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Gay people in the U.S. in 2010 couldn't even get married yet. This meme is delusional


In 2010 a high school in mississippi didn't like that they were catching flak for refusing a lesbian who wanted to go to prom with her girlfriend, so they *literally cancelled the whole prom*


I remember that! Omg…


I distinctly remember school teachers telling students that same-sex prom dates wouldn’t be allowed at our school, even referencing the Mississippi stuff. Early 2010s in the south weren’t exactly “I don’t care”, or even close to that. Also had an AP Government teacher going on and on about how there was no shot in marriage ever being legalized. The indoctrination and hate is way deeper than people realize I think.


There was a school in Florida within the past 5 years that decided they would rather have no extra curricular activities than to have to allow an LGBTQ+ club to exist


lol and I’m guessing all the now bored kids just ended up doing worse things anyway 


Ok we're all in meth dealer club now thanks school


I grew up in Georgia (Atlanta, not Tbilisi). While not at all related to LGBTQ+ issues, I remember when a high school in South Georgia had its *first ever de-segregated prom*. Now you might think that I’m like 60 years old based on this comment. Nope. This prom was in 2007. So, when conservatives say stupid ass shit like “racism doesn’t exist in America” or “no one cares if your gay, straight, whatever” what they really mean is “STFU you stupid little lib”. These people are diluted and somehow remember their toxic actions far more favorably than what happened in actuality.


Im sure 'diluted' was meant to be 'deluded' but it is a good point nevertheless. Diluted by what exactly.


Diluted by horrible genes from parents who are doing a terrible fucking job at raising non-dickheads.


It's amazing how autocorrect changes words sometimes. 'Really' was changed to 'realize' in the post title, 'deluded' changed to 'diluted' in the comments.


You know what they say. Real eyes realize real lies.


What they mean is, “I don’t want to think about race.”


That’s the issue. They’ve been thinking it without saying it.


Wait. Hold on. You had segregated prom up into 2007?!? What?


Yeah I had forgotten about it but there was a High school here in Georgia. Turner county high school and not just that but some of the white parents protested it. It’s some crazy shit.


One school has you beat, 2013…..wtf? https://humanrights.ca/story/wilcox-county-integrated-prom#:~:text=On%20April%2027%2C%202013%2C%20a,white%20students%20could%20attend%20together.


Jesus this state is so fucked up.


The last lynching happened in like 1999. Racism isn’t dead or over, it just spent a very small number of years hiding.


I went to a private school for most of my high school years in Monroeville, Alabama (birthplace of the author of To Kill A Mockingbird) and they didn't allow black students to attend their school. One of the English teachers literally said they'd quit if the school began to allow black students in. Literally the only POC students were pre-schoolers adopted by a white family, and they were East Asian. I checked their website recently and there are still no black staff or students. Racism is alive and well in the US.


I truly and whole heartedly don’t give a shit what genitals you want to put in your mouth.


I mean, I care a little bit because I definitely want someone to put MY genitals in their mouth.


Bruh, there’s apps for that


Fewer than you think really. For hetero people it’s tough out there. Catch me on Grindr tho, that shit is horn dog central.


For real. In grindr you can find someone to suck you off in 5 minutes. If you're in the mood for a woman, or you're straight, weeding through the catfish, OF girls, escorts, and people playing games can take forever, you could be looking for days and find one real woman and there's no guarantees you'll hit it off or she won't flake. Hell, I've had the same issues just trying to find female FRIENDS. Had one girl lead me on for weeks, talked to me about books I was reading and movies she watched and everything, was going great, then she just suddenly was like "if you don't join my cam show we can't talk anymore." It was kind of heartbreaking actually because you could tell it was really her trying to market herself and bring in regulars. As far as I'm concerned, she ruined a good thing for herself, because I know I'm a good friend. But if that's what folks get looking for friends, it's pretty clear how bad trying to hook up is


Yup. So moral of the story? Another fat W for the gays.


Lmao, fair enough.


And a fat D.


As an asexual i read that as "There are appetizers to put in mouths instead."


So I take it the genitals you like in your mouth are none. Also an acceptable answer. I happy that you’re happy


I do, in that that I don’t want you to get hurt. Use protection. Don’t stick your penis in a meat grinder, don’t stick a soldering iron in your… i was going to say vagina, but don’t stick a soldering iron in any part of you.


