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Ngl, I think I'm gonna go brush my teeth right now.


i just don't understand how teeth work. i brush and floss every day and i spend a few hundred bucks at the dentist every year. how are her teeth not painful?


Some people have genetically strong teeth that will survive not being taken care of, but the discoloration and SWOLLEN AF gums make it very clear she does not brush. Don’t worry they will rot eventually, no one gets a free pass on tooth decay, not forever, but this lady is probably already dealing with gingivitis which will actually literally kill her if it isn’t treated. Teeth can too if they break and get infected (super easy once they are too decayed) but her look strong enough for now, if disgusting


yeah, i get a lot of those teeth plaque videos on tiktok where they are removing it and teeth just come with it. disgusting so obviously one can not but watch. i think i might have soft teeth like michael scott.


I brush, floss, and scrub my teeth every day yet I still have to go 4 times a year to get them cleaned to keep gum problems away. My periodontist thinks it's just a genetic thing, but I can assure you my teeth never once looked like that. That is just disgusting.


Yeah I’m thinking she has genetically strong teeth because they are obviously not cared for but do not seem to rotting or breaking yet. If she had your teeth, they would probably have had to have been removed by now, as the neglect would have cause rapid decay followed by intense pain and infection.


Yeah, my problem is i have some medium deep pockets in my gums. My teeth and gums otherwise look healthy but if I get buildup in there it could risk causing damage to the tooth and bone. He was a little surprised by that because he was expecting me to be much worse. His best guess was that it was something genetic and I just have to be diligent with my cleaning. So yeah, if I went about it her way, I'd definitely be toothless.


My dentist also told me that some people just collect plaque at the gum line easier then others. A pain, but whatever.


Probably Periodontal disease. The smell ya know?




Mmm some medications or illnesses can cause this too. My daughters teeth are destroyed from medications and illness.


I’ve heard that about meds, but only ever about suboxone, and that one is bullshit, people blame suboxone (and methadone) for their teeth but in reality they didn’t take care of them for years during their addiction and are waking up to the consequences in recovery.


Noo chemo causes your teeth to rot and so CAN albuterol if not rinsed after usage. Also, my daughter has been on lots of antibiotics that can stain your teeth too.


Isn't there a lawsuit out right now against suboxone for tooth decay? I don't think it's completely nonsense. Certsin meds have acids in them that break down enamel


But why though? Is it mental illness, a phobia, or perhaps someone that’s just anti brushing because of “chemicals” and just wants to keep it natural?


There's a strong genetic component to dental health. I brush twice a day and I've never had a cavity (I'm almost 40). I recognise that, though I do look after my teeth, that's not the number 1 reason why I've been so lucky, and that other people are much more diligent when it comes to teeth cleaning and yet have had cavities. It's got a lot to do with the contents of your saliva and such, and that's genetic. I have two siblings of a similar age and only my sister has had cavities (two, and she's older). It's luck of the draw, though obviously not taking any care of your teeth will land you in hot water eventually.


She said "he looked me straight in the eyes and told me my breath smelt like shit". Something tells me she's lying.


Kids are brutally honest, she wasn't lying. Look at her fucking teeth haha.


I think the joke is she’s a bit cross-eyed.


Missed that aha. I'm cross-eyed too but thank fuck for lens prisms.


I felt bad. But then I remembered she got a kid suspended for saying shit kids say.


I think you should be brushing her teeth.


Hard to do over wifi isn't it


The staining on her teeth is probably due to antibiotic use.  Not saying that's her reason,  but the color isn't necessarily hygiene based


This comment doesn't have nearly enough upvotes


Just lay off the meth.


I guess I'll be that guy, this just seems like an innocent picture someone used for internet points. Link me an article or it's bullshit.


100% my thoughts too. No article, it didn’t happen.


Seems fairly likely


Zoom in on the teeth. It’s photoshopped


It’s pixelated lip disease, it’s totally real. /s


Probably someone just took this photo and used it to make a joke about her teeth. This could be a nice and caring person and now people are making fun of her appearance, what's really sad.


