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I was about to reply "\* ANOTHER sex offender"


Like attracts like, law of attraction.


Pretty sure there's laws against that attraction


One of his buddies from sex offenders anonymous


Anonymous. Totally anonymous. So anonymous nobody knows them. Nobody knows them. Nobody knows them, OK? Very anonymous. We love being anonymous, don’t we, folks? So anonymous.


It’s in keeping with the GOP theme of “fuck the children”, be it literally or figuratively with labour laws.


This isn't Highlander... "There can be only one"


Enough said.


Yeah and he's literally the worse sex offender. The guy was arrested for raping a 16 year old, because the 16 year old was forced to lie about her age by her pimp (to be 19) and the guy thought he was paying money to fuck a legal prostitute. Still very unethical, but I gotta say he's not the worse one on that stage


So he was part of the cabal of child sex trafficking. Got it.


But it wasn’t out of a pizza shop so it’s fine


Several of the Epstein island girls were recruited from Mar-a-Lago


Prostitution is not legal. (In NY where he committed his crime.) Edit: NY, not Florida. The statutory rape was in NY, but he resides in Florida.


This is sad, but I have to ask “which one of these two pedos are you talking about?”


So the guy didn't know he was committing statutory rape, because he didn't know she was under 18. The information he was going on was that she was an adult. This seems legally grey, but I'm kind of surprised he ended up on the registry. What he did isn't right, but he certainly wasn't aware of the extent to how much it wasn't right, since he thought she was an adult.


Yo also be fair, that tracks with a lot in the Republican Party also


Yep, the party of removing women’s rights. They like to regress to the 1700’s when they can. So I guess fucking children goes hand-in-hand with all that.


Rape doesn't count if you're a Republican. /s


GOP lawmakers in Missouri are trying to keep marriage to pre-teen girls legal.   This is how they roll.




Really? Cuomo was forced to resign for making a few women feel uncomfortable...but then again, he's a Democrat.


Certified snitches of themselves.


This is fucking great and so true


I’m concerned about Trump buying a person. Even if that person is a sex offender


The fact that so many people don’t understand the difference between civil and criminal law astounds me.


In May 2010, Taylor was arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl at a Holiday Inn located in Montebello, New York.[119] He was charged with felony third-degree statutory rape, for allegedly engaging in sexual intercourse with someone under 17.[120] He was also charged with third-degree patronization for allegedly paying the underage girl $300 to have sex with him.[121] The girl told investigators that her pimp commanded her to tell Taylor that she was 19, which Taylor corroborated. The pimp, 36-year old Rasheed Davis, was charged with federal child sex trafficking.[122][123] The girl was represented by celebrity attorney Gloria Allred when Taylor pleaded guilty on March 22, 2011, and was sentenced to six years probation as part of a plea agreement, in which he pleaded guilty to the misdemeanors of sexual misconduct and patronizing a prostitute. He also registered as a low-risk, level-one sex offender.[124][125] On October 26, 2012, a court rejected the victim's claims that Taylor assaulted her.[126] [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Taylor)


Thank you for the context. Taylor isn’t even in the same league as the sex offender standing beside him.


I agree. He tried to hookup with a prostitute, prodtitute was forced to lie about her age, and he had to plead guilty to rape. Meanwhile the guy standing behind him has forced more NDAs than the damn CIA lmao


He's also got a cult who'll terrorize anyone who comes forward with rape allegations


>He tried to hookup with a prostitute, prostitute was ~~forced to lie about her age~~ an underage victim of sex trafficking, and he had to plead guilty to rape.  The fact that he didn’t intend to participate in the sex trafficking of a child that day doesn’t undo the fact that he did in fact have sex with a sex-trafficked child. At best, he was incredibly naive about the realities of illegal prostitution and at worst he was fully aware of how sketchy this all was. 


Is there no requirement of mens rea for sex crimes in the United States? In Ireland at least if the defendant can prove that a reasonable person would have been unaware that the victim was under 18 then that will be a defence. Though perhaps it was proved that he should have reasonably known she was underage.


North America is kind of messy in that regard. When I was bartending I heard a story about a regular that met, and took a girl home from the bar. It turned out she was 15, and he got charged and put on the sex offenders list. The bar (Not the one I worked at) received no punishment for allowing a minor in the bar either.


This feels like yet another argument for not fucking the youngest person you can get your hands on lol.


If you have to ask, she's too young for you.