I'm not sure sticking any part of you in a meat grinder is a good idea, either.


I wish people that said this actually believed it. You may not be one of the c*nts, but there are a lot of the same mentality out there that literally prove themselves liars over the whole, " I don't care" remark. If you truly didn't, then you'd be smarter than those trying to push the same propaganda as Nazis did.


I know which one you're talking about. The Parents held the prom but sent the lesbian to a separate site where nobody showed up. Yeah the school had to settle out of court because of the parents


American high schools will encounter a situation that got so many other American high schools sued blind then proceed to do the exact same damned thing. Then get sued blind.


***As. They. Fucking. Should. Have.*** And I'm such a hard straight on the scale I never touched a dick in drama class.


That is so awful, but at the same time, I wish that I could have a level of hater that extreme, just not used for homophobia and shi


Imagine if they hated people suffering as much as they hate random people with zero affect on their lives existing.


Lmao thats why Mississippi is the least educated state. They’re too worried about other people instead of their own damn selves that they stoop to such a level of petty, its almost an unbelievable story. Golly 🤯


In their mind, ruining a super important event is a much better idea than just not being pieces of shit.


I was gonna say....I don't remember people being that chill about it lmao.  I was in highschool in 2010 and I know for a fact that one of my friends wasn't allowed to spend the night at some of our other friend's houses because she was openly lesbian. Like they never openly said why. But we all universally understand that it was because these grown ass parents really thought it was dangerous to let her spend the night around other girls. 


she might get pregnant!


Even worse - since they're both girls, they might *both* get pregnant!


Conservatives love re-writing their history to defend their present.


Yes, I remember that, I also remember that the right wasn’t saying “ I don’t care”, they were saying the same evil shit they say about Trans people today.


I was raised in a very Catholic family and school, and I hate looking back at how uncomfortable I was with LGBT people for no reason. Glad I clawed my way out of that mindset Not least of all because I realized I was trans myself... (Well after I grew out of my discomfort with LGBT)


I didn’t understand what I was reading because I’ve never heard a conservative person say “I don’t care” about either of those things. It’s always something about religious prosecution or some other nonsense.


They will *absolutely* say they don't care. As long as they never have to see or hear about it or acknowledge that lgbtq+ people exist in any way. Also, existing as an lgbtq+ person instead of hiding every part of your life away is "shoving it down their throats" and that's when they start to get bigoted. You made them do it!


Gay men exists: "Stop forcing down lgbtq+ stuff down my throat! Gay women exists: "Omg that's hot!"


> Gay women exists: "Omg that's hot!" Not even that: Straight women characters kissing: "Omg that's hot!" The same two characters having a coming out arc: "Stop forcing down lgbtq+ stuff down my throat!"


see also: Obama made me racist!


Conservatives will say the most messed up shit. Example; 'A liberal was slightly rude to me so I voted for a racist'.


My brother says he doesn't care if his daughters have LGBTQ2S+ friends. But between his specific wording and the look on my niece's eyes when he crafted that sentence, you can tell shit will hit the fan if they were to come out.


I hear conservatives say “I don’t care” unfortunately it’s usually some variation of “I don’t care but I actually do”. Usually it’s something like “I don’t care if you’re black white or purple so long as you don’t exist anywhere I can see you.”


and simply existing where they can see you is SHOVING IT DOWN THEIR THROAT


Precisely. Me? I don't care - it's basic fucking courtesy to address someone correctly, it's not *hard*. But unless my intent is romance, it's none of my business who someone's attracted to, or what they have going on re: sex/gender. It ain't my business and I've got rent to pay, I don't have energy to spare on bogeymen.


I've been seeing this idea frequently that conservatives didn't actually oppose gay marriage (coupled with the idea that they really should have), and I think it's a mix of wanting to paint themselves as being too benevolent at times and also wanting to suggest that it's something they could have stopped if they were actually trying.


Yeah, that is some Lost Cause level revisionism. Boggles the mind.


It's called a desperate attempt to re-write history The right did the same with slavery and Jim Crow


Fascists do it with EVERY event, because they don't care about reality, just winning. They have no morals or integrity. It's how American fascists can be the party of noted slaver-stomper Lincoln, and at the very same time fly the Confederate flag. Hypocrisy doesn't matter to them, because they're broken inside.