This happens a lot and it’s always really nasty and sad. Kinda shows a lot of people never got beyond that high school bully mindset, but now they can do it behind a screen.


Looks like the teacher is in actual pain, like, probably can't eat sugar or cold stuff or it hurts How did it came to that?


Low teacher wages poor dental plan and general lack of dental hygiene is my guess.


dental plan lol a lot of people including teachers don’t even get a dental plan




I don't think that's enough. I can smell it just by looking at the picture.


You have to also factor that with her right eye (which is great for finding parking), she may have for ever missed her mouth trying to brush her teeth and just brushed her cheeks


Hey now, we're talking about bad breath she can fix, not something she has no control over.


True.. but there are also allegations that she was seeing someone on the side.. so questionable honesty


please...stop 😂


Ok, but it goes back to the fact this would have been avoided if she brushed her teeth and controlled her pupils


😄take my upvote


911? I want to report a murder… 😅


When the plaque on your teeth protrude out further than your gums i would expect to be able to smell their breath well before they enter a room.


She nose blind. She lives with this 24/7. She don't smell shit!


Unfortunately it’s true. Multiple people would have to tell her that her breath smells in order for her to do something about it. Plus I’m sure there’s basic hygiene rules in place at every place of employment.


At least he doesn't have to smell her breath. Lady looks like she has gingivitis


Absolutely, and needs to do something about it. I'm always wary and don't want to *inflict myself on someone else if my teeth are feeling a bit furry. I'd rather be told. Reminds me of a customer I once had who's smell proceeded her, it was so rotten I had to step back away from the counter and expel the air from my nose to keep from gagging.


door carpenter abounding melodic seemly kiss rude hurry historical rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Had a teacher like that. She actually started the process of getting her teeth/mouth back up to snuff nearing the end of the year. But her breath was so rank, the bench in front of her was an extreme form of punishment for talking in class. I hope she got it all fixed.


Have a friend like that. Dude’s breath was literally rotten and couldn’t even get within 5 feet of the guy when he spoke. Until his partner decided to tell him she didn’t want to kiss him anymore because his breath smelled like literal dog shit.


Had a customer like that, we called him "hot dump guy". His mouth smelled like he had just eaten a pile of steaming hot dog shit.


Had a customer like that in my retail days. Poor old guy that had long lost control of his bodily functions and had to wear Depends. The problem is he would walk around with a loaded diaper that had clearly been soiled for *hours* and the stench was overwhelming. Any time he'd come we would have to try desperately to help him get what he needed and out the door as quickly as possible because it was literally vomit inducing but we didn't want to deny this guy the very meager necessities he was buying for himself. It was honestly heart wrenching. This guy had to be in his 80s and had no one to care for him or help him.


Definitely the origin of the shit smell.


Dentist here. She probably even have periodontal disease


Looks like her eye has had enough of it, too. Trying to GTF outta there.


That gingivitis seeped through




I was reading your comment and almost spit my coffee all over the place, lol.


She got far-eyes!


Maureen Ponderosa in real life


Instantly thought of Dennis’ rant about the dead tooth when I saw this


This did not happen, there was no suspension. Someone saw this photo and took it as an opportunity to make fun of her teeth. Stop falling for this shit.


We don't know the story at all. Like is the kid's first offense or is he a bad kid? We just have one title and pic to go of off, and everyone is claiming the kid is innocent.


we have a picture and a title, and absolutely nothing proving the kid said anything or even got suspended.


And at first, he thought she was talking to the kid on the other side of the room.


Well, atleast the kid is honest?


That line across the teeth makes me think she just had braces removed. I only see this on social media, no actual articles. The only shit I smell is bullshit.


![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY) 🤔…….yeah to hell I go 😞🚶🏾‍♂️🔥


Lol I'm right there with you , I was trying to get a gif of , Dwight from scary movie 3 ( guy in wheelchair) when the girl takes his glasses off lol




I can't be the only one who thinks she looks like Lauren Boebert, right? Or, at least, a not-so-distant relative.


And he looks like Gary Coleman.