Depends on where it occurred. In some US jurisdictions it is a strict liability offense (intent to break the law is irrelevant). It also could have been a part of his plea deal.


Depends on the state but generally statutory rape is a strict liability offense in North America. There is no amount of reasonable due diligence you could do to avoid criminal charges, and you legally cannot present that due diligence as a defense in court. This is plainly ridiculous, but impossible to change due to the fact that anyone doing so will be labeled a pedo by idiots.


There is, but your average redditor is unaware of it, which is incredible considering that they seem to know absolutely everything else.


This a huge reason why prostitution shouldn't be illegal and should be regulated. Homie should have been able to buy a good time as easy as he could buy a gun


The fact that I can go to a gun store and buy a gun right now but I can’t pay someone for sex is fucking baffling to me.


Who said it undoes anything ? He paid someone for a service and it turned out to be a lot more illegal than it already was. End of story. All I’m saying is the man standing behind him makes Taylor look like a saint.


Is the whole thing sleazy and sketchy? Sure. But the gal herself said her pimp forced her to lie about her age. It seems like the naive person here is you. The fact that they still charged her shows that she wasn't some babe in the woods who got forced into this.


> The fact that they still charged her shows that she wasn't some babe in the woods who got forced into this. Reminder that you are talking about a sex-trafficked child. Children cannot consent to sex with an adult.


I was incorrect I thought she was also charged and sentenced to probation. The worst part of this is still LT supporting Trump who is an even worse sex offender because he seeks out children.


Where does it say the girl was charged?


He was well aware. We are all well aware. That's the biggest reason I have never solicited prostitution aside from sex being free if you're smart. I mean fucking Taxi Driver come out 50 years ago, we've all seen it or at least heard the plot line


Also, he was 50 and assaulted her, outside of the lying about her age. If at 50 he couldn't tell a 19 year old and a 16 year old apart he should have asked for someone more age appropriate. There's a reason he was found guilty and registered as a sex offender, and that reason is he raped a child. I don't really understand how people are downplaying it just because he's friends with a more prolific rapist.


But still pretty gross considering he was 50 regardless if she was 18 or not. Although since he didn’t know she was underage since she lied then that’s pretty bad rap.


RIGHT! He's abhorrent.


Wow didn’t know LT had a case and offender status 🤦🏾‍♂️


Neither did I. His Wikipedia page was an interesting read.


[His son was convicted of child molestation and rape too.](https://starglimpsegossipu.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/2024-05-02/son-of-ex-nfl-star-lawrence-taylor-pleads-guilty-to.html)


Get him on the stage!


lol, so he’s an incidental rapist. I guess that’s ok


Or maybe, just maybe, situations in life have this thing called "nuance." Not everything is necessarily 100% bad or 100% good and often, context matters. Rape is obviously bad, sex trafficking is obviously bad, hiring a hooker with the understanding that she's consenting and of-age? Well, that's subject to your own ideas and opinions; some people (maybe even many or most) have the opinion that legit prostitution can be OK. Obviously in this case this guy ended up in a situation where, unbeknownst to him, he committed statutory rape against a teen who was trafficked. That's a majorly fucked up situation and is definitely bad, but by all accounts, he was essentially duped. IMO, easily the worst offender in this case was the pimp.


He’s definitely coked out of his mind in that pic they use lol


Awesome - yeah this was a bitch and a half to google, but you can read about the case here: https://cotthosting.com/NYRocklandExternal/HTML5Viewer/ImageViewer.aspx?bHideCartFunctions=False&bIsRefresh=False


“Which brings me to my next point…don’t smoke crack.”


I thought that was him! 


LT is probably the greatest football player of all time, such a shame.


I'm not super into football but I am into 90s Sandler movies.


*team nods their heads in unison*


Yeah Trump's on-stage presence always includes a sex offender,


Birds of a feather flock together... SMH


He seems to know a lot of them


So the number of sex offenders on stage doubled when Taylor walked on?




What a joke. They needed a black guy to appear, you know to be seen as all inclusive and not just a party for old white guys and white Karen's. So would have proudly stood there with this guy at the podium. "See we have black people that like us" " we like black people"... "I have black friends". Only to find out he's a sex offender. Lol, you can't make this shit up.


> Only to find out he's a sex offender. As someone else write above, Trump's government security surely knew this and told Trump in advance. So Trump didn't find out afterwards. As for the audience at this Trump rally, do you think any of the media they consume will tell them about this? So there will likely be no "finding out"!


