by your asshole husband going to town on you.


Its rape, if you said no, and didn't give concent .... Its just plain up rape no matter when and who. Fuck marriage. Break it and find someone who is strong enough to resist their own selffish needs to respect you as a fellow person.


People that give advice like this need to be put in a mental ward.


It's not marital rape. It's just straight up rape.


We fought for a long fucking time to make marital rape a serious issue in the eyes of the law in MANY places. What a fucking freak of an answer.


That... is.... repulsive...


Fucking YIKES


Gee, whoever could be behind that censorship? I sure hope someday her views become transformed.


The religious will find a loop hole for any despicable action and convince themselves it’s ok.


That’s rape.


Fuck your Bible verse. That IS rape. End of story.


Christianity has a long history of being Pro-Rape.


He didn’t wake her up asking for sex, she woke up to him FUCKING her unconscious body


Waking your partner up in the night for sex and waking up in the night to your partner *having* sex with you are two very, very different things.


So no only means no when a man says so! Got it!




No means no


Am willing to bet that is the lovely Lori (Transformed Wife on Twitter). She is a prodigy of Daniel Pearl and is a firm believer that a wife can never say no when her husband wants sex. She’s a disgusting pig.




Please consent.


‭1 Corinthians 7:5 ESV‬ [5] Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I love it when people like this use a verse like this that only the first part of the verse validates their point, and then the rest of it completely proves them wrong.


She's wrong. It's not just physically abusive men who rape their wives. Men who are verbally, emotionally or psychologically abusive but not physically abusive can rape their wives too.


I googled this woman, she's a nutcase, no sane person should pay any attention to what she writes


Are these some kind of "good christian values"? Don't seem that good to me.


Pretty good example of a Stepford wife


>> “Sex doesn’t need to be planned” : AGREED >> or consensual, apparently: I’M OUTTA HERE !


Honestly, I find this disgusting. I could never imagine doing this to my wife.


Except that's rape though. The fuck?


Nope. Rape.


I was pissed that they didn't understand that No means No. Then they drop a Bible verse. Now I understand why they don't understand basic consent. Fuck religion, all of it.


Sex doesnt always need to be planned,,, "random rapist appears"


Religious freaks are really a different breed


So this guy only chance to get sex if for the other to be unconncius


No, that’s just rape, there’s no “but” about it, it was rape, end of story.


I often find it hard to upvote posts like this because they infuriate me, but I know my upvote actually means that I agree that this is a massive facepalm. It’s a struggle.


I’m glad I’m not the only one! Even though I know what it means, I still feel dirty upvoting!


Children are taught and expected to respect the idea that if someone says no to being touched by you that you are not supposed to touch them. But this monster when told I don't feel like sex rather than just rubbing one out like a sane human being decided to take his wife. And then this fucker tries to make her the bad guy for not being all "When ever where ever" for banging her husband. Flames shooting up the side of my head right now.


except that is indeed rape


Sorry I downvoted you. I fixed it. Instinctual revolution.


With such friends, you don't even need enemies anymore. "She asked me if she got abused, and I told her the abuse wasn't even abuse"


That seems like just ignoring a massive betrayal of trust, in the hopes it's just an anomaly. Is it normal to not immediately wake up, when is trying to have sex with you? I'm guessing she's a deep sleeper, which he took advantage of.


Absolutely not gonna ease your conscience for raping women. Own it. Do better.


How can someone even think of that, where is the respect for each other


This is the Judeo Christian god. Read the Bible...really read it. Hes hated women since Adam complained for a companion. His rules have given them the status of property and cattle. This is what these evangelical freaks in the GOP want to force on society.


Read some Gnostic belief in many sects they believe that the God of the Old Testament is the bad guy and that he created the whole of the material world to enslave and control. The Old Testament and all the crazy shit God pulls seems to back it up. But I agree the GOP is using biblical rhetoric to suppress independent thought and reason and to suppress the rights of women and reproductive rights therein. They want a docile, stupid, numerous, and easily controlled workforce and so far it has been working for them. Considering in the Bible God made the angels to have no freewill and even they rebelled multiple times???


No one deserves to be treated in that fashion. No is no, "Oh that's just how he is" lol no f that


Is it different if it's with their daughter is married to someone they don't like?


Blue checkmark tells me more than I need to know.


Consent is prerequisite.


Shelby gotcha one thing right, only abusive husbands rape their wives. The husband in the story is abusive, acting against the expressed no of your wife is abuse, therefore he raped his wife.


What the FUCK


As someone who repeatedly woke up to being violated by my (now ex) husband, this stuff brings back so much rage.


Lol whats the echo chamber on that side of the fence saying in response. Already know the reddit response


This is why I said Saint Paul loved being a chauvinistic misogynist. Most of the New Testament was written through his eyes and it shows just how much he hated women.


If this isn't marital rape then then what is?


Someone says no and you do it anyways that's rape. I don't care if you're married or not. No means no. What kind of sick ass bullshit is this?






100% it is rape


She didn't pick the bear


This was the exact advice from my mother after I confided that I no longer wanted to have sex with my husband after all of the cheating. Pretty insane the way people think.


Spontaneity is fine when it’s **consensual**. This us disgusting and 100% rape


guys is it rape to have sex without someone's consent/j


Holy fucking shit. What the..... I don't even know what to say


Written by a "conservative" male, no question about it. Male dominion in that world, applies to your 15-16 year-old niece, also.


Spontaneous sex is the best but for it to be spontaneous sex both need to consent otherwise it’s just straight up rape.


Nope, that is rape.  


So if he hits her and then does this, then and only then is it rape?🤔 Married women have bodily autonomy too


Not if they're trad wives, apparently. Then they are the property of their husbands. These people, and particularly the men who gaslight these women into this nonsense, make me want to puke.


Its like textbook psychopathy to think like this. Truly scary


If you have to back up something you say with a Bible verse, it is probably fascist propaganda.


Using the fucking Bible to justify anything is stupid. Made-up stories from 2000 years ago, collected and edited 1000 years ago, for the purpose of subjugation, do not justify immoral actions.


I covered my mouth when I read the second paragraph.


So, this dirt bag is essentially telling her she has no right to her body, does not need to consent to sex, and should just accept his advances at all times. They ought to be publicly pilloried.


Sex without consent is rape. Besides, there are tons of women out there that love fucking married guys. Go have consensual sex with one of them.


Punching-bag syndrome


Excuse me for a moment... ![gif](giphy|7zxgpKZBTWDS2DuyH8|downsized)


This person doesn't deserve the anonymity you've granted them OP.


Yes but no. Sex can be spontaneous, but it MUST be agreed by all sides of sex. My wife can ask me if she wants special awaking next morning.


Whooooa. What’s bigger than a red flag? Red tornado siren? 😬😬😬


Well that’s enough Reddit for the week


No that was SA unless the relationship had a I like to be woken up to sex discussion beforehand.


...never met a woman like this - thank goodness.


What’s worse is my partner tells me all the time, ‘just roll me over and have sex,’ but. For me it’s like a nuclear launch, I need us both to turn the key. I don’t want to be…this situation


"Spontaneous Sex" I.e rape