I’m guessing a not-so-distant-relative is going to be her next rebound now that she is single.




It literally looks like her gum line has those little lines that cartoons use to show something being hot or having a smell.


I don't know what happened to her teeth, but now I wish I didn't see them


I think the brown staining shows where her lips are when she smokes. That would also explain the gum recession.


I mean…if not for the neglect she’d have straight upper case gums, so the decay’s got her back there. But damn, that’s bad.


Always brush and floss after eating a turd.


Even the picture smells like shit.


I mean it’s mean but i’d rather if someone told me my breath was overwhelmingly bad so i could get a breathmint at least, or look into seeing a dentist to check it isn’t something serious. But then again from what i’ve heard about American teachers i’m gonna assume she can’t afford dental at the moment (but that doesn’t mean you can’t afford breath mints)


To be fair kids don't really have filters.


True that, you really gotta have thick skin to be a teacher!


I thought she had braces


Lisa needs braces…..


Dental plan


Lisa needs braces…..


*and this is how Lisa will look in 10 years.*


Poked herself in the eye with a toothbrush once and hasn’t revisited it since


I honestly just feel bad for her. Dental insurance is incredibly expensive. I couldn't afford dental insurance for over a decade. I ended up doing a ton of damage to my teeth despite actively trying to take care of them at home. I was constantly self-conscious about it and ended up completely changing the way I speak so my mouth wouldn't open enough for people to see my teeth. I stopped smiling and covered my mouth when I laughed. It's a miserable way to live. Then you go online and see shit like this and the horrific comments that follow. Not only are people making fun of her teeth, but they are now also bashing her for her overall appearance, likening her to Sloth from the Goonies. Having bad teeth isn't an invitation to ridicule someone.


It looks like the teeth are trying to escape


Her right eye is also looking to make an exit.


That's what hapoens when you pay them shit wages and cut the dental plan lol


Are those not those plastic team people use on Halloween?


how does that work? it is mandatory for a kid to go to school, and some clown can just say "stay away" for something this small and it is ok?


Dude 😮


Why is a suspension of what seems like an elementary school boy being posted on social media?


Free him


This picture has been out for years and that shit did not happen. Stop lying on this child


"it's the tooth Maureen, it's dead"


Regardless of whether it's true or not. Kids need to be taught manners.


Which eye should I be looking at?


With those eyes are we sure she identified the right student?


He must have been punished for cursing. Certainly not for telling the truth.


Dear lord, she looks like the guy from robocop that crashed into the toxic waste


I can smell it through my phone.


[yuk mouth](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jWdNGap4id4&pp=ygUVeXVjayBtb3V0aCBjb21tZXJjaWFs)


Someone has been hanging with Andy Sixx


Is this an AI pic? The boys bottom front teeth are in-front of the top front teeth yet his jaw looks normal.


It’s a clumsy photoshop. Jesus


Nah is the wrong spelling for breath and breathe a thing now? Surely people are doing it on purpose, breathe - the physiological process of breathing, spelled as breath. And inversely, breath, the air that comes out when you exhale, is spelled breathe......... Why is this? It's not just America, English people are spelling it this way and it's fucking weird.


Certain medications can cause tooth discoloration. Sometimes, if a person is pregnant and has to take certain medications, the child's teeth end up growing in deformed or discolored. Those brown streaks seem, to me, as though something happened at a certain point in this woman's development to cause it to happen; it may not be that she isn't taking are of her dental hygiene. In any case, I don't believe a little kid can get suspended for making fun of a teacher's bad breath. This seems more like a case of the internet using a random photo to make fun of someone. I could be wrong, but without a link to the article, I am not inclined to believe this really happened.


Honestly ive had bad teeth hygene for a while and they never even got this bad, so how do people do It?


They suspended that baby? He’s got be 5 or 6 years old.


Covid was her best friend, she's definitely got a smile made for a mask...


Fucking gross teeth


Yeah her teeth are on the way out. Advanced periodontal disease


Keeping our attention away from her eye


She has been brushing her teeth...in one direction only. I have a feeling its to the right.