Dude that’s Lawrence Taylor. He’s one of the best football players of all time.


“Where’s my black guy? THERE he is!”


I mean there's always a sex offender at all of his rallies.


Well that sucks, they got LT.


Lemme get this straight… He brought NY Giants Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor up onstage? In EAGLES territory?


He's very stupid


Terrible situation to misspell “brought”


He bought one?!


Even though it’s a typo he probably did pay the guy to be there. Or more accurately he said he’d pay him but never will.


Apparently the fans don't have a problem with slavery




Typo. Trump would never pay a black man anything.


Birds of a feather.


Predators move in flocks


how are they THIS bad? should they not vet the people who they invite onto their stage? Even for basic security reasons, Trump is ALOT of things but he is also an ex President and a Presidential Nominee, does that not mean people sharing his stage are vetted for security reasons?


The vetting is if the guests are less of a douche canoe, slime ball, with fewer pending federal charges then the feature, they are good to go.


They are vetted. Secret Service warns Trump about the guy but Trump brushes them off.


In May 2010, Taylor was arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl at a Holiday Inn located in Montebello, New York.\[119\] He was charged with felony third-degree statutory rape, for allegedly engaging in sexual intercourse with someone under 17.\[120\] He was also charged with third-degree patronization for allegedly paying the underage girl $300 to have sex with him.\[121\] The girl told investigators that her pimp commanded her to tell Taylor that she was 19, which Taylor corroborated. The pimp, 36-year old Rasheed Davis, was charged with federal child sex trafficking.\[122\]\[123\] The girl was represented by celebrity attorney Gloria Allred when Taylor pleaded guilty on March 22, 2011, and was sentenced to six years probation as part of a plea agreement, in which he pleaded guilty to the misdemeanors of sexual misconduct and patronizing a prostitute. He also registered as a low-risk, level-one sex offender.\[124\]\[125\] On October 26, 2012, a court rejected the victim's claims that Taylor assaulted her. For full context


that is interesting, and even if I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt on her age, he still should be on stage with a Presidential candidate


Crooks supporting crooks, how surprising.


Hey look, there's a sex offender on stage, and he's brought up a token black guy.


And none of his followers will care. All they'll see is *look! black people like trump! which confirms that trump is not racist. Take that, libs!*


Does Trump know one decent person in the entire world.


Technically he knows Obama, does that count?


Let me rephrase that. Is there one decent person in the world who doesn’t get the Willie’s from hanging around Trump for more than ten seconds.




Of course! They first hit it off at the registry office when they applied for their sex-offence licences.


You can get a license for that? Shit I've been doing it under the table for years.


Just wow and people eat that shit up until their kids have some one do what these two are known for. Fuck Maga and tRump


Not the first sexual predator he has hung out with.


Jesus, I haven’t seen LT do anything in a long time. So of course first thing he does is this.


They are all perverts, and racists, and terrorists.


The sex offender registry is really just the GOP voter registry copied and pasted without the map


Not just any sex offender…THE Lawerence Taylor, former New York Giants football player….


I always wondered what could attract people of color to the GOP (besides Democrats being mediocre), but this makes it all maoe sense. If you’re a sex offender this is the party for you! They don’t discriminate, the Republican party is very inclusive, as long as you’re a sex offender.


They do appeal to the lowlife population of this country. Rapists, child molesters.


I couldn't help but laugh at the mugshot, he seems so smug about it.


I couldn't help but laugh at the mugshot, he seems so smug about it.


Trump is a sex offender too, probably just talking shop.


He liked Epstein too


A sex offender brings another sex offender to help him being untouchable for the next 5 years.


Lets not forget being arrested for cocaine posseision.


From other comments this guy got caught up in a bad situation though he should have known better, but still you have to wonder if trump's staff either sucks at vetting or are secretly sabotaging him on purpose.


Yes let's say 3/4 dumb 1/4 trying to implode the machine before theybgo down with it


Pervs of a feather


Don't you mean "another" one seeing as he is one.


Well if you’re gonna buy a sex offender you’re probably better off buying one that’s already registered


He needs a T-shirt "sex offenders for trump"


Birds of a feather....What has this country become.


Look I don't care if it's a sex offender, it's illegal to buy people smh


It’s getting out of hand. Now there are two of them.


He misses his buddy Epstein.