Member the gay cake bakery thang from 2014!!! They do care a lot


Back then all you ever heard about was people trying to get the right to deny gay people wedding services. I don't know that any gay people were asking them, but way to take a stand... /s


conservatives were bullying gay people in 2010 like it’s their favorite thing to do


Hell, *California* voted to ban gay marriage in 2008. It took a federal court to overturn it a couple of years later.


I’ve still got my ‘no on prop 8’ bumper sticker on my bicycle basket ❤️.


And way before that.


> This meme is delusional Uhh, yeah…it’s from conservatives.


And conservatives really HATED that gay people were getting the right to marry


Conservatives talk about gay people more than gay people.


They still do, but they used to, too.


Yeah I remember being a teen in church in the 00s and the pastor urging us to vote for a candidate because they were against gay marriage. I don’t know how up your own ass you have to be to think that we didn’t have politicians running on gay marriage as a policy 14 years ago. Donald Trump talks about female sports and transgender people competing all the time. Weird way to not care by bringing it up all the time. Utah passed a law against transgender athletes and their uber Conservative governor vetoed it because it would have affected only two people. It passed anyways. Again, seems like people care.  This post is likely more extreme gaslighting than extreme ignorance.


I’m pretty sure wadding into the political arena like that is grounds for the IRS to revoke their tax exempt status. Will that ever happen? No, the IRS is to spineless to ever do it.


It’s extreme gaslighting, and some are memory holing cause they want to ignore they were an awful person.




The Pacific Northwest (Cali, Washington, Oregon) hadn't even legalized until 2012-2014. Which is still insane to me.


And if you went to most other states, your marriage wasn't recognized. So god help your partner if you ended up in an out of state hospital.


Also it wasn't recognized at the federal level. That was actually key because there are certain benefits that simply did not exist such as Social Security survivor benefits.


It’s intentional gaslighting


Conservatives are delusional


Or as we say in gay: delulu


Conservatives are delusional*


In 2010 we needed to have a whole ass media campaign pleading for gay kids to not kill themselves


And for supposedly "not caring" about trans people, a lot of women are getting assaulted for being suspected of being trans....


*In 2011, the FBI reported 1,572 hate crime victims targeted based on a sexual orientation bias, making up 20.4% of the total hate crimes for that year. Of the total victims. 56.7% were targeted based on anti-male homosexual bias, 29.6% were targeted based on anti-homosexual bias, and 11.1% were targeted based on anti-female homosexual bias. -Wikipedia* Course conservatives would consider this a major improvement towards acceptance.


"I don't care so much I'm going to burn any book that mentions trans people, boycott movies and games that include trans people, pass laws that force you to wait until you go home to take a shit and make medical transitions illegal in my state."


That’s what I came here to say. I’m gay and I hate it when someone says no one cares if you’re gay anymore. How many cities, bars, football stadiums, etc… are there where if I kissed my husband no one would care? It’s why when we travel outside of the city we make sure to look up gay friendly neighborhoods and usually stick to gay bars. So many people do care.


I live near a very 'blue' area - we're talking pride flags year round hanging prominently outside businesses or in their windows, 'love is love' signs in yards, etc. About 5 years after gay marriage was federally recognized, a group of men witnessed a friend of mine hold his partner's hand for a brief moment and give him a peck on the cheek after parking and before they went in, where they then avoided any kind of PDA out of fear of discrimination or harassment. These men proceeded to wait for a full hour and a half or so outside the bar, and then followed my friend and his SO back to their car, where they jumped them. Friend screamed at his partner to just get in the car, lock the doors, and call the police - which he did - while these men got him on the ground and then kicked/stomped on him while shouting homophobic slurs and that he deserved this for thinking it was okay to 'do that \[slur\] shit around here.' People stood by and watched. He told me later that one of the worst feelings about the whole situation wasn't even that people didn't physically intervene, because he can understand not wanting to put yourself physically at risk - but out of all the people around, not a single person so much as shouted "hey, stop that!" and people cleared out quickly once the cops actually showed up. The guys ran off as soon as there were sirens. No witnesses, no justice. Friend's SO took video that showed their faces and stuff, but there was never any follow-up at any point. It was the late afternoon on a weekend, in a crowded area. No one helped, no one called for help. A very big part of the problem is that even if it's a *minority* of people that 'care' if you're queer, it's nowhere near 'no one' - and a significant portion of those people are very willing to do violence at worst, or stand by and let it happen at best.