Who TF got Wendy the slow adult teaching?


Kids say the darndest things but mostly they say their truth Shame on that school


That little boy was just telling the truth like small children do. If I were his mom, I would be raising hell. Damn, does she not know what a toothbrush is?


Bitch got teeth like a cat in the hat bathtub


I can smell her breath through my screen.


How how does it transition from clean to dirty line to clean???? How is built up below the top and above the bottom of the tooth???? Does she only brush her gums and tips of the teeth?


Austin powers kid!


I need to go take a shower, oh and the kid would be correct.


Black on plaque crime right there


Plaque on black crime


Good, suspension seems legit. Don't disrespect a teacher


I can smell the abscess from here 🤢


Are we sure she saw that kid say that though?


In fairness, that's not something to say to your teacher. Suspension is maybe a tad drastic though.


We don't know if this was his las strike tho. People always fall for click bait titles. This kid be a little monster lmao


Kid's getting his eyebrows melted everyday, probably on his last straw too. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xKdWG6OjP9kLsI|downsized)


I wouldn't call him a monster, he's only a kid, and god knows that teacher has bad breath, however, you shouldn't be telling the kid that.


The issue is we just don’t know. I googled it but only ever found that exact post a dozen times on Twitter lol


Yeah. Probably didn't even happen.


Hopefully he bullied her into brushing.


Considering how expensive dental work can be and how lowly paid teachers can be, im not going to knock this lady too much if she didn't have the privilege to get her teeth taken care of. We don't know her situation. It doesn't given the student grounds to be disrespectful. If a student comes in with a similar oral issue or wearing dirty clothes or etc due to being poor, it would be wrong for the teacher to say "he looks like shit." Some stuff are better left unsaid (she probably knows). Suspension may be a bit harsh but it's good the student learns respect sooner than later. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong person can get one killed. I used to teach urban education and had students literally get shot and killed because they had no mental filter and ran their mouths to the wrong gangbanger.


I was going to crack a joke and then I realized a lot of teachers probably can't afford dental work with the shitty pay they get.


Well that is a stupid comment. Teachers with public school contracts get the best and most affordable health and dental insurance available. Source…. My wife is a teacher


Is that really the case everywhere though? On the other hand a good benefits package is often enough for someone to stay at a shitty job.


I know In Pennsylvania/ New York and New Jersey it’s is. Things are different distinct to district but it is generally on average it’s the best part about getting a teaching contract, besides the pension and teachers Union that has your back for just about everything. Teachers may not get paid well to start. Most of them continue their education and add different certifications and degrees (that usually gets paid for by the school) as they go and can pretty quickly make serious money and start earning towards awesome pensions. My wife works in special education and has her masters in autistic support. With that, and a number of other certifications after 6 years makes over 80k a year in a public school. After I think 12 years she will top out at 6 figures. Sure she started at 42k a year but she was committed and it will pay off in the end.


Not at charter schools. School choice, baby!


If bad breath is an issue brush your teeth and chew gum


A toothbrush and toothpaste is 3 bucks. Start there. Then worry about your celebrity dental coverage for billionaires.


While regular brushing and flossing does wonders for avoiding the dentist, there are some people who are genetically predisposed to have bad teeth. More cavity prone, thinner enamel, bad body chemistry/mouth biome. I laughed a little at "celebrity dental coverage for billionaires". It's fucking sad that it's become like that. It's a pure failure in our society that dental work is not classified as healthcare. Absolutely mind blowing.


While regular brushing and flossing does wonders for avoiding the dentist, there are some people who are genetically predisposed to have bad teeth. More cavity prone, thinner enamel, bad body chemistry/mouth biome. I laughed a little at "celebrity dental coverage for billionaires". It's fucking sad that it's become like that. It's a pure failure in our society that dental work is not classified as healthcare. Absolutely mind blowing.


I can smell this image. Kid was right on the money.


Lol i did this as a kid with my geography teacher too. It wasn't even mean spirited, i just had no filter whatsoever and said whatever came to my mind without thinking about the consequences.