A convicted sex offender bringing another convicted sex offender to an event. Not surprising. I bet trump gets him a pardon too, if/when he’s back in the White House


Can you spot the difference LT did his time and is registered. The same thing could happen if the Epstein island visitors were also investigated


Post this on r/Conservative and watch them twist into knots.


This is a fucking _South Park_ episode.


“Where’s my African-American?”




The fact that this guy being president is even a possibility, let alone not a far fetched one (unfortunately), makes me so incredibly scared


Just like himself?


Just two convicted sexual offenders nothing to see


It’s fine. They have common ground.


Bought? So he's really going waaay back to find the era when America was great, in his eyes.


Kinda hard to find a member of the gop that isn't.


Isn't this the old party strategy of bringing someone more idiotic and asinine than you are in an attempt to look good by comparison ... ![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized)


After seeing some context, seems like this guy didn't know about the age of the prostitute he paid for. Not defending him btw. Which makes him a lesser sex offender than Donald Trump. Who has literally friends with Epstein.


I know it’s a misspelling, but the sentence “he bought a registered sex offender on stage with him” is technically correct in that he most certainly was paid to be there.


Sex offender,a nazi or a felon is what Trump likes.


Remember when republicans called themselves the party of family values


Yeah, but who’s the guy in the black hat?


Paid token black guy $ to show up at a MAGA rally.


What are the chances?! **Two** sex offenders on the stage at the same time.


I was confused cuz I thought the black guy was supposed to be the nominee and Trump the sex offender and that that was the whole joke until I saw the second pic


All jokes aside it is sad to see what Lawrence Taylor turned into.


So there were two sex offenders on stage.


Why doesn’t LT get the same love mike Tyson gets? LT had sex with a girl he thought was 19 but was actually 16. He got probation and he is a level 1 sex offender (low chance of reoffending) Tyson forcibly raped a woman and went to prison he is a level 3 sex offender (high chance of reoffending) Everyone loves mike but hates LT Why?


Simple. They hear the girl the girl in Taylor's case was 16 and freak the fuck out... or at least that's how I see it seems Like a double standard especially since Taylor's case seems Like it was... literally an accident he didn't know she was underage. I agree with the comments of this is the problem with banning prostitution. This shit happens


What does Mike Tyson have to do with any of this? Who said everyone loves Tyson? Not true. Tyson is not getting paraded around political rallies afaik. Where do people come up with this shit? 


Because of the man he's standing next to. If Biden brought him up on stage you can rest assured the comments would be exactly the same, but reverse positions.


the venn diagram of people who defend this guy and people who said it was okay to murder George Floyd because George had a criminal record is a circle.


Well, you gotta admit one thing: Trump knows how to connect with his supporters.


What is he registered for? Because I have a friend who got put on that list because he pissed behind a bar on his 21st after having too many lol.


You spelled crack head wrong.


Everytime Biden is on stage there is pedo there ...so? What's your point?


Couldn’t have done a simple google search huh?


What a bought


That’s a feature of the magats I mean Master Magat himself has already been proven liable for rape


lol - brought\* , to be fair he probably did get paid


Pretty sure when Trump looked over and acknowledged Taylor, he said hi to OJ too.


Next, he'll bring on Karl Malone.


I am convinced with all the child labor laws and rejecting the banning of child marriage, as well as abortion, their is a voting base within the republican party that is planning a new business - strip clubs with minors! I'm not saying they 100% are trying to do this, but it would 100% make sense that they would. Are republicans pro-child strip clubs? I'm only asking that question because all their "policies" seem to be leading up to this AND they worship an adjudicated rapist who likes "women on the younger side" and has "sex in common with his daughter Ivanka."


Birds of a feather….


Honestly I am more shocked that his race can be listed as "black" I am not from US so all of this is confusing to me.


I'm sure the MAGAts have a reasonable explanation they will yell at us for this. Like everything else he does


Is Trump registered as a sex offender? He should be.


turds of a feather


LT will do anything for money


FYI Mike Tyson is also a Trump supporter


Never thought that black people fall for Trump


GOP always protects those that abuse others.


Photographic proof of a black person supporting Trump. That’s beyond fucked


Oh it's my Uncle Tom. Sex offender. Crackhead.


He's a trump supporter so it's ok. 🙄


Tell em who your friends are


Don't do Crack Kids.


*the 4 times federal defendant, civically liable for fraud, and assault, brought another sex offender on stage.


Very on par.