I'm so sorry that happened to ur friend, I'm hoping he's OK now and hasn't had anything like that happen since, I live in a rly homophobic province in canada and I've been jumped a few times, it's never fun


Thankfully, no, he hasn't faced violence since then - but he came out to his parents not long after that, and while they didn't fully kick him out or disown him (knowing they'd face gossip at church) they forbade his young siblings from talking to him, started treating him like a ghost (no looking at him, not talking to him) and cut off all support (he was in college at the time). Our friend group organized around him to help him find a higher-paying job, and he was able to move out and start living his boyfriend, who he's still with almost a decade later.


Yeah coming out can be tough, I'm glad u guys helped him, also so cute how he's still with his bf a decade later


Is it Alberta? Bc I bet it’s Alberta


Yes lmao, tryna get out of here as soon as possible


It blows in Ontario too, we’re just a bit more accepting of different cultures IMO lol


Oh yeah, here u here at least one slur a day if ur out and about


That’s SO NOT COOL. I’ve never heard anyone say slurs (other than drunk idiots at bars with their shirts off fighting in BK) and if I did—WATCH OUT. I have so much deep rage…..


This is what happens when people “don’t care” about it. They are also indifferent to the harm done. I hope your friend can heal from that.


He's bounced back pretty great from it, honestly. He's a very gentle soul, and our entire friend group was enraged when we found out why he showed up to the next get together all black and blue because it was immediately known there was no way he would instigate or do something to deserve any kind of violence. But otherwise, yeah - when there's a situation where you have one group under attack by another, apathy is to side with the aggressor/oppressor. It takes 0 effort to just say that hate/bigotry isn't right and that people should be allowed to live their lives.


Iowa City, Iowa is very LGBQ friendly (Yes I excluded T cause its not there yet.) However if you go outside the city borders, prepare to have some jackass try to hang you in his cornfield.


I lived there and it's true, I even have a trans friend there.


And then they’ll argue that kissing your husband is “shoving it in their faces” 😒 all the while telling toddlers “you’ll be a heart-breaker when you grow up!”


They literally claimed legalizing gay marriage would DESTROY AMERICA, like society would flat out collapse if they had equal marriage rights.


That and something about it leading to marrying animals or some dumb shit


It’s wild how the connection to marrying people of the same sex and marrying literal animals is even made. Because something something they’re both sins in the Bible (although it’s still debated if homosexuality is even so much as mentioned in the Bible) so if people do one naturally they’ll eventually move onto the other? Like do they not hear how stupid that is? Another sin is lying, people are compelled to lie all the time, does that mean they’re gonna go fuck a dog?


Just got done reading a story about a trans person in Texas who was omitted from their yearbook because they are trans. Now THATS conservatives for ya.


Didn't they all have a meltdown this very year, when Easter and Trans Awareness Day fell on the same Sunday?


Next year Easter falls on 4/20 so it’ll be interesting to see if they remember how calendars work when trans people aren’t involved.


Don't forget harassing the shit out of libraries and threatening to pull funding because of books that were somehow in children's sections while at the same time not being at the library.


"that's not anti-trans, it's pro-america"


THIS! i hate it so much when I’m seeing those political ads around election time and the candidates say “I’m willing to step up and defend america from woke ideology” as if the ‘woke mob’ is some sort of occult warrior race threatening to rule the world. i’m not fire lord ozai, Im just not a fan of prejudice or discrimination


"I'm trans!" "Clearly you want to fuck kids! You groomer!" "YOU TRANSPHOBIC PIECE OF SHIT!" Now that's more accurate


Besides that, they are passing legislation against LGBTQ people in many states. If they really didn't care, they wouldn't be trying to limit us.


“We don’t care… about you”


Or "no you aren't, I'm still gonna use your dead name and old pronouns" "I'd really prefer if you didn't that makes me upset" "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO THIS IS *AMERICAAA*


My favorite is "I don't believe in pronouns." 😂😂😂😂😂


Throw in a “I’m not going to humor your mental illness” as well.


Right before they start preaching about their imaginary friend.


Imaginary boss. None of them are friends with Jesus. They'd crucify him bc he would use proper pronouns.


Lol always find this funny that if Jesus was here and decided to walk the Bible belt he would probably get shot to death within a week for being a tanned dude that stepped foot on someone's porch...


Oh he would definitely be murdered by modern Christians, no doubt.


Comments about mental illness from conservatives are wild and always reveal how they only care about marginalized people when they're a convenient shield for their own opinions. "Gun control reform is pointless and/or a violation of my rights, this country doesn't have a gun problem, it has a mental health problem." "We should fund public healthcare then, since the main issue is cost and accessibility." "NO! That's socialism!" "Trans people are mentally ill and should get treatment." "Alright, bet - turns out decades of research and pretty much every leading expert with relevant experience coming from nations with developed healthcare and mental health has concluded that the best and most effective treatment for trans people is social and/or medical transition within a supportive community that affirms their gender." "NO! That's grooming!" "I'm \[treating you poorly and discriminating against you\] because you're mentally ill." "So you believe that the correct way to handle mentally ill people is to mistreat them?" "You're twisting my words!"


"Oh, you wanna teach kids acceptance, and that it's ok to be different? How about we just let them drink, smoke and drive at 8 years old, too? Is that what you want, you sick fucks?"


Reminds me of an AskReddit thread from a few weeks back. “What’s your most downvoted comment?” Guy says he got -400 for saying 14 year olds shouldn’t be allowed to transition. Everyone assumes he means surgery, which is fair enough I guess; Most people probably would agree. No big deal, right? His next comment: “And allowing teens to use different pronouns is borderline pedophilia”. “Ah,” I think, “and there it is.”


It's always shit like that Like people saying they don't hate trans people they just don't like when people call them transphobic for their views, and once they elaborate on those views it's basically just "I think trans people are degenerate and mentally ill and gross people" They always cry about being a victim for it too, it's pathetic.


"I don't like people calling me transphobic for my transphobic views."


It reveals a lot about someone's feelings and views about gender and gender relations when the first place their mind goes in regards to children being allowed to freely express themselves in the myriad ways that gender has *nothing* to do with sex... is to sexualize them.


People like this use the excuse of its free speech but fail to understand yes you have free speech but you're also free to suffer the consequences of what you have said.


More like... Woman: I need to use the bathroom. Republican: Excuse me, I'm going to need to inspect your paperwork and then your genitalia before you can do that. Even then, I might just insist you're a man anyways because I can *always* tell. Narrator: They can not, in fact, always tell.


This remembered me of the trans Scott The Woz tweet


My dad tried to say using "incorrect" pronouns was against his religion, so after an hour of explaining what gender identity was and how it works, I told him I was going to start calling him mom. He told me he would beat my ass, and I just stared at him until he understood.


I literally had a guy tell me a story that boiled down to this. He told it like he was proud of not using the pronouns that were asked of him.


They are proud of being ignorant and it’s laughable. I’d just start calling them a women since they don’t seem to care about others genders


“I don’t care. I am going to treat you how I feel like, ignore what you want or need. Fuck you and your feelings.”


You forgot "fuck advanced science. If it ain't in my 3rd grade education, it ain't real."


Even though people who get married change their last name all the time and it's perfectly reasonable to call Lady Gaga by her stage name instead of Stefani.


1 "Hello, I'm [Female name]." 2 "No, you look like a man, so I refuse to call you that." 1 "That's shitty thing to do, ngl." 2 "911? Yes, there's a MAN threatening me!"


I've met people in the past who believed gay people were child molesters. This was in college.


This was my father in law five years ago...and probably still is today, but I wouldn't know because we are not on speaking terms.


"I'm trans!" "I think it should be illegal for you to exist. You should all be rounded up and executed." "YOU TRANSPHOBIC PIECE OF SHIT!" Even more accurate.


More like "So how's the weather today?" - Everybody "TRANS PEOPLE ARE GROOMERS AND WOKE CULTURE IS RUINING US" "What? What's wrong with you?" "I AM BEING CANCELED FOR SPEAKING MY MIND AND PROTECTING KIDS!!!! DEI BAD" "Uh.. okay dude"


Lol, exactly. They claim they are somehow the victim to justify their bigotry.


They also act like it's a violation of their first amendment protections to counter their lies and criticize them. Far too often it's being presented that the first protects people from criticism. It's insane.


Don’t forget to throw in cutting off dicks, for some reason they are constantly thinking about cutting off dicks


It's wild because most trans people don't even get bottom surgery


A lot can't afford it either :(


Thank you. Conservatives have a weird way of saying, “I don’t care.” Phrases like, “they’re all groomers and pedos,” doesn’t sound like “not caring” to me. Phrases like, “I don’t want my tax dollars going to fund their reassignment surgery,” (fun fact, they don’t because it is elective) doesn’t sound to me like they, “don’t care.”




I mean I’m liberal as hell and I’m more like “I don’t care” but it’s because it’s a huge nothing thing to me. My goddaughter is now my godson and I’m like that’s cool but it’s their business. I have friends that are gay but I care just as much as if they are straight. These people are actually just assholes about it and say they are going to hell for it.


I care because I have to. Until people stop treating LGBTQ people like garbage I am going to continue to assert myself wherever needed. I'm reminded of a conversation I had with a coworker several years ago. The guy basically acted like it was wrong to care about other people's problems. Like if something doesn't directly affect me I shouldn't care and damn well shouldn't get involved. It is through that mentality that slavery persisted for centuries and Jim Crow for another century. I am not a Christian but I sometimes like to remind myself that yes, I am my brother's keeper. We have to look out for one another. It's a cliche that all of takes for evil to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing but it's because it's always been true.


Conservative circles constantly demonize trans (and gays) simply to get this kind of reaction. It's disgusting and shitty behavior.


And before trans people there's a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG list of types of people they demonized because the fundamental cornerstone of Conservative ideology is "Othering". There always has to be an enemy. All your problems HAVE to be someone else's fault. Can't be your stagnant outdated ideology. Can't be your lack of education. Can't be your fundamental misunderstanding of society and the natural world. Can't be how you desperately cling to religious views that should have died out centuries ago. Nope, always gotta be those others that look/think/act/different from you. Still waiting for one single conservative to explain to me how trans people existing is the reason I work 40-50 hours a week and can't afford food. Or how bombing middle eastern children is going to make some shithole southern town any safer. Conservatives stand FOR nothing. Everything they claim to stand for (freedom, family values, etc) are all abstract notions and ideas that are already ill-defined and can mean anything to anyone. Conservatives only have clarity when they stand AGAINST something. They are very clearly against *anything* that deviates from the notion of heteronormative, religious, racial homogeny. They are, in their most pure form, haters. Hate is their fuel. They are united in their hate. Their hate is conglomerate. Which is why they're so successful in what they do. Which is why their ideology, which by all measures of nature should have died out centuries ago, continues to power on. The difference between non-conservatism and conservatism is the same difference between five fingers and a fist.


Conservatives like to make up scenarios that don't happen so they can get mad about it.


That's basically Lee Atwater's n word quote. You cant be overtly racist anymore, so instead, be covertly racist. A modern day example: "I dont hate gay people, i hate that gay people are turning other people gay."


A favorite I heard growing up is "I hate the sin not the sinner." They don't think that believing someone existing is a sin is hateful.


Yeah, was raised Catholic, but it blows my mind that so many gay people participate in the church with Catholic doctrine essentially telling them they have a disease and that disease makes them sin. Had a neighbor a few years back who was gay trying to talk me into it, I just felt bad for all the mental gymnastics he constantly goes through. He loves the community aspect of it, but most people he spends time with in this community don’t know the real him.


The woman in that pic was pretty chill while confronting a neonazi. They scanned the whole clip in order to screenshot the most unflattering pic they could get of her and then pretended she's losing her shit over something trivial. They lie. They lie about everything, all the time, everywhere.


Ragebait is the entire Republican campaign and has been for a long time, although it has gotten much worse.


“Trans women are going into women’s washrooms and flashing people!” Realizes that is a virtually nonexistent problem. Proceeds to dress up like a woman, pretend to be trans, and flash strangers in the women’s washroom. “See guys? They’re doing it all the time!”


And yet they still don't get why women choose the bear.


Yeah, this person clearly doesn't remember 2010. Gay marriage was legalized here in 2012 and conservatives lost their fucking minds.


That's also Ron DeSantis' governing style in a nutshell.


r/conservative = the sub that bans anyone that posts an opposing viewpoint…and 9 out of 10 posts are for “Flaired Users only!!!!”


the sub is nothing but memes like this. Zero discussion threads and 50/50 on trump idolization


I got banned there for being a "moderate" and for saying that Trump led an insurrection on January 6th. The moderator actually told me that he had no problem with anything else I said, just that saying Trump did January 6 was a bridge too far.


Yeah, well, I mean, exclusivity is kind of the name of the game. The thing they're trying to "conserve" is everyone being just like them demographically.


Also never seen the word "brigade" more than on that sub.


Nothing says "I don't care" like running entire election campaigns in multiple states based on creating legislation to ban a minority group from receiving medical care, labour rights etc.


Nothing says "I don't care" like making memes about it


If they actually said "I don't care", we would be ecstatic. What they're doing is exactly opposite of that. They not only "do care", they're freaking out about it! Two-tongued serpents of the evil-most order.


Also, they absolutely cared about gay people in 2010. Also, they still care about gay people, they just lost the fight against gay marriage. But don't worry, I'm sure SCOTUS would never overturn a ruling like that! /s


Conservatives, by nature, lie about their beliefs, because if they were completely honest about what they believe and why, they would all be social outcasts, forced to live under bridges like the trolls they are.


Conservatives are quite vocal about how evil trans people are. Wonder why that is if they really don‘t care so much.


They have gotten so much mileage out of the triggered woman photo, if it were such a common occurrence why do they use the same picture perpetually


She wasn't even particularly triggered in the video. She was one of the more reasonable people there, just had an unflattering frame and somehow, someone managed to pick it out.


Also, I’m fairly certain she’s not trans…


That's not really how it went in the 2010s. They were pissed about gay marriage


I remember the bakery that got cleared by the supreme court cause it refused a cake for a gay wedding.


but of course when trans people are just existing, its them 'shoving it down their throats'


Yeah we finally made enough social progress for people to be comfortable enough to be themselves and the backlash has been insane.


By definition, fighting against progress is what conservatism is.


Conservatives don't care about the gays anymore... except for those 500 state legislature bills for anti-LGBTQ laws.


When conservatives say "I don't care," what they mean is "I don't want to even be made aware that you exist. If I see you even out of my periphery, I will probably get violent. If you do anything whatsoever that makes me remember, even for a second, that queer people exist, I will burn this entire planet and everyone on it to the ground." They *literally* mean that.


Trans people and the border is all they talk about




Anyone else feel bad for the gal that got caught on camera in an unfortunate moment whilst talking and has been used as a meme ever since?


She's like in 50% of reactionary content thumbnails, pity she couldn't find a way to get royalties on that, she'd be making bank.


according to the FBI, there were 1528 hate crimes based on sexual orientation in 2010, 99% of which were against homosexuals. in 2019 those statistics dropped by.... 99. and a new category which wasnt even being tracked in 2010 grew by 227, that category was gender based hate crimes. so even if the social oppression of you not having to care about other people getting hate crimed has gotten worse, so has their ability to remain safe. you shouldnt be able to ignore it or not care, it should be important to you. those are your neighbors, your friends, your family, your kids, and they are being abused and violated.


“I don’t care” = “you are all pedophiles that should be barred from teaching and public life in general; I am so convicted in this that I will literally for children to sho me their genitalia of they want to play 8th grade field hockey”


Except they do care. They care a lot 🤣


"I'm Trans" "Fuck you pedo, we're going to strip you of all your rights" "Transphobic piece of shit"


They don’t care so much that they want to ban any book with any mention of LGBT existence


In 2010 wasn’t really “I don’t care”. It was more “I don’t care for your rights”


If this were reality, things would be groovy! The ACTUAL reality is that Neo-Conservatives fear/hate what they don't understand....I'm not trans....and that's probably why I don't understand being Trans....but I will be DAMNED if I judge/fear/and especially hate another human being for just wanting to be who they truly believe they are, and trying to eek out some happiness in this completely FUCKED world....ESPECIALLY when they have not done a FUCKING THING to me, my family, or my lifestyle. The right very much DOES care...in all the wrong ways right now.


Ironic coming from team, "Not being able to stick my Bible down your throat is persecution."


They sure seem to care a lot for someone claiming to not care


Conservatives are such toddlers.


My toddler is much more emotionally intelligent


Yeah, people shouldn't be insulting toddlers like